you know the first series did this a bit but this series seems to do it even more and that is that it tries to have like this super emotional climax every single episode.
Well, she managed to live I guess. THey can put her back together.
I wonder why the gems use male family suffixes - NOW THERE'S TWO OF THEM -suffixes to refer to each other. They obviously lean feminine in physical appearance and (most) manners.
I wonder if Japanese doesn't have a gender-neutral way of saying stuff like that.
>>361159 Well, -san would be the gender neutral way of saying it. I guess -kun is gender neutral in some professional settings though. -chan can be gender neutral in an affectionate way.
-san and -kun aren't a way of refering to older siblings though. Bort called Dia "niichan" there, and some gem has referred to Yellow Diamond with -niisama before.
Also did you really just try to give me a basics primer on Japanese suffixes.
Wow so this guy realized he couldn't beat Nikaidou so he stalled and stalled until Nikaidou's health got the worse of him. That's pretty dirty fighting.
>can't figure out why torrent is so slow >my ethernet cable is unplugged for some reason why though did the cats unplug my internet
Latop ethernet ports aren't always good at securing the cable connected to it. Laptop ports, even. It might've just gotten nudged in just the right way.
this guy seems pretty nice is she the only libra member with a normal family
Well Leo had one. Klaus has some kind of family but I don't know how "normal" it is.
Hers is definitely the most normal.
klaus' family is like super rich or something right? and leo currently lives with a monkey and a ball of space stuff from space
Klaus's family seems pretty opulent. He's also like the youngest or second youngest of a family of vampire hunters, which probably makes things even less normal.
gotta get that psone pad to hack into the mainframe
I guess, but her torso is probably the proper proportions for her limbs. Dwarf people generally have short limbs despite a somewhat normal torso for their age and sex.
>>361272 dwarves arent necessarily malformed i thought just under 4'10 gets you the label but there are diseases and disorders that cause abnormal stunted growth resulting in dwarfism, too
Maybe not. After all the end result, regardless of what part is short, is that you're too short for societal conventions.
I was expecting a joke on kindergarten and elementary school students being the only students that would literally be able to look up to her. But I guess they took it a bit differently.
i saw a buff dwarf once he was like a fun size frat bro
They got rid of the eyes but Kaho still hd -had a bit of a manic look to her eyes there.
why do they bully tilde so much
People like me just can't hekpfhadls WHAT.
Yeah he doesn't have the right body to be a shota.
>>361279 People like me just can't help it. We're too serious and people like messing with that.
>Camels >Cute
I feel like I saw this scenario last night.
Wow that was a sort-of pun in English.
mafuyu is super cool why doesnt she have a boyfriend
They don't want to have to deal with inquisitive police whenever they try to go on dates.