I think it would make for an interesting plot line. Having this other school they're merging with already have a school idol group and having an inter-school rivalry going on.
And then they all quit and give up and the series ends on this episode.
>>338372 I have about 26 minutes left at this moment, so that might not work.
We've got another show we can fit in, so don't worry.
I think he's saying that he has to leave in 26 minutes. Hopefully he will post soon to clear this issue up. We can start kekkai now and just come back to this if we need to.
>>338461 he's super fab his power is kind of weird though >>338464 hai hai >>338468 wow that's really rude dude a minute and thirty seconds is plenty of time to make a good cocktail >>338468 the last part sounds difficult get a shot of gin and drop it in a glass of gin it's a uh gin bomb >>338466 what the fuck is a tom collins >>338468 no don't as soon as you get up he'll arrive >>338466 oh that sounds good i don't really know any good gin cocktails i only drink it by itself or with tonic water except one time i used sprite it wasn't terrible but not good
Bang should be on his way too.
All we need is Squid.
I had a Tom Collins the other week at a pub with a few guys from class. It was the first time I'd tried a gin cocktail. It was pretty good.
>>338465 Gin, lemon juice, sugar, and carbonated water.
i'm ready for multicultural coffee squid doesn't real during the OP i'm goign to make the fastest cocktail of my life >>338465 yeah but i have to get downstairs and then back upstairs too also there might not be anything to mix with so i might just be drinking straight gin >can i get a gin double neat but let it freefall >splash of gin please should i get my gin first is squid going to be a second i literally should have gone to get gin alright brb
my ploy to lure in squid didn't work i guess it would only work if i actually got up to get gin see
oh no he's crisp she's*
Wow she went full gyaru.
oh heck
>>338465 I don't think I'd had anything gin-based before that actually. I'm not sure I'd even tried gin before that too. One of the main reasons I tried it was it was the cheapest cocktail on the menu. It was good though. If I kept carbonated water and lemon juice around I might get some gin and try some.
i mean most people i've met like that I haven't had a problem with but i've met a few where you could tell they were just in it for the attention and that their wires were just so twisted i just hate to see people lie to themselves in such a misguided way to have an issue with the way you were born is pure weakness one must deal with the hand they're dealt
I am interested to see how they handle that character though. So far everyone else has a character that is more or less contrary to their nature.
Some of them aren't so much that. The onee-san character doesn't really contradict being onee-san-y. And Maika is a natural sadist so her -so she isn't really acting for her role in the first place.
The onee-san character is the weakest in terms of being contrary to her nature.
Maika is kind of contrary to her nature though since she's so nice on the inside. She's just a natural where the other two have to put some effort into acting.