Thread #324219
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Why this
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 452x684, c5aa763ea5f828ac7d168cf0e3d47364.jpg )
what flavor ice cream do you have
vanilla duh
Search [iqdb] (10 KB, 120x120, IMG_2292.PNG )
Hmm The content warnings dont work on mobile twitter That's problematix
Search [iqdb] (274 KB, 574x741, 1353902339307.jpg )
>>324219 (OP)
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1124x1189, IMG_2298.JPG )
good moening
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 293x171, chrome_2017-10-31_14-08-08.png )
oh no nnS is ancap
I want some ice cream.
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 640x636, 91b29d32659f03315d8ebe711f53a2a8.jpg )
>>324219 (OP) I appreciate this image.
Search [iqdb] (300 KB, 2061x1417, DNeHcCNVwAAW33o-orig.jpg )
I have no idea what's happening in this image
Search [iqdb] (267 KB, 900x1300, 008.png )
>>324233 Metal eats metal.
Search [iqdb] (971 KB, 800x1124, 65462773_p0.png )
It would snow on Halloween. dopee Gives me a >>>/watch?v=eHOb7IJ6Bk0 vibe
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Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 600x411, DNbt6dhUMAAtIeB-orig.jpg )
Did not think I'd get there, but I now have a separate column just for RTs and likes because otherwise I'd completely miss replies There's TOO MANY RTS
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 15:51 No. 324239
Truly I am Ohio.>>324234 That was a decent manga.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 15:56 No. 324240
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 730x1034, 016(4).png )
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/31 (火) 16:07 No. 324241
odysseeey should go to work early for once playing geimu instead
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 600x800, DNZkF-hVoAAK5iG-orig.jpg )
Will this motherfucker get HOME ALREADY Jesus
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 16:24 No. 324243
>>324242 What is that creature? Is it from Maid in Abyss?
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 496x464, DMrK0s9VoAAUpYI-orig.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 16:32 No. 324245
So what is it?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 16:34 No. 324246
Basically all I know about Maid in Abyss is that Ozen is best girl, bo ne dad is a dick, ANCAP Village exists and that white whistles are made of people
I have no idea A Nanashi
respect turkeys
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 16:36 No. 324249
>>324247 Do you read the manga?
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 1536x2048, DFBWSJTVYAEFWJK-orig.jpg )
Naw I just save images from my twitter feedsd
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 16:38 No. 324251
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1540x1300, IMG_2308.JPG )
This image is what I need
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 17:41 No. 324254
This humble bundle ends in 19 minutes. Might be worth a look to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 962x984, DNd6ecDV4AAelYa-orig.jpg )
Pumped for Saturday tbh
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 950x950, 29302042_p0.jpg )
>>324245 >>>/watch?v=rALllpklvXQ Spoilers obviously.
zelda localization is like INSANELY liberal >character says arigato, rinku >translated as hello, link
2017/10/31 (火) 18:03 No. 324259
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 418x510, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
wow I would guess "domo" being translated like thatb u arigatou...
Search [iqdb] (393 KB, 986x666, DNPOOcUUQAEUveP-orig.png )
>>324258 Translations are a curse
earlier someone said, like, rinku saikyou or something and the translation was finish him, link!
2017/10/31 (火) 18:12 No. 324262
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 617x399, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Good job nintendo
Isn't Nintendo America just... trash?
2017/10/31 (火) 18:15 No. 324264
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 1000x1000, DNZyAzmUIAA_xDq-orig.jpg )
Mom sold the house She's moving into an apartment, I think with money to spare I may be a filthy red, but I'm gonna be a property owner one day
oh no
2017/10/31 (火) 18:20 No. 324268
>>324265 lit it on fire
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 320x320, DL8bDrYVwAAj3VZ-orig.jpg )
>>324267 I could use the money to like Fund shit? Maybe
>>324268 thinking about it actually was considering that>>324269 use it to house homeless people don't become a landlord
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1000x1000, DMq5fAaVAAA_m1l-orig.jpg )
I refuse to become a landlord
landlords and sparrows gotta go
Search [iqdb] (596 KB, 2480x2480, DMKBhUJUIAA_jLL-orig.jpg )
The fuck is a sparrow
you know, the bird, sparrows
mao had every sparrow in china killed after he killed the landlords and it destabilized the ecosystem and caused tons of deaths from famine
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 800x800, DMWY3D5VoAAY5UI-orig.jpg )
Hahah what the fuck was Mao on, dude That man was wild
I guess the diamat got to his head
mlm makes you crazy
Search [iqdb] (205 KB, 512x512, 20171015-224456.png )
Yeah I'm not sold on socialism in general tbph
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 714x1000, DLy91HVVAAAfX1u-orig.jpg )
Mao had like, a ton of these things with fancy names, didn't he? The great leap forward, something about a thousand blossoms?
Or was that pol pot? I get these fucking monsters mixed up sometimes
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There is nothing wrong with owning things like a piece of land
you don't actually own anything though
Sure i do
you don't own something if it can be taken away at any point you're just licensing things
I own my stuff!
then why can it be taken away at any time by the government
that would be stealing!
no, because you don't own it
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 480x500, DLjhtPTU8AAvl2c-orig.jpg )
Your property is yours until the government decides it's not Voluntarily from your end or not
you have nothing if you have no rights
2017/10/31 (火) 18:50 No. 324293
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 504x415, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
then you have lefts
2017/10/31 (火) 18:50 No. 324294
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 617x399, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
I wonder couldf you start a joke campaign that aims to rename human rights, into human lefts
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/31 (火) 19:08 No. 324295
elephant mecha
2017/10/31 (火) 19:13 No. 324297
Search [iqdb] (291 KB, 701x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
ah delish pizza
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 19:35 No. 324298
I am rereturned I actually feel like being productive today and I already thought of some stuff to do. I'm sure this feeling will pass soon though.
>>324281 A thousand flowers>yeah it's cool intellectuals let's let a thousand ideas bloom you can criticise the party >jkslol you're all getting purged
2017/10/31 (火) 19:39 No. 324302
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 273x518, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Oh wow
graphic videos of the shooting going around
Did they identify who did it yet
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/31 (火) 20:09 No. 324307
i was going to post an image but it seems somewhat clashing with current events hell I'll post it anyway APNG detector problem nevermind the
2017/10/31 (火) 20:10 No. 324308
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>What happened was there was a car crash… he came out of one of the cars. He had two guns,” a 14-year-old Stuyvesant HS student said. “We thought it was a Halloween thing. He started running around the highway. There was another guy in a green shirt that was chasing him around.” wow that could have ended in a tragedy...
>>324306 no not yet it seems really bad though>>324307 wow what did you do
cum cum cum cum cum cum semen
that's not very appropriate
2017/10/31 (火) 20:56 No. 324313
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 1024x625, sipoon_taideteos025_u0.jpg )
wow stumbling unto this might be scary a random art piece by a new yorker artist
>>324312 neither is like a lit of things
Search [iqdb] (429 KB, 1800x2182, 85ca0ed697750c48f885f03ebdc74c61.jpg )
Koi- has marked himself safe during The Violent Incident In Manhattan, New York
2017/10/31 (火) 21:23 No. 324316
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 432x592, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
were you anywhere close?
>>324315 good >>324314 yeah but we should be appropriate on /moe/
Search [iqdb] (242 KB, 1621x1795, DM_ifQxV4AU383N.jpg )
I was asleep. Just had breakfast. Kingfish is good.
2017/10/31 (火) 21:25 No. 324319
sounds like a tasty fish, atleast based on the name
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 532x384, 0bb33837216c19f7952d29e71c35ab4b.jpg )
hey hey blue my friend what cute girls have you seen today
Search [iqdb] (452 KB, 1352x500, ゆっ - Halloween Night (65685312) 1ページ.jpg )
>Remilia as a vampire ummm>Patchouli as a witch UHHHHHH
>>324321 theyre just doing what they do best
>Eitin as a nurse
>>324322 >Koakuma as a nun
Search [iqdb] (320 KB, 800x1200, ゆっ - Halloween Night (65685312) 2ページ.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1001x1024, koakuma.jpg )
2017/10/31 (火) 21:32 No. 324327
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
honey mirin
Search [iqdb] (341 KB, 800x1200, ゆっ - Halloween Night (65685312) 7ページ.jpg )
I need that Kekkai Sensen 5 guys pls
2017/10/31 (火) 21:36 No. 324329
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Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 1920x1080, DNeaN2NV4AEaAh0.jpg )
It didn't have to be this way.
>>324328 hmm i could go for some 5 guys
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 800x1178, shnva - trick or treat (65691800) .png )
>>324320 >>324332 I would enjoy seeing a KS episode where they eat at Five Guys But they already have their diner so I doubt.
2017/10/31 (火) 21:46 No. 324334
>>324331 curiously you can find
>>324333 shit jan, tilde, and i went to a five guys in Georgia and they had five guys literally five guys
>>324331 >NOT IN THE USA But it is in the USA
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 21:53 No. 324337
That feeling of actually wanting to do things and be productive has passed. Also I've been up for forty hours or so
I'm bang
>>324338 But it says bangu
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 21:54 No. 324340
>>324338 Are you sure?
"okaeri bangu"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 21:54 No. 324342
Also This fucking kid jumped off an overpass And killed the driver of the car he landed on
that's sad
2017/10/31 (火) 21:56 No. 324344
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 500x600, __hoshiguma_yuugi_and_mizuhash(…).png )
that young and jumping? also would that count as manslaughter?
>>324343 The kid survived And now he has to live with knowing someone died as a result of his actions >>324344 If it could count as manslaughter, I wouldn't want it charged
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 21:57 No. 324346
>>324344 Involuntary manslaughter at worst Not sure how often people get charged in freak accidents though
>>324344 people as young as 6 can be suicidal age doesn't matter too much in suicide>>324345 he most likely does not intend to live with that long
2017/10/31 (火) 21:58 No. 324348
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 500x666, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_draw(…).png )
Sad as hell
>/moe/ is open >open a new tab >click on /moe/
2017/10/31 (火) 21:58 No. 324351
pls no
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 21:58 No. 324352
>>324350 Sup kannagi
2017/10/31 (火) 21:59 No. 324353
wonder what happened to that geh person
>>324350 happy Halloween
>>324352 >>324354 Happy spooky day.
2017/10/31 (火) 22:00 No. 324356
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 800x800, __samara_morgan_dc_comics_and_(…).jpg )
oh yeah it is halloween or all hallow's eve
holo wiener
hollow winner
herro winner
hewwo winnew
Halo Wars
2017/10/31 (火) 22:01 No. 324362
Hiro Winer would be an ultra lame name
Haah Waaw
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2017/10/31 (火) 22:03 No. 324366
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>>324365 he lived as he died
Search [iqdb] (294 KB, 800x1200, ゆっ - Halloween Night (65685312) 3ページ.jpg )
>>324368 I managed to. although I only succeeded about two hours ago
>>324365 DId you escape your bedsheets in the end then?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:04 No. 324369
I'm laying down right now.
>>324368 im going to stay under the covers forever
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>>324370 Thats kinda gross though! They need to be washed sometime!
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>>324371 i will die a terrible death, covered in old covers
2017/10/31 (火) 22:09 No. 324373
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A new form of mummification
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>>324372 Surely Fish will mount a rescue and deliver you into fresh sheets
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happy spoonerween
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 752x821, C9LriYQUQAADJDs-orig.jpg )
Kannagi me and some friends are playing mahjong if you wanna join With one more player we can go for four player
baaaaaaang bang bang
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 567x691, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>324374 She's going to die with me under the covers.
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 500x480, 1291858623532.jpg )
>>324378 I am dying of a cold. I don't think I have the concentration to play which is a shame. Invite me next time! I hope you can find a 4th player
Search [iqdb] (305 KB, 1003x1416, にご - こころ舞い (65688094) .jpg )
They'll merge and reincarnate as a starfish
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 250x321, 1309088863359.jpg )
>>324380 That is morbid! The bed is for comfy not for death!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:17 No. 324384
>>324382 Awful
yeah I wouldn't want to be one either
Search [iqdb] (23 KB, 286x367, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
Starfish are better than people. >>324383 Death can be comfy.
2017/10/31 (火) 22:18 No. 324387
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 170x170, 1426367090082.gif )
I dunno starfish are quite horrible
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 397x367, 1308021620278.jpg )
Starfish have teeth. Isn't that fucking horrifying
you have teeth too
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 2000x1500, DM1CHWsVAAAybWa.jpg )
>>324388 i don't need this anxiety
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:21 No. 324391
>>324390 You didn't know that?
Search [iqdb] (346 KB, 700x1000, 65544807_p0.png )
Blue is afraid of teeth.
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 640x931, 1303455190921.jpg )
You still aren't over that teeth conversation?>>324389 Shocking truth
2017/10/31 (火) 22:22 No. 324394
Search [iqdb] (3s, 299 KB, 800x800, __yamamura_sadako_the_ring_dra(…).webm )
blue should watch TEETH for hallowiinspooks
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:22 No. 324395
teeth teeth teeth
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:25 No. 324397
Search [iqdb] (282 KB, 1280x829, Pedicellaria_Asteroid-and-Echinoid.png )
2017/10/31 (火) 22:26 No. 324398
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2017/10/31 (火) 22:27 No. 324399
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 3264x1832, IMG_1845.JPG )
also teeth
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:28 No. 324400
>>324399 What the hell Why are they in liquid?
2017/10/31 (火) 22:28 No. 324401
Search [iqdb] (683 KB, 526x800, __yamamura_sadako_the_ring_dra(…).png )
it is my wisdom teeth in a bottle
>>324400 they grow if you leave them in water
2017/10/31 (火) 22:28 No. 324403
it's vodka
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:28 No. 324404
>>324403 For what purpose?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:29 No. 324405
Also my dad just asked me about mindflayers. Stranger Things was a mistake.
2017/10/31 (火) 22:29 No. 324406
to preserve them
im gonna stranger things s2 tonight
2017/10/31 (火) 22:29 No. 324408
oh yeah that came out
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:30 No. 324409
>>324406 Are you trying to preserve the tissue left on or just the teeth? Cause teeth are bones, they'll last fine if you just leave them in a box somewhere dry. I have a few in a plastic box in a drawer.
2017/10/31 (火) 22:31 No. 324411
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 618x618, 1425510848946.jpg )
>>324409 cause teeth in a bottle are a lot cooler
2017/10/31 (火) 22:32 No. 324412
"wisdom of tn, off hand item +25 wisdom"
TN more like Tooth Nerd
2017/10/31 (火) 22:33 No. 324415
you all just jelly of my awesome tooth bottle
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:33 No. 324416
I could do the same thing after I get my wisdom teeth removed.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:36 No. 324417
Also starfish are fucking weird.
2017/10/31 (火) 22:37 No. 324418
Search [iqdb] (282 KB, 1001x1000, 1425777007749.jpg )
I wonder how horrible the vodka in the bottle tastes now...
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:38 No. 324419
>>324418 Try it and find out. It's probably still okay. Maybe
2017/10/31 (火) 22:38 No. 324420
no way
2017/10/31 (火) 22:38 No. 324421
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 500x508, __houraisan_kaguya_and_yamamur(…).jpg )
>>324419 it has a lot of tissue in it, I bet that has changed the taste
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:39 No. 324422
>>324421 It's the same stuff inside your mouth anyways
2017/10/31 (火) 22:40 No. 324423
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 150x150, __yamamura_sadako_pixiv_and_th(…).png )
I will let it ferment for longer
>>324381 get better soon
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 614x692, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
still feel like shit desu
>>324425 domo
2017/10/31 (火) 22:57 No. 324428
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 1284x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 730x602, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
How are we all doing?
I played a sick mahjong game I'm pretty genki
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:59 No. 324431
I haven't slept in like 40 hpurs *hours
I'm operating
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 22:59 No. 324433
>>324432 Are you an operator?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:00 No. 324435
>>324426 Wowme2 (I feel like shit most of the time so I'm almost used to it)
it's an awful day but I had kingfish
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:00 No. 324437
And I have an appointment at 7:30 am tomorrow.
>>324433 yeah i'm playing Doc
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 552x625, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:01 No. 324440
>>324438 You wot?
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 1004x552, IMG_20170918_075743.jpg )
Time for bed Night
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:05 No. 324442
>>324441 Yasumi
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 567x693, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324439 Did you watch it?
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 416x573, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324444 That's where I got the screenshot!
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 736x670, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324445 It was a good episode, right?
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 361x560, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324446 Yeah. It was pretty good.
wow you both like that character
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 942x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
It's kind of obvious that I'd like her, isn't it?
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 534x644, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Rika shares my amazing taste.
Search [iqdb] (242 KB, 1621x1795, DM_ifQxV4AU383N.jpg )
>>324448 you know what that means
>>324451 it's probably a good character
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 810x685, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
It's a conspiracy.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Yeah, she's a good character.
Search [iqdb] (664 KB, 750x1000, minusT - ハロウィン紫ちゃん (65693634) .png )
>>324452 It means they're the same person now.
>>324455 sometims I mistake rika posts for kirara posts and vice versa because of this
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
>>324456 That means Kirara is a really high quality poster!
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 726x716, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
That much is already obvious. I'm an amazing poster. >>324459 Ouch! Poor Rika.
Sorry Kirara I take it back you're nothing like Rika
>>324458 how will she ever recover?
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 587x634, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
It's time to turn off all the lights and pretend I'm not home.
>>324461 Is the taxman visiting again?
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 649x638, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Worse. There might be trick or treaters out there.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:24 No. 324464
TN An army surplus store I went to had what looked like one of these on display.
>>324463 Get a bucket of water!
>>324461 just did this the orange tint of f.lux is all the halloween i need
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 367x589, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324465 For what?>>324466 Nice. Fish and I are going to hole up and watch Stranger Things S2.
I'm going to run around Guild Wars 2 in my koishi outfit.
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 614x692, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
My normie friends talk about Stranger Things a lot.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 660x593, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324469 S1 was good. It's something normies can enjoy to some extent, too. Kojima loves it, so you know it's good.
Search [iqdb] (920 KB, 3000x2126, 1307323508521.png )
>>324465 To pour on the little shits.
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 454x544, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324471 Ridiculous. If I open my door for more than a second, bugs and geckos will try to get in.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:30 No. 324473
>>324472 The geckos will eat the bugs
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 345x550, 1308098846764.png )
>>324472 First you have wasps. Now you have gekos and bugs You are just too well loved! I just hope you don't have little children setting up a hive near your door next!
>>324472 Just put up a sign that says "beware of aggressive dog" and play loud barking noises through your speakers
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 602x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>324475 No way. That's terrible. >>324473 I have to get rid of geckos when they get in the house or Fish will get mad at me. A few months ago, one got in and sneaked into our bed while we were sleeping and freaked her out so now she won't let them stay inside.
2017/10/31 (火) 23:31 No. 324477
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>>324472 slice the geckos with your sword
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>>324476 Wow over the top stalker geko.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:32 No. 324479
>>324476 That's pretty funny
>>324476 But geckos are nice She should be happy a gecko liked her
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:32 No. 324481
Wait, you let them stay inside previously?
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 415x612, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
It was kind of funny. >>324481 If I couldn't catch them, I'd just ignore them until they made themselves easier to catch.
2017/10/31 (火) 23:32 No. 324483
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geckos are cute
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A horsefly flew in my house when I opened the door the other day. He made contact with the electric fly swatter four times before it finally killed him.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:33 No. 324485
>>324482 Sounds like a good plan
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:33 No. 324486
>>324484 Wow
2017/10/31 (火) 23:34 No. 324487
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>>324485 It was, until Fish was sexually harassed by one. Now there's a strict policy of getting rid of them.>>324484 Strong.
2017/10/31 (火) 23:35 No. 324489
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maybe it had eaten secuhara sauce
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2017/10/31 (火) 23:38 No. 324491
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>9 eps bit too much to marathon this late guess I will wat ch it on thursday or something
>Oingo Boingo in Stranger Things 2 yes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:38 No. 324493
>>324492 Noice Pingo Boingo is so good *Oingo Fuck
pingu boingo yeah oingo boingo is great they played Just Another Day
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>>324488 Yeah, he was a super strong fly.
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It was short! but I gotta sleep now! Nighty moe Have fun!
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>>324496 Oh no. Goodnight. Happy Halloween.
I'm bang
>>324496 bye
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Halloween is the anniversary of the time I fell into a septic tank and gave up Halloween.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:52 No. 324501
What the fuck
2017/10/31 (火) 23:52 No. 324502
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a fond memory for sure halloween is so commercialised event, though
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Halloween isn't that bad for a commercial event.
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>>324500 Falling into a septic tank is the kind of thing that is extremely amusing to a third party but probably not amusing at all to the person who it happened to.
2017/10/31 (火) 23:54 No. 324505
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How did the trick and treating even begin, though
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>>324504 Yeah. It's the kind of thing you'd love to hear happened to me.
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>>324506 It sounds pretty amusing. I bet it is a bad memory though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/31 (火) 23:55 No. 324508
So what's the story?
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It was Halloween and I had this great, immaculate white ghost costume. It was a really bad costume but it wasn't like a Charlie Brown ghost sort of thing. I was trick or treating and I stepped onto someone's lawn and the ground just gave way and I fell into a septic tank leak. All of my candy went into the septic tank, my costume was ruined, and I was covered in all sorts of disgusting things. I had to walk home, covered in shit, with no candy. I never felt like trick or treating again after that.>>324507 It's become another one of those memories that Crazy Train had to be behind. It's sort of funny even to me, now.
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It makes it even better that you were wearing a white costume.
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Yeah. It's a very Kirara situation.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:01 No. 324512
I assume you didn't threaten/pursue litigation or anything.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:03 No. 324514
Sasuga Although if they had homeowner's insurance that could have conceivably covered damages since some homeowners insurance covers accidents that occur on your property.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:04 No. 324515
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Would havebeen quite a sight if you had in that state gone to knock on their door and just have been "trick or treat, i am the ghost of your septic tank2 or shit
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Well, I was like 10, and with my mom, so I didn't have any control over anything. I think she used to only let me trick or treat for like an hour on Halloweens anyway.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:05 No. 324517
>>324515 Heh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:06 No. 324518
>>324516 Did she even go yell at the home owner or anything?
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I doubt it'd surprise you if I said no.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:07 No. 324520
>>324519 Yeah Really I'm just checking in case you actually have a story where your mom actually acts in some way resembling that of a proper parent.
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There was one time I was being discriminated against for having ADHD in a music class in grade school. The teacher made me sit with my desk far away from everyone elses and I wasn't allowed to participate in class activities because I acted out sometimes. My mom got that teacher fired for it. She probably did it because she's a bitch and wanted to get attention for it, but that was sort of protective of me.
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You have to have damages to sue. A white sheeta and some candy isn't enough to litigate on.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:09 No. 324523
>>324522 You're joking right? That's like actual trauma right there And potentially a cause for health issues All due to negligence on the part of the property owner
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>>324523 i doubt he went to a psychologist. I doubt he had any health complications either. The fact that the potential for these things doesn't constitute actual damages.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:10 No. 324525
>>324521 Yeah that sounds about right
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:11 No. 324526
>>324524 People have won lawsuits on weaker cases.
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That doesn't matter, he has no damages. The only way for him to recover would have been an outrage case and that's a hard case to win.
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We just went home and I cleaned myself.
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Yeah, in the end it's just a little bit of poop.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:14 No. 324530
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I hope trick treating never catches here well we have our own thing already, though
thats too much poop
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Yeah, even a little is way too much. For a delicate young flower like me, it was traumatizing!
I'm bang
2017/11/01 (水) 00:20 No. 324534
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go bang
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It's just a little poop.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:21 No. 324537
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so you go dip in a septic tank
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>>324536 Yeah. Why don't you coat yourself in some feces if it's just poop?
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I stepped in dog poo the other day, that's almost the same thing right?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:22 No. 324540
>>324539 Were you barefoot?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:23 No. 324541
Also I was googling stuff about people falling in septic tanks and the like and it appears to be somewhat common.
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No, it got on my shoes. It would have been better if I were barefoot.
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>>324539 You're always so minimizing of my traumas! I could cry!
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>>324543 I'm like a baseball coach. Spit on it and walk it off!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:25 No. 324545
I knew a guy whose dad actually said something like that after his son broke his leg.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:25 No. 324546
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>>324541 how is it common? do people just construct their septic tanks so shittily you can fall into them like that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:25 No. 324547
>>324546 yes Well, more like They don't perform maintenance
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>>324544 You're so mean to me sometimes! You need to be gentle with me, you know? I'm a delicate, young flower. I'm like a butterfly. If you touch my wings, I'll never fly again.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:26 No. 324549
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>>324547 mut *must have superb quality ground water.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:26 No. 324550
>>324549 People don't use septic tanks in any area I've ever lived in so its not really my problem. But yeah it is a problem for some people.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:27 No. 324551 Wow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:29 No. 324552
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Yeah. People here don't usually know they need repair on their tank until it starts leaking.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:30 No. 324554
Honestly people shouldn't have septic tanks if they're in an area where they could have sewer access. Also I like the part about the state mandated inspections that aren't actually required
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I bet I would be a good baseball coach. Maybe I should try it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:33 No. 324556
>>324555 Can you play baseball?
>>324555 You're a bit too early to be a soccer mom though.
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>>324555 Let me be your co-coach!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:33 No. 324559
My dad actually coached the basketball team I wawas on as a kid. Well, the wimpy Jewish team from the suburbs. That league was too weak so my sister and I joined the co ed inner city basketball yyouth league.
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>>324556 I know the rules and stuff.>>324558 Sure, you can be the assistant coach.
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>>324560 I'm going to abuse the hell out of our players until they're good.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:36 No. 324562
Also this is one of my absolute favorite court cases.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:37 No. 324563
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>>324553 And then everyone is surprised they have to use so much money to keep the water drinkable
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:37 No. 324564
>>324563 It's often not though That's what boil warnings are for
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>>324563 The water's not drinkable, though.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:38 No. 324566
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such good use of tax money
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:38 No. 324567
Florida has a lot of issues Many of which stem from financial issues And also the current governor Who is really bad
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>>324566 I'd rather have it wasted on that than used to kill innocent Middle Easterners.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:40 No. 324569
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the us army budget is just ridiculous
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:41 No. 324570
Huh I had thought Florida had no sales tax for some reason. But they do Maybe I was thinking of some other tax
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Yeah, it's 7%.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:42 No. 324572
>>324571 6% I just looked it up
2017/11/01 (水) 00:42 No. 324573
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quite low
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>>324570 We have no state taxes.
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>>324561 I'm going to be the tough coach. Sorry, but you'll have to be nice.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:43 No. 324576
>>324574 Uggh>>324573 16th highest in the US actually
2017/11/01 (水) 00:43 No. 324577
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:44 No. 324578
>>324577 Yeah, but you guys have socialized healthcare
2017/11/01 (水) 00:44 No. 324579
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also it changes on product to product that is just average ro something
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:45 No. 324581
>>324580 Hi
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>>324572 It's 7% in almost every county. >>324575 We can both be tough.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:46 No. 324583
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>>324578 big gov requires lots of funds
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:46 No. 324584
Sales tax iin Chicago is 10.25%
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>>324582 They'll break if we're both tough.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:48 No. 324586
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>>324589 seems quite weird your system of "not having taxes on prices" is weird anyhow just list the tax on the shelves
what if bang was bang
what if someone cared
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:48 No. 324589
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>>324588 fuck you
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:49 No. 324591
>>324586 What do you mean "taxes on prices" D Also the rates we've been talking about don't include things that are exempt or have reduced taxes or have additional taxes
2017/11/01 (水) 00:49 No. 324592
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>>324591 if memory serves the tax is added on the register not on the shelf price
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>>324585 No way. My kind of toughness is gentle and healing. People want me to abuse them. It makes them feel good.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:50 No. 324594
>>324592 Yeah It's listed price of item plus tax rate * listed price
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>>324593 They'll be too tired after my tough training. You have to be nice to them!
2017/11/01 (水) 00:52 No. 324596
>>324594 seems silly not to list the real price
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>>324595 That's not fair. They'll be fine.
ok, this music is way better
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:53 No. 324599
>>324596 If you have a grocery store chain that operates in two different counties with different tax rates they would >>324600 I was actually ggoing to talk about advertising circulars with listings of pprices So they would need to print a different onone for each county Also it's always been this way
2017/11/01 (水) 00:53 No. 324600
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>>324599 you print out the labels locally anyhow not a big issue to change it
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>>324597 They'll collapse.
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>>324601 The strongest will survive. The ones that don't make it can be replaced.
2017/11/01 (水) 00:55 No. 324603
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>>324599 Guess it is quite american "fuck the customer"
>entire party is brainwashed well thats one way to due die
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:56 No. 324605
>>324603 The customer is expected (this is a bit oof atretch considering we're rtalking about the us) to be not retarded At the very least
2017/11/01 (水) 00:56 No. 324606
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>customer is always right triggered
2017/11/01 (水) 00:56 No. 324607
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man I should have made some kind of troll social media presence for this >>324606 kind of shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 00:58 No. 324609
Also some products come with their msrp listed on them anyways. So the manufacturers can't be expected to print different packaging for each possible tax rate.
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>>324602 No one will sign up for our team!
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me >>324610 Everyone will sign up if they're getting told what to do by us!>>324612 Which do you think?
>>324611 left or right
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my team will win i always win
2017/11/01 (水) 01:01 No. 324614
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:02 No. 324615
This guy's story iis *is interesting
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:05 No. 324616
His training regimen as a child is very impressive Especially the part not in the wiki article About how his dad made the guy at the batting center modify the machine to make it pitch faster Three separate times because the pitches at 75mph were too slow
2017/11/01 (水) 01:06 No. 324617
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train them like tigers push the cubs off the cliff
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The mindflayer in Stranger Things 2 is pretty spoopy.
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>>324611 It will be too harsh, they won't want to do it!
2017/11/01 (水) 01:06 No. 324620
>>324618 don't spoil
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>>324619 Oh come on. Tons of people would love to be abused by us!>>324620 haaaaai
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:07 No. 324622
When he turned 15 he complained about the 85mph machine being too slow So they made it pitch at 93mph
2017/11/01 (水) 01:07 No. 324623
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I wonder is s2 final or will there be a s3 and also I hope the show doesn't get sequel ruined
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:08 No. 324624
>>324618 My dad keeps asking me about random D&D stuff because of that show.
2017/11/01 (水) 01:10 No. 324625
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I wonder has it increased dd and such sales
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:10 No. 324626
>>324625 I hope not Last time they changed D&D to make it more marketable to a new crowd It resulted in the worst edition ever made Liked by very fefew And also iirc sold less than every other one Excluding the new one (probably) But it's only a few yeaes old
probably not the DnD in it is like 2 mentions in S1
2017/11/01 (水) 01:11 No. 324628
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true dat
2017/11/01 (水) 01:11 No. 324629
but even smaller things have caused spikes in popularity and such
2017/11/01 (水) 01:11 No. 324630
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>>324626 i wonder how many times a niche product is triedt o be made mainstream and fail miserably as the mainstream don't like it anyhow and now it alianated the original audience
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:12 No. 324631
>>324630 They actually tried to market it towards the WoW crowd rather than the mainstream
2017/11/01 (水) 01:12 No. 324632
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>>324631 well it is is the general concept I mean here and not just that DnD
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:12 No. 324633
Also>When Ichiro joined his high school baseball team, his father told the coach, "No matter how good Ichiro is, don't ever praise him. We have to make him spiritually strong."
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>>324621 what kind of baseball team is this
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>>324634 The kind that wants to play with bats and balls!
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>>324633 manga tier dialogue right there>>324637 ?I'm not a big guy>I'm not a big guy There's nothing he can do 4u
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 01:26 No. 324637
>>324636 Yes His dad basically stole the training regimen from a baseball manga Read his wiki article
2017/11/01 (水) 01:28 No. 324638
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 445x526, __alice_margatroid_touhou_draw(…).jpg )
pulled beef and rösti taters sure isn't a good time to eat that much food anymore but what the hell
2017/11/01 (水) 01:31 No. 324639
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 571x800, __alice_margatroid_touhou_draw(…).png )
>>324636 third best galaxy there
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 600x800, 08c8fe9ec210d009e08aa2efa52795ff[1].jpg )
2017/11/01 (水) 01:31 No. 324641
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BTW what did what was his face oppheimer? have to say to reinhard ath is wedding?
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Mutsuki is a pretty cute boat.
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Ehhhhhh. Do you really think so?
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2017/11/01 (水) 01:39 No. 324645
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I wonder if they made the bearsuit game, would it sell?
she isn't NOT cute
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rip rook
2017/11/01 (水) 01:41 No. 324648
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rip bee
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>>324643 Yeah, I do. She has a good plaincute air about her.
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>Dickworms in Stranger Things >>324649 I don't really like her at all. She's so boring.
2017/11/01 (水) 01:42 No. 324651
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I bought a pumpkin today to carve but then I didn't really feel like carving it. So I've just got a pumpkin sitting outside.
does anyone want to play a game?
2017/11/01 (水) 01:56 No. 324654
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2017/11/01 (水) 01:57 No. 324655
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Huh there is going to be a big itxpo in barcelona next week I wonder will that get bothered by the events there
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i'm watching stranger things 2 so no geimu
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>>324652 Fish told me about that. At least you can use it as a November decoration.
2017/11/01 (水) 01:59 No. 324658
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I say lit it on fire
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>>324657 It's kind of lazy for a decoration. It's just a big pumpkin. I should have gotten a small one.
2017/11/01 (水) 02:00 No. 324660
or eat it pumpkin soup is good
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>>324659 Pumpkins are perfectly acceptable as general fall decoration though.
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>>324661 I guess that's true, but all I'd have is a pumpkin. That's not much of a decor.
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It's basic but still works. I see stuff like that all the time.
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Oh no. I hear children outside. >>324663 I feel like you need a theme. Just one decoration is kind of lame.
2017/11/01 (水) 02:13 No. 324665
>>324659 wouldn't that be cannibalism?
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>>324664 Pumpkins are good enough to stand on their own!
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I dunno about that.
2017/11/01 (水) 02:17 No. 324668
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attach giant goggly eyes on it
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>>324667 I do! You see lone pumpkins all the time.
2017/11/01 (水) 02:18 No. 324670
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>>324669 Well, I'm not really big on decorations in general.
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You have a feminine touch for that!
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Even so, just having decorations around is kind of foreign to me.
2017/11/01 (水) 02:23 No. 324674
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speaking of ween if you want a quite fun movie for th night, I'd recommend Trick'r'Treat
so close to being done
2017/11/01 (水) 02:24 No. 324676
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Stranger Things 2 is surprisingly good. I thought it'd be okay at best, but it's actually pretty good. The production values are high and the graphics and sound direction are good, and the actor kids are still really good.
I WALK IN THE Club just to pipe it up
mcdonalds new chicken tenders are n o t g o o d gotta stick with the mcchickens
2017/11/01 (水) 02:26 No. 324680
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>>324677 is so rare to see not only good kid actors but good scripts and direction for them
Wow really.
2017/11/01 (水) 02:33 No. 324683
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btw... what ever happened tot he killer clown thing
It disappeared into the mists of time. Also I'm pretty sure there were no major injuries on direct account of the clowns.
2017/11/01 (水) 02:34 No. 324685
it was a weird thing
2017/11/01 (水) 02:34 No. 324686
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>>324684 Yeah, almost all "drive over" or beat up were fake I bet it was a viral advertising campaign for the IT movie, that got out of hand and then they didn't claim credit for it
>>324684 I thought someone got shot at at least
2017/11/01 (水) 02:35 No. 324688
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My guess is that they did some actual spooks some fakes and then people got inspired and it just spread as a fun prank to do but still a curious phenomena
I think Mutsuki is kind of cute but Kisaragi is cuter ok back to plot
yall niggas ever hear the tale of hiroo onoda he had the power to save anyone, but he couldn't save himself i r o n i c i s n t i t
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>>324690 He really couldn't save everyone, then!
2017/11/01 (水) 02:56 No. 324693
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is anyone the same as everyone
2017/11/01 (水) 02:57 No. 324696
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>>324695 In this context, the "poiwer to save anyone" implies that he could save a person out of the group we'd define as everyone!
>>324695 that's retarded
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done i am a master mirage with an honorary degree
ok well done I sure as fuck didnt see this coming
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>>324700 mr. mime is what you are you big loser
2017/11/01 (水) 03:06 No. 324704
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the worst thing about mr. mime is that he talked
>>324702 p5 stuff
>>324703 I'm better than a mime. I win mime battles. Curated by the Commissar of Comedic Sense.
2017/11/01 (水) 03:08 No. 324708
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Did you meet Yaldaboath?
>>324707 everytime i get dressed in the morning, i'm preparing myself for any mime battles coming my way thats the mimery level im on
>>324709 maybe not quite exactly? give me like twenty more minutes
/moe/ what should i spend this crisp fifty (50) american dollars on funny replies ONLY
okay serious replies too
2017/11/01 (水) 03:10 No. 324715
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 591x874, DMwzFVZUQAAdMVr.jpg )
>>324713 One of those dildos that you can fill with something, and then fill it with >>324715
spend it on yourself
alright guys, that's enough funny replies
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 627x767, DM02OHBVQAEtA7h.jpg )
You can buy some shotgun shells and build some landmines with them.
serious reply: spend it on me
back in highschool when i'd go to any party, people would ask me "what school do you go to" and then I'd tell them that we go to the same school and they'd be like "wow what omg how come i've never seen you around" they did see me around, i was just a quiet anime watching autism man
2017/11/01 (水) 03:12 No. 324722
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spend it all on fish roe
I'm gonna buy a bass guitar
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The Devil plays his game.
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all these games and you chose to play me
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Zelda has a creature compendium and you have to fill it by taking pictures of thme. I think I'm giving up on saving hyrule to become a photographer.
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Yeah, it's kinda cool.
What's even better is you can overwrite the photos too, I think. So you can obsessively go over each and every animal and item to get that most perfect picture.
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I found what looked like a rare monster, so I took a picture of him. I guess he is shy though because that pissed him off. Really bad. He charged at me shooting crazy ice arrows that nearly killed me in one shot.
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One of those ice wizards?
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No, he was a centaur. He sat there with a question mark over his head until he noticed me taking a picture.
Hah hah hah the Lynels. They're actually pretty tough to kill.
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Oh, Lynels are scary. I ran into one and I just had to sneak around it because it was so strong.
There's a quest to kill one of them that had me hung on it for a bit. I really got good at figuring out their dodge timings because of it though.
lynels aint shit
2017/11/01 (水) 03:29 No. 324736
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zeldaworld has cameras?
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The new one does.
and ipads
Cameras have shown up in a handful of Zelda games to date. I think there was a similar monster >>324740 yeah. A similar kind of bestiary mechanic in Wind Waker. I think maybe one of the N64 games had it too.
Windwaker has one
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 648x719, C5PCZo8UoAA4X2K.jpg )
Oh yeah, it did. That was an old analog camera, though. The new one is mirrorless tablet camera.
2017/11/01 (水) 03:30 No. 324742
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>have invented cameras >still use bows and swords
Magic cameras.
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They have mechas, too.
>>324742 Magic bri
>access to incredible modern day technology >still can't design horse AI as well as shadow of the colossus, a game from a literal decade ago
2017/11/01 (水) 03:33 No. 324747
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man was the horse good
>still influencing games to date with the impossibly simple mechanic of climbing onto the bodies of large creatures
2017/11/01 (水) 03:34 No. 324749
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and now they are remaking it hopefully it will be good
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Paya walked in on me while I was reading her diary.
2017/11/01 (水) 03:35 No. 324752
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You know you are a video game character, if you carry a diary/journal around also you will be killed by the hero and they will read it
You know you're a video game character when you're constantly finding other peoples diaries lying around
Search [iqdb] (433 KB, 829x1000, 2756922.jpg )
>>324750 Wow, good job.
2017/11/01 (水) 03:36 No. 324755
>>324753 you know you are an npc if you find yourself repeating yourself
>>324755 You know you're a video game character when you're constantly finding other peoples diaries lying around
>>324752 you're even more of a video game character if your journal contains hints that lead toward your stash of goodies
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 614x692, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Halloween on a monday is kind of a sad state of affairs. I was at a restaurant during lunch and one of the wait staff was talking to me and said "I bet you have plans tonight", and I was like nope, I'm going to go home and sleep.
2017/11/01 (水) 03:38 No. 324759
>>324757 you know you are a video game character, if you carry a diary/journal around also you will be killed by the hero and they will read it
>>324758 that's the worst don't ask me about my social life you fucking wageslaves you and i both know damn well i'm gonna go home and shitpost on /moe/ for several hours until i pass out in a drunken stupor
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>>324758 That's funny. I went out to dinner last night, and the waitress asked us if we were going to a party for Halloween.
There's this cashier at this local grocery store who always gives me the ol' "any plans for tonight" and i've always gotta be like "no" one time I hit her back with the ol "no. what about you?" and she said "no"
>>324762 She wants you to ask her out on a date
>>324763 that's it she's actually trying to ask me out, but gets halfway there every time and loses confidence after her first line
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>>324766 Yeah, this.
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>>324762 You are kinda thick for a normie. A question like that often is a sign that the other person is interested.
>>324764 She's just waiting for you to say something smooth like "yeah, was just planning on asking this lovely cashier out for dinner" She'll swoon
>>324766 total yikes
2017/11/01 (水) 03:42 No. 324769
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Especially the part where she said no back. What self respecting girl is going to admit not having a totally awesome social life? She was totally letting you know that she didn't have plans.
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I really love when girls do that. It makes me feel so powerful. The other day, a cashier wrote her phone number on my receipt and I didn't notice it, so Fish saw it when I got home and got upset about it, haha.
>>324770 the syntax was different than what you're picturing in your cute little anime fanfics it was definitely just a depressing exchange between two losers
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Two losers are perfect for each other.
well no i'm a winner
>>324771 one time i was out at dinner with the lads, and we convinced our mate to write his phone number on the receipt for the waitress later that night he got a called from an unknown number and then decided not to answer i almost SLEPT that man right there and then
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>>324773 I just have a winning personality. I talk to that cashier all the time at the store so it was a little awkward.>>324776 wow
2017/11/01 (水) 03:46 No. 324778
>>324776 or nearly got him brutally murdered by a cultist
the same guy mustered up the courage to ask out this girl that our whole friend group swooned over in highschool, to the point of it being a meme between us now she said yes, and then he never contacted her the night of the plans they made. to be fair, she never contacted him either>>324780 she surived, im sure
>>324779 >standing a girl up Wow RUDE
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>>324776 Sounds like you and your friends have a lot in common.>>324771 wow what a meanie!
from what little i read, that chick probably wants to fuck
>>324781 wow stop bullying
the best joke about pretty girls that my friends and i used to swoon over there was this girl named "echo" in our highschool and i was telling my friends about my appointment with a heart doctor to do a heart echo test and a stress test so we OF COURSE made jokes about how the doctor was gonna make me run a mile on a treadmill and fuck echo the pretty grl but recently the joke came back, because i went to a clinic last week about some chest pains, and the doctor was going through my medical history and he said "the echo looked good" and i almost erupted into laughter about it was laff
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>>324781 Hey, it's not like I lead them on or anything.
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>>324783 that's what I do!
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Wow, Echo is a pretty high level stripper name.
>enemy takes haru hostage IF YOU VALUE HER LIFE GIVE ME TEN DOLLARS
>>324787 I can only PRAY that she one day becomes a stripper
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Wow. How thirsty.
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Yeah. Sorry for doubting your normie credentials.
stop thirstshaming
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1654x2339, 50280245_p0.jpg )
Blatant thirst must always be shamed!
>>324793 Is she going to execute the thirsty?
thirst should be praised if anything, we need to exterminate those who are not thirsty a weak sex drive is a sign of weak genetics
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Thirst isn't just a sex drive!
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I thirst for blood
2017/11/01 (水) 03:56 No. 324798
>>324795 you don't really need to actively do anything to exterminate them they do it on their own
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 736x670, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Being thirsty is the kind of thing that will just move you further away from your goal.
>>324797 >>>/watch?v=_RK_aR078Do
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Yeah. Thirst is just really bad form. Thirsty guys never get to quench their thirst.
whatever whatever whatever the fact of the matter is things would be better on earth if echo were to become a stripper some time in the near future thirst or no thirst
Just make sure you don't appear thirsty >>324800 When are we going to get Devil May Cry 5, starring Demi Fiend from the Shin Megami Tensei series?
>>324799 What if your goal is to be thirsty?
>>324804 or better yet your goal is to preserve your virginity
2017/11/01 (水) 03:58 No. 324806
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>>324803 never
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 1199x1522, DLx8BreVoAE_DXM.jpg )
Blatant thirst is the sign of a LOSER
2017/11/01 (水) 03:59 No. 324808
Search [iqdb] (685 KB, 644x910, __alice_margatroid_and_shangha(…).png )
But still name a cooler weapon than the electric guitar axe though it was useless in boss fights
>>324808 the acoustic guitar axe
2017/11/01 (水) 04:00 No. 324810
>>324809 doesn't shoot electric bats
acoustic bats, though
>>324808 Nero's running jump kick. Though it was useless in all fights.
>>324812 that was the only worthwhile move in the game, tbh
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2017/11/01 (水) 04:03 No. 324815
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>>324813 nah the charge gun attack was the best practically useless, but it was so much fun to charge me up and then blam
>>324813 I thought Pandora's box was also pretty cool, but I found myself generally only using it to get rid of the bug guy's cloaks by opening it. It wasn't a very good weapon, but it was a cool one. Oh! I did use it against The Saviour statue by using the stage 3 charge attack for it.>>324817 It looked cool though. The animation to change into it, at least.>>324819 I enjoy the Credo fight more.
2017/11/01 (水) 04:03 No. 324817
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>>324816 >turn into combat vechile orb that is practically useless
2017/11/01 (水) 04:04 No. 324818
>>324816 that was a boring fight
2017/11/01 (水) 04:04 No. 324819
>>>/watch?v=6aekXY2pEdc best boss in dmc4
2017/11/01 (水) 04:05 No. 324820
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>>324816 but it was so well easy once you caught hang of it though in terms of fun + annoyance, that doctor was top it was so satisfying to kick his smug ass, but man was he annoying as fuck not hard just annoying
2017/11/01 (水) 04:06 No. 324821
+ the awesome dante cutscene You summon and kill
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 600x632, 8869531_p0.png )
>>324820 Every DMC4 fight is easy once you get the hang of it. Some are just more fun than others.>>324823 Every DMC4 fight. Hell and Hell mode is far easier in 4 than in 3.
2017/11/01 (水) 04:06 No. 324823
>>324822 Beowulf in dmc3 disagrees
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I'm almost done with Stranger Things 2. I have like three episodes left. So far it's easily as good as S1.
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It actually has more spooky scenes, I think.
kirara did you nake that chart yet also i have to sleep but im so close sadness
2017/11/01 (水) 04:07 No. 324827
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>>324825 man I kinda wanna skip karaoke tomorrow to watch it
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What is doki doki literature club? I see people talking about it all the time but it just looks like some VN./
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 625x550, DLU3Cq2U8AAva4l.jpg )
>>324828 It's the new meme VN. It's just some entry level bullshit like Katawa Shoujo.>>324826 Nope. >>324827 They kind of got better at building suspense, but they break it too quick, I think.
>>324828 it seemsto be a free spooky vn i nabbed it because i saw it and thought ok sure
2017/11/01 (水) 04:09 No. 324831
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But now I should go
i don't think old girl ever liked me in the first place. I think to her I'm just some guy that she thought was cute back in highschool it was nice of her to come up with some excuses as to why I was a shitty person that she wanted nothing to do with but I'm almost certain it's just that she just lost interest in me as a partner
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Maybe it's a meme or soemthing. It seems really popular.
Search [iqdb] (303 KB, 1153x1177, DLD91a_UQAEz-fp.png )
Yeah, it's just a meme game.
anime >>324836 →
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Only one of the girls really looked cute.
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Yeah, it can't be helped.
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Maybe ill investigate it for you two since i have it and you seem so interested
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Your opinions on which girls are cute and which girls are not are somewhat dubious though. Maybe you can figure out what the meme is though.
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>>324843 This, basically.
>>324843 I'll do my best
once persona 5 is over at least then i will do something that isnt it every night
It's easy to understand what it's about when you look at the tags of DDLC on Steam.
did you know ddlc has dlc
(its like the aoundtrack and stuff since the game is free)
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I believe the meme is that you romance another girl in the second playthrough and then she gets mad at the player and deletes your game save. It's epic 5th wall breaking.
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>>324849 I don't look at tags, I'm not some kind of nerd.>>324853 Oh, so it's copying that one yandere VN.
Oh no is that real spoilers
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Yeah, that's real spoilers.
I stopped since it was real seeming so thank you intuition
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>>324855 Yeah. Apparently a bunch of the girls kill themselves, too.
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>>324859 Oh, I guess that it's such a popular meme because western audiences haven't been exposed to that sort of thing yet.
Oh wait I think a friend of mine was playing that game. She said a lot of the girls write this poetry or fiction that's supposed to be psychological horror and tough to stomach. But the content was pretty mild for someone who has been through those sorts of rodeos with Japanese VNs before.
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>>324862 That's my impression of it.
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Oh, I see. Well the one girl is kinda cute. That wasn't enough to get me through Katawa Shoujo though.
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I'm just not in the mood for gore and psych horror. or most visual novels in general.
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>>324869 It's not enough to get me interested in this VN. I don't really have time for a banal VN.
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I'm just bad at VNs.
how is that possible>remembers playing 999 for the first time okay
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VNs can be hard if they aren't really good.
But you aren't bad at VNs in that case. The VN is bad at you
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Oh, Halloween ended 30 minutes ago. RIP Halloween.
halloween ended after the weekend.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 04:34 No. 324879
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>>324876 Not over for me yet. Also I'm still waiting for this email with ohotos *photos
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>>324876 It was a monday halloween so it was no great loss.
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>>324880 Would it have been a loss if Halloween was Friday or Saturday?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 04:35 No. 324882
>>324880 Today is Tuesday Halloween was on Tuesday this year Are you some sort of alternate universe Rika or something? From a world where October 31 2017 was on a Monday?
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I thought it was Monday, too.
>>324882 uhhhhh excuse me? It's wednesday
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>>324881 A halloween on a day like that would have more value.>>324882 Oh, maybe today was tuesday.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 04:37 No. 324888
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>>324886 Not in most of America. Blow it out your ass
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>>324887 Would you be out partying?
>>324888 We're gonna conquer America
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>>324889 I dunno! Probably not on a friday, to be honest. I'm so tired on friday nights these days.
i am glad this halloween had no value
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 04:38 No. 324893
>>324887 It was absolutely Tuesday. Did you skip work on Monday?>>324892 We learned the story of why Kirara stopped trick or treating. That had some value.
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>>324891 Saturday night party animal, huh?>>324893 I tell that story on Halloween every year!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 04:39 No. 324895
>>324894 I was busy last Halloween. Doing what, I don't remember.
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Cleaning up fake blood off the flor is such a chore Should have been just real blood, would have made it exciting.
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>>324893 No, I was at work on Monday. >>324894 Maybe a little less these days.
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>>324897 Real blood is also hard to clean up.
just squirt some tomatoe sauce
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>>324898 Yeah, I'm not much of a partier anymore either.
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>>324899 How do you know that? Was it from a ritual of sorts
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>>324901 It's probably fine! Taking it easy is nice too.>>324902 People have a lot of blood in them! Really, a surprising amount of it.
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>>324907 I guess taking it easy is alright.
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This one is the cute one, I see her picture around a good bit.>>324908 I don't mind having fun every once in awhile, but I don't feel the urge to get blackout drunk or anything anymore.
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I expected you to like the pink haired one.>>324911 I don't really have the urge to get blackout drunk, but I sure do get the urge to drink.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 04:49 No. 324913
>>324911 You can party without drinking.
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>>324912 I don't really drink often at all anymore.
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>>324914 Me neither! I remember around when I first showed up on /moe/, you went out drinking like every Friday night.
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Yeah. My friend group has disbanded a bit since then, people moving around and getting jobs and such. I had the opportunity to drink out a couple of weeks ago but I was afraid to have very much because my tolerance is surely a lot lower than it was.
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I guess that's how it goes! I haven't had a drink since December.
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Take it from me, y'all should stay clean.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 04:56 No. 324922
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I don't really feel a particular need to have any more any time soon. I'd definitely want it in a setting with a driver since I don't have a lot of faith in my tolerance.
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It's good to stay safe. Even I wouldn't drive after a drink, and I'm pretty dumb.
I haven't had a lot to drink lately. Working around so much beer kind of eliminates any remote possibility I'd want some beer, and making a liquor drink is effort. I just figure if I want to drink, I'll drink.
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Getting blitzed is the only wasy I feel any emotion, really. Otherwise I'm just cold-hearted.
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I've been tired lately. Maybe I Should bring back afternoon naps.
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>>324928 I've been really tired, too. I think that's just my slump, though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:05 No. 324931
This is pretty fun.
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>>324930 Well, the time of year and stuff can affect people like that. The lack of sun may contribute both to your slump and my feeling tired!
I've been feeling really tired because it's getting really hard to balance my sleep, work, school, and scheduled stuff like anime. My body gets sore lifting shit and I can't really rest and recuperate properly. There's probably a component of SAD that's starting to mess with me too.
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>>324933 My lack of running, too!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:09 No. 324936
>>324934 Might be a good idea to start taking vitamin d Although if you have a psychiatrist you should probably ask them about it first.
Already do.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:10 No. 324938
>>324937 Wowme2
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:10 No. 324939
I'm on so many antidepressants that whenever my doc increase s a dosage she tells me to watch for signs of seratonin syndrome And yet I'm still depressed Really makes you think
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>>324935 Yeah, that won't help!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:12 No. 324942
Argh I need to get up by like 6:30.
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>>324941 Hopefully I'll be back to normal soon.
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I want to be less tired, too!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:23 No. 324952
I too would like to be less tired. Although I have no idea jow long I've been awake
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Maybe we can get some good rest someday.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:24 No. 324954
Also I think i figured out one of the things that was preventing me from sleeping. The light by the stairs being left on may have contributed
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I should have started Stranger Things a little earlier. Two more episodes until we're done. That puts bedtime around 4am which is doable but means I will probably not sleep much.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:27 No. 324957
Well, as long as you think you'd be able to get two or three hours of sleep it should be fine.
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My electric blanket is heating up. In around an hour I will be C O M F Y
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:28 No. 324959
Although if I went to bed at 4am I'd probably not sleep
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>>324958 It's going to be like 80 all week. The comfy weather here is over.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:28 No. 324961
I've been stressed a lot recently but some of tge stressors are gone Maybe that will help me sleep *my
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:30 No. 324964
>>324963 BANG
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:31 No. 324965
Oh I saw the anti bullying poster about emoji bullying again I'll snap a pic next time I'm at that train station
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>>324960 80 is a comfy temperature. It's not really electric blanket weather though. It's actually mild here tonight but I'll still use the blanket on low.
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>>324967 I guess 80 is okay. I'd like it if it were around 75. Ideally, I need temperatures under 78 so I can save $80 on my electric bill.
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70 is probably the most comfy temperature but 80 is fine too.
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I'm surprised you think 70 is the comfiest temperature. I agree. I thought you liked it way hotter than that. Hopefully we'll get more cold fronts soon.
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Well, I do like it hot. 70 is like that temperate at which you feel totally neutral though. It's like the temperature people were made for or something.
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Yeah. I think like, 65-70 is the best. I want to go to bed but we're so close to finishing this show.
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65 is on the cold side.
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Yeah, it is. It opens up my fashion possibilities, though, since I can wear a long-sleeved shirt or a jacket. I don't like being limited to short sleeved shirts and stuff like I am when it's hot.
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There are lots of nice summer clothes too, though!
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Yeah, for girls. Men's fashion is super limited in warm weather. Way more limited than usual.
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Also good morning
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/01 (水) 05:51 No. 324985
Ohio And Oyasumi Cause I'm going to bed
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>>324982 At least you can look at girls!
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>>324987 There's only one girl I'm interested in looking at! I want to look good, too, though. And I generally do, but I look way better with a range of fashion.
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You can look at her in summer clothes!
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Yeah, but I wanna wear nice clothes, too.
>>324984 that wasn't long>>324990 Mario looks plenty good in summer fashion I'm sure you can pull it off
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Huh? 6 hours is plenty long
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>>324990 Ignore the temperature!
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>>324994 But then I'll get sweaty. I can't go around getting all the ladies hot and bothered like that!
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>>324995 pack your clothes with cooler packs!
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>>325001 Ridiculous! They'll melt and the condensation from them will make my clothes soaking wet!
>>325000 Me on the left with the long hair
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>>325002 Use dry ice!
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>>325004 I'll look all lumpy!
>>325005 tell them it's armour
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yeah Get a breastplate made of dry ice. That would be so cool.
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That wouldn't be cool at all. That'd look even worse than what I'm trying to avoid wearing.
>>325007 What if we got a breast plate made of spikes so if someone tries punching him they'd just hurt their hands
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I think it would look vey cool.
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No way. That's just silly.
>>325012 How's it silly
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It would defeat the purpose of itself. Wearing a breastplate would limit my fashion potential.
i think bang is very cool
i think bang's just silly
>>325015 Yeah but you'd have a way higher DEF And it'd be impressive since it'd make you look tough and strong
Hey guys I'm Bangs cousin, Bangu Our names are the same except mine has an uppercase
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>>325018 Yeah, but, I don't need DEF.
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>>325021 keep posting raccoons I like them >>325020 Yeah you do Otherwise any old attacker could snap you like the twig that you are
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you betcha
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>>325023 No way. I'm a DEX build.
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I've been hitting pockets of microsleep for about 20 minutes so it's probably time to go get some macrosleep. bye bye!
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>>325027 Goodnight, my friend!
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>>325030 Exactly.
>>325031 h-h-hayai!
>>325026 I have defeated countless opponents using Aikido, and they always ask me, Why are you so strong? I answer, I'm not strong, you are. Aikido uses the strength of the attacker back at them but 10 times stronger(estimate). Using Aikido and I can probably kill a charging Rhino using it's force right back at it, of course, I'm not going to try it, way to dangerous for any sane person. I recommend practicing Aikido for every /moe/, as you are all physically weak, and Aikido is specialized for the weak to defend against the strong.
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rest in peas /moe/ happy halloween
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>>325036 → >>325036 →