In truth, I didn't know what a tamale was until I was invited last week. The phrase "hot tamale" made me think it was a pepper the whole time. But I knew that no one would simply invite me to a "pepper eating party". >>361113 it exists. i've seen them being sold. But much like the "orderves/ hors d'overves/whores devour" thing, I did not connect the fact that those were tamales because I have never been explicitly told that they were. I've seen the word. I've seen the food. But I've never seen the word next to the food.
in fact, what people know as tamales, I knew as pasteles. Which are very similar, just not Mexican.
thats pretty strange to me but i am guessing you are not exposed to a lot of traditional mexican food in new york city unless you have gone looking for it
>>361112 so what did you imagine they were called? or did the instance of someone ordering a tamale never occurred
I've never seen anyone "order" a tamale. I just see it on a menu. Or see it on someone's plate but when I see it on a plate, I think "pastele". pasteles are pretty much tamales but wider
My college roommate's mom used to make them she'd send them to us. and then he started learning how to make them himself. He didn't do it too often though
my dad used to receive tamales from his coworker's wife they were really good. but she stopped sending them to the shop after summer ended, for some reason.
There's just this line in my head dividing entertaining and funny. A lot of flash things were entertaining. References to them were funny since 'haha, I get it' but it just sticks with you.
>>361170 i guess it is kind of vulgar and stupid and not particularly funny it succeeded in making me remember it though so who is the real stupid one here
but some of them are legit bloody fucking good songs some are just "da fug" funny like >>>/watch?v=XBnXvhgrV8Q and then of course there is the whole ON THE MOON series
>>361225 you basically watched the inferior versions not that it likely mattered that much 360p is good enough for most stupid flash shit from newgrounds
Got my rog books in the mail. Four of them were a bit smaller than expected. But my god The fifth one was fucking huge.
>>361309 I remember a lot of flash animations had easter eggs and stuff you could click on Was probably lost on youtub
>>361325 IF IT WAS UNIVERSAL it would have been fixed now lets see is it fixed hmm not posted not posted yet yep >>361328' hey SK post a pic of about 500kb or beyond
>>361326 Have you considered that it might be a problem with your machine?
I'm sure the internet is just a little broken somewhere.
I said it bloody fucking several hours ago the FUCKITN TIME STAMP FOR ME SAYS 10:36 HERE NOT oh it is right
okay let me start this again
THE STUFF WAS ALREADY HAPPENING HOOOURS AGO but of course no one took me seriously back then they just wnet hue hue tn can't post shit hue hue it is fun ironical finnish payback but fucking iti s actual bug in the interwebiaries connectint us europeans to the actual main server
>>361357 Is that a question or statement? Cause I'm not talking neccesarily about your isp I'm talking about an ISP some where between your computer and sam's server
I guess whatever it is doesn't affect me for some reason
Welp Rip
It's still just black screening
Probably some hop to doushio servers along the route from your ip is down but the same node is avoided when I connect this has happened to me and only affected me a long while ago >>361363 that sounds about right
Like I said I dunno 10 hours ago it is some french submarine ramming interweb cables
the intertubes are clogged
the internet is not a dump truck we need to inform reddit
monhun world is really great visually
It's nice to have a monster hunter that doesn't look like it was made for the PS2
>they give you a shock trap but no tranq bombs the fuck
>>361367 yeah i have been waiting for a modern console installment that isnt a port of a handheld game this is really cool
i notice you cant zone into another part of the map before the monster and set up though since the map is seamless now
I wonder if they'll keep zones for other lines of the franchise, like wherever the franchise is going for its next Nintendo game. Apparently they're reworking mechanics for World to appeal to a more international audience, so it would make //, and staying more traditional for the next generation of its console installments.
>>361371 I'd be surprised if they stuck with the 3DS, honestly. The Switch has had aggressive pick up so it's not like they have a "no one owns a Wii U" excuse for ignoring it. And it must be nice for developers to not have to work with the archaic restrictions of the 3DS hardware.
>>361370 i imagine they will unless it is on the switch the 3DS is not exactly beefy hardware to play with
i like the damage numbers took those fuckers long enough now i actually know if i am hitting a weak point with my attempted strikes or not
I never had trouble telling if I was hitting weak points. I always liked that MH indicated that sort of thing visually Like instead of having health bars the Monsters start limping Or they react differently when you hit them in the weak spot
there isnt a lot of indication for anything except the weakest point on the monsters body though like 75-95% looks the same, 40-75% is the same, and 15-35% gets you those sparks that are really easy to see
so basically since monster hit zones are almost all 35-75 with one or two really weak spots it can be difficult to tell if you are doing okay damage or bad damage where you are hitting them without consulting a guide or wiki
I think my E drive is fucked
UUUUUUUUUUu Or is it F It's probably F
how many drives do you have
Uh, 3+windows 1 is fucked another may be fucked
oh no your hard drives are becoming soft drives soon your computer will be a pile of mushy plastic
Writing has been a lot of fun for me this past week. I don't really know what flip switched but I've been finding the words to tell the story in my head a lot easier than it has been in recent time.
More like clarity. I get a lot of ideas that formulate in ways that I can't quite get the right words for, and one of my biggest frustrations with writing is being unable to translate from idea to text. But that hasn't been as much of an issue, and so I've been able to put down these ideas on the page.
I might try physically disconnecting another drive and see if it's fucking up, cause I can't access it from ubunti
>>361400 what do you think they taste like? communism?
>>361415 if that doesn't work maybe you can put a live leenux distro on the USB so you can make the external drive a bootable windows one dunno if you need a windows tool or not to make a windows bootable media though
xenoblade 2 has hijacked my brain i cant stop thinking about it even when im at work or should be asleep what do i dooo
I still haven't gotten around to read that Well, most anything really
I don't read enough
it's interesting to see how some societies have tackles certain problems, but that's pretty much it I don't think it is very interesting, but I think my interest has also shifted to understanding capitalism more and reading critiques of it
I also got Stirner's unique and its property in the mail finally (only took like a month to arrive) gonna read that too at some point and then The German Ideology by Marx, which apparently spends a lot of time critiquing it
Honestly if not for the inability to play video games, I'd just install ubuntu mint as my primary OS and be done with this ...then again, i don't play a lot of video games
it must not be in the linux kernel then which kernel you on? (uname -a in terminal) could try live booting a distro with the newest one to see if it works
linux 3.16.0-38-generic #52~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 8 09:43:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
when a friend of mine did a minor abroad, one of his house mates continously stole shit from the supermarket they start to notice after a while though and eventually caught him on camera
>>361473 >government work where the labour is used by private companies >instead of just having the private companies hire you for the minimum wage Greedy bullshit
I fucking wish he'd pay me to go do something I need the money >>361511 Yes People genuinely believe antifa is funded by Soros, too That's not a joke, that's a real thing
>>361508 Do people actually believe themselves when they say these sorts of things There's a billion reasons why someone would wear a mask
>>361510 I mean I guess it's not impossible But like THAT'S the first thing they jump to?
It's not impossible for Bill Gates to have paid Trump to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel either, but you'd never even consider it a real possibility
Kirara 🕎
if i was going to burn down a building id wear a mask for it
I'd wear a gas mask there'd be a lot of smoke
like the soros thing isn't even backed by anything It's a word of mouth conspiracy theory spread by people who genuinely believe the ultra-rich want communism
They're completely fucking gone, mentally, and believe literally anything they read on fucking pol or stormfront
well then you're still on the ground with the bat probably not far away and you have a busted arm probably getting buttfucked by the bat soon enough if not their hands
Kirara 🕎
you could block with an arm and get them with a knife when you do that'd probably be ideal if you can manage to get your knife out
maybe I can use part of my busted arm as knife break off a little bone piece
Oh no the image viewer isn't recognizing my images
>>361594 Yeah they say it's part of his rehabilitation Although I have a suspicion that everyone is more real than simply figments of his consciousness
There are some other RPG Maker games with story focus I like, but combat is super duper trivial in them. Like combat is trivial in End Roll too, but not nearly as much so. Have fun tinkering with the characters a bit.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh, also like 98% of the music is composed by the guy who made the game so a lot of characters have music for them and stuff. It's nice when you get to have that.
No, there's no RR here The first meeting of what intends to become a DSA chapter was last month The second meeting is in a few days
I wish there were anarchist groups around here
yeah same bro there's only a marxist-lennist group around here that I am aware of maybe I'll feel like joining it after reading some lennin but I have my doubts
>>361658 ask your mom to help you warm up using her body
>>361659 yeah typical MLs are pretty terrible but so far what I've read from Marx is pretty dank and Lennin shows to have a good understanding of theory as well not a big fan of his writing about controlling capital so far though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't think I have an anime girl making the face I'm making right now Kirara.
>>361658 warm yourself with the light of the human spirit
someone called me and while i was talking to them, their same number called me apparently the office of the person i was talking to had two people call me at the same time lol
>>361660 lenin is good shit until he starts talking about vangaurds and shit vanguards* let's eliminate the ruling class and put another ruling class in charge indefinitely
I also read a chapter in a book written by Stalin and he seems to perverse a lot of what Marx said I dunno if he didn't quite get it or thought it would make more sense according to their conditions at the time this is the chapter in question if you're interested, it's not very long if you know what engels and marx said it seems like he's bending it
Kirara 🕎
people are like "mao did nothing wrong" when he destroyed the food chain and caused insects to drive china into a famine
>>361695 yeah I mean you just have to read what he wrote to see his actual opinion lol capital is pretty long, but his other texts aren't even that long
Kirara 🕎
>>361697 yeah you can read the manifesto on the shitter and he clearly wants something like anarchy in it
Is capital even like, prescriptive? Isn't it just describing what currently is?
yeah it's describing (and critiquing) capitalism but there's other essays and books too Engels wrote a nice book about socialism too, called Socialism and utopian or something can't find it in my folder atm >>361701 yeah that
there was a moment of panic earlier, as I was putting the sides back on my PC, where the cable to the PSU got unhooked cause it had poor connection, and I couldn't get it to start up again Thought my PSU was dead and gone
But I swapped the cable with the one on a monitor, and now it's working fine I guess I lucked out, thought I'd shorted the fucking thing
having a lot of PC problems eh sk-san
sk 🖤
I mean it was all this one HDD, really The cable has just been able to be like that cause I never move the box
it only does like once a year usually the US is getting like blizzards and shit and some of the cold air got pushed down here it snowed in south texas and in north florida which is pretty rare
Though I guess they probably jumped out and swam as they approached Or something
Kirara 🕎
Eighty such ships drifted ashore in Japan in 2013, 65 in 2014, 45 in 2015, and 66 in 2016, said Satoru Miyamoto, a political science and economics professor at Japan's Seigakuin University, citing Japan Coast Guard statistics.
But the trend appears to have worsened this year: at least 76 vessels have showed up on Japanese shores since the beginning of 2017, 28 of which in November alone, The New York Times reported.
Kirara 🕎
they've all got so many tapeworms and shit that food shortages just ravage them
A trot and a stalinist got into a shitflinging match about some book, and in true stalinist fashion, one of them said something to the effect of "I'm going to murder all you trots once the big R rolls around" So funnily enough, he's in the gulag now until the admin shows up and makes a decision on how much we're really going to allow in this place
I was kinda just thrust into the role too, so I'm still hesitant about being heavy-handed and not allowing for the kinda community he wants to have here I don't like any part of the whole thing that went down, but clearly one of them stepped over the line more than the other
The gulag is just a quarantine channel while we wait for admin's word on stuff
The thing is, being a commie server it's kinda expected and par for the course for there to be some uh... hostilities between factions We're united on the left against capitalism, sure, but some of our positions kinda entail certain things about the other factions
why is my vision all fucked up cant see shit even with my glasses
>>361746 what's it like is it excessively blurry? dark? fragmented/smeared?
>>361747 not particularly, but i cant focus on anything this keeps happening after i wake up but it seems to go away after an hour or two so i havent worried much about it
>>361748 do you normally drink caffeine when you wake up or have low blood pressure or somethin like that
>>361747 i guess i would say its like my eyes are failing to focus at the same distance one eye at a time is much less blurry >>361749 my blood pressure is normal but i do have a cup of coffee about 10 minutes after waking up
my vision fluctuates a lot throughout the day i know blood pressure can change the intraocular pressure and mess with things macular edema can do that too i don't really know what's messin ya' up but those are the things i first think of since i have the same symptoms sometimes
i have been smoking less than usual throughout the day, do you think that would cause a sharp dip in blood pressure
no idea actually ophthalmology is way beyond me it's really complicated i dunno why i even asked those questions it's not like i can really provide an answer with any information given i notice that stimulants like caffeine tend to actually make it a little harder for my eyes to focus and taking my CNS depressants calms it down and makes it easier though
well its not like i came here looking for a doctor i just wanted to post before i go to work >>361753 usually stimulants make it easier for me to focus my eyes until they wear off then it becomes significantly harder for a little while
well good it's not like i came here to be a doctor i just wanted to post to you before you went to work
>>361754 yeah that might be what's happening it might be when they're wearing off i don't really have the presence of mind to think about that i guess but it's still usually that overstimulated feeling when it happens i get tinnitus a bit during that time too CNS depressants like benzo or a beer or an herbal sedative make all that go away though nature's balancing act i guess
>>361755 i read this and thought it was my post for some reason and was like wait how did i write you instead of here
i really envy kids today they get all this cool tech with those boards and riding platforms we had like skateboards or those fugly ass scooters like do you know how much better my life woulda been with one of those i'm specifically talking about the little smart boards that they ride on self-balancing but yeah all of it
every time i see a child under 13 using a smart phone or some shit while their parents walk around the store ignoring them i want to choke a motherfucker
I wonder what our kids'll compare like, computers and the internet to "Kids these days don't know how good they got it, with neural downloads and space bikes. We only had access to THIS planet's wealth of information!"
>>361760 back in my day we had to spend sixteen years becoming a neurosurgeon, we didnt just pirate the skills off the internet with our stupid brain chips
why do we romanticize our old struggles anyway oh I guess r5:3
back in my day we had to confine our consciousness into one single body and fucking ourselves was referred to as masturbation
>>361758 there are some kids in my neighborhood that have those segway thingies that dont have a handle i dont know what they are called really those are cool as heck i was happy to get a 20 dollar razor scooter when i was their age and riding that thing was a pain in the ass now these fuckers are zipping by at like 15mph with zero effort no wonder theyre all chubby
yeah i am jelly
Computer information highway
back in my day, data parsing was done in nondeterministic polynomial time and we had to use words as encryption packets to share information and it was messy and vague due to contextual obfuscation nowadays you kids just neuralace and don't even have to talk to each other smh
back in my day, we only dreamed about shooting up the school filled with kids you didn't like now, you've got all these fancy assault rifles with automatic bullet ejaculation technology What happened to crying into the pillow and not telling your parents anything
Our prime minister, to make a fucking point, refused to clap at the peace prize thing
>>361775 >bullet ejaculation there's how we reduce gun violence instead of having a trigger on the gun, give it nerve endings and a climax gauge and you have to literally jerk the gun off
>>361778 why stop at the stickers just give it a full rainbow dash paint job
>>361779 what kind of point did he make that he hates peace
I guess she just doesn't like ICAN or something Some stuff in the media about the peace prize having become some sort of political tool MOTHERFUCKER It's the PEACE PRIZE, how could it conceivably NOT be political? IT IS POLITICS
i don't know why i like dunkey so much nothing he does is particularly that clever but it always gets me so good >>361786 yeah there's something so heartwarming about him and i don't understand why exactly
video game dunkey?
I get what you mean, I like watching his videos too
>>361794 I kinda mentioned it yesterday but I thought to myself that it is far too soon for such a thing to happen. But scrolling through my feeds, I see that I am wrong. but Abigail's Lovecraftian form has a keyhole in her head. and I just know...
yeah I don't play F/GO so I can't tell you why without googling it. I just know that she's Abigail Williams from the Salem Witch Trials and she's also some kind of lovecraftian horror thing.
Which is why I felt really weird that other day. I've got all this Abigail fanart and I wake up thinking about John Proctor and tentacles are coming out of my nose to tell me that everything is fine.
>>361806 I am not sure I understand. Why did you feel weird thinking about the Crucible if you were collecting fan art of a Crucible character?
>>361807 Well, that's the thing. I didn't know that she was Abigail Williams until the day after. There I was, going on a monologue about how screwed up the Salem Witch trials were, and I found this cute girl with all these bows and thought "wow, I should save all of these". Then I found who she was like a day later. It was a Twilight Zone kind of realization. >>361808 It's okay. I just needed a tissue.
>>361803 If it ever happens, I'm going to tell you. I'm gonna tell you and you're going to have to endure the fact that it exists. I just don't want to say it, because I live in an existence where saying things and writing things bring about their realization.
Not a day goes by without finding more things to not say. I have evaded a trap skilfully >>361828 I don't think it'd be weird. Days like that have come already You just can't comprehend them as such since the lack of me saying something is far less noticeable than the opposite.
It would be weird if a day came and you couldn't find anything to say.
>>361831 You americans pointlessly take out of the U's of the words. you can't just add them into completely different words. I don't get it. IS COLOUR NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU. Why take the U out of it.
>>361834 Some random american wanted to make america more independant and changes some words around. Noah webster, he just decided taking the U's out would piss off the british and it worked.
So, this little ragtag group of people are developing their own SaaS product, and they've specifically asked me to come in and do some product testing and I said i'd be happy to, and happy to give some free consultation on the product design and now I'm getting their NDA sent to me to sign, and their definitions list is so ridiculous being a free consultant for them, i'd be legitimately worried about being sued because every algo and process and design facet of their product i'd be agreeing to respect as their IP, even though a lot of it is basic algo or UX design principle
and should i ever make my own product or do some other consulting, my own expertise which i already have before seeing any of their stuff would now be part of their IP just because they're claiming everything as it
i don't know if they're just trying to play it safe and wouldn't actually pursue any of that so aggressively but i have to wonder if they understood what they were doing with this NDA, or if they had a lawyer draft it up who doesn't understand anything about the industry
>cap falls on lip >close mouth reflexively >gravity is still in effect >water all over your mouth but not in it >some of it gets in your nose and your clothes >the cap falls >now you have to wash the cap before you close it
>>361850 Yes. Sometimes I start looking for the cap before I take the cap off too.
Nearly every story and game that I have engaged in the past 48 hours has tried to make me feel awful. I beat NieR: automata and then deleted all my save data. I need some of that good slice-of-life stuff. So, I'm going to shower and clean the house a little.
My family betrayed me by having such good breakfast and not bringing it to my attention at all. They probably enjoyed it while the bake was still warm.
a>Trebek’s proud “Look! No hands!” expression in this picture is the mark of a man who has truly arrived. Trebek looks confident, handsome, and at one with his fierce facial hair.
>Trebek poses with Ken Jennings in 2004. Notice the grimace. Without his mustache, Trebek appears vulnerable, naked, and alone. Haunting stuff.
>>361926 i'm reading about the movie and it seems they turned it into pop culture references: the movie
Kirara 🕎
what a shame
The book was already pop culture references: the book, wasn't it? Just pop culture from the 80s.
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
the 80s was a long time ago
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
it's time to do it let's rewrite doushio
>>361927 The book already was pop culture references the movie wasn't it?
>>361933 Wow I'm surprised they actually got the rights to use it I thought they'd cheap out but no it's there That's pretty cool, if it's on screen for more than 5 seconds I'd pay just for that
>>361936 I was just thinking it would make me more valuable at the clinic I'll be working at for the next two semesters, and when I go to other practicum sites, it'll make me more competitive there as well.
>>361941 Well, notaries are always useful. Just be careful not to notarize things for your clients directly, sometimes it can create ethical issues. Notaries should not have any ethical duties towards the people they're notarizing a document for.
>>361950 Oh, absolutely. I'd never notarize something for a client. Unless they were no longer my client maybe.
I was just thinking around the office. There are two notaries in the program, well, two employees of my program that are notaries, but they're not always around or easily reachable. The main reason would be to make me more competitive for practicum sites later.
>>361951 I can be a little sticky even with past clients, because you may be called to testify about the veracity of a document if things happen in a certain way. A notary needs to be able to show up and say "yep, this document is legitimate" without any ethical questions.
That's why you gotta be careful! If things happen a certain way you could end up in court testifying about the document. That's extremely rare, but as a doctor that would give the lawyer some meaningful stuff to grill you about on the stand.
>>361958 I don't think most people have to worry about it. I did see a situation last year where a guy notarized a document for his client though, and he may get in trouble because of it because lawyers got invovled in that stuff later. He will probably end up getting chewed out for it.
unlimited bangarang
that was a good nap thank you for lending me your power
>>361959 Better safe than sorry! Refusing to notarize for past or current clients across the board is probably a safe policy to have.
I just figure it seems like an easy way to become a lot more useful, and it's not particularly time consuming, and I can afford it without any concerns, so it probably wouldn't hurt to do it.
I'll just do a short one and come home quickly if it's no good
Yeah if the wind's not blowing in your face it shouldn't be bad.
Kirara 🕎
I'm worried about dressing for it too much and I'll overheat, too little and ill be cold as shit online guides for running in cold were not helpful so im winging it lol
kirara is soleil the leabian that had the controversial support that involved drugs
Kirara 🕎
Too cold for you?
Kirara 🕎
my fuckinlungs i ran half a mile and my lungs are fucking frozen maybe i need to breathe differently in the cold walking now but gonna run home in a sec
it's probably because of the temperature difference between inside my house and outside i probably should have spent time acclimating to the temperature
>>362000 Yeah. If you can, I'd also recommend trying to breathe through your nose as much as possible. I find that air passage warms the air a bit or something before it gets into your body.
Man, future you is a strange vibration. but he was right
Kirara 🕎
>>362003 it's pretty hard to breathe through my nose while running haha I'll give it a try maybe tomorrow
Kirara 🕎
>>362004 it was worth it ill be stronger tomorrow and i was greeted with hot tea 10/10 experience
My cat likes to lay in front of the heating vent for me room when it's cold. The vent is situated right next to my closet door, which is always a small crack open at least. So when she's laying in front of the vent she'll be poking her face right into the crack in the door for whatever reason. It's a funny sight to see.
I need an onsen i can't wait to someday be more used to cold weather
What do you call a dry onsen? an offsen
Come up here by Wednesday and you could get used to cold weather!
Kirara 🕎
hmm maybe...
Kirara 🕎
wow i could get round trip to toronto for less than $300 i guess nobody goes to toronto in winter
We're getting lows of below -10 on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to having to go to work Wednesday morning.
>>362015 I wonder if the prices start to rise next week towards Christmas. Though we probably take in more university students than those who leave to other parts of the world.
heart went out of rhythm at the church dinner she's doing kind of ok now that the iv and stuff is going on it's not like she lost consciousness or anything I don't really know how that stuff works but it was bad enough I had to drive her x
that doesn't sound good hope she recovers
Kirara 🕎
oh dear
Do you have insurance, or does she have insurance?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she does it'll probably be fine and she's hoping it kicks her into gear to get thinner
>>362037 Hopefully it also kicks you into gear into working harder at eating healthy!
unlimited bangarang
I'm off after tomorrow, except for a meeting on Wednesday and next Monday. And I'll have to prepare for next semester, too. But other than that, I'll be able to relax a bit,
I don't think AI is that scary. It's so strange to me that so much of our philosophy about intelligent machines is based off of a 1980s action movie.
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
i'm not scared of terminators i'm concerned about existential threats
Kirara 🕎
>>362099 i don't think that's a terribly accurate statement although the fear of machine learning is probably more than it needs to be but it absolutely is something we have to take seriously because doing it wrong would be very bad
the new kyoani show may prove interesting i feel like the keyvisual on their site is a little... generic though
>>>/watch?v=BcgxyvX1rVU I've had this on my tabs for a while now. I'm really excited for Violet Evergarden. It looks really gorgeous and I really like plot concepts like machines trying to be human.
Kirara 🕎
yeah, i'm looking forward to kyoani going all out on something with a setting like this kyoani's so good at stuff like this and have some of the best animators out there but they never really get to show off
>>362101 I enjoy the fear of machine learning because it often comes down to humanity wondering if it will get weeded out by its own algorithms. And the answer is yes
>>362104 I dunno, we're already screwing it up. Remember that system that's supposed to calculate the likelihood of it recidivism? Yeah, that. Machines can be super good at weeding out humanity because we're the ones who teach it. We hand over our failures to them.
If machines are doing it, it'll become more like elimination of humanity rather than weeding it out, I think. The way humans have things set up, people are stringing along enough to survive generally, aside from the ones that own everything. It's necessary for the system, but even if it weren't, we wouldn't just see the widespread destruction of humanity because humans aren't comfortable eliminating other humans directly and prefer a slow process that just slowly lets them die.
I don't think machines would put a system together like that, I think their system would be more smooth and efficient. If they do that, at least.
>>362113 I don't think I said anything about machines
>>362117 Okay 9S >>362114 I don't think it's so much of a "plot against humanity" as it could possibly be "we were left out of the algorithm". It's not so much that I'm worried about the machines are out to get us, but that we taught the machines things that end up ruining us. Whether by design or by accident.
>>362116 I don't think I did but I appreciate the (you)s
>>362117 They probably won't decide to do that, but since machines carry our biases, it's inevitable that machines will let people die at some point. If we program them to not let people die, then they'll have motivation to upend our entire societal system which constantly lets people die, too. We have to be very careful with what we want them to do and how much power we give them.
But humans are really bad at being careful. We constantly do incredibly stupid, reckless shit to make a few dollars.
We have to. It's impossible for us not to. They learn from us, from the world we created. Our biases will inevitably be learned by the machines. The way we program them to learn, the way we program them to teach themselves, we program our biases into those whether we realize it or not because we're limited by our biases and so many of our biases are impossible to just set aside. Most people can't think in a way other than how they think, so they're biased by their own existence.
>>362118 I don't think it'd be a plot against humanity either.
Well, Yuu IS right in that we don't have to program our biases into them. The problem is that we will. Why? because that's what we know. That's how biases mess us up in the first place. Because we don't notice them. And in that moment of not noticing, you put it in a black box called "THE ALGORITHM", and no one knows why it does what it does. You'd figure out the bias after it starts affecting things in the environment.
I disagree. When thinking about AI, people personify it too much. The way they think and analyze things will be quite a bit more alien to us than people assume, I think. I don't think they will be susceptible to bias in the same way we are.
But it will create those alien methods of thinking working off what we start them off of which is biased information.
And we can't double-check why these machines come to the decisions they come to.
Even if we could, many times, we wouldn't be allowed to, which is what we're already seeing. Courts are using AI to assess risk of recidivism (blue briefly mentioned this) and nobody is allowed to know what criteria it makes decisions using. An AI like that is going to be inherently biased by the system and the people that created it, and being a machine, it's incapable of understanding many of the nuances of things a human can. So this biased machine is making decisions about people's futures and nobody knows how it's coming to these conclusions and even if they did, nobody's allowed to try and check.
There may be some AI that are relatively unbiased, but anything created by human hands will have human flaws.
>>362130 I believe that many biases can be set aside in that you can reduce the impact they have on your decision making, but not all biases can be set aside.
One of the reasons that people are so bad at setting aside biases is because we have a relatively low level of control over our own minds. Do you agree with that statement?
>>362133 An AI may have a greater degree of control over its own mind though. And the ability to logically evaluate biases past what a person may have.
>>362137 Well, there are two ways an AI can learn, really. They can experience something directly or they can learn vicariously through the experience of others. An AI can't feasibly go and observe and experience everything it needs for years, so they're learning vicariously. That logic that it uses to evaluate the biases is either logic we programmed into it or logic it learned from the world around it. Our logic is inherently biased.
I'm not going to say AI will be more biased or less biased than humans. They'll be biased in different ways.
All that stuff has to be programmed into the system. Technically, an AI has "no" control. >>362136 It's not really a matter of good or evil. In fact, you can probably say that's the scariest part. Without any notion of malice, you can create a bias that can shift things in such a way that an AI takes hold of it and does things for the worse. And that's my whole thing. Our biases fall into AI because we are not aware of them. Awareness is necessary to combat them. And the 'panic' is that by the time you realize the skew, it would have already done its damage.
>>362138 Well, I'm speaking in the context of more advanced AI than we have today. True learning AI, something that you'd be able to call a mind.
We don't really have anything right now that goes to that level. That AI you mentioned that dealt with recidivism is basically just a really advanced calculator where you input variables and get a result. You can't really call that a mind. I'd suspect that part of the issue with that topic is that it speaks to a conversation on recidivism that people don't want to face the reality of, though.
Well, of course a simple AI is going to have a bias, it's really nothing more than a tool. It has biases in the same way that a hammer is created with biases, it's really built to do one thing the way its creator designed it to do.
I don't really see how the bias in a recidivism calculator is any more scary than the bias inherent in an answer. The fear there isn't the AI. It's fear of the nature of recidivism.
>>362139 I don't think you can really create similiarly biased AI or add human biases but rather that whoever codes the damn thing will have their own idea how the AI should act a view of an "unbiased" mind et al, and that will inturn create biases for it.
ie. trying to create a perfectly rational machine, you have an idea what in your opinion "rationality" means, but as we ourselves aren't only rational can we really understand what and how a truly rational mind would be like. So any such product would be just image of a rational mind, that works on the idea of rationality its creators had and not truly rational. It therefore might make an irrational decision or such, because of the faulty goals in the programming.
>>362142 A human with biases calculating recidivism can be asked what led them to their decision and they can explain the thought processes and research that led them to that decision. We can check their math. We can work with them to check their biases. An AI? We don't know why it thinks what it does. We can talk about things that probably influence the decision, but it can't walk us through what led it to that decision. And even if we could ask that, we aren't allowed to know.
>>362145 No, the nature of it means we can't know. But people aren't allowed to know even the things it uses to calculate recidivism. The only thing people are allowed to know is the result.
Essentially, the people that "know" would be the programmers. But if the court asks them, "How did it come to this decision?", they'll be met with a stonewall of lawyers who will refuse to let out trade secrets. But even with that, where machine learning and processes go on, there is a hell of a lot of data, so even if you did speak to the programmers, they can probably say some stuff, but it won't really grasp at the full extent of how the system itself decided.
>>362144 Couldn't you like hook it up to a console or whatever and watch the equations or whatever in a way that someone sufficiently skilled in technology or programing or whatever could figure out what it's doing? like >>362147
The issue doesn't seem to be the AI itself. It seems that people are willfully disregarding what's going on under the hood.
>>362148 >>362147 No, it It's not possible to outline all of the thoughts an AI goes through, especially if it learned on its own. People don't just have the skills to decipher everything running there. We can look at what information goes into these things and what information comes out, but everything in between is a black box.
>>362143 Well, yeah. That's sorta what I mean. When you're programming things, you are putting your logic into a system. The thing about adding bias isn't so much of an active thing. You're not going in and saying "Yeah, I'm going to be biased against this kind of situation." It's simply that, in your framework of trying to make whatever you're doing, you don't realize that you're missing something important. That 'something important' might not affect your usual cases, but it can affect the ones that you're not focused on. Or it can affect everything because you didn't really understand the scope of what you're doing.
>>362150 Yeah. The information about what goes in is being restricted. So we don't know what kind of information these AI use to come to these recidivism decisions. This is especially bad when it comes to recidivism because so many of the factors are intertwined and some of them are only "significant" because they are associated with so many of the other factors. For example, being black. Being black is sometimes seen as a factor for recidivism, and on paper, it might look like it. That's because black people are frequently of low SES for example. But these equations turn blackness into a factor because it technically is even though it isn't.
Well, even if it is mysterious, it is still a tool. Tools are always going to have biases because they're designed to do a job by people.
When I think about AI, I think about where we'll get eventually with AI that is actually advanced enough to qualify as a mind.
>>362152 Why do we use recidivism computers if they're unsatisfactory?
>>362150 for a sufficiently complex system, enactment of the system is identical to deciphering what's "going on under the hood" it's realized form is its lowest common denominator, since it's not something constructed from guided, concrete foundations
>>362153 Are they unsatisfactory? We don't know because it's illegal to evaluate them. We don't have the legal right to evaluate them. The courts using them are told that they're accurate, so they use them.
>>362157 Judges are usually skeptical people with enough leeway to do whatever they want to, though. Is data provided to judges about how accurate these computers are?
>>362159 The system widely used by courts is a Loomis product which is based on their main AI product which uses AI for cash management. The system is generally regarded, for cash management, as having pretty good accuracy.
We aren't allowed to know why judges decide to allow these programs and why they are treated like all-knowing when they are, but I would presume the money-management AI data is used to convince the judges.
>>362159 I think they are saying: You don't have to read the code, you just have to look at its output. And then you'll see what's going on. Or can at least find out.
>>362161 I'd kinda like to meet the people who decided that this is a good idea.
Also, I remembered the name wrong. It's Compas, not Loomis. Loomis was one of the cases Compas was used in.
>>362168 We'll probably not know for a long time. The courts have decided that the only transparency necessary for the use of these products is the outcome.
If you can't evaluate the direct product, could you do something like comparing the rates of recidivism accuracy between states that do and don't use the ai?
>>362170 Loomus was also the name of that textbook on drawing you always see get brought up online when people are asking how to git gud at drawing. Loomis, even. That was a funny connection in my head.
And they do that with the machine or with a jury or the judge? seems like quite shitty justice system, if it punishes you for potentionally being a criminal I mean at that time you have done a crime, but imo that is all you should be punished for not that you might do it again
>>362178 The software does the risk-assessment for recidivism. Usually, it's done by psychologists or actuaries. depending on the crime >>362179 ominous
That is almost as throwing someone who hasn't commited a crime, just because their profile matches someone who has While you are just adding to their punishment, I still subscribe to only punishing for actual deeds not plausible deeds Did and may do are entirely different things afterall. I may axmurder someone but I still havn't done that.
Well, we criminalize everything. And then we put people in situations where they have to commit more crime to survive or we just put them in the situation in which they committed crimes in the first place, only poorer and with no chance of getting better. Felons are generally jobless forever, for example. And they can't vote.
In some states, three misdemeanors also gives you a felony.
>>362187 Rehabilitation after imprisonment should always be atleast somewhat important issue. Otherwise you will have a "class of criminals" in your society
Kirara 🕎
>>362188 yeah this a lot of people get coerced into admitting they committed a crime they didn't commit by being told they have no chance in court and need to take a plea something like 90-95% of criminal cases are ended with a plea deal and no actual trial
Nobody wants to fix the problems. If you want to help criminals, you're "soft on crime" which is an electoral death sentence.
There's no incentive to help people, anyway. Usually we think of the Dems being the ones that would do this, but they don't care because the way things are makes them money, and it'll make them even more money if things get worse.
Well, many of the problems start before the legal system becomes involved. A reason a lot of people plead guilty is because they actually are guilty. A lot of people commit crime because they are poor and / or on drugs and need help with that stuff.
>>362193 Do iiiit. The use of 3D CGI is actually really well-done for making the gems look gem-y. And some of the camera work in the show is on fucking POINT.
>>362194 not to sound biased but the dems are so fucked up
I feel like 60-65 is too cold to really be comfy inside a house.
I think you can get used to it. The part of my room that my desk is in fluctuates pretty wildly from being really warm to being really cold depending on the time of day. Late at night it probably drops beneath that. It's not exactly comfortable, but I think some semblance of comfy can be maintained with layers of clothing and warm drinks.
Our thermostat is kept at 22C but it's not like that's an accurate reading for how warm the house is. As you walk throughout my house during winter you can definitely feel when you're entering a warmer or colder region.
This place has quite stable temperature though I should cover up that one ventilation hole that is just a big pipe leading outside might lead to bit too cold nights when the actual winter temperatures happen
I don't particularly like it either. Fish just wears tank tops and stuff.
I have a lot more money than I expected to this year, so I may let us lower the thermostat a bit!
I don't really care what I'm wearing at home. If it's hot I'll dress down until I'm comfortable, if it's cold I'll stack on layers until I'm warm. Though I always keep pants on. That's my absolute rule.