When I run, I like running fast But I don't run a lot
oh man /moe/ my psychology teacher gave the class an extra credit assignment in which we do 15 minutes of cardio a day, 3 days a week, throughout november, and keep a journal of the exercise we did and how it made us feel
100 points to put that in perspective, the 4 exams we're taking throughout the semester are each worth 70 points
this is fucking great news for me because im already a fitness oriented guy also i need to get my gpa up so i can qualify for more scholarships so my motivation for running now is gonna be physical, academic, and financial its over for these bitches
>>325056 What does this have to do with psychology and what's stopping someone from just lying? Congrats on your easy ace
>>325057 >whats stopping someone from lying absolutely n o t h i n g its technically related to stress, because exercise reduces stress levels. and stress kills my professors exact words were "i care more about your mental health, than i do about you memorizing a bunch of psychology facts" which was very touching
hmm there was an appartment the housing company seized, maybe they are renovating it because the owner shat it up so bad
weird system, that is tje hc can vote to seize a property and force actions on it, if the owner is deemed to be causing so much dmg on it, it would devalue overall property values of the whole hc i think they can eve, force buy it from the person, but that requires court action
also technically you don't own property, but shares in tje company that give you right to the management of x amount of squares in the overall building
company being owned by tenants/property pwners, who elect people to manage it or elect a managment company to do it if no one can be assed
hc company also owns the general land or lease to the land and ot decides on overall management on stuff like big renovations or say building and running a playground or outdoor sauna or whatevet
each member/owner can participate in the usually quarterly meetimgs where they discuss and vote on things and once a year elect new chairman amd possible other posts
hc has a budget that is funded by set fee each member pays which is used to fund general living expenses of everyone, water, heating, sewer access etc and shouöd they decide to for ecample renovate plumbing, the hc takes on debt to cover it, that is then shared by each member so a general fee would be say 200€ housing bill + 120€ debt share
>angrybirds generated most company based tax revenue last year wow
>>325140 Jan won't wake up so we can finish our campaign
>>325142 Huh I'd heard that Cockatoos were the most obnoxious Australian bird.
Maybe At least they have some redeemable qualities though
>>325147 Cockatoos? They're super obnoxious My dad had a neighbor with cockatoos and a rooster The cockatoos woukd mimic the rooster's morning crow At all hours of the day Also the two houses were like 150 feet apart, but it was still loud enough to be obnoxious
would you actually be afraid of something like that
>>325155 No, but I'm not another bird or a fox or whatever Birds have plenty of defense tactics that they use to attempt to intimidate predators They'll use it on anything if they find it threatening Well, I wouldn't be afraid of it But I probably wouldn't get any closer to the eggs. *intimidate/distract
>>325170 I considered it In the end I just kept my head down and kept walking them I wouldn't wanna punch out some dumb bird that's probably just defending its nest
Honestly I'd probably swing at it reflexively if it got too close I doubt I'd hit it on the first try though
>>325194 It's kinda misrepresenting the situation to call me a wageslave since I could stop working now and pretty much be good to live the NEET life for the rest of my days. But yes, I hate waiting on things that waste my time.
>>325195 Wow Fucking boushie Also really, you're actually that irritated about four seconds?
>>325196 4 seconds in a week is 28 seconds! That's half a minute. In a whole year that's 24 minutes. You could do something fun in 24 minutes. Who wants to waste 24 minutes a year? Plus you spend way more than four seconds at the average stoplight. A commute where I only waste four seconds at stoplights is a really great commute.
>>325201 You work seven days a week? Also four seconds was an estimate it could be .Ore or less depending on the cyclist >>325201 I'm talking about waiting for the cyclist in front of you to accelerate and cross the street after it turns green
>>325202 Cyclists waste way more than 4 seconds. Cyclists are like the worst thing to get behind, even worse than tractors. Cyclists get in traffic and think it's acceptable to go at like 5 miles per hour on a road where everyone else is going 60.
Yaknow godwin's law is cool and all but sometimes Sometimes http://www.newsweek.com/trump-russia-jewish-farage-brexit-698486?utm_campaign=NewsweekTwitter&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
>>325223 5 over, of course. You'll get a ticket for 5 miles per hour total too, for blocking traffic. Unless you're on a bicycle, then it's okay for some reason.
>>325226 Yeah Anyways five over being the most you can get away with on not highways in non rural areas on average Although I'm in a giant metropolitan area so its not surprising they're stricter
This article has actual data as a source btw https://outdoorindustry.org/press-release/2015-strava-insights-show-cycling-and-running-landscape-in-the-u-s/ >Women recorded an average speed of 12.7 mph for an individual ride, with men registering 14.6 mph.
>>325234 are you talking about ones that are still going or past ones
alright guess I'm at pool guy's house for work behave while I'm away kids don't kill any cyclists
>>325254 Your time is only being "wasted" because that time you got in the first place was from speeding Which is still against the law whether or not its enforced
>>325257 >speeding You mean being forced to go 10 in a 50? That's a little less than speeding.
>>325272 Okay yeah rural areas are a case where they actually do wwaste your time, but in cities (like Chicago) because of the large amount of traffic lights and stop signs your time isn't wasted as much
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
ok look fucking bikes are slow as shit no matter where you are
Oh wait no I'd have to wear a shit ton of safety gear
>safety gear What are you a pussy? Just don't crash
>>325285 Yeah But what if someone else crashes into me?
>>325286 Use their momentum to propel yourself faster if they crash from behind If they crash from the front it's your fault for not being better at swerving
>>325287 You know that you can get hit from tthe side right? Also I just thought of a potential roller blade design that would let you travel sideways (sometimes)
I was reminded of this recently on another side. But a lot of you are unironic haruhi fans aren't you? I remember people here defending the endless eight. If you fall into that category I'm honestly disgusted. You will die painfully and alone.
>>325296 Haruhi is an enjoyable show Endless Eight was so astonishingly stupid that I have to somewhat applaud it for that I already know I'll die alone that's not news to me
>>325301 Well, my parents got me a pair when I was young and I couldn't equip them because of my low dex score. I had to use roller skates while everyone else used roller blades.
>>325303 I've honestly only worn roller skates outside of a roller rink maybe once or twice in my life. I bet you felt like you were in the 1970's. Did you at least dress the part?
>>325303 I couldn't when I was younger either, but my DEX is probably good enough now.
https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/6sfc7k/today_is_the_eighth_anniversary_of_the_finale_of/?st=j9hqxw0a&sh=e86563fb >The Endless Eight is simultaneously the most boring and most memorable arc in anime history. Truly a bold artistic statement. >I, too, think it was a great move on paper that fit the self-aware nature of the story and their attempts to involve the audience in the story in unexpected ways >This arc is unironically one of my favorite arcs in anime. It was a pain to go through, but I love it.
I once wore roller blades as part of a stage musical thing I only fell over on one performance
>>325308 It achieves its intentions but that doesn't mean you have to like it
Endless Eight actually accomplishes what it sets out to do, which is to make the viewer suffer as much as obligatory Reiclone does, having to sit through the same shit over and over. And part of that suffering is because they chose to remake the same episode right times instead of giving a highly acclaimed series a second season.
but making your viewers suffer is probably not what you want to do. It's such a weird thing.
It sets out what it intended to do and that is fill the 8 episodes they suddenly needed to fill after deciding to turn the disappearance of haruhi into a movie instead of the 2nd half of the season like originally planned. Any other excuse is pretentious gobshite and you should kys.
>>325308 >but making your viewers suffer is probably not what you want to do. Ever heard of Texnolyze?
Kirara 🦃
EE makes the viewers suffer poorly
punpun is how you hurt your readers while still loving them EE is just cruelty
>>325311 Texhnolyze was only ever suffering to brainlets.
punpun is a good example of suffering that is good for the viewer. They will suffer but it is at least interesting.
Endless Eight is like just boring the viewer to death, while dangling the prospect of an actual second season in front of them and then not delivering.
>>325315 I never actually saw it. I read the book though
The worst excuse I've heard is that with the name Endless Eight it had to be 8 episodes. >>325323 NO It's called Endless Eight because 8 looks like ∞ in other words the endless eight of infinity. In the manga it was certainly not repeated 8 times REEEE REEE REEEREREEE
Kirara 🦃
>>325315 no im not really into haruhi in the first place
>>325321 That's actually a decent excuse Like someone at corporate could have insisted they make it eight times to fit the name
>>325321 infinity symbol is knocked over hourhlass not 8
I actually liked Haruhi a lot until Endless Eight, and at that point I washed my hands of it. I don't care a thing about the series anymore.
Haruhi's first OP is really great though.
>>325321 Yeah, I'm saying someone in power management wise could have insisted they do it People have made dumber brand decisions based on names before
Mainly I just came here to reee. :ok_hand:
>>325325 Remember when everyone used to dance that stupid dance from the E? *ED?
>>325341 I saw Rebellion in theatres It was pretty fun. There were some good cosplayers and people cheered and clapped when Sayaka and Kyouko held hands I remember a fair bit of shouting actually
>>325344 >watching the recap movies in theatres but not the new story For what purpose
I sat next to some guy who spent five minutes telling me how good Vinland Saga was.
>>325342 I have the homura one, a friend got it for me Were they giving those out in bew york? *new Chicago got fucking shafted They gave away like two posters And that was it
I bought three tickets but none of my friends could make it out. So they gave me the option of a refund or getting extra signboards. I have Homura, Kyou/Saya, and Mami/Nagisa >>325351 Well, it's obvious they'd have merch at NY, and DEFINITELY have stuff in LA.
>>325350 That's bullshit Why the fuck did they give out signboards in new york and la but not Chicago
so yeah hah contipartied at friends place after karaoke but he... dropped out now lying on matress on the gloor thinking wake for 1,5h or sleep full night wake means getting home early and actually having hood night sleep well... goid morning skeep or sleep here untill morning and then go hpmu tired
This is sort of touhou dynasty warriors 5.7/10·IMDb 31%·Rotten Tomatoes Looking for any way to get away from the life and town he was born into, Tripp (Lucas Till), a high school senior, builds a monster truck from bits and pieces of scrapped cars. After an accident at a nearby oil-drilling site displaces a strange and subterranean creature with a taste and a talent for speed, Tripp may have just found the key to getting out of town with a most unlikely friend. Running time: 1h 45m Fuck Forgot to copy link Now you all kknow I googled that shitty monster truck movie
>>325482 All of the soldiers are just regular soldiers though They should be like, faeries or something
>>325483 Yeah But the custom characters kind of look like 2hus
Why does Dynasty Warriors Gundam even exist Out of all the franchises you could pick to make a game around killing huge clusters of enemies, I feel like you could have picked better
welp now to not fall asleep on bus
>>325485 Okay yeah Like uh Halo Or Metroid (such a wide cast of characters) Or Pokemon Or street fighter
>>325487 >pokemon >Halo You know what I'd play that I'd play both of those
>>325488 I'd play the halo one for sure Wait a second Isn't that just Halo?
>>325489 Fire Fight has lots of clusters and groups I remember So I guess Halo already has it
>>325501 I said "liked" Nah Splatoon's okay I guess Like I get why some people like it a lot But I really just couldn't get into it Maybe cause sniping isn't really a viable option in multiplayer I'm fucking great with the roller though
Kirara 🦃
>>325502 enlist someone to be your left joycon it will be like that dance like your life depends on it eva episode
>>325524 which touhou is most likely to be a communist?
>>325525 Like actually or "most likely to claim to be a communist" Or "most likely to talk about communism and claim to (and think theyre a communist) but not actually up for a revolution" >>325527 Kosuzu would rread all about it aand get really into it but really be all talk
Tewi would claim to be commumist and espouse communist ideas and start a revolution but only use ideas of communism to trick people into supporting her and not actually have a communist state (or whatever)
And uhh Seija would totally be for communism because its over throwing the state (and turning things upside down) But she'd probably gwt bored after the revolution
>>325529 I'm including characterizations from official (not entirely canon) manga and doujin stuff Also get ready to have your goddamn mind blown https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/in_gensokyo_danmaku_dodges_you
Was that the one where at the end of the first episode It cut to some group of people and one basically said "all according to keikaku" then cut to some other faction and a guy said "just aas predicted in the dead sea scrolls" and then cut to amother grouo and did it again?
>>325551 Are you talking about the broadcast from the old man Where they talk about ending war via armed interventions It was indeed going as per Celestial Beings keikaku
I just remember it being really stupid, edgy and overdone
That's not a good fucking way to introduce characters or do foreshadowing Like you would have to actually try to force the foreshadowing even harder It was soo edgy I mean, maybe it gets better But if thats par for the course then I have no interest in watching the rest
What was edgy War is edgy
>>325559 Not neccesarily Although I need a better word than edgy Uggh I might need to check tv tropes for a term
>tv tropes I'm a full blown gundam autist So I'm just gonna drop this subject I don't like arguments
Hrrm? I wasn't going to check gundam Although that's a good idea I was going to check some other stupid shit this particularly reminded me of
>>325570 Yes But his original system didn't have Thompson's name in it
>>325573 might be because thompson was barely in his adulthood when aa here died
Complain about tv tropes all you want but its only This http://www.mftd.org/index.php?action=atu But for a different audience and encompassing more mediums
>>325574 Okay? Fields progress after people die, its not surprising that Aarne's work was expanded upon by someone else
>>325603 I didn't mean to I even spent like 6 hours laying in bed trying to fall asleep last night >>325602 No idea It sort of feels like Uhh Have you ever taken a shower and gotten out and then after getting dressed you go out and its cold And then yiur ears hurt? It's that lind of ppain
bang says "what up mein duden, how are you all faring tonight, besides FormerRei who is apparently self-destructive"
Groggy. I got back from work and crashed into sleep for like, eight hours.
>>325606 If I don't spend time winding down after work, I always wake up really unhappy But sometimes it can't be helped Do you at least have something to look forward to? If I wasn't moving to catering on the 15th I'd quit
>>325605 I can't help it Sometimes I just don't fall asleep Also I hhave to shower soon or get up extra eay and shower Which is rather not do
>>325611 Do you spend at least a few hours a day walking around and doing other stuff? Not moving is really bad for your sleep
>>325607 I can look forward to not working over the next four days at least. The brewery only runs on weekdays and I accidentally ended up not having to work the past -the next two days. Really they're pretty generous with how much time I can take off if I need to. The main reason I worked so much the past two days was because I didn't have anything better to do during them.
>>325612 Yes Today I was out and about ffor lile seven hours I'm going to be very busy these days Also I wwas out and about tuesday for a while too and still didn't skeep This recent biut if insomnia has been particularly worse than anything ekse ive had
I suggest maybe running until you are tired and then having a beer or two That is an easy way to want to fall asleep
>>325618 what about herbal teas like chamomile or kava
>>325617 It was pretty good, wasn't it. I had no expectations going in and everything about it was crazy.
>>325622 None in the house I took melatonin though I think ive been having trouble recently was because of stress Wait I think i know what my ear thing is It might be a bbunch of earwax
>>325623 Yeah I had expectations going in but only because of Kirara and Rika I just thought I was in for a really cute smug blonde type I got so much more
>>325663 yeah >>325668 yeah but it's like the enemies are so sensitive that even a slight glimpse of me is death >>325664 are you stuck on the seat or something?
>>325675 I think I could do it. As soon as the seat felt sticky, I'd just stand up and realize there was glue and take it off, probably. I don't really go to the bathroom frequently anyway so it'd probably just inconvenience Fish in the end.
It's certainly the kind of thing with the possibility of backfiring badly since the lady of the house sits on the toilet a lot more than the gentleman of the house.
a better prank would be to replace a box of cereal's contents with, say, thumb tacks then when he pours his cereal into his bowl, he is surprised to see thumb tacks come out
She should really just go all the way and tase him in his sleep.
being mean to people is not pranks! that's just being mean! a true well-executed prank is less about inflicting damage or tedium and more about surprise
You're so brave, going "I can't die" when a hurricane is about to knock over your house with you in it, and then you complain a few months later about how you couldn't survive a little bit of tasing.
So the ear that hurt didn't have much (for me) earwax The other one thiugh Oh man And now my right ear hurts less Or I feel it less cause now the left hurts from having been ckeaned
>>325702 It's important to remember stuff like this.
>>325695 Honestly from what I know about his heart problems and hurricanes The heart attack caused by tazing is lot more likely tthan his place being knocked over
>>325721 Yeah! You don't usually remember stuff! It's weird that you're so focused on this! I just don't see why it's so important that you have to remember it!
>>325734 Okay then here's a different one Which weighs more, a pound of feathers on the moon or a pound of steel on earth?
I had a particularly frustrating day at work today. The job I do, it's a bit much for me to do solo, but a t the same time, an extra person makes it a bit too easy. But still, ultimately I can't keep up by myself. So the guy they called in to do it with me today, he didn't end up showing up. So I ended up doing what any sensible person would, and just tried my hardest to keep up with the workload by myself anyway. It was a really rough day because of that, and in the end, I couldn't keep up. The belt I grab from to stack stuff ended up building up too much, and we lost a few minutes of time because the line of beer cases buckled and spilled out. So that was kind of humiliating for me, especially since afterwards one of the guys supervising the line said he'd been keeping an eye on me this whole time and had been waiting for me to come ask for help.
>>325757 That's not exactly true! The evacuations for Hurricane Irma were completely unprecedented. Nobody predicted that it'd have happened the way it did.
>>325758 Have you ever been in a situation where leading up to it you were thinking "he'll probably do this" and then at the last moment he does exactly what you thought he would? That's how all that went.
>>325759 The answer wwas feathers A kilogram of feathers on earth weighs more than a kilogram of feathers on the moon And also a kiligram of steel on the moon
>>325766 I'm taking your button away Anyways Weight is equal to mass times acceleration Kilograms are a unit of mass The acceleration due to Gravity on earth is 9.81 m/s2 The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is much less So 1kg * 9.81m/s2 Is the weight of a kilogram on earth But on the moon The acceleration due to gravity is
1.622 m/s²
>>325764 isn't that because weight is a function of gravity it sounds
>>325767 But weight is relative To gravity Fuck you a kilogram is a kilogram Yeah, if we took the item from the moon and put it on earth it'd weigh more But we're assuming it's on the moon
>>325770 Yeah, I thought it was my fault, but now I know it actually couldn't have been helped! And you never lectured me anyway.
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
oh man this couch confined line is gonna brew trouble
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
>>325768 Yes >>325769 I defined tge problem as "which weighs more, a kilogram of steel on the moon or a kilogram of feathers on earth" Kilograms are not actually a unit of weight They are a unit of mass
>>325774 > >The kilogram or kilogramme (SI unit symbol: kg) is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) Wtf is a unit of weight then
>>325776 Unit of force Force is defined aas masd times acceleration Hence F = ma Where acceleration is in units of distance divided by (time squared) In the metric case meters per seconds squared or m/s2 So force is in gram meters per second squared Or kg *m/s2
>>325777 Okay so in dumb science man thought you're correct But in every day laymans terms I'm totally right
>>325771 Doesn't seem like something someone blameless would say! Maybe you just convinced yourself that it wasn't your fault.
>>325778 If by layman you mean retard yes Also the fact that pounds are a unit oof weight and kilograms are is like the single advantage Americans have in not using metric
>>325779 No way. My research found that not only was my behavior normal, but nobody could have predicted the difficulties in evacuations! The highways had 4-6x the usual traffic 24/7 for four days before the hurricane!
>>325780 also today I learned something new thanks rei
>>325783 Dozo Yeah the imperial unit for mass is "slug" Which is 1 pound/Earth's acceleration in imperial which I don't need to remember because I'm not an engineer
>>325785 I really did plan on evacuating. So you shouldn't be mad at me! Be mad at Irma!
>>325784 Wait no its not Obviously it isn't because imperial is really retarded One slug is defined as the amount of mass which would be accelerated at 1 foot/s2 By one pound Which actually doesn't sound too bad since the way its defined is reasonable But the weight of one slug on earth is 32.174 lb
Also I was actually about to ask you two to stop arguing Glad that's over Now I need to go take a quick shower and not shave afterwards even though i probably shoukd
>>325788 Good bye Yuu We'll never forget your brave sacrifice ;_;7
>>325802 They let you into college on a stem track without that? Actually they let you into college at all? Like I just find that so mind blowing
>>325803 What would a bachelor of commerce need with physics
>>325804 Why the hell does a bachelor of science (or commerce) need with history or literature? But we still have to take classes in that.
>>325805 > Why the hell does a bachelor of science (or commerce) need with history or literature? Do American universities require that? You see You shouldn't be asking me, you should be asking your universities what they're doing You're getting scammed into paying for courses that aren't relevant Here I don't have to bother with any of that. I just take things that are related to econ. I COULD take a class on literature or history. But I don't have to. The only HS pre-requisite is stuff that's relevant to your course And also English which is mandatory to take in VCE
>>325806 We copied our curriculum from England Allegedly the reason is too make you a more balanced scholar with a wider range of knowledge But like wow That's fucked up
And also because there are valuable lesson applications to be learned from arts and humanities courses. The critical thinking components that come with literary analysis in those courses are beneficial to you as a human bean. And history helps people learn to parse dat a for the necessary information they need to fulfil a specific requirement.
People tend to forget that there are lessons and skills to be learned beneath the surface of what is being taught, which is often why so many people are quick to snub or mock liberal arts programs in post-secondary education.
>>325808 Well yes that too But I already learned that pretty well Honestly my school's English department isn't that great so I'm afraid I'll end up with a class thats at a lower level than courses I took in highschool (my Highschool was very good)
>>325808 The best part of History isn't even the history It's the research techniques you learn
Yeah that's what I was saying. Like, I'm sure for some people learning all that history is exciting. It's to a point, interesting for me too. But the value in the program comes from learning how to learn to succeed in courses like that. And skills like that can definitely transition into pretty much any kind of future career as well.
Also I've known people who cane from othrr countries for masters programs in the US who had to redo their bachelor's here because their universities bachelor's program didn't cover that stuff So they'd be taking undergrad english and history while taking graduate courses
I would not be surprised if New Zealand's universities degree programs aren't fully recognized here
my mouse double clicks when i left click a lot now i think it is dying it's especially noticeable in fps games >>325815 in america we just give each other swirlies, in NZ they violate each other with a screwdriver.
How does one call 911 and say they got drilled in the ass?
>>325821 You already know >>325822 Very carefully Also it's 111 in new Zealand
>>325821 Honestly I've heard of worse Like someone who got really drunk and tried to fuck a porcupine Or a guy who got really drunk Fucked a cat And got stuck And the cat had to be put down and due to laws in that state he became a registered sex offender and after a few months of shame moved several states away
>>325818 The right click on my mouse has been a little unresponsive for a while now. The click is sluggish and doesn't always register. I should probably get a new one since I use a lot of right-clicks.
I saw the story on 4chan and obe of the replies was "Greg is that you? Your parents thought you killed yourself man."
Although actually i dont think that one is worse than the scissors Except for the sex offender part
Anyways there's also stuff like people stuffing wires up their urethra and tubing and then getting a weedwacker stuck and then the whole thing got knotted up in his insides so the surgeons had to stick another tube in with scissors to cut up the stuff
Anyways that one and the porcupine one are from darwin awards Although they're only honorable mentions Because in order to win a darwin award you must remove yourself from tge gene pool I.e. death or castration or some other form of sterilization
Although either always or at some lount it was changed to be that people under 18 couldn't be awarded them So in the book they had their own section at the end Like the kid who moved to alaska and all the cool kids would ride their bikes on the frozen ice and sometimes the fell in the water So he had the brilliant idea of tying himself to his bike so he wouldn't lose it He drowned
what a genius
>>325834 > So he had the brilliant idea of tying himself to his bike so he wouldn't lose it I have no words
The rules are good https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Awards >Killing a friend with a hand grenade would not be eligible, but killing oneself while manufacturing a homemade chimney-cleaning device from a grenade would be eligible. Oddly specific isn't it?
>>325842 >selfie related injuries and deathes I hate the fact that this has its own article
>>325843 Is sort of a good thing though From an evolutionary perspective Also Killing a friend with a hand grenade would not be eligible, but killing oneself while manufacturing a homemade chimney-cleaning device from a grenade would be eligible. Fuck http://www.darwinawards.com/ There Also I've not used the site much I have a hard copy of the second one >>325845 >I don't know much about evolution
I'm triggered
>>325844 I feel like this is a really surface level understanding of evolution I don't know much about evolution but my instincts tell me it is
>>325858 he probably didn't know how to make firecrackers, anyways.
>>325859 Honestly I could make firecrackers Except maybe for the fuses I mean i could make a fuse But I don't recall off the top of my head what they're usually made with Err By make I mean I'm 98% sure I know the ingredients and hhow to construct a similar device
Anyways charcoal+sulfur+potassium nitrate = black powder