Thread #378351
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Oh yeanime
Black Clover Boku no Kanojo etc. Umaru Kino no Tabi Souma Shoujo Shuumatsu Two Car Youkai Apartment More Youkai Apartment
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You were ready today. let's see let's huh I wonder why Shoujo Shuumatsu showed up tonight. black clover youaki apt ep 25 umaru shoujo shuumatsu
Fine by me.
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black clover okay let's start
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Kinda gotten wonder when this noble guy is going to spring his evil plan.
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MAybe his plan is to steal Yuno's girl.
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Well I guess that was his plan but in a more literal way.
It kind of feels like four-eyes was pressuring Yuno into obeying an order he knew Yuno wouldn't go along with.
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Well, he really dislikes Yuno. So he probably wanted to set him up! The black team would have been gung-ho about saving the sister.
Well the captain of Yuno's order would probably not care as long as Yuno is demonstrating strength and skill. But Four-eyes is a stickler for order.
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Well, maybe he's not a bad guy after all.
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Oh, here it is. As expected, his was an evil plan.
Wow, how pathetic. He didn't even get a chance to boast, he got tied up and had it magically extracted . Ended up even more pathetic than that "ha-fuu" loser.
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tsundere commander
this mask guy is totally the mastermind right
I think he's just got a hard on for JUSTICE.
Which isn't inherently a good thing.
hes definitely the leader of that cult
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He's just on a few dozen levels of keikaku. It's hard to tell if his keikaku is good or bad at this point. He doesn't look very trustworthy though.
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youkai apt 25 okay let sstart!
Every week I'm always a little amazed this show is still running.
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This show could have been really good if it was more episodic and focused on different characters/monsters each episode. The way it is, it's a bit dull.
Wow he's trashing all their paintings.
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They're all working hard. That other teacher is evil.
Poor Beatles lookalike guy.
>Aoki started ignoring us There are worse fates to suffer.
Chu-chun ga chun
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>>378404 She's gotta be possessed or evil or something.
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Umaru 12! okay let's start!
Oh shit yeah okonomiyaki.
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Christmas shopping really is hard.
She's learning the MAGIC of CHRISTMAS
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Her little sister is a weirdo.
I think they're both a little strange.
Tanoshiku naku naku nai
i hate mememaru
The manga for this series ended pretty recently I believe. I wonder if they might finish an adaptation or if this is all we'll get of it.
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It just doesn't have the novelty that it had at first. okay let's shoujo shuumatsu okay lets start!
It never really had a novelty for me. It's been good enough fun but pretty inadequate compared to some of the really good SoL shows Dogakobo's animated.
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Oh right. Things were getting nuclear.
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>syncing your camera with a nuclear sub
Well it's probably one of the only working computers in the area.
There's a lot of pre-apocalypse photos here.
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Who took all these photos?
I think the guy who originally had the camera. There was a guy in some of the photos and video that looked a bit like him.
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There was a ton of data in that camera though. It must have taken it off the internet when there was still an internet.
Oh no she got eaten by a giant cut.
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This isn't comfy!
It's a mushroom.
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What on Earth is happening?
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Two Car - 11 [7(…).jpg )
Wow, so everyone they met along the way is dead? Or maybe the mushrooms just aren't aware of other people being around.
>Once we get to the top layer, let's go to the Moon I CALLED the space elevator.
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Oh, maybe there will be people on the moon.
They end with the rainsong ED. This was a nice choice.
That was another really good series. There were a lot of good shows this season.
very potato
It was a potato/10 series.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 10 [7(…).jpg )
Yeah. It was a good show. Very unique. In a different season it may have been AOTS.