>>339574 steal a 3d printer and steal it also steal the matierials
>>339576 It exists That's the GM role in both Doom boardgames. Incidentally I own both of them but haven't been able to get anyone to play in almost a year.
>>339608 It would be nice if it did! I'll probably get it on switch. My PS4 is having some cooling problems, I heard those were common. I need to open it up and clean it a bit I think, but that's scary.
>>339610 Have you tried using canned air on the vents yet?
>>339627 I'll probably use it like that eventually but it just hasn't happened yet. I'm looking forward to it having a lot of games, especially Fire Emblem and Metroid Prime in the future.
hello yes this is anno
/moe/ I'm pre emptively cutting things off with a girl i've been seeing because I have plans on making this other girl my girlfriend in a couple days here weeeeee
>>339636 They tried a norse or whatever thing with Heroes and it didn't work out so well. I think they will be a little more mainstream fire emblemy in the new mainlline FE.
>>339637 I'm just saying it jokingly don't worry. I was the biggest blogger on /moe/ in 2012/13
>>339641 current girl will be ok trust me i just know i wouldn't like it if new girl was currently seeing other dudes right now, so i'm not gonna be seeing other girls right now
>>339649 Well, generally, garters aren't meant to be exposed.
>>339648 I heard that one of the reasons that Fates is so bad is because they hired a mangaka to write the story and then fired them with it half finished.
I am sure no one knew what half pantyhose meant
I prefer Super Mario Iliad. >>339653 That was basically what I expected desu senpai
>>339651 it's good in that it was designed well enough to not have anything annoying about it or any flaws whatsoever really but the game isn't a standout to me and i feel like i'm not gonna have a lot of fond memories of it, because there aren't a lot of memorable things going on
>>339653 my initial thought was >aren't all pantyhose halves anyway
>>339668 I don't think that I was just being a lark It's really good Cucks on the internet complain that the world is too empty How /// This is wrong because if we look at other open world RPGs, one of the biggest design errors they make is filling the overworld with too much fucking shit,
then why did no one notice that garter strap going out into absolutely nowhere That's not how they work. They really just added a strap and the strap is fucking magic. the half pantyhose is just a means to distract from the absolute absurdity that is the rest of her underwear
I mean, just look at those clothes. You can hardly complain about an irrational garter. The outfit makes the implicit demand that you suspend your disbelief to a pretty large degree.
I was able to get over the half pantyhose as soon as I saw the garter It's like... they're supposed to be two distinct things, you know? That's the whole irrational point. One side is pantyhose, the other side is garter. And the pantyhose looks weird, sure, but the garter defies gravity >>339688 I wanted to call it a stocking but it goes all the way up.
>>339685 It's pantyhose on a single leg. On the other leg it's a sheer stocking. Yes, it's stupid. It's a stupid outfit.
then again, I guess stockings also go all the way up sometimes but at that point they're not something that I can tell the difference between. well whatever just give me a whole garter or at least the belt at the top ...or maybe the strap connects to the pantyhose but that seems like it would pull it down
Well, garters aren't mean to be exposed. So there's no point in wearing pantyhose on one leg, and a stocking on the other. Because onlookers wouldn't be able to tell...
just hold the b button and you win ez >>339712 yes? What day is it
Sunday. We've got Ballroom, Mahoutsukai, and I'm not sure if you watch it but Imouto Sae Ireba Ii. We'll wrap up the show we're in the middle of in fourteen minutes.
yes all three of those I'll join you in 11 minutes
you know what really DUMB thing i want a pair of headphones with kitty ears on it neko* ears
>>339727 There's people that make those. A friend of mine really likes the image of them, and was following someone who had actually gone from drawing them to modelling them to contracting a manufacturer for them. Just about as they were coming out though, some more corporate companies began producing them for the mass market. It was an interesting coincidence.
>>339733 I wouldn't know; I'm completely unfamiliar with the person selling them.
>>339729 >coincidence the russians probably wiretapped him and stole his idea just in time
Yeah it was a little interesting that as soon as a budding market for something like that was emerging, someone with corporate resources just happened to choose to capitalize on it. This was before the new FLCL trailer with an MC wearing headphones like that aired so there wasn't much influence directing people towards awnting them.
*stabs you in chest with handful of eletric chakra* "bankai"
I like when they manage it and then they don't even learn from it and they go back to being dysfunctional afterwards. It's so human.
I'd say it's a bit more of idealized humanity. Most of the time in real life people that are dysfunctional like that can't really overcome their differences.
But it's also a series with super powers so there's an easy-- Fuck I can't remember the term for when fiction is easy to rationalize because it's fiction.
I really like the ridiculousness of these shows. It's like, the characters know shit is ridiculous. This guy will be some completely ridiculous superhero, and some other completely ridiculous superhero is like, yeah, uhh, i punch things with chi and i fought a dragon, and everyone's just like, "what the fuck even?"
I like when perfectly happy and functional people save the day but are so damaged by the experience that they're traumatised and become dysfunctional as the cost of saving the day
>>339825 wow that's even better They shouldn't have bothered!
>>339827 Yeah I like it when the protagonists aren't okay but then they pretend that things are okay Fake it till you make it amirite
>>339831 yeah stark is insanely fucked up stark and punisher are like living representations of ptsd
one of my favorite things about the Batman Vs Superman movie was that batman was just constantly haunted by his past and miserable all the time, while superman just had an amazing life and even when things got bad he had lots of support from his family and loved ones it was my favorite thing because it was funny to me
>>339834 >our house I thought it was your house and I'm just squatting
>>339835 Captain America's struggles during the first Avengers and Winter Soldier got pretty PTSD at times. Though he also had the anachronistic issues going on.
>>339837 i like the contrast between miserable piece of shit and productive member of society/demi-human batman and superman bros 4 lyfe
Kirara 🦃
>>339839 yeah, i think it was similar but not quite PTSD but it is a bit of a spectrum MCU has been really good at portraying psychological issues
>>339840 a great joke i had with a friend was that superman had a huge funeral with everybody loving the shit out of him and if it was batman's funeral, it would certainly just be alfred standing there with a shovel, in the rain
>>339839 >anachronistic issues I love when they make gags about people from the past not being used to the future
>Gags That's not quite the word I'd use but I get your meaning.
>>339845 I'm not talking about the emotional distress of adapting to a new culture in the future I'm just saying it can be funny
That's how I feel, too. One of my classes for tomorrow is canceled, so I have a meeting and a class tomorrow, and then a class on Tuesday morning, and then I'm free.
Yeah, but the thing about short weeks is that I basically get to do a week's worth of work in the short week. That's okay though. I can only think of a few tasks I need to get done. Nothing that happens this week will compare to last week.
My swim gogges are coming in tomorrow and then my the replacement power cord for my piano is coming the day after that and then my hobbies will be complete
>>339894 I don't think there is an afterlife One day the universe will end But then there's gonna be another universe And that one will do And so on until this universe repeats and you just live the same life over and over again
>>339893 Oh, come now, you're never really locked in unless you want to be. You can always throw away everything and start again doing something else. You could become a train conductor or, I don't know, you'd probably be a good teacher.
>>339885 what do you think I've been doing >>339897 yes how may I help
>>339893 that is a profoundly heartbreaking statement you can still change careers rika i believe in you please follow your dreams of becoming a broadway star
>>339895 Well, I actually am pretty good at teaching. I don't know if I could get all the certifications though. I wonder what kind of degree you have to have to qualify for those.
I don't think I could throw away everything and start again.
>>339923 they have a bunch of fighter pilots that bomb the starbursts with flavour before it enters your mouth there's a pretty good short film about it
I hear that they kamikaze themselves into your mouth before each bite you take
I think the best way to go about enjoying anime is to just watch meme clips of them on youtube
I think the best way to go about enjoying anime is to just watch anime you enjoy
tthat's retarded
wow that was not worthwhile meal in fact I would go as far as to say that none of the things i ate today, were worth eating EXCEPT, ironically, the fucking quesarito i had from taco bell that was some good shit
>>339973 you have to watch anime you don't enjoy, in order to build willpower and acquire taste it will only make you appreciate the anime you do enjoy even more
wow bang your gay
I mmean happy birthday
birthday bang
thanks i guess
birthday bang
thanks i guess
wow go die
>>339975 wow I guess I'll just go finish iron blooded orphans I'll be able to enjoy anything
>>339974 happy birthday bang do you have to work today?
i know what triggered it was realizing that i had forgot something that i'm upset at myself for but that doesn't really matter the dulge of other reasons flowing through my head right now are pretty intense and i'm going to go pour a very big glass of liqour
>>340005 Hmm. Maybe medium frequency? I guess I have dreams with storms in them enough to not say rarely. Why.
birthday bang
>>340007 yeah because losing my ability to drive, a lack of social activities, loss of income, and making stupid mistakes have absofuckinglutely nothing right yeah it's just the fucking weather fuck you
>>340046 I think recurring dreams probably mean something, though probably not what the "experts" will tell you.
birthday bang
this is really great it's like inside i really just want to rip my flesh apart until i'm dead throw my body against every possible thing around me, destroying as much as i can and yet i'm just staring at my hands typing on my keyboard, too depressed and tired to actually do anything at all
>>340051 Well, probably. But it depends on the type of recurring dream, too. Sometimes they just mean you have PTSD. Sometimes they're just normal recurring dreams that probably mean something.
>>340055 Well, I think my dreams about storms do have to do with change or future uncertainty or something.
birthday bang
okay birthday time over i wish i could say i won't see you guys tomorrow but i have literally nothing else to do in my life now except work and sit at my fucking computer bye
>>340067 I'm leaving soon too. I have to wake up for work in six hours after all. I'm going to check my dryer and tell it to dry my clothes some more and probably go to sleep soon.
all the leaves are finally coming off the trees in my backyard now i can sweep the porch and those fucking leaves won't be backc the next day hallelujah can i get an amen
>>340104 >an-com I thought this was supposed to be a pun on acorn But then I realised raccoons aren't known for eating acorns But by then I had already greentexted an-com
>>340107 I'm trying to teach my friend how to play mahjong and need an extra person I'm wondering if you'd be up for playing it's not a real game thoug I won't be trying to win I just wanna observe him and tell him where he fucks up
>>340109 No need to apologize mate rest well Unless you're working in which case work well
sorry but i don't think i can even do that i'd be a bot basically
>>340108 i'm not doing much atm but if i'll tbh for a moment even sitting at a desk long enough to play mahjong starts to hurt my bones i'm like an old grandparent with the way my bones are i need to put stuff like that on a calendar and prepare >>340111 ive probably got many scleroses man like so many of them
>>340110 what the hell did you do to your bones is it all the odd jobs and working >scleroses >abnormal hardening of body tissue. It sounds like a super power Except it's not
oh sorry i was being retarded and making a joke many scleroses = more than one = multiple scleroses
>>340114 Trump and Hillary don't deserve to be in the same room as Yotsuba Yeah the nier plushies are cute That game has a great ost >>>/watch?v=c9Ku9HIumpM BECOME AS GODS
>>340132 I like the one in the middle left. that sly bastard gets me every time. we'll have to petition sugoi to release the ones you are missing whenever we see that mysterious man next.
>>340148 it definitely wasn't vague about akio banging Utena I remember Anthy and Utena holding hands I think though I should rewatch it because I'm either drunk or I don't remember the end very well
>>340211 you'll do fine family >>340212 there was this dude on the rev work forums that was new and made a mistake, and a grader corrected it, and he felt so slighted by being corrected that he started a thread to complain about graders and how he didn't do anything wrong and everyone else is fucking stupid to the point that he got banned and his entire work account deleted he used a morty picture as his profile picture on the fuckin work forums lol
i don't even do work there i dont know why i go there it's like fuckin facebook it's so dumb i think that's why i like reading it
and everyone jumps in to give their two cents on it with details nobody asked for "IM A RETIRED VET AND LET ME TELL YOU IN MY SERVICE IVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE GET AWAY WITH BEHAVIOR WITH THIS, LIKE IF U AGREE"
Kirara 🦃
those people are really something special
north korean defector found to have dozens of intestinal parasites including roundworms up to a foot long gosh dang norkor
Kirara 🦃
oh i heard about that that shit's insane no wonder everyone is so sick
this is how zombalypses start if we ever have one i bet it's going to start out like this with a defector trying to get away from nk and then weird hospital reports
Kirara 🦃
that's not a bad way for it to start at least
what if it was engineered by nk though and this defector thing was all planned and he was just a military actor in the scheme doing his part
that's way scarier than nuclifare
Kirara 🦃
yeah people aren't scared enough of shit like that
i mean it's a pretty legit concern it's not a traditional proper zombalypse like night of the living dead but really, even a rabies epidemic would be close enough
yeah even NK has the resources to engineer some shit
get a fuckin same-day file on friday that got nitpicked to no end sent in the final file on friday that i busted my butt to get done to their needs, after hours even and was rushed get an email back three fuckin days later saying "Thanks" like they just now got it why am i rushing to get stuff to people who aren't gonna look at it all weekend i thought being a professional businessy person would be fun but it's just making me really pissed off all the time because people are fuckin weird
Kirara 🦃
fuck i've recently realized shit like this too
i was worried that i'd be stressed out from workload, or stressed out by the pressures no that is fucking smooth sailing i'm stressed out from people being disorganized and not knowing what to do have to cross-check this data that somebody has ALREADY PUBLISHED A STUDY ON and they're like "hold on let me get you in contact with the girl who did the study" and i'm like okay and it's been a week and i haven't heard shit like what do you even want me to do
i set up this meeting with two people under me to do some interrater reliability stuff last wednesday and one of the people who assured me just that morning that he'd be there, didn't show up and has basically ghosted me since then i tried to set up another meeting time and no answer
why are people like this
man school was always the worst with that shit it's like it is now but people feel even less obligation to do anything i was president of the physics club and tried to get those nerds to do stuff and on any given meeting people just wouldn't show up, our club faculty member person whatever that's called for a club i forget -- they wouldn't be there our SGA representative would just dip and not go to apply for a budget we had to do so many community service hours to get our budget approved, and it was like 15 hours, not even much i did it all my fucking self why are people so lazy
i don't get it like if you wanna be lazy fine but do it in ways that don't inconvenience everyone around you
man the professor i work for, our team is 5 undergrads and me we're losing two undergrads next semester so we'll have 3 people for tons of work, since i can't work with the research we're doing (because i know the hypotheses and stuff)
and i just found out she hasn't done any recruiting for new students at all
what the fuck it's not even hard
and i'm tired of this "oh i'll get back to you next quarter" garbage it's like nobody wants to do anything they'll have an idea and i could literally start on it right now and probably have a feasibility study and a research strategy ready by like next week why do we have to wait a fuckin month just for people to mention it at a meeting in several months
if it was me i'd just fuckin do it with the anticipation that it's going to be approved in the meeting and that way i'd have the preliminary work done in advance to show at the meeting you know
if these people were birbs they wouldn't be early birbs catching the worm i can say that much they'd be those fat fuckin birbs that accidentally drown themselves in the birb bath
yeah everything takes so much longer than it should i don't get it everything is bogged down with stupid formalities and "traditions" and shit like this
who came up with this "let's get four things done this year" quarter bullshit anyway it's so dumb two weeks there's no reason any stage of a process should take longer than that other than in weather or astronomy or things that naturally take a long time
people seem to take on so much stupid bullshit that they should be delegating to other people and it just bogs them down so much it's ridiculous
i need a secretary and a personal assistant i get more shit done than most of these idiots that have those two things, more productive, and i get bogged down by stuff i shouldn't have to do i wish i could afford to pay someone to do that and to make my professional calls for me i can't do business calls and it's weighing me down pretty hard
i had a telemeeting last week and an hour after the time we were supposed to be meeting, i got this email, like, "hey, let's just meet in person next tuesday"
yeah i know right i had to do a presentation in a teleconference one day and i was on the call like 10 minutes early and fuckin got started like 20 minutes late and once we did start everyone kept like trying to say something but "Oh forgot i was on mute" and all sorts of chaos i was getting really pissed off
like just the half-hour wait got my nerves so rigid that i had trouble not sounding snippy at the people yeah it's hard being professional i get that but i'm tryin dude why can't you guys
people have no respect for each other's time i don't understand why everything has to be so dysfunctional when it could be so easy with a little respect for others
people act like once they're there they can just do whatever they want
are you going to take them down
and they're sending back and forth client-confidential documents and proprietary data through dropbox and sometimes just as email attachments man i just lose my shit so easily when i'm sober
>>340248 which cabinet member is this? >>340249 yeah i have to use like an email account siloed by three degrees of separation just because i don't even want my email addressed in these email chains hacking one of these people would be a matter of just opening up their unlocked laptops
>>340256 Yeah they cut down a tree to keep the lid closed
if you were to scavenge like the northwest territories or alaska or places like in that picture i wonder how many skeletons you'd find that died in outhouses that would be a good research effort
>>340280 good morning >>340279 you ever watch captain disillusion the old stuff from 8 years ago is a little wonky but the new stuff is really pretty good
>>340283 he just talks about visual effects mainly
this website is pretty cool i think the coolest part is that (at least in google chrome) the tab for the webpage is animated in a rather ingenious way the webpage renames itself over and over to look like it's typing out different phrases
>>340306 yeah ive diversified though. i got litecoin too
Anxiety is burning sky high and I don't have any way of blowing it off or resolving the issue and I can't even relax at home to deal with it because there's a class I'm supposed to be at that I'll be skipping because going to it would be too embarrassing and pointless. The world ending would be pretty great right about now.
>>340339 Because the class would consist of peer swapping essay drafts, a draft I don't possess, since essay writing isn't particularly easy for me, since finding a topic to write on is difficult when the prompt is insanely vague while paradoxically the topic needs to be absolutely precise, and since I can't do the research for a research paper when I don't know what I need to be looking for as secondary sources in the first place.
>>340342 Is that super embarrassing? I'm sure everyone's been at a point they don't have work and I think most students worry mostly about themselves than what others are doing
I don't know if this has occurred to you yet, but personal embarrassment is rarely relative to what other people think.
>What inspired the story, characters, and setting? >Kei Mikami: Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 were both released exclusively on PSP, which was a very prolific console in Japan. Their themes, therefore, catered to our Japanese audience, such as a schoolyard environment or a fantastical special ops team. This time we decided to return to the first game’s grounded military setting. As such, we moved away from super soldiers with extraordinary powers. Instead you’ll find characters who are more like people you could see yourself meeting in everyday life.
Oh good, I was concerned about this. Seems like it may be a really good game!
Yeah. It's supposed to be a winter game so I guess they're the kind of flaps that flap down to cover your ears. But we both know the intention is to give her cat ears.
Apparently Justice League made less than half of what Avengers did opening weekend.
I heard it was okay
Kirara 🦃
>Including domestic, the worldwide opening is $279M. apparently it made double overseas what it made in the US
The new Thor apparently made like 400M worldwide opening weekend
I should make a shitty movie as well then. I can rake in all the NEET money
Kirara 🦃
>As of November 19, 2017, Justice League has grossed $96 million in the United States and Canada, and $185.5 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $281.5 million, against a production budget of $300 million.
>>340394 bitcoins are still growing buy bitcoins and then retire in like a month after they increase by another thousand
Kirara 🦃
>Thor Ragnarok grossed more than $739 million, making it the ninth highest-grossing film of 2017. >180M budget
the fifth is Wolf Warrior 2 which i've never even heard of
Kirara 🦃
>Wolf Warrior 2 (Chinese: 战狼2) is a 2017 Chinese action film directed by Wu Jing, who also starred in the lead role. The film co-stars Celina Jade, Frank Grillo, Hans Zhang, and Wu Gang. wow, it got to the 5th highest grossing film and only was shown in China and Sri Lanka
>Beauty and the Beast, The Fate of the Furious, and Despicable Me 3 have each grossed over $1 billion, and are ranked as the 10th, 11th, and 24th highest-grossing films of all time, respectively, with the latter the 4th-highest-grossing animated film. Spider-Man: Homecoming is ranked as the 49th highest-grossing film of all time. these top three have me shook
inb4 the new starwars comes and knocks them all down a spot
Kirara 🦃
nah it's only got like 15 days in 2017 unless the money it makes in 2018 is counted for 2017 hmm
I usually think of actors having it relatively easy, but I guess in times like this, they just work nonstop without break.
I guess they probably have a lot of fun and get paid a lot, though, so it's probably still a great gig.
Acting is not easy at all. Sure you're rich, but you have a tonne of stresses to deal with. Being on set and doing 50 dozen takes is tiring And you're constantly in the spotlight so you're never really not working
>>340419 >I usually think of actors having it relatively easy What's the difference
>>340418 I'm clearly referring to the amount that they work. I'm saying that " I guess in times like this, they just work nonstop", implying that I think they're usually not working nonstop, i.e. they do a movie, then have some time to chill, then do another movie.
>>340421 >In times like this I think it's usually times like this Big name actors get movies one after the other Straight onto the next movie And you've gotta do public apperances and interviews and stuff as well to make sure you stay in the limelight Like you look at Boyega, he's not only doing all these starwars movies, but he's also doing Pacific Rim 2 at the moment It's hard work being an actor You can't just take a break because it's so competitive, no one else is taking breaks.
I'm already an alcoholic with PTSD, so I'm probably mentally compatible with Hollywood.
>>340435 Yeah, I'm good at lying. I don't really like to lie, though. I think acting is different, though.
lies are my guilty pleasure It's why I like games like mahjong or poker Seeing someone believe in untruthes and deal straight in while you know something they don't is so good
>>340439 Isn't acting like lying? It's all putting on a performance
There are too many things to being a good actor that aren't covered by being skilled at lying. I don't have a word for it but there's something beyond being believable.
Kirara 🦃
>>340441 being skilled at manipulation of yourself and others with an emphasis on emotion, imo, is what makes a good actor
oh, one of my favorite marvel comics, runaways, is getting adapted on hulu soon that kind of pisses me off because they canceled that comic when it was getting really good
>>340478 >>>/watch?v=kiCHz8c3Y4Q i'd offer a preliminary comment here but i think that it tarnishes the experience if you don't like it i'd rather hear you express that verbally or otherwise than to pre-load your thoughtspace with thinking thoughts
i'm trying to work with a UK data company on doing better reports because their reports suck and UK people don't seem to have any motivation at all i'm like doing all the effort and they're just slacking off sending emails to each other for two weeks trying to figure out who should be in charge of correspondence kannagi help
>>340506 doesn't anything happen to slackers? If only it was simple to just tell their boss or something
Pea soup and grilled cheese dinner
>>340507 i'm currently dealing with the fuckin C-suite because nobody else knows what they're doing i guess? which means i now might get an email once a week if i'm lucky
>>340509 Wow you'd think the people up top of all people would care the most instead of just trying to pass the work around
no that's why they pay people to be delegated these sorts of things
i'm so tired
I'll probably be that way soon. I slept miserably last night and I'm probably only kept up by how much coffee I drank this evening.
It'll be 6 episodes. Apparently the recap episode isn't considered as part of the show. The next part, Yuusha no Shou, is listed as 6 episodes and begins airing on the 25th.
That's a bit of a weird technicality but I get it. In the end it's just an extra week to wait. Patience is a virtue!
From what I understand, Taisha turns tons of people into Yuusha so they can all fight Vertex or something, in the LN, at least. I don't know the story of the mobage, but there are CGs in it that show Togo and Washii in the same image, interacting with each other, so I assume it's probably some time travel shit.
>>340529 She and Yuna are going to have really good interaction since they both get carried away so easily and in the same kind of way.
I wonder if Togo will still be Togo, though. I guess she has her memories back, so maybe her personality will change back to Washio's a little? I guess they were pretty similar, but Washio was more serious than Togo.
The comment field on Sargon's videos is a trip, dude One of the highest voted comments is "Twitter does know it's illegal for them to track people around the internet outside their website, right?" It's wild, they're out of control Their connection to reality crumbles the second it's needed to defend LITERAL. ACTUAL. NAZIS.
>>340536 >track people outside their website Lol, is he referring to stuff like twitter embeds on other sites?
>>340537 No, they're talking about like... tracking you Like google and twitter already does, but now they'll look at the information and ban people for being active with violent groups
This, of course, means Twitter are the real fascists ...because they want to ban people from a bird website for being involved in... terrorist organizations
>>340539 tbh tracking sounds skeevy It's dumb to only bring it up in the context of nazis and not care about it before that, but it still sounds pretty skeevy to me
>>340539 Well, I tgink this is potentially a good thing in terms of like Isis and shit But it is a system that has a massive potential for abuse
OK now that I've read the comments, time to get into this video We're 20 minutes in, and Sargon already posits that Twitter is making a mistake, because banning NAZIS will not convince the NAZIS to stop being NAZIS, but will just make them leave Twitter
...which would be the point of a ban
Does Sargon genuinely think Twitter is trying to convince people? They want them to leave.
I'm pretty sure the main reason they're rolling this out is for Isis. Not being nazis *neo Nazis
man sargon is a fuckin stooge what ar eyou doin that for
>twitter isn't capable of doing this because they're struggling with hate speech on their own platform I don't even know what to say here This wouldn't be a human team
Yeah, it turned into ToN's game. Imouto party was a pretty funny development though.
Itsuki ending up admitting he was curious about being an imouto was pretty funny.
Also I think Haruto's voice actor did all the voices for all the additional characters for his campaign. Which is how it should be as the GM but it was still a nice touch to go through with it.
>>340564 I was really expecting you guys to do that in my game! I expected you to get me back for the Ferris wheel incident.
>>340562 That's friggin lewd. >>340565 I'm not a player in your campaign, but I bet they're just waiting for the right time to get back at you. On a related note next time my dm does an adventure requiring a new party We are all going to make Goblin Slayer
My game's already over. They fell for every single trap I set and didn't see the obvious twist coming (partly because they ignored a bunch of lore opportunities at the beginning of the game)
I guess Tilde surprised me by sealing the Archiething. I was hoping to torture ToN with it for a little bit.
master wayne my entire character consists of being concerned about your well being and guilt tripping you about fighting crime and sacrificing yourself to save the lives of others