>>340600 Been getting enough sun? Been eating well?
November 'round here is usually one of the most exhausting weeks -month, even, to get through. There isn't an official holiday and it's right when all the nights start getting really long. December and January are also a little rough but they at least get a bunch of holiday time.
I might get a little more involved this week in school stuff than usual. Some of the people from my Thursday group are doing a study session for a quiz. If I'm not burned out from life I'll try to go.
>>340620 I always tell myself I'll get more involved but I never do.
I'm totally half going because I hope to find people I can talk to in person who live around here. Though I'm probably a bit too late to be building social circles like that.
Professors are always giving me shit for not being more closely connected to my colleagues. I always explain that I really don't have opportunities to hang out with them because I don't go out on Fridays and I don't think they really do stuff other than then that I could go to. They're all girls, so they go and do stuff that girls do together. And it's not like I, a guy with a girlfriend, can just go hang out with one or two chicks.
And my professors always just say "Find a way to hang out with them" and offer no suggestions lol
>>340629 I'll pass, but I do appreciate the offer.
>>340635 Networking is easy. I have a great and extensive network. The problem is that there's an expectation that I don't have a network here - instead, I need to be friends with everyone in my cohort. I'm supposed to go hang out with them and go drinking with them and shit like that.
But yeah, I'm always going to be an outsider. I don't really have the capacity to make the connections they want me to make and I don't think I need those connections either. I get along great with everyone, but we don't talk enough to talk about everything. A professor was surprised that I didn't know about those orientation sessions that I missed because supposedly I should have been talking to my colleagues about them? I don't really know why I'd do that. I usually just talk about normal small talk shit like how much I don't want to go to class or about an assignment or something.
There isn't really much emphasis, or reason to really, for people in my night classes to socialize. Everyone in the programs come from all sorts of walks of life, takin g the class at different ages in their life, for different reasons. There's all of maybe two or three others that are taking the classes for the same reason I am, and in all likeliness the only reason I've encountered them is because two of the classes this semester are the mandatory classes for the certificate. There just isn't obligation to form social bonds.
>>340637 >hey everyone come check out this cool website called doushio.com/moe/
I've never been encouraged to socialise at school. But I'm not a graduate
>>340645 Yeah, nobody gave me shit about not socializing when I was in undergrad.
Now that I'm a grad student, everyone's like, you gotta be friends with everyone. I don't really like it. It feels like we're supposed to base our identities on our relationships with our colleagues. These people are my colleagues, sure, but I don't understand why I have to be close to them like that. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
They want you to put the social in social sciences or something.
>>340647 I haven't had a physical friend for about 3 years I think I can be "content" with online friends like you say, but I wonder if that's just because I've forgotten what it's like having friends in person And like you say though the best part of online friends is that you can interact as much or as little as you like
Physical socializing is always in a weird place for me. When I'm not meeting up with anyone I always say I'm content and happy just talking with friends online. And honestly, that's not a lie. But when I get to meet up with people I'm friends with in person, like with the Philly road trip or my time in Japan with a bunch of friends, I realize how much fun that can be as well. And for a while after getting back home after something like that, I'm a little lonely.
I figure after a while I'd probably get too overloaded with the obligation of physical socializing though. Having the ability to control how much I interact with other people is one of the draws of online socializing for me I think.
>>340647 You should ask on the Academia stack exchange if that's a common thing in graduate school.
>>340650 Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm totally happy just hanging out online and stuff.
But, like, if I'm going to hang out with people in person, I can have a ton of fun as long as its with people I like, like you guys.
But in person, you can't really select a group that you really love. And it'd be overwhelming to be with a group everyday.
>>340652 It's pretty normal for programs like mine.
>>340649 My online friends are my best friends. They're fun online and offline. I think only seeing them sometimes makes those times when I do meet them offline so much more fun and exciting, too.
>>340647 Your professor is wrong, anywya. You don't need to be friends with them, toy you just need to network with them!
>>340654 >But in person, you can't really select a group that you really love. Just don't invite the people who you don't love to the thing you organize. That's what I did for my birthday. Well "love"
>>340654 By programs like yours I assume you mean psych grad programs.
>>340654 Yeah, I'm of the same feeling that the rare occasions I get to see my online friends in real life probably makes it all the more enjoyable.
But then I'm watching shows like ImoSae and I see the lot of them around a table, drinking and shooting the breeze, and I get pretty enviable. I wish I could have friends I could just clown around in a room like that with. A lot of these SoL shows that have started aiming at a college/early adult cast of characters have been getting me pining a fair bit.
>>340656 In person, you're limited to a group that exists only through convenience. It's a little different than the way you can manage friends online.
>>340654 meeting someone offline is like an event But I think people can be different when you go offline
>>340659 Eh, sort of. But what of the guys who came to my birthday thing lives like an hour and a half away from me. So its really not that convenient to hang out with him. Especially since he basically refuses to come visit us.
>>340658 Yeah, they kind of make me wish I had my buddies around and we could just fuck around all the time.
It's nice to have Fish, of course, but it'd be great to have my favorite friend group around, just hanging out and doing whatever.
>>340660 I dunno, everyone from /moe/ that I've met online has basically been the same person in person.
Oh yeah I don't do like "go to bar" or "go clubbing" type shit. So I don't usually have to deal with people going "hey is it okay if I bring like three other people along"stuff.
I have always liked bars but I don't really like clubs. Clubs are very loud and the drinks cost too much. Dancing is fun every once in awhile, of course, but that's really all you can do at the clubs. Clubs are total meat markets too, and full of undesirables.
The only "clubs" I go to are concert venues with bars in them. I guess Metro is a club though.
clubs are fun! clubs in austin are a little different though the scene is totally different we have the most bars per capita out of any zipcode in the united states in downtown austin, and they all cater to different crowds there's some really lame clubs yeah but there's some really cool ones too >>340676 see>>340677
>>340692 Why do people always drink out of those red cups Why are they always red
They're super cheap. Or were super cheap at least. I think they're still pretty cheap but brand recognition has probably given excuse to increase prices.
But that's also a reason. When people think of booze cups for parties, red Dixie cups always come to mind.
>>340712 >bang maintains that normies aren't real >bang maintains that hipsters aren't realy
really makes you think doesn't it?
>>340713 That has nothing to do with being a normie or not.
Hipsters are pretty whatever. It's not like their tastes actually have any effect on their personalities. Some hipsters are entertaining people with pleasant personalities and others are unbearable snobs. Things people engage in as entertainment don't necessarily reflect in how they act.
>>340717 That's true, but at least they're regular normies. And not hipsters. Hipsters are super normies.
I'm not like those normies I'm special
That's not really necessarily true. Hipsters have a really varied personality pool, since someone's tastes in entertainment and culture doesn't necessary strongly influence their personality.
>>340724 Yeah, but they're all bad. A normie is a normie! Being around normies and super normies are functionally the same!
Are we really going to have another round of this bullshit again. Don't you two ever get bored of mocking and deriding people for being a little less exceptional than others.
>>340738 Well, your range of movement could be limited by muscle dysfunction. Your range of movement is fine, you're just choosing not to move it normally because of the pain. Either way, that sounds really bad. Which part of your leg hurts?
>>340739 I think my range of motion is fine. I just have a lot pain tolerance so I haven't investigated further.
I just think it's a stressed muscle. It hurts when I move it a certain way. It doesn't hurt if I relax my leg and use my arm to move it in that way, though.
>>340782 >every 3 months Those poor underfed crocodiles
>>340783 Is it the sort of job where you can write a book or something while working or is it too involved for that
so I know how to make 15k rupees in about 20 minutes in botw finally bought all the rest of the armor I didn't have and like 700 arrows now I have no use for money anymore is this what it's like to be privileged
melted sugar is brown and brown sugar and syrup turn almost any liquid black wehen mixed its 1,6-2kg of honey about 2kg of sugar and 1kg of syrup and 500g of brown sugar and 2dl of lemon juice
Man I just don't get those phone case wallet things.
>>340838 That's a lot of different sugars. Are you fermenting them for questionably legal purposes, young man? >>340841 what do you mean?
>>340843 This main use I don't use them lose your phone, you lose your card(s) too and since they have your phone, maybe they can even peek enough into your private life to deduce your pws or card pins or whatever wouldn't work in my case, but nonetheless
>>340843 I guess so. If you live in an area where pickpocketing is common it's definitely a bad idea.
>>340845 That's not pick pocketing. But yes Alternatively "If you live in an area with public transportation"
I don't see the point of having a phone case. >>340846 There's a pretty big overlap.
>>340846 that's not pickpocketing that's nitpickpocketing
Kirara 🦃
born on a mountain raised in a cave
>>340847 Yeah, I guess, but pick pocketing is down a lot. It's easier to just run by someone and grab their phone and hop onto the train than it is to bump into them and take it without them niticing. *noticing
>>340850 It's easiest to just jump someone with a friend and jack all of their shit at once, either way. Having one of those cases just makes it really convenient to rob you.
>>340848 The point of pick pocketing is that your victim doesn't even notice that it was stolen until after you're gobe. *gone
the joke _______ your head
>>340855 No I got it I just took it apart out of spite
>>340862 I guess I keep better care of my phone than an average person? It's not like I'm not reckless with it all the time, though. Imats has seen me use it.
>>340881 What a genius. Too bad you'd still have to go in a Wal-Mart on black Friday, even free shit isn't good enough an excuse for me to be so foolish.
Kirara 🦃
it's probably easy to steal shit from Walmart on BF just leave the building with a group
>>340888 How many people do they have working in those stores that they wouldn't oh right holiday season so they prolly hire a lot of short time helpers
Kirara 🦃
I would be nervous about stealing shit with my face freely visible
I don't approve of any stealing so I wouldn't do it
But still would figure people would notice an unkown face skulking around but I guess if you use it just to skip lines, I don't mind that kind of trickery Also, how do you just walk out with a product, don't you lot use alarms on anything expensive?
I've only ever shoplifted a few times.
Kirara 🦃
I wouldn't steal unless I absolutely had to
>>340893 Only some products have the alarms and the alarms go off so often that they frequently get ignored
And more over how do you just walk out I don't think they'd let an employee just walk past the cashiers with shop products on hand >>340897 yeah but here they either walk empty handed or use employer routes.
Kirara 🦃
employees have to go outside all the time so you'd just have to hide it you could say you were taking it to a customer's car or something too plus you could just go out the employee entrance
>wearing Wal-Mart vest >stealing a 52 inch hdtv >someone calls you to the tech desk for customer service >8 hours later go home with $90 >steal the TV on the way out
Only place with bad security in general is postal office, but everyone knows everyone there and there are lot easier ways to steal mail anyhow like just mugging the deliveryg uy
>they used darth vader breathing for gas mask scene disney gonna sue
The only place I've worked that had a back entrance needed a key. But I think it would still be really easy to just walk out the front door with shit. Half the real employees couldn't give less of a shit about theft and the other half are busy trying to make sure nobody fucking dies. Black Friday is retarded. It shouldn't exist.
>>340893 One of the things about Black Friday is that, because there are so many people during holiday time shopping, places like Walmart and Best Buy hire temporary workers to assist. So even as an unknown face, you could just be another month temp, and you can carry that large TV with your friend outside and help them put it in their trunk. Then you go to the bathroom and discard the vest
It's a Planeswalker card and when you choose to use one of the loyalty abilities, you have to utilize the website >>340919 TWO WEEKS! That's what, 3 minutes in DBZ time?
URZA IS POWERING UP check back decembet 8th man that is DBZ level powering up
>>340918 3 weeks in all practicality nah just 2 mins
also does he have a winch to control how elongated his neck is?
Because Urza and Mishra wanted to fight. I can't remember the full details. Only that there were lots of machines and that both of them were super powerful.
The author of Rurouni Kenshin got arrested on account of CP. That's kind of depressing for me.
With everything that's been happening regarding sexual assault allegations, I can't even find myself depressed. Maybe it's because I don't really care for Kenshin as a series but still.
Well that's kind of how it is for me. As absurd as it is I'm not even particularly depressed for the content. But I really enjoyed the Kenshin manga. When I was first getting into Japanese media it was one of the earliest series I got to read straight from discovery to completion And now it's going to be difficult to rationalize the enjoyment of the series with the creative mind behind it.
>>340929 Puhlease, I can totally take that away from me. And that's what happens whenever a person becomes inable to rationalize a piece of fiction with the person behind it.
>>340931 That's the line behind supporting an artist and enjoying the work. You can go ahead and outright reject reading someone's work because you don't support the person behind it. You can also reevaluate the concepts in a work after understanding more of the artist since their work is often informed by their thoughts. But even though it's up to the reader to decide these things, I find it generally unnecessary to have to "rationalize enjoyment" of something you enjoyed in the case of the artist (but not necessarily the work) being a fucked up individual. That's more the kind of response I expect when the fucked-upness of the artist meets that of their work. There's that whole "separate the artist from the art" idea, that I don't really buy much, that gives artists a benefit of the doubt. The work might be fucked up, but the artist is alright. But then you find the artist is actually fucked up and you re-evaluate the work. Like how people are re-evaluating the work of Louis CK in the face of his allegations and own admission. My knowledge of Kenshin is limited but I don't remember anything that's really in the vein of CP so I'm not about to reeval what I liked about his work. I just simply don't have to support it anymore. So I'd be one of those people who refuse to read a sentence but I don't have to reject what I enjoyed, except in examples like above. It creates no justice.
Orson Scott Card has some confident stances against homosexuality and has been somewhat unpleasant in stating his feelings on the subject. But that doesn't make it impossible for me to enjoy his writing. But there's also legions of people that will refuse to read a single sentence of his fiction for that matter, or rejected their feelings on his writing after discovering his opinions.
Ultimately it is up to the reader to draw the lines where they can no longer feel comfortable enjoying a piece of fiction because of tastes or beliefs of the author.
The rough time I've had sleeping the past couple days is kind of showing on my face. I'm starting to go full panda eyes.
>>340952 Yeah, life without net neutrality will be very unfun. And extremely expensive for everyone. A lot of people won't be able to have Internet if net neutrality is killed.
I can't wait to see facebook and google grow stronger monopolies when ISPs start blocking every other site
the only thing that could stop this is if a bunch of republicans decided to be human beings for a little while
or i guess if FCC folks die
>>340958 I suggest you actually contact your congressman.
Kirara 🦃
>>340954 haha people will have to pay for google with a lot of service providers e.g. verizon owns yahoo so if you're on verizon, yahoo is going to be your search unless you pay for google
Im going to block this out of my mind and pretend everything will be alright
I'll just pay extra for a vpn Checkmate Athiest
>>340961 No Fuck you I know you're in a redstate Call your co gressman *congressman
Kirara 🦃
>>340961 rei is right, fuck you if you don't do anything, you're fucking everyone else over with you this is one of the most important things of the modern era
I've signed a shit ton of petitions for this and even sent letters (by proxy) to local congressman. And I'm in a blue state.
Kirara 🦃
you can't just hide from the terrible things until they go away if you do that, they'll never go away and we'll all suffer
>>340960 Everything outside google for a bigger premium Or google starts becoming a majour isp and only offers google, or buys shares in isps and blocks sites that compete
The people are going to have to take things into their own hands eventually. The Trump admin is clearly dedicated to destroying every ounce of freedom we enjoy.
It's interesting how suicidal all of our politicians are.
Ah I've got it All the big tech companies Should block US congressman and senators and etcetera from using their services for a few days b
Actually twitter should just flat out promise to ban Trump if he doesn't kerp net neutrality. He'd probably cave
It seems like we're talking about net neutrality. One of the issues that is making the net neutrality thing difficult is because like most of the issues you deal with in politics, a bunch of stuff is rolled up under the same banner. The fact that netflix is strangling the internet to death is rolled up with people's basic rights to use the internet. Things would probalby be a lot less bad if those issues were separated out.
>>341003 I'm going to go throw out a [citation needed] on that "fact" about netflix.
The issue is that ISPs and Netflix are pissed at each other. Netflix consumes a huge amount of bandwidth, and it's a bandwidth footprint that is created by Netflix so it's not something that existed before Netflix got huge. Netflix accounts for a large amount of load on ISPs, particularly Comcast. Regardless of how much Netflix pays for it, the companies are both pissed at each other and are engaging in a bitchfit. Part of that bitchfit is that powerful ISPs are trying to kill net neutrality because a) they want to screw over Netflix and b) they want a cut of the money that Netflix is raking in.
I don't really care about Netflix. Netflix is a powerful company and has enough bargaining power to look out for itself. The problem is that this issue is inexorably a part of the larger net neutrality issue, and there's a real danger of normal consumers getting caught in the fallout and screwed over. That I do care about, particularly because I am one of those people. Inviduals do not have a lot of bargaining power and have a lot to lose.
Which is why I think it's a problem that the two issues haven't been separated out from one another.
Is this netflix strsngling the internet or people just using the internet they paid for to stream videos
>>341010 That depends on whether you believe the ISPs or Netflix. It's an absolute fact that Netflix consumes an ever-increasing amount of bandwidth though.
Netflix's usage doesn't really affect the ISPs that much. The ISPs can easily handle it and more. Netflix is really only an issue in countries with poor internet infrastructure like Australia or Russia.
I think it's something that should be addressed, but repealing net neutrality is bad for every American except those ISP bigwigs.
>>341011 I don't think it's Netflixes fault but more that people demand to stream tv and movies
I don't really know who is right. Netflix says they're doing nothing wrong, ISPs say Netflix is ripping them off and making money off them.
I think it's kind of irrelevant who is right anyway. The issue is that two big companies are fighting in a way that could mess things up for a lot of normal people. They should do it in a way that doesn't cause problems for the rest of us.
i dont care about netflix but i hope everyone else doesnt get screwed
FCC already said net neutrality would get killed and it's going to happen in December. So we're all already caught in the blast, and the fallout is still to come, unless a miracle happens.
Either way, this is all happening because evil corporations are fighting in a way that hurts normal people. I have faith in the internet, though. People can get around anything.
>>341023 haha, no. And I'm not going to. I refuse to spend a moment of my spare time on anything tedious or doing something that seems like a chore to do.
Figuring out how to do that seems like a real pain. I'll consider thinking about it when my fatigue is lower. Right now I don't want to spend a single moment of my free time doing something that seems like a pain.
This is a tool that will find your congresspeople and automatically fill out the forms for you as long as you put in just a little information, and then it will send emails to your congresspeople.
I heard about one of my friends getting their uber hacked and well I guess >>>/@nbcwashington/933098580109230080?s=17 >>341038 I too like to sit around and watch every one else burn until I catch on fire
One of the things I miss about being a student is having so much time off. This time of year, that is. I get like two days for Thanksgiving and two or three for Christmas.
>>341103 That's unrelated to him possibly going to prison
>>341104 Yeah I know I'm talking about potential vaccumns of acting talent actually whether or not they go to jail is irrelevant their careers are over anyway
>>341101 He said something stupid in 'earnest' though. So it's not really bait.
>>341106 >in 'earnest' What if he's just pretending to be earnestly retarded
>>341105 Spacey could make it back in several years He only has one accuser (last I checked)
>>341108 I heard a few more people came forth So I doubt it
>>341109 Not gonna lie I'd bet they're just jumping on the bandwagon
It's amazing how many of them have just capitulated. When someone accuses you of something you should deny, deny, deny!
>>341110 Some of them may be telling the truth, some may just be jumping on a bandwagon or heavily exaggerating certain things But that's not really relevant to whether or not his career is dead It could be 100% false or true and either way no one would wanna risk hiring him
>>341112 They may as well go with it. It's really hard to see these people appearing remorseful and stuff after sexually harassing dozens of people over the course of decades. They did all that crap but they suddenly have a conscience?
If you're going to play the part of villain, you should play it to completion.
>>341115 come over here bby and ill fix that for you
>>341116 Iirc Spacey's thing was "oh maybe I did that while drunk or something, sorry bro"
>>341116 >If you're going to play the part of villain, you should play it to completion. "yeah I did it all. yoloswag"
And some of them have probably come to regret and find remorse on the actions. But what are you supposed to do, go out in front of a camera and tell the world "I did a wrong thing and I am now seeking a way to make amends and become a better person?" What value is there in doing that.
>>341123 Oh, so it's not a regular hypothermia kind of thing.
>>341120 I think I'd respect someone more for admitting their wrong doings before they got caught and basically forced to admit it
Kirara 🦃
>>341125 No I'm sweating /// during my run, I was sweating an abnormally large amount and I feel like I can't cool down Fish took my temperature and it's 96 which is very unusual for directly after a run
>>341126 I just feel that does very little beyond giving themselves up to the shark pool which is public view. It feels good as a viewer, or at least the bad feeling of satisfaction that comes with knowing something like that about someone you once respected.
>>341130 I think making amends is the most ideal action people can take in this situation. If amends can not be made, seeking to better yourself as a human being. Therapy, self-introspection. Just because you were a scumbag doesn't mean you can't grow as a human being.
Or they could just ask the people they've wronged what they want
>>341127 Hasn't this sort of thing happened to you before?
Kirara 🦃
>>341132 I don't recall sweating like this before and I don't believe I've had lowered body temperature afaik heart rate is around 95 which is a little high for after lying down for a little bit
>>341135 He won't make it high enough for re-entry to be a problem in a little rocket like that. He can get high enough to observe the curvature of the earth though.
My mind feels foggy but I don't have any unusual bodily sensations I'm probably just having a weird episode my head and my heart aren't connected right so I guess sometimes things just don't work
I'd give him an 80% chance of just blowing up on the launchpad.
>>341198 no, i don't have insurance so i can't afford that either i mean id go if i thought i was going to die but unless im pretty sure i could die, im not going
too many reasons for it you said you couldn't breathe
i don't like a social environment where i have to compete with others to be a part of it that's reallly weird and dumb to me and it's just plain annoying
what like a sport?
sports are competitive in nature; that's different it's a social environment built around competition as opposed to an environment that's supposed to be non-competitive for which people are using drama or other advanced techniques to compete for the free space
>>341252 It's kinda fun I dunno how people find the time to play mobile games though, or how to even play them for a long time in one go I hate touch screen games, I guess
God it must have sucked to be a McD employee during that shit
that guy was (i presume) just trollin this rick and morty people but man if you watch the videos from that day you see the fuckin most autistic people walking up and paying like 20 bucks to other people who got the sauce to dip one nugget in it it's the worst kind of cringe because it almost makes you feel bad
Yeah, he was uh, acting out as a joke, which means anyone who wish he didn't was wrong, I think that's how it works
I don't really understand the joke from his perspective, honestly >>341261 Oh shit people DID sell sauce by the dip? I was talking about this in my discord with a friend like, while this was happening
>>341264 Is that a raccoon selling squirrels like they're unlicensed firearms?
>>341262 yeah which i could understand for video-making purposes but these fuckin autists just go up and hand the dude 10 bucks for one dip with a mcnugget and they don't just take a bite afterwards they eat the whole mcnuggest mcnugget* in one bite szechuan sauce isn't new either this whole thing is fuckin painful cringe
>>341291 >In July 1990, a lower court sentenced the leader to seventeen years in prison, one accomplice to a four-to-six-year term, one accomplice to a three-to four-year term, and another accomplice to an indefinite five-to-ten-year term. The leader and the first two of the three appealed their rulings. The higher court gave more severe sentences to the three appealing parties. Rekt on appeal The accomplices got shorter terms
>>341292 I remember it just about any time Nevada-tan is mentioned.
>>341299 hey thanks rei sorry next time i feel like asking a question in my community i'll stop to think whether or not formerrei will approve of my question or not because that's totally relevant
fuck off
Famous Japanese murderer who killed her classmate in elementary school
oh shit yeah my bad i'm supposed to recognize that the name nevada-tan refers to a japanese person??? like what the fuck
remind me just to never engage in conversation in case someone i'm trying to talk to might already know the answers to the questions i'm asking that should would be fucking embarrassing and a waste of everyone's time i forgot that we're so meta that we only make comments about things only that other people already know about so that we can bitch about why nobody responded to them afterward and then if they don't respond to them complain about how no one responds when we try to talk to people
What's annoying is Goku never gets new attacks, he just gets stronger and faster The guy's been rolling Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb since... the Saiyan Saga
i'm going to take your silence as a "no, i just like when other people feel bad about liking something they like so i want to bitch about it and keep quiet about it so that nobody contests the idea"
>>341381 I ended up taking a short nap. I'll probably go back to sleep soon, though.
just bang
>>341381 i can't just will myself into happiness it works when there isn't a deluge of shit streaming into my life constantly but things are fucked right now
She cut Goku's hair, which honestly counts as a win
that shit dont grow back mayn i like the direction they're going with it, even though it's even more shoneny now than Z was, it's good that they're at least having interesting things happen in the fights even if it's a lot of "so then, i guess i'll have to use THAT"
that reminded me. does saiyans hair grow back if cut?
>>341467 I'm almost sure this is the first time saiyan hair has been cut, at all
>>341468 yeah as gt is non cannon now ut doesn't grow longer but for example, their hair has grown proportional to their body size so would it regen back to the original shape and size if cut
>>341466 I'm just along for the ride, at this point Kefla being like a slight hue change from going SSJG was fucking amazing
>>341467 p sure it doesnt there's a scene where goku and vegeta have a beard from the time chamber but that was really just as a gag lasted like five seconds for comedic value
but that makes me wonder about nappa and didn't king vegeta have a beard yeah but the hair they're born with is all they get supposedly i legit would not be surprised if nappa was born with the moustache and raditz fuckin i dont know how he didn't suffocate to death on his hair as an infant
>>341471 yeah but beards are established since king v and nappa
>>341471 but their hair does grow in relation to their body size
I'm pretty sure facial hair does grow back for Saiyans Their head hair doesn't change at all from the day they're born though, seemingly
Actually that's canon
>>341470 it bothers me a bit that they couldn't even go super saiyan like a week ago and suddenly they're on par with goku's 50-ish years of journey now but at the same time i'm happy the power scaling fucked off >>341477 and they're like the good guys of the universe, helping other planets and stuff but califla i guess was like a rogue or something i dont even remember if they mentioned it
i guess we will know soon or maybe a senzu restores the hair?
>>341475 Aren't Universe 6's Saiyans like, a lot stronger than Universe 7's? And also they don't have tails
>>341475 i have a theory why uni6 are stronger but >phone typing short >salad has stronger gravity >saiyan original kingdom never degraded so they never had space-nomad-barbarian phase >tails don~t grow on saiyans that get strong enough
It is straight up fucking dumb that all it took to match Goku SSJB was uh, learning about SSJ and a pair of fucking potaras, though, I can't disagree there
>>341478 they just never biologically evolved to have a tail
i might say that they're stronger because they've not had the biological thing to turn ape which was the staple of the saiyans in uni7 so the uni6 saiyans just had to get strong normally
>>341483 we don't even know how related the potaras are to their host kai either
>>341481 i think the tail is either evolution or deliberate gene manipularion
>>341480 I guess it can be handwaved as "Potaras and SSJBroly, it's fine"
i overall think saoyans are either bioemgineered warriors by distant past human space empire or just biological descemdanta considering zenkai, ss and such bioengi seems more likely
Really I think it was just Kefla having the control of the badass girl and the SSJBroly of the shy girl SSJBroly is mad strong Too strong
>>341484 hey that's a pretty interesting take it builds the story a lot better too than "let's just retcon tails and no more monkey business in the show" now it's like they've escaped their oppression by shedding their tails
>>341486 i have a whole theory based on tjis inspired by how dbz earth looks like the continents match predicted drift in some 50 mil years in the future
>>341485 Kale was the shittiest character i've ever seen i wish she had no spoken lines that would have been better fuck
btw do they have perfected ssb in the anime? or how ssb drains stamina like fuck ie. turning ss for too long or successive times can drastically reduce its power
SSJB has 2 stages in the anime it seems There's a regular one where I guess they're just swapping the hue, and then there's IT IS TIME SSJB, which might drain some stamina
>>341490 read the mamga man it has interesting takes on the new forms
>>341490 i thought it was SSB gives perfect key control fuck ki control so they're not always maxing out when using it, like goku going SSB in the practice fight for krillen -- why? why would he need that power he doesn't just using the control of it so he doesn't accidentally overpower it when SSJ regular
>>341492 that is my take on the anime form too control has always been issue with ss forms they barely had mastered ss2 by the time of beerus with ss3 still being like the uss forms wastefuö boost of energy with too huge drain
having three months of RECRUITING episodes was annoying but it's paying off now they were working on the tournament episodes with the extra time and resources doing lowscale time-buying episodes >>341498 yeah they wanted to use the extra tima to make good animation for the tournament which they're doing
>>341499 yeah, agreed, but i bet they spend more time on damph goku's two minutes of showtime than the rest of the episode and damn it actually does look good
>>341497 well would ypu rathet have 12 episoses of 5 minutes? gotta filler into some spot
How long have these 48 minutes been, anyway? Goku faffed about with the Saiyans for at least like... 48 minutes
>>341501 well consider last time a real fight secpnd was an air time second was somewhere in db world tournament saga 1
>>341501 not everything we're seeing is timescale like we're getting different vantage points so we can see other fights going on i don't know about those uni6 namekians though they seem really boring i cant bring myself to care about piccolo and his son fighting them
btw sk did you ever write down what planet we deduced to be namek?
>>341503 That's true, yeah The timer seems dumb anyway Would have been more fun if there were \\\ was a timer that like, reset when someone's eliminated So everyone has to keep eliminating eachother, but fights can last a long time
>>341512 Aren't they just wiping universes cause Zen-Oh's bored?
is zenoh even really aware of stuff with the frandpriesr actually running the show
the grandpriest is the actual zen-oh he's teaching zenchan to take over and how to be inspired and interested enough to run the show >>341517 there's some speculation on it but he's the father of all the angels there, and also presumably zenchan's father, and he made zenchan because he needs to pass the legacy on to someone else zenchan is really dopey because he's still like an AI that is going through machine learning the tournament of power is to get data and assess the universes so he can take over
>>341516 he seems like a future villain if you ask me
>>341516 i think zen is like buu just an element of creation made flesh prolly made the world out of boredom accidentally or maybe he made the dragon god, who then created the world or such
>>341519 it's a little schemy, and who knows what's gonna happen lots of things start developing and then they just let it slide away sometimes >>341522 no man potara the two zenchans
grand kai is pretty badass too okay, the boss kais though all suck
but are there more lesser kais then 5 thoufh also why dud 7 have 5 skais in the past and how dud that work with beerus? abd do other universes have more kais or just 1? or is it just the supreme grand kai who is present in the tournament?
i hate to say it but tbh bulma is the kind of character that belongs in a better show
anyway, the destruction energy question, it's not really right to look at it as fixed power or power at all that scales the actual energy is so high, like high-frequency short-wavelength such that it penetrates into whatever and obliterates it it's not like a fist punching something and having more weight or momentum behind it
>uni6 had ruined earth >uni6 nameks different, maybe no great disaster >forst wish of dbs rumored to have been "to become king" >uni6 had no dbs so no king >uni 7 got 1st dog king and peace >uni6 no wprld king so destroyed in wars
dropped >>341557 it's decrypting the actual existence and obliterating it so that it never existed >>341561 what are we talking about here? i thought you meant beerus' destruction like he used on zamasu
Uh, some guys from another universe came along with some they'd gotten from their god to kill Frieza and Goku And I mean, they failed Frieza realized it was destruction energy, and realized it was an assassination attempt by another universe's gods >>341567 It's like when Goku gave the spirit bomb to Krillin Except with death itself
it was a small amount of it not cinstantly chanheled by a dgod
>>341565 how a nigga just gonna hand someone destruction energy how was that supposed to work
>>341565 yeah and how'd that work for krillin when he tried using it
>>341569 it's not like he could form the energy himself into the ball though >>341572 that's fuckin goofy haha but anyway my point there is that they're just a poor medium for utilizing the energy the gods' entire existence is to do that i'm sure it wasnt easy to learn how to use it
>>341573 i understand the context of your question about it being at a fixed power now yeah, it's like they just suck at using it >>341577 sure, and they've probably spent their entirety of existence honing their craft too though and those guys they gave it to just sucked was that the rat god that did that? he sucks too he's fuckin stupid report him and mute and hope he gets banned
It's pretty neat how the vegetable naming convention for Saiyans is in both 6 and 7 One of them doesn't have tails, but they both name their kids after food
Sasuga Saiyans
The Briefs family isn't much better though
oh shit i wonder if there's a uni6 version of the briefs family
you know, there's something that bothers me regarding consistency, though it's not very important before he recruited frieza, goku was like, "oh no, buu can't make it! who else can we get as a 10th?" the idea is still preserved in goku's mind, so why did he never ask about monaka joining the tournament
The whole of SSJ Orange Kefla fight was amazing The ending was cool as hell, too
I'm still a bit miffed Goku has like 2 moves though
it was great yeah but i never felt more hyped than seeing hit get that freezing effect and beat the everloving shit out of goku and then whip out the kaioken and have that music pick up >>341594 that exact moment yeah i wanna go back and watch those episodes actually it was a two-parter
>>341611 If he's still floating around somewhere, he should be approaching Zen-oh, really Assuming SSJBroly doesn't have a cap that was just too high to understand at the time
>>341614 Yeah My headcanon is that she's weaker as a result, and would be way stronger if she just let loose But she has to be pissed at someone in specific to get rage mode to turn on
i think she's probably just stupid and doesn't know what she's talking about and thinks "Oh i can do this and control it ex dee" like she doesnt even fight normally how the fuck would she even be able to gauge whether it's effective or not
>>341617 Well, Caulifla has experience, and when they were Potara'd she still used that state Though, I guess Kale was also in there calling half the shots, so
>>341618 still they mastered ss wayyyyy too fast would make sense if they knew kaioken or somethimg similiar
>>341620 i'm assuming that it's not really that special in the first place people just didn't know they could do it til goku did like, before then, all of the very few saiyans alive just relied on their tails and were mostly murdering entire planets without ever needing much no real drive to beat the odds
SSJ is actually just getting mad Like that's what it is
Saiyans are just unable to get mad enough usually Cause they're like, psychopaths
>>341623 it might be like ki sensing and controlling it isn't hard people just didn't spread the knowledge like in friexa army. ginyu and frieza alone could control their ki proper
>>341626 and frieza didn't even know how to sense energy as strong as he was
The legendary SSJ was actually just one really fucking miffed dude That's like, probably canon
The saiyans have a legend about a dude who just got REALLY mad one time and destroyed half of civilizations And also one time 5 people got together and made a god
Saiyan culture is WILD, dude
how cool wouöd it be that if broly existed in main can, but died with planet but wpuöd be brought back by some villain
>>341628 there's probably lots of random other shit saiyan genes can do but how do you even find out and legendary super saiyan is probably just "hey just treat this person like shit and make them real timid and shy and i bet they'll get pissed off and flip shit up one day"
SSJB is actually the only SSJ state without any sort of legend Goku is the first SSJB, it has never been done before Goku
>>341628 which kinda relates whyni think saoyans started as bioweapon super soldiers like ssg to be the empires against beerus if he decided to be dick
>>341630 Oh, I meant "The Legendary SSJ" As in the guy from legend, not Broly Broly is his own thing, as is Kale
The legendary one was probably just SSJ
Cause like, there's no way someone gets to adulthood in Saiyan culture without getting made fun of enough to trigger that shit
>>341633 yeah he was fjirst ss ever and that is that
>>341633 depends on the state of the culture really they had another civilization to thrash remember not like they were going to saiyan school they were livin in caves and took over the other people they probably focused on their own survival and finding enough fuckin food to eat
That's true, but they're a warrior culture, too
Though Broly was born with an INSANE power level, so I guess without Goku being such a focus he might never have discovered his thing either
>>341636 to reference this >>341630 it's like, that's a celebrated and wonderful thing in saiyan culture and here that's how you get serial killers on earth haha and man do we hate serial killers saiyans really are psychopaths
>>341579 sorry for telling you to fuck off that was mean i dont mean it very seriously i just say that in a smirky way im from the streets i dont have much filter