Thread #332170
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Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
2017/11/11 (土) 13:28 No. 332170
Potatoes for the Potato god
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gas for the car
2017/11/11 (土) 13:34 No. 332175
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potato city still looks like a hive city to me
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i'm pretty sure that honey city is much more hive
2017/11/11 (土) 13:34 No. 332177
nah is a wh40k thing a city build like a giant spire with layers on top of layers with hundreds of millions to tens of billions people living in one
is wd40 safe to drink
2017/11/11 (土) 13:35 No. 332179
dnno try
i don't have any
2017/11/11 (土) 13:37 No. 332181
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go buy then
2017/11/11 (土) 13:38 No. 332182
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but really LAYERS
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is your ass in that much need of lubrication
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>>332183 i like this post
no wonder considering how much of a fucking faggot you are
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>>332185 truer words have never been spoken
thanks dutch/whateverthefuckyougobythereisthatonestupidthingyougobythatican'tremember
I cal him Vivi
2017/11/11 (土) 13:43 No. 332189
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you would
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>>332187 no problem anon-san who may you be>>332191 imats calls me that
oh right it was dvice>>332188 now that is gay
2017/11/11 (土) 13:43 No. 332192
everyone should just be called "ethnicity"
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tupw bully club was disbanded
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>>332192 would work badly for our american enemies
2017/11/11 (土) 13:44 No. 332195
>>332194 I guess atleast wait damn there are two american jews
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>>332195 who is #2?
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>>332195 >implying jews are an ethnic group
2017/11/11 (土) 13:44 No. 332199
>>332197 reifag
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oh coolio the jews are taking over moo yet again also check my cool post numbers
holy shit check this 1
2017/11/11 (土) 13:45 No. 332202
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dat is cool>>332222 do a flip faggot
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>>332201 woah d00d
4 u
epic reddit tier bane post my friend
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thank you I have been practicing
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clearly you need to be practicing sucking dick mroe
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what do you think I've been doing all this time ;-)
2017/11/11 (土) 13:47 No. 332209
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sucking your gfs penis
sucking nipples
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both true also check em
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fucking shitting dick nipples
2017/11/11 (土) 13:48 No. 332213
is that australia?
no it's a decade old meme
2017/11/11 (土) 13:48 No. 332215
so yes
yeah same difference
Nice desu ne
nice tbh fam
2017/11/11 (土) 13:49 No. 332219
2017/11/11 (土) 13:49 No. 332220
lol #8ball (nope.avi)
lel no longer works check these
2017/11/11 (土) 13:50 No. 332223
Search [iqdb] (227 KB, 300x300, 8d241c998eb4ad05d37acbd7af41993c.gif )
>>332222 where's my flip faggot
2017/11/11 (土) 13:53 No. 332225
#flip (true)
2017/11/11 (土) 13:59 No. 332227
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#8ball (EEEEEEH?!) #flip (false) #10d20 (13, 7, 2, 4, 1, 10, 3, 3, 2, 11 = 56)
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#imgay was a thing right that shit was like a year ago but got damn my memory aint' that bad>>332229 that esplains things#5d6 (1, 4, 3, 3, 6 = 17) #3d6 (2, 3, 6 = 11) #2d6 (1, 5 = 6) fug
2017/11/11 (土) 13:59 No. 332229
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iot was but sammy didn't bring ti back
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you can close your post while i think things borke and why the fuck still ara
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what even happened while i was gone
2017/11/11 (土) 14:11 No. 332232
>>332231 #8ball (lol) ate #8ball (Yes) and then had sex with #8ball (lol) and killed #8ball (git gud) because #8ball (Try again never)
>>332231 Chaos dunk dropped on the board
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>>332235 is this how i nu-/moe/
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white people can experience racial oppression... if they're white jewish people get fukt white goyim
>>332235 But what was the monks motivation for planting the dates>>332237 >Tfw Scottish >Tfw in the end you're just a potatonigga
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>>332237 nigger i grew up in the hood as a white person
>>332238 >implying irish people are peopl
>>332206 i see a cute girl here
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>>332239 you mean you sat around appropriating black culture your entire life you BASTARD
>>332240 I said Scottish. I am part Irish but that's not the point
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>>332242 how about i appropriate your face with MY FIST
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apparently the new Thor movie is about combating imperialism by destroying empires im gonna see it today>>332244 do it you fucking won't
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well how did the dodgers choke in the playoffs again HUH?
>>332245 How unamerican, unless they are fighting imperialism with imperialism!
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>>332247 yeah all my commie friends were saying it was so unamerican thay they couldn't believe it got the ok
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>commie friends >friends and you call yourself an amercain
>>332249 He's a spy Watch yourself my fellow goyim
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god bless America land that I love stand beside her and guide her something something something something a light from above
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I feel so low energy, I think my flu is over now but I still have a bad cough.
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dear god we need help
2017/11/11 (土) 14:21 No. 332254
>>332252 pantsu
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>>332252 >getting the flu at least it ain't pnemonia cause fuck that shit
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>>332253 the only help i need is the kind that topples society so i can be free tbh
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>>332256 so money?
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>>332257 yes i must become rich then i will be free
>removed press a to pound from mallow's trial
>>332259 wat
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>>332258 i'm poor and basically farming and more free than your commy ass will ever be come at me bitch>>332262 you're typing more poorly than i am after having a fifth of rum
>>332260 ultra moon chamges
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>>332261 if you're so free, how are you typing? you can't be free with a physical body
i'm not jewish and don't abide by society
i can ride my bike with no handle bars no handle bars
i can ride my bike with no canadiens no canadiens i miss highschool
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lmao berniebros
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is this how i neo/moe/>liberals
2017/11/11 (土) 14:34 No. 332272
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only acceptable commie is a subber
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>>332271 you call that a meme? pathethic watch this
>>332273 2reel
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>>332271 me every day on twitter when the libs are being libs
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mfw liberals
2017/11/11 (土) 14:37 No. 332277
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m49s, 5.5 MB, 568x320, e2d1a9bd3546a908.mp4 )
here is meem
rupw meme government in a meme country
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no meme but ideolgies need to be managed because fuck the 2 party system
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2017/11/11 (土) 14:39 No. 332282
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moar meems
>>332282 that's a great meme
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>>332282 fuckin saved
it's okay to be white
wrong white genocide NOW
>>332285 #buti'mnotracist
>>332289 this but unironically
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>caring about race in 2017 come on it's 2017
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i was complaining to a colleague that Republican elected officials are complicit in child sexual abuse and they were like Y-YEAH BUT NOT ALL REPUBLICANS SUPPORT CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE like yeah i didn't think they did until you felt the need to tell me that
>>332292 you only say that because we're coming for your white ass
>>332293 >complainging >to colleage while grad student what is every grad student ever
>>332294 considering that i don't have a dick that makes perfect sense
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>>332296 even worse
2017/11/11 (土) 14:45 No. 332298
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>>332298 >clones from 2013 >this conversation OH FUCKING SHIT TN AHEAD OF ARRBADY
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>>332304 no you're not
shit you're right/conservative/ i've drunk on poorism
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It's cold
only cuz i'm here bb
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>>332306 your reliance on the welfare state can be fixed don't worry
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get a job you fucking loser
>>332309 nigger i'm falseflagging get with teh fucking memes you retard
hm maybe that image is a bit nsfw
2017/11/11 (土) 14:49 No. 332313
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>unironically taking politics seriously for the us in 2017
love to dumpster dive into dumpster fires
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>taking bourgeois politics serious in any year
>>332316 >>332316 >>332316
>>332315 that's what your gf said about you last night tbh
>>332318 good
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yeah she said the herpes burns #doubleberned
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wow wtf im a legalist now im suing you for slander
legalize THIS #straight fire
2017/11/11 (土) 14:53 No. 332324
>>332323 more like gay fire
that's only cuz you and ton are lighting it
but ton is married to pan now I don't want none of that shit
>implying gay marriages are steady lamo you don't even know gay people
>>332328 theirs is steady they've been in love for like 100 years
only steady because someone has been payin off both sides ever think of THAT
2017/11/11 (土) 14:56 No. 332331
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Well that was a weird youtube channel
so were you
>>332330 is it china?
well yeah china is communist for the most part
china is capitalist as h*ck though
2017/11/11 (土) 14:57 No. 332336
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communism has never been tried
commuism has never been tired
2017/11/11 (土) 14:57 No. 332338
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communism has never been to downtown
let's just do anarchy tbh
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>>332339 fucking centrists
2017/11/11 (土) 14:58 No. 332341
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let's just #8ball (Can you repeat the question)
quick moo which extreme are you like the rad 90s left centrist right
2017/11/11 (土) 14:59 No. 332343
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Central party dictatorship ftw!
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>>332343 only intelligent answeronly answer
You guys sure love your politics
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>>332345 i'm just ironically shitposting for neo/moe/ to make it alive because if i didn't it would be dead and that is what is really sad
2017/11/11 (土) 15:00 No. 332348
/moe/ is dead anyhow
/moe/ is alive
>>332348 this
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All I see is really bad shitposting.
just franken/moe/
>>332352 well all you see is you posting so what is the diffenrece
2017/11/11 (土) 15:02 No. 332355
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>>332353 Dawn of the /moe/
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>>332354 Wow, high quality response.
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>>332352 They can't really help it. They were born this way.
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>>332356 considering that we are the same person since 2013 it really is high level false flagging yo uwoulnd't undersant
i might be so drunk i read kannagi as kirara tn pls help
2017/11/11 (土) 15:03 No. 332360
Search [iqdb] (♫, 19s, 5.9 MB, 1920x1080, 1d4930340e1a47d5.mp4 )
2017/11/11 (土) 15:04 No. 332361
>>332359 git gud
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>>332357 Shouganai naa
2017/11/11 (土) 15:04 No. 332363
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m0s, 9.0 MB, 460x574, 4b26fdd3eb09cc40.mp4 )
>>332361 i've had a liter is that gud
2017/11/11 (土) 15:05 No. 332365
>>332364 drink two
on it
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>>332359 Wow. You are such a dweeb.>>332362 Not everyone can be high quality like us.
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>>332367 i blame you for being such a fucking european
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>>332368 What the fuck did you just call me?
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a dodger fan
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>choking against the stos
2017/11/11 (土) 15:08 No. 332373
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don't worry rodgers is ded
2017/11/11 (土) 15:09 No. 332376
>>332374 nuu not rodgers
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#when 1 player is a whole team
2017/11/11 (土) 15:10 No. 332378
>>332375 wat
he's peniswise, the screw happy clown
>clicking bad twitter links
2017/11/11 (土) 15:11 No. 332381
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_01_[D909(…).jpg )
>>332379 would have been lot better if they had used the older movie costume
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that's only cuz you want to see imats naked in a clown hat
everyone wants that, i don't think it's fair to judge people for it
not me
why you lyin
i don't want to see myself naked in a clown hat
2017/11/11 (土) 15:12 No. 332387
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_01_[D909(…).jpg )
not what the data says
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i'm the self conscious alter ego you fagget
wait what if all three of us are the same person
2017/11/11 (土) 15:14 No. 332390
Search [iqdb] (316 KB, 822x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_02_[1AF9(…).jpg )
didn't you know everyone is samefag
i know i know ive let you down
i know this booze hasn't
2017/11/11 (土) 15:14 No. 332393
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_03_[043D(…).jpg )
whatcha drinking anyhow
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some spiced rum because fuck it oh by the way die
oh by the way hi
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oh by the way bye
I wish I could turn back time
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>evangelion things in 20 years after evangelion
2017/11/11 (土) 15:16 No. 332399
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>>332397 would be fun one bottle of booze would get you so manydrunk and no hangover
>>332394 ok
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time for the hours upon hours of sober up cuz it's the next day whoo>>332402 that's the next day
2017/11/11 (土) 15:22 No. 332402
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you y not drink till you drop?
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Cafeteria closes from 10-11 to switch to lunch how am i supposed to get hot breakfast now>>332404 YEAH I HAVE A PROBLEM
>white people problems
2017/11/11 (土) 15:24 No. 332405
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_09_[7B55(…).jpg )
I always drink more the more drunk I am
I want my biscuits and gravy
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well gotta do a thing while drunk then do nothing for like an hour then drink beer for a bit then get ack to drunk and pass our for all of sunday
2017/11/11 (土) 15:26 No. 332408
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sounds like my wednesday-friday I didn't get to have much of a thursday
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some of us have to go to CHURCH on sunday
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yeah it's a p average day oh right i was gonn ask imats a thing you wathched the concussion ball with your dad what was your team then if you even watch taht shit sport still just curious
2017/11/11 (土) 15:26 No. 332411
>>332409 >have to
>>332411 ye
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>have to
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how religeoius are you ton
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and that is an actual question and not the ironic political shitposting question of earlier to be clear
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more than I was before I started going I was and still am pretty comfy about it and relaxed but church actually feels nice
2017/11/11 (土) 15:38 No. 332418
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 1114x1161, dd8d230bd5d9655ef70e46b1667b4f56.jpg )
it should never be "have to" unless you are part of the staff
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tn beat me to it but yeah instead of have to if you said want to i would have no problem with it>>332420 see >>332421
>>332418 it's have to in that my mom will judge me intensely if i dont
2017/11/11 (土) 15:39 No. 332421
your mom is a bad christian
its not even that as much as she'll be passive aggressive even unconsciously and be sad i didnt go with her
2017/11/11 (土) 15:40 No. 332423
doesn't change the fact
then either go cuz you want or make your own path
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I wasnt thrilled about it at first because sleep is comfy but at this point I also go because I want to.
then go who cares don't be such a fucking bitch about it
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 460x594, 47BD2C01-BB58-4EC7-A368-D2B821(…).jpeg )
I wasnt really complaining anyway I just was saying I wouldnt be able to sleep all sunday away after getting crunk
2017/11/11 (土) 15:41 No. 332428
i should check out the local church at some point and what kind of services they have might be fun to attend a swedish service
tupw online services
2017/11/11 (土) 15:42 No. 332430
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_01_[D909(…).jpg )
oh yeah our church does the online ones too
>all these tms nothing i have can learn
Search [iqdb] (950 KB, 1278x720, 1466910622384.png )
The power levels at play in super now are absolutely insane SSJG Goku can literally like, tear holes in the universe itself with his punches when they connect with Beerus, and Jiren over here can stop those with a finger
2017/11/11 (土) 15:47 No. 332435
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_03_[043D(…).jpg )
>>332434 >caring about power levels
2017/11/11 (土) 15:47 No. 332437
>>332434 and consistency is not only thrown out of the window, but sucked into a black hole
>>332433 yeah ultra moon got leaked so im doing what I did last year
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>>332437 >consistency >db It's a spectacle, never was much more fight wise>>332440 It still is
2017/11/11 (土) 15:48 No. 332440
maybe reread and notice it is actually quite consistent on who is stronker than who in the end
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>implying a regular after thought transformation compares to a dat dam ritual >>332438 >ultra moon lmao wat>>332442 seems like waht it shoudl be the whole time #skill>transormations #talent>transformations
It's more like the transformations matter less power-wise now
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The thing is the saiyans and z fighters in general basically never go all out until it's necessary So the scaling is hard to get a feel for Goku is a little stronger than everyone he fights until he fights someone who's at or above his max
2017/11/11 (土) 15:52 No. 332444
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only good thing about dbs is hit tbh
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there's nothing good about DB it's all bad tbh
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>>332445 >>332410 db isn't meant to be taken seriously it's aimed at 10yr lamo
>>332441 it's like emerald or platinum basically there are more changes than i expected though
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>>332410 i guess the cowboys since it was my dad's team i never really had a team and i don't really watch it i don't like football much
>>332444 Hit is great But so are the saiyan kids The saiyan kids are arguably the best We finally got NOT ONLY SSJ1 and SSJ2 (girl), but SSJBROLY (girl) AAAAND also SSJBROLY, CONTROLLED (girl) DBS is a gift
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i was done drinking but now i need like 3 mroe drinks
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i never said my dad had good taste
2017/11/11 (土) 15:54 No. 332453
>>332451 at once
i mean remember that he married my mom
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well i never asked what your dad's team was either but fuck oh wait i did in relegation to your team but fuck i didn't think floridian fans were that bad holy fuck
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>>332455 >i didn't think florida [...] were that bad
even that is so bad to think that okay
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>>332446 Yeah you can't take it seriously It's a kids show in a lot of ways, but you just gotta let yourself have fun sometimes
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no. i refuse to let myself have fun. i will never have fun.
2017/11/11 (土) 15:58 No. 332461
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wo channeling me there, mate.
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Who the fuck is scraeming "have fun" at my house? Show yourself. coward. I will never have fun
it's me your mom HAVE FUN YOU BITCH
I can't even drilpost because capitalizing words at the start of sentences is such an ingrained thing for me
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i'm not autistic enough wat>>332457 did you even a team of your oh right if you didn't hate a bad sport so much would you have even
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2017/11/11 (土) 15:59 No. 332467
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2017/11/11 (土) 16:01 No. 332468
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Just follow international sports then you always have only one team to pick
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>0-0 ties
2017/11/11 (土) 16:01 No. 332470
2017/11/11 (土) 16:02 No. 332472
what losers
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The US only play sports where they can be the world champions Like baseball and handegg Sports only really played in the US
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>>332465 teams are for losers real strength comes from fighting ALONE
>>332474 so non poor sports #rekt
>>332475 >being a bandwagoning faget
now i have a question for YOU
2017/11/11 (土) 16:03 No. 332479
>>332475 wow how horrible even though Im right here for you
>>332478 ???
>>332481 what is the capital of gay
who is we
we are devo
devo is us
2017/11/11 (土) 16:05 No. 332490
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cyka blyats
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want dis
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when you look back at images why even the fuck >>332494 do long distant relaties count
>"you're ok to live with me for a couple years, right?" Gehhhhhhhh
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Are you going to live with your mom until you're like 30?
2017/11/11 (土) 16:09 No. 332495
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>>332494 I would rather not
But i dont really have a choice well i could look for a place but i dont ha ve the money for deposits and shit yet
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I don't have the money to move out
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>white people problems
2017/11/11 (土) 16:10 No. 332500
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you wouldn't have to worry about money if we ate the rich and took their homes
I mean I guess she's going to be taken off her assisted living stuff since im here and it could take a while to get back on hence my dilemma
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>assisted living how bout i assist your DEATH
>>332504 I dont see how that would help
2017/11/11 (土) 16:13 No. 332506
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>>332501 But how should we eat the rich? human bacon? minced meat? sausages? steak? burgers? tacos? tortillas? pizza? human kebaba?
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>>332505 that's cuz you're a pussy who just takes it>>332506 salted with parmesian
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>>332506 I think a variety is best.
2017/11/11 (土) 16:13 No. 332509
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also is human good medium raw?
meat is best raw
2017/11/11 (土) 16:14 No. 332511
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enjoy ruined digestion
meat is murder
2017/11/11 (土) 16:14 No. 332513
and murder is fun
this is murder *unzips knife*
>>332507 I dont understand, could you elaborate further
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uh don't rely on benefits and make your own life oh wait this is america
2017/11/11 (土) 16:15 No. 332517
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>>332516 yeah i dont know what you were thinking there meanwhile hospital benefits are dope my insurance shit is going to be like 1/6 the cost it was at the last place
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>insurance psssh nothin never i needed
but how am i supposed to get my allergy meds for like nothing
2017/11/11 (土) 16:17 No. 332521
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can't get a rental here without home insurance
if you get sick, just die quickly
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niggert i'm allergic to grass and never took shit like grow a god damn pair
2017/11/11 (土) 16:17 No. 332524
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>>332524 >>332524 >>332524 >>332524 >>332524
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what about the spring where i got hospitalized once for having decreased lung capacity i have read "conservation" as "conversation" every time until now in pokemon holy shit
Die quickly so your kids don't get saddled with debt
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i've only gone to the hospital unless i was basically going to die>>332531 sounds natural to me tbh i had that while on a job and just continued to do shit
wipe out the human race to eliminate debt
2017/11/11 (土) 16:19 No. 332530
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die quickly so your kids can eat you
>>332528 does having bigtime difficulty breathing count
2017/11/11 (土) 16:20 No. 332532
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>>332529 what if bankers are all aliens and all our money is being sucked into mars
destroy mars
2017/11/11 (土) 16:20 No. 332534
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the red planet is red because of the drained blood of the proletariat
2017/11/11 (土) 16:22 No. 332535
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i'm alltergic to almost everything under the sun and doing farm work with no persprciptions like fuck
2017/11/11 (土) 16:25 No. 332537
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>>332536 thats pretty impressive
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not really>>332540 now that is the life
2017/11/11 (土) 16:29 No. 332540
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to own a farm and grow potatos to eat and grain to make into votka and drink votka and barley and hops to make into beer and drink beer
2017/11/11 (土) 16:31 No. 332541
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I wonder should I still drink for the last time untill sometime next year for the third time next week...
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if you're trying to reduce tolerance a bit then no if not lol who cares
2017/11/11 (土) 16:32 No. 332543
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nah to save money
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oh right eruo alcohol costs like 5x as much hmmm selfishness says it's the holidays get yourself a drink for the holidays but then you are finnish so you'd finish aall that by to weekend before teh weekend before teh weekdaysbefore the holidays it's only early november save up for all of december no drink no november
>>332544 Having a camera like that would be pretty cool.
2017/11/11 (土) 16:33 No. 332546
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>>332544 can't get a litre without paying 30€ for it
2017/11/11 (土) 16:34 No. 332547
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>buying less alcohol so i drink it all in few hours and then enjoy the ride vs>buying more so i can just drink it over long time
2017/11/11 (土) 16:36 No. 332548
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>>332544 november sucks so good month for drinking
true but good month to endure the pain to make december even better
2017/11/11 (土) 16:36 No. 332550
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no time to drink during december too busy doing stuff
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just drink and be be busy doing stuff it's like the same thing anyway
2017/11/11 (土) 16:37 No. 332554
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Hmm next week we technically have our "independence day" since we declared ourselves not to be ruled by the russia on 14.11 though actual declaration was 6.12 so maybe that is a cause to drink
sounds like double the independence double the drink to me
2017/11/11 (土) 16:39 No. 332556
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though i have some work gigs next week so have to schedule it up
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i have enough for the next few weeks but i'm still gonna get some nice shit for the holidays since i've got the money for it the winter holidays like practically all of winter with native american laght at day christmas and new years but native amerian laugh at day becomes drink free beer day
2017/11/11 (土) 16:39 No. 332558
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wat holiday?
2017/11/11 (土) 16:42 No. 332559
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oh well question will be can it be fit into the budget
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yeah that's no problem
2017/11/11 (土) 16:42 No. 332561
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no for me one night of drinking is like 20 days of food
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hence why is said euro earlier>being european
2017/11/11 (土) 16:43 No. 332563
20-60 depending on how much you eat
2017/11/11 (土) 16:43 No. 332564
>>332562 i will just suffer here in my free health care and actual democracy
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i'lljust never go to the hospital and imply democracy>>332566 >implying american universities are even worth the debt and aren't technically corporations
2017/11/11 (土) 16:44 No. 332566
and debt free education
2017/11/11 (土) 16:45 No. 332567
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>>332565 corporations producing commies toast to that!
2017/11/11 (土) 16:45 No. 332568
toasting with single malt seems like a waste, though oh well done
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i can toast to that after i get it back out it's kinda silly here in a way $10 for shit 1.75L $20 for eh 1.75l $30 for good 1.75L $40 for great 1.75L anything above is you got robbed lamo while in euro gay land it's triple everything>>332571 well there is still awesome tier and that ain't worth the monty money also there really isn't anything at the liquor stor that doesn't come in 1.75L in america unless it's basically the most expensive shit only gotten at premium bars and stuff
2017/11/11 (土) 16:46 No. 332570
just noticed it is actually more reasonable to buy expensive alcohol proper expensive than the shit and expensive if you pay 25-35 for a bottle of meh to "okay" booze why not just pay 35-45 for good to great booze?
2017/11/11 (土) 16:48 No. 332571
>>332569 tbh most great booze dont come in 1,75 sizes
2017/11/11 (土) 16:48 No. 332572
also it is just scandis that are fuckers in alcohol prize germoney is like 5€/l of the same stuff we sell here
2017/11/11 (土) 16:50 No. 332573
>>332569 no good whisky comes in larger bottles than 0,7
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well no aged whisky is sold at the local generic alchol places either that's why it's premium could just do it yourslef if you git gud but most people aren't like that
pls don't ban
2017/11/11 (土) 16:51 No. 332576
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>>332574 well we only have local alcohol place or rather we only have alko cause state monopoly
2017/11/11 (土) 16:52 No. 332577
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>>332574 takes a fucking long time and you need a lot of equipment that are hard to get like used barrels
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yeah that's the thing it almost feels like paying ofr premium storage>need wood
2017/11/11 (土) 16:53 No. 332579
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>murrican shit whisky industry is the only reason quality whisky industry can remain operational due to general lack of used barrels in europe
2017/11/11 (土) 16:54 No. 332580
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but you know what is good some random vodka bought at an eastern european corner store cost you like 3€/l but still taste better than most "quality vodka" sold in big stores
2017/11/11 (土) 16:54 No. 332581
or spiritus dat 5% water
2017/11/11 (土) 16:55 No. 332582
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btw what kind of general pace do you keep when you drink?
2017/11/11 (土) 16:57 No. 332583
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i've been drinking since 8:30 pm friday which was 14.5 hours ago i'm usually done by now but today has been more fun so i'm going slightly overtime but usually ist's get buzzed quickly and sustain it the whole time>>332585 sounds about right
2017/11/11 (土) 16:59 No. 332585
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so what 2-3 shots an hour?
2017/11/11 (土) 16:59 No. 332586
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when I drink raw is harder to count since I use a proper booze glass but if drinks it is about... 2-3 drinks an hour with 2-4 shots per drink and maybe more as I escalate it the drunker I get for some reason
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i normally just want to enjoy the time so i get to that buzzed stat and sustain it so start a little stronger and moderate for the rest of the time finally got the emergency in case shit goes down bottom of shelf vodka out for the drink to that moment>>332589 i either drink to much and pass out or have to stay up extra to get the decreease part i'm usually more tired when not drinking somehow normally at this point i'm tryint to sleep for a few with the other part of sleep being in the early morning skipping both that for today
2017/11/11 (土) 17:01 No. 332588
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at 10-12h point I usually am quite drunk and tired so I always go to sleep at that point sure I have done shit like drink 18h hours or stuff, but then I never really get proper drunk and feel like I wasted the booze 2-3 shots I can practically keep forever
2017/11/11 (土) 17:02 No. 332589
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>>332587 I get super tired if I ever let the drunk levels decrease at some point "down drunk" as finns would call it laskuhumala
2017/11/11 (土) 17:02 No. 332590
or descending drunk
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2017/11/11 (土) 17:04 No. 332592
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>>332587 I never sober up during the rinking night if drinking at home I drink untill too tired to stay up or pass out well I always do climb up to my bed to sleep nonetheless>>332591 so you looked into a mirror?
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holy fuck now i know why i haven't touched this shit in forever it's fucking terrible i did everything that was supposed to be done today yesterday so i could have fun tonight/this mornign with it almost being noon now>>332594 this is like leftover stuff from a like almost a year ago, bottom of the bottle of bottom of the shelf shit yeah that could be the case too it's like 3 shots left so it's almsot like fuck it but who knows which is basically what i kept it for either way i'm pretty sure i'm not sleepin if anything it will just be lie down and rest but who knows when that will be
2017/11/11 (土) 17:06 No. 332594
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haha I don't buy bad booze except by accident and nowadays I can quite well tell about a product's quality by just looking at the bottle and labels etc
2017/11/11 (土) 17:08 No. 332595
>>332593 might have gone bad
2017/11/11 (土) 17:09 No. 332596
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>>332593 it can be emergency energybomb
2017/11/11 (土) 17:11 No. 332597
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Haben fun am gonna go do some tn stuffs
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hai hai enjoy toonami staff
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finished Overlord S1 when is S2 coming out?
that sucks
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if you like trash then yeah
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my coffy taste like soap noo
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muh cuffah taste like soup
Cawfee ?
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night gets darkest right before dawn what don't kill you make you more strong you'll have my mercy then when you're gone
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believe in the you who believes in yourself
what doesn't kill you makes other people feel awkward and uncomfortable around you
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man there are a lot of people who must have felt awkward that i don't know about
nobody has ever felt awkward ever except for you so you don't need to worry about that
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yeah only i felt awward when *unzips your dick*
it hurtsssss
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the frequency must have been too strong #hertz joke
those two words are pronounced differently in american english
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>american english
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>when the twitter mems are too dank
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>you will never be an acute angle
i'm trying to apply for a job at a university in california it's a perfect job for me and if i get it i will be able to take their courses for free and get credit too but i don't know how to move out to california and sustain before the first paycheck comes
>you will always be obtuse
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maybe if you were a little less obtuse wow fuck you
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>imats attempts to make a math joke EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T HAVE THE DEGREES
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hey want to become a famous math joker just cos sin THIS
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2 plus 2 equals 4 minues 1 that's 3 kvikk maffs
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>>332621 suck dick they like it there>>332627 why yes 2+2=4 minus one of that is 3 that is indeed math>>332629 i dpn't speak autism
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de thing go SSSKKRRRAA
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I've become disconnected from the normie memes, I only know the fucking weird twitter shit now
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when the thing went quack quack quack you men was duckin
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please for the love of god do not say that THAT was supposed to be a meme dear god
maybe they should enlighten you it was a pretty solid video
Search [iqdb] (666 KB, 5788x3385, 1509239331033.jpg )
how about i enlighten YOU about a pretty solid video after all jesus christ is my nigga>>>/watch?v=033FInn1wH8
the video is gone due to copyright reasons
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she said take off your jacket i said mans not hot
sk want to read empress theresa with me
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sk you've posted le sad cat mem since last i was here pls expaln mem it looks dum
>>332635 why live
>>332639 wuzzat? Never heard of it
>>332642 maybe i'll livestream read it
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that guy who does narration videos had a video about that book
>>332643 Is it like an autobiography?
>>332644 yeah that's how i found out about it>>332645 >>>/watch?v=TedsiCaV2B4 here's a short narrative about the book
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narrate THIS
i'm actually surprised how much it bouncess off that haha
looks like the stuff they use for anime tiddies
it's the same shit in your tiddies didn't you know
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>this discussion lasted 3 months
sounds like the /moe/ i used to know
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i wonder how long i'll feel somewhat intoxitated for
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what an interesting character
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:22 No. 332655
Truly I am Ohio And testing the cd I bought yesterday too make sure it works
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:23 No. 332656
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:24 No. 332657
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Uhh Thanks?
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>>332655 it's far too late
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:27 No. 332659
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:28 No. 332660
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>John Goodman Heh
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I need more understanding
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I wonder if you can buy understanding at the store.
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Understand comes at a high price! *understanding
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:52 No. 332664
Heh Kannagi
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:52 No. 332665
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:52 No. 332666
Have you rread this? It's very good.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:55 No. 332667
Also holy shit my phone charges fast.
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 626x950, 20170913-100905.png )
I will live my convictions and steal understanding
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 18:59 No. 332669
>>332668 Are you sure about that?
I'll do my best!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:00 No. 332671
>>332670 Are you sure?
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 600x620, DK-wlRiVoAYTvu8.png )
I'm sure about doing my best Unsure about the result
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:01 No. 332673
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I still have no idea as to what this actually is. I thi NK it's like an rpg thing or something.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:02 No. 332674
But what is it actually? The world may never know.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:03 No. 332675
Ooh 11/11
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:08 No. 332676
SK you might like this.
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 404x404, DLWnhVaUIAApEBQ-orig.jpg )
>>332676 This reads like an onion article
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:13 No. 332678
>>332677 That's the jojoke It's like ttheononion But for punk/metal/ska and videogames And current events
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 512x512, DKIzSnPXcAAZT3q-orig.png )
Oh I see, that's kinda cool I do not for the life of me understand how anyone thinks Soros is the one funding anything lefty, honestly
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:15 No. 332680>>332679 People are stupid
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:17 No. 332681
Can't remember if you saw this already or not
Oh, yeah, you sent that before I just didn't remember the website
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:19 No. 332683
Bbl Need to shower then yo to D&D
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 19:19 No. 332684
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>>332685 ok
TN-san you got any hot nazi anime babes?
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>>332687 this immediately came to mind
I wanna order online some food since I'm ill and don't want to go outside to get food. but takeaways are so shit.
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maybe try somewhere new is there a chinese or thai place that delivers maybe
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I'm look at some new places but I have no of the quality. I don't want to get even sicker. I am currently looking at this but it looks a bit iffy
My HDD seems to have fixed itself
>>332692 i would avoid the prawna and seafoods unless you're near the coast that stuff aint good unless it's reaaaal fresh pad thai is hard to fuck up the kampung box looks pretty good
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>near the coast That kinda hard considering most of england is near the coast. I guess I'm not right next to the coast about an hour or two from it but most places
Pad Thai looks interesting. I might just get beans on toast though since I have those in the house.
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kannagi kirara and everyone else hi
I feel bas for rika working today i winder if she'll still be genki latar
Rika works way too much. Anyone who works on weekends is working way too much.
Anyone with a job is working way too much
>>332700 i imagine she wasnt given much of a choice
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Anyone that works works too much.
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>>332703 Top level opinion.
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Goddamn. I took off my warm fleece thing whatever it is. because I was too hot. Now I am too cold.
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you work you die
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Time to go sleeeeeep
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Nighty SK
It is so weird that Cinderella Girls is now 6 years old.
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>bakemonogatari came out 7 years ago fuck i"m old
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We're all still young. If you think about being old, you'll really be old.
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>>332711 \ I am still young! I am still in my twenties! that is always young!
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damn you could be my mum
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We're all going to be children forever and we'll never have responsibilities!
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me when someone tells me to bring my gf to a social event
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>>332714 I need to go back to those days of no responsibilities!>>332715 Do you carry her like that too?
If I cut my leg off my parents will just have to take care of me forever and I won't have to get a job
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>>332716 ???? how else would you carry around a girl?
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>>332717 which would be better, one or two legs?
>>332719 Four legs > two legs
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>>332718 I could totally see you in some 4koma about a fisherman finally settling down away from the sea and having a girlfriend. Treating her like his prized catch. With all the cliche fisherman things, "The sea calls to me" and having a weathered look and a bit of corn in your mouth.
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real kekkai sensen hours who da fucc up
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my prized catch! the most wonderful thing i've ever had the luck and guts to reel in! i shall mount you on the wall>>332722 it was a damn good episode
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>>332723 >mount on the wall I am sure Fish feels very lucky!
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>>332724 I hope so! I won't just mount anyone on the wall, you know!
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>>332727 did I show you my cute bird of DARKNESS
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>>332728 No? Lemme see
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>>332730 Oxidecimus!
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Awh Neato, your gear looks so nice.
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My scepter lets out hearts, stars, flowers, and RAINBOWS
every time any character says "umi da" it makes me think of blue
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I haven't been to the beach i *in a long time.>>332735 How do you plan to embarrass already embarrasing people.
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>>332737 Blue is going to scream UMI DAAAAAAA when we get to the beach someday.
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>>332739 You gotta both do it together to be like the cute girls in anime. UMIIIIII DAAAAAAAA
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>>332740 They're too embarrassed to be loud in a place where people are loud and having fun and the wind, waves, and sand all work together to noise cancel distances. You gotta do it with me.
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No way, I'm not going to shout umi da.
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>>332742 Wow, your loyalty to anime is lacking! Live in up! *it>>332741 I'll go to a British beach at the same time as you go to your fancy beach and shout UMI DA at the cold bitter empty British beach!
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 22:11 No. 332744
I hear there's a lack of LOYALTY round these parts
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>>332743 It'll echo across the ocean.
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No way! I'm super loyal! I'm just not a DWEEBAZOID is all!
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Only a DWEEBAZOID would be afraid to shout UMI DA! I am with Blue here even though he is super lewd.>>332748 If you shouted it out in English you'd be guilty of overtranslation! no one needs those TL notes telling them what UMI DA is!
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>>332747 They're going to be embarrassed even if I shout "WE'RE AT THE BEACH" in English. It can't be helped.
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X-axis:Lewdness Y-axis: Would shout UMI DA
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You're both dweebazoids. You can go shout it together while the rest of us enjoy our beach episode like non-dweebs!
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>>332747 true. But if we wanted to, we can do both. You can do it in Japanese, I'll do it in English (for the dub crowd). Rika and Kirara can hide their faces with their sun hats.
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>>332751 Personally I prefer kicking sand in the faces of the dubs crowd.>>332750 What are you all going to do? Beach vollyball or go super normie and get suntans while lying on the beach?
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>>332750 You're going to be like the Lizard and Mantis knight. Sitting by yourselves. Not naming your special attacks. Completely isolated in the fun of the chapter.
>>332751 >in english What do they even shout in dubs Do they just go "THE SEA!"
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I'll have to protect Fish from your dweebazoid influence.>>332752 It's a beach episode so you have to play volleyball and eat shaved ice and get harassed by beach delinquents. >>332753 Woooooooow.
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>>332752 Yeah but we gotta keep the ratings up. That's why there's both of us. When you say it, the subs will pop up. And then i come in with the dub. The next generation of simulcasting.
>>332754 I imagine they would go "We are finally at the sea" or whatever in a stupidly weird voice English VAs have.>>332755 Fish totally needs to go UMI DA and protect the sea
>>332757 >>332759 Don't forget to add memes if it's a funi dub
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>>332754 It's probably just "THE BEAAAACH!">>332755 You don't need to protect Fish. If you won't do it, I'm 1000% certain she wouldn't even think about it.
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We! Have arrived at, the OCEAN!>>332757 No way, she doesn't need to do it!>>332759 She's easily influenced by things so I'll have to protect her. If someone convinced her to do it, she'd try to convince me to do it.
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If only Rika was here with her deep connections to your Fish.
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>>332760 Neither you nor Rika want to do it. I can't imagine anyone convincing her to do anything of the sort. It won't be me. Half of the goal is to embarrass people now so I don't have to convince her.>>332763 SHE'S THE MAIN CULPRIT. Her position is firmly anti-umi da and thinks anyone doing it is weird.
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>Rika doesn't want to shout UMI DA
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Rika and I are comrades!
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>>332764 Rika is steering you away from the true path.
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>>332765 it's just you and me maybe rook
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>>332765 That's not true!
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oh boy. this ep
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we probably won't get more of her but we NEED more of her thanks
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OH THIS PLACE IS... UNION SQUARE, I THINK HAHA IT'S UNION SQUARE This is where the Free Ben and Jerry's Bernie Sanders thing happened. And I met that weird girl.
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Next episode is the Zedd episode.
Search [iqdb] (310 KB, 1200x797, 1200px-1_new_york_city_union_s(…).jpg )
There is also definitely a Whole Foods there.
>>332770 >>332772 oh neat
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 703x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
I want to go to New York City.
The Big Apple!
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 22:34 No. 332776
4am Big Apple
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I wanna see the city.
lmao steven. I was waiting for this
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>>332777 what would you do in the city
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>>332779 He's so cool.>>332780 I'll make Blue show me around!
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I think so, too! I looked at the part you mentioned in the ED, and it totally looks like it. Next episode is Zedd, though.
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Okay, now I'm sure we're getting it.
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>>332783 lol
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If you come to the city, come with an appetite. you gon' eat eat and walk and stand a lot and ride trains
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That sounds like a great day to me.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:07 No. 332788
>>332710 It came out eight years ago.
>Lucky Star is a decade old
>2007 was 20 years ago
>9/11 was 26 years ago
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:11 No. 332792
TN you around?
>>332791 that was a few months ago...
>>332793 >months ago wtf it's still november how could 9/11 be months ago
>>332794 dude this isn't china... we're in america now... so do the date right... okay...
>>332795 I am posting from the Chinese embassy
And with that I call... checkmate
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 23:14 No. 332799
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Code Geass - Lelouch(…).jpg )
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 23:15 No. 332801 This game is fun and has interesting combat also it's text only
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 796x442, New_CG_Map.jpg )
Oh wait I guess I'm owned by America after all
>>332802 by Britannia* america never existed in the CG timeline because england paid a founding father to betray everyone
>>332804 Brittania is glorious America >>332806 EU took it over so the royal family fucked off to America
I need to rewatch it again. Why is the UK yellow again?
>>332805 >Brittania is glorious America Get fucked>>332805 >EU took it over I guess brexit was prescient
>No one bothered conquering Australia >>332811 What do you think parliament looks like
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:18 No. 332809
>>332808 No point There's nothing there
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Code Geass - Lelouch(…).jpg )
wrong there's a big, immaculate, white house there
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:19 No. 332811
>>332810 [citation needed]
I didn't realise Washington was in Australia but I guess it explains Trumps orangeness.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:20 No. 332813
>>332808 I'm talking about Code Geass Australia.
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Code Geass - Lelouch(…).jpg )
>>332811 wow, you think mao was lying?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:20 No. 332815
>>332814 Just because she thinks there is doesn't mean there is.
I like to imagine Geass Australia is where all the outlaws hide out at and it's mad max with knightmare frames >>332815 >mao >she
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 700x1084, あまちゃ - らくがきまとめ (65805472) 5ページ.jpg )
I am alive.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:21 No. 332818
I thought britain never colonized it in Code Geass?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:21 No. 332819
>>332816 Fine he I'm talking with three other people right now so I'm not paying attention 100% right here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 23:23 No. 332820
Okay yeah Sorry There's basically nothing there
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720, [Eclipse] Code Geass - Lelouch(…).jpg )
Mao is a girl in Knightmare of Nunnally. >>332817 same
saw this while scrolling through my timeline and basically did a spit take with my hot as fuck tea
>rempving the cutscene with lillie in the rain reeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>332822 holy fuck.
>>332824 ikr?
im trying an iphone x at da apple store fuck as soon as i start typing the screen. shifts away
>>332826 is it because of how you hold it or something?>>332828 no i rewatched it earlier this year
>>332821 are you re-watching it
>>332826 Iphones are stupidly capitalistic.
when's R3
>>332830 idek the third movie comes out in march so probably not until after that
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I am suddenly super cold. It is so freezing suddenly.
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It's kind of annoying that Rika's never around at reasonable times anymore.>>332833 Hi.>>332834 Start a fire!
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I am tempted! I wish I had a sleeping bag that I could wear that was really warm.
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Does Rika work different hours now?
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Burn with passion!>>332837 I dunno. I think she's a normie now or something.
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I WILL BURN MY DREAD>>332838 Rika definately has the skills to merge unnoticed in a crowd of normies!
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>>332839 She's probably going on dates every day with a normie and ignoring us!
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Rika come back to the light! Don't go down the route of delinquency! Don't hang out with normies and make asinine comments on social media! Don't casually watch anime in dub and post screencaps from streaming website with horrible compression. Don't go gently into that dark night.
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We're going to lose her unless we do something.
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You have to utilise your connections Kirara. Bring her back to decency
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There's only one way to save her now.
>>332844 →
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>>332845 I'll rely on your wisdom o knowledgable about normies aidoru-dono.
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We'll have to kidnap her, upload her brain into a computer, kill the living version, and then make sure that the computer version has no choice but to hang out with us. That's the only way to remedy this.
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>>332850 But Rika is like perfectly normie, she probably knows a self-defense martial art!
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>>332851 No way. Normies don't know how to defend themselves. That's why they they're always getting killed by non-normies. Rika probably doesn't know any martial arts!
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I suppose thats true! She shall have to arrange it like the perfect crime! I'll turn up in a kigurumi to conceal my identity so she doesn't feel anything suspicious is up!
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Good idea. And then we'll knock her out and shove her in a computer.
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>>332854 We've got this. Rika can never leave. No one can. forever and ever
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It's sad that it has to be like this, but it can't be helped, you know? We have to protect our perfect imageboard.
kirara that space minigame is ehhhhhhhhh but i also suffer from not being sure where im going
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>>332857 Context?
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>>332855 Shouganai! It is just the way life rolls! Nothing we can do but play our roles in keeping the balance.
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>>332860 She'll thank us in the long run.
that was some shit
i dont know if it was insane as the original anome boss in moon but that was neat
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oh hi
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>>332835 I'll be back to normal after this week is over.
how's the wageslave life
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Well, this will probably increase the perception that I'm rich, but I really am not a wage slave because I could quit if I wanted to and I would be fine.
I think that's called stockholm syndrome
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I can't just be a NEET and do nothing my whole life! Probably.
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>>332868 Truely an ojou-sama>>332870 >do nothing with my whole life Is watching anime and reading manga doing nothing? You should live a fulfilling life of an anime and manga neet. just surround your self with anime figurines and shun the light!
>>332870 Why not? Just be a neet and do nothing It's not hard
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I don't know, that sounds pretty scary.
Not if you equip the neet cave with proper defences
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How can you be scared when you have your lifeless plastic waifus cheering you on.
what about boobs
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I also had only a honey grain bar for lunch today. I'm hungry!
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>>332878 You can't have such an insufficient lunch! I am guilty of this all the time and now that I'm ill I have no energy.
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>>332879 I didn't have time! I got to watch a veteran's day parade though. Some drunk guy gave me a flag.>>332880 hi, how are you?
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>>332881 Hello! I'm okay. How are you?
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>>332882 i'm hungry!
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>>332883 Have you tried eating?
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I want to cook before I eat!
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You're so weird sometimes.
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Do you eat your food before you cook it?
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Well, obviously.
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I want to do that. I don't want to just snack because I'm hungry. It will taste better if I eat warm food. that said I'm not really going all out I'm just making a french bread pizza.
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I don't really like those frozen pizzas.
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I don't like frozen pizzas at all. I like french bread pizzas though. They're really good for some reason.
i like getting frozen pizzas and then adding ingrefients on top
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>>332891 Aren't those frozen pizzas, too?
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They're similar but they have french bread instead of crust. And they taste good.
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I have never heard of this before. That sounds kinda nice!
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It is basically like a french bread toastie.
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They're not really my thing. I guess they're better than the normal ones, though.
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It how the bourgeoisie rich eat, It's gotta be fancy french food.
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They're good. It's a nice warm low-effort dinner too.
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>>332898 Let's dust off the guillotine! If they have no french bread pizza, let them eat cake pizza!
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>>332900 VIVA LA REVOLUTION! Rika Brittania is wow wrong copy and paste I was tryin to spell antoinette
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cake pizza sounds pretty bad.
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>>332902 That is all that fit for the poor proletarian
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>>332901 Down with tyrants!
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>>332904 We have to end the oppression by the french pizza bread eating wealthy!
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I would chop someone's head off for trying to make me eat pizza cake.
pizza cheesecake
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And now it's ready. This is going to be delicious because I'm so hungry.
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>>332911 >>332912 Hot fresh French bread is absolutely delicious by itself! I hope you enjoy your fancy pizza
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Yep, that was pretty tasty. As expected.
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>>332920 Sasuga your refined french bread pizza palate
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>>332929 What a heartbreaking story we have created!
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>>332930 ;_;
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I might have convinced Fish that giving you a wedgie was a good way to get you to open up to her. So watch out.
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>>332932 What the hell
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I can't help you there comrade. You'll have to watch out for the wedges from the influences of the rich bourgeoisie
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"I'm not a schemer", she says as she convinces my girlfriend to assault me!
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The answers of the powerful say one thing do another. We are truely weak!
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Sometimes these things just happen.
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That doesn't just happen!
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We were just brainstorming!
I'm pretty sure I figured out the champion and Im not thrilled
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>>332941 Because I'm not open with her? I think I'm pretty open with her.
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>>332943 You are, I think! I think this was regarding a half-answered question.
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>>332944 Did I say something that bothered her?
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No, not really. But you know how she is! She really has high yandere potential now that I think about it.
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original potato
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>>332946 You should be careful not to trigger her yandere tendencies.
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>>332948 I am! I have helped her enough that I don't think she'd stab me.
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>>332949 I meant more for my safety than yours.
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i wanna go up to town and get some fried shrimps but these roads are scary at night there's so many deers and stuff i came across wild broncos in the road one day that was kinda scary
>>332951 >so many deers and stuff Free venison man
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>>332950 Oh. Well you'll manage!
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>>332953 Wow, have a little compassion! You'll say something bad and the next thing I know, I'm in one of those vacuum bags with the air hole for protection!
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At least you'll be safe.
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You'll suffer if that happens to me, too!
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She'll stil llet you use the internet.
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I have an unrelated question, tohugh. Do you think a man who wears a size 9.5 shoe could wear a size 12? Or would it be so big that he would have trouble walking.
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>>332957 No she won't!>>332958 Yeah, they'd have trouble walking unless they did it so much that they got used to it. They'd probably walk really weirdly unless they filled it with something, though.
>>332958 yeah trouble walking i imagine
Wouldn't they just crush the back of the shoes?
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>>332959 She will! You can't get hurt on the internet.>>332959 >>332960 >>332961 Interesting. I've never tried to wear oversized shoes so I have no idea on this topic.
ive never tried to wear oversized shoes but i know that even being a little off my size makes me uncomfortable so i could only imagine what three sizes off would be
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>>332962 I dunno. A girl was trying to flirt with me online the other day. I guess she did it twice but one time it was really forward and would probably give Fish anxiety.
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>>332962 I think it is pretty easily to imagine what wearing shoes to small for you would be like. *easy>>332964 >>332963 I misread those two posts together by accident because I am tired and I thought a girl was flirting with you and guessing your 3 sizes.
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>>332965 Yeah, too small. but not too big!>>332964 Oh, well don't tell her about that so she lets you use the internet.
>>332966 Oh I misread the post! wow I should go to bed at this point. and for some reason it is 3:30am ? how?
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>>332965 No, she told me that I got her wet.>>332966 I'm not planning on telling her about it!
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>>332968 I am too pure for such lewdity, so I'll assume she spilt her lemonade on herself in shock at how thin and tiny you are.
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>>332969 Probably something like that.
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It is time for me to reduce myself to a temporary vegetative state
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 03:39 No. 332972
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A robot just made me a coffee>>332971 good nighto
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>>332971 Are you goign to become unconscious?>>332972 Was it good coffee?
it is very cold but i want to go to the store
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 03:39 No. 332976
>>332974 it's not bad actually! i tried a drink with milk in it and decaf so it's hard to judge i will have to come back and try an espresso one modning
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>>332974 I am damn well gonna try!
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Oh, Rika! Guess what you missed!
>>332972 that's fucking sick
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>>332976 Robots are going to break the economy.>>332977 Good luck!>>332978 What did I miss?
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>>332980 Dash
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 03:42 No. 332982
>>332980 no more jobs!
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new pokemon is p solid hopefully there is good postgame stuff
must have been pretty short
2017/11/12 (日) 03:44 No. 332985
>>332972 the cup is full of NANOMACHINES
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>>332981 Oh, I missed her, huh? How is she doing? I thought about her the other day.
>>332984 i marathoned it, its about as long as moon
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 434x560, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>332986 Oh, you know. She's still very Dash.>>332987 Really? It must have less than 24 hours of gameplay, though.
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I mean for me yes how long did it take you to beat moon
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I dunno, that was decades ago. More than a single day, though.
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>>332988 Is she still mostly without internet? I don't know why she doesn't just come and be my maid. I am in no danger of not having internet.
>>332990 it will pribably take tou slightly less time as youve got the gist of the game by playing moon
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>>332991 Wow, you really don't know why?
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>>332994 oh>>332993 Why she won't be my maid, or why she doesn't have internet?
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>>332994 The former.
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I assume it's because you can't trust internet people, even if they seem as awesome as I do!
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Is that it?
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Is what it?
speaking of pokemon ultra moon though, there's an outfit they added that's kind of lewd looking and I think in total its like 2.1 million in game currency
meanwhile, good luck on enmaiding dash
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>>332999 see >>332993
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>>333002 Yeah, that's my post.
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Yeah so what's the reason?
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The reason for what?
shanna wins
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>>333007 Why are you getting mad at me? You're being really confusing tonight.
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Because you're being DIFFICULT. I'm obviously trying to get you to tell me why dash doesn't want to maid up.
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Huh? Why would I know the reason for that?
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Why were you acting like you did?
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Did I act like that?
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You did, yes.
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Are you feeling okay?
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Marsh: 1 Law Exams: 0
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match maid in heaven
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>>333014 I'd post angry pout again if I could.>>333015 Good work!
>>333015 dude how did you get a zero on your exams
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>>333017 This was your punishment for trying to turn my girlfriend into a weapon.
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hmmmmmmm you should probably wait for usum to go on sale for even cheaper there are some parts of the original story i kind of wish were still present ill try and stop talking about it for now
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>333019 Well because of that I recmmended she go ahead with the wedgie plan!
you're going to lock each other into a battle no one will win
>>333015 Good job Law is hard
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>>333021 That makes us enemies.>>333022 I'll win because I can hold Fish hostage from Rika!
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I can't believe Shanna won. What a travesty.>>333024 Teasing me is mean!
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>>333025 Trying to make my girlfriend attack me so violently is meaner. This is what you get! Shanna winning is punishment for your sins, too! You'd better repent!
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>>333026 i told her it was a bad idea. I didn't think she'd actually od it.
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>>333027 She told me that she was never considering it and that she said she didn't think it was a good idea to you. You're trying to turn us against each other so that you can steal her!
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>>333018 They couldn't believe a mere mortal could IRAC like a God. and I got done for plagiarism.
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>>333028 I think she was thinking about it!
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>>333029 >getting a zero while plagiarizing damn that's just bad luck
for real though>assigned to read a case a month ago >I'm the only one out of a class of 30 that shows up with a case report >everyone forgets about it, including me >skip to final exam >the facts of the case are almost identical to the one we were supposed to read earlier I was almost physically smiling.
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>>333030 Wow, are you calling her a liar now?
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>>333033 Just a little tsundere.
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>>333034 No way! You're scheming! I'm going to withhold your Fish contact as punishment!
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>>333035 I'm not scheming.
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>>33303 → >>333036 You're totally scheming.
2017/11/12 (日) 04:35 No. 333038
I'd hire him to build me a castle I bet he'd make it practically impossible to conquer
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>>333037 How so?
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>>333039 You're trying to get my girlfriend to assault me. That's definitely scheming.
Search [iqdb] (439 KB, 600x600, hifumi.png )
>>333040 No way!
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 04:37 No. 333042
i've doubled down on my hoodie strategy i got a light gray hoodie to complement by dark gray one
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
>>333041 You already admitted to it!>>333042 are you wearing two hoodies now?
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 788x1162, 1510300214670.png )
>>333043 i STOPPED HER WHEN i THOUG oh hi capital letters I stopped her when I thought she was going to do it!>>333042 >>333043 I think he just has hoodies to choose from now!
>>333042 people are going to mistake you for a good-for-nothing punk
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
>>333044 You just said you recommended she do it!
2017/11/12 (日) 04:39 No. 333047
Search [iqdb] (808 KB, 992x1402, __alice_margatroid_and_hourai_(…).jpg )
I should buy a few new hoodies
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>>333046 That was only after you were mean to me!
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 04:40 No. 333049
it's for maximum eaze of adding/removing a layer hopefully the cast won't be too thick or this gambit will fail
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
>>333048 No way. You're a schemer. You're a sneaky sneaker. A snaky snaker. >>333049 cover the cast with a really big metal fist and call it your rocket panchi
2017/11/12 (日) 04:41 No. 333051
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 715x1000, __alice_margatroid_and_kirisam(…).jpg )
>>333049 you broke your arm?
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 04:41 No. 333052
strap an iphone to it this is my life now>>333051 my wrist yes
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, 1509569623234.jpg )
>>333050 I'm not scheming anymore.
2017/11/12 (日) 04:42 No. 333054
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>>333052 sound annoying
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>>333053 How am I supposed to trust you when you say that after everything's /// everything that's happened today?
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now we've got a long summer of idle nothingness ahead of us.
Yeah well we've got a long winter of TOTAL SUFFERING ahead of us.
2017/11/12 (日) 04:46 No. 333058
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winter is love winter is life
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>>333055 Because we're friends!
>>333057 how unfortunate.
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>>333059 What kind of friend convinces their friend's girlfriend to attack them?>>333056 Wow, you don't have summer classes? How lax.
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>>333061 I AM doing one actually. it's a fourth year subject about legislation and it's super hard. but still it's only one class compared to the 4 I'm doing now.
I also applied for an internship but i guess they didn't want me.
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 04:51 No. 333064
>>333054 yeah a lil
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>>333061 I stopped shy of it actually happening!
2017/11/12 (日) 04:53 No. 333066
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>>333064 main or off?
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>>333065 The trust is already broken. The trust we've been building for years is now broken. It's going to take a lot from you to repair it!
/moe/ i did a really big thing
just how big are we talking here?
700 dollar price tag, and a lot of responsibility
a poodle?
even more responsibility than a poodle but in a passive kind of way
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>>333067 okay, I'm sorry!>>333068 What did you do?
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>>333073 Wow! All of the trust has been repaired!>>333072 hmm did you buy a komodo dragon?
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 04:59 No. 333075
>>333066 off>>333068 congratulations when's the wedding?
>>333074 no but your words fill me with regret i could have bought a komodo dragon for that price, fuck
oh lol nvm yeah i thought so komodo dragons are like 30k on the black market, according to google thanks google for knowing that
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>>333074 see, that was easy!
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 05:00 No. 333079
did you buy a poisonous snake
>>333077 a bunch of guys in suits are gonna come and ask why you're trying to get a komodo dragon now
>>333079 no but i did buy something dangerous
>>333080 OH NO
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 05:01 No. 333084
it was only a kiss it was only a kiss
so did you get a motorcycle?
actually not as dangerous as a motorcycle damn i wish i had one of those too
>>333081 a katana?
marsh is getting closer
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 05:02 No. 333089
a shotgun
while you were having pre-marital sex, i was studying the blade>>333089 RED HOT
you bought a broadsword
>>333088 two katanas?
oh, you bought a tank
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 05:02 No. 333095
did you buy my berretta
did you buy like 18 moist nuggets
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A chainsaw?
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 05:03 No. 333098
an AR-15
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18 moist berretta chainsaws
>>333098 this is the closest I bought an AK-47 lemme snap a pic
I haven't had nuggets in so long
>>333101 out of good boy points?
>>333100 Congratulations. Now you're a proper Russian.
>>333102 I'm on probation
>>333099 You did it ToN
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 05:05 No. 333106
>>333104 that preventa you from getting nuggets? wtf
>>333106 I was a bad boy. I gotta pay off my gbp debt before I can get those sweet nuggets
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/12 (日) 05:06 No. 333108
this is creul and unusual
yeah all I did was throw my controller at mummy because she told me to go to bed it wasnt even that bad wtf debt slavery must come to an end. good boy points should be distributed equally >>333110 yes I shall protest until mummy gives me what is due
the ruling class called "parents" must be destroyed
the ruling parents attempt to redefine language to control us what we call the right to peacefully process they refer to us tanties in order to undermine our noble cause
>>333108 A
man can you imagine actually being someone that has their mom take away their chicken nuggets for throwing a controller at her because it was bed time like as an adult
/moe/ I think nofap is making me depressed
>>333113 >imagine y-y-yeah sure what a fucking loser hahahaha>>333114 fap then
>>333114 then fap
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>>333114 POWER THROUGH cold shower meditate. don't listen to this beta >>333116 low-self-control cuck faggot
>>333117 nice AK>>333115 yeah pretty crazy that adults could be that messed up
>>333119 lmao imagine being financially reliant on your parents as an adult >>333118 >being beholden to anyone but yourself and what you want beta alert
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i found that caterpillar crawling outside the front door of my workplace so i picked him up with a piece of paper and carried him to some far-away bushes that he may live then i found another caterpillar like that one squished outside the front door later that day and it made me really sad :( it was like super big, that caterpillar was bigger than my finger and that's really saying something
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>not having a rich girlfriend to help you afford your paltry existence
>>333123 >having a girlfriend no way that's for queers >>333122 you saved its brother Bang you did a good thing
>normies >ree
>>333120 every time you fap to porn you're getting off to another man getting off. literally the most cucked you can be
>>333126 You don't need porn to fap You use your imagination And create your own reality like an ubermensch
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>>333124 yeah perfect for you then
>>333123 One day you're going to make an ironic joke like this and it's not actually going to be ironic and we will truly be in the darkest timeline.
>>333128 No way am I queer enough to be involved with a woman
when you can't get a boner from thoughts alone, you're probably past the point you should be that means take a few days off the pornography and try to think about other things
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>>333129 I'll never give in to the dollar!>>333130 You totally are.
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>>333133 what is she thinking about
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>>333132 No way A beautiful woman could ask me out RIGHT NOW and I'd tell her to get out of the way of my video games
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>>333134 thingken about torpedoes
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>>333134 thinking about how much shanna sucks
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>>333135 video games are way gayer than girls
>>333138 i don't know dude i've met some really gay girls
>>333138 wow you fruit
fruit is good for you
until you get HIV
you can't get HIV from eating fruit you weirdo
I think even after you get HIV fruit is still good for you.
you if /// yeah if you have HIV fruit is probably even more important to eat
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>>333139 Girls can't love girls.
>>333146 >>333146 >>333146
>>333146 I've seen several pictures on the internet that beg to differ.
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but then I stopped looking at them because porn is for cucks
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>>333148 They're just doing it for attention. Girls can't love girls, but all girls love attention.
what's the opposite of forbidden
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i'm feeling things in my heart
girls are forbidden from loving other girls but girls are encouraged to love attention
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I rewatched YuYuYu S1 today. They never said that Karin had Gin's phone. Or even implied it.
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>>333151 so you only love shigure for attention?
what if shigure isn't a girl
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>>333157 That's different.
>>333158 oh fuckk
I also took some of my friends along with me to the range we had some fun my Veterans day consisted of going to a gun show with my dad (a veteran) , eating hamburgers, shooting guns, and riding in my dad's boss 302 mustang
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>>333156 I wonder how I knew that then.
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>>333162 You probably got spoiled in a thread. You were wrong about Sonoko showing up with Yuna and Togo, too. It showed Sonoko taking off her bandages near the destroyed bridge, but that was it.
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stop making me want to watch YuYuYu i need to watch gamers, SAC, and john wick
>>333165 → >>333165 → What you need is a NEW THREAD.
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>>333163 Well I guess I was confused by the official art.