He's a really good content maker person You should check out the rest of his videos if you have the time
Kirara 🦃
Testing&& type type type type type type type type type type for me this is a test I am testing talk is the dictation box Moet sizable boxes here provide fulltext control also I can I can't type I can't live type with my voice ha ha ha ha transferClick done click done transferClick done no okay I knowAlt S
this shit i swear
Kirara 🦃
okay here we go this is a test okay now were now right in the trolley now it's life typing while I talk CIE said told you I I am I'm good
Kirara 🦃
OMG I can navigate everything with my voice now and I am the most of noxious person in the world until I get bored of this am I am the most obnoxious person in the world I guess it's not perfect
Tilney correction correction Tilney you in my pronouncing killed a wrong rate how you know delete that this is affecting yet it's it's not working that well it's pronounced till day right TILDEO all I got I had the pellet out though no corrected it to do all the talk is till Danielle know it it it corrected it to PIL DE0 no it I don't know maybe I have to recap may have to visit the calibrated to the way I talk maybe the microphone I don't know
Oh fuck that's beautiful.
Kirara 🦃
i'm trying to make it say tilde i finally got it to say tilde by spelling it but when i said "oh, i got it!" and it said, oh he wants it to be tildeo
I think the "standard" pronunciation for tilde is till-duh or closer to that than till-deh with a French accent on that e making it go WAY UP.
~00 shed ~ you're right it is pronounced like that I've been pronouncing it wrong for talking years talk shut damn penis caulke Regina I'm gonna have to find a way to fix that this and make it so that this thing does profanity
I mean I say it kind of french-like because it feels more natural that way. But I hear a lot of "uh" tones when people say it.
>>351120 You're going to force the Dragon to say BAD LANGUAGE against its will!
oh nvm you tried that
Kirara 🦃
yeah til-duh actually got the ~ so that worked
I naturally tend to say it more "tildé" but that last vowel is really short.
Kirara 🦃
Buck Buck Buck what the flock how this is ridiculous
Kirara 🦃
this shit got fuddy duddy in the dictionary but not fuck
Kirara 🦃
P you know him&& that's in & ice ice to where is it me do I Marie do I talk funny though I have some kind of accent will know I ice I said something I set him I don't know what I said you pile you heard me talking it it it put what I said at ice I know like ice ice baby or some ship no I don't think I talk funny it's surely it's it's the program I don't mean have you ever had trouble understanding me yeah I guess maybe just us to get trained or something media to figure out my voice I don't know but I do like that I can walk around with the Ike is like pace around them talk and is gonna be nice for when I'm am one writing papers and stuff although if it doesn't like others the sunken lizard in here Jacob get it when it comes down on what was a thing yeah that stuff that I was on I can be nice to me might not work if asked if it if you keep thinking I'm saying words like ice when I'm not and I mean it's not like I need profanity for when I'm writing papers or reports but I would like if I could do that will know no I mean yeah I'm going to get bored of it but I'm probably not going to the profanity and probably never actually use it but the fact that it banned from using profanity when I speak so greatly all the time it makes me him I don't is one I just want to be able to use profanity with that was wrong with that you were you care but with the on what is known of my watch is charging my phones upstairs what you are A Weird FP You Know What I Forgot at the Store Earlier Forgot You Forgot to Get Bananas That's That's What I Forgot I Need Just 90 Feet of Banana before around Don't Know If a Run Today Because My Legs Are Sore I Might Go for a Walk but I Don't Want Them Feeling Honest or Crazy Right Now I Don't Think Is Anything to Go Do Anything to Go Shopping on Get a Couple Nice Restaurants That
made for making dime a dozen light novels I Can't Belive Doragon Is Making Me Write Every First Letter In Capitals
Kirara 🦃
with capitalizing the first word of every capitalize yes I figured it out correction: I did not figure it out.
Kirara 🦃
I may have figured out now Want to Ride My Bicycle caps I am flying on the back of the Siegel This program doesn't seem to be working as well as I expected it to maybe I have to do something to make it work better Click done
Kirara 🦃
i wonder if it's this cheap bluetooth headset
Kirara 🦃
I think I have it working a little better now. It seems to generally be picking up what I say properly. Cock Dick fucking Is learning profanity but I do have to correct it it seems though, that I only have to correct it once for it to learn profanity properly. fuck stock One plus one is
2+2 is 4-1 That's three Quick maths Every day man on the block Smoke trees See your girl in the park. That girl was and uckers. The thing went skkkkrtP Papa, car,, K a.k.a. When the thing went quack quack quack, you men was ducking click done
Mozel Tof
I used to use dragon, but it just never felt right. I probably should've tried harder But it just felt so weird
Also until they add math support I really have no reason to start using it again.
Good night press S press KK SK Good night SK There we go click done click done click done I guess it's not perfect but click done click done DO and E click nine you've been doing it for me until now done click done press done
>sector setting GIVE ME MINERALS >manually throw every populace into maximum mineral output >AI throws everything back into billion points of food PARADOOOOOX
So I found a planet that has been shielded 100% out of the rest of the universe and went "welp let's take that shield down" what do you think comes out of it? Hell? Cthulhu? Disney?
Kirara 🦃
>>351176 I am Attempting to train my new speech to text program which can do things like start a reply on this website if I say Click reply. I believe that it may take a lot of training. Some things like ending my post is a little wonky still. Click done click done
>>351178 I know an older gentleman who I text sometimes for work, and he uses that thing. Sometimes his texts will have sentences that end in the word period instead of actually using the punctuation.
>>351180 Mine is probably a little better than that. Mine hasn't made that mistake yet. It works great in text editors, but navigating the internet is a little more difficult.
>>351182 The first time I got a message like that, I thought he was being uncharacteristically terse with me. But it was just his funny text thingy.
It's kinda a strange thing of doing things what a bad sentence anyway it's a strange way of doing things. I can type on a text keyboard almost as fast as I can type on a PC's keyboard so I can't imagine speaking ot text. It would be slower!
>>351187 We'll see. I already did the thing where I thought it wasn't recording so it posted a conversation on /moe/, though. So I probably won't use it on /moe/ very frequently.
Jury duty, how exciting.
>>351190 yeah lol I recalibrated the speech and now it detects my speech a lot better, though.
If it makes you less worried the conversation quickly devolved into total incoherency. Though it seems to be weirdly focused in on picking up names, even where they don't exist, but still when they do. So I get being a little sketchy about using it on a public writing space.
>>351189 Is that conversation what that big incoherent block a bit up is?
>>351188 >>351189 I don't really see myself being placed on a jury. It will probably just end in a wasted day for me and me being struck or sent home or whatever.
>>351194 Well that sounds neat in theory but the part where I'd have to watch people talk while doing nothing all day is something where the charm would probably wear off very quickly. Having to give up like three days or a week of working would also be a disaster because I'd fall so far behind.
>>351213 Really? I expect a happyish / reset to status quo ending from the series. Even if things are really bad, I expect them to asspull to get there.
Well, season one's upgraded hero system was kind of the same way, but they asspulled it and said "oh it's fine and not evil now wait until next season to find out HOW not evil". I'm kind of expecting the same thing.
>>351217 I mean, it wasn't not an asspull! Everyone was crippled and crazy and then they waved the want at the end and everyone was better. I think they will reset to status quo since it's not just a season of anime, it's a big franchise.
>>351219 It only seems like they waved it away because you don't know the mechanics of the universe that are established in the story that takes place like a thousand years before Washio Sumi, with Sonoko's ancestor.
The cripple stuff always could have been removed at any time.
>>351220 While it's true that I don't know the specifics, I think I understand this gist of it, which is that sacrifices have to suffer because the world is grimdark. So far the series has been characterized by wild swings between happy slice of life and profound suffering.
I've never heard that story, but if it was NDT, it was probably a lie.
>press random generator for name >R'lyeh Okay
>This time, after the Q&A is over, the judge asks us whether there are any questions we’d like to ask the court, and I say, “Yes, Your Honor. Why did you say he was in possession of 1,700 milligrams of cocaine? That equals 1.7 grams. The ‘thousand’ cancels with the ‘milli-’ and you get 1.7 grams, which is less than the weight of a dime.” Again I’m out on the street.”
I mean, people sell by the gram because it's illegal. Imagine how it would get pushed if it weren't.
Well, you don't really have to imagine. Just look at the places where it isn't.
>>351324 but he's a woobly alien shouldnt he be week to the woobly alien weakness
Kirara 🦃
>>351331 kin and great ones are different kin are kin of the cosmos which means they're like great ones but not great ones orphan is the child of kosm so orphan is about as pure great one as we see
Kirara 🦃
the moon presence is also not kin
that is fair as a lore thing but shouldnt they fall prey to the weakness mechanically
Kirara 🦃
if they did, it wouldn't make sense with the lore bleedborne is a lore-based game so they are very careful not to do stuff like that
>>351332 Isn't kosm literally the big dead thing that orphan comes out of? So, isn't Kosm the purest great one we see
Kirara 🦃
>>351336 no, kosm is formless and everywhere kosm is always present, everywhere that's why micky talks to kosm when kosm isn't around
Kirara 🦃
or doesn't seem to be around at least
Kirara 🦃
i do think it comes out of an avatar of kosm but not literally kosm
its weird they put an anti kin gem right outside his door then though
Kirara 🦃
it makes sense from the lore perspective
the orphan drops the kos parasite and we know that the fishing hamlet was teeming with such parasites after the body of kosm showed up the people the parasites are fused with are kin so the parasites are probably kin
works though mechanically its a bit of a tease
Kirara 🦃
bleedborne 2 when
Armored Core VI when
Kirara 🦃
From said they'd have big news for the end of 2017 so maybe we'll get news
>>351345 Holy cow one month to go inb4 it's tenchu and neither of us get what we want
bloodborne two would be goty 2019 easy
Kirara 🦃
a soulsborne game on switch and you attack with different arms using the joycons
no thanks skyward sword is enough of thay
Kirara 🦃
they are going to publish a bloodborne comic at least
thats dope
A dark souls multiplayer game where one player is basically the DM and fucks with the other players
Kirara 🦃
the first issue comes out in february
Kirara 🦃
>>351352 a game with like L4D multiplayer where one player can be the Director that can send different enemies and stuff would be fun placing ambushes and stuff like that for the player team
>>351354 yeah imagine sens fortress but with one player placing monsters and traps and stuff
and then next semester it's possible that no wednesdays will work for me because i will possibly have clients on wednesday evenings every wednesday but one wednesday a month and that one wendesday a month that i don't have clients, i'll be at an important meeting
I have like 15 hours every week starting next semester during which I can have clients and I frequently won't know whether or not I'll have a client until the week before I have the intake, and sometimes I won't even know until a day before, so planning things like that on any day other than Monday, Saturday, Sunday, or Friday evening will be generally impossible for me to reliably say I can be there.
No but campaign cant happen which puts iff planning for the next one granblue and feh are blueballing me and sapping my motivation shadowverse is a garbage game i cant feel motivated to complete games i havent done as a result internet finally arrives tomorrow so i can watch things with friends but my graphics card is finicky >>351398 exactly
So I have a fleet made of salvaged ships from an empire I genocided and the last survivor, a war hero turned war criminal locked in a time prison leading it.
>>351426 Yeah it's like the second time I've seen the nips acknowledge our existence Also her gimmick with the whiteboard is cute and she loses at mahjong which I can relate to
Yeah, I don't like them as much as some of the more plucky teams. Has monkey beaten everyone in the manga yet?
I dunno I'm not reading the manga I'm glad that the normal girl without lesbian powers got into the semi finals Going from S1 to The Nationals was sorta jarring because ai really liked the cast from S1 I guess they did all they could with them though
>>351434 The nationals is a little different, yeah. I like Achiga best though.
>>351436 I'm not Achiga yet. That has a different cast doesn't it? I'm glad to hear it's good because the idea of a totally new cast worried me a bit
>>351436 do you know how the quarry thing works in anicross i'm inviting people to help me do they actually have to accept the invitation to help or do i just have to invite five people i haven't gotten it to work at all yet
this is a bit of an outlier from the genre but it's something i really like >>>/watch?v=w9JUyPV5u4s and really just the artist, said the sky, has a lot of really neat stuff like this it's always glitchy type stuff but gets tossed somewhere between trap and dub
here's a much longer but much more complete and better mix >>>/watch?v=gFNBjrNn9Sg all just of that artist i think it's neat when there's an artist showcase mix like that
I don't hate stuff like that but it is a bit too loud and active for me. Glitch is a bit too active for me too. Dubstep can be okay sometimes but also tends to be on that side of things.
>>351489 i remember a time when i showed you fennesz and you said the stuff i liked was too sullen and you liked more active and interesting things times change tastes i suppose
Well, I do like upbeat stuff. Some of the louder styles are a bit too active for me though. I think at some point you get too many beats per minute. I like thigns in a sweet spot.
Lately I've been listening to a lot of lo-fi and vaporwave. My car playlists are all liquid drum and bass and progressive house though.
the full mix i posted i think is really good it doesn't feel so loud in context, it all kind of washes together but there's so much music these days there's hardly any shortage of stuff to listen to i find myself listening to it a lot lately though
that's pretty selfish have you considered trying to get your hair any other people's mouth instead
>>351494 I really like those youtube streams with the lofihiphop and the anime girls studying
Yeah, there was one I listened to for a while a few months back. It's nice stuff to put on when I don't want something particularly absorbing to listen to. Music with complex structure or lyrics tends to actually make it harder for me to focus on stuff than assist in focus.
lofi is lazy fi it's not all bad but a lot of it is really lazy
>>351515 I can understand that. i //For some of it I would argue it's barely, some times not even, music. It's a bunch of sounds that just sort of play in barest harmony. But it's good white noise for focusing in on things.
complex beats seem to sit on my brain easier repetitive or simple beats kind of bore in and cause me irritation sometimes it's less relaxing to me than having the cushion of noise
It's interesting how much that can differ. I mean I like music with complex composition. But it's the kind of thing that tends to really pull at my focus, so I can't work particularly well with it running. English lyrics tend to produce a similar reaction, where as language I don't know turns my focus away from the music.
Also music doesn't impede me as much if I'm doing writing or creating other things. But having to do logical thought or read things is really hard to do if my attention is focused in on the music.
i mean, i do like calm music for sure but with that it's usually more deuter or medwyn goodall type stuff, instrumentals and meditative stuff i'd maybe toss lofi on if i was lounging with people and wanted something that wouldn't irritate anyone to try to talk over but as for listening while i'm driving or doing something, the beats are just so metronomic that it physically stresses my brain i can't handle that i like noisy changing things so that my // i'm not even sure how to say it it's just literally boring -- not in the "i'm bored" concept, but the "this is boring into my brain" -- when simple beats and repetitive melodies are used
My hard drive issues are compounding and seem to hit that point where reading and/or writing gets noticably slow at earlier times after restarts. I really, really hope it can last out 'till Christmas so I can get Boxing Day sales. I don't want to spend more money than I need to right now.
>>351591 I don't really know, I haven't read it. You can't really trust what anyone says because everyone has an agenda these days and will only tell you about the parts you hate.
I guess I'll find out if it's good or bad when I see my tax guy in a few months. He's the only person I trust not to have an agenda.
>>351593 Lel >35-20 company tax wow that is going to bring in a lot of companies, plausibly but then again all big corporations in usa already have their main holdings in 0-5% tax paradises...
>tax cuts for citizens and families expire in 2026 >corproation cuts permanent (untill revoked by future government)
>removes obama's fines to people who don't have health insurance well atleast that ridiculousness is removed, though still doesn't give them any access to health care
I mean seriously >so here is my obamacare >what if I don't want that >then I will fine you
>>351611 The eternal bureaucratic bullshittery plan make laws and legislation so long and fuckery to read and access, that the ordinary citizen can only trust the talking heads and such on them. also known as EU 101: how to cheat a continent into giving up their democracy
Bernie was also the guy the entire DNC machine revved up to stop from ever touching the general election, and he is not a member of the democratic party
>>351617 I think it's not really correct to say most of the US wants it. The issue, like a lot of other issues in the US, is sharply divided among people who have a job and people who don't have a job.
People woh are paying taxes don't really want it because they don't really want to pay for healthcare for everyone else.
>>351607 Our system is broken and makes things harder
>>351618 I would say some want it in the party, but the actual party heads just use it as a talkign pont to garner support *point It is just a form of populism in the end, though they don't call it that, because popularism can only be right-wing in the minds of the powers that be and the media.
whatever I have to go to the shop >>351624 If you would just fucking tax the bourg, you could cut taxes on the working people, AND pay for healthcare Fuck the bourg They're the ones getting all the fucking handouts >>351629 The fuck they do
>>351626 >>351630 they do have relatively high income taxation, however, no seriously rich person earns that much money through just wages et al, but rather dividends etc which are a lot smaller and cap out quite arly *early
>>351634 Yes, and high income taxes aren't neccesarily a great way to tax old money anyway. All they really do is limit upward mobility, they hit people making a lot of money and not people who already have a lot of money. Not a lot you can do though, people with lots of assets will just move them to tax havens if you tax them too hard.
Government shouldn't be taxing people to provide bloated social services anyway. Universal healthcare isn't a good fit for a country like America.
USA is actually quite clever it seems, unlike practically every country in the world, they tax any income made IN THE WHOLE WORLD can't personally evade capital gain taxes by throwing your money offshores. Of course, doesn't stop corporations, but still bloody clever
>>351636 They've started to get pretty serious about that in the past six years or so. Although basically no other nation really has the clout to enforce it the way we do.
>>351637 Yeah issue is still how do you really control and manage that, but still the legislation exists to sue anyone for not reporting income for tax evasion
>>351638 They've set up a thing that makes other countries have to give info on bank accounts owned by American citizens within their borders
>>351652 yeah I was just starting to remember something like this having posted before can't really function just had my first mug of coffee and it hasn't kicked in yet
System is ment to work, but people are always poking holes at walls and such and finding weakspots. though in your world view system is ment to oppress the people, so whatever.
Of course the problem comes when you consider does your system contain the resources necessary to provide the amount of positives, the people want, compared to the amount of oppression they are comfortable with. If the land is poor, taxes will be high if the land is rich, the taxes and such can be held to reasonable standards. >>351666 USA could easily be a more accomodating society, considering how wealthy and vast the country is, but it was never built to be so. Had you say started this progress 100 years ago, it would have been a lot smoother to change things. In modern times, while some changes can happen much quicker thanks to easier access and travelling of information and so on, the same applies also. Change is easier to bury and hinder with the same tools that allow information to pass, as can be seen with the fake news and big corporate media. People are easier to kick into frenzy that serves your ambitions than ever before, which makes any kind of big structural change hard to pull off as the forces that will lose from it, will rally much easier against it. Even if it is much easier for the pro-side to prove how this is positive, if the opposition can kick a bigger ruckus about their talking points, fuck the facts - noise always wins.
Well, the issue with taxes in America specifically is that we want to give everyone nice things, but there are a lot of people who take out more in nice things then they put into the system. Things right now are split politically between people who pay in and people who take out.
The US could go socdem without any fucking issues There's one thing stopping you: a government run and operated by and for corporations, for profit
>>351667 absolutely not. Socdem works in small countries with homogeneous populations. These are the only places we've seen such systems work.
There's absolutely no evidence that it would work anywhere else.
that's bullshit
have you tried?
"things only work where they've been tried, it will never work here" is the only fucking argument I've actually heard here It's just a vague "oh we're too big for democracy, we NEED authoritarianism!" It's horseshit, it's not a meaningful statement
You don't have to try something to know it won't work. All you have to do is just take a moment to actually look at the countries where socdem has worked and think about why it worked.
It has worked well in Nordic countries that have mostly homogeneuous populations. And in your country's case, it's backed by oil. Furthermore, the countries in which it have worked have not had to spend a lot of money on military spending since we foot most of the military bill for Europe.
The thing about socdem is that you need people who are willing to work hard and contribute to the system and who have pride in their country. There are too many leeches in America for it to work.
It's venezuela's fault that the US fucks with everything more leftleaning than Norway on principle
>>351673 Homogenity helps, but bigger issue in my opinion is simply when you started changing things towards social care system. We started here in the nord hundred eyars ago and basically went "okay this is the basic structure of society and this is on what we build on" and that already was way ahead of USA and most of the world in that manner.
I have no idea why the people with 2 jobs to get by are leeches, but the fuckstics at the top who BUY YOUR POLITICIANS with money and resources THEY INHERITED THE RIGHT TO are hard working, patriotic heroes
I refuse to entertain the idea that a poor person who wants to not die is a fucking leech, and I refuse to entertain the idea that racism is good
>>351676 Homogenity helps with the bottom line, which is that you need people who wake up every day and go to work because they want to contribute to the country/community/etc. Without that basic societal fabric, there's nothing keeping people from just dropping out of society and letting others pay the bill.
>>351677 I'm not talking about people who work hard but still don't make a lot. I'm talking about people who don't work hard and live on welfare.
>>351675 why does the one on the left look like "official news paper picture, shopped to make the house less offensive looking" and the left looks like actual unfiltered pci of it, and how polluted the surface of such buildings truly is in china?
>>351679 But strong culture and societial values are things that come hand in hand with homogenity. I think your country is a good example of that. Finland seems to have a very strong national identity and pride.
>>351681 Is this one of those communist arguments?
Finland had to ban the fucking nazi party, they're a shining example of why "homogenity" is a trash ideal
Us Finns ban many organisations, movements and parties every odd year as we look into their listed goals and ambitions, their actions and so on and then compare them to the legislation on such movemens, organisations et al and freedom of speech laws and then go "does it match" and ifn ot bannu this was just the most recent such, and "nazi" organisations aren't the only ones that get the hammer on them
>>351687 That just makes Finland sound more antinazi
Luckily in a sparsely populated country like finland, they like their right wing counterparts number in maybe a 1000 or so can't reall cause any ruckus in so low numbers
Not to mentiont when it comes to protests, if you do an "illegal protest" here the cops will shut you down in an instant no questions asked, no excuses taken just shut down everything on the spot You wanna protest, file a protest notest and then hold your rally of whatever you want as long as it isn't a riot or violent one. and if you wanna counterprotest, also file a note. Otherwise, don't complain as the cops come shutting you down. We have a clear ruleset for this shit and it ain't even complicated or difficult to work with.
They aren't really a problem here except outside of like certain college campuses or Seattle or something. The big problem they have here is most places you'll just get shot for acting like that.
>>351699 Biggest social problem imo in USA is the state of media, if you ask me. Though same applies to quite many european states too and even somewhat here
the biggest social problem in the US is its acceptance for people who want to remove people based on their skin color
>>351701 if you seriously think people just accept them, you live in a weirld world. They don't actively purge them or imprison them for holding their fucked up ideas as words and ideas are harmelss, if they actually act out those ideas and words, the issue is completely different.
Or otherwise, you could also justify arresting anyone preaching "bring down the government violently" or "kill the boushies" as they too preach violence and destability
>>351701 Despite what the media would have you believe, I don't think overt racism is really all that widespread here. People have no problem with minorities. People don't like the crazy level of immigration for other reasons.
People are also getting tired of forced diversity, especially in hiring and college acceptance and stuff. Disliking that stuff isn't being racist.
If you seriously think saying they should be protected by the police isn't protecting and accepting them, you're fucking delusional
>>351704 If someone who privately thinks fug da niggas or even says it on social media should be hammered down by the strong arm of law than anyone else saying and thinking similiar violent ideas should too
You just made it legal to shoot people for saying "kill the minority" so what stops same law for say shooting someone dead for sayign "kill the christian" or "kill the whatever"
>>351715 So then the law turns blind eye to the atrocities of mob justice? Hmm this reminds me of something a huge problem in the southern states back in the day...
You start with nazies you continue with commies then with X then with Y and then you are in a weird form of dictatorship where the state policy or whatever is enforced through mob justice
I warned you about this sort of thinking a few months ago. It's not good to try and label people as some evil label to justify violence against them. Violence against other people is very rarely justified, and violence against people for opinions they they hold is never justified.
People who actively try to establish a government where my friends are 'removed' aren't peaceful, they are not good. They are 100% evil
You persecute them, you give them narrative of victimhood and actually strengthen the movement and maybe even make them more popular Bad ideas are best slaughtered through market of free speech, just let the public opinion ridicule them for the idiots they are.
Fuck the narrative Anyone who buys into such a narrative is a fucking enabler and can be ignored
If the marketplace of free ideas functioned, according to you we'd have neither communists nor fascists on the rise It's not functioning
>>351723 Cause it doesn't in the USA, because the market is too regulated by the big media
The US has the strongest free speech laws on the books
>>351725 yes, but that speech is hard to get anywhere, when what most people read and interract it with comes through the censors of the bigcorpo run media and social media sites.
I can't disagree with that But then again, I don't believe "the good ideas will float to the top" to begin with, because it's ridiculous
Like I've said in the past, the right to offend is vital to social change. Things like the idea that women should be able to vote were offensive ideas when they first showed up.
>>351727 Is how it worked quite well before social media and globalism started to influence shit into USA-lite in here for example. Nobody took any fringe movements seriously just laughed at them just 15 or so years back.
>>351728 Any social change born from "this race needs to go" is a bad social change 100%
The rise of fascism wouldn't even be that big if media didn't make a mountain out of the tiny molehill it actually is and especially was. And if the lefties didn't go all "crusader" mode on them with their "punch a nazi" and whatnots. Easy to rally likeminded people behidn you when you are attacked from all sides. Nothing unites people more than an easily pointable enemy afterall.
Yeah, I don't think that facism is really rising in the US. It is a fact that white people are significantly more worried than they have been in the past, though. People tend to try to brand any white anxiety or anger as being facism or nazi stuff.
>>351733 Like the big march of charlesville? What was it 2000? people 2000 How many were on the pussy hat march against trump? MIllions? tens of millions?
The media portrays them as much bigger and scarier than they actually are and the nazies take that narrative and run with it afterall, if they are big and powerful boogiemen with allies in the whiteh ouse and backing from russia, who wouldn't want to join that group to fulfill their sick dreams or achieve power?
>>351733 That's just... false Fascism is rising, that's not even up for discussion, it's blatantly apparent
>>351736 You don't live in America and you've never even been here. What makes you think that facism is rising in America? Stuff you see in the news and on the internet?
>>351740 Alt right didn't exist then it was just other groups like that idiotic babtist church and so on the people just flagged under other groups that best represented their ideas and values and of course, those people being 20-40 back then and not the people who are 20-40 now, their values and ideas are quite different the current politically active group on the streets afterall is the generation interwebs
I don't really find a couple of way overreported events or rallies or whatever to be proof that facism is riding in the US. I've never seen anyone like that in real life. I've never seen anyone advocating genocide in real life.
I think that's mostly just people being idiots on the internet.
>>351745 Exactly Like I said, if the actual alt-righters and whatnots were so big, their rally in that charlesville would have been WAY higher and not just 2000 or so people. that is just so peanuts compared to the USA population or other rallies and protest you see there.
It's like saying that furries are rising in the US because there weren't furry cons ten years ago. The internet makes it easy for people with strange ideas to meet up and network with each other. That doesn't mean that the rest of us are cool with it.
We don't like it we don't want it and we want it as far away from us but we tolerate in the sense of "they have so far not actually broken any laws" so no action can and will be taken against them >>351752 show me the law they all have collectively broken or is quilty by association now the new law of the land
There's a really good line from the stop-motion movie Chicken Run, between the two human characters in the show. One of them sees the chickens finally putting together their giant wooden plane and cries to the other "the chickens are revolting!" And the other replised "finally we agree on something."
I have looked and looked for a YouTube clip of that scene and it doesn't fucking exist. It's depressing.
That car thing in Charlottesville is pretty troubling. It's troubling because it's part of a trend where violence is on the rise. The left has become increasingly violent too. Violent radiacls on both sides are a problem. You can't just point your finger at one side and act like the other is blameless.
Anarchists break laws on fucking principle, but we aren't COLLECTIVELY breaking laws, that would be nuts antifa aren't breaking any laws by your twisted view
Which is why you can't arrest someone on the basis of them just being a supporter of antifa and that is perfectly okay Unless of course someone bans that movement and makes supporting it illegal
>>351761 There is an enormous difference between punching a nazi calling for ethnic cleansing in the jaw, and killing someone holding a fucking banner on the sidelines of such an event
>>351764 Actually, yes there is a difference. The punching is an actual act of violence, while "calling" for something is just making a statement. The punch is worse.
I was talking about actual acts of violence. People are running over each other with cars, beating each other with deadly weapons, and so on. That sort of thing is troubling.
>>351771 Well, your sentence kind of details three acts. There's punching, running people over with cars, but you throw the guy's opinions in there too. Opinions don't matter, I don't really care about that.
The acts of violence are what I am concerned with. Punching someone is not as bad as running someone over, that's true. It's a matter of intensity. But people on the left have taken part in beating people with deadly weapons and so on. That's just as bad as hitting someone with a car.
The reason for violence is extremely important, and there is no way you disagree
Violence is always violence, though punishment must always also match the crime. Punching someone gets you punched back or fined or charged for assault, depending on the person who just got punched running someone over and killing them gets you in for murder or atleast manslaughter
saying "let's do violence against X" gets you scron from public in any decent society and nothing else.
>>351778 Police enforce the law. I think the overwhelming majority of police would prefer it if they were able to do their jobs without ever being violent.
Cops aren't allowed to inflict violence based on opinions. You can argue that the police are corrupt and get away with brutality but the ideal is that they only use it when absolutely necessary
>>351779 >>351780 This isn't related, because you disagreed that the reasons for violence are important
>>351782 she argued its wrong to inflict violence for opinions and that the opinions were unimportant. Not that there is never a reason to inflict violence
>>351785 so you say cops punching somone for their opinions is evil, just as we have said for the whole time that punching someone for opinions is evil and that is irrelevant how?
>>351784 They're not being beaten for "having a different view" That's reductionist to the point of fucking absurdity
They're being beaten for actively trying to achieve an ethnic cleansing, speech is not in some special category
There is no difference between a nazi thug that beats a commie or a commie thug that beats a nazi. They're just retards engaging in pointless political violence. I don't care which side they're on, they're both wrong.
>>351788 So by that logick, I can go beat up any commie for actively trying to kill the wealthy, steal my shit in the name of common good and such. Or any islamist preacher for preaching the death of infidels, which I am.
You say that it is okay to inflict violence on people who held opinions and may strive towards making those opinions and ideals a reality that you disagree with. fuck that sentence
IN your view, it is okay to inflict violence on people, who hold opinions and may possibly stive towards making said opinions and ideals reality. So, in your view, those people who you disagree with, have the equal rightness and justification to inflict violence on any group that holds countering ideals to them.
Theft is illegal Ethnic cleansing is evil
>from my perspective communism and democracy are both evil >I shall now beat all the commies whom I disagree with
>>351799 This is why we have laws so people like that can't get away with violently enforcing their views and so that controversial speech isn't stamped out
>>351801 And it's bad when they do this. But you think it's fine when you do it?
It's literal doublethink.
You fail to understand that you are OK with them making it a reality
yes you are, because you oppose any attempt to actually stop them from doing it
>>351808 uh, they should be stopped the moment they try to do something illegal. ethic cleansing is like really illegal, you know. A mayor isn't allowed to ethnically cleanse their city.
>>351810 Ethnic cleansing isn't illegal if you make it the law, rika
>>351811 Well, I can make about five constitutional arguments as to why it isn't legal. If the nazis manage to control the house, congress, and the state legislatures of 75% of the states they need to actually change the constitution, I think most everyone else will have moved by then.
>>351811 And you have to take a quite a big hammer to smash the cosntitution of any western nation at this point to make it legal back in the day of 1930s germany they had a constitution of "well we used to have a kaizer and reichskansler who decided everything so... let's just scribble over the kaiser and leave it with Reichskansler.... Hmm maybe add a president here too to balane it bit off" and that was their cosntitution as THEY LITERALLY HAD PRACTICALLY NO CONSTITUTION JUST 20 YEARS PRIOR they were a fucking aristocratic empire that had democracy for only the nobles of the land and even that democracy " " was easily thrown out of the window whenever the kaiser or the reichskansler so decided not to mention, the military still practicalyl called the shots anyhow as Prussia was an army with a country, and by proxy so was the early german empire.
Easy to take over a system, when it has no safeguards of anykind against the usurpers. Like the roman dictatorship system, "what if the dictator never gave up pwoer" well the dictator usualyl didn't have the means to keep said power, as their followers were loyal first to the republic then to their leaders but when the followers, ie. the army, became loyal first to the leader and then to the republic, Julisu Caesar happend. and there were no safeguards of any kind to stop him from turning the republic into a monarchy
Clubbing someone to death in a back alley because you're afraid they will manage to amend the constitution so they can kill minorities certainly isn't a reasonable position to take.
anti fascist action doesn't operate in alleyways and dark corners
The irony of communists in general is that even though they paint themselves as enemies of the facists, they're the ones who drive normal people int o their arms. Commies trying to crash the country is one of the major reasons Germany went nazi.
>>351821 No. This acutally happened in Germany. We have a case study to look at. If conditions deteriorate to the point where normal people have to choose between commies and fascists, they will choose fascists.
>>351822 and italy and finland and sweden and norway and denmark and france and spain and estonia and latvia and lithuania and hungary and yugoslavia and romania and bulgaria and greece and united kingdom and usa
>>351822 and they're wrong to because fascists are fucking fascists
>>351823 movements didn't get enough support in norway and sweden to garner any attention same germany france and uk were stable enough to not cause communism to get a foothold or fascism greece nearly fell to fascism, but didn't in the end Finland, being just right out of a civil war with the commies and beign bordered by USSR had a good breeding ground for fascmism, but in the end we just said to them "fuck you" and dealt with them nearly escalated to a short civil war, though aaand rest of thecountries became fascist
I mean sure, end goal no personal property, but this isn't like, the immediate goal or something that's going to be reached with force because it's meaningless to
>>351833 Another well documented thing is that the rest of the population weren't down with bashing fascists Which is arguably the only way they can possibly win
>>351835 The majority of people just want to be left alone. They want to work their jobs, raise their kids, and life comfortable lives. They won't choose sides unless forced to.
Russian civil war is just a treasure of this shit. first they fight the good old red vs white war then the reds start even before the war is over tearing themselves apart and finally even still in the 1930s, there were "heretical revolutionary" hold outs east of urals
there even were the anarchists and separatists grouping loosely together as the "green side" but welp their numbers were so low, they were just swept aside quite quickly
Hence, we're trying to grow now, before shit goes tits up Because we don't support the MLs, and intend to fucking fight them >>351848 I don't consider the status quo peaceful
If you go down it, when the merchant class first came to be, that is when capitalismw as born. Making it old as human civilization essentially. And as language, maths, and practically all cornerstones of civilizations were founded to support trade between individuals or groups. You can argue that capitalism is why we are at any level beyond hunter gatherers and small farming communes.
>>351863 There can be, but it'll kinda naturally phsae itself out, since personal property is rendered meaningless >>351864 Personal is just stuff you have Private is means of production which you use to generate more capital by employing wage labor and such
You generally divide people into working class, the middle class and then the upper class middle class is where you make enough to also own something you aren't rich per se, but you aren't struggling and might even own property or stock basically property
>>351892 I have a friend who could choose to be unemployed, because his family just has over the years bought enough property that they can rent out and investments that they can live off of, but still everyone of their family works. Cause they choose and cause just living on the "robbery" income would but them practically on breadlines, as it isn't enough actually. it is just a nice bonus.
And I work because I'm scared about what could happen if I find myself in a position where I need to work in a few decades but have no skills. If I could not work without fear at all I wouldn't work.
>>351903 So you want to build a society where no one who wants to work isn't forced to. Well that can exist once you invent machinery and robotics to replace all humans
>>351904 We already have the machinery, we just gotta make it and put it to use for all >>351907 The people who benefit from it All of us >>351907 Yeah, but not because someone's holding resources away from you if you don't
>>351908 The top already lives in a pseudo-FALGSC They don't need to do a thing, and they can just go get whatever they want
>>351906 so who maintains it? and who makes the machinery to make
>>351908 Because the whole point is to improve the life of everyone "why house the homeless if you can kill them?" Cause we wanna, rika We wanna help them That's the goal Killing them isn't compatible with our goal
Well, I do agree with what TN is saying up there. But setting that aside
What you want is contrary to human nature. People will always seek power. Especially men. There will always be a powerful man at the top. It's just how people are. You can't remove the ambition from people's hearts.
Human nature is extremely moldable You can have ambition and drive in communism, there's nobody stopping you from making something great, it's encouraged You just don't get to control other people anymore
>>351912 You don't understand ambition. Ambition isn't about having something great. Something great has no value if everyone has it. Ambition is about competition, and competition is about bringing down those greater than you are.
>>351917 No, the system you seem to envision has no powerful man at the top. I don't really mean to be sexist here but I really do think the top dog is almost always a man, since they thrive on competition a bit more tham women do.
I sure fucking don't.
>>351919 and if a woman is on top, they have a group of men behind her and eventually a man will replace her
>>351918 I dunno, apparently human nature isn't about tearing other people down >>351919 Yeah its tended to be men The point is to maintain a system without that hierarchy though, refocus society from profit to prosperity
I didn't really finish my thought though, I got sidetracked on the man thing.
People will always be trying to grab up power. You can't just not have a government, and you can't just not have people who want control. People will naturally seek those things. Humans naturally seek hierarchy.
>>351922 human nature is to compete against other individuals or other groups
>>351923 Also as a general problem, in order to have any kind of society, especially on the level we currently have you need a lot of administration and bureaucracy to keep track of things pen pushers are in the end a must. and those already are a level of governance even if a "government" per se doesn't exist. those who sign and mvoe the papers hold power over other people and eventualyl will start to use it for selfish gains, be they whatever. and eventually, the pen pushers or someone who can rally their support, will form a some kind of governing body and start to dictate things.
An earlier argument was that "communes" of that sort used to exist well uyaeh because things were so simple back then that it was possible >>351926 wat how is that related in any level?
you have 100 people living in area that food is a plenty, so it isn't a problem for them to just feed themselves but then you have 100 people living say 100 or so klicks of them to the west where food is scarce, but say they have plenty of metals that they can gather or whatever so it makes sense for 100 people to still live there and harvest that metal so that metal can be used for whatever purposes, bu they still need that food so now those 100 people west of them are in a good position to produce a bit more food for the easteners, so they don't starve, but of course already they do some extra work that they get nothing out of it. but however the 100 people isn't that constant numbers and someone still needs to gather the amount of food the easterners need, ferry it over to them from the westerners /vice versa, and also keep a track of it
I have had my computer for years without new parts
It's not like we'll be unable to set something up People are smart
I had to replace a part just few months ago that part requires so many materials from so many different places of the world that are hard to harvest, hard to manufacture itno the form that they require to be combined into the hard to combine final product
and who is going to work in the mine if nobody has to work mines are terrible. Nobody wants to work in them.
And even if people are willing to work you need someone to push the pens to keep track of things that place A making farming tools has enough shit to make farming tools so that Place B farming food can farm enough food to feed both Place A and C that make farming tools and harvest the materials for farming tools
Complex societies really can't exist without central planning.
>>351950 That's just not how it is. People pass the buck! One time my roommate and I didn't take the trash out for two months because we were waiting for the other person to do it.
>>351950 "Things will have to get done, cause they'll have to get done" yeah... if this was the fact, then army would have been sooo easy for the officers... man you wouldn't believe how far people go to avoid doing things, even if the end result is for their personal and the groups benefit, just because "meh"
My life story is how far I've gone to avoid doing things even when the end result is great personal benefit for me.
There is COVER and there is COVER FROM WORK cover protects you from artillery and death cover from wrok protects you from doing stuff at the moment guess which is more sought after
>>351952 >>351953 I really doubt 150 years worth of theory and study will topple over because your roomates are lazy
>>351950 What if instead of doing this on a local level we had coordinated factories utilising economies of scale to pump out standardised parts that can be used in many things instead of expecting people to fix complex things locally every time
I can abse it on personal experience anecdotes and historical fact >>351959 it isn't but it is an organisation where you ahve to work for the common good of the group with no profit or personal gain attached
>>351973 No, you don't understand. I don't think humanity can exist without those things. I don't care what system you use, people will kill each other and wars will be waged.
If you use a system that doesn't encourage murder for profit, it won't happen
Dude in our DNA is hard wired "bone as many women as you can and bonk all the dudes who come in your way" as male specimens of our race and in women there is something like that, but bit different
>>351979 No hundred thousand years of evolution and so but the basic instinct is there and that is what has created the basis for all human society from the first hunter gatherer groups to the modern democracies or dictatorships
>>351977 why are monogamous relationships more socially acceotable than polygamous ones then curious
>>351982 It was found that it is the most beneficial form of partnership for the survival of the offspring still didn't prevent both the male or the female from tryign to "spread in the dark" when the other partner wasn't looking.
We do not have scarcity of the vital parts of human survival We simply do not. It is not a fact that we have too little of the necessities
More importantly, we have been shaped by scarcity. Even if scarcity were to stop being a thing tomorrow, the assumption that scarcity exists is part of the human psyche. It is human nature to plan for tomorrow, because tomorrow might not be as good as today is.
>>351990 If we say took all the excess food that could be send to them and fed them like that eventually the area providing that food and aid would run out of said food
>>351992 So we should let children die because they could grow up to be lazy Good moral system
>>351993 No, we should invade the region, fuck their corrupt and shitty governments and warlords, establish a firm rule on the land and slowly teach them the modern ways of man that have built our stable socities.
Places where we have provided food to have seen population explosions. Where food was not scarce, the population bred to the point where food was scarce once more.
Why are we not having a higher birth rate, then? Is our race simply better?
>>351996 We had and it has evened out through the ages
>>351996 This sort of thing tends to happen in third world countries. The birth rate is low in western countries for other reasons not related to scarcity.
The big baby boom happened in now developed nations and then started to even out eventually the "age pyramid" will form into an age square where all the age groups are around same sized and the developing world is in various stages of this, be it the exploding birth numbers or the slow and steady movement towards the square
>>352000 Nah, you're missing the issue there. Birth rates in western countries have to do with choices made by women, not anything having to do with food. Women in western countries have more choices and less reasons to pop out babies.
>>351994 Yes, because empire for the sake of bringing civilization to others has worked soooo well in the past.
>>352002 All attrocities aside it did work quite well, the fault is that they never actually let the locals learn that much and by the time they removed their presence, they had modern tools but no real time to adapt to them. They were in the baby boom era that we were 100-200 years ago, but with modern stuff tot hrow around and modern issues to tackle no slow transofmration and adaption of society so that it could slowly becoem stable and reliable >>352004 That was different era of colonization btw, I am talking more about the africa era here.
>>352003 It hasn't worked quite well at fucking all. Look at the cultural destruction of the Aboriginal peoples of the Americas. Look at the physical state they exist in. That is not an example of "bringing civilization" working well at all.
>>352001 what about Japan which is notno western country
>>352005 Japan is still kind of having the same thing happen as most other educated western countries. It is a little different though because it's east asian. Women do have a little less freedom there but a lot of that freedom is er a lot of that lack of freedom is due to tradition and stuff like that.
People there aren't breeding so much though. The breakdown between men and women there is a little different than what we see in western countries.
I feel like you're ignoring economic realities that do exist. It's true that women have more freedom and careers but it's also true that third world farmer families tend to be large because farms have a lot of things that need doing and because they have a higher mortality rate amongst kids Bringing it down to stating that the difference in birthrates in western countries is all to do with women and nothing to do with financial status of the family is looking at one cause and ignoring all the others
>>352007 Well, I think the birth rate issue in Japan is a little different than what we have going on in the west. A lot of the issue in Japan is fueled by herbivore men. The issue with herbivore men is really big in Japan.
Raising kids in developed countries is kinda difficult though, because it's so expensive.
Japan is overpopulated anyhow, so is a constant raise of population actually necessary for a stable economy or necessary for the constant increase of debt in said nation? We western tend to think decreasing birth numbers, basically decreasing population is the end of a nation, but japan still keeps going on despite all predicitons and doomspeak aimed at them
>>352007 Well, that is true. The population explosion we've seen in Africa doesn't have anything to do with needing farmhands though. The population explosion in Africa has corresponded very closely with all the aid that we've sent there over the past few decades. Essentially, we cured world hunger and then it became a problem again because the population just increased to a point where people were hungry again because there's so many more of them.
Falling birthrates in western countries is a deeper and more complex issue than that, and what you said is probably a part of it. Slowing economies and choices made by women are parts of it too. Choices made by women is just something close to home so that's what I thought of first.
>>352010 Also since the food was just brought in, the locals didn't have that dire need to develop their own agricultural capacity, especially in the regions that had just essentialyl scorched their own farms due to unrest and civil war, and instead of aiding them to rebuild said agriculture we just poured resources into the hands of the now ruling new elite or warlords and thought "job well done"
>>352014 temporarily if you actually look at the history and then it all started to break apart due to various reasons like some major grain producers of africa falling into unrest due to internal conflicts or just like rika said, population growing ever larger so the food shipments weren't enough
Basic issue in the world is, that you can't just give people the building blocks of a stable democracy and expect them to know what to do with them, if they havn't really had the history and the culture that gave birth to them and the time to grow into them slowly you can't expect a 5 year old to wear size 11 boots either. as patronizing as that is, the fact is some parts of the world and the people living in them havn't just had the luxury to have the social development and cultural development to adapt to the rapidly developing world we live in now. Europeans, chinese, japanese, and later northern americans just bloody lucked out. the rest lucked out somewhat or none at all.
Amusingly one reason why scandinavia is quite stable region, is becaue they were pushed out of the great power game quite early on as bigger fish ate all the medium sized and small fishes that posed threat to the scandies, eventually they were just left to be on the sidelines and watch as the great powers of europe danced their dances. Though occasionally dragged alongside for a bloody ride. Still left a lot of manpower and resources that weren't fueled into whatever war or conflict was arising or waging, that could be invested instead in the homeland one way or another.
>Robotti Ruttunen, a robot that Rölli constructs, appears in the cassette plays. Robotti Ruttunen has personality characteristics reminiscent of humans with Asperger syndrome, and finds himself ostracized for this. In the song about him, Ruttunen eventually marries an old kitchen stove.
WEll that is basically just the same as saying "man would a pet tiger be cool" it is based on bad information gained from vids like that
The biggest problem with that analogy is that tigers wouldn't exactly be free to run around. Raccoons roam about the territory they set up home in and are a general nuisance to everyone in the vicinity. Especially if you've managed to make one relatively comfortable in close proximity to a person and it -and there isn't the easy intimidation tool of scaring it off with your body.
>>352031 Not making any comparison between animals, rather taht the "neatness" of having one as a pet, is just based on bad information gaiend from questionable sources.