Thread #319742
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anime should we drop ousama game? its kinda bad
altair uq holder evil or live inuyashiki just because
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>>319746 Yeah, I'm find with dropping that. I don't expect it to ever be good.
Yeah I don't care for it.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Two Car - 02 [7(…).jpg )
okay so uq holder evil or live inuyashiki just because sound good?
Sure. Evil or Live is another one of those series I have zero expectations of quality but I'll go along with it as long as you all do.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
I don't even remember what evil or live is about okay UQ holder okay lets start
The hammer's just stuck in his skull there.
I'm a little disorientated. Didn't the previous episode end with them getting dropped into the monster pit? It feels like we've just jumped forward a bit.
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This guy thinks feet are really important.
He's Sugoi's kindred spirit I guess.
The thing he does with wiggling his toes like they're fingers is pretty unnerving for me. I dpm I find stuff like that a bit too unnatural.
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Oh, looks like he's a furry.
Weird dolls things in hoodies.
This kid's so dead.
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Vampires and werewolves never get along well.
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okay evil or live okay lets start
Okey dokes.
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Oh, this is the one where his girlfriend turned out to be a bitch.
Wow he -OW OKAY- He didn't even try to catch the rock or take it in a part of his body that's y'know, not his face.
What's with these really choppy panning shots. This show was a bit QUALITY to begin with but that's really off-putting.
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These guys are playing the long game on bullying.
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These guys are pretty ineffective bullies.
All these kids are pretty horrible human beings.
She really wants that phone huh.
He's so repulsive she can't touch him without feeling like she needs to vomit.
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These people take using the internet too much really seriously.
Oh Chinese ED. I guess this is a Chinese cartoon.
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Yeah, I can believe that. Inuyashiki. okay lets start
i like uniyashiki
Oh he just ran. How disappointing.
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He got scared and left quickly.
that was underwhelming
The fact that he can heal serious wounds is a good addition to how much of an asshole he is.
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Oh he's becoming Superman now.
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It seems like old me can get away with anything.
>>319838 I'd be pretty worried if I were you, if that's what old you looks like.
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oh, that's an unfortunate typo quit reading things so closely.
I know but it was funny. Thank you for it.
No one seems particularly hung up on some old man -some SHIRTLESS old man showing up out of nowhere and just marching into the burning house.
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This guy is like the anti-edge. This series is like the ultimate edgy guy vs the least edgy guy ever.
I guess it's a good showcase of how giving someone an invincible body and incredible power can go to both incredible extremes. Though I feel they play up Psychopath-kun to the point where the message gets muddied a bit by his constant violence.
Oh here we go again.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
UFO pilots are really irresponsible.
Though despite how cowardly this other kid has been so far, you gotta hand it to him to being able to say no to the cra- OH FUCKING COME ON. Okay good.
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I had a feeling this is where he'd realize he could do that.
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This old man is such a good guy. I'd watch a series just about him being a good guy. It would probably be better than this.
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okay just because okay lets start
Well if you just run from a dog like that of course it's going to chase you.
Hah hah hah. What was with that dog's expression.
This has a bit of a tangled mess of character interests. Sasuga high school.
I like Photography-chan.
That cat has an EVIL look to it.
That guy looks how I kind of feel most days.
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
photo girl is the strongest
She's pretty powerful.
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This guy looks like Persona 5-kun.
I think he's a bit different but I get what you're saying.
Oh he finally got it out.
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Confession episode.
Aaaand RIP in peaces. Haruto has no luck.
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Rejection episode.
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 438x620, ぐりふぉん - ニャル子模写にゃw.jpg )
that's a good show though thanks for anime!
Yeah it's nice. I like it a fair bit. Thanks.