noice I pushed a car out of soot and wet snow and then got a free beer from a fellow guy pushing out and we had a shared moment of laughing at immigrants who can't into winter
Oh and the idiot drove down a hill, where he most likely then got stuck but at tht point it wasn't our problem anymore. seriously, switch to winter tears in time
Basically you have normal snow then you have slightly wet snow, you can mold into balls easily and snowmans andwhatnot that is usualyl what first snow comes out as - nuoska then you have snow that is about 50% water and 50% solid still and that is sohjo and then it becomes loska when it is just slush like a smoothie ro something still sitcks to a solid form, but in all forms it is practically just water with ice crystals in it >>319221 yeah and the guy didn't have any kind of winter tires so 100% stuck without people pushing happens all the time, and sometimes even with winter tires.
But you see the thing is, most people either can't bother to change the tires themselves, it does take an hour or two and to fit that into busy workschedule can be hard and doing it then on a weekend, welp... and then you have people who lack the equipment to do it, not a wise choise, so they have to use mechanics to do it for them which means booking a time for you and man are they busy changing tires at this time and then there are people who have their winter tires stored in a "hotel" for tires, which makes it even more difficult to change them, as you need to fetcht hemf rom there and book a time to do it and most likely time for them to change them for you so while some just lack the smarts or foresight to do it, other simpyl can't do it in time first snow can afterall come aptrubtly just lask week we went from 5-10 to 0 to -5 in one night
My presentation was on gender roles in Judaism and whenever I asked for participation, I'd throw a piece of gelt at the person that answered the question. It was really fun. Someone told me that giving them a shekel was the highlight of their semester. That's kind of sad but I guess it's good for me.
Class starts on the 27th oh, not tomorrow, next month >PAID. TRAINING. the monday right after thanksgiving >>319243 I don't remember the training pay, I think it's less than the normal pay. Normal pay is 22.60
I used to get 2x pay for working holidays at the NSPL I'm not sure if the law is 1.5x or 2x
here there is basic law that demands something, but every field practically has its own unionised standards so...
Guess not Well every one else should appreciate it >>319268 That requires way too much effort on my part
is hard to say without being privy to the information
SK is on twitter at least
man the 1-2dl of wine I used in cooking was bit too much but man is this good soup
>>319265 yeah, it's probably more complicated. According to NYC Labor dept, there's just the 1.5x after 40 hours in a week (44 hours if you're a residential employee)
It looks quite tempting I ate a halloween donut it had melted liquorice as covering and what I presume was pumpkin jam inside it was really delish though I still like the basic berliner more
>this food is taking too long >maybe if we worship the buzzer >not working >build it an altar >still not working >make it grander >sacrifice stuff to it >worship more >starts buzzing
I wonder what went through the staff's heads at the moment...
WEll yeah slenderman was already inspired by 70s and 80s movies and stuff a lot and the show takes 70s and 80s stuff a lot into it so you have a modern monster that is those decades condensed into a single being so why not use it as inspiration or outright use it?
the moment the altar was complete and we ebgun our rites of worship the buzzer started beeping or the staff just went "uhh these guys went insane, better give them food quick or"
well, all of that was dreams anyway Because it's all still in the fridge I gotta put it together. So I'll just post this in a spoiler and let Kannagi think things >>319364 They're pretty cheap
/moe/ my dearest mother is making a horrible fucking decision with $100,000 she's about to buy a very shitty house, and i know its simply because the seller is a nice vietnamese man and she wants me to live with her and help her pay the mortgage, despite the fact that she made this decision entirely without any input from me actually scratch that, she has gotten input from me, and she knows damn well how i feel
what makes matters worse is that we were literally on the verge of buying a much better house, when suddenly she found this one and changed her mind
the other house was literally valued by the insurance company to be about $35,000 more than we were gonna steal it for - if you need an objective example of why it was such a greater deal
>>319415 "that is racist" how do you exactly know it is bad, if you have not seen it or have you seen it?
>>319427 cause people order food and don't eat it? I think that isnät the fault of the service provider but of the customers or the culture all around it
>>319432 that piost has nothing to do with the drink size just now, bnut just general statistics of "food produced and not imported/food consumed by nation" *food produced and not imported + food exported/food consumed"
>>319433 Well part of the food produced and not used comes from fucked up stuff where farmers get paid to let certain crops rot in their fields
>>319434 and good amount of that food gets thrown away at the port that it is loaded unto the ships and then on the ports it is unloaded off the ships and then again on the stores tht sell them and then by the people who buy them
>>319432 >Which is part of why so many Americans are fat >Because oversized portions this is more of an issue about food culture than consumption if people simply do their own meals, they eat a lot healthier by average the fact that you can buy a premade meal or a fast food meal for the same price or similiar price, but saved time makes it even
is the main fault
most americans are taught that they have to eat all the food on their plate when they're growing up or at least they used to be, i guess american culture is like an elephant shitting into an industrial fan
But still nothing explains the low prices of fast food in USA I mean your proper restaurant prices are at about same level as the rest of the world or so I think but your fast food prices are at about developing or third world countries
>>319447 It's literally to encourage people to buy it
>>319448 Even at the level of the market it should barely even out so either the fast food companies barely pay taxes or shit or there is soemthing else amock
It's also why poor people are disproportionately obese conpared to people of higher income levels >>319449 They pay their workers terribly and cut corners everywhere
>>319450 The poor people would also eat a lot better if they fucking made their own meals than eat the shit preproduced by fast food industry or prepackaged meal industry
>>319454 Once again why every person this side of the puddle has a love hate relationship with EU that fucking sitpiece organisation is partially responsible WHY we have so good standards of life
>>319455 Not just that, in a lot of areas there aren't even places to buy fresh produce So not only does it take moee time to maje your own healthier food, it takes more time to go buy healthy ingredients Which many people just don't have the time for
>>319457 I just don't have anything to say to this you say tyou ahve more fast food joints than grocery stores or you think only fresh from farm products are healthy or people do thnk so
>>319459 You're putting words in my mouth, but yes there are absolutely more fast food places than grocery stores in many places And
that is why I said "or people do think so" about the latter
If you want a bad side of imperialism you have all of African and Middle-eastern conflicts there they are indirect result of the artifial nations created by the "release shit from our imperial thumbs" now had they been kept under imperial rule they would have been more secure sure it would have ALSO resulted in many deaths due to taking down revolters etc but Overall death count would have been less and the region would be more developed
yeah but i want everything to be balkanized
>>319468 well start wtih USA it is already quite close
Balkanization is actually HAHAHAH result of removing imperialism should have just kept them under a solid and secure power that can keep the order instead of granting them independence
One day I will find out everyone who worked ont he code of windows 10 concerning not-windows released controllers and their compability with the system
I will gather them all I will ressurect them from the dead if I need to I will gather their descendants and from the youngest person present I will slowly start to kill them all with botflies
>>319487 Lyn and Lucina are special though since they're ultra-popular. Corrin isn't on the same tier of popularity as they are, and she gets a lot of hate from the anti-fates nostalgiafags.
That witch corrin is ultra cute though. I would love to see that be a unit.
>>319490 I don't really have one. When someone says "band from NY", I can only think of that jewish girl rock band >>319491 I suppose but its still possible anyway I got a race to win.
>>319500 I'm not sure and nobody could tell me. Apparently it's just my demeanor and how I don't try to be funny. I was giving a presentation on gender roles in Judaism so I was just giving the presentation and having fun, and everyone seemed to have fun, too.
>>319501 The Ramones have a street named after them in Forest Hills now. And the Joey Ramone Place street sign in Manhattan is the most stolen street sign in NYC. >>319504 It's where they grew up.
>>319502 s it a good thing when people laugh at you and won't tell you why?
>>319504 Also there's the low hanging fruit of Run DMC who are from Hollis And mention it quite a bit Plus The Beastie Boys had an album called "To the Five Boroughs"
>>319505 They were just enjoying themselves a lot. I'm incredibly charming and good looking, so it's no wonder that the ladies get so engaged and have so much fun when I do!
wait that f corrin has a staff what if she's a healer
>>319510 Well, yeah. People enjoying themselves is one of the easiest things to see in people's faces. If you're worried they were laughing at me for some reason, I'd be willing to bet my life that they weren't and that they were legitimately enjoying themselves.
>>319513 Well, no need to have any concern. These people have basically been enraptured by my charm somehow. I don't really understand it either, but they all love me. I don't think I'm even remotely as likable as they think I am.
Yeah! I was first author on a symposium and first author on a poster and second author on another poster before, so I've got that under my belt, but second author on a real paper is a lot more prestigious. And this is fairly good groundbreaking research, too.
>>319528 The deadline is tomorrow. It's not hard work, but it's all very time consuming. I'm almost done with my work on it today, and then tomorrow, I'll be working on it from like 11:30-5:00, since 5:00 is the deadline. We've had to put everything together in like a week, though, haha. I've been putting in a lot of hours.
>>319533 Not quite. I have to write up another paragraph tonight, and then tomorrow, we have to do all the references, fix the formatting, and proof it. We'll probably go through like 20 revisions tomorrow. It'll be really time consuming. We're in the home stretch, though! Then, if we get accepted, we'll have to make more revisions and provide a second draft, although that'll be much less rushed than this.
Blue What's your favorite non vidya non Japan related band?
>>319536 Yee I did like 70% of a journal article once It was going to go into a biology or organic chemistry journal Shit's time consuming But reading other articles during your research can be fun
My alarm clock has this wonderful feature where it lights up with a yellow light like a few minutes before the alarm goes off. So that usually wakes me up and I don't have to hear the horrible alarm clock noise.
>>319586 I think it's a fair statement that men don't have nearly as much variety as women do.
>>319587 They definitely don't have as much variety available. But there is still an incredibly wide variety to choose from. The variety to choose from is larger than the variety you would find in the average woman's shoe collection so its not quite unfair. You just have to look harder.
what more variety would you want
>>319589 idk im not a fashion designer but women have a larger variety and get to use all kinds of colors and stuff it's really not fair
>>319588 The conversation was about the fact that women have a lot more to choose from though.
>>319591 Women have more to choose from than they will ever see in their lifetime unless they work in the fashion industry or a shoe store. Which means that it doesn't really matter how many there are once its beyond a certain point.
>>319600 >Next Disgaea will probably be on the Switch [Insert JoJo's YES! YES! YES! image here]
>>319607 You'll be arrested if you show up to the pool wearing nothing
Five hours of work in the morning and three hours of class in the evening. It makes my day feel reaaaaally long. At least there's enough of a window between the two that I can nap in.
i only kinda want a switch right now theres stuff id like on it but im content for now
And that's fine. It's not like the system is underperforming in terms of sales so you won't be helping it stay afloat. If you're not feeling the console yet then you shouldn't jump in.
Hopefully Nintendo of America is still being sensible about stocking for their games for tomorrow's Mario release. They did a good job with Zelda on the Switch. So well there was an 100+% attach rate for people buying BotW for the Switch. I'll be downtown near a bunch of game shops tomorrow afternoon so I'm crossing my fingers that someone will have the game in stock.
One of the newer guys that work at my job is a bit of a character. He's one of those guys that earnestly believes he's some kind of apex human bean because he smokes weed and does psychedelic recreational drugs. It's not like he's a proper asshole about it but he's REALLY behind the beneficial aspects of doing those things. Other than that he's a social, friendly guy and I don't really think overall poorly of him. But to hear him talk about drugs is a little exhausting. He tried to sell me on the Stoned Ape theory on the first day he was working and it was a little tough to weave my way around being polite but not inclined to believe that.
He leans really, really close to being one of those weednation kind of guys who are pretty much only really defined by their use of marijuana but he can hold a conversation without drifting into the subject. But the majority of things he talks about are still pretty easy to connect back to pot.
>>319681 I almost thought there was an EO mobile game
>>319692 The sandbox-y nature of BotW really goes above and beyond. There's some crazy stuff that you can once you figure out the means of doing it. I saw a clip of someone that threw a boomerang-type weapon, grabbed it with magnetism, and started swinging around a aerial sawblade at enemies. You see this stuff and all you can think is "wait, you can DO that?"
>>319694 It's a fun game. The world is much larger than I expected. I find myself getting sidetracked all the time.
Yeah, it's really expansive. In some parts it can some time err very close to the "big but empty" side of the large game world designing, but I feel they've done enough to avoid most people feeling there's not enough. Plus there's some parts of the world where there's a lot of action and they're common enough to keep you moving from place to place. i think I've used the fast-travel once, when I was stuck in a particularly obtuse place to backtrack out of, and haven't found myself bored with the travelling yet.
A lot of things on my attention radar are coming out this Friday, or at least around it. Stranger Things 2, Odyssey, new Assassin's Creed, Thor Ragnarok, probably a couple other things I can't remember because there's a lot already.
Well I don't pirate them. And I play online -on PC so digital is my only real option. I didn't play the France one because it was a slovenly piece of shit, but I've been -but I've at least tried playing all the other ones so far. The Assassin's Creed games have always been a personal pleasure of mine. I like the historical reconstructions and climbing shit and being assassin-y is fun for me. The collectathon nature of a lot of the side content is fine by me too since I enjoy autistically being thorough with finding all that shit. As well, the most recent one, Syndicate, was a very well-made game in my opinion and helps improve my opinion of the developers who work on the franchise. I'm not going to buy it day-one and I don't fall for the pre-ordering, but I'll keep a close eye on the conversation about the game and probably buy it within a week or two of release.
>>319700 woah nelly that's a lewd picture I have that one too but you're a braver man than I
>>319702 Thank you for such an honest and thought out answer
Honesty is my best policy. It also happens to about be the only one I've got.
My little brother buys the new NBA 2K game every single year It's like 90 dollars though and they don't change that much
>>319706 Huh Do you guys even get NBA games on tv there?
>>319707 Yeah we get ESPN and all that I'm pretty sure we get street fighter on tv actually Because I keep seeing adverts for it while my dad's watching NBA It's actually harder to find AFL games live than it is to find American sports live here.
>>319709 Yeah. E-sports I dunno if it's SFV or USFIV
>>319724 I haven't found a lot of snow. Last time I was in a snowy area I didn't know how to shield surf yet.
>>319726 Nope. I just finished in the research lab. And finished surfing down the hill and having my shield break and flying down and slamming into a house at the base of the hill.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>319730 i like me but it's not like I play all that often 'em*
On e of my favourite "coded in to be stupid" things is when you ZA WARUDO an enemy about to throw something. If you freeze the object, the enemy still goes through with the motions to throw it, but just throws air. If you freeze the enemy, the object will fall away, but once they come out of the timestop the enemy still throws air before "realizing" there's nothing there anymore. It's a refreshing change from "enemy instantly altering their plan of action because AI can react with lightning speed".
Playing another game immediately after playing BotW feels really weird BotW has so much interactivity In most games you can't go around chopping up random trees for example
Speaking of interactivity Any of you nerds (aside from Rika) like Dorf Fort?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
yeah I've played 🤓 we briefly had a /moe/ chained fort
I put many long hours into that game years back. I sort of tuned out because I was able ot play games that could -that actually had decent graphics. And because you get really burned out on a game when you plug in countless hours of work.
>>319752 >>319753 Nice I've never been able to stay focused on it long enough to really do anything in that game I do own the O'Reilly book on it though
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
a bloodline fort maybe we should revive that xmas bloodline fort
Speaking of "graphics" Dorf Fort coukd probably be sped up by a factor of 10 if Toady just parallelized his code and had it run on a gpu
I used my electric blanket for the firs t time this season last night. I sleep so well with it on. I fell asleep instantly and woke up in the same position.
>>319757 He could also optimize considerable parts of the game process by taking advantage of multithreading in modern CPUs. There's a lot of stuff that could be done to improve the performance and runtime but I think he's not really interested in adapting fifteen years of code into a new era.
>>319764 Yee Although if he gets a MacArthur fellowship he could afford to pay other people to do it Not that I think its likely
Well, I guess snow is pretty the first day it falls, before people drive and leave tire tracks all over it and the animals poop and pee all over it. It's nice that first day.
>>319787 Eternal Sunshine is supposed to be really good, i haven't seen it yet but its by one of my favorite screenwriters.
Anyways Fistful of Dollars is actually a remake of the film Yojimbo by Akira Kurosawa. If you're into samurai stuff at all I'd recommend it. Kurosawa was a really good director.
Well really I'd recommend it whether or not you are particularly into samurai stuff or not. I also recommend Seven Samurai, Ran and Rashomon. Although that last one is a bit heavy.
i mean if i ever get the time yeah i've had John Wick downloaded for like two months now
>>319803 Apparently John Wick is in continuity with the Payday games.
>>319836 It's about a guy from the coca cola company headquarters who gets sent to Australia because there's a region in which they have no sales So they send him to figure out why and then increase sales
Oh wait I think I've read about this guy somewhere before
I was actually in the middle of listening to an album with Henry Rollins on it before I started posting youtube links and watching stuff other people posted. I'll finish watching that interview some other time.
they're kind of neat okay to watch when your bored
I don't know if you kknow much about Rollins But back in the eighties he'd beat the shit out of people at concerts for messing with him People would throw stuff at him or try to grab him while he was performing. So he got jacked and then started to beat them up There's probably more of a story but I never read Get in the Van.
yeah you do your thing haha >>319907 they seem good
I'm gonna check how far into it i am first though
Okay just a bit less than halfway through I've been listening to this playlist for like 10 hours
It's for the most part alphabetical I'm at M for Minor Threat
Although it's not really all punk just mostly punk Also I love how I can scroll through a list of hundreds of songs in thirty seconds and each time I see a song name I remember the song But it would take me a few hours to actually lusten to them all
Not a punk song by the way It's a sort of psychedelic thing but not really easily classifiable
The lyrics also tell an interesting story.
The main guy ftom that band is named Robyn Hitchcock and he had a pretty decent solo career post Soft Boys. I've seen him in concert three times. But every time its been an acoustic set which bothers me a bit.
gives me prog vibes for some reason
Also his stuff is really weird Lyrically
Oh I think he's on tour in Australia right now
>>>/watch?v=R1z4IJc9fNk This version is good because of the weird intro monologue thing He just says really weird stuff sometimes
do you want to see a shitpost
well too bad
Robyn Hitchcock's current backing band is pretty impressive he's got Peter Buck from R.E.M., King Crimson's current drummer and then another guy who was in R.E.M. but not really that important cause he joined in like 94
Well also the drummer was in r.e.m. he replaced the original drummer in the late 90's cause that guy had a stroke or something He was in a bunch of other bands too, Ministry and I think KMFDM but not 100% sure
I've been meaning to listen to them orange crush and what not are good
>>319929 Duuuude They're so good I highly rremember them Especially their stuff from when they were on I.R.S. records. Murmur, Reckoning, Fables of the Reconstruction, Life's Rich Pageant and Document Although really Murmur, Reckoning and Document are probably my favorite three albums by them.
*highly recommend them
Oh wow I've grown a beard I don't think ive gone this long without shaving in a very long time.
I can't stand going without a shave
actually I can it just gets irrating and I don't like beards all that much
It really irritates me but my schedule has been so wacky for the past six days or so that after every shower ive been too tired to shave *sleep schedule
>>319952 No I'm shit at math Which I should have considered before doing an econ majour >oh it's what I was good at in HS, I might as well do it in uni too
my favorite part of MMOs is wearing silly outfits or dressing up all fancy >>319979 players have been organizing that kind of thing for a long time in mmos. I know at least recently, WoW had a minigame that involved creating an outfit and voting on the one that matched the theme the most, too.
Do MMOs have beauty pagents where players vote on which character looks the best?
I'm the kind of MMO player who doesn't want to wear the best shit if it looks dumb I will, but begrudgingly
Well that's kind of why so many MMOs nowadays have cosmetic slots or some similar mechanic, isn't it. You're actively discouraging players by not letting them dress up however the fuck they want.
i wrote an ethereum smart contract today woo it works all it does is store money and flush it out to a hardcoded address on demand but yey
So something that could be used to set up automated payments?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>319986 conceivably it can't trigger it self or anything though it sits there passively until someone pokes it (by spending a tiny amount of ETH on it) and then it burps out all its cash
>>319987 OH SO LIKE caps oh so like maybe something tips or donates to a streamer or maybe hmmmm
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
yeah more complex contracts are possible i just wrote like the simplest thing just to see if it works
it's time to launch moecoin
i would invest in moecoin
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
how many moecoins should come into existence?
probably only a few hundred thousand
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
maybe just 1000 super rare
Drive that imaginary speculation value up into the stratosphere by making them super limited edition.
1 moecoin
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
zero moecoins to start one issued every new year
ow profitable is mining at this point has bitcoin raised enough value that it's actually cost effective to mine anymore
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>319998 mining is super competitive there's no way to get any coin through mining alone anymore unless someone were to nuke several datacenters in china
but i think you can join a GPU mining pool and earn some tiny fraction of a cent
>>319996 He who owns the whole moecoin Controls the world
No, it's not a copout stance, it's actually very 'direct'. The rest of the statement said that we support Spain doing whatever they plan to do to maintain Catalonia as a part of their nation.
That's the plan It's a wild ride sober, so this should be hella fun I got dutchfriend with me, though he'll be sober
I dunno if he's watched it before or not, actually
I wonder how pan felt since he barely drank anything while i got destroyed i feel like staying sober while people around you dont would be kind of eg eh
>Houseki no Kuni art hitting global rank 1 on pixiv I feel happy knowing that this show is turning out nice. This manga took me for a trip that day. I should catch up on it.
Not enjoying Redline is not enjoying anything. It's funny how they go out of their way to thwart an entire militant regime just to race on their planet against their laws.
Like how deep are the pockets of that racing federation
>>320131 Yo I'm jelly Unless you mean some ACM other than The Association for Computing Machinery. In which case >>320133 Yeah I'm jelly That's not even your field wtf?
that's the one i mean
Okay so now with this you may actually have an Erdos number. Good luck figuring it out though.
More importantly, did you lick your switch cartridge yet?
>>320134 I think there might be services that look that up for you
>>320136 The ones that actually work and don't cost money are just for mathematicians. I looked into it the other day.
>>320138 Well, there are probably services that will do it for money. I can't remember the one I found though. I think it was microsoft scholar or something. Which does many things, one of those things is checking you erdos number if you input the query correctly.
I almost just want to sleep until Pop Team Epic starts airing.
>>320140 why would you watch that? watamote was bad enough
>>320184 I spent 5 hours formatting that paper and finally got it submitted around 5:00. The formatting was so ridiculous that I reached my cognitive load like three hours into it.
>>320199 Oh, Jakob was armored too? Well that is a good units. unit I think Sakura will suffer from the same problem as all new dagger users, shitty ATK.
I really hate power creep conceptually I dont mean it necessarily about this update in particular even But just fucking balance your game its not impossible
Sakura may have the low atk problem so she may be one to feed to others. Nowi is the one I'm most interested in, I think. After her, Henry.
>>320203 They might not have used bows but there were definitely ranged weapons that they could use. Javelin for lancers. Hand Axe as well. As far as creep goes, more armored units are good. I wish they gave one of them Goad though.
>>320221 I guess I just don't remember that. In fact, his first impression was so bad, that I probably threw him away immediately and never even used him.
I made him into a dark knight that was unstoppable