Thread #321822
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altair love live kekkai sensen houseki ballroom blend S 3 gatsu two car
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My choice of shows would be love live kekkai sensen ballroom blend S kind of a predictable list but that's what I'd do.
Yeah, that's what I figured you'd pick out.
>>321827 ok
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okay love live>>321831 we can do that if you think he'll want to watch it we can stick houseki in that slow or 3gatsu i guess okay let's love live
Should we save kekkai for jan tomorrow? Hmm 3gatsu instead of kekkai `
That's fine by me.
This show's writing gets kind of kidsy a lot too. Though unlike Urahara it's not really aimed particularly at kids.
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This show tries to recapture the magic of the first series by trying to do the same thing. I don't think it quite works though.
whatr time
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you mess this up so often 5:00
The fact that they can't lean on the rich families of their members gets stressed way too much. It feels like they expect their audience to forget it every week if they don't find some way to write a mention of it into the episode.
my coworker wanted to switch shifts with me so he could leave early and i turned him down i knew i made the right choice evevn though i didn't know it at the time
Hi Jan.
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>>321838 Want to watch Kekkai Sensen in 7-10 minutes?
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>>321840 yes i am downloading it now!
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The third years are bigger weirdos this time than last time.
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my dog needs to be let out but i will probably be back
We've got six minutes from this minute until the show's done anyway.
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kekkai sensen okay let's start!
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I got back in time anyways! Wow all these foreign names Omar Ghoochannejhad Bashar Abdul-Raheem>>321853 Justin Abdulrahman Saeed Shojaei that one doesn't even sound real >>321853 Justin is probably his anglicized name
Ready. Mohannad Meram Something Abdulrahman Really. With a name like that it's a Justin.
Though why are werewolves able to perfectly cloak themeslves like that.
Ganon Shogun
>>321856 they just have the ability to become invisible you may have noticed, chain used it for the entirety of season 1
Oh yeah, I know. I appreciate that it's at least consistently a power of this series' werewolves it seems. I just don't get why. It doesn't exactly fall in line with standard assumptions of werewolves.
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It doesn't really fall under any trope I can think of. I guess werewolves are creatures of the night?
let's go to the bar shop
Oh hey it's Burger-kun again.
Kobayashi Yuu is such a good seiyuu.
Being able to erase even your own causality would be a pretty terrifying power.
Oh shit I remember this track from season one. The vocal tracks of the OST were 10/10.
chain is so cool
Getting the crazy woman to shoot herself was a good trick.
Oh no.
Oh the Bureau has back-up systems in place to make sure they don't get stuck never existence.
Never existing even.
holy shit this hotel is fuckin scary
wrong thread
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that was an awesome episode
Next up is a butler-man episode it seems.
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okay, ballroom! waiting on ika and maybe jan? okay i guess we're ready let's start!
Bllroom>>321885 >>321885
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h y o u d o
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Wow hyoudo just went for it and dragged her out.
Hyoudo is pretty great. Doesn't care for anything but dancing.
what time
6:40 6:45 6:50
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Is that two out of three Ika has lost the time on?
So far tonight, yeah.
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>buying the same hat as your friend banned
These two have such a hard time getting along. It's a little refreshing though, seeing Tatara get mad and worked up like this. He was kind of an everyman generic MC for the first arc -act of the story, being pleasant and meek to everyone. So to see him get frustrated and lash out makes him a little more human.
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Hyoudo is just trashing him now.
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yeah hyoudo is being a bully
Hah hah she had super-boy-hair when she was a kid.
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this girl has nice eyes
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SHe looks super smug here.
>Am I needed? That feels a bit of an awkward way to put it.
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something about this looks a little wrong
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They really do fight a lot.
Some times fighting is a healthy part of love. The way they were fighting before was definitely toxic at times though. Cleaning away that toxicity and only fighting over good things is good progression.
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>>321915 You can't have a rainbow without a little rain!
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okay blend S
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can i get like 5 minutes
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>>321919 ok
approximately 5 minutes later i'm ready
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blend S okay lets start!
Okey dokes.
where do i go to order a vente sadist service
Japan probably.
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Wanna go to Tokyo with me?
Maybe in a while. Don't have the money for it at the moment. I was talking with the friends I went with last winter and we might plan another trip come winter a year from now.
Oh my she's the artist. It's not really surprising; a lot of doujinshi artists for peculiar fetishes like that are female.
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>translate josei as "female
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Oh she's that sort of onee-san character huh.
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What's sadistic about her though?
Yeah that was about as expected.
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She's really wonderful at it.
Hah hah I get that sort of thing. Anything bizarre comes along and you think "yeah I should remember this".
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wow i should watch this show every saturday
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actual picture of me
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She likes amusing situations. I get that!
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would watch
Oh no this can't end well.
Wow those words they're making her say are pretty uncouth.
Oh, doujinshi-chan is in the shot of them napping at the start of the ED now. I guess they'll add the other girl once she shows up too.
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this is a picture of me irl
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I guess that's a form of unintentional sadism too.
She just inherently can't get it right.
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well that was a good episode. thanks for anime.
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thank yopu