I figured where she faded to black was what you were on about. But on the other hand wearing dark clothes does literally make you more difficult to see at night.
>>359315 maybe Technically, it started from the chorus >red, orange, yellow, green, purple, blue, white and she said "Oh, no black huh? and then they got to black and she was like oh okay and then that line happened and I was in tears.
Yeah my first thoughts were the chorus. And then the black shirt came up and that was that.
>>359325 rejoice since you can get hiim for free by skipping through the event. And he's probably going to be busted tier.
Kirara ๐
>>359325 attack on titan was really bad it was the guy's anti-bully fantasy but then it got popular and he didn't know how to write so it was just like literal years of nothing happening
Anti-bully fantasies don't make for terrible good works to begin with.
>>359327 I enjoyed season 1 I dropped season 2 on the second episode I wish the whole thing was about little people struggling against the big giant titans The first
Is inuyashiki really a anti-bully fantasy? It just seems like what happened when the author said "I'm going to make the edgiest guy ever and put him in a series with the least edgy guy ever" It's also a bit of a train wreck.
Kirara ๐
inuyashiki is a societal anti-bully fantasy it's all about a better world
>>359338 That guy isn't even a bullied guy. He is like super bishounen tier and everyone loves him and he makes all of his own problems by being so edgy that he starts killing people for fun.
I'm really annoyed because I wanted to sit and listen to Weight of the World in front of the jukebox but fucking Emil is driving around outside and I can't stand this.
>>359344 So far it's just been about Shishigami killing people though. He's probably going to """"""""""""redeem"""""""""""" himself by stopping the meteor that they've been talking about, too.
yes and while I'm being Rika about things I want to complete a thought I was working on earlier
what is up with that death's standing trailer it doesn't make you more informed about ANYTHING what is the game even about other than being vaguely about male pregnancy
*"Rika was right except for all the times she was wrong"
>>359361 Clearly it shows that there's a fate worse than death involved with the black goo stuff
Kojima does not need to inform anyone about anything other than the fact that him and his buddy are working on a game and they just decide to share things with you. I still haven't seen it though
>>359389 one time I think I dreamed about taking a bullet for a boat or something and once it was over I realized how stupid that would be because they're boats they are built to handle bullet
There have been multiple dreams involving real people I knew in high school that have been zombie apocalypses and it pisses me off because I hate how mainstream and bland zombies are now.
Rika, why are you getting so worked up about this?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
She wants it to snow so you can be happy and have snow
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11956637 > An asteroid that could have obliterated an area the size of New York city skimmed past Earth at speeds of nearly 5.5 miles per second (9km/s). > The whale-sized space rock - called 2017 VL2 - was just 73,000 miles (117,480 km) from our planet when it sped by - which is just a third of the distance between Earth and the moon. > Shockingly, it was only spotted by NASA astronomers the day after it passed.
They really went all out with this event. Setting aside all of the stupid mechanics and the ridiculous map, it was a good event. They added in event specific CGs for all of the Nishimura ships, event specific lines for all of them, and a big voice clip at the end where Fusou and Yamashiro thank you for clearing the event. Then some of the other Nishimura ships do too.
You had to do stupid stuff all over the map, then the boss route was starting point 2, EINSWY-Z7-Z9-ZZ1-ZZ2-ZZ3 And all those purple nodes are terrible night battle nodes.
It was really a step beyond awful. The boss node was a weird night battle to day battle node too which made getting the kill really hard.
But setting all that stuff aside, the production values for the event were really high. It was a good event to stop on.
>>359473 Oh yeah. You have to get air superiority on a bunch of different nodes to even unlock the Z nodes. Then you have to S rank another node to finally make the Z nodes appear. Then you have to get air superiority on the Z nodes and S level certain Z nodes to make the ZZ nodes appear. Then you have to slog through like four back to back night nodes and kill TWO different bosses.
>>359499 I probably wouldn't say what you want me to say. I can't really say what I want to say, either. So I'm just saying okay! I'm not trying to treat you like you're crazy.
>>359497 isn't it snowing where you are? go out and play in the snow!
and what's really funny is the writeup that's out about it straight from Patreon's growth manager We've gone from "maybe they didn't know this would hurt people on the bottom" to "this was a feature"
>>359555 It repulses me at a very core level. It's like an instinctive disgust that causes you to pull away from something that smells horrible. I don't know why, but that's how it is.
>>359569 >>359570 is the SH really hard there, or is it more like naw-zha? i feel like naw-zha is just naw-zee-uh that's a little compactified and palatable but naw-sha with the hard SH sounds almost painful to say
you know that meme where theyre like "this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass, what do? keep in mind he is vastly physically superior to you"
ive been thinking
what tf do you actually do when that inevitably happens?
>>359583 excuse me but are you trying to hijack my pity party
the more I try and pronounce it the more I get it wrong
>>359568 Naw-shay-us But those last two syllables are kind of slurred together more than pronounced independently. I still think they're sufficiently separate though.
>>359595 it's weird innit sorry to drill such a random and seemingly mundane point but i glean a lot from these questions
>>359599 I think though, that the cushion and fusion are the hard SH for me and nauseous is the soft. But it's hard for me to be certain since I don't always get what people mean when they say certain syllables are hard or soft.
>>359605 Well, which of these options is correct is going to depend on your girl. Some girls like to see guys fight over them, but others hate it. I hate it when people who I'm with try to fight.
I'm offended he thinks her ass is better than mine tbh
>>359619 Usually when someone disgusts me, I just start being really mean to them and making them feel bad, but you're important to me, so I don't want to do that. I don't really have another good way to deal with it, though, other than to wait for it to pass or distract myself from it.
>>359625 i generally stay out of this stuff but i'm a little perplexed how this strikes you as interesting and that's coming from someone who once got giddy because i got to listen in on a two hour focus group about winter weather tires and which brands people prefer for their trucks
>>359633 i think i like figuring out what makes people tick too but i guess we're on a different frame of reference there oh this picture looks a little annoyed or irritated now that i look at it i thought it seemed more inquisitive until i looked closely
I didn't realize. I'm not disgusted by anything other than moral issues. I didn't know I came off like that.
Well following your Twitter, you seem really prone to outrage. But I also understand that's only a particular-facing facet of your social output. I still see it that way though.
>>359643 Well, being easily disgusted by moral issues isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm morally judgmental too, though I guess I'm a little more live and let live.
what if I told I've watched and enjoyed many dubs
>>359646 I'd ask if you enjoyed these dubs #D100 (20) oh
i haven't told you this before but sometimes i have dreams that i put my lips on yours and open my mouth gently and scream with all my strength right down your windpipe hoping to rupture your lungs
>>359667 Ask which letter comes after B in the alphabet.
It is It's a cover for some magazine from the 20s or something
>>359712 How rude. How am I supposed to do all my navel gazing without one.
>>359717 you mean you're navel gazing but only gazing your own navel? im not surprised
>>359718 I get that navels are a big thing for some people, but they're not huge for me. Unless we're talking about how the curvature of the waist and the tones of the abdoment frame it, in which sure, it's pretty crucial.
ive started watching cardcaptors because of the new season thats to come
Wonder Woman was alright But I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I just don't regret watching it
Yeah I've generally heard positive praise for Wonder Woman.
DC kind of feels like they're racing really fast, trying to catch up to the runaway success of the MCU. But they don't have the establishment that the MCU has so everything just feels a little shallow.
They also put way too much faith in Zack Snyder; that man can't direct a theatre movie to save his life.
That was one of the things I sung with friends in real Nipponese karaoke. We had like thirteen or fourteen people there and everyone knew the lyrics. I haven't even seen Cardcaptors Sakura beyond the 4kids dub and I know the OP, kinda.
>>359748 i love it i watched all of them im a fuckin loser
>>359750 tbh I've never been able to sit through all of card captor sakura I don't know why since it's a great show I guess my attention span is just weak
I've only watched fragments of the 4kids dub and nothing more. Though I did watch the second movie which concludes the series when I was in anime club in high school.
>>359748 I just realised she's giving the middle finger
>>359753 she's so pure and innocent she doesn't even realise it
>>359752 >anime club in high school do you have any good stories? any cringe?
>>359755 Not really. I didn't really know anime culture much before joining and my upperclassmen who selected the stuff in the earlier grades picked some pretty good stuff. I watched Serial Experiments Lain because of them. In later years we didn't get many new joiners and we were pretty much just a bunch of friends who got together every week to just watch anime. It was nice.
I don't know what episode of CCS I got to so starting again would be like an hour of going through episodes I've already seen to figure out wheree I was
>>359757 Our HS anime club didn't even last a year I tried getting them to watch SE but they thought it looked boring
>>359759 I should look through an episode guide and start again
>>359763 Serious talk the best thing we ever got out of the 4kids dubs were some of the best anime openings of all time.
Honestly one piece rap is probably 10 times better than whatever the japanese op was >>>/watch?v=TAXaRZ831F8 Like this is okay But it's no YAI YO YAAAAI YO
>>359769 He's made of rubber! (how did that happen?) Yo ho ho he took a bite of gun gun
And the One Piece pirate rap was fucking 20/10.
>>359766 Yeah, We Are is all right, but it's got nothing on HIS NAME IS LUFFY (That's Monkey D. Luffy)
I don't understand why. No one has seen the gameplay. No one has any idea what the game is about other than it seems to vaguely be about male pregnancy.
I feel like the only person who realises that the king is naked!
unlimited bangarang
oh shit
>>359786 I agree tbh Sure it's Kojima but until I see what it plays like, I refuse to be hyped I've gotten real burned like that before
I've never played a Kojima game so the phrase "sure it's Kojima" is wasted on me.
But from what I've seen of the trailers I'd watch it if it was a movie. I'll have to see what the gameplay is like before I make a decision on playing it.
>>359790 And I understand and respect that Metal Gear is good. But it's also extremely bizarre and random in some places.
I think everyone gives Kojima way too much credit. He's not a mastermind, he just randomly does whatever he feels like doing.
>>359792 I think Kojima really just wants to make movies but he became famous for games so that's what he does.
>>359795 The bizzareness and randomness is part of what people like though Like maybe we didn't need psychomantis But it was cool and off the wall and fucked with the player
Kojima should write a visual novel Actually that's basically snatcher
>>359821 Battle Angel was an old manga series that had a 90sanime
>>359816 >>359817 You should watch GitS Then you should watch Patlabor 1 and 2
An old manga series. James Cameron has been wanting to make a movie out of it for like, literal decades. It's been stuck in development hell for eternity but it looks like it'll finally be coming out next year.
It's a regular human actor, yeah Of course, they've messed with the face so she looks more anime-y or something, probably Which is a good choice, because it makes it stand out from every other show or movie where androids just look EXACTLY like human beings
I thought a lot of it looked real though That's really impressive then if it's all cg
A friend of mine who's in the design industry and has a lot of experience with digital art creation noticed a lot of flaws in the trailer's visuals though. Honestly it's stuff I can't notice even after he pointed them out to me, but I wonder if they've still got polish to lay on or if they're just banking on most people being like me.
>>359919 my condolences. i'll try to have enough fun for the both of us. >>359918 it's got some faults to it, but it's just such a special and unique game i can't fault it. namely, the balance is bad. do not play on hard until you have game breaking chips. you might not even find a combo that is really good enough through average gameplay. normal might seem too easy at times, but the only other option is too hard.
You can switch the difficulty whenever you want. The game has four endings, two of which are mandatory to see the final two endings which are a choice (you can go back and do the other one, too.) There are 22 other endings that require special conditions that just result in a humorous easter egg of dialogue and a high speed credit roll. Basically, they're just colorrful game overs. Collecting all 26 gets you an achievement, though. You are going to probably need a guide to get all of them in your first run, but after the first two endings you can chapter select and do anything you might have missed, so don't get too hung up on it. Just explore naturally an look at anything that piques your interest, you have plenty of time to complete everything if you really want to.
>>359924 They're all pretty easy to get, but you can also just watch that shit on youtube when you're done because I doubt you're that interested in platinum trophies and shit. Well, except for one, that's a super secret special boss with a joke ending.
I don't know how well it runs on PC. I heard there was a patch, or something, to improve the port.
>developers have acknowledged problems with the port and said they were working on a fix like months ago without any fix >this guy does it in like a day and much more >even implements DRM not present in the base game hire him platinum
i feel like i'm on house arrest i don't get to do anything but work and sit at my computer even if i wanted to do something else, i'd need someone to drive me it's awful it hurts
I was feeling a little stir crazy earlier too. I guess cause I stayed inside most of the day trying to stay away from the cold.
unlimited bangarang
i don't know if you guys could tell but i'm kind of a social creature having no one to talk to but the people i'm playing video games with is not so good i have work in a little over 9 hours so i guess i'm going to go to sleep because i don't have anything left to do
>>359938 holy shit that's exactly what i feel like i need a fucking car my coworker said he would sell me his old shitty camry for $500 i hope he's for real
>>359942 can't you just put the remainder in the fridge or freezer?
So there's a card in the new set that lets you bring in banned cards that you own from outside of the game. And I brought $200~ worth of banned cards and did not get it.
sk ๐ค
Oh cool
>>359956 how does it allow banned cards? It just summon a 1/1 squirrel?
>>359959 I didn't say that was the one that allows banned cards.
It's this one http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=439458
>>359962 the nature of your body try reupping and maybe increasing the dose
>>359963 hah wow what stops it from being banned in constructive too?
>>359965 It's silver bordered so its not allowed (different from being banned) outside of Unstable drafts and sealed. Amd then its also allowed in EDH for about a month. Normally silver bordered cards are not allowed outside of their events because they are joke cards.
Basically you can't use it in "real" magic events.
that makes more sense, not very familiar with the magic lingo shame you didn't get it bro
what if I draw all 5 pieces of exodia there's nothing in the card description that specifies it's limited to yugioh
I ended up just sinking hours into Oxygen Not Included instead It's self sufficient now, and after this I got some water too, so it will actually run itself perfectly
Cool I'm going back to sleep now that I've dealt with the dog Yasumi
Flat earthers are either people advocating a different way of looking at the earth using the idea of flat earth as a way to criticize the failures of modern science, or they're people that legitimately believe in flat earth.
For news on the ton side of the world, the aot event has good music but I guess that's to be expected. I don't know why it triggered my autism powers so much. I have almost two complete weapons and summons from it and I don't know why.
>>360004 >Flat earth communities have very few trolls. Or they're very good ones thinking emoji
Well, I've been involved with flat earth stuff for a year, and I'm very confident in my ability to spot that kind of thing, especially if given a year to observe people, since I do have a lot of training and experience in identification of suspicious parties.
>>360027 yeah you're the hot blooded first party member that is perpetual best friendo and we meet and you're like "new kid wanna skip class and get fucked up" and im like hell yeah
>>360030 Then the student council prez is like YOU GUYS ARE BREAKING THE RUUURUS and I'm like fuck you bitch lets go to the arcade and eat ramen
she then slips and you get a full view of her panties you threaten to tell everyone about the colour unless she joins you two
Kirara ๐
and then we lead her down a life of crime
Then we put our fucking VR helmets on and get sucked into the game and have to fight monsters with our persona and shit
when is the part we fall in love with our sister?
Kirara ๐
we notice that you love your sister and we try to save you from being like that but when we do you just get a persona and you love your sister even more so we're just like lol whatever
confident racist people scare tf out of me like these people truly do not give a shit about life
They don't scare me but it makes me wonder how they act when they aren't in public There's a skinhead guy with SS and silver eagle and swastika tattoos that comes into my store sometimes But he's always pretty polite
A twitter friend got fired for getting angry at a nazi at work a while back Swastika tatts and shit But the fuck knew twitterperson's boss or something, so
>>360057 no i don't care if someone else treats them, but i'm not willing to sit in a room with someone that wants me dead when i have no way to defend myself and they can bring a weapon into the room if they want
I don't think it's wrong for doctors to refuse treatment of a patient that engages in hate crimes towards their demographic. I'm also not a doctor, and I don't make the rules.
I would probably be willing if we were in an environment that I knew I could control but I can't control that treatment environment so it's too risky for me
it's a very loose tangent but it reminds me of a situation i heard someone talking about, that they were a young male like 18-20 and were having pedophilic urges but were way too decent a person to ever do anything to anyone, so they tried to go tot a therapist to get help and when they told the therapist that they were having those feelings, the therapists almost uniformly got really angry at him, told him to get out of their office before they call the police
i thought it was kind of sad really since he was genuinely trying to get help and hadn't actually committed any crimes
i say decent person but there's not much decent about it i just meant that they respect social boundaries and are too timid and stuff to be out causing anyone harm probably still a shit human, but at least concerned enough to function inside of the social rule
>>360066 well anxiety isn't a mental defect either but i get treatment for that
sk ๐ค
No I mean, it's not some... hangup or issue The only treatment is to no longer believe the world is an on-going racewar which the white race isn't participating in actively
>>360070 ehh it kind of is for most people it could be conceptual isolation, or it could be thought patterns that become obsessive on an escapist or delusional ideal
>>360070 i think it depends on the person and therapy is there to help you change your way of looking at the world around you as well as your way of looking at yourself, too therapy isn't just treatment for explicit symptoms of an explicit diagnosis
and >>360071 is true too a lot of things could manifest in those thoughts manifest those thoughts rather
>>360070 I dunno, I guess seeing the world that way might cause problems relating to "regular" people, so is it really that different from any other issue of psychology? The way you're thinking is out of line with what your typical normie brain thinks, that's how I see it.
>>360074 or having been bullied or feelings of persecution from jews due to a few bad jews and the media these little things can build a framework in the mind that kind of funnels the thought processes it could be avoidant or it could be confrontational even
for example, when i get hit with feelings of worthlessness due to circumstances arising in my everyday life that i'm not able to control, it's very uncomfortable for my mind, and my brain finds a more comfortable state in focusing -- sometimes potentially grandiosely -- on something i'm good at, like data analytics and sometimes i even lose myself there and make some hasty conclusions, and i have to keep myself well grounded to avoid running off into delusions that feel good it feels good to think that i can analyze trends and see where the future is going and know what's going to happen and that everyone else is caught up in the rat race and will never be as enlightened as me -- sure, it's good to feel like that, but it doesn't mean it's true. fun little fantasy, but i can't let myself get swept away in such delusions lest i lose the only thing i am actually good at
now you've got people who've had opportunities ripped away from them throughout their lives, or who've had hateful families, or who've had any other framework established that now they have that big euphoric feeling of satisfaction from the conviction that they're part of the elite race/political ideology
it's very possible for race views and views about social rule to be constructed from mental disorder, though not all are
>>360072 this is off topic but that always bothered me about psycho pass if someone has criminal tendencies and they haven't committed a crime yet but they might why didn't they offer them legitimate psychiatric help and conditioning This is the future dammit we should have shit like that already
>>360076 well psycho-pass is extremely like authoritarian
Like to a ridiculous degree
Kirara ๐
>>360076 they wouldn't offer them help because it's easier to lock someone away than it is to help them and society didn't benefit from helping them when there were millions of other people that could fill that person's role
>>360075 I guess it makes sense I never really thought too much about the psychological reasons behind politics Not that I saw them as like, inherently things that people rationally consider, but I didn't consider how psych issues could give grounds for them
>>360078 Doesn't it incur a recurring cost to lock someone away compared to a one-time cost of providing theme nough help to uncloud their psycho-pass, though?
>>360079 there's also the more inclusionary framework for the adoption of ideology, which is just that you're in an environment such that any concept you're internalizing in your thoughtspace is already being presented to you with those premises in mind -- that X race is bad and so forth and it just lays the foundations for biased information association and information processing as you develop socially
sk ๐ค
I should have put quotes around "help" too, cause it's basically a padded cell until you stop being neurodivergent
>>360081 I guess so, prisons have been turning profits for a long time. It seems like a fucked up system, though.
Kirara ๐
>>360085 that's what we do in the US we jail people for petty crimes and then make them work for cents on the hour fighting crimes /// fighting fires and sewing clothes and shit like that
Aren't indentured criminals the last people you would want to produce a product though? I would just half ass it if they made me work. As much as I could without getting beaten or otherwise punished anyways.
I'd probably bend the knee if I was in a gulag or some horrid shit, if it was bad enough.
Kirara ๐
idk i have some products that were made by prisoners and they're all very high quality so i assume there's something in place to make them do it many of them "choose" to work because they have nothing better to do and sewing or whatever is the only way to fill their time
>>360087 you say that now but once you're there you'll do fuckin anything to make the day go by faster
If I had to do pointless labor though I would prefer breaking rocks into smaller rocks and hauling them to a ditch though. Might as well get a good workout if you're doing something stupid for no incentive.
Kitchen duty or cleaning/mopping seems like it would be a good way to zone out and forget that you're in a shithole surrounded by murderers. Until you have to mop up some blood because Mikey stabbed a guy thirty times again.
i legitimately think i'd be pretty happy in prison the empty time, i love having that i'd probably have better living conditions than present and i'd probably feel safer and less threatened by other inmates and the guards than i do out here in the fuckin sticks
they probably wouldn't let me take my benzos though
I'd also have to get a haircut, work out, and probably join the aryan brotherhood or something or else my ass is literally boned, too.
Kirara ๐
>>360102 idk you could just shank someone your first day you look crazy enough for it
>>360102 nah it's not really that severe it's that way for people who try to keep connections, because everything's mingled, but being unassociated is legitimate for a loner you won't get help for small amenities and shit but they're patsies for needing that shit in the first place
i don't remember when it swaps i think it might though
Kirara ๐
i can't wait to see you play the last area it's like a masterpiece in level design it's like cinematic level design it blew my fucking mind i never thought i would experience anything like that and i don't think i ever will again