speaking of trains have you watched that youtube series of the guy stowing away on trains in canada to get from the east to the west that was cool >>>/watch?v=hUg0jFO7NTo
>>376882 that's true there's a lot of lewd in the discord i run it's kind of funny comparing male to female nsfw >#NSFW-Female 7,797 results >#NSFW-Male 30,602 results
i'm not sure if i can say i have had any good experiences with discord
>>376921 i took an old mouse and took it apart took the clicky thingy on the inside transplanted on the good mouse i was using for 3 years and got a new mouse for frizzle then i got a new mouse with knowledge how to make it last until the scroll whell is shit
>>376923 wow tensai i don't have any old mice though i will keep using this mouse until it literally stops working then i will get a new one begrudgingly
Koi...- - -...
my first paycheck will be pent spent upgrading moes RAM
>>376926 i have never not been let down by myself >>376930 i don't make excuses when i fuck up in a game its just a game its ok to make mistakes it isnt real
>>376935 that too just different job just more money just more way of life >having money too used to saving to really spend ti
>>376942 i'm balling medium i'm just not a waster of money outside of alcohol and i even manage that well >still spending most of shit for college debt >sending your kids to college when you can't afford it
well it's better to spend more on food than starve for a week trust me you don't want to starve for a week you weill just eat whatever after and get a bit pudgy afterwords
pudgy isn't so bad
Koi...- - -...
i have to sp3nd less so i can eat throuvhout the week and not starve for half the week
>>376947 just fdon't go a week without food you don't want that shit we dont' want that shit i didn't want that shit when i went through it the best way to pout on weight is to starve literally
Koi...- - -...
i def dont
Koi...- - -...
tell me and ill throw fake money at you next time well you ball medium noe so i guess it dont matter
i might be an alcohol >>376963 lsdy i vhrvkrf i y esd last i check it was now tthat i am on the right part of hte key board for the left hand it was _1f
?-3 f >-20c yeah it's a good night wigh a bit of snow leftover it's been a good holiday
my cat turned 18 recently wish him a happy birthchristmas
an alcohole
the alcohole is the preferred hibernation ground for the alcoholic
that cat may be a hassle buut he will never knwo how much he means to me that damn cat has made me live till today so i'll just have to live a long life for him
i fed one of the cats my sister rescued chicken nuggets when she was a kitty now she loves me forever even when i try to keep her out of my room with a tall box she will jum p over it as soon as the door is open and come to headbutt me in an attempt to get some pet/chicken nugget
rescuing kitties when theyre young is pretty nice buttt ii fhave a bad story involving tthhat that isn't fun and they all got put down buy a shitty aunt in the past fuck everything
>>376982 i don't think so really the other two love her plenty the cat that likes me is kind of weird and runty she got rained on when she was a baby real bad and her vocal chords didnt grow right so when she tries to meow she just makes a quiet high pitched squeak like a mouse or squirrel noises
she is paranoid of anybody touching her except for me lol
it's myu fault for naturally being good with animals though my calmness makes them feel cofortable around me and my ability to have fun makes them have fun i just don't want my 18 year okd cat to die i've been through so much wiht him i didn't even expect him to stay wiht me this long like fuck he may be one needy thing but he knows how to jsut stay alive, i gusss i taught him well
the husky is an on hte away thing he ain't ming, but a relatives he just took to me so damn fast he's a fun young thing but damn i'm not used to dogs
>>377003 what a tragedy i used to like snuggling my doggo fren late at night falling asleep on the couch watching game show network or whatever other crap was on basic cable
>>377009 the hardest part of my dog getting older was trying to spend time with her while she could still get around well and watching her get more and more crippled your cat is a year older than the oldest pet i have ever owned and still alive though that's pretty cool
i've been around smoke too much and seen the aftermath to just say fuck it being too stressed is worse than smoking tbh
>>377030 cats can do the same if you raise them right dogs are too loving for me tbh i don't get drained with cats dogs can drain me
>>377032 yeah the onlyu problem is the cost i've just been around family that smoked around me so damn much it's gotten to the point where being not around it is uncomfortable and i figure being around the smoke itself is already shit so whtats the difference
i like the taste of cigarettes i don't care about the health effects i just wish they didn't cost so much and the smell didn't stick to your clothes and everything around you so bad
Koi...- - -...
>>377028 lucky strike? or maybe thats more a chinese thing
hell i feel like i've put on too much weight after the week fo no food incident then agian that is what starving does to you i'm just a better off alone person for what it's worth i do things best on my own
>>377041 yeah i've come to that conclusion, and it's a conclusion consistent with distant relatives who consistently drink as well
>>377042 what you ahve might be my balance but you being around may bring me out of balance if that makes sense you would excentuate the parts that don't need excentuated while not bringing enough to the others or disregard for the others we shre the same strengths sorta speak it's good to be around similar people with enough difference but you gotta find a balance within it to manage it for longevity
>>377043 haha relationships are much more difficult than they should or need to be
>>377036 i guess you need the right amount of things in your life to feel balanced i'm not sure i fully comprehend it sounds a little complicated to me
Koi...- - -...
great now im gonna have DO YOU THINK YOURE BETTER OFF ALONE stuck in my head all through class
Koi...- - -...
i dont know if i can manage being alone. mentally yes physically probably not
a 2-person seater food cart serving appetizers and mixed drinks called the mini bar you can just push it around downtown and lure in unsuspecting couples
th ese pst few days have been winter at least well winter started officially in the past few days at least it's not last years lol fall/spring for 9 months
>>377050 which kinds >>377052 it's been around freezing temperature at night and cloudy with a chill breeze so it's not really at the coldest part of the year yet but it's cold enough i see a lot of people with a jacket
do you like a selection of ranches with marinara sauce even i can't ecide on one and just pick and choose among the selection
>>377053 >it's cold enough i see a lot of people with a jacket it's not seasonal if i don't see that shit for 6 months it's noth winter if i don't see winter coats it's below zero right now and it's comfy as FUCK
>>377054 no idea ive never had cheese curds with sauce a variety is good then each taste is a little different when i get hot wings i get a cool and spicy dip and alternate
gravy is a good option get some gravy
Koi...- - -...
>>377045 sounds like fun but im bound to the city for another 27.5 years then i pension
i finished a glass and i don't think i should pour anohter but i want to for fun it's 6am and i have only drank on weekends/special occassions recently and /moe has mostly ben of the sober bitch tier of recent half glass it is
nobody wants you to get hammered man seal that power behind the eyepatch
holy shit ton what the fucking shit yeah just stay sober man being drunkg just aint for you man like damn i've been drunk for the past few hours that is how you drunk you should take notse or raies your damn tolerance like fuck [ >>377071 >class no don't just no don t fuck college fuck university that shit is a literal scam
>>377075 he was using ToN's headset microphone to talk on voip one day they were sitting next to each other and pan was leaning in close enough to use his mic
oh my gosh
>>377076 well sounds like i'm safe ok mr lonely 211 i'm coming for you
well from what i gathered he's okay on steam or something he might be a loner depressive fuck but he's too good and smart to do that dumb of shit he might get high and drunk but he knows enough to not fuck around
>>377089 >sucj if teg drama yeah makes sense although last i said somehting like that i got bitched at even i was that wal;y like fuck god damn tilde get yo shit together
Koi...- - -...
i havent seen rook in a while and i have to disapoint him
huh what rook is all good. i don't know what these losers told you but he just stopped coming to /moe/ because he was sick of the drama. he burned out and hasn't been back in like months but i talk to him pretty often
>>377090 that's what i said and got bithedd out about i was even drunk that night
god that shit pissed me off
>>377095 that sounds about right if anything i'd agree with him, recent drama has been gay as dicks being bitched at about it sorta ticked me off liek a month ago
which drama i wonder there's different layers of it
Koi...- - -...
>substance abuse training
tfw you're 2 years out of the drama loop and probably don't recongise half the faces now
>>377092 i'm not gonna narc on my boy if you want to know the specifics you gotta inquire yourself but needless to say it wasn't all because of any one incident in particular
>>377095 nah i didn't wanna nag him about something he's already sick of
>>377091 yeah i agreed with him at the time and still do he was telling me about it after i had gotten off work late after a shitty day and the first thing i saw when i got home was something dumb here 'i can't remember what it was but it made me mad and i closed the tab and sent a vague angry text about it to him and he was like huh wowme2
i want to know but don't want to ask because i want to avoid shaking things up here the more serious heated discussions about the why and what stress me out too much
>>377102 are you complaining that nobody asks why you rarely show up
Koi...- - -...
i dont mind shaking things but i dont feel curious
>>377111 i offer you my deepest apologies on behalf of my friend, i know it may not look like it but he actually has a developmental disability, he's canadian
>>377115 i offer you my deepest apologies on behalf of my american beliefs, i know it may not look like it but i have a develpmental ability to want to punch niggers in the face when they act like faggots
>>377113 I get that this is your view of it as a bystander but it's really never all of a sudden.
>>377119 But you also sometimes pick really menial things to get super pissed about
oh man i hate drama it's the worst lemme talk about how much i hate it that'll be nice discussion material
>>377122 Menial is a really subjective term though. I don't find the stuff menial. Everyone's got stuff they get worked up over that other people go "why you getting mad over something so small?"
also it's kind of ignorant to believe that everyone gets as excited or has such a violent reaction to even their least or most favorite things i know a lot of people that get worked up over many things or people that do not seem to care whatever way the wind blows
it's just one of the few things i will get upset about is when genuine care for another gets treated like indeffrence i know i'm not the best at expressing things but god damn
>>377131 nigger why the fuck would i be smug about it
>>377127 you got to slow the rolls down eventually. or else they will just roll out the door
>>377129 Like I said that night, it hardly sounded like genuine care, the tone sounded much more like smug satisfaction at your own cynical viewpoint. I'm sorry that I took the wrong reading there, but please understand my reaction was in that frame of reference.
okay you're going to need to obtain around 43.5 million to 55.1 million ladybugs to do maximum damage and by damage i mean depletion of common lawn and garden pests causing other predators of such pests to migrate
>>377156 i've already poured about half of this can in my mouthglass gosh it's pretty effective after not drinking for a while plus i took some pills about an hour ago too
>>377158 i jus tmade another drink even though it's 7am i just naturally know how to prepare a good glass i guess i've been tembed to get a bartenders licence
>>377161 some spotted cow sounds good about now tbh too bad i dont' have any
>>377162 the most fun i have had with dirnking has come wiht trying out random stuff
>>377161 the other day this african man peeked his head sheepishly into my store halfway outside and halfway inside he looks towards the beer and then to me "excuse me sir, do you sell guinness here?" "nah bro" he immediately did a 180 and left having stepped only one foot in the door
those guys always want either guinness or heineken and they won't settle for less i dunno why
if i worded at a store and some impoverished person came looking for beer i'd probably just say here have this ghetto pack on the tab whatever happens next happens next
free beer at a party situation is fun as shit so i know the recieving end
>>377167 if anything my steryo type of thet kind of person is help get helped be a douch get douched chill poor people are real chill and fun to hang out with i've handed out money for those kind of peeps and had fun as shti parties with them afterwords
>>377165 i gave a methhead begging for gas money $5 to get his truck full of scrap metal to the junkyard he came back the next day and gave me 20 bucks
i'm not just stereotyping based on what i think about him either nigga literally asked me if i smoked ice when i told him i only had 5 dollars and some weed money on me i was like nah bro and he said ok let me know if you ever want some i was like aight
>>377166 Heineken is like piss to me but Guinness is great. I really like darker beer.
>>377167 >let me know if you ever want some >Leaves you no means of contacting them
>>377166 i don't really like beer that isn't stout i'll drink malt liquor but only because it costs two dollars and has alcohol in it, if i'm not buying liquor the taste doesn't even matter to me
guinness and local stouts are good every now and then though >>377165 it depends on the person honestly i know some people that are real pieces of shit to anyone that isn't their friend one of them went to jail for a little while after breaking into this girl's apartment and stealing her black friday shit and returning it with the receipts lol
I made the "mistake" of letting the people at the brewery I work at know I don't really like beer that isn't stout. So now whenever they've got a run of stout to do they go "hey, come in and help with the work today, we can probably get you a couple beers of it for the trouble". As if they're doing me some sort of favour by calling me in to do work and get paid for it.
I guess it doesn't help that I don't particularly like beer much regardless; I just find stouts are better by me.
>>377170 haha yeah when it comes to street stuff like that it's a lot about character those good at acting with ya can get away with it ot an extent good rewardign good si nice at the least those that get away with it are usually a once time thing hell i've outed the douches before
him and his wife are cool as hell though and their daughter is adorable she's super bubbly and excitable but isn't constantly subjected to social media and technology and shit because they are poor as fuck super sweet kiddo good manners too they're good people to their own but still thugs pretty much >>377171 maybe you should clarify that you aren't a huge fan of stout either i mean i would jump at the opportunity to get overtime and free beer too honestly
Well yeah, I don't dislike it enough to just shoot down free beer. And it's nice to get something I like more over some super hoppy IPA. At this point it feels like trying to clarify the exact specifics here would just create more trouble than it's worth so it's probably best to leave well enough alone.
Oh it's also never overtime, or at least hasn't been so far. They just treat it like there's some kind of favour involved with bringing me into work that day beyond normal work conventions.
and i would prefer the nice to be rewarded while the faggots get rejected but it don't exactly work that way
>>377176 overtive for free beer sounds like a promotion to me those ppes sound liek good thugs at least a rare breed
>>377179 haha wow one of my crackhead cousins this christmas tried to get friendly but i was like shit nigger what are you doing and they were like uhhhhhhhh don't fucking just grab my hand in prayer bitch
>>377175 i got someone caught with some crack once but only because she was cracked out and freaking out at me i called the cops and told them that she smelled like cat pee so they searched her car haha she swore up and down that i stole four dollars from her for some reason and i was like nah so she went out to her car and got all of her cash and came in and literally threw it at me and told me to count it and she's short four dollars after i told her to get lost she got on the phone with someone and started ranting at them about it she described it as some punk ass BITCH kid tried to short change her but apparently whoever it was didn't care that much because she was arguing with them about how they should come make it right or whatever
this was at like 2AM in the morning too so i know that guy was like fuck this skank
>>377177 i like an IPA or two there's one that's brewed in dallas called community mosaic that's really good. it's kind of sweet but also hoppy, and it packs a whopping 8.7% ABV. but it's so expensive i have only bought it two or three times. it's really easy to drink for an IPA but has a big alcohol kick.
i think rook likes IPAs too, or maybe it was just his brother that did and he just chose one he knew when asked.
>>377179 i think it's cool that you can handle situations like that i'd get really anxious i'm always anxious
Yeah I'd get kind of antsy once it starts sounding like they're trying to call someone in on me. Even if she fucked off after that I'd be on edge until I get home however long it is until then.
i like to hang out with the person for a bit when thy ask for some money the cool ones are the ones i will hand out some to fun conversations can happen that way
i actually joked to one dude about asking me about money since i was white and he was black he was a bit shocked at first haha i ended up treating hem for some beer for the night
>>377186 haha i learned a good deal from a relative who worked as a cop one thing you don'tdo is act timid talso seat belts are thigns cops don't do most of the time lmao
>>377180 I'm not big on hops. Doubly so now that I'm stuck in a brewery for eight hours a run some times and the scent of heated hops is in the air everywhere. My brother likes hoppy IPAs though, and they make up a lot of the craft beer in Toronto since they're the craft beer of hipsters, so there's a lot of them. I've ran like half a dozen to a dozen unique IPAs during my time at the brewery.
One of the stouts I got to bring home is this weird extra-strength beer at 10.5% ABV. It's flavoured to also taste of chocolate and graham cracker. I haven't tried it yet but I'm curious.
the guy with the real balls of steel is my buddy Milton hailing straight from kathmandu i watched him block someone who was trying to make a beer run with some modelo the man in question actually pulled out a knife Milton the MAN just grabs the beer with one hand and the guy's other hand with the knife in it and sir edgelord the beer thief decides fuck it and just drops both the beer and knife and runs out the door
>>377185 It's not the being possibly dead in the near future that worries me, it's the pain that might come along before that happens that I'm not excited for.
>>377184 sounds like doppelbock with flavorings added to cut down on some of the alcohol taste it should be pretty good. i've had flavored and unflavored versions and the extra flavor really helps to make it more palatable i've never had any chocolate flavored beer though, the one i had was bitter grapefruit or something.
i've had milk stout though, and that tastes like chocolate. it's pretty good. >>377183 seat belts are just to protect you from stupid shit! it's your job as a cop to put an end to the stupid shit, so you shouldn't have to wear one!
>>377186 I mean it's just a knife, what's he gonna do, stab you? If he's not doing any hostage shit I'd like to think I'd to take him on too
>>377188 The brewery might do a grapefruit beer at some point in the future; if I'm still around and if it goes through I might see if I can try it out.
Japan does a much weaker take on that with all sorts of fruits. I've had apple, peach, grapefuit; a bunch of fruit flavours over there.
>>377183 i like to ask beggars what's up after i give them a couple dollars too most of the time it's like they've been waiting all day to tell someone their life story they just explode into treats one guy spent like two hours talking to me about troubles he was having with his girl how she basically told him she didn't love him anymore when he found out that she was cheating so he was like fuck what do i do and just left and was a vagrant for like a week after since his girl was the one with the apartment he kept acting like he really wanted to give her another chance but i tried to convince him to move on and accept it already
i would lose my job if it became known i had a weapon on me at work. regardless of if it's legally or morally justified that i use or intimidate with it.
>>377192 i did that in memphis was walkin to buy some booze and hung out with a homeless dude for a few hours and went to mcdolands and bought him a couple burgers he was showin me pictures on his phone and was telling me about how the fat bitch at the motomart got him arrested for loitering
i don't want to hurt nobody and i don't want to see anybody get hurt but i'm not about to die for the fifty bucks in my register laws and morals be damned
i've never killed anyone and i hope i never have to but i doubt i'll hesitate to do something i've done hundreds of times before just because the thing i'm looking at is menacing me this time
Not like the company wants you to die for those fifty dollars in the register anyway. The damages they'd have to deal with would easily total up over that.
>>377209 i dunno if i'm really willing to kill but i'm gonna defend myself and if someone happens to die because of it i'm sure it couldn't have been avoided
>>377215 in the situation where i am broken in on i'm just going to shoot the intruder dead and then call the cops and explain i live in mother fucking texas so if anyone breaks in to my house they basically gambled their life and lost
In a perfect scenario I'd die by someone else's hands or something completely out of my control and not my own and that would be just fine
one of my coworkers has been telling me all about bitcoin and ethereum and litecoin and a bunch of other crazy shit it's been quite a wild ride recently but i can't help but wonder why the fuck you looking at bitcoin prices guy get back to work
>>377286 yeah that's what it is he's got like $5000 tied up in this shit it's funny to watch how excited he gets about those prices he'll be like OH FUCK IT'S UP $300
it amkes a lot of sense but is shit in practice like if you think capitalism is bd wait intuil you see socialism in action you well realize all is shit
well the system's kind of the problem because it has to route through blockier social pathways to effect any change or adaption to the state of the place it's just slow laggy i/o
holy shit you're a genius. i've got it. new san fran.
more like new newmexico yeah that's right more new than newmexico so mexico you won't know it's even mexico it'll be like tacos in you are burrito in you are asshole after a mexican holiday
this was the same computer i played quake 3 arena at 640x480 on so it wasn't exactly a stunner in performance i have a working snes in my closet with all my old games because i don't sell anything i buy and buy hard copies of games like 90% of the time
you know remember when 800x600 was a good resolution for your monitor
i have a lot of hard copies i have a super ufo pro 8 for a lot of shit mostly alttp randos it plays a lot of other shit i don't have but like the most things i can't play on it i hav eanyway yi smrpg mario kart dk dk2 literally only kirby ss and dkc3 are like the two games i can't play on it that i don't have
the first time i saw a lcd monitor was in 2004 or so i think with a massive 1024x768 or something resolution my mom bought it for like $500 that thing lasted for like 10 years but the picture quality is so laughable now >>377411 the super ufo pro lets you run roms? i don't remember what all i have but mainly i dust it off to play yoshi's island that game is a fuckin mastapeece
i got a good crt at a garage sale for a dollar and got a smaller version of the same monitor at the goodwillf or 10 dollers right now i hav emy generic tv and a monitor i got at the goodwill for 7 bucks fucking 1600x900 dell monitor that was better than the shitty second monitor i was using based goodwill
>>377412 yeag thge super ufo runs roms yoshi's island is a fucking masterpiece guranteed i'd play the shit out of it RITGHT now and kinda want to it's a game that won't ever get old and has a HISH AS FUCK skill ceiling
i had a decent size crt i got from my uncle for free until like 2015 i think then i bought a 24 inch samsung and then earlier in this year(?) i bought a 4k sony HDTV and handed the samsung to my sisters right now i have no room for the crt but i still have it in the garage after i get rid of the massive dresser currently in my room i will have room to put it back in there i'll probably hook my gamecube and snes up at least
oka y i have a `080p vizio tv/monitor as my main screen and for ps3 stuff and my `600x900 dell monitor i got for 7 bucks at the goodwill as my second monitor
my crt is a 32 inch toshiba fucker tha t my parents don't want anymore after getting a hd tv finally as my old gaming tv thing things good but fuckin huge
>32 inch crt weighing in at approx a zillion pounds and capable of destroying any foldable table i have that sounds pretty amazing though i love the light that crt monitors give off it's somehow nostalgic
i want a 144mhz monitor i saw one that was 1080p the other day but i was broke after christmas shopping it just reminded me of yet another thing i don't need but really want to have
i might be drunk to think about monitors like this 7 buck monitor i think is the best thing i've gotten in years imagine getting an okay usable monitor for street change
>>377474 i just googled amazon 20 lbs pussy and ass and got one called the "fuck me silly bubble butt rd173" it's only $250 for over 20 lbs of pussy and ass but the black version is $290 wtf amazon
you'd have to be really dedicated to taking care of and using your 20lbs to really get your money's worth here clearly this is for advanced users only i think i'm a little out of my league
>>377486 i dunno something to do with the economy of life-size fucktoys the white ass is limited in stock with only 6 left and the black one is just listed as "in-stock"
>>377489 >implying it all ain't "instock" at all times
>>377490 only the stuff sold directly from amazon is always in stock the third party vendors seem to run out of popular and older inventory a lot and then scalpers jump on products trying to make a profit over the msrp
the way sam got it work was some sort of prog cheat
>>377522 one hunded crying laugher emojii this shit is 100 hunded fire crying laughter emoji you don't 100 thinking face even crying laughter know nigga
at least i get to do whatever the fuck all i want today so might as well sleep throuh most of it and then play a gay game i've already played to the max capacity before