Thread #322337
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2017/10/29 (日) 15:02 No. 322337
best country in the world
2017/10/29 (日) 15:08 No. 322341
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The CIA will consider just about anything
2017/10/29 (日) 15:16 No. 322344
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As do many organisations you will find a lot of stupid proposals and plans that were made but just shelved away
2017/10/29 (日) 15:30 No. 322346
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>>322345 Oh wow I wonder will he go also imagine someone famous like him being on the jury of some really petty case.
he is going he already said he will former presidents usually do
2017/10/29 (日) 15:37 No. 322348
I wonder do they get any special treatment like being put on bigger or more high profile cases
they get dismissed generally
2017/10/29 (日) 15:38 No. 322350
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huh, cola bottles have switched caps feels weird to open/close them, since they have so far always had that standard sized cap and now they have one that is 2/3 the normal size
i woke up this morning and immediately lyft to another hotel a much nicer hotel
imagine if you woke up and were a hotel
doesn't sound horrible if I'm a nice hotel where decent people stay not methods lol autocorrect
yeah methods are pretty dangerous and unpredictable being a nice Marriott would be alright
I'm staying at a Sheraton i got a great deal I'm just chillin in the lobby until check in
2017/10/29 (日) 15:45 No. 322356
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One day Gregor Samsa woke up as a Hilton Hotel
>>322355 sheratons are nice
2017/10/29 (日) 15:46 No. 322358
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I hate hotels that skimp on water pressure in the showers>saving water no you don't people end up taking longer in the shower and thus use overall more water or if you do want to skimp on water, get better shower heads that use the less amount and pressure better
you know some people like lower pressure i don't but i know people who do
2017/10/29 (日) 15:47 No. 322360
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>>322359 Yeah, but you can easily have thatb y just turning it down why the fuck limit the pressure for all
2017/10/29 (日) 15:47 No. 322361
and am not even talking about cheap hotels, but quite expensive ones europe sucks
alot of showers single dial for temperature that has a standard pressure consistent after the first quarter turn buy i do wish more places had higher pressure i like the water to be really strong and really hot
2017/10/29 (日) 15:49 No. 322363
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Same but I just don't get the logic behind>save water costs by enforcing low pressure it simply makes people take longer showers and overall use more water someone even fucking ran the numbers and went "no don't"
all the hotels ive been in except one have had pretty good showers surprisingly
2017/10/29 (日) 15:51 No. 322365
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OR maybe it isn't even a money saving issue but some EU directive about being more green lol no shortage of water in europe
2017/10/29 (日) 15:51 No. 322366
that is something I find absurd>we must save water in this region of the world where there won't practically ever be water shortage unless 10-100x more people lived here
2017/10/29 (日) 15:52 No. 322367
or do they plan to ship all of the excess water somewhere else? well then there will be a fucking water shortage
water is tall
2017/10/29 (日) 16:02 No. 322369
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Don't even really get the green obsession here>we must be a model country on green energy and shit why? is not like the actual polluters give a fuck on what we do
>>322346 best gym leader
2017/10/29 (日) 16:18 No. 322371
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mario is fun
>>322373 good
2017/10/29 (日) 16:23 No. 322375
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Is there actually a mario main game that isn't fun?
super Mario Bros 2 dunkey be damned
i think this is my favorite mario game ever it's so much fun
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gonna watch blade runner (1982)
I'm eating a bunch of Cantrell umm canteloupe
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Everything is neon
this is coffee powerful powerful coffee
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>>322380 Oh nice it's actually one of the opening scenes
i really hope he doesn't try to eat that
the lacquer the white grate cannot be good to eat
2017/10/29 (日) 16:32 No. 322386
>>322380 and the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made
I'm drinking whole milk chocolate whole milk I'm out of control
2017/10/29 (日) 16:33 No. 322388
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>>322382 it burns at quite low temperture so you can't really cook anything with it unless you have a fuckton
>>322385 neither can the spam heyo
now i just need to spend two more hours here
uhhhhh three
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this fuckin' HDD is definitely dying on me ffffuck
it's so nice and peaceful at this hotel 30 dollar difference gets me so much more breakfast, table service, wifi, part of town kind size bed, of the bed quality* the list is endless but likely this room goes for double what I'm paying and I'm lucky to be making last minute booking
2017/10/29 (日) 16:50 No. 322396
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>>322395 wait they have a parliament?
2017/10/29 (日) 16:51 No. 322397
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Flying cars, and people still have to use bikes
2017/10/29 (日) 16:52 No. 322399
just shows how good invention it is
>>322398 yep
2017/10/29 (日) 16:55 No. 322401
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a kickboard would be quite useful tool if you had to move around the city though bit embarrasing to use.
bicycles or rather two wheeled transportation probably one of mankind's greatest
2017/10/29 (日) 16:58 No. 322403
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I one day want to buy a good bike and then grab a good camera and just roll around the continent, stopping whenever I spot something fancy to take a pic of
>>322403 let's go biking in France and Italy
2017/10/29 (日) 16:59 No. 322405
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Though first I'd need the license
let's go biking in Japan
2017/10/29 (日) 16:59 No. 322407
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Japan I bet has lot of vistas alongside their roads Norway is bloody stunning too, but you can't really stop to take pics whend riving with a car even stopping with a bike on some mountain road can be riskys
you don't need to stop if you ride with a pro gopro* the new ones have very good quality not the same good camera but still decent
2017/10/29 (日) 17:00 No. 322409
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>>322408 true, but still not the same as grabbing a pic with a good camera with a good lense made for scenery pics
i forgot headphones i want to watch anime
2017/10/29 (日) 17:03 No. 322411
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blast it at full power
great idea as if my colorful clothing doesn't already stand out enough
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have I already seen this fuckin' movie?
Oh yeah I definitely have seen at least the first half Fuck this, video games instead
>>322413 yeah you watched this last week aand got mad and stopped halfway through
my customer service senses are tingling i sense opportunity and seek to address it internally the waiter near me could adjust her tone and word choice ever slightly to create meaningful difference in customer attitude and experience
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>>322416 Wow
haha wow
>>322418 impressive
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Ther'es a fuckin' LINE to get into Fortnite? What the hell
damn dude that's intense that too
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Chino is
2017/10/29 (日) 17:08 No. 322424
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underaged you pedo
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Depression hitting real hard today. bought all these vegetables and prepared all this meat and even called my sister ahead of time to boil an egg. and there's no more ramen
this is so cool>>322426 solidarity, man depression is hitting me hard today too
she used the last pack for her son and he didnt even eat all of it>>322427 you know what helps? snickerdoodles
>>322427 sugoi
>>322428 but youre out of snickerdoodles
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there are 5 left
>>322428 i bet that would help
2017/10/29 (日) 17:12 No. 322434
>>322427 that is creative design
alzo walmart still has switches in stock. so i should be fine until BFri
>>322434 it's so creative there is stuff like that everywhere all thematic to the world and it's amazing new donk city was INSANE
mom said she was going to buy more ramen but its been like 20 minutes and i dont want to eat all my snickerdoodles before she gets back.
>on the way back okay time to finish prep
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comfy sunday time
dont eat all the cookies neechang has arrived break out the party favors
I (supposedly) dont work tomorrow
2017/10/29 (日) 17:19 No. 322442
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hello hello i'm doing my tempest trials for this tank of stamina I've noticed Arvis has res so nice that he can often just ignore the color triangle on the spell side of things
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that's cool
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Yeah, it is pretty cool. So what's everyone up to today?
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Oh, that's neat. Still having tons of fun?
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Yeah. I'm having fun even though I feel like shit today so it must be amazing. I think I'm almost done, though.
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It's not very long, or have you been playing a lot?
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I've been playing it a bit. And it's not like I've 100%ed it. There's a lot more content I haven't touched. I'm almost done with the story, though, probably.
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>>322446 work in 4-5 hours
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>>322451 Oh, I see. I guess it's true that it's fairly easy to clear the story in any Mario game but 100% takes awhile longer.>>322452 Sounds terrible! You shouldn't work on Sunday.
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me>>322453 I'll probably move to botw after mario
my Sunday is leagues comfier than it was going to be no more meth house motel, now I'm at comfy town
botw is goty no doubt
>>322453 thst's uhh monday penalty rates are good though if you still have them
I'm going to watch blend s as soon as my room becomes available
>>322444 yeah arvis is cool as heck
I'm watching two Chinese men Mexican waitress attempt to reconcile their bill in broken English on both sides and a* it's very funny it wound being positive
go translate for them you know Mexican and Chinese right?
my mom got into an argument with a Chinese waitress over soup once she said the soup tasted like soap the waitress thought this meant that the soup tasted like soup because she pronounced it soap it was like a fucking comedy skit
no soup for you
she said she said my life's like a bad movie
she said see ya l8r boy
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>>322454 botw is great, I think its one you can sink a huge number of hours into.
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mario is getting wild
>>322466 nice>>322465 also nice>>322467 best game possibly in several years
if you get the peach amiibo you can put mario in a wedding dress
2017/10/29 (日) 18:03 No. 322472
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>>322471 even nintendo wants all the money
mario ca breathe in space but not underwater
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:06 No. 322474
I got like an hour of sleep From 10ish to 11ish
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>>322473 Maybe that's the problem. He breathes in the water and dies.
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Why does he breathe if he doesn't need oxygen though
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He has poor self control.
2017/10/29 (日) 18:12 No. 322478
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>>322473 maybe his hat is a spacesuit?
>>322475 oh shit, genius >>322478 nope
Maybe he is an abomination?
he's basically a cop in this game tbh
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Isn't that the case in like every game? I mean the only thing he does that's even loosely associated with plumbing is going through giant pipes, and I don't think plumbers really do that anyway.
2017/10/29 (日) 18:16 No. 322483
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>>322482 yeah true
Check this out, Rika.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:20 No. 322486
I really really want to sleep But if i go to sleep my dad will probably yell at me
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Hahah, I knocked one guy down from fuckfar away with a sniper, and his dumbo buddy sat down and healed him So I got 2 kills in 2 shots
when working as catering coordinator, I'll get 50 a month for phone bills I'm going to get Pixel 2
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>>322485 Oh, that is neat. I was trying to think of the other game I played recently that did this. It was persona 5.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:26 No. 322491
>>322490 There's a mario level in Persona 5?
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>>322491 Wow, what an unfortunate misunderstanding for you. I guess you're a bit of an airhead, huh?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:29 No. 322495
>>322494 That's rich coming from you.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:29 No. 322496
I actually remembered tge thing with the paintings before I finished typing that reply but decided to finish it anyways.
>>322490 it's super creative
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:31 No. 322498
Why does Mario have nipples if Link doesn't?
because link is a thin young man whereas mario is a tubby plumber
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No, the actual answer is that Link is some kind of elf.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:32 No. 322501
>>322499 Mario is young He's only 24>>322500 He's Hylian, not Kokiri.
nobody said mario was old
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:34 No. 322503
>>322502 How're you liking Odyssey?
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>>322501 He's lithe and has pointy ears. He's some kind of elf.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:34 No. 322505
>>322504 That's racist.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 18:35 No. 322506
More importantly When is Super Mario Iliad coming iut? *out
>>322503 it's good at least 14 levels with good themes and fun level design
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They announced Illiad a few months ago, but a new game just came out.
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 18:41 No. 322510
2017/10/29 (日) 18:42 No. 322511
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>>322506 They did it in the wrong order then
2017/10/29 (日) 18:43 No. 322512
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Just realised there isn't really a single game based on illiad or odysseia well illiad would be bit harder to adapt but odyssei should be quite doable
Odyssey is based on Odyssey
2017/10/29 (日) 18:46 No. 322514
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Yeah but that is bit different
Zuckerberg doesn't look like a human
2017/10/29 (日) 18:48 No. 322516
>>322515 maybe he is the future of the 1%
is my room ready yet
i wish i want to shower
check in at 3:00 i take it?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:00 No. 322521
I have acquired the dog Maybe I will be able to go back to sleep soon.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:01 No. 322522
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This triggers me.
what does
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more like odyssey by homo
>>322524 >>322524 >>322524
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:04 No. 322526
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:05 No. 322527
>>322523 The fact that it has a 3.7 out of 5 average rating on good reads.
>>322527 What's wrong with that?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:09 No. 322529
>>322528 I really shouldn't be surprised that you would ask that question.
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 19:09 No. 322530
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>>322529 i dont think something being old makes it good it's not a 5/5 in my opinion a lot of it is boring
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:10 No. 322532
>>322530 Sup Sammu
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:10 No. 322533
>>322531 I'm not saying its absolutely 5/5. But 3.7/5 is too low. Also just because a book is boring doesn't mean its not good.
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 19:11 No. 322534
are you really triggered over an average number generated by a website is this /v/
>>322533 in my opinion, something boring is not good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:11 No. 322536
>>322535 Well that's fine I guess for you to have that opinion. Many different people have different opinions on what makes things good.
>>322536 if that's true why are you triggered by the 3.7
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:13 No. 322538
>Just because something is boring doesn't mean it isn't good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:13 No. 322539
>>322537 Anything I'll say will just get >>322531 As a reply so its not really worth discussing any further
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:14 No. 322540
>>322538 There's no point in attempting to convince someone who doesn't read fiction that that is false.
>>322539 so when someone disgrees with you it's just their opinion but it's still wrong because your opinion is the correct one?
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notto dis shit again
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:15 No. 322543
>>322541 I said "well that's your opinion" to end the discussion Cause it's not productive for anyone involved
it's a little ridiculous to just say my opinions don't real though
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:17 No. 322545
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:17 No. 322546
>>322544 Okay sure But you don't read fiction, so I have no real impetus to convince you otherwise. I'll just say we disagree on what makes fiction good.
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Mythology tends to be a little dry and boring. I wonder why that is.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:18 No. 322549
Kirara ingests fiction all the time what are you talking about
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 282x628, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>322548 Because most of it was destroyed a long time ago and the only stuff left is the stuff the Churches thought were inoffensive enough to let remain. People worship it because it's old.>>322546 Haha, okay, man.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:19 No. 322551
>>322549 We had a long discussion a few months ago on /moe/ about people not reading fiction (as in written fiction not other mediuks). I distinctly recall Bang, Rika, and Kirara mentioning that they do not read fiction.
I don't read novels
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:20 No. 322553
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Isn't that really nitpicky to specifically only refer to written novels when you say fiction
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unsheathes katana
it might surprise you too but i have read some novels including most of the "classics" or at least many of them and even have some novels that i enjoy!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:21 No. 322556
>>322552 Do you read short stories?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:22 No. 322557
>>322555 I'm sure you have and did.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:22 No. 322558
>>322553 That's generally what people mean. And if I interpreted "fiction" as encompassing all made up works in any medium I'd be accused of being over literal and autistic. (Which i have been when using it in that context in discussions with other people)
>>322556 i have read short stories yes
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>>322551 I read mostly nonfiction, yes. That isn't to say that I haven't read fiction, though. I've read all the classics.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:25 No. 322561
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Reading is for SQUARES
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:25 No. 322562
>>322560 You have not read all of the classics, but yes I'm sure you've read plenty.
im sure the fact that we don't read new novels is the reason we find Odyssey to be somewhat dull
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:26 No. 322564
Wow I can't get over the massive size of Rei's fictional penis
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:27 No. 322565
>>322564 So claiming to have read all the classics isn't immediately apparent to be a false claim to you?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:27 No. 322566
Rika doesn't have a penis to flaunt she's a girl
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:28 No. 322567
Wait is that some sort of sexism or misogyny Do I need to check my privilige help me kirara
it's called hyperbole you'd think someone that is so well read would recognize it>>322567 girls can have penises you're being transphobic
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:28 No. 322569
>>322568 Yeah I recognize it as such, but hyperbole in actual conversations bothers me because it isn't as precise as I woukd like.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:29 No. 322570
>>322568 shit how do I fix this
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:29 No. 322572
>>322571 Is this what they'll call the big event for Space Football
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:29 No. 322573
>>322569 Especially in this context since its grossly misleading. Unless Rika has a degree (or more) in classical literature. In which case I apologize.
>>322572 shit I suppose so I don't watch sports often
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:31 No. 322575
Blitz ball
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:31 No. 322576
Anyways what we can learn from this conversation is thst sometimes certain things really irritate me and that its generally not productive to have discussions about why.
>>322569 im sorry that other people don't speak in a way that is conforming to your standards
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I went to a fancy private school and was in plus and AP english classes from eighth grade on. I suppose there probably are classics that I haven't read, but I've read many of the classics.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:32 No. 322579
>>322578 Yo u have now paid your blood tribute to the fiction gods Now Rei can rest in piece.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:32 No. 322580
>>322578 Okay, glad to know
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:33 No. 322581
>>322579 I wish I took my meds so i wont be sleeping anytime soon
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I guess today is the day I tell me to go fuck myself
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:34 No. 322583
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Oh yeah I remembered a thing I wanted to show kirara. Found this in one of my book boxes.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:36 No. 322584
>>322582 Did you get a portal gun?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:37 No. 322585
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Hey Kirar How busy do you think you'll be this wednesday
>>322584 I played portal once while I was studying and it ruined my ife
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:38 No. 322587
>>322586 Oh no!
>>322585 dunno
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:39 No. 322589
Kirara how was the Halloween party?
it was a party i don't want to talk about it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:40 No. 322592
>>322591 That's a shame
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:41 No. 322593
Anyways if you're interested in the short story avout the space Indians I can scan it and send it to you *about
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roll for pizza breakfast #d20 (2) thank you dice sab
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:43 No. 322595
Oh holy shit it got a full novel.
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>tomorrow is monday
>>322596 ugh i might skip
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:44 No. 322598
>>322594 I almost did that I should probably eat soon
>>322596 that looks pretty fine to ne at least there's no fire
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 19:46 No. 322600
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i'll start your fire
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>>322600 >>322601 I don't see any fire there, though.>>322599 Have you seen her anime?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:46 No. 322603
>>322600 I really like that meat emoji, I think that's the first one I've ever really liked.
>>322602 i dont either
botw is beautiful but i wish you attacked by swinging your joycons
apparently we get our groceries delivered at 3am in this household
how bourgeois
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 19:54 No. 322608
>>322605 skyward sword for that
I get my hours reduced from 20 to 6 is that proletariat enough
finally comfort
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 19:55 No. 322611
>>322610 Ome
so much comfort
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 19:55 No. 322613
sunday dreamin
>>322609 what did you dooooooo
>>322609 what the hell
that's pretty prole
gotta get back back to the past samurai (lal'c) Jack
come on sammy baby
he will lal'c you the fuck up
because the first time i ever saw his name i read it as "lal-see" it is permanently stuck that way in my mind
>>322614 just being myself enough apparently maybe somewhat mismanaged
>>322620 Is that not the way it is pronounced
>>322621 there is likelihood you will not like this idea but sometimes these are the times to best consider the implications that may have and what the most effective solution can be
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 20:02 No. 322624
>>322622 😡😡
angery samurai
wait how is it pronounced then lalk?
watch some diebuster my dude
Watch some groovin' magic>>322629 Nyan>>322630 yo
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:03 No. 322630
>>322628 Hello
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Fortnite is a lot more fun with friends
this bed is so big and comfortable i could die happy here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:05 No. 322633
Urrgh I was starting to fall asleep But then Hunger pangs
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just always be eating thats what i do
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:06 No. 322636
I've decided to just try sleep I'll probably give up soon and eat though
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What do you guys think of re using the same essay for different classes?
I think you should always remember to always drink plenty of water moe. Never forget water.
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 20:10 No. 322640
>>322629 bangbangbang
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>>322638 fine in undergrad generally imo as long as you update it a little bit
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Life is all about taking shortcuts.
oh boy anime nap time
i might not fall asleep but it's okay it happens
Wait the S stands for sadist
uh oh
well yeah S means sadism
it could have meant many things
what do you guys think of first asking my professors if it would be okay to re use the essay reduce or increase my chances of getting fucked
depends on what you mean by fucked if being fucked means being told you can't do it, then that increases the chance of it i think asking is the responsible thing to do though
that's a nice OP
fuck a op
what does that even mean
monster hunter sounds effect
>>322655 opposition
are there people who actually like to be treated like trash
many people we even have two of them on /moe/
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 20:29 No. 322660
You aren't associating me with that right
I would be willing to try it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:30 No. 322662
Gave up on sleep Put the leftover pizza in the toaster oven.
if wait staff was ride to me and spoiled ketchup all over me it would not be pretty
rude spilled
wow that was one two many spelling errors in that sentence
>>322660 yeah. you like to be treated roughly
i use swype
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:33 No. 322668
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Wait I think i found an Android feature i hadnt heard of ???
help hello please send help this character is too much
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:34 No. 322670
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That's fucking cool
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what if the AI develop ends up being Christian
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:35 No. 322673
>>322672 Wut?
robots decide they believe in Christianity after gaining intelligence
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:35 No. 322675
>>322674 I doubt it Incidentally that reminds me of an Asimov short story
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/29 (日) 20:35 No. 322676
>>322666 g gnunununununununununnunununu
it creates that computers could find more efficient in processing morals
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:36 No. 322678
>>322677 Christianity is not neccesary for morals
>>322671 Cute.
>>322678 no but that doesn't mean there aren't people who believe that computers with intelligence may be just as likely beliefs to form*
>>322676 if you don't want to be treated like an m don't act like an m
Jewish robots
Buddhist robots
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:38 No. 322685
>>322683 This is preferable
that one seems difficult
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:38 No. 322687
>>322686 Oy vey
actually on second thought robotic Buddhism might be the most likely
>>322683 golem*
which blend s is the biggest slut
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:40 No. 322691
>>322690 You're favorite
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the green shirt girl in the op seems like the fang type
the bang type
teeth teeth teeth
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:48 No. 322698
why the engrish there are Americans who will speak for free
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 20:49 No. 322701
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 20:49 No. 322702
>>322688 embrace tranquility
>>322700 aaaaa
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:56 No. 322704
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>>322703 teeth
I feel like dentists should keep all the wisdom teeth they remove The amount of wisdom gained would be i m m a c u l a t e
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 20:59 No. 322707
I plan on keeping mine and making a periapt of wisdom +4 with them.
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>>322706 Maybe they do. I wonder if my teeth are still out there somewhere.
They all let you keep your teeth if you want I kept mine and they were cool but I needed extra cash so I sold them for a quick buck on the blax marxet
my teeth are in my head
only if you consider your mouth to be part of your head :O
can you actually sell your teeth
you didnt know?
for what purpose are they bought
wiccans actually grind them up and turn them into potions and stuff
wiccan bullshit god damn it I was actually making a joke about past girlfriends but >>322715 wow
even grinding up detached teeth still makes me shiver
they get like consumed and stuff that's the part that gets me
incredible potential for kidney stones there
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:07 No. 322720
next wiccan i see, i'm beating the shit out of
yeah that's pretty weird
>>322721 no don't
its on
oh no i suddenly feel cursed
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How often do you run into wiccans?
>>322726 b i t c h more often than I would fucking like you would be surprized how many normal seeming girls out there are into that stuff
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:08 No. 322728
>>322726 I probably meet 12 a year But I barely go out
>>322726 they are surprisingly common
wiccans are the most POWERFUL beings out there
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>>322727 Wow why are you calling me bitch out of nowhere.>>322729 That's strange, I don't know any.
>>322731 sorry i meant it more as like a flamboyaunt "giiirrrllll, lemme tell you"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:09 No. 322733
>>322731 Yeah it is strange
legislation in works to put an end to fake service dogs this impacts me greatly in positive way
>>322731 you might know some if she>likes anime >likes reading >likes the outdoors >likes staying indoors >dyes her hair >is into piercings and tattoos >likes asian guys >likes poetry >>322738 Exactly my point
>>322731 I've met one every time I go to a big city generally I met like four when I was in Denver I don't meet them too often in Florida but I know many online
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:10 No. 322737
>>322734 Nice
>>322735 then she might be just any other millennial nice
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>>322736 Are hippies wiccans?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:12 No. 322740
>>322735 Don't forget>likes the cure >smokes clove cigarettes >wears a pentagram necklace all the time
wiccans, like everyone else, don't usually talk about their beliefs
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>>322735 I don't think I associate with anyone who has an unnatural hair color. Trying to think Oh, my little brother's girlfriend has an unnatural hair color sometimes.
>>322740 the fucking pentagram
>>322739 some are
>>322741 yeah
girls from poor families are more likely to be wiccans as well
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 21:13 No. 322747
that girl who I met has bleached pink hair it works well on her
Time to sacrifice a goat to god
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:14 No. 322749
>>322748 TN would like that a lot
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 21:14 No. 322750
>>322748 noooo
>god ha ha ha
>>322749 TN is such a wiccan
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:14 No. 322753
>>322752 Nah He just hates goats
loafing around in this nice hotel in just my boxers watching anime before the festival is great
>>322748 why this >>322754 being in a hotel feels so good omg i love it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:15 No. 322756
>>322754 Wait, when is the festival?
yesterday and today
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:15 No. 322758
>>322757 Ah I was confused
last night's was super dope Marshmello is god
I want to go to a hotel
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:16 No. 322761
>>322759 Meet any cute girls?
meet any wiccans
>>322761 yeah but didn't make anything of it there was a group along to hitch a ride with me back to my hotel but that was an uncomfortable situation
>>322755 Gotta get powers from beeaaaatriiiice
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I don't really like hotels, I prefer to be home.
I should continue rereading Umineko
>>322763 wow swype please there was a group that wanted to hitch a ride
>>322766 hotels are kind of obscenely expensive, too like, wow
>>322766 I kind of want to go to a convention again so thats what might be influencing me to go to a hotel
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 21:18 No. 322771
hotels are nice mostly because you only stay in them when you're doing something fun
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I don't like staying anywhere overnight other than my room. It feel really anxious if I'm having to sleep in somewhere else.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:19 No. 322774
>>322773 I feel like this is a skill that must be trained and a skill that I would like to have lest I be uncomfortable whenever I sleep anywhere other than my own bed
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Using a different bed is fine. Using a different shower is weird.
Yall ever have an extended stay at a hospital?
how was
i can sleep anywhere if I'm tied enough tired wow i don't mind hotels usually but last night was bad
>>322779 i was drugged up pretty often so i slept fine i was in first grade though i was in the hospital for like 3 weeks
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>>322773 I feel the same way!
>>322781 yikes what for?
>>322783 i had a mechels diverticulum which was strangling my intestines and killing me slowly and painfully and i had to have it surgically removed so i was in the hospital for a while because i was also underweight and got sick after surgery i hadn't been able to eat because of it for like a week and my mom refused to take me to the hospital until i was vomiting up bile because she said i was faking it
>>322773 >>322782 is feeling comfortable away from home a of male privilege
>>322784 sounds ruff
this girl reminds me of i in inux boku>>322788
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 21:29 No. 322788
i like staying in hotels they're usually super clean swiggity swooty im coming for that SWITCH
>>322784 did you ever exact revenge
>>322789 no but my mother continues to torture me>>322786 yeah it sucked i met a Nascar driver while i was in the hospital but i don't remember who it was and my dad bought me some digimon cards
touchscreen please
>>322788 fly to Houston right now what so not and tiesto are playing
>>322790 nice
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/29 (日) 21:32 No. 322794
>>322792 damn dude are you seeing anything in Nov?
probably Troyboi the good shit comes second week of December though Giraffage and then XXYYXX with Chrome Sparks
ay Troyboi is legitimately the only electronic artist worth following and i say that with conviction
man if i hadn't already considered your opinions worthless, might have somehow lost yet more credibility to me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:35 No. 322798
Ooh Com Truise GA tickets are just $15
oh his set is dope this tour is he with Clark
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:37 No. 322800
>Crystal Castles shows canceled Glad I didn't buy tickeys *tickets>>322799 No idea
i expected link's voice to be more feminine
>>322800 fug
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>>322785 I don't think so. Lots of girls are obsessed with travel.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:38 No. 322804
Heh I found a band called Bonerama
travel is good
:3 girl when next episode?
maika is probably best only because her sadism is unintentional i had a crush once on a sweet senpai once who everyone thought was mean but really just didn't know how to not sounds that way
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:40 No. 322808
Ooh John Carpenter
Do you guys travel alone I don't see why you would, if you could travel with a friend or a group of
onee-chan is best girl
>>322809 i travel with moes when i can id like to travel with my gf but it hasn't happened yet
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:41 No. 322812
>$31 Fuck that shit Also I firgot just how damn big the Aragon Ballroom was
>>322811 >id like to travel with my gf but it hasn't happened yet same neither has happened yet
>>322810 you would
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:42 No. 322815
>>322813 I'd like to fo that too>TFW no gf
>>322814 damn right i would>>322813 i was going to go to Hawaii with her but it got cancelled and then Colorado but it got cancelled too
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tfw no gf
just get one if you want one
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:43 No. 322819
>Evanescence Lol>>322818 I need to work on my self esteem and confidence issues first
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>>322818 I'm still stuck wanting the old one back I think
Evanescence still exists?
>>322818 wow christ I don't want one THAT badly
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:44 No. 322823
>>322821 Yeah They're playing at a really big venue too
>>322820 The best way to cancel that out is to get a new one
>>322824 true shit>>322823 color me surprised>>322822 haha
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>>322824 I dunno but>>322825 I guess youd be the expert
oh uh i was being serious if that came out sarcastic or somethjng im sorry
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:45 No. 322829
And of course The English Beat shows are all sold out.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
What am I an expert on?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:46 No. 322831
Oh hey a musician that ddated one of my highschool teachers
>>322785 i don't agree with that. It just about being used to it I think. I don't know.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:47 No. 322833
Ooh Hot Chip
>>322832 i want serious wasn't>>322833 yeah saw that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:48 No. 322835
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you're a machine head
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:49 No. 322837
>No Age This I might go to
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I need that NY Philharmonic to bring me orchestral Redline.
What are your thoughts on all-ages concerts /moe/ I think I'm gonna start avoiding them tbh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:51 No. 322840
>>322839 Eh I mean I would not have seen the vast majority of concerts I've seen without them. Although fuck people who bring crying babies
That's pretty fair I don't think I'm gonna start avoiding them
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:52 No. 322842
This website listed this bands name wrong
I don't really go to concerts
what do you
i just do, my man
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:55 No. 322846
Hrrm Silversun Pickups Or Slowdive?
2017/10/29 (日) 21:55 No. 322847
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I am getting fed with this fucking game
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:56 No. 322848
>$34 Fuck that noise
2017/10/29 (日) 21:56 No. 322849
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Seriously fucking hell the dfew chances you nail the hardest near impossible timing shit in this combotraining thing, your brain jsut goes "oh i did it" and you forget you still need to do the rest of the shit and then fail because of that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:57 No. 322850
it's gonna be in the 40s tonight
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:58 No. 322852>$27.50 The price is right Plus Cloud Nothings
/moe/ I wanna get into jiu jisu but it's so expensive jiu jitsu*
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:58 No. 322854
>>322853 Huh Any Aikido places near you?
>>322853 i want to do judo but i hate the hierarchy of martial arts
>>322854 why would i disrespect myself like that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 21:59 No. 322857
>>322856 Is there a meme im missing?
>>322857 aikido is a meme art and even if it's actually not and i'm an ignorant ass, I do prefer the more ground-based stuff of jiu jitsu it's more fun i'm not particularly interested in using martial arts in self defense
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:00 No. 322860
>>322858 Aikido is really good It's based on a variant of jiu jitsu Also weapons training
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>>322851 It's been cool here too. I had my electric blanket relatively high last night.
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>>322861 I'm excited for cool weather. It's a good excuse to get comfy under a blanket.
>>322830 this feels like something i shouldnt answer
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>>322863 By all means, I want to know.
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no seriously the hostility coming off you is terrifying I'm sorry I just meant that if I was going to believe anyone verifying that that you would be the person I would believe the most
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>>322862 But it's so cold anywhere but under the blankets!
>>322865 well who knows what kind of breakups that kind anno has been through
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>>322865 Oh, okay.>>322866 Oh no! What a shame. I'll have to stay under the blanket extra long.
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>>322868 are you upset
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>>322868 You'll have to come out from under the covers eventually.
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Kirara needs to come out.
maybe we bully ton too much
>>322869 i refuse
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This is how I react when I feel like I have actually unintentionally offended someone
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who the fuck is scaeming "come out from under the covers" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never come out.
did Rika tell fish to tell him to get out
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The best technique is to pinch the blanket and run!
That'd be pretty amazing
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>>322876 That's the world's spirit.
no the world's is t too busy praising me
2017/10/29 (日) 22:12 No. 322882
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all fighting games should allow the use of directional buttons and joystick...
is foxgirl hotel any good
just wrote half of a 2000 word essay but the word counter tells me it's only 120 words uwu
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>>322882 why would you ever use the stick
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>>322880 I will deny the world. I will stay under the covers until I die.
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It seems like fire emblem warriors is doing really well and both nintendo and KT are happy with the sales. That's good!>>322887 you can't!
2017/10/29 (日) 22:13 No. 322889
>>322886 cause bandai is gay
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>322888 Do you think you can stop me?
no one cares that bang has been under the covers why are Kiara's covers so much more dire
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>>322889 i dont understand>>322892 hi>>322896 why are you using items in a fighting game that is nt natuto
>>322891 because rika likes the girl in the covers with me im secondary
Kiara is pretty cute.
2017/10/29 (日) 22:14 No. 322896
>>322893 cause directionals are items
2017/10/29 (日) 22:14 No. 322897
>>322893 xeno2
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>>322890 I won't have to do anything, the world will.>>322891 you're in a hotel what else are you going to do
play monopoly
>>322898 touche
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>>322898 The world won't do shit.
>>322894 she is questionable sometimes can't tell who she'd be jealous of
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>>322902 Rika doesn't want to kidnap any boys!
is foxgirl any good the hotel one konohana i think
>>322903 true
>>322904 it's pretty comfy
what about game Kings game
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>>322904 The first couple of episodes were a little slow but the latest episode was great.>>322907 it's shit>>322910 You'd probably like it, it's similar to taht one show about the red headed alchemist.
or Magus bride
>>322907 it's edgy everyone dies shit
>>322909 that show was so cute i love romance
>>322910 it's good haven't even watched it
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>>322905 yeah, rika is the kind of schemer that would get you killed so she could grab your girl
it's only romance was real
>>322914 or hook up borderline misandrists despicable guys so she can pick up the pieces and reforge them as lesbians
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>>322914 Wow these are some amazing allegations you're making about me. If I wanted to do that, I'd just encourage you to stay in your covers until you died.
>>322916 with*
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>>322918 But then Fish would die with me.>>322916 haha
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why is everyone neglecting the obvious >Kirara >Kira L ain't shit. Solved in a post.
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>>322920 I hear that she sneaks food when other people are fasting, I think she'd be fine.
>>322921 I only take Ws anyway
death note more like deftones gottem
that feel when I'll never yuki yuuna
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>>322922 That's different. She can't get out of the covers if I tell her not to!
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does anyone want to praise me before i leave
>>322928 you did good today
if only I did anything
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>>322926 You'll fall asleep.
oh now i remember why people don't praise me I don't deal well with praise
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>>322931 >>322931 ill handcuff her to me>>322930 you decided to get a less dangerous hotel that was smart
that's true i did that
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I do great with praise feel free to praise me
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>>322933 You're getting pretty extreme with this!
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>>322936 Well, obviously I'm not just going to die and let you steal my lover.
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Yuri /u/ Yuu
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>>322937 I wasn't planning to! In fact I was just encouraging you to get out of bed and not die.
Kirara just needs to become a taco and then he will never have to leave the blankets
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>>322939 I'll never leave my blanket.
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If I get hungry, I'll just have some fish.
>>322942 :thumbsup:
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>>322940 Hey girl, wanna get together and become a hot pocket?
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>>322942 You're on your own with this one, I'm not fielding this comment.
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>>322945 Good. That's appropriate!
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:41 No. 322948
>>322947 Heh
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Silly string is very flammable. I just remembered why I know that.
>>322949 Tell me why.
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>silly string
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I got sprayed with silly string once. That stuff is really hard to get off of you.
So you lit it on fire of course
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holy shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:48 No. 322956
>>322955 What?
>>322955 What?
silly string comments
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:49 No. 322959
I really don't feel like doing anything right now I have an intense desire to just law *lay down and go to sleep. But I know i wont be able to fall asleep. But laying down and doing nothing will be even worse.
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>>322953 Well, I got sprayed coming out of the bathroom. And there was a candle in the bathroom.
"yes ill just light myself on fire it should be fine"
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I think it's funnier that the fire was self-inflicted.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:50 No. 322963
I accidentally singed a bunch of armhair on rosh ha shanah.
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>>322960 I was expecting a funnier story. Did you get hurt?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:51 No. 322965
I was reaching to grab the brisket and my arm got to close to the flames.
>>322962 cute cat
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>>322964 I was fine. The fire that resulted wasn't that big. That stuff really stinks when it burns though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:52 No. 322969
I'm not doing the Chaika pumpkin this year I just don't have any willingness.
>>322967 whoa
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:55 No. 322971
Oh cool im actually starting to get tired Maybe I can fall asleep before 10am this time.
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I think I've read too much koi. I feel ill.
I wish Morgana could do the same thing as Fuuka in P3 and put on some tunes if you wanted
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:56 No. 322974
>>322972 Oh no Are you feeling blue ?
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what a lewd post
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 22:58 No. 322976
>>322975 Really?
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 23:00 No. 322978
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This updated
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>>322977 Are you blue?
I think people like to get angry over crying babies in public because it's something that you're allowed to get angry over
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Crying babies are highly distracting. You just can't concentrate when a baby is crying. It makes sense because caring for children is kind of a task that's vital to humans, but it doesn't make it any less distracting when you're trying to work.
You are right. Clearly so, because otherwise I wouldn't have dropped my homework to make that post in the first place But I don't think it's necessarily something to get uppity over. is what i'm saying
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/29 (日) 23:03 No. 322983
>>322982 Depends how loud the baby is and how long it goes on for. And also the location. And in some cases babies crying in public are due to shitty parenting.
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>>322979 Basically, yes.
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>>322982 It depends on the setting. If the mother obviously had no choice but to bring the baby, is apologetic for the ruckus, and is trying to settle the baby down, I'm not mad. If a couple brings a screaming baby into my workplace or a retaurant where I am trying to eat and just toss the thing off to the side and let it go, I am mad.>>322984 I kind of suspected! Can I help?
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>>322985 I appreciate the concern. You've been helping since you showed up.
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That must be my natural healing aura at work!
the cat talked also I'm not feeling so good
but i leave soon
i'll also feel bad, if that makes you guys feel any better
>>322984 But your name tag says Kirara
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>>322987 Must be.
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bang knows what's up. let's rev that engine
bunny suits
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>>322988 Yeah you're definitely not feeling so good if cats are talking to you. Did you start the party a little early?
>>322996 animegataris
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That's a pretty good show. The protagonist is such a normie though. Other than the fact that she's schizophrenic.>>322992 My healing aura is amazing, right?
where's the part where she gets coked up like in that image
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>>322998 It's alright. It's really more that you're fun to talk to, though. Sometimes.
i don't understand watching in real time
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>>323000 Wow, such lukewarm praise!>>323001 Watching anime in real time?
yeah they brought it up in blend s too i think it's marketing
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Do you mean like watching stuff together?
>>323004 no watching anime as it airs on broadcast television
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i should get my gift from the Mad king before the hour ends
>>323007 chomp
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watch out i'm delicious
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>>323002 You're fun to talk to even if you're frustrating sometimes. You should be happy I'm willing to say that much. You're only getting that praise because you're helping improve my mood today so don't get used to it.
>>323009 Is that supposed to dissuade me
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>>323005 Oh. I think that's just teenagers wanting to stay up at night. Though there is a weird otaku pride thing there though.>>323010 It is true that it's hard to get praise like that hard of you! I can't recall a time I've ever been frustrating though.
>>323012 no i think it's marketing it's very convenient for anime producers to far like that to endorse a fan going so far* they need the views to justify their broadcast to stockholders and board members who follow outdated metrics
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>>323012 You can be frustrating sometimes! I guess that part of you isn't bad, though.
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You both are very good friends!
although i can see about way it brings prestige to otaku anime is becoming increasingly popular moreso than ever before but only they have access to the broadcast
Watfching things as they air is fun though, you can get on live threads and talk to people watching at the same time and have no real spoilers at least in anime only things. or you can share manga // share how well adapated it is from manga or LN.
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>>323014 I've never been frustrating in my whole life!>>323013 Don't underestimate otaku pride!
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>>323011 maybe?
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And that's also true, if you're an anime fan and active in anime communities you're expected to keep up. Life watching is a way to keep up. I expect people to not be offended by net-juu spoilers the next evening after we've watched it.
I'm just saying that deliberately including the idea subtly in anime is extremely sells serving but very smart
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>>323018 Just set that aside and be happy that I'm praising you so much. I'm trying to tell you I appreciate you, so you should be grateful.
How long should you be allowed to stay at a buffet before you should get kicked out
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My hair is a bit annoying right now. I went to the hair dressers and they curled the fuck out of my hair. it is a little out of control.
>>323024 until close being a sorry loser is its own punishment
>>323024 As long as you want It's all you can eat
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>>323023 haha, well thank you for your appreciation! I appreciate it. I'm glad that I'm able to be helpful.
>>323025 You just need to embrace the out-of-countrol-ness of it. Make it your thang.
>>323028 >>323027 How long should you be allowed to stay until you get socially pressured into leaving on your own accord
tsundere kirara and grateful rika wtf is in the water
>>323031 the depths of individual depravity show no sign of limitation
>>323031 Depends on whether or not you're a sheep or an ubermensch
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>>323032 He's way more tsundere than I am. This is normal!>>323025 They curled it big-time huh? Do you normally wear it straight?
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I'm not that tsundere.>>323029 I'm glad, too.
my hair is kind of hilarious now but i it
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>>323035 It is usually naturally a little curly! But they went wild and curled it up all over the place. I am really not used to this!
i wish my hair was straight
I like my curly hair.
instead my hair is gay as fuck just like me
Seems good.
My hair is straight and boring
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My hair is straight and fine. It can get messed up pretty easily by things like headphones or the wind.>>323036 You're moderately tsundere!
I'd like to see what it's like to have curly hair
i have super thick hair
my hair is hair
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Time to sleep
>>323048 yuck
my hair cannot get messed up because it cannot get un-messed up
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I wouldn't mind having a nice straight hair to be honest. However I do like how poofy and soft my hair is. It is just a bit too on the curly side right now. I'll probably shower in the morning and try and calm it down.
>>323049 Night
>>323049 rip
>>323051 Yeah, pretty much. My hair's such a tangle that it can't get worse as long as I wash it regularly.
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>>323052 I think all hair has good things and bad things about it. I don't dislike my hair, but it isn't capable of being good at a lot of those super poofy full bodied styles.
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>>323056 I don't have a lot of volume for some of the really nice looking styles. I am a little jealous of people with nice hair.
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Good ol'fashioned politics.
This guy has been playing through Odyssey like he's some kind of avian photographer. Entire Twitter is just choc-full of pictures of birds from the game.There are a lot of birds in Super Mario Odyssey.
i too have seen many birds
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>>323058 Sounds like Australia.
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>>323064 That's actually pretty good
Better than anything I can do.
it's a really cute drawing
Oh there's going to be a third season of Free.
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That's good news. Free is top notch.
ehhh free s1 is a masterpiece free s2 was just bad
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It's not even halloween yet but it feels like the holidays. I'm ready for thanksgiving and some time off.>>323072 I don't remember free S2 being bad, although it wasn't as good as the first season.
>>323073 I couldn't even finish S2 so it must have been terrible.
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I don't remember it being bad. At the same time all I remember is the Makoto episode.
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Well, it was pretty bad!
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I just don't remember. But that's fine, it doesn't really matter if I remember or not.
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I want to do something fun but I don't know what that is. I already played a ton of Zelda today.
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hide under the covers
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It's not time for getting under the covers yet!
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Sure, it is! Today is a great day to spend the entire day under the covers! Tomorrow, too! I might skip tomorrow.
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If I go get under the covers, I'll fall asleep. Once I fall asleep, I will have to wake up and go to work.
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You can skip, too! Let's all just skip everything and escape reality.
I wouldn't mind skipping reality tomorrow.
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>>323083 I can't skip!
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>>323085 No, it's okay. You have my permission.>>323084 Let's skip reality forever.
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They'll come find me and drag me back if I skip.
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Then let's all hide somewhere safe and live off the land!
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but I need the internet and I am lazy.
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Excuses, excuses.
I'm not skipping tomorrow so you can just hang out with me and it will be fine
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Will it really?
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>>323090 I'm just not meant to live off the land. I'm meant to have lots of comforts!
2017/10/30 (月) 01:37 No. 323094
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Living off the land would be way too boithersome
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>>323093 Spoiled.
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>>323095 Yes, I am!
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Fine! I'll just escape reality with my fish!
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Does she want to live off the land?
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She could hang out with fish and not have to deal with people so I bet she would.
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Oh, are you going to have a pond?
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We'll build a house on a lake full of fish.
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Building a house seems like a lot of work.
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No more work than existing within reality, I'm sure!
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Existing isn't that hard. I'm existing right now and it's going great.
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That's nice for you!
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You're existing right now too. Just sit back and listen to some music and exist. That's zen.
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I'd like to escape reality, though.
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That's what taking it easy is.
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But I can't take it easy forever. That's why I want to escape
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Eventally your stamina comes back and you're ready to get back to it.
>>323110 just because you can doesn't mean you want to!
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>>323110 I know, but I want to escape. For now, at least.
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>>323112 Isn't that what you're doing?
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>>323113 No. I'm doing normal stuff now. I don't need to escape right now.
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>>323114 Oh, you got out of bed?
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>>323115 I never got in bed. I've been out of bed since like 9:00.
Some days you metaphorically never get out of bed though.
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 727x693, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
>>323116 You're taking it easy if you're in bed!
I dunno some people take it hard.
get out of bed then into a chair then back into bed might as well skip the middle man
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 351x711, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>323119 But I'm not in bed? Why are you so convinced that I'm in bed?
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
Ih, Oh, you said you never got in a bed. I read that as "I never got out of bed".
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>>323123 Well, now you know!
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>>323124 Why were you excited about covers then?
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>323125 We were talking about keeping warm under a blanket. I was saying I wanted to go under the blanket and never come out.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 431x704, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
Well it was fueling my idea that you were in bed! That's normally where you'd be under a blanket.
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 408x688, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Well, I wasn't. I've been out of bed all day.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
So you've just been under a blanket?
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 806x714, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Not all day.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
Wow,. you gave me the wrong idea!
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 692x487, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
You got the wrong idea on your own.
hey friends Guinness is my friend now relationship with firemans four is over
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>323132 I had help!>>323133 congrats when is the baby coming
you would be the one that knows best the baby is coming if were having a child because your doctor would tell you
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 519x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>323134 No way. This was a solo effort on your part.
what anime do I watch after dinner animegataris only had few episodes left
I'm not drunk typing, moe just hates single letters on my phone
kirara stop fucking all Sunday
now that's drink posting
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 693x719, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>323137 There's no way I would make that mistake all on my own.
uh oh i sexually harassed rika too early on in my drinking I'm doomed to be ignored earlier than usual
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 769x478, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
>>323143 Well, you did. Anyway, I am in bed now.
oh no i have a decent job that i more important than my morals and i harass someone what if I'm there patriarchy
>>323147 splinter, and break beneath the endless tide
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>>323145 So now you're hiding under the covers.
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>>323149 Yeah. And I'll stay here until I die.
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
>>323150 You've revereted to earlier today!>>323144 so what do you say
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>>323151 I haven't reverted.
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 727x693, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
>>323152 You totally have. Any second now you're going to accuse me of plotting to kill you to steal fish.
>>323151 well it's hard to say I'm sorry because i want you to raise my child but I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable
is it so wrong that i want to be more people in the world like you
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 506x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
>>323153 Will not.
I'm eating fish and chips n right now this hotel restaurant is really good>>323158 I've only had like three drinks i usually do ten
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-(…).jpg )
>>323156 You will!>>323154 You're pretty drunk aren't you?
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>323158 I won't.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
>>323159 Okay, I believe you.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 848x1200, 64618347_p8.jpg )
>>323160 Good.
>>323158 do you think that i only this because drunk bang likes you better than normal bang or because the alcohol let's normal bang overcome his fear of your quick rejection
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 710x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>323161 Yeah, that is good!>>323162 I think it's because you're drunk!
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 408x688, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
In any case, I'm never getting out from under the covers.
>>323164 can i get warm wothyou
wow with you
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 767x719, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
We're full.
>>323167 get // hmm never mind. It's not every day I recant a joke like that
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>>323163 well that makes me kind of sad, but the evidence is stacked against me by my own hand maybe someday you'll see
blend S is really good
who is your favorite nimega wow swype please who is your favorite animegatari
The chuuni's speech in the most recent episode scored him a lot of good points by me. I like the kind of obnoxious reading girl too though.
akiba sounds really fun
It's crazy amazing. So much stuff trying to catch your attention crammed into a really small space.
coming from Texas, i imagine of Japan is like that
oh no moe died
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
what are you up to -sama
wow swype PLEASE
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>>323180 Waiting patiently for anime.
>check the schedule someone enailed me just in case >lol i actually work tomorrow aaaaaaAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
I'm working tomorrow too.
>>323182 can you wait patiently for me Lyft says it will be around Tuesday night make it there
>>323185 I wasnt supposed to be but the schedule they printed me is off by a day
that I*
I have to work tomorrow as well. And then have night class in the evening. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/30 (月) 04:05 No. 323191
man the switch is a nice piece of hardware
I know eh. It's great that the games are pouring in now, but it was a solid console too.
so are you
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/30 (月) 04:06 No. 323194
feels good to hold in your hand it slides right into place verdict 10/10 would bang again
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/30 (月) 04:11 No. 323197
whoa kuuuuuun
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
Yeah, the switch is pretty nice.
>>323198 → >>323198 → >>323198 → new