Thread #359616
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Bottom Identity
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two car umaru souma yuki yuuna kino shoujo shuumatsu netjuu
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I would want to do the bottom four. Do we have Tilde?
I'm here.
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Any objections to watching the bottom four? If not, starting with yuku tuuna. orange! okay let's start!
They're what we always watch on Fridays, so it's fine.
Togo's wavelength stuff from the first season really reminded me of Sonoko. Once she lost her memory it kind of felt like she took a bit of personality from Sonoko, so I'm satisfied to see them both doing the wavelength thing here.
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I guess weird stuff is starting. She saw one of those things on Sonoko too. I guess Sonoko is also going to have to pay whatever price it is.
They're all going to burn to cinder protecting the world from the baatekkusu
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Yuuna is being a little more shy about this than I would expect.
She wouldn't be upset because her love life IS Togo.
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TRUCK'D. So are they just going to experience constant misfortune now because of the fire flowers on their breasts? That would explain Sonoko's bandaged hand.
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Aren't they like, unable to die though?
Maybe it's only to Vertex I'unno.
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The priests and stuff are probably going to have a little talk with that truck driver, though!
why cant she tell them again
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She thinks they will have bad luck if she tells them. It seems a bit weird. But I guess it's good justification for why Yuuna wouldn't tel them.
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yeah, tons of it! kino okay let's start!
ok `````````
What an extravagant welcoming. I'd be really at unease if I was greated with all this.
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the theater loving country.
I'm waiting for the moment they try to drown Kino in kindness so she never leaves or something. I just can't trust such kindness at face value.
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I guess this is where we start to figure out what's weird about this country.
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So hospitality country exploded?
Well okay.
More like it got covered in magma.
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I guess they were so nice because they knew they were going to explode. And why her parents were encouraging her to become a traveler.
They could...just move to the next hill over.
>Country of Adults Oh this is Kino's backstory country.
I like how each episode shows the title again at the end of the episode, with an English tagline that references what happened in that country.
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That was a very unreasonable country. I need a quick bathroom break so I'll be right back.
Yeah I get being anxious about moving to strange, new lands, so much that you take anihilation over it. But they could have just moved one hill over and not died.
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shoujo shuumatsu okay let's start
Okey dokes.
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It does spin pretty fast.
Oh we celestial physics now.
Technology seems to steadily becoming more and more functional as they ascend the city. Almost everything was non-mechanical or broken in the lower layers. But now we've got robots, trains, operational factories. Complexity is rising as they get closer to their "goal".
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Yeah, that's true. I wonder if they will eventually find civilization.
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Yuu is pretty crazy.
Another layer up! I wonder what things we'll see this itme.
Time, even.
Oh this isn't quite what I expected.
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That tank fountain is pretty aesthetic!
Do you want a tank fountain now?
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The theme of this level seems to be guns so far.
It's...uh. Naked Mole Rat?
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What a weird little thing.
It's like a dauschund meets a naked mole rat meets a...thing with a vapid, open-mouthed stare.
And two becomes three. Sort of.
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okay netjuu this is the last ep isn't it? okay everyone is orange let's start!
yeah with OVAs soon
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:01 No. 359789
oh my god im telepathic let me rev up my anime engine
Okay good.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:02 No. 359794
too bad it never showed purple and green interacting in person
I think a lot of the side characters kind of got marginalized for the sake of keeping the focus on Sakurai and Morimori-chan. Which isn't inherently bad but it's a bit of a waste.
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If there are OVAs, hopefully they will give some love to the side characters and the game itself.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:06 No. 359801
the episode title is suggestive
The two side characters that had the most attention were Koiwai and the green-haired guy and that was solely because they were the pseudo other reverse harem members.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:06 No. 359803
they better do it
This is a nice lounging about outfit for Morimori-chan.
So she's in the buff right now then, eh.
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well we saw for sure that she doesn't have a bra on.
>Fawning over girls in hoodies Sakurai is chanelling Blue hard here.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:10 No. 359819
The mountains of spaghetti.
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Morimori says some embarrassing stuff.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:14 No. 359832
he cooks?
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:15 No. 359837
god they're like what's the word they overthink too much
They're me, pretty much.
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>>359837 spaghetti!
Fucking robo-dryers.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:18 No. 359845
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:18 No. 359846
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:18 No. 359847
He's walking her home gently.
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Go for it, Sakurai!
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I think this awkward confession is the best we're going to get.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:20 No. 359851
goddamnit anime
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:20 No. 359852
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What more can you expect? It's not like they're going to do it!
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:21 No. 359854
no but they could at least actually get a decent confession in
Yeah they gotta save that for the OVAs so they can get into all the hot, steamy details off television.
Oh I thought the reflections were supposed to be a subtle thing but she went and noticed it.
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I wasn't sure about his motives for the longest time, but Koiwai turned out to be a good guy.
Naisu save
they never went into MC's trauma
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The way I understand this The manga was abandoned by the author about hmm about the time that she was going on a date with Koiwai. So the anime team had to finish the series. And they only had ten episodes to do it in. That's probably why we didn't see much having to do with her trauma.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:25 No. 359861
totally spaced out
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:25 No. 359862
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:26 No. 359863
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:26 No. 359864
10/10 strongest anime
It's okay Bang they'll get into the hot making out once the OVAs are released.
>>359860 wow thats sad
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I'm pleased! This had the potential to make me angry but it turned out really well.>>359866 I think it all worked out in the end.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:26 No. 359868
>>359865 i don't care about that i just wanted an actual relationship to happen and it looks like it actually might so i'm happy
Rika getting all wound up about the relationship in this show was one of the nice extra parts of the experience.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:28 No. 359870
i'm just worried about the DORAMA we're probably in for next episode it would just make too much sense
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>>359869 well, whether this show was good or really bad hinged completely on the relationship.>>359870 >next episode about that
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:29 No. 359872
wait what do you mean
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:29 No. 359873
wait no n o you don't
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:30 No. 359874
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There is no next episode. This is a ten episode anime.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:30 No. 359876
goddamnit i just looked it up i hate you
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:30 No. 359877
this is all your fault
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:30 No. 359878
i literally hate you
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don't hate me I'm not on the production committee I can't even speak japanese
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:31 No. 359880
my night is actually ruined
Squid's convinced there will be a series of OVAs released though. So there will be more content, just not immediately next week.
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I hope the OVAs will concentrate on the others. I mean, the real life version of the catgirl is even in the OP but we never see her in the series.
What would be neat would be if in focusing on the side characters, Sakurai and Morimori-chan become the background characters and we can steadily see progress in their relationship from the way they interact when they're around the characters the OVA is focusing on.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:32 No. 359884
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my night is RUINED
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>>359884 Why? We got an extremely cute ending, they actually got together in the end, Morioka overcame her feelings of inferiority, and we know it won't all be ruined by drama. It's a pretty good result if you ask me.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:33 No. 359886
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:33 No. 359887
My supply just got cut off! I need more!
Go read Bonnouji if you haven't already. It's got a really, really similar feel to this.
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I think Lily may be the cutest girl of the season. Lily was super cute.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:34 No. 359890
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yeah it was really good design
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:35 No. 359891
give anime pls
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It wasn't just that! Lily had an otherworldly mystery to her! Probably because she's introduced as a mysterious character and seemed to have emo spells. Characters like that are great.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:36 No. 359893
you just want a girl that's actually a guy typical rika
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Things did work out super great for Morimori. Sakurai is a real catch. He's a rich half-gaijin!
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:37 No. 359895
And she's a rich neet man i wish i was rich
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She isn't rich, she seemed like she was living on a tight budget.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:38 No. 359897
if you can live without working you have more money than i do which means you're rich
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Well you're in a good place if you can live without working, but I don't think you're rich until you can live without working and not worry about it.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:43 No. 359899
so what do i watch now
>>359899 yu yu hakusho it's on crunchyroll now supposedly
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:45 No. 359901
hmmmmmmmm i think i'll save that one to watch with friends
i definitely recommend watching it with friends and alcohol
>>359899 You should watch Houseki no Kuni.
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Yeah. Houseki no Kuni seems like it is bad at first but it is actually good.
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/09 (土) 07:56 No. 359915
oh man it definitely gives the impression of being garbage just from a quick google search but if you guys say so....