Thread #341654
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 17:13 No. 341656
>>341656 good job
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hello, how are you?
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I'm alright! And I'm sure you're feeling excited to be done for a few days, right?
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I am, yes. I have to go back for a few minutes this afternoon since my presence is required for a little thing. I really won't have to do anything but watch though.\
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Sounds like good stuff. I have a meeting this evening, but I'm free other than that, now.
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>a game console was made for a new game by the guy who made Dragon's Lair >the game console was gonna cost the equivalent of $6000 in today's money >it's not entirely certain whether one of these consoles were even sold, at all >the game was ported to the PC like, 21 years later >it ends suddenly and abruptly and shows a trailer for the sequel >the >sequel >exists
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I can't wait to be finally done toda! I'm really just on a super long lunch break.
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You ever wonder why people like, want the place they're in to be below 20 degrees celsius?
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At one of the hotels we were at during the last Philly deito, Jan wanted the room to be like 15c.
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People who don't keep rooms at 20c or above weird me out
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I think 20c to 22c is probably ideal for inside. I don't mind if it's a little colder, though. We in hot environments probably like it a little colder than people in cold environments in our houses because we're denied coolness so often.
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The new imgur beta literally overlays your signed in stuff, like username and whatever, OVER the same stuff for when you're not signed in It loads in like "sign in" and "sign up", and then once it's done loading it shows your username in that spot What the fuck are these webdevs doing
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>>341671 Below 20 is way too cold it's OK when sleeping I guess But for just sitting around and fucking around on the net? Can't go below 20 I can't take it 's too cold
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Then again, I get cold easily My body's temperature gauge is all over the place, I can be too hot and too cold at the same time
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I kind of like being bundled up. I'm more comfortable when I'm wearing more clothes (to an extent), so I don't mind wearing a sweater or something inside.
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I hate sweaters A lot I'm wearing one now because it's minus fucking 14 or something outside so when I open the window the temperature drops like a feather on the moon But I hate it Sweaters are bullshit
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feels like I'm being strangled I don't like things touching my neck or my throat
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the Department of Education is suggesting that I try to make $82,459 a year after taxes so I can pay off my loans quickly. It's kind of ridiculous that they're suggesting how much money I should make like I have some kind of power over that.
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"Ok so uh, our suggestion is, uhm Get rich"
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It's also trying to tell me that nearly $4000 /// $3000 a month is difficult to survive on. It thinks that paying $500 a month, if I'm making $3700 a month, is "medium burden". That seems so ridiculous. Money like $3000 a month is comfortable to live on.
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I'm not very solid on living costs in the US, or even the value of a dollar anymore because everything from the currency to prices of random junk is wonky compared to here, so I don't even know if $3700 is a lot for a month Cause like, that's... OK here It's not a lot, but it's decent
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I'm living somewhat comfortably now and my costs are probably about $1500 a month. Not including non-essential purchases, that is. My apartment is pretty expensive but there aren't really any cheaper ones that aren't run down here. In another city, I could probably get by on $1000-1200 a month without much trouble. This is all while living with my girlfriend, so that's the costs of two people eating and stuff.
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I should move to the US or something Maybe I'll get to be there when shit goes down, too
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>>341684 Oh thank god you're no longer liable once... you die Why even specify this? COULD you be liable when dead? Is this a legal possibility?>>341686 I dunno, man If nothing else you have areas in the US that aren't cold as balls You've got cheap booze and stuff too
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>>341683 Why would you do that?
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>While you're taking out loans for school, here are some tips to plan for the future: >Open a savings account. >Keep an emergency fund. Try to have enough to cover 3-6 months of your normal expenses. i'm taking out loans you fucking blocked heads do you think i can save enough money for that>>341685 There'd be no social safety net for you, though.
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To pay off your student loans, rob the bank from which you got the loan Walk in like "wipe my death and nobody gets hurt" "And my debt also. Both would be ideal"
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I mean the social safety net here is like Healthcare, for me Which is cool af, no question But beyond that not much, the only income I got is what I got now, state-wise anyway
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also>taking out a loan >protip: have a savings account with HALF A FUCKING YEAR'S WORTH OF MONEY
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Would you be able to find a job if you came to the US?
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I dunno, really Probably not
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Can you even survive on some sort of job you don't need an education for in the US? Cause I ain't got one
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>>341687 Take out a loan to put in your emergency fund!
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Take out a low interest loan and put it in a savings account
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>>341695 >Profit $100 in 10 years beat the system>>341694 haha>>341693 You can probably survive, but it'll be hard to make a living wage. If you become a citizen, you can get some government foodstamp assistance while you work at Walmart or something.
Use your legs as collateral
>>341696 Meanwhile that $100 is worth $20 after inflation :(
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>>341696 >foodstamps while holding a job Being American is one of most degrading things in the developed world, it's starting to seem like
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Walmart is able to barely pay its employees because the government gives its employees foodstamps. So the Walmart employees pay taxes, which their foodstamps come out of.
Anyone remember that story of the walmart charity that gives food to its own employees?
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OH SHIT DUDE this popped into my feed
yeah that's the ssr right now I think
>>341701 >>341702 Walmart needs to fucking go
It's not just walmart sadly
Corporations need to go
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Walmart employees are probably the largest demographic of employed foodstamp recipients, but there are lots of other businesses that have employees on foodstamps.>>341702 Was that the one where they asked their employees to donate food which would go to their own coworkers?
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>>341704 It's not just Layla It's THAT image
>>341708 yes I think that was part of the story too been a while though and my memory is shit
>>341709 yeah it's been a while since I've seen that meme
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>>341710 Yeah, shit like that is ridiculous. Walmart should just pay its employees enough to survive on.
>>341712 or they can create a charity that supplements the income of their workers creating jobs and overhead win win
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It's really dumbfounding to me how businesses that make so much profit every year aren't willing to pay people enough money to survive when they could easily do so and still make insane profits. I don't think I'll ever understand the minds of the rich.
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But their employees aren't people They're numbers
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>>341715 I feel ya man. Do they really want to create the materialistic conditions for a revolution? Because that's how you do it
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Hottest take: Walmart is accelerationist
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did I get this dank image from here? I don't remember
I don't think so Unless this is the first time you post it here Oh, then maybe
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I've posted that one before so maybe.
we're a fan of the chads yes
incels please go
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I ended up uninstalling that animal crossing mobile thing I think it was running in the background or something cause my phone got real slow
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probably mining cryptocurrency it's how they keep the game free
I met someone apparently so blind they have to watch dubs and she recommended fruit's basket also a friend of mine lost $500 to being hacked through uber
if they can't read subs then surely they can't make out what's happening in the anime right?
don't run was it ever gonna make it harder
my vision is pretty good despite years of abuse so it's hard to imagine otherwise but I think I see where she's coming from
fruits basket is really good it's one of my favorites probably just nostalgia though
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It's legit pretty good.
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>>341732 im surprised you watched it i didnt think you watched old stuff
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I don't watch old stuff now, but I've watched a ton of old stuff. I've watched a lot of older shoujo. Lovely Complex is really good too.
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I'll be starting as a therapist next semester after all.
Oh nice!
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>>341734 i used to watch the old sailor moon every morning with a bowl of ramen noodles
Tha I guess that's a relief but it sucks you had to go through that dilemma
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>>341736 It worked out, huh?>>341738 Yeah, I liked Sailor Moon too.
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>>341740 Yeah. I was planning on just riding it out and waiting the extra semester so that I didn't piss off that one person, but it turned out that someone else found out about my situation and realized it'd cause trouble for the, so they started advocating to get me the material I missed and they had enough leverage to do that. I'm hoping that since I wasn't the one making a fuss, the one person won't take it out on me.>>341739 Yeah, it was kind of upsetting. I'm glad I'm back on track.
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goin' to bed earlier than usual, but I'm tired
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>>341740 which was your favorite sailor scout? this is a rhetorical question i already know the answer
>>341742 naito
>>341742 Night sk
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>>341743 Oh, do you? What's the answer then?>>341741 Oh, that's convienent!
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>>341746 clearly Jupiter and Venus are the only options I'm guessing Jupiter
>>341741 Does my memory serve me correctly that it was a whole semester? That would be quite annoying to be put off for that long
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>>341747 That's a good guess. That's right, it was Jupiter.
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What a surprise! I dont count the lesbian duo since they're not really part of the sailor scouts I loved Moon a lot but it was a different kind of appreciation Jupiter was super cool Moon wasn't cool at all; just kind of lovable
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>>341748 Yeah, it'd delay my master's by a semester, too. It would have been a real pain.>>341746 Yeah. People are generally willing to support me because everyone's convinced I'm functional and good at things just because I'm really good at a few things. I'm hoping that I don't mess anything else up, haha.>>341752 I'll email it to you, then. And yeah, I can send that.
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>>341751 hey i didn't get your thing i think my phone's too far out in the sticks can you send this: >>>/watch?v=gJ6T89rW1d0 to rook for me
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sending it is fine i don't wanna bother the fella but i think he'd like to have that
>>>/watch?v=J7n7l8L3Bx0 when you red
>>341754 thank you
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 09 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>341753 Alright. I sent him it.
thank you
it's a really good track you can listen to it too if you want
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It was a good track
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I have to do this HIPAA training (that i've done a hundred times) and the training video's narrator has a really heavy southern drawl. I've never noticed that before.
how many friends do yall have outside of moe
2017/11/22 (水) 20:04 No. 341763
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>>341762 I have two that ///or maybe four from I regularly from highschool a aaa let me put off this until I can thinl
wow i missed like an early rika and stuff what the heck
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>>341762 Probably 5-10. I don't consider a lot of people friends, but I have a lot of acquaintances all over the place.
>>341762 At least a dozen, probably a bit more.
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>>341762 I have probably ten or so people I'd consider close friends. I haven't seen a few of them in a little while, though. I would say I have regular contact with maybe 3-4 of them. I have like 10 or 15 people I'd consider friends through work and stuff. I don't know that I'd see them much if I wasn't working though. And then in terms of internet friends, I'd probably say between 20 and 40 non-moe internet friends.
thanks for the inputs
>>341762 not a lot nowadays, at least not many close ones
>>341770 same i'm always caught in a struggle of trying to be closer friends with the ones i do have and also not pushing them because i know they have more friends than i do
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>>341762 I have crippling depression and poor social development that prevents me from making friends even here
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oh I guess this will do
2017/11/22 (水) 20:32 No. 341777
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why has black friday spread here...
it's the plague also checked
2017/11/22 (水) 20:33 No. 341779
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Cancer addled brains, getting eaten by the tendril mouths of consumerism
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I played some of the Animal Crossing mobile game. It's not bad. It doesn't seem like there's a whole lot to do in it yet but fire emblem was like that at the start too.
>>341762 plenty and none of them in person
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I might try it again later today or tomorrow.
>>341773 would you like to be friends
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>>341782 I expanded my van and went into debt too. Fortunately, a daily bonus of 10000 bucks came in and I paid it off.
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I didn't end up playing it all that much even though I got it early I'm pla ying it a bit more though
2017/11/22 (水) 20:44 No. 341786
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>>341784 Oh, is that so? That's good to know.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 20:52 No. 341788
Time to go to the bakery and get a huge fucking eclaire.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 20:52 No. 341789
I got one yesterday, it felt like it was at least 2/3 of a lb.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 20:55 No. 341791
I saw giant invader zim graffiti on tge side of a freight rail car this morning.
I would say the colors and style work well for graffiti I would like to see jet set radio graffiti
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 20:56 No. 341793
Although I think its smaller than the Rick graffiti I saw in an alley. That was like 6 feet tall maybe more
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 20:57 No. 341794
>>341792 Same desu senpai
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 20:58 No. 341795
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Not sure if this is it but there's definitely graffiti of this in Melbourne
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 21:17 No. 341797
You an Aussie?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 21:17 No. 341798
I'm listening to Midnight Oil right now.
2017/11/22 (水) 21:19 No. 341799
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (103).jpg )
A real Australian hero he grows his family in the basement
yay time to wait days to get a haircut
2017/11/22 (水) 21:34 No. 341801
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Cut your own hair
2017/11/22 (水) 21:34 No. 341802
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>>341800 Btw this is bit thatk ind of question in the end, but what kind of hair do you have?
>>341797 Yeah I am the only Ausanon I can think right now Except // Actually to put it better I am the one that you know that posts recently 'scuse the word spaghetti I feel pretty fucked up>>341798 Nice I went and saw Paul Kelly recently I'm not really a fan but it was ok According to my father he was a kid of eight whose were opera singers but... I can't really verify that
whose parents
Actually sorry, Gamma used to post as anon He hasn't posted in quite some time though
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>>341803 I think I saw Marsh a few days ago
Yeah I saw him posting too
Sugoi is a born Aussie even if he sold his soul to Middle Earth.
oh fuck that's right he's technically an Australian anon
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I want to sleep
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now that that's taken care of it's time to become a worthless human being for a few days
What's stopping you
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Out of curiosity, did Hazy ever post here?
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That name sounds familiar, but my memory is hazy. Remind me who that is.
Please don't say you are Hazy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 22:21 No. 341816
I am returned
2017/11/22 (水) 22:24 No. 341817
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Freeze! Non stop!
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>>341813 yeah he's posted here It's not hard to spot him when he does
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 22:26 No. 341819
I saw a car with the vanity plate "CHAR".
2017/11/22 (水) 22:26 No. 341820
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (148).jpg )
Wow I have quite many soundtracks on steam even ALAN WAKE
2017/11/22 (水) 22:28 No. 341821
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Speaking of car ads>This is what an honest radio advertisement sounds like >BUY A VIBRATOR!
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>>341819 Was it red?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 22:29 No. 341823
>>341822 Nope
2017/11/22 (水) 22:29 No. 341824
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 824x720, Asuka (193).jpg )
I wonder is it legal to advertise sex toys at 9 am?
>>341823 shame
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/22 (水) 22:33 No. 341826
>>341825 Ikr
>>341818 god bless him I should catch up with the shiny
>>341827 Hazy's a fun guy
2017/11/22 (水) 22:36 No. 341829
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (180).jpg )
>>>/watch?v=figt9QPoRSk me>>>/watch?v=DBgVtfCroXA l remember watching this on a plugdj clone
2017/11/22 (水) 22:41 No. 341831
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 641x720, Asuka (195).jpg )
>>341830 >>doesn't have max level autopilot
>>341830 >>>/watch?v=mZw2Z7LJqxw me
>>341832 >what's your wish dear >to not die
2017/11/22 (水) 22:51 No. 341834
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hard or normal
2017/11/22 (水) 22:55 No. 341835
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>default is female sausage paradox
2017/11/22 (水) 22:55 No. 341836
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Also meet the generals beard guy two face
2017/11/22 (水) 22:55 No. 341837
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and stone face
2017/11/22 (水) 22:55 No. 341838
I think I will call them pillar men
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/22 (水) 23:09 No. 341839
aww yiss got my cast 3 weeks of this i can taste freedom
2017/11/22 (水) 23:24 No. 341841
>two face is slave army that recruits anyone it comes in contact or kills them if they refuse that just mass waves in general against any foe >beardman is small elite army that he cherises like family hmm which to pick
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huh that girl I spoke to last night who watches dubs gave me her number spooky
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you should call her!
>>341842 She should watch these dubs #D100 (39) fug
Samu 🤕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/22 (水) 23:32 No. 341845
watch this#imfey (✨)
you got the 44s though >>341843 I suppose that is the natural course of things>>341845 wow#imfey (✨) *#imfey (✨) *✨
you can do itlister descartes
is it nearly thanksgiving yet when do I get to hear about all this food I won't eat
American Thanksgiving should be over this weekend.
how exciting
2017/11/22 (水) 23:43 No. 341852
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Now these are some presidential edicts
Howdy y'all thanksgiving soon *eats turkey and pumpkin pie while saluting the flag*
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>>341855 yeehaw
oh no the cowboys have arrived
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>>341856 we don't even say yeehaw on thanksgiving, your idea of Americans is so messed up.
I'm sorry, don't shoot me.
>>341858 >don't even say yeehaw y'all ain't even real americans I bet you immigrated or something
>>341860 this we don't take kindly t' your type 'round here
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>>341860 >>341861 If you won't be nice to me, I'm going to tell the emus where you live.
>>341863 What the fuck is wrong with you Rika That was way too far My whole family was tortured in a pow camp by those feathered bastards My grandpa was pecked to death by them I still have nightmares Put a trigger warning next time You heartless bitch
they're both sheepfuckers though
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>>341865 >tfw mum doesn't let my gf live with us because she shits everywhere tough life
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2017/11/23 (木) 00:14 No. 341868
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IFyou say so man I am enjoying this game
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>>341864 I'm glad we got that sorted out.
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wtf Britain has balls
haha I love that video
>>341872 I love britbongs
>>341871 i swear on me mum
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 1439x839, question5.jpg )
>>341871 Are they drunk or just British?
>>341873 My client is britbong we just sit around and shitpost
>>341875 both
2017/11/23 (木) 00:24 No. 341879
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Wow this is cool you craft spells from components
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2017/11/23 (木) 00:48 No. 341882
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So so far I have always chosen the "glare" option if possible should I try it now, these two could glare me to death if they wished
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 00:55 No. 341884
I really want to go to sleep. But I won't be able to for a while.
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It's that time again
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 01:03 No. 341887
Time to get ill?
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>>341883 cute>>341888 888
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u g o k u
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 01:09 No. 341892
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2017/11/23 (木) 01:10 No. 341893
nice scores are not nice at all and in fact bad
2017/11/23 (木) 01:13 No. 341895
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time to relax!
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For me, too.
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Time off is the best.
2017/11/23 (木) 01:27 No. 341900
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The glorious overlord said "conquer this region or everything dies there" man think if say US president could do that...
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>>341899 It can be nice.
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>>341901 It IS nice! There's nothing better.
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Yeah I get tomorrow off
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I am also off to morrow and you reminded me of a thought I had earlier how good are you at cooking, rika?
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>having thanksgiving off how nice
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oh shush you've had every day off for the past three years
bang is the best at cooking
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it's thanksgiving already isn't it it totally caught me off guard
i wonder if i'm actually the best at cookin on /moe or shooting or survival knowledge for some reason i feel like kirara might know stuff about survival
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>>341906 and now I have to work Holidays are work the whole world is an unclean dish and I am its sponge the turkey says a prayer thankful that it is not me
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>>341910 Shouldn't you just be happy to be employed?>>341904 I'm fairly good at cooking, yes.
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>>341909 i wouldn't mind competing with you at a shooting range i'm a pretty good shot
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>>341911 You misunderstand. Thanksgiving, whether employed or not, is a day of stress. My future employment has little to do with how I feel about tomorrow.
moon might know some innawoods stuff
>>341914 i have tire spikes on the road, deadfall traps for the skunks that keep rolling in and eating the feral cats, and ive got live grenades under the shed yeah prolly
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>>341911 that sounds comfy
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>>341916 What sounds comfy? Knowing how to cook?
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>>341917 any dishes you're making for thanksgiving? i'm giving thanks alone so i won't be bothering but i wish i had someone to make my cinnamon paprika shrimp with avocado mousse for that's one of my thanksgiving dishes every year tonight i'm making some cheese manicotti though, how about you
>>341917 being a level of "fairly good" sounds like the kind of good at cooking where you're happy with what you cook for yourself, so it sounds comfy
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>>341912 it'd be fun to visit the range with /moe/ there are some /moe/s i might not trust with a firearm though
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>>341918 Nope! My mom and my aunt are cooking. I am eating and sleeping this break and not doing anything more than that.>>341920 Yeah, like who?>>341919 I don't understand how people can mess up cooking. Cooking is easy. Put the stuff in that you're supposed to put in, don't put in stuff that you aren't supposed to put in, take the thing off the stove or out of the oven in time and that's all you really need to do. If you practice a dish a few times you should be able to do it fairly well if you follow those rules.
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>>341921 you guys still have one big thanksgiving huh? it's been a long time my sister's coming nearby with her two sons for a few days and i'll try to do something with my two sisters on sunday but other than that there's not really much it's a pretty bland holiday for us
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>>341921 Yeah I just havent practiced Though the times I have cooked I occasionally did some hilarious things
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>>341922 I dunno if I would call it big but we do have a little family get together planned on Saturday.
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>>341925 oh, post-thanksgiving huh yeah that's what we're doing just inner family not extended really i guess i'll be meeting my sister's new fella though so that's neat
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 01:47 No. 341927
>>341909 I can cook and shoot and know how to survive Haven't been to the range in over ten years though I got some non merit badge awards for marksmanship Probably am not the best at any of those three though
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>>341926 Yeah, we're just doing a little something. Which is fine. I want to sleep most of the day tomorrow.>>341924 Cooking is easy, I don't see how someone can regularly mess it up but manage to do other basic tasks like laundry or brushing their teeth.
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I dont know when im required to be awake tomorrow>>341928 Maybe i should get lessons from pan he is good at cook
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oh here's an image i found
what a cheesy outfit
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i'm bang!
sorry to hear that
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>>341930 ... This is one of those moments where I battle with bad statements like>hey gurl, you know I got the sauce
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>>341929 I'll give you lessons right now follow basic directions without deviating from them pay attention to the thing you're cooking
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I failed the second one when I burned the spaghetti sauce
I have some mince maybe I should some spaghetti
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 01:56 No. 341940
I'm either having pasta with cheese or going to the deli and getting a corned beef sandwich.
i've got ramen on the way
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 01:58 No. 341942
I found a kickass ancient multiplayer rpg
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I can make more than friends with you if you like
>>341944 nah i'm good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 01:58 No. 341946
>>341943 okay>>341949 I
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>>341944 but you can't even make spaghetti sauce
does anyone on /moe/ have wildlands?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 01:59 No. 341950
Nope Also comp is still out of commission Maybe I should get that new harddrive
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What is wildlands?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:00 No. 341952
>>341951 Ghost Recon game
>>341947 do you want to kill some sicarios?
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>>341948 You are a bully
we should have a /moe/giving sometime a potluck
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>>341954 You have such wonderful friends.
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>>341956 yeah
>>341949 >>341953 I don't have the game sorry I just realised what you meant>>341960
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>>341958 oh
>>341958 what were those screenshots you posted earlier
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i dont know where kirara went but this image posted in my granblue crew discord made me think of him
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:06 No. 341962
>>341961 Shit that's good
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>>341963 what is that
fuck done>>341964 that's starlight stage an idolmaster rhythm game
>>341963 damn sk got a nice outfit>>341967 Sachiko hiding like the loser she is
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you get a room thing which you customise and random idol interactions on a loop *watch random
>>341966 >>341923 that's where nono usually hides
that's pretty cute
2017/11/23 (木) 02:13 No. 341970
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (265).jpg )
>a warrior who got struck by lightning and is now fused with his armour this game just keeps giving
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>>341961 nice desu ne
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look at that humminbirb
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im bored
i kind of am too i didn't realize how much i'm used to working
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I'm taking it easy! I'm not bored.
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I'm bored but too lazy to do anything
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oh i gotta check out the aminal crossing
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Have fun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:31 No. 341981
>>341978 Wowme2
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:31 No. 341982
Well, I'm going out in like 45 minutes. So I'm bored until then.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:31 No. 341983
Oh yeah Today I saw a guy riding a bike while carrying another bike on his shoulder.
l it's the bike cuck
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:39 No. 341985
My dog is hiccuping loudly in her sleep.
it's funny when they do that
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someone posted this earlier but i'll repost it>>>/watch?v=J7n7l8L3Bx0
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Someone told me Disgaea 5 Switch will be on sale for 20 bucks for black friday. I hope they weren't pranking me.
>>341987 Is there a pocket dimension in her clevage?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:48 No. 341994
>>341993 It's called hammerspace
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No, it was covering her boob. That's how she survived getting shot.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:50 No. 341997
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>>341992 I believe I heard something like that too. Not that Black Friday deals reliably make their way up here, but I wouldn't have minded a discount like that. If I didn't already own it, hoh hoh hoh.
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My source told me that the deal would be on best buy's website too. So we'll see I wouldn't pay 6- fpr 60 dollars for it, but I would pay 20.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 02:55 No. 342000
The dog has been moved to my lap and is now back to just snoring loudly.
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my ramen is late
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I'm running a double ike team again this tempest trial. Both versions of Ike are really great autobattle units.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 03:04 No. 342005
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 03:04 No. 342006
>>342003 You get ramen delivered to you? None of the asian delivery places near me have good ramen anymore.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 600x390, blogger_city_guide_austin_rame(…).jpeg )
>>342006 there's a few places in austin that are specifically ramen and ramen delivery
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 03:08 No. 342008
>>342007 Oh, you live in the city?
one of the neighboring cities in the metropolitan area
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 03:08 No. 342010
Damn, they must have a big delivery radius. Or I just have no idea how big Austin is.
or you're just autistic "Austin" in this case is referring to the entire metropolitan area you don't tell people you're from pflugerville unless they're from the area you tell them austin like if you live in phoenix, you don't tell them "tempe" because what the fuck is tempe
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 03:20 No. 342012
Bbl going to the deli
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>>342013 nice zipper
>>342012 see you there
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>>342015 thx
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>>342017 This jacket should have a pair of holes for her horns >>342019 Wow that's dumb though
the uh they forgot to turn off their online ordering system they're closed it's happened at panera before, so i don't really blame them sucks tho
well now most of the places are closed because it's thanksgiving i guess i'll just make a pb&j and get fucked up
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Animal Crossing seems like it's still working out some network issues.
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Now that I'm a MANAGER I need to get my certificate in food hygiene It's even more fun than it sounds. >>>/watch?v=VHrNkd0lUTc
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I just want to place my heart shaped rug. Hopefully the network will work soon!
>>342023 Do you also have a 8-hour comprehensive course with a test at the end?
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>>342025 No. Jesus that sounds awful. Luckily it's all online. And because 95% is just common sense you can skip everything and just to the tests .
>>342021 yeah it //I was having trouble b the other day
hey nerd did you get my text
You can't respond to text messages right away. It makes you seem needy
>>342030 >>342030 >>342030 gotta wait a MINIMUM of five minutes
>>342026 Oh I expected Australia to have stricter standards than the US
>>342032 we're only a nanny-state to the extent that requires minimal effort
>>342030 oh I see you're the woman in the relationship huh
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I was able to place my heart rug. It looks good, I put it in my van.>>342030 I always respond to texts immediately.
>a gazillion people laid off
>>342034 I paid for dinner last time. that makes me the man. >>342035 Yeah but you're high-maintenance.
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How quickly I reply to a text message depends on who is sending it, how interesting the content is, and what I'm doing.
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>>342037 Yeah, I am high maintenance.
>>342036 >we just dropped a shit ton of people and we're not going to dignify them with a number
I respond to texts quickly usually, unless I have a specific reason not to
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>>342039 It's also why you're middle-aged and still alone.
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>>342042 I'm not middle aged.
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>>342037 ALRIGHT you win this round
ooh marsh you're in trouble
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The second set of Love Live nendo bodies looks better than the first. I don't think I'm going to order it but it has a few good ones.
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love feeling like I want to puke
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>>342049 I'm still not interested because they have no poses
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>>342052 maria irl
>>342052 How romantic.
>>342053 maria would totally message someone like "i'm gonna send you my gundams"
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>>342035 I respond to people super late out of laziness>>342052 Tbh that's a really well built Wing He earned that date >>342055 >hey Maria do you want a bj >wtf you're not a gundam >>342057 Yeah there's no nub marks or anything It's nicely panel lined Painted Really good stuff good on him >>342053 Well, do you?
>>342056 yeah, he's even got the pose down and everything that guy knows whats up
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My upper back and neck hurt. I think the muscles up there are tense.
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>>342056 Yeah, looks like the metallic white paint, too and you know how that shit is.>>342058 My back hurts, too.
my whole life hurts
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I need to get a robot neck and shoulders that won't get tense. That is what would be ideal.
>>342056 yeah they got some p4 stuff that's p cool
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I just need a good back massage.
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Yeah I guess a robot back wouldn't help you for various reasons.
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Oh? What kind of reasons?
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just this and that
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Can't you be specific?
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just get a cyborg back all the plus-sides of a robot back and you can still get back massages
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>>342067 Some things are best left unsaid!
no wait
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>>342069 No, you should tell me! If you know so much about my body, maybe you should tell me about it!>>342068 Is that like a metal spine with flesh back parts?
then you could even program your nerves to feel like they're getting massaged
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>>342072 Wow, you're saying I'm an expert on your body?
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>>342075 I don't know! Are you? You seem to think you know something about it!>>342073 >>342074 oh damn
oh i see what got misconstrued here that's funny
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>>342076 You're the one that said a robot back wouldn't help you.
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>>342078 I didn't say anything about the robot back. You're the one that said it wouldn't work for me.
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>>342079 You said you wanted a massage instead!
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>>342081 yes more
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>>342080 I didn't say it wouldn't help me, though. But you seem to think it wouldn't. Why wouldn't it?>>342083 nice
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>>342084 that's what you implied!
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>>342085 You're not going to answer, huh?
i'm craving human interaction and hamburgers and instead all i have is gin and peanut butter
>>342082 twitter machine broke
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>>342086 You don't really want me to!
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>>342088 Doggeaux is so young and their posts are insanely transcendent. It's weird.>>342089 I want you to say it.
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>>342090 Are you sure? It will end with me saying something about you being a robot and you getting mad!
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>>342091 I won't get mad.
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i foudn these just for you guys
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looks like it's having trouble living
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>>342092 Well then A robot back won't help you because you already have one!
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>>342090 He's like 16 isn't he? His posts are real good for a kid
>>>/watch?v=D1RgdMLbx3M >>342094 oh no
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>>342098 Yeah, she's 16. She's in the DC Discord and has an anarchism discord, too.>>342097 Why are you lying?>>342101 She's a trans girl.
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Oh it's a she? I thought it was a he Maybe someone misgendered her and I got the wrong idea from that, or something Or maybe I just assumed it
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>>342100 You can't get mad!
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>>342102 I'm not mad. I just want to know why you're lying.
u don't haf to be mad
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>>342103 Nevermind that, look how cute this is!
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>>342105 You can't just change the topic like that!
>>342104 it is only game
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>>342106 Why not?
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>>342108 Because I want to know why you're lying about me!
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Lying is a really strong word!
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It's what you're doing. Happy thanksgiving everyone except you non-americans
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I don't think I've done anything to deserve such a strong word.
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You said I was a robot, which is a lie.
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you two are both idiots sometimes well actually a lot of the time
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and I'm just bang
i wish then i could be done being bang
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my cheese manicotti didn't turn out too well it was tasty but way too rich and creamy
>>342116 let's swap you can live out in bush/urban area of nsw
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>>342113 Lie is a really strong word.>>342114 I'm not an idiot!
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I got a group of old friends back together on Discord and one of us has been talking to someone on Discord for over a year, thinking it was one of us and not realizing that they were a stranger. They said a bunch of inside jokes to the person and the person just sort of ignored them confusedly. >>342119 Yeah, but it's the right word.
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>>342119 prove it
>>342117 I've never heard of such a dish looks tasty
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>>342120 ive done that before i'll just start talkin to somebody and they'll reciprocate and then i'll be like "have you talked to ____ lately" and they're like i dunno who that is i don't even know how ive made half of my friends probably i just wind up talking to people a lot
hi I heard Joshua was in FE heroes
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yeah>>342123 it's really funny it'd be really awkward for me i think
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>>342120 No, that word is way too strong.>>342121 if you smelt it you dealt it you're the idiot!>>342124 yes, he was just added
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Oh it's thanksgiving now? I thought it was later
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>>342127 Alright, how about fib? You're fibbing about me.
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>>342126 it'd be awkward for me too but i guess it's not me that does it so i don't mind
all my friends know the low rider
all my friends are dead push me to the edge
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>>342129 That's a little better but still impies a level of culpability that is a little too high!
>>342127 what the hell
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>>342134 Why wouldn't you be culpable?
which touhou would you chemically castrate
are you guys still arguing about kirara being a robot
>>342137 no
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>>342136 I'm not!
>>342137 tewi
no wait the justice one
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>>342138 We're arguing about Rika lying.>>342140 Why not?
can we argue instead about the FCC and their intent to repeal net neutrality or maybe the ethics of the whole hollywood sex abuse thing
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we already argued about that.>>342143 I told you, lying is not the right word!
I don't have much hope for
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I think we discussed both of those topics>>342145 I'm going to go on a strike!
>>342144 what is your stance on these controversial topics
can we argue about who is the silliest moe
>>342149 just you
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>>342147 A strike?
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a picture of rika
>>342148 i think people are gonna be mad when internet plans start getting worse and more expensive i think it's a long time coming for a lot of these guys but i worry about collateral damage
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>>342151 Yeah. I'm gonna refuse to post until posting conditions are improved!
moe unions NOW
I'll unionize with you if you noamsayin
>>342153 what sort of collateral damage I was worried about innocent people being accused, but most of them have just straight up admitted to what they did >>342152 Wow Rika has no cheast >>342162 Yeah that's a possibility Ideally they'd just stop paying the person who did a bad thing and cut them out of the production
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>>342155 Wow, you said you weren't going to be mad!
>>342160 for instance, if someone did a bad thing and is in charge of a major production, that major production might be boycotted or catch negative light and then all the people who didn't do anything wrong (the sound boom guy, the make-up artist, the coffee-delivering intern) all get the fuckaroo
anime >>342163 →
I keep forgetting Chomsky is still alive
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>>342161 You're not the only liar here!
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>>342165 Hahah, yeah, he's been active for so long it's easy to forget he's still alive and commenting on stuff I'm not really sure where he's at, politically, though He's some form of socialist, I assume, but I dunno his tendency at all
what do you call a hungry Chomsky?chompsky
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I actually thought his name was Noam Chompsky at one point Cause I'm a baka
>>342171 It's tempting to stick the P in when pronouncing it isn't it
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>>342167 That's not fair! You can't do that. It's an illegal move.
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>>342176 You won't be able to break the strike once it starts, you know. Saying I'm breaking the rules won't stop me!
>>342172 Yeah Doesn't help that a lot of people do, too
>>342157 tfw still haven't received my payout for cleaning up spam
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>>342178 That's why you shouldn't strike!
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are we breaking the rules now
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>>342181 I'm going to strike if you're not careful. I deserve a dignified posting environment!
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>>342184 revolution NOW
oh NO
Etrian Odyssey 5s soundtrack is p lit
>>342184 Nice nipah
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>>342186 I think this is a very dignified environment.
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>>342191 i have no idea what you could possibly be talking about
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>>342192 Posters must have bread, but they must have roses, too! I see no roses!
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>he doesn't have roses
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wow you spoiled me>>342203 maybe I should lower the gamma on your monitor
Maybe next time you shouldn't post ACTUAL NIPAH.
Isn't it nice to be spoiled
Hi, my name is Kirara and I HATE being spoiled.
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that's true so many people want to spoil me but i won't have any of it
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>>342196 Roses are male and yuri blossoms are female, right? If you think about it like that, you're surrounded by roses!
roses with thorns
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>>342211 No, that's not what roses are at all.
All flowers are asexual, Rika.
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>>342213 I'm pretty sure that's right. Guys are represented by roses in BL stuff.
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>>342210 I'm going to risk my body to post Hifumis and refuse spoiling
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>>342202 I Nice.
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>>342216 This is making me want to strike even more.>>342217 That's right. I won't be spoiled so easily.
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>>342220 There's no need to strike!
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>>342218 this girl looks like she's just seen something really shocking and terrible
yeah she saw her own anime
just kidding I haven't seen it who am I to judge
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>>342226 nice +1 upvoted reblogged (you)d
but did you like rate and subscribe you could probably post that on a and get those
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>>342222 No need to pout!
>>342231 nah it was a great post but I'm very stingy with my subscriptions
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oh no you all broke your hands simultaneously
hifumi is the cutest
>>342229 I like it
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>>342241 No pouting!
I can have my gaytimes once again
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>>342253 Don't pout!
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>>342251 there was a boycott? Tomorrow I'm gonna have one of those rainbow paddlepops those are really nice
They have bubblegum ones out too they're nice
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good thing i'm having so much fun right now and am not depressed
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 06:18 No. 342264
bang bang bang
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 06:18 No. 342265
i'ma go check my mail then right back
Samurai's gone post nipahs
turn it up a little bit ###Bang bang bangshit bang bang bang
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>>342263 it's good that you're having fun!
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>>342268 hahahaha look at this LOSER he fucked up his text
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>>342271 uhhhhh
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>>342274 should we just get rid of her
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uhhhhhhh >>342272 wow FUCK YOU
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I read all of the inuyashiki manga the anime will reach the end
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>>342275 Get rid of who?
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*become as gods become as gods become as gods*
oh no I fucked it up
The current Steam sale has Automata on sale. Maybe I'll finally play it.
>>342281 haha now who's the loser o now that's right it's both of us>>342284 fuck
>sister calls >answer normally >"why do you sound so sad" fuck
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>>342283 You got me >>342284 Oh my god I hate this And then they ask you what's wrong
>>342284 every day
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 06:27 No. 342290
FUCK i can't get into the mail room
Pick the locks!
hello yes this is mailman I am holding your mail hostage
>>342285 >>342289 "i'm fine"
>>342294 "no mum nothing's wrong"
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 10 [B83E9(…).jpg )
tell her you're going on strike
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 06:29 No. 342297
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, bwwweuueuelhh.jpg )
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"it's nothing i'm just tired"
>>342296 >dr pavel I'm CIA
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you don't get to bring friends
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I'm tired too. I only slept 5 hours last night. That probably has something to do with it.
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i'm so hungry
>>342303 you are so unaware it hurts me
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It almost seems intentional.
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>>342305 Unaware of what?
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>>342306 i'm trying not to believe she's just being a piece of shit i'd rather believe she's just stupid and not a stupid bitch
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 06:32 No. 342309
>>342296 🤨
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 07 [B421D(…).jpg )
>>342307 bang's problem isn't that he's tired, it's that he's depressed he said he was tired to avoid talking about being sad with his family member>>342309 I CAN'T SEE IT
>>342312 STRIKE
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>>342311 Oh, and that's why he thinks I'm taunting him. I didn't read too many posts up.
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now i get to wonder if you're covering eachother's backs or if there's no point
wait is it actually just the unsupported unicode
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>>342317 kirara is being tsun with me so he wouldn't cover me right now! I really didn't read too far up.
broke nigga hours who tf up
🌲 🌲 🏠 🌲 🌲 oh no my house is going to blow down
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 110x82, kill me.JPG )
>>342323 does this count as broke
>>342324 >>342325 not this shit again
>>342322 yeah sure
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i'm going to boil some rice and then pour it on my face
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>>342328 There's no need to be so paranoid! I like to tease people but i wouldn't intentionally be mean to you!
>>342330 does it matter either way?
>>342323 the broke bois have logged in
>>342326 Yes
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/23 (木) 06:39 No. 342334
>>342325 (the big bad wolf)
>>342333 does it still count as broke if ~1053 gets deposited later today
>>342326 m8 tbh i hope you have other accounts
>>342335 less so but still somewhat yes
well shit
how long until that 1053 gets eaten by your insurmountable mountain of bills mounting you from behind
yeah funny joke actually i think i get to keep about 200 out of that 1053
it's okay i have half a pack of ciggies left and a big bottle of alcohol i'm basically set
you might as well take up smoking weed too, to drain the rest of your savings
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I don't even get these files in my cache
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>>342331 Of course it matters. Intent is everything!
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>>342348 wow you've changed my heart i guess i'm so glad you weren't being an asshole, you're just retarded
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>>342350 ur retarded
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>>342350 That's one of my most moe attributes!
>>342351 >what is this, a thumbnail for ants
>>342354 when you push when you push my sarcasm with a teasing comment it really doesn't help me look favorably at literally the subject at hand
i'm going to go make that rice now and drink tequila
oh yeah i had to convince my sister not to drive down here and take me out for food even though i'm starving and there's only peanut butter and ricei n my house because the reason she wanted to drive down here to get me food was because she was worried about me sounding sad
Your sister sounds nice maybe you should just let her get you food
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It's good to have family that cares. You should lean on them when times are tough.
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i don't wanna celebrate lame ass fucking thanksgiving
this wack ass holiday with my wack ass family
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I'm going to record the audio from my family's dinner.
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You're expecting some kind of shenanigans, huh?
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I figure that if I have to suffer, people might as well derive some kind of sick pleasure from my suffering.
I missed Thanksgiving this year because I didn't want to spend two hours in a car with a dog. Or spend any more time with my younger sister as is possible. I wasn't in a good head space either and didn't want to deal with meeting her new boyfriend. I missed out on good food and some relatives I don't see often enough because of it though.
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>>342378 I think it's a little much to call it sick pleasure!
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>>342379 I wouldn't go if it were a two hour drive.>>342383 Is that so? I wonder why you of all people would object to that phrasing.
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>>342384 Because it's not sick! It's normal to be amused by amusing things! Your word choice is so harsh tonight!
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>>342386 It's kind of sick to get off on another person's suffering, especially if it's your close friend.
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A phrase like "get off" is a really harsh way to word things too!
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Aren't you just oversensitive tonight? This is how I always talk.
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I don't think that's the case!
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me on the left
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I'm acting normal.
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I don't have any sick impulses!
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! - 10 [BD][720(…).png )
tfw you will never cook a good pizza
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>>342403 I didn't say you did.
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>>342405 I think that was implicit in the statement about sick pleasure!
What are more vile, sick impulses, or sick methodically conceived ideas.
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 05 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>342406 It's interesting that you automatically assumed I was accusing you of having sick pleasures when I made that comment.>>342407 Probably the latter.
Yeah, I think I'd generally agree.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>342408 Well, I think it's generally accepted that if it's amusing I'd be interested in it! There's nothing sick about that!
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 04 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>342410 It sounds like something deep inside you convinced you that I was referring to you. I wonder what that something is?
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 427x639, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Common sense, perhaps?
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 06 [BD][(…).png )
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 02 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>342412 Your common sense told you that you had sick pleasures?
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
No, that that was what you were trying to say!
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 05 [BD][(…).png )
here is a picture of blue
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg )
Speaking of blue, the latest FEH banner has Neph on it without another blue playing spoiler.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 12 [3B93C(…).jpg )
>>342415 You always talk about how you try to assyme /// assume the best, but it seems like when it comes to me, you always assume the worst. You think I'm attacking you! I'm hurt.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>342418 Well, you suckered me earlier by saying you wouldn't be mad when you were! It's natural that I'm cautious after that.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 12 [3B93C(…).jpg )
>>342419 Victim blaming. A typical Rika tactic.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 553x604, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
too many reasons for it you said you couldn't breathe too many people on it you said you would try
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 06 [FA90F(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
Well, I'm glad we have that all settled now.
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 442x396, [Kuusou] New Game! - 09 [81C47(…).jpg )
I'm going on strike!
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Wow, why are you suddenly going on strike?
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 585x427, 1510901510590.png )
i keep craving cigarettes but as soon as i start one i want to put it out and not smoke it idk
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Show By Rock!! (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 652x685, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>342427 I haven't had one in awhile. I've been exposed to plenty of second hand smoke though.
>>342428 no one can smile
No drier can ever sufficiently dry my clothes within the time period they seem to expect to be able to dry them. Drier? Dryer? Whatever. I throw my clothes in for the full timer it gives me -- usually one hour -- and by the end they're still more than damp. It's not like it's a big deal to just queue up another spin, but it feels kind of weird that my clothes aren't dry after the longest time they seem to think it takes to dry them.
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
I didn't know you smoked>>342435 it's great
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Watashi ga Mote(…).jpg )
>>342428 i havent been able to stop watching wheel of prizes
>>342432 too many clothes, too damb add more rpms during wash
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>342434 You're the one that suddenly decided to strike!
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bungou Stray Do(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 845x710, 1510556862039.jpg )
magic knight is a cool class. More games need magic knights.
>>342439 I agree they're like tankier red mages
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Bungou Stray Do(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 772x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Maid is a good class too. More games need magic knights and maids.
>lost crucial connecting piece in this gunpla end my life
Search [iqdb] (1012 KB, 1280x720, [SallySubs] Shimoneta to Iu Ga(…).png )
fucking rip
>>342443 do I get the action figure as a reward
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg )
my bloooooood is draiiiined
Search [iqdb] (14s, 2.0 MB, 836x470, big boss.webm )
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 465x665, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg )
there is a grand mosq being planned to be built in the capital, which amusingly practically no one wants, not even majority of our muslims(tax payers)
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 500x513, negativity.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 720x1019, 1510722195608.jpg )
That's a good image that you'll have to steal completely quietly since you're on strike!
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1280x720, [SallySubs] Shimoneta to Iu Ga(…).png )
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (21 KB, 480x417, 1511417827694.jpg )
don't pout!
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-kun no(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 640x480, guncannonpush.gif )
>>342446 >action figure It's a scale model kit dad You can have a mini Guncannon or a ball as a reward your choice
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re Zero kara Ha(…).jpg )
alright well i made the rice and stuff and my sister rolled some tobbaco for me because she's really good at that i forgot how much better it is smoking rolled cigarettes
>>342463 thass kinda animecute
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>>342463 your sis seems nice
Search [iqdb] (490 KB, 687x768, 1471873062887.png )
kirara you're a very dedicated pouter
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 02 [BD][(…).jpg )
>>342463 hope you feel better
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>342467 He really is a hard worker when it comes to pouting.>>342463 I'm glad you accepted some help from her.
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re Zero kara Ha(…).jpg )
i do feel kinda better now also look at this game i'm gonna fly a helicopter dust off my joystick
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [DameDesuYo] Noragami Aragoto (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
>>342472 I'm sleeping soon too. Bye, and good luck with your crazy family tomorrow!
Search [iqdb] (357 KB, 885x968, 1502692716225.jpg )
>>342472 byebye
>>342473 owo what's this?
my favourite tweet+pic is that heart monitor that made the uwu face
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 284x297, 1450573197549[1].jpg )
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 652x685, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
okay I think I'm as tired as I can get without risking falling asleep in front of the computer so it's time for sleep bye bye
nighty nighty rika
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 08:41 No. 342481
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 08:41 No. 342482
Maria You find that missing piece yet?
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 408x1169, 2 - iEAftLq.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 09:19 No. 342484
That one is gud.
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 637x720, 1511101519764.jpg )
>>342482 sadly not I might be able to cannibalise another polycap runner>>342483 nice>>342486 That is a good idea but I do not know how to make 3d models I can possibly buy another pc runner that has the part
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 09:20 No. 342486
You should make a 3d model of it and print it out on a 3d printer. Your uni probably has one.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/23 (木) 09:23 No. 342487
Going bed Yasumi
good night
night rei
Search [iqdb] (647 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20171123_112622.jpg )
the reward
lewd koums
7cm snow pn muy car fuck this blizzard
is 7 cm a lot
It's enough that it's fairly dangerous to drive while ALL THAT SNOW IS BLOCKING YOUR FRONT WINDOW. But yeah you generally want to drive in a vehicle that's had the snow cleaned off it, from a safety and public decency position.
Search [iqdb] (603 KB, 1946x1671, DPTHW1TW4AAWZ9J-orig.jpg )
that was a fun drive home
should have recorded it today is national ##DORIFTODORIFTO DAY
Now i have to wait for maria to come back
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 384x509, ifoHtEd[1].jpg )
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171123-133111.png )
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 400x223, sakuya.gif )
>>342501 i never left>>342502 This is an imposter I need at least $20 before I give it up
>>342499 did you skid all over the ice?
>>342504 yes, etrian odyssey 5's music is good are you playing it
>>342506 No I never even beat 4 But man that, I think it's the town theme, it's so jazzy and laid bacj It's a great ost
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 908x1280, 7973a9a7f2aaa2d96ddbb3a9f2fd8456.jpg )
If you decide to finish some eo games I can senpai for all but the original first one I need to play eo5 english but i finished all but the end of its postgame in jp
Did you not play the first? Oh you mean untold I hear in the original the Samurai class straight up doesn't work EO1 is a good game When I saw the deer FOEs for the first time I was like, whatever they can't be that hard Oh boy
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 500x499, d93145f0e8980d4e6ccb1be0ada72f71.jpg )
I did play untold but lost my copy of eo1
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 532x376, 879b720df215beb50eaf395530b8369d.jpg )
I have also heard that medics using immunize made the party basically invincible>>342509 Yes please, walk into the deer it wont kill you in eo2 you have to move back a space when you retreat from an foe and I got stuck between a deer and a door, couldnt run as a result, and died
>>342511 why didn't you go through the door oh In 4 I just kept full retreat equipped as a burst at all times
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 907x1280, c21f89d572f54d1300266aa1b9f4a667.jpg )
Im pretty sure i could t go through the door, i think the deer is what blocked it and running into it is what made me stuck or something it was a good while ago
how far in four did you get again
>>342514 I just finished the fourth dungeon So I'm close to the end I liked it a lot but I've forgotten what was happening in the story I'll probably go back and finish it some day
>>342515 get to it
I haven't used my 3DS in ages I'll get back to it eventually
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 907x1280, affab86d304d3ce799ad6d87c26ead44.jpg )
do your best
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 631x631, DPSzWm7WsAA04YH.jpg )
Ever get lost in like a million danbooru tabs? It's kind of annoying cause I use a greasemonkey script to let me just scroll down and it loads automatically for me, which becomes a problem if I wanna restart firefox, since I'm not entirely sure if it remembers where I'm at after a restart.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 550x706, 7246b38ad3df2068c95a7650b3d928c1.jpg )
>>342503 >samekuma
>>342522 happy food day
>>342523 thanks
back into the fray
fuckin drink went down the pipe
wrong pipe
Search [iqdb] (961 KB, 780x1110, 54029869_p0.jpg )
>>342528 nue is top tier
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 483x471, IMG_20171115_092443.jpg )
2017/11/23 (木) 15:15 No. 342532
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 650x770, 1369453928935.jpg )
>>342531 → >>342531 → >>342531 →