>>321424 I know that she doesn't want to go, but it's not like my aid was enlisted or anything. I would have a way better plan than just telling you not to go so you could watch an episode that you can watch before then in 20 minutes if I was trying to keep you from going!
>>321440 That's why it's a good plan. It would completely catch me off guard and I'd get into a bit of an accident and we'd miss the party. It's such a bold and daring plan that I'd have to admire the commitment.
>>321444 Apparenrtly it is still going on despite the april fools ending that asn't an april fool but a real ending but then it apparently IT IS NOW APRIL FOOLS ENDING
>>321446 How would you know where to call? It's at someone's house.
>>321447 It'd be a small accident most likely. I'd realize my breaks are cut or get into a small accident before I even got my car out of the parking lot.
>>321456 There are also cameras everywhere and they can find out which payphone it was sent from and when it was sent, and use those cameras to find you.
>>321457 I would think you could build up the courage to do it. Fish isn't quite bold enough yet.
>>321459 I wish I could go into detail about why that wouldn't work!
Payphones are generally watched with cameras, though. Yes, it doesn't look like that are, but they are. Especially in large cities. As someone who has worked with the FBI and been in FBI tech labs, I can guarantee that there aren't any payphones that don't have a camera in most large cities.
I know several payphones near me with no cameras pointed directly at them.
>>321458 It's dangerous and costs money to fix and there's a chance it could hurt or trouble other people. It's not something I'd consider as an acceptable solution!
>>321465 Well, when they get the threat, and they look for a camera, and find out that's the one without a good camera, then they can bemoan their self-confidence!
I'll put on my evangelical tenor voice and everyone will expect a completely different kind of culprit. I can rant about the devil and people putting marijuanas in my kid's candy. Halloween in Florida will be canceled.
>>321491 It really was /// Well, the problem was more than / that it wasn't enough than that it was too much. But I fixed that problem so it's not an excuse anymore.
>Celebration of Life for Chester Bennington >They start playing Numb oh man... >it's an instrumental >the whole crowd sings the song instead I'm crying
In the end of the first episode, Dog tells Deldro that he wants to go have Schwarma. And in the ED, there's a very fast frame that shows up for half a second of them eating it. >>321623 >>321619 That's what it says. He was watching the avengers movie
>When it was introduced to Greece, the locals named it “gyros,” the Greek word for “turn.” Likewise, when it spread through the Middle East, it was called “shawarma,” an Arabic word for “turning.” Ah, I get it now. >>321631 The difference is the cultural split. It's GENERALLY the same, meat comes from that large roll of prepared meat and then you put it on a pita. But the greek and the arabian methods of meat preparation, as well as toppings are different.
>>321663 also these have come a long way what do they use as an engine now? or is this the latest miku and I have not just seen any of the new miku dances?
I don't like the bouncy boob ones they're kind of uninteresting.
I like nice dances.
yeah the bounce animation is too much btu those have better animation and modeling than the kancolle ones but they are based on vocaloid with some modding to them
I think there are boats that are fully made models, but then some of the ones where they have certain outfits can be like a generic model that they're slapped onto. Like there's one with the desdiv6 girls as cheerleaders and it looks really weird because they're suddenly busty. Because that body wasn't made for them
>>321675 MIKU MIKU DANCE so vocaloid well yeah but I doubt MMD means at this point that it exactly uses MMD engine
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
MMD is a program and it probably uses that. If you want a different program go for the cry-something engine I think
I wouldn't say they don't use it but evolution of art and such contradicts it the title stays even if the tools switch
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I mean you can upgrade an engine
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
You can even overhaul an engine
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
In fact even in some of the good mmds you get some clipping errors so it's not like it's perfect by which i mean there's been clipping then and clipping now
Must be weird to be the voice actors who gave their voices to vocaloids I doubt they get ANY of the profits, as due to the industry when it comes to treating voice actors.
>>321689 Good luck so how long have you been without your own place now?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
since august
>>321690 coincidentally considering that for example the main voice actor of gta4, of nico bellic? got just solid paycheck you think JAPAN treats their shit better?
Seiyuu in general tend to variate out into other stuff like appearing on variety shows They're like celebrities Well, big name seiyuu are Even if they aren't receiving massive royalties, I'm sure that being the voice of Hatsune Miku gave a huge fame boost to capitalise on
>>321695 I like hearing new voices I haven't heard before pop up Now the western VA industry is far more cancerous They use the same 20 VAs for every dub
Also a solid paychecke that I hear was way too small compared to the profits it produced, but that is once again just hind sight but still >>321694 Which is why some shows do fresh seiyys just to get new talents to use "hey we use new talents" as advertising and in the end foremost to save money like my favourite show KKK which had the main 5 being all new comers and actually, amusingly, the age of their characters
haa This is why I think only two of me or more can actually resolve the issue no one else is interested enough or intelligent enough or both
well saying "intelligent enough" is bit insulting without meaning it and knowing about them fully but I guess "deep enough" would be the right term or "thorough enough?"
They're very dense lyrics You can't just glance at them and 'get' them You gotta dig So unless you've got the time to research it It ain't happening
http://www.darklyrics.com/lyrics/blindguardian/beyondtheredmirror.html well remember the site it is the best place for lyrics of any metal album at that
Good good >>321711 I guess you don't listen to music every free moment of your life?
>>321712 No. I can'tget anyting done while listening to music. I can shitpost and study at the same time, but not music and study
>>321715 Where am I commuting to? Classes are over. No, I'm only a temporary housebound for these few weeks. I'm just not someone who can listen to music and concentrate on another thing at the same time Even if it's just instrumentals
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
>>321682 50% of the dance moves are flailing her arms around an unusually stationary choreography
>>321713 commuting walking shopping etc >>321713 so you are a perfect hikikomori? I listen to music even now right now Prophecies >>321714 I know Right well not everyone can be a genius of choreography
But nonetheless prophecies, at the edge of time, ashes of eternity, the holy grail those are songs that I need more analysis on and could use another brain to do them
Steve Blum is funny because he voices multiple people in Guild Wars 2. He was one of the main antagonists in GW1, one of the main protagonists in GW2, and then also a BUNCH of various Charr NPCs. Vocal work is a big thing though. You want good ones and there aren't that many.
It ended up being a decent ending. I guess I'm just a sucker for things ending. anyway I didn't hate it although the last few maps were a bit miserable because it was just wave after wave of beefy units.
But GW2 vocals are both really good but sometimes really bothersome. Certain NPCs use multiple voices. Like on the Captain's Airship, if you talk to the NPC who lets you see your bank inventory, he randomizes through the male Charr, and male Norn shopkeeper dialogue.
>>321736 Revelations itself is a very solid 7/10, but the fact that it's part of Fire Emblem: Fates pulls it down to a 4 or 5 out of 10. The story is just really uninteresting.
the human female MC voice isn't as fun as the sylvari female MC voice so I'm really happy that my main is sylvari. >This rose has thorns, and HERE THEY ARE
>>321737 Why does it get points off for being FE:Fates?
I think the story itself is average to bad, it's just a power of friendship story. I like the characters though, so it's nice to play a route where most of them get to be happy. There's a lot of unhappiness in the other two routes.
>>321742 Because the Revelations path means that the other paths are basically unresolved so they both are eventual bad ends. Birthright has very poor writing to the point that I had to struggle to get through it and almost didn't even finish it. Conquest had a decent story but it got really stupid at the end. I just don't like the story in Fates. The writing, the presentation, the multiple routes - I greatly dislike it all.
>>321743 I didn't finish Birthright. I probably never will. It's not good, and you're dealing with the worse half of the cast. I think the writing for Fates is altogether bad. Fates is an example of great gameplay, great cast, terrible story.
>>321746 It has great cast members. I wouldn't say it has a great cast because it has too many terrible cast members and even more boring cast members that vastly outnumber the good ones. The gameplay is good and it had decent maps, but that's really the only praise I can give it. It loses a lot of points with me for the terrible story and the cast, and the fact that it's three routes - one of which is downright terrible and another of which is decent at best.
>>321747 I don't really need the story to be good as long as I like the characters, and Fates has tons of great characters. I really like Corrin too, and Corrin is at her best in Reveleations. Like the naive to the point of being almost retarded side of Corrin.
These jeans are tighter than my other ones is probably whats bothering me
anyway we know what Kirara did recently but whats up with rikacchi and maria
what's up with yuuuuuu
>>321777 I'm meant to be answering questions from this prac exam on globalization and developing nations but I didn't sleep at all last night so my brain is fucked
I moved my Switch temporarily out to the living room and got to experience WIDESCREEN gaming for the first time...either in ages or actually for the first time. I don't remember the last time I played video games on anything larger than my 24 inch monitor.
i just play on monitor. I want to get a setup with a big TV and couch though. And somehow run my comptuer on it too. I just haven't decided the specifics though
>>321820 Bluetooth and a really long HDMI cable! You can even get 100ft cables at Fry's Electronics, there's probably a suitable local variant where you are.
>>321846 You can probably just buy a laptop cart or something to put your mouse and keyboard on. If you could find one with low enough legs that they could go under the couch it would be perfect.
I haven't bought the couch yet either so I could get one high enough for it. It needs to be a super comfy couch. My plan is to set my desktop and stuff on the TV and maybe I want a monitor too I can pull in front of me or something, because you can't do everything on a big TV. That's part of what I'm trying to figure out.
Anyway I would want to play and sleep and whatever on the couch and just be a lazy bum when I'm home. also we're doing kekkai now in the anime thread
>>321850 that's basically what I do except it's on my bed. I think a really comfy couch would be better though. Sitting up on my bed is bad for my back! I just have a laptop that's connected to my TV, though.
I could hear sirens at all hours of the night when I lived on campus. There was a fire station nearby though, so a lot of it was them coming and going as things were set on fire. It was a college town too so there were lots of troubles at night.
Oh man I heard sirens all the time at college. Although my school was basically an isolated area with ghetto on three sides and a highway on the other. There was a really big police building near it too.
>>321962 Fire rescue dispatch to most 911 calls actually, so a lot of them firing their sirens off and such was probably just them going to provide EMT services if necessary and otherwise leave after the other first response arrives and takes care of the issue. If you are really close to a fire station you will hear them all the time, but it's not necessarily all to respond to fires.
>>321984 Something that is done for fun is purely for pleasure. Work is for advancement. Work is inherently not fun. You can enjoy it, but that doesn't mean it's for fun!
>>321985 A lot of scientists find their jobs to be fun.
Anyways the reason being a firefighter sucks is that they see a lot of dead bodies As first responders to medical emergencies and also during search and rescue in burning buildings and other isuues.
A lot of fire fighters just go home and drink all day on their off days.
>>322002 All my grandparents are still alive and kicking, and none of my uncles/aunts have passed away either. As far as I know, my close relatives have all managed to live healthy lives and haven't passed away at young ages. The last blood relative I remember passing away was a great-grandmother, but I was less than ten and I'd seen her maybe two or three times in like, ten years. So --And I figure she lived way too far away for my parents to figure going to her funeral was manageable.
>>322007 Dead bodies prepared for open casket funerals have makeup put on them and have visible wounds hidden with wax and other stuff. Which is quite different than seeing a person with their head caved in from falling debris in a burned down building.
On that topic, embalmed and prettied-up dead bodies bother me a lot more than your garden variety corpse. There's something really unsettling about them when they've been prettied up.
>>322008 A corpse without makeup is still as pretty as a corpse with makeup. Lifeless bodies are lifeless whether you have put some lipstick and blush on them and chemically bathed them.
>>322005 Well as an addendum, one of them is a step-grandmother; my granddad's original wife passed away from cancer when my dad was a boy. But for all intents and purposes she's been a grandmother to me and she's indistinguishable from any other woman of her age and position.
>>322010 In this context I'm mainly talking about people who died of serious injuries. But really if you don't believe me just look at a bunch of pictures of corpses.
That reminds me that I was walking around downtime a few months ago and there was a shoe just sticking up out of a bush and I was like oh shit and am I about to find a corpse in the bushes but no it was just a shoe stuck in some bushes for some reason
>>322014 I've never really set out to look for them, and I guess good fortune has covered the rest of it for me. I live in a large city too, and for all the congestion and traffic involved with that, we tend to have pretty good response times for 911 services.
>>322024 Yeah, it was tied to the other one in the bush. The shoelaces were tied together. I think someone tried to do that thing that black people do when they tie shoes together and throw them at power lines. But they must have missed.
>>322028 I don't even see dead bodies all the time and I drink anyways. I knew a cop that drank two 40z bottles of bud ice a night too. People have their vices.
>>322029 If you have to drink regularly in order to get over things then you have a substance abuse problem.
>>322043 I don't think they're weird. He just likes to talk about them a lot. He said he likes to take cold showers to make them more sensitive. That was a somewhat awkward conversation.
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
these percentages are probably pretty arbitrary
is there a definition for alcoholism because I don't think it's related to how many drinks one consumes but more about one's routine
>>322050 It's not directly related to number of drinks but there is a definition for it. Also these percentages were pulled from polls done by the American bar association
you know what's bad for people when someone buys a house that used to be a meth house and they don't clean it properly and then they sell someone a contaminated house and potentially fuck up those tenants
>>322058 That pastry is probably really bad for her.
>>322056 I guess that's technically true, if the data set you have is accurate. In the greater context of the conversation, which is people with tough jobs that they sometimes have trouble dealing with, firefighters are hardly unique. That's a bit more of what I was trying to point out.
>>322057 Nope! Maybe I should ask to see the sexy firefighter calendar, I could probably see them that way.
>>322060 Yeah ask to see the calander and share it I'm not interested in sexyfiremen I'm just curious about the bizzaro nipples
>>322061 I didn't say that his nipples themselves were weird, just that he was weird about them. They probably wouldn't let him be in a sexy fireman calendar if he had weird nipples. Unless they were star shaped or something.
>>322062 If they were normal he might be less hung up on them Maybe the weirdness is their charm factor
>>322063 A lot of people see weirdness and places to get hung up on where everyone else in the world sees absolutely nothing out of the ordinary though.
I don't have anywhere near the amount of money to buy a house that said I hope my sister's house isn't fucked up there's already mercury or silver in the soil
>>322066 You can get stuff pretty cheap when the original owners are in jail. I wonder if home inspection would catch that the house used to be a meth lab.
>>322069 A lot of Ice houses aren't caught this was on a report I was watching
If they didn't that's a potential lawsuit right there.
>>322072 It's not illegal to buy a meth lab. It's illegal to buy meth! If you were to buy a meth lab and drive out the drug cookers, that wouldn't be illegal!
meth capital of the world baby
http://www.sbs.com.au/news/thefeed/article/2017/06/21/meth-houses-what-house-looks-when-its-used-meth-lab this was the report I was watching >>322076 It would probably be illegal to buy or sell a house that hasn't been cleaned of meth properly
>>322076 No I'm pretty sure it wouldn't pass inspection and would have code violations
A quick internet search seems to indicate that buying or renting a place that turns out to have been a meth lab is actually pretty common. It says you can get testing kits for that though. Sometimes for future homeowners to keep in mind, I guess.
>For every pound of meth produced, five to seven pounds of chemical waste is left behind. meth is one of those things that just gets crazier and crazier the more you learn about it.
>>322084 Really though people are just bad at making it. Although a lot of things are like that, but since its being made in a shitty lab inside a house instead of in a factory or whatever the waste byproducts just go on the floor or something instead of being relrocessed or disposed of.
Speaking of cones When I'm not in top mount condition. I always find that the volune formula for them seems weird. *volume Cause it's V = (1/3)πr2 Fug (1/3)hπr2
>>322108 I bet you're always in the top mount condition gayboy
>>322172 I probably wouldn't really be able to function without them. My depression would get pretty bad. Like I wouldn't be able to hold a job or stay in school (if I were in school) Or pay attention for extended periods of time.
Although I don't know for certain that that's why I'm not tired enough to sleep right now.
I'm also stressed and anxious about some upcoming stuff this week
And also now that ive been 24 for almost two weeks its beginning to set in that im 24 and haven't finished college and have never held a job.
doesn't ring a bell I think a another client cut out my visits because "he preferred the women workers, he couldn't understand me and I just agreed with everything he said" that last part gets me because all I was trying to do was have a conversation, I'm not paid to debate you gramps
Oh, I think I thought you were someone else Are you in Australia or the US?
I have a hard time keeping track of which anon is which I'm getting a bit better at it though
I think you're alright at it I think that might be tilde Tilde always speaks in full well constructed sentences and only occasionally posts a picture maybe even rarely
>>322190 Hrrm, that was going to be my next guess if you weren't tge fantasy guy
I often get into arguments with him.
He can be quite argumentative and other times he is more relaxed while someone like Jan or Ika will often just go with the flow
Like I know it's tilde wgen I get into an extended argument with an anon. *when >>322193 I know virtually nothing about ika
'Cept not all your extended anon arguments have been with me, nerd.
>>322190 Sugoi also uses full, well constructed sentences too, and likes fantasy novels though. Though I dunno what he reads if even these days.
>>322195 Fair point "I am sometimes able to tell that it is tilde when I get into an extended argument with anon."
>>322196 That's tru-ish I guess? I can't recall a good sentence from sugoi that doesn't have some shitposty element
Maybe I should use my trip again I did spend all that time generating it I've only not been using it cause I never saved it in this phone
For what purpose. No one has any interest in impersonating you and you don't provide content that necessarily benefits from you being uniquely identified. You could even go Anno and most people worth their salt could probably pick you out anyway.
>>322200 I think my trip was kind of funny That's the onky reason I used it *only
Kirara impersonated me once actually He was mad at me about something
I'm pretty hopeful for Violet Evergarden. On visuals alone what we've seen of it looks really, really good. And I'm always a sucker for artificial creations trying to fit in with human culture stories.
Yeah I'm hopeful for it too, I don't even mind waiting as long as the end product is good
I kind of want to make a >kyoanus shitpost but im too tired to put aby effort into it
but you just did
>>322205 The most recent trailer for the anime project has a mention of a worldwide Netflix release in spring 2018. I'm worried this means we won't get a service simulcasting it that HorribleSubs can rip from. On the other hand, with buzz behind the series like it has, there's a pretty good chance of a subgroup picking it up, so it might be better than fine in the end.
>>322207 Yeah, but it wasn't any good There was no real emotion behind it
>>322208 So like actual fansubbing can occur. I see no real problem with this.
Fuck It's almost 6am
>>322210 Listen here. I'm already pretty short of shrift with this whole "I can do nothing but complain every time I open my mouth" from that guy from /bun/ the other day. There's plenty of benefits to services like CR and Amazon and often they're even more reliable than fansubbing groups. I would take something HorribleSubs has ripped over an unreliable fansub group every damn time. Fansubbing was a wonderful thing back when the world wasn't interested in accomodating a western interest in Japanese media on a massive scale, but times have changed.
>>322221 Timely, because I don't give a shit about accuracy as long as it keeps proper nouns intact. People that bitch and complain about liberal translations tend to not comprehend that literally translating something from an Asian language to a European one rarely makes for anything but the shittiest, most un-engaging text.
>>322222 >Idolmaster But those aren't girls. Or are they?
>>322224 I generally only bitch about liberal translations if I can think of a better way to word something.
Which is grounded in your own cultural upbringing and local vocabulary. And I'm using "local" here in both a physical and non-physical sense. What's a better way to word something to you might sound like garbled gobbledegook to someone from a different part of the world. Which is why acting like that's an actual point of contest, nine times out of ten, is a fucking waste of time.
>>322222 Are male idols also called idols in Japan? I always assumed idols were just girls.
>>322228 Anyways I get what you mean, but nine times out of ten sounds a bit high. Also if we were to weight it towards a vernacular with the largest number of anime consumers it would end up being American English.
>>322231 I don't see why they wouldn't be called idols but I'm sure there's some niche of characters to describe its
>>322233 As if that makes anything better. America doesn't all speak the same English.
>>322237 Yeah, but you know what doesn't have a lack of region specific vocabulary. Anime. Really everything, but I'm not interested in tangenting beyond that point.
>>322240 Okay Damn, this was just starting to get fun
But so basically what you're saying is, that there's no point in rewording anything the omniscient translators decide on because 90% of the time anything it gets reworded into will look bad.
Well you can take your own words like omniscient and shove them up your arse. As long as the translation is comprehensible to the consumer, the translation has served its purpose. Everything else is a matter of taste.
>>322243 Okay, but you did seem to have some sort of bias towards their interpretation of the language over anyone else's. If it doesn't matter as long at its comprehensible then there are plenty of rewordings that would be fine.
>>322245 I don't have any bias towards theirs, I just don't see any reason I should consider yours to be better.
>>322247 Want to do an experiment? I could reword stuff and show it to you next to the original, but not tell you which is which. >>322249 Damn My only weakness
No. I really don't.
I guess we'll never know Until I get a job at Crunchyroll in which case my interpretation will be just as good as theirs
All power to you if that ends up the case. A part of me thinks a translation job is kind of a fun prospect. I like language a lot, and a job that lets me work with something I'm somewhat passionate about sounds appetizing. The other parts of me remind me that it probably wouldn't be a particularly satisfying career though.
Fuck After 6 already I'm gonna read manga and try sleep again I'm going to be in a really bad mood if I can't sleep
Oh lil chickadee did you not catch what I'm throwin' down? Aight aight cool I'll try again. What I'm sayin is that you got a cute little blendin bootie and I'm wantin to order a shake if you catch my drift.
I don't know if I'll ever handle it. Just getting behind the wheel puts so much anxiety on me. And that's even in an environment like an empty street or dead parking lot.
people were onking nd glaring at me and while i dont know how to drive, i know when im being followed by police
someone invited me to an addiction group on discord and i was looking around and found this
I knew a kid in high school who talked like that. Real proper little shit. Thought he was some crazy fucking psychopath when really he was just a lanky, awkward bundle of sticks. Still, he didn't really do any harm (at least while in high school) so whatever.
>>322308 i guess there are a lot of folks like that haha