Thread #351440
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I'm here.
netjuu kino shoujo shuumatsu yuki yuuna
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>>351443 >>351444 I see, I see
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Sakura is so great
this threa dis for anime
>>351445 And an episode of Umaru, but today's shows are too good to pass up.
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Oh I forgot about Umaru. but yes let's start with yuki yuna okay let's start
Yucky Yuuna
Loony Luna
when did togo disappear i thought she existed at the end
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They showed a foreboding image of her floating at the end. That's all though.
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Sakura is the best
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>it sounds too good to be true it probably is!
Trust isn't always enough to save someone.
Naisu boat
CGI yuusha
Oh Sonoko's already using her Mankai again.
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Well, Sonoko is the expert at overusing her mankai.
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There's that insignia thing again. I wonder what those are all about.
Some penalty they'll have to pay the price for eventually. But I guess for now they've saved her.
So the explanation is "you should have died but you were too strong so you didn't" Sounds fishy.
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there will be suffering, for sure. okay kino okay lets start
Adventure romance
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At this point I'm not sure if Kino or Shizu has had more screen time.
Kino is supposed to be pretty gender-neutral in terms of appearance. Makes that guy on look out have some somewhat interesting tastes.
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Well, that old man has pretty good instincts.
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So you can cause a lot of trouble and get away with it if you're useful
can you shitpost in the other thread
>>351475 I would imagine the cost in points would scale the worse your offenses, but yeah, it seems if you work hard to garner good boy points, you could probably literally get away with murder. Which in my opinion means this system is inherently broken.
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>>351477 Well, it looks like that's kinda the plot point here.
This is a good way of working the plot element here. If they just stopped at "I saved up my points and now I want to kill a specific person" it would be a little boring. Though I guess they kind of made it boring since he's just wanting to kill Kino. The moral struggle would be more interesting if he didn't have someone he wants to kill.
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You'd think after all that work he'd have at least one person he wants to kill.
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well that's kind of afunny way to end up. He became a good person for a edgy reason and ended up just being an unironically good person by accident.
Kino is a really bad cook, eh. How moe.
Oh I like how this country looks.
Ti has a really cynical view of the world for someone so young.
It's a little unusual to see Kino all worked up and flustered like this.
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Kino loses her spaghetti pretty quick in certain circumstances.
Iroiro na Kuni
That was a fun gauntlet of a bunch of different countries. I really like how they shake up the pacing and some times do two or several countries in an episode.
Hah hah hah what is this meta.
hey tilde theres another episode of thatmusic anime
Yeah I saw. From the look of it these new ones are OVA episodes, instead of the movie-length the previous episodes were.
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okay shoujo shuumatsu okay okay let's start!
I think on Monday I wont be able to anime actually maybe we'll see
>>351506 Keep us posted if it becomes certain later on.
That was pretty cool. I want to explore aged, abandoned factories with giant robots marching around.
Potato potatoes.
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The potato heads look funny on their bodies.
Chi is a little more conscious than Yuu.
Wow they're going to Shadow of the Collossus that giant robot.
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Wow that little robot is betraying his friend.
Friendship with giant spider robot ended Now fish is my best friend
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Oh, I see. I guess the little robot needed to live in this area or something.
There's a surprising number of ED themes for this series.
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netjuu! okay let's start!
A recommendation of the wonderful virtual life
Hah hah hah. He overloaded her.
Oh she even made the joke herself.
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They're such a cute couple.
Yeah, I figured it would be him saying something like "[since it would be awkward for you know, knowing this,] I'll quit the game."
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She won't friend zone him.
Make sure you walk her home gently, Sakurai.
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She seems like kind of a bad player sometimes.
hes gonna beat her up for rejecting his boyfriend
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I don't think he really got rejected. She just didn't understand what message she sent and he is gloomy.
Sakurai has a really roomy living room. For a guy living alone in a city he's got a pretty large house.
Oh Morimori has started tying her hair back again. She needs to let it grow out again and get that great ponytail going again.
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Koirwai's phone is really pink. It's a very girly phone color.
I guess despite his flirtiness with Morimori, Koiwai does have the intent of wingmanning for his buddy.
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Yeah, I guess we know now. Koiwai was trying to be helpful. He was the hardest to read wingman ever.
I really like how Morimori has done up her hair today. Also Morimori pleaaaaseeee
Oh I know the paranoia of reading too much in what people are saying.
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In this case, he's not reading enough into it.
Yeah I'm speaking from Morimori's case here.
And now he's brought her home. Like some sort of stray cat.
It's taken us all episode to get back to the start of the episode.
One more episode left but we might get OVAs soon after
Oh I didn't know this was a short-running series. That's a bit of a shame.
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I'm just happy it's going in the direction I want it to go.
thanks for aniem
Thanks for animean