Thread #324836
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Yes hello.
UQ holder 3gatsu two car evil or live souma juuni taisen black clober altair
I want to watch 3-gatsu but I'm good with whatever else.
we watched like 3 shoews yestrday
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let's do UQ holder chuuni taisen 3gatsu two car
All right.
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UQ holder okay let's start!
ok ep 4 right? oh no ep 5
Episode five.
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I guess the furry knows that she's really a girl.
Damnit Kuromaru isn't a boy or a girl. They're physically androgynous.
Lightning God Negi was a really fun part of Negima. Guess it makes sense that it passes down to his grandchild.
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Oh, I see. It was Magia Erebia or however you spell it.
wolf guy is cool
is that fate
Maybe. My memory of these early chapters are fuzzy.
he looks more deadpan than i remember
Well he was younger then.
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chuuni taisen ikaaaa okay lets start
Ready. Some day he'll show up.
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I guess we'll get to see if she dies at the start of this episode, as per the ED.
Yeah. It'll be pretty exciting if she stays alive.
>This story is boring so let me tell you a bloody story from my younger days, oh grandson of mine.
hes deaaaaad
He's just been talking to himself and these little toys all episode. But I guess if he's not actually poisoned he's not under any real pressure to perform.
He's pretty erroneous though. Most of these people he's trying to plan a scheme for are already dead.
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That's true. I don't think he'll last very long.
Yeah, especially since the Ox is on the warpath against him. Ox seems to me one of the end-game fighters.
One full episode after her chapter and Monkey isn't dead yet. And Sheep's survived his episode too now.
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Someone needs to die before Monkey to say that she's beaten the ED, though. okay 3gatsu okay let's start!
Yup yup.
Being Nikaidou's friend must be really exhausting.
We haven't really seen much of the sisters this season yet. It's about time.
Oh no, Nipponese bullying.
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Looks like Hina got bullied.
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two car oh this first frame really is something okay lets start
Tsu ca Hm yeah wow. Also I saw that Fate/Apocrypha is out too.
Role reversal?
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>>324981 I think so, yeah.
What are they even arguing about now.
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I guess this is the bullying pair.
They're supposed to be a sadistic-masochist duo but yeah, it doesn't feel particularly agreeable.
These two are pretty ridiculous.
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Looks like everyone is being ridiculous.
Too much drama in my 2 cars
thanks for anime
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