im glad you're having so many emotions over this game
>>360194 Pretty busy and quite cold. It is freezing over here right now. Winter is the worst. Summer is the worst. I've been pretty tired so, after work I just jump into bed and wrap in blankets.
In my Oxygen game, I completely ignored the fact that the heat from my machines build up and kill all my plants, so after a while I stopped having the ability to feed my boys
It lasted for a long time though, I think what really fucked me up is I started pumping in boiling water from a geysir
Yeah, heat is something you have to start managing carefully once the mid-ish game hits. Especially since "better" food sources require good lighting for some and lights produce heat. Working out cooling systems is important survival infrastructure.
>We went ahead and opened the toDODODODODO FUCKING EMIL SHUT UP
I was gonna go ahead and use some gas pumps in a cold room, and just pump hot air in to be cooled But I didn't have any ice on the map Not that I could find anyway
Iunno where to dump all the heat
Oxygen and other naturally gaseous compounds aren't ideal for running through cooling systems, actually. As a gas they don't have much thermal potential.
>>360236 Try and push out again to find your ice biomes, you can find items in those that act as literal heatsinks.
sk 🖤
Oh, I guess I could probably put a vacuum room around my hotter machines and stuff, that insulates perfectly, I assume >>360235 Water cooling is kinda impossible when I've already mixed all the water with geysir water hahah
I gotta see if I can find a way >>360241 I'll need ice biomes anyway, or it's moot Without ice, I can't dump the heat, I'll just be shifting it around while it builds up
I still haven't even found oil, ahah
I think hydrogen is also a decent coolant material actually though.
In terms of efficiency, I believe oil is the best coolant material. But it's also one of the most complex to set up because it involves moving over great distances as well as cooling.
Kirara 🕎
just cool things by taking jeremy corbyn and making him take all the heat
I believe there's a bug, or likely bug at least, that hygiene buildings like showers and sinks take in water that's any temperature (to a point) and outputs polluted water at a consistent temperature. But they may have also fixed it by now.
Imagine that, being thrown into life with inserted memories of your former self in order to colonize a hostile world, that is so hostile they wouldn't set real people there. Basically, your life doesn't matter a one damn bit. You succeed, yaiii new world you fail, oh well they were just clones
Wonder does the whatever civilization pushing that clone colonising eventually purge the clones? Or leave them be? I wouldn't do the latter, it would for sure eventually lead to a rebellion
I mean at the moment the clones are trapped inside an asteroid that for all intents and purposes is impossible to break out of. So it's not like they can rebel.
>>360253 I think the point is to establish a mining colony and atleast lay out the facilities for it to be operated, even if all the manpower taht built it died out.
By the time everyone dies out they they've already mined every scrap of valuable ore and put it into the machines and facilities anyway.
So just take the stuff and melt it if you have fabrication technology, does it matter if it is a raw junk of ore or a block of assortments
The real answer is Klei has barely released any work on the plot-related and world-building aspects of the game and have only been implementing mechanics content because they build their early-access games like that.
Well that would be my take on just the base mechanics shotgun colonising and asteroid mining
It was actually really neat what they did with Don't Starve. Towards the later updates of their beta run of the game, in the forum posts and trailers they released for new content patches, there would be "corruptions" like burnspots in fake film grain for trailer videos and stuff like that, which people could pick up on and decode. I think one of them was puzzle-piece fragments of a picture would show up, one-by-one, for a single frame of a video, at inconsistent times. So you had to really comb the trailer to get all the images.
It was a really fun ARG to be a part of. Ultimately it concluded in a longer animation showing how Wilson, the main character of Don't Starve, ended up jumping dimensions because of his mad scientist proclivities. I hope they do something similar with ONI.
It's a LITTLE annoying how the top left will go "INSUFFICIENT OXYGEN PRODUCTION", but it's just cause you've dug down and now all the CO2 is going to the bottom where you have no oxygen production yet
Kirara 🕎
>>360261 yeah i hate when the left starts telling me shit like there's not enough oxygen
>>360261 Generally the warning for insufficient oxygen is unreliable anyway. It strictly only looks at if your last cycle had more oxygen entering the system than what left. And can't really pick up on the nuances of running the colony.
sk 🖤
Is there any real reason to put toilets in a separate room with a door? Cause I haven't seen any so far
>>360264 Aside from the bathroom room bonus? Making a room that contains at least a sink and a toilet will give your dupes a small stress reduction when they use the facilities.
sk 🖤
Oh so there is a bonus I didn't know I tried making a "medbay" but it didn't do anything
Medbay is weird and I'm not 100% how effective it is. But the other three, bathrooms, dormitories, and mess halls definitely produce their bonuses.
>>360269 I guess it's just your insides that have been painted black!
How is jeremy corbyn so well known? I didn't realise people from other countries would even know who he is.
Kirara 🕎
>>360271 he's the absolute boy anyone even slightly on the left knows jezza over here in the us
>>360271 Because people mirrored the Corbyn vote to the US presidency and another senatorial race and it was all the rage. We didn't get all the gritty specifics of how it was but the weeks before the seat shift there was something to watch
He used get mocked a whole lot when he first started making a name for himself. He still doesn't get treated too seriously by his opponents. But he is pretty respectable in a lot ways over his opponents.
Yet he has a large and solid follower and supporter base. Takes some work to do that, without being a spontaneous populist, which he really isn't.
Kirara 🕎
yeah because the other parties literally don't care about people they make it so easy for an intelligent left to gain traction
The major I like about him is he doesn't do that retarded shit in the house of commons where they trade insults some political commentators said that makes him look weak but I really hate watching the house of commons and having to sit through them saying nothing useful and trying to be clever with their insults.
>>360285 Yaeh, like how bad do you need to fuck up elections when so far you had huge support by saying "okay let's brexit" nad then you go like "let's reallow fox hunting with dogs" wat
>>360281 I mean it's evidently a creature that breathes to survive so it's not like it should exist in a vacuum to begin with. It's just the game's spawning algorithm not taking into account that those contained biomes can spawn without a gas.
>>360286 There is the art of orating and rhetorics, but you actually need to argue points and not just shout down the opposition, as how does that make you different from a dictator in the end?
Theresa may is so annoying when ever sentence starts with an insult about Corbyn and why she is better. she mentions even when the topic has the least thing to do with him. It is seriously tiring, like she does not have anything useful to say but she will say something to insult Corbyn
>>360306 How henious! It clearly must be the influence of others and not my temporary of brain power and motor control. I am not to blame for this faceful of juice and blank expression of surprise!
Why, though in a very very twisted world scope that kinda explains itself afterall sauying man is GENDERING >THE VICT>UMS
>>360322 Naw-Sh-US? I don't really know to spell my pronouciation. why? >>360325 translators for big games and other shit can be super retarded and translate everything they can into something terrible. translating japanese names into other japanese names because Japanese is too hard to pronouce and might make gamers fustrated. or they just write up new text because the original text is "too hard" for normal western gamers to understand.
Well I assume they still need oxygen But according to the wiki, chlorine only kills germs
Kirara 🕎
oh wait, they're also translating Kaze into haze sometimes???
>>360336 I believe they hold their breath when they're in an atmosphere that has insufficient oxygen. But that does mean they'll happily breathe whatever's else in the air if there's enough oxygen mixed in there.
>>360338 >1000 million parts in air can kill you quickly
Kirara 🕎
Arcadia > Indol ??????
Kirara 🕎
they translated some dutch sounding name earlier into a Japanese name
>>360355 this is already obvious the mechanic was introduced after finishing A route
>>360352 I think polluted oxygen falls into the "hold breath" group. The bigger issue with polluted oxygen is that it's a vehicle for airborne diseases.
It would be quite expensive especially, if you get hamil, you need conroy
I wonder if the two of them have a gentleman's agreement that if one of them officially retires from the voice, the other does as well. Having one without the other would be depressing.
biscuits with gravy sounds like a weird combo especially as a breakfast
>biscuits and gravy What
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's actually really good, trust
Kirara 🕎
it's an American thing
Was about to say that if someone just walked to me in the middle of the night and had asked me "bicuits with gravy is a food eaten in" I'd have gone "america"
Holy shit using hydrogen for power generation is a tragedy >insanely huge room with only hydrogen >3-4 seconds into pumping, the generator doesn't get enough hydrogen to fuel the pump, much less anything else
Now this all is arranged, but mats never tells fish and just locks up the closet and tells her to ignore any sounds coming from there. for additional hilarity
>>360391 There probably isn't going to be inter-platform co-op for this huh. Since I'll be getting it for PC.
>>360405 I'm reading some manga I'm not in the mood for music at the moment. >>360410 How else will I steal all your games and PS4 and play all nighters. I gotta take over your closet and 100% all those games I'll just have to put Kirara's Closet in the orders to the pizza places.
maybe I'll just walk to AutoZone and bring a battery home instead of enjoying a romantic evening
teeth whitening strips are the type of product where you're like "oh this is a bullshit non-working product that just feeds on people's insecurities" but this shit is the real deal I highly endorse the new 2017 crest 3d whitestrips(c)
>>360489 Do any of your neighbors look like they're home? You could get a quick jump and swing by autozone on your way to dinner. I got a new battery on my way to school one day in college.
>>360514 This person is bad at doing signs The hash tag is written in a really faint pink It should be a more vibrant red
>>360513 Calling usually needs some kind of prompt for me. Granted the prompt is as simple as someone talking about calling around me, but still. But some times I'll be minding my own business and impromptu my head is filled with thoughts of hairspray queens and needing more candycane.
The World Ends With You, a DS game from like almsot a decade back. It was a really cool JRPG that takes place entirely within Shibuya and involves a real-time combat system that required you to both use analog inputs and the touch screen to fight enemies on both sides -both screen. The music was a sort of Japanese techno hip-hop fusion and had a lot of really unique characters involved in a sort-of death game competition. It did so much differently and pulled it off so well. And then it got sequel-neveritis.
The World Ends With You A very good DS jrpg
>>360519 >26th of July 2007 Fucking hell it's been more than a decade
>>360521 The original game had a pretty simple engine Instead I can see Square making it into gachashit or something like that
>>360522 FFgames started simple and got increasingly complex over time
>>360520 So did almost every FF game that actually sold or atleast used assets that were around already
>>360520 yes and they sold and then they began to make assets and engines first, games second and were surprised why no one really played their games anymore
TWEWY was produced by Squeenix, but developed by Jupiter, who previously were probably most well-known for making the Kingdom Hearts half-sequel for the GBA, I think it was 365 Days? Which coincidentally, also had a pretty unique battle system to set it apart from JRPGs of the time.
It looks like they're normally a pseudo-subsidary of Nintendo, and after producing those games and a few other notables, have been forced to churn out Picross games for the rest of their history.
Btw do other companies than EA gobble up and consume their subsidiaries?
Microsoft does it a little bit. They don't aggressively eat up smaller studios like EA does, but Ensemble and RARE have both been merged into Microsoft Games by now, I think.
>>360524 the gba one was chain of memories 358/2 was DS Everyone else seemed to dislike that game but I enjoyed it. Playing as Roxas was cool and I liked the inventory system it had for extra stats and abilities
>>360527 They did ruin the biggest mobile corporation that one time, though
>>360528 Chain of Memories is the only Kingdom Hearts game I've ever played. It was a lot of fun though. The card-based battle system was crazy unique without being "trying too hard" to be different.
Multiplayer was fun until my friend decided that he would make a deck called "Cloud Nine"
I never played multiplayer on it. Mostly because I couldn't get my hands on a lot of GBA games because I was on kid allowance and my parents only bought games for us as Christmas and birthday presents, and usually only one a year. But I learned of emulators from a young age and got my hands on a lot of ROMs.
>>360533 gba multiplayer sounded annoying First you need to make sure both people have the same game AND a link cable
my mom bought me a link cable even though i wasn't allowed to bring it to school or go to other people's houses (usually)
>>360536 >not allowed to go to other peoples houses Was your mum trying to socially stunt you?
I think it took me years to get a GBC link cable, and we never got a GBA one. Thankfully my best friend had one and we generally played the same games. He was the one that got me into Advance Wars too.
And then like a year or two before the DS came out, Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen came packaged with these add-ons you could stick on the link cable port that gave your GBA wireless connectivity. But it only worked with select games and since the DS was due out soon, the actual library that cooperated with the add-on was pretty negligable.
And in the end I forgot my lunch bag with my GBA in it one day and I lost the bag, GBA, wireless dongle, and whatever game was in there at the time (either Advance Wars 2 or LeafGreen). I'm still kind of sore over that.
DS download play was like black magic
Shame so few developers used it because >"Letting people play our games for free? Naw man, we good"
Finally got an ice biome, natural gas, and water nearby Now my power grid's overworked
>>360555 A gas gyser can produce a tonne of power by itself without eating more gas than a gyser can produce. But you're going to have to use transformers and create sub-circuits to avoid carrying too much power on one circuit.
Or just decentralize your power into entirely separate circuits.
Yeah I'm not struggling for power My grid is breaking
Yeah I'm gonna see if I can fix it next time I play, taking a break now
My go to is the prior generally. I have one hub that makes a shit-tonne of power and I move it to parts of the base using higher capacity wires, which feed into transformers to smaller circuits.
sk 🖤
I've got 2 gas generators on top of each other, but I'unno how I'm gonna decouple this from the same grid I guess I'll research transformers
I accidentally stopped the carbon scrubber, while I was tryna figure out how to do the grid And then I lost power completely as a result lmao
Yeah it's really fun to see how everything falls apart once one thing goes wrong. It's a really Dwarf Fortress-y game in that aspect.
sk 🖤
Thankfully, I had already put it in a separate room, so I just opened the door and the generator fired up again
sk 🖤
I might need another scrubber in there eventually, since I'm just gonna keep stacking these generators for as long as the geysir and the pump for the wastewater manages
sk 🖤
Might fuck around and just have a fucking basewide waternetwork that stops by the ice biome, too, and use that to cool shit down
Kirara 🕎
it's getting cold
It's going to get colder.
Kirara 🕎
walking to the store to get a battery may have been a mistake
>>360573 This is in a game, so there's not a perfect recreation of real-life physics involved. But you're right, oil in the game is the best vechicle for thermal potential. It's also a bit difficult to set up oil extraction and you can only get it really hot so you've got to cool it further than water. The pay-off is better but there's still difficulty involved.
Kirara 🕎
>>360569 yeah it's pretty cold and it's a long walk and im not dressed enough but it's too late to turn back now
Sorry i meant shelf life I still have it from whenever
Kirara 🕎
indefinite afaik at least, in powder form
Do you think it's fine to take with damphs I have to be on them daily if i wanna walk but it sure does hurt I dont have many Percocet left
>>360576 Ganbare! If you keep at a brisk pace the body movement will help with a bit of warmth. And getting indoors from the cold after a long time out in it is always a nice feeling.
>>360582 The eternal conundrum of wearing too much or too little during winter too little and you can't stop during an outing, since you will start to freeze due to sweat too much and you sweat all your underclothing into pure dampness
I dress for the occasion if I go jogging or for a walk I wear a bit too little and trust my bodyheating to kee up as for say going to lectures or drinking, I dress bti ehavy, since you can always take off clothing and I usually never fully zip up and button my coats anyhow
if skyrim has taught me anything you should never wear too much clothing
>Kaiba flew a spaceship into the planet so hard he went to the afterlife so he could play card games with the Pharaoh again Holy shit this is the best ending ever
I want to learn how to sing the Pascal song. This is so cute.
It was... an experience. Lots of anger. I mainly remember the anger. but this concert is bringing me back to all the good things. This little girl singing Pascal's Village theme makes me feel better.
Kirara 🕎
wasn't that game amazing? yoko taro is a fucking genius
The fight against myself was really good. >They show ending [D] on the screen Wow, I didn't really think much about it but I am REALLY GLAD I didn't watch this before finishing the game
Hmm next time I am brewing, I will aim to use only 1,5l bottles the lidl 2l bottles while taking less apce due to more volume per container, have this "Handle" on them that mixes the liquids inside so that when you pour from a same container twice about within 4 hours, the second pouring will have much of the yeast stuff that should remain on the bottom of the bottle and not in your glass easily seen from how murky the stuff is
Hard to explain Here you get proper dark well right now when days are short and there is no snow and nights last 18 hours but aside from that it never really gets proper dark, especially within city limits
and even then cloudy sky means reflecting light from any 10k+ settlement nearby and non cloudy will give you starlight and moonlight to navigate with well once again, if there is no snow that doesn't really help that much, but it does help
so basically proper dark, means can't actually see shit sure even summer can get "can't read text without light" but proper dark is actually "can barely see anything or so dark you can wave your hand infront of your face and not see it"
SPeaking of dark nights, moonlight illuminated snowfields produce trippy visionary hallucinations >>360644 noice I guess the different climate allows it how cloudy are the days or nights there on average?
Coincidentally, during this time of year it is practically always overcast So urban people like me get this weird mix of "barely illuminated days" and "orange glowing nights" Especially at my previous place, where I had 3 construction light + town centre illuminating the night sky *construction site lights
unlimited bangarang
i have to go to bed early tonight :( but imouto airs tomorrow :)
Do you even pack warmer clothes on you? Normally wouldn't need them so I guess cold waves hitting the warm regions can be harsh. Especially recalling the few winters that actually hit mediterranes and something like 100 people died within EU borders alone, who knows how many in the african and middle-eastern countries that also got severe to light blizzard
You can build a snowman out of that a quite dirty one though.
Actually how diverse is texasian climate? It is a big state with borders at tropical zone at southern most point and northern is in the "middle zone" of USA almost that already gets somewhat cold winters.
Gauntlet is coming to a close soon. I wonder if we will sett see an upset on either side.
unlimited bangarang
>>360656 it snows in the northern parts of texas every year just about it snows where i live (4-7 hours to the south of that) maybe once every ten it does not snow south of where i live
Texas seems like a fun place to spend a lengthy period of time touring guess I'll add that to my list month? might be enough
>>360660 We'll know in a few minutes. That she has a 7x multipler now is not a good sign. We will be okay if people don't spend, but there are a lot of people on the team just looking for high multipliers now.
>>360669 Good rating the other is maybe 8/10 on fame and success the other is maybe 4/10, their team is somewhat successfull but even now has had waht 2 episodes in s2
Yeah, we shot up to same. It says hours left: 1 though. Maybe that means it's one and change and we have a chance at a multiplier if Tharja spends a lot.
I saw some cute kids when I was walking to the store, too. Seeing cute kids and watching Kekkai Sensen makes me want to have kids. I'm about the age people usually have kids, too.
Who else here plans on dying with no kids
it's very easy you just put pen0r in vag00 get on it
you can also borrow a kid and if you get sick of them just return them there's many walking around playground and school and shit they're easier to find than gold
I really don't think it'd be a good idea to have a kid on a whim, either. And I don't think I'll be a good father anyway. So it's probably better if I just don't.
you can tell your kid they're your father would that help?
>I took over the world with some old guy and left my wife to die but kid to survive just so I could one day pop up to the kid's lvie who is now a freedom fighter and say >I AM YOUR FATHER
I was born too early to not be a part of a generation of brats that can easily connect no more forgotten childhood friends we are witnessing the death of a trope
Ending with the After Chapter would be such a wonderful thing because it's such an offshoot of pacing when you take the whole story into account but it would feel very much like the show in its own way.
Here's this super action filled story. Oh, and it's over. Oh but nothing's really ever over. Here's another story. And there are more stories in the future but maybe you'll hear those later
it's fucked up that they localized out the lesbian stuff from soliel in all the other versions, her title is "girl lover" or "passionately loves girls" but in the english version it's adorable adorer or whatever
ive been feeling like playing fates again with glorious jp translation again so maybe ill get to enjoy the real one
>>360762 can't have poor american youth be exposed to vile japanese way
fish just showed me her phone and rika was calling me tsundere (which is a lie) but google is suggesting her a bunch of auto-replies to that and they're all in japanese lol
Like someone the size of rock is about what I accept human to look naturally anything beyond that and you have something unnatural fueling you
but rock what is he 180+ 190? and weighs like nearly 130kg +
and he wasn't even that ridiculously big when he was still doing physical stuff now that he is an actor and stuff, he has gotten way too swole for that shit
Kirara 🕎
anyone that calls themselves a hulk probably does roids
he would watch his minions die or almost die and jump down off a platform and crack his tiny neck and be like "if you want something done right... you gotta do it yourself" and then he'd crush the head of his minion beneath his foot
LIVER SAUSAGE>>360820 and then he transforms to his rage form
>>>/watch?v=fE0RbPsC9uE still gotta love the british for having a well still world famous and a guy who would have been there anyhow, but nonetheless a finnish composer doing finlandia on this years prom
Since you guys are already on the topic of normies i have a normie anime date with a friend and they're pretty normie any suggestions what to bring i don't know what good animes normies like i am afraid i'll be way to weeb in my selection and they won't enjoy it and i want people to enjoy things
>>360843 But real talk Finland will never leave EU unless our political elite changes 100% so only a matter of time untill we lose actual independence, if not formal.
>>360850 I'd suggest something like Darker than Black or Kekkai Sensen. Or Baccano.
>>360850 What sort of anime Death Note is like the most obvious normie friendly show off the Oh they're not THAT normie How normie are we talking?
>>360853 they're not that new i'm sure they've seen darker than black >>360856 oh no they're exposed to anime and watch it but they're like somewhere between normie and gamer so i think they've watched the simple shit
>>360855 Lupin the third is pretty easy watching for normies Yuasa anime like ping pong and tatami are normie friendly Kaiji doesn't have anything to scare normies but it's not really a date anime
>>360863 he's not true normie he's pseudonormie so basically they stream all their anime they didn't like attack on titan but they did like SAO so i wanna show him something good
Ping Pong's visual aesthetics are a bit of a wall for some people to get over, but if you think that's not an issue for this person then I'd say go ahead.
i think he's seen kill la kill but i dont remember sometimes i forget what a weeb i am until i go around normal people and they're like "oh youve already seen it we can watch something else new then" and it's like they dont understand the value of a rewatch when you're rewatching with someone who hasn't seen it it's like the most fun thing
Kirara 🕎
kiznaiver is a masterpiece imo but probably not good for normies
Oh, you can watch that new movie that I still haven't gotten to >>360875 more like what about SAMURAI FLAMENCO
Netflix probably has Little Witch Academia in full by now. And it definitely has the first half. That one might be a bit cutesy for the friend but it's good and pretty palatable for normal people.
Netflix also has Nanatsu no Taizai, I believe, which is a decent pretty standard-fare shounen.
I hope I'm able to walk to even go visit them and do this I hope i'm also not taking my injury seriously enough I think if I saw someone else doing what i'm doing i'd take them to the ER without question but i don't internally feel it's that severe
You know you can hit the doubly whammy like >Yo, have you seen tatami galaxy and if they say no, you can watch that but if they say yeah, you can go >yeah, there's this movie by the same people And watch The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl >>360887 I put nothing past anybody. Sometimes the few things people are exposed to are in the corner
I'd be a little surprised if the friend has watched Tatami Galaxy. It's both pretty niche and pretty high-level.
>>360886 But speaking of YoruShoujo, have you had a chance to watch it yet?
>>360887 is it really? i hadnt gotten that impression
Honestly, anything where people speak THAT FAST in an anime, is likely higher level. It's like ... if you speak faster than the characters in Kazoku Kyouran Nikki, you're probably breaking through a threshold
>>360888 It's pretty niche outside of -- Actually I'm pretty sure it's niche in every sense of the word. But I say it's high level because the dialogue comes at you really, really fast, so you're doing a lot of reading. And it makes references and allusions to Japanese culture that someone who's not really integrated into otaku culture would pick up on. There are aspects of it that are general and understandable on a -to a wider audience, but I don't think it's enough to change it being pretty high-level.
Satoshi Kon movies are normie core Like Paprika or maybe Perfect Blue Except the latter can have some touchy subject matters
>>360919 Rika has had black boogers for two days, I'm sure dude can handle a jog through some fire and flames.
Through the fire and the flames we'll carry oooonnnn
moe is being dick to me today >>360922 Uhm nooo smoke is kinda quick at that axphosklöasdfjökljhög thing you call "choking to death for not having oxygen" >>360923 We are the sons of the new world order we are the soldiers, the legion of light WE are the centre, the death of the Sun with fire and flame WE ARE ONE!