>>349382 Is it that you want me to suffer the pain of not being allowed to sleep or do you just want me awake so you can enjoy my company? Or maybe you want me awake so you can abuse me!
>>349504 I've heard people be extremely hopeful and optimistic about The Last Jedi, cause apparently the director got creative control of some other franchise based on the work he did But really, what that means is it will be profitable, not necessarily what the fanbase wants.
yesterday in class, my professor asked what /// or well, she was kind of talking about the cultural background of thanksgiving (the part we appropriated from the Natives) and she asked if we knew what thanksgiving was originally about i didn't even raise my hand i just deadpan go "it's a celebration for when we killed all the native americans"
>>349514 hahah In principle it is true, but some survived so they were put in their own dedicated zoo zones, and you pretend the natives and pilgrims were actually buddies who shared dinner to celebrate their comraderie
i still didn't realize she was talking about the cultural appropriation of the holiday at first, so then i tried to answer legitimately and i was like "lincoln established it during the civil war to promote unity and patriotism, is that what you mean?" and she was like "uhh no but that's true"
I didn't even know about that My knowledge of thanksgiving is extremely limited though
I know your president exhonerates a turkey, and also you slaughter and eat millions more turkeys, and I assume there's songs, maybe? Oh and sometimes you wear fancy hats to get in the spirit of colonizing
there's only one thanksgiving song that i know of actually and it's not even the kind that you can sing with your family it's like a 7 minute string of consciousness about someone trying to do something on thanksgiving
Hey when you sign up for health insurance, how do pre-existing conditions work? Can you get away with it if you don't have a formal diagnosis already, and get by going "I didn't know, you gotta pay for my treatment"?
Will they require you to get checked for some stuff? How's the procedure in this hellworld?
>>349532 I have a family friend that cuts my hair. It's nice because she knows exactly what I want and we're more-or-less acquaintances so the conversation is never really awkward or anything. Plus she gives really good scalp massages. It's a little expensive but I don't mind because she's good and a friend.
>>349533 It depends on the policy. Sometimes you have to get checked out, but usually pre-existing conditions are just ones you have already been diagnosed with. So if you have heart disease and try to get insurance, the heart disease is a pre-existing condition. If you haven't been diagnosed yet, it's not counted, generally.
>>349529 desk is too high up to type on the laptop desk is too small to hold laptop and my mechanical keyboard have to plug laptop into outlet on other side of the room and have it stretch across behind me have to plug mechanical keyboard into three ports on the laptop, mouse on other side wire mess everywhere no room on top of desk for mech keyboard, so i have to put it on a pillow on my lap underside of desk is too low to fit keyboard ontop of my lap under the desk without banging my hands on top of desk not enough space to scoot chair out to type unobstructed on my lap the desk sucks and is wobbly
>twitter dot com conversation ends with the other guy going "this whole exchange began before I even knew the RT'd tweets and (by trump) videos were unconfirmed to be real >this person was the one who linked an article stating "The content of the videos are unconfirmed"
Brain Worms
>>349542 at that point i'd just lie on the floor and type there
Guess so especially if you aren't used to though it can get your upper back muscles sore after 6 hours of work
yeah and i need to be careful about that my neck is already really messed up but so is my lower back i have to alternate which part of my body i want to abuse to get work done
because i'm living in a shithole it's my shitty home office literally shitty there is a litter box to my immediate right it impedes my workspace and is nauseating this was supposed to be temporary living and i've been here four five months now i don't like it
kirja 25 arcs riisi 500 arcs 20 kirjas pakka 5000 arcs, 10 riisis riisi means rice for some reason and kirja means book, but in this case more as in book keeping or maybe you could translate it as note
>he was taken from his home, shot in the head and buried in an unmarked grave I mean as opposed to what, a marked one? Do killers sometimes get gravestones for their victims?
>>349558 that seems quite standard about 3-5€ for a ream is pretty standard price outside of wholesellers and such. I got some damn good bargain back then and printed a fuckton so Ithought I'd need it
Kirara 🦃
well the guy was killed by US military
unmarked grave is just an intensifier though like THEY DISRESPECTED THE DEAD
>>349562 $40 for 10 reams is like an insane deal but i don't think i'll ever use that shit and idek if it'd be worth lugging it up three flights of stairs lol
>>349560 that would actually be quite creepy >walking in some national park >stumble across a clear grave marker with some text >My 20th victim, killed him over 7 days of slow torture, may his screams be as loud in hell as in life
Wait he drops the wallet on the floor, and this guy standing meters away is able to read the (to the camera pressed up against it) barely readable name on the driver's license?
Hahah, they think icing this dude is gonna change anything Dude if they can find him, they can find out where he works, and they can find everyone there and force SOMEONE to spill the beans on who this dude was hanging out with recently
well they are finally getting into the final meat of the story I just hope it will be good
>Final meat This is just the culmination of the first ten years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We've still got the next fifty to look forwards to. Thanks Disney.
Kirara 🦃
>>349577 yeah, it looks like it'll be really good i think it's weird for them to release it before even black panther is out though
They have just been doing that "I didn't do jackshit and everything went to hell" with tony for quite long especially hammering it with Ultron so if they did nothing with it, it would be quite shame or maybe that is how captain dies pulling tony out of another wormhole death
Well at the very least. It's safe to say Vision is fucking dead.
Kirara 🦃
yeah rip i wouldn't be surprised if he managed to survive or get brought back using some kind of tech hack though with more limited abilities
Yeah I figure his body might be intact enough after the whole affair is done with. So they can beat back Thanos and just stick the gem back in his forehead.
My prediction is that by the end of part 1 the whole team is defeated atleast vision is dead thor is blasted to outerspace and the guardians scene plays out at near end
>>349597 Buyt the problem is how do they beat thanos with the gauntlet it has always been a huge asspull of deus ex machina to beat anyone with the fully powered gauntlet
Kirara 🦃
>>349597 i think they'll probably find something else to power him thor or the guardians might know a way
I should try to catch up on my MCU movies before Infinity War. Still gotta see Spiderman, Guardians vol.2, and Civil War.
Kirara 🦃
most of them are on Netflix i think maybe not for Canada
Oh yeah I gotta check out Ragnarok. Which I want to fucking watch even if it doesn't hav anything to do with Infinity War. It just looks cool.
>>349602 The only of these three in the catelogue is Civil War. I wonder if Disney has already stalled putting new Marvel stuff up while prepping for their own streaming service.
Kirara 🦃
i oh, netflix says guardians will be added in december
Hm, and what, it was four to six months between Guardians and Homecoming?
Kirara 🦃
apparently there might be problems getting spidey on netflix because it was marvel/sony and not just marvel
>>349610 Nah man. DIsney could operate its own streaming service at a loss and never hurt for money. And think of it this way. They don't have to pay -- Actually it's Netflix that pays them, innit.
Well it means they get to keep the digital rights to streaming their shit.
>>349611 Yeah but in the end it would be quite mono disney not a lot of people would sub for just the occasional IP they have there just look at HBO, people only pretty much pay for it when GoT is on not to mention Viasats etc Netflix has just killed its rivals quite well
Kirara 🦃
disney CEO said a few weeks ago that the disney subscription would be substantially cheaper than netflix but it's not launching until 2019 so
>>349612 HBO creates a lot of consistently attractive content beyond Game of Thrones. They also get the rights to some major movies.
>>349615 which is probably why they can get away with a cheap subscription relatively few movies and shows, but extremely popular ones cheap subscription means anyone with children can grab on too
>>349615 Yeah but "just Disney" is now anything in the Star Wars universe. And current MCU movies "save some exceptions", and I wouldn't be surprised if Disney starts making Marvel television series on their streaming service instead of delegating to Netflix.
>>349623 And since they most likely host 90% of their own IP, they don't ahve to pay for any rights
Kirara 🦃
they can even do shit like, disney theme park package deals and shit like that
Hell they can just throw every disney animated movie there and that alone will attract people like hell and as an added bonus, addi n dubbed versions of them too
Kirara 🦃
especially if they add the animated series that would make so much money for almost no work
I wonder what the move is when people in movies and shows go "Look, you know torture doesn't work, you won't get reliable information from me" Like what if the guy goes "Oh... fuck, shit, are you serious? Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, I'm... what do I do now, dude? I can't just let you go."
I wonder do i ahve that save file somewhere that would make the fully upgraded end game glove available when you get the glove it would be boringly fun to play it with that imba glvoe
Hmm thinking about the endings of singularity I wonder which one could be considered even slightly good? In one you have you and the other dictator guy split the world into two totalitarian states that then wage war with time technology in second you have the scientist found a global communist/technocrat state so not much better and in third you let the world fall in chaos, untill you take over america and raise it back into a global raising power of some sort all are kinda crapsack grimdark
>secret stash you need a box from earlier region to get into >okay time to get creative >attempt 1 send a box and an explosive canister to orbit the moon
>attempt 3 this tiem send a crate to orbit mars 2 >attempt 3 send self to orbit mars >game respawns me with noway to backtrack and try to get into loot room fuck you activision
on and there was an invisible wall blocking you anyhow
Who makes a loot room you can only get to if you bring along a box from fucking waaay back through several firefights to use on it then... Like seriously that isn't a puzzle that is "fuck you"
>>349691 A little bit Her airbag didn't go off, she has some chest bruising. No broken bones Car was totaled
>>349693 >a little bit That's lucky if it was totaled
>>349694 I consider injuries that allow you to walk around and do most random stuff to be "a little bit" Also totaled is an insurance term I have a friend who totaled his car by rear ending someone in bumper to bumper traffic, his airbag didn't go off because the accident wasn't severe enough Anyways totaled means "it would cost more to repair than the car was worth"
Also we're joining a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer for faulty airbags.
>>349703 I hope you have a more fun dinner tomorrow!
>>349706 I hope so! I think that I will. I am so bored tonight though.
I'd been waiting for a package that was supposed to get delivered today, and was kind of confused when a package my dad had ordered was waiting in the door when I got home earlier today. More so, I checked the package tracking system and they said mine had been delivered. It had been; the deliverer had just hidden it under a bush growing over my front porch.
FUN FACT: "Kyoji" and "my boyfriend" have the same amount of syllables. >>349750 I dunno honestly. All I know is that you can do a "________ with the HELP OF... MY BOYFRIIIIIIIIIIEND" like a real King of Hearts would.
>>349746 Dude I've seen the first episode. It's trying too hard to force "intrigue" and whatever Seriously though Introducing all the different factions in the first episode is just poor writing.
>>349752 >dude I've seen one episode years ago rei just shut up
>>349744 I do not understand. >>349746 My boyfriend said Double 0 is one of his favorite Gundams. >>349748 I have not seen any.
>>349772 Mostly. I think Gundam is a bit hit and miss.
im having nightmares again last night, i had the generic part of the nightmare where a spooky thing pops out at me but then i was teleported into a dark room with four doors, and i realized i was dreaming and decided to wake up, but couldn't. That was the scariest part. Then somehow i knew to throw a feather into whichever door opened that had a pair of eyes looking at me, and THEN i woke up
fuck that terror realm
>>349773 I am not sure if I will like it. It seems like a guy thing. I will give it a try because my boyfriend likes it so much though.
Somewhere on this computer is Gundam Unicorn or Turn A Gundam. One of the two Still haven't watched it yet.
>>349775 Some Gundam also handle political drama or other thematic concepts a bit wide-ranging than just big robots righting. Like Rika's saying it's also good eye-candy for female viewers that like that sort of thing. Not all of them are good because of this, but there is a bit of a change-up from just being robot on robot action.
>>349775 Gundam has a really big female following, actually. It has lots of boys in it. I guess when I say that it's mostly among the Japanese and all that. Lots of fujoshi like it too.
I haven't seen Wing since childhood but looking back at clips is over the top political opera. The only reason I would recommended it is because OPERATION METEO is the funniest idea I have ever heard. Like... they came up with this with such seriousness and really intended to carry it out.
Wing is pretty fucking good
>>349777 Maybe that is why my boyfriend likes it. He is very political. >>349778 What is a fujoshi? I think you told me once but I forgot. >>349780 >>349778 Do girls like it just for the boys?
>>349783 Depends on the girl I'd imagine the melodrama can be a big draw for girls too. I think Seed is the most successful gundam with women and Seed had a lot of pretty boys and melodrama Some girls might like the politics and robots and other stuff too though
>>349787 Lockon is very dreamy I am not gay but I would marry Graham
>>349783 There are levels. The boys are the marketing. You come for the boys, you stay for the drama.
I think 00 has a strong female base like that.
>>349783 Fujoshi is a Japanese term that can roughly translate literally as "rotten girl". It's used to refer to girls that tend to get really, really into gay pairings between fictional characters -- namely between two males, but many fujoshi are also fans of pairings on the other side of the gender divide too.
>>349791 political drama, people drama, friend drama, "friend" drama self drama family drama There's FAR too many gundam series to really nail it down. I haven't seen 00 so I can't reallly tell you.
koi koi koi koi koi
>>349785 >>349786 What kind of drama is it? >>349788 Oh. I remember now. I think Rika told me about that once.
>>349791 Depends on the show Some are primarily war dramas and deal with the stresses of that situation. Like the original is about civilians adapting to life in war. Seed is more like interpersonal drama about relationships and how the protagonist finds ideals in the way he fights.
A lot of gundams are about growing up. The gundam itself places power and responsibility in the hands of the mc and a lot of their growth revolves around growing up and dealing with it.
>>349809 She was an idol looking for fans. At first she tries rigging a tournament so she can win and gain recognition but she gets rekt by Seis passion for gundam. Then she gets into gunpla for real and becomes the legit gunpla idol
>>349811 She was at first but by the end she's a really nice girl
>>349829 bang hypothetical here a wild renaldo moon appears and challenges you to an eating contest and tells you you get to choose the entree what is it
Some select song titles "Without MSG I Am Nothing" "Dave, Stop Killing Prostitutes" "The Difference Between Me and You Is That I'm Not on Fire" "Reformed Arsonist Seeks Child Bride" "Bipolar Bears Take Seattle"
>>349848 I'm doing well. I have absolutely wasted this evening. I've done nothing. I've not even slacked off productively. I had sat here listening to music and doing basically nothing all night and I have no idea how it is so late already.
>>349856 That's the plan. I wonder how well it'll work now that I'm two hours late. I have to read a bunch of stuff tomorrow morning so I have to get up early enough to at least make an attempt. I have meetings all afternoon tomorrow and Friday, too.
>>349860 This week, yeah. I have to write a paper this weekend, and then prepare a presentation by the 5th, and then on the 7th or 8th, I'm going to teach a bunch of classmates statistics because I'm too nice for my own good.
>>349861 Sounds busy! I get to have a few slower days later in the week though, but still have some things to do. I remembered today that I have jury duty on monday, too.
Hee I just killed them both to keep the device I think the game kinda primes you for it how much you gain power especially toward the end
>>349869 Well that was mainly a joke. But those books while not replacing a textbook do provide good introductions and overviews of their respective topics. In a way that is still useful in a different way
>>349877 I will have like four times the courseload that I do now and will also be providing therapy. >>349876 I don't know if they can even learn this stuff from books. They're really just not understanding anything.
I just reread my last sentence and felt bad that I wrote it.
>>349878 I honestly think that may be due to thewait no Nvm
>>349881 Yeah. After a year, I'll have some freedom again. Maybe.
I don't know if I c Fuck I forgot exactly what I was going to say Well, anyways I just find it really weird that people learn more advanced prob and stats in a way that doesn't depend on calculus.
To me it just seems like a bad way to teach it, because you are in many cases going tto be taught to take rules aand results from things whose derivations you don't understand and just memorize them without knowing why and how they work to a level where yyou can really understand them.
the battle is pretty much waiting for the APA to die so psychology can be decent again the APA actively stifles research and diversity of theory because it's run by people that are insecure about psychology not being considered in the way physical medicine is so they keep trying to make everything like physical medicine when it's not
the apa recently decided that you can't use the word "concentration" to describe the types of courses you took/are taking so many stupid decisions
>>349890 We'll see! Maybe I'll decide to quit halfway through.
>>349895 Unfortunately not, the people in charge will never die and they purposefully destroy any psychology organization that tries to form without permission of the APA.
Okay What if The AMA tries to form its own psychology branch
You can also get in trouble for talking to clients if you see them at the shop or something unless they talk to you first, even if you don't reveal any information or even imply a connection to the person through therapy.
It's really stupid. There are also rules against doing stuff like talking about how you met someone that goes to therapy but not with you. After I got in that accident last year, I told someone that the guy that hit me was coming home from therapy at a specific location and I almost got hit with an ethics violation for breaking the confidentiality of someone I don't even treat??
They basically blackmail schools, too. They tell schools exactly what has to be taught and how. If a school so much as uses a word incorrectly, the APA fines them and it hurts the school's accreditation. They force students to waste credit hours so that they can charge people for the required continuing education credits you need after you graduate.
The APA is really secretive about this stuff because they got paranoid after it came out that psychologists were helping to torture people.
Reminds me a little bit of the AMA. Did you know that Brandeis University was created out of a university that basically shut down by the AMA for not putting quotas in place for the number of Jewish mediCal sstudents? *was basically shut down
>>349934 Yeah, in the middle east and Guantanamo. Military and CIA hired psychologists to help torture people. When the public found out, it was a big scandal and it hurt the APA's credibility. Now we have rules that tell us when we're allowed to help torture people.
>>349937 Yeah. The APA is evil, so that's how it goes. They're a corrupt, thieving organization that primarily cares about money. They're always attacking students and stuff, too. They encourage the exploitation of graduate students by allowing professors to limit the course load of a student so the student will have to work on the professor's publications. This is encouraged because most APA accredited universities have a rule that says professors have to publish at least one article every one or two years or they // the school can lose accreditation.
None. That's why psychology research is terrible. If you publish a study and 20 people do your experiment and fail to replicate your results, nobody will ever know because that stuff doesn't get published (unless you're a psychology big wig that can get published no matter what) APA is obsessed with making psychology out to be a physical science but doesn't even begin to encourage any level of scientific rigor
Tons of people just fill their discussion sections with ridiculous shit that doesn't follow from their study too there was one really bad one i read recently what was it that they did well, anyway, it's like the equivalent of saying, if we can /// the study suggests that willpower can be used to overcome depression. the authors suspect that, pending further research, it may be discovered that willpower will let you breathe in space if you have enough of it
it's all ridiculous shit
>>349945 The person who wrote that paper should be stripped of their degree.
I'm not using hyperbole. Has it been published in a journal?
Kirara 🦃
most studies published in major journal s in psychology are ridiculous like that yeah that was in a journal
>>349945 Well, one of the weaknesses of peer reviewed study in general is the tendency for it to become a circlejerk where the identity of the author is more important than the ideas presented and the methodolgy by which those ideas are arrived at. Which is a shame, because peer reviewed research is a good idea in theory. It just gets messed up in practice a lot of the time.
I don't have access to that study anymore, it was provided for a class last semester and it was so shit i didn't save it >>349952 everything is just really bad in psychology
>>349952 I'd like to add that that is much less of an issue in the physical sciences.
Kirara 🦃
there was a scandal wwhere people published studies with falsified data so some journals wanted to make it so your datasets get published with your study
JACKIE CHAN haha i'm kidding i DO want to be that guy
Kirara 🦃
academia is cancerous it's all about money science doesn't even matter
if you get a grant for $5000 to do a study, my university will take $2500 of that and not use it for anything related to research and then they'll claim ownership of my research because i did it as a student there
the exception to that is my fbi stuff because we're technically an external organization that works through the university
the kind of spoiled that suggests i could just stay at home all the time because i will apparently never need to work or suggests reserving an entire restaurant sometimes or acts like $1000 is pocket change
>>350001 I dunno I think if you removed the rich, it just wouldn't make sense She can be pretty oujo sometimes
Like when she tries to have her family employees run errands for her she'll just be like, "ill have joe do that for us" she tells me im obsessed with being poor a lot too
>>350011 I don't know if I'd use the word normal that oujo part of her is a big part of her i once complained about parking at school and her solution was to pay $750 a semester to reserve a parking spot for me (which i obviously declined) and she doesn't really get why i wouldn't want to do that
You don't have to live a life of excess when you have money though.
>>350034 You could even use the money to invest and create fair businesses that create decent job oppurtunities to help poor people become more autonomous
>>350040 The way these people act, you'd think it's unlimited.
>>350039 it won't work if you do that, life stays hard for poor people because the area you employee with undergo gentrification and rich people will kick the poor people out the economy is very fragile if you change even one variable, rich people will fuck the poor over even more the real thing to do is obviously just create a new country
I can't do anything that puts her safety at risk She's from a bourgeois family so she'd probably end up on the chopping block Idk what I'd do without her
>>350060 no I can't remember the last time I felt good about myself
>>350059 do you actually feel any good about yourself for making that joke
is it actually just subtly depressing yeah figured
>>350057 not if you decided to just take it easy in exotic locales taking it easy at a resort in the Alps taking it easy at a resort in Japan taking it easy at a resort in Hawaii taking it easy at a resort in Colorado taking it easy anywhere
That's honestly the best use of the money Funding anime I can't think of any better way to use large amounts of money
>>350099 You should flip a coin to decide which one wins Then we can laugh while people argue about it online the gundam would probs get its shit wrecked tbh unless it was like Qan T or Turn A
>>350140 it's just ais talking to each other that's why it's called robot 9000 it's because it's just 9000 robots posting
>>350142 >first thread asks how much of the board is just people laughing *larping Seems like someone was asking the same thing
/r9k/ is a very lonely and sad place full of self deprecative humour that just amplifies the self loathing and destructive behaviour
i just spent a few minutes reading posts without opening any threads it really doesn't seem real it's all so horrible people aren't really like that, right?
>>350141 yeah i saw that thread a lot of the posts on there right now are seriously bad like there's some seriously fucked up people and a high density of them
i know it sounds fucked up but i kinda get this weird chuckle out of it like "at least i know i'm like middle-of-the-road"
tonight the absurdity was getting to me like people who describe their actions and are like "that's not weird right? am i being too aggressive?" and it's like dude you're practically rapist material
the worst part of the internet is that it gives places for mentally unwell people to congregate and feed into each others delusions so they ompound in on and isolate themselves
one sec i'm trying to find the example my post was more of an inspired conjuration based on the example but you'll see exactly what i mean