Thread #340583
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Indeed anime
UQ holder youkai apt 3 gatsu two car hmm Is that all? oh animegataris umaru that's it
Yup, checks out.
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okay let's see 3gatsu youkai apt animegataris two car sound good?
Sounds good.
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3 gatsu okay let's start!
Cats shouldn't be eating cherries anyway. Pitted fruits have small concentrations of cyanide, which while a non-issue for humans, can give -can have an effect on smaller animals.
Wow that's a crazy handicap on Rei's part. He'll probably still beat her though.
He's really not well-suited to being a teacher.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 655x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
He's going to start catching feelings for her.
Oh I was just thinking where Baseball-kun was. He was in her school and hadn't been involved with this yet.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
Oh, I had forgotten that this guy existed.
It's funny watching Kiriyama get fired up about things.
Well that's about what would happen, eh. I wonder if she's gonna not hang out with Baseball-kun then.
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I wonder how all this is going to go down.
>Kawamoto Hinamari loves guys I mean, I get what they're saying. But I feel there is a much more insulting way of putting this
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Her situation just keeps getting worse!
shes gonna KILL people
I think she made the best choice there. Usually when Nipponese bullies write stuff like that on the chalkboard the victim gets all embarrassed and wipes it off before class. Forcing the teacher to confront it like that is a good force of hand.
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Oh, I should have procrastinated on this a bit more. i want to see what happens next.
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okay youkai apt okay lets start
Okey dokes.
lk .
Hase should really just rent out a room at the apartments. He practically lives there already.
Chu-chun ga chun
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animegataris! okay let's start!
I did a stupid character shuffle with this name but then forgot to remember it. Ready.
>How about we make an anime together TERRIBLE IDEA DO NOT PURSUE
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
? ? ?
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Here's the part we all saw coming where they can't agree on what to make. also amazing drawings
Arisu's idea was pretty mecha. I would have expected more of an SoL from her.
That one of their in-world anime from Arisu was a whole smorgasbord of shows rolled into one. The name of Wake Up Girls combined with the characters and a bit of the name of Kemono Friends, combined with...I don't even know what the a character dying every episode would be. I want to say Juuni Taisen but that's airing this season alongside this show.
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sasuga arisu, character designer is the best role.
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Wow, he knows a lot about voice acting. sasuga idol fans.
e v i l
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I wonder when they'll explain why the seitokaichou hates anime so much.
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two car okay let's start!
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 631x716, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Kanojo (…).jpg )
I bet this ends with the other twin cutting her hair and them becoming the same again.
who is the most MC out of them
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Out of the twins?
all of them
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The two girls who can't stop fighting are the protagonists.
thanks for anime
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Looks like they did become clones again. Thanks for anime!