Thread #311336
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here is the new thread
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good timing
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I always have good timing.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 23:09 No. 311341
2017/10/18 (水) 23:10 No. 311342
for more lame tn play
That is a great OP picture Kirara
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>>311343 wow! thank you!
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So how are we all doing today?
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Fine, how are you?
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I'm okay. Tomorrow is a busy day, so I'm trying to take it easy until then.
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Tomorrow is an easy day for me.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 23:24 No. 311349
Kannagi, what'd you think of that band?
>>311341 owned
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 23:25 No. 311351
Going out for Japanese in a little bit.
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Oh they added some depressed PTSD lines for Shigure. Looks like the 70 year anniversary of Leyte Gulf is coming up.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 23:27 No. 311353
>>311352 Nice
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I just cured the possession of the Lich King by singing a ke$ha song
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 23:29 No. 311355
In other news my sister is loaning me her dslr indefinitely. She should be shipping it soon. So I too can go take a bajillion photos and post a few good ones on /moe) */moe/
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>>311354 what
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>>311356 In ToN's game. The Lich King got possessed and he's one of my fans, so I cured his possession with the power of song. I sang Tik Tok by Ke$ha and cured him.
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Oh, I see. His game sounds wild, as usual.
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Yeah. It's a wild ride.
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The ending of my game is going to be pretty wild. I hope you're all ready for the final battle!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 23:33 No. 311361
>>311360 I sure am
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 23:38 No. 311362
Any of you like the band M83?
/moe/ im so lost these past couple weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions and im gonna lose my shit if things end on such a flat fucking note like this
2017/10/18 (水) 23:42 No. 311364
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>>311363 so what kind of a note do you want them to end on?
>>311363 please provide context of current situations
>>311364 i dont want them to end mate>>311365 i dont want to because even though this is an anonymous imageboard, i feel like id be breaking a bond of trust and privacy with someone by discussing things out on /moe/
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i recruited a subcontractor today to help me handle some overflow work they've been doing transcription for 25 years the work i got back so awful i had to redo all of it and still pay them and it was like so slow fuck
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>>311366 that's super respectable and a good way to be
>>311366 i know it's rough i agree with >>311368
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>>311369 It's certainly not very interesting for me.
>>311367 that sucks
>>311371 you can go die
damn rika getting told
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>>311373 That's a really harsh reaction, don't you think?>>311374 That's a really harsh reaction, don't you think?
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>>311375 Hmm, I dunno. It's kind of fucked up to be getting joy out of the suffering of someone else or looking for an amusing situation in someone's pain. Not everyone can find the humor in how terrible shit is going for them like I can!
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>>311372 it's not a huge setback or anything it's more just a wtf feeling i don't feel slighted, just confused
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You are too good at your job moon! Although 25 years is pretty long time to be doing transcription work.
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this job is a fuckin joke and artificial stress that keeps me from feeling the ambition i'd have to do real work in the world i dunno it's like i can just do this instead and be stressed enough that i don't have to feel the overwhelming sense of responsibility to ever try doing my best
>>311375 >>311376 I'm usually pretty good at dealing with personal hardship with humor, and taking jokes at my expense it just so happens that this one time, its on a subject that i take more seriously than anything else in the world
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>>311376 It's not like I told him to tell me!
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>>311381 Well, it's certainly not the response I'd give you, but I understand why he'd make that reply.
jan is about to kill a bunch of deer by poisoning them with bone hurting juice
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>>311380 That's no reason for me to die!
its not, but I'm sure you can find some other reason to go die anyways
>What does the deer say? >My bones hurt. ton can't do anything right
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>>311387 That is pretty apt response!
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>>311389 But that's not the right answer!
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>>311386 wow normie why are you bullying me!
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There are some cute fire emblem keychains on amiami but all the good ones are sold out.
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Are you gonna get some anime keychains?
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The fire emblem keychains are pretty cute. I wouldn't put it on my actual keychain though.
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I have two idol keychains
>>311392 bullying is the only way i can vent, besides liking hundreds of depressing memes on instagram which are suddenly filling up my feed as instagram slowly realizes what i need to see right now
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 00:04 No. 311398
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nio is cute and she's my wife
2017/10/19 (木) 00:05 No. 311399
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poor ton missed all that fun
2017/10/19 (木) 00:06 No. 311401
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that was fun why have I not been ever invited to these things
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>>311396 On your keychain?>>311397 Maybe you need some other ways to work out stress!
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>>311402 Yeah.
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I have pinched keychains for Ranko and Maekawa Miku.
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Oh, I would just hang mine on my desk. I don't keep a very bulky keychain.
2017/10/19 (木) 00:11 No. 311407
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>>311405 Curiously what do you have on your keychain?
2017/10/19 (木) 00:11 No. 311408
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I have my door, my backlock door lock my cellar lock key my cellar storage room key my bike lock key my other bike lock key my mother's place key my father's palce key my brother's place key a secure locker in my place key
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>>311405 They're very small and lightweight.
my biggest fear is locking all of my stuff in a gym locker with my own personal padlock and forgetting the combination I'll have no choice but to show up at my old highschool and beat the shit out of any teacher that ever disrespected me
>>311406 I hate this I can't live with the door open People need to remember to close the door
2017/10/19 (木) 00:13 No. 311412
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>>311411 >>311406 I need my key to open my door from the inside care to trade?
>>311408 damn man if someone were to steal your keychain they would own your life you might as well keep your social security number on that shit
2017/10/19 (木) 00:14 No. 311414
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>>311412 Why ///// Yeah, I wouldn't mind trading actually
2017/10/19 (木) 00:15 No. 311416
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>>311413 Yes an instant 500-1000 loss on all parties divided from just redoing the locks and keys a motivation to never lose my keys
F U C K my throat is sore just from reading that
2017/10/19 (木) 00:15 No. 311418
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If a person can pickpoket my keys I will first congratulate them and then kill them or near kill them
anybody with skills good enough to pull your 30 kilogram keychain out of your pocket without you noticing, is too powerful for us to keep alive
2017/10/19 (木) 00:16 No. 311420
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If someone threatens to take my keys I will say "shoot me I am only a man, and before you can kill me, I have killed you with my hands">>311419 good lack undoing the chain
so they're all like "oh just show up at the latin dance class and social get together alone, you can just find a partner there" what kind of social extrovert god do you think i am, cunt
2017/10/19 (木) 00:21 No. 311422
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 590x1000, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).png )
NOW listen to blind guardian's Beyond the Red mIrror album
every combination of words seems so poetic to me right now
>>311423 "dickbutt"
2017/10/19 (木) 00:22 No. 311425
>>311423 asswhore
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>>311424 >>311425 yes
>>311427 i like this thank you
>>311429 i also like it youre welcome
>>311423 aware na yatsu
2017/10/19 (木) 00:24 No. 311432
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weekend when
not gonna lie, asswhore could actually be pretty meaningful depending on how you look at it
>>311433 friday
>>311433 pls
2017/10/19 (木) 00:25 No. 311437
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>>311434 fuck you asswhore
>>311432 P U T T H A T C O O K I E D O W N
2017/10/19 (木) 00:26 No. 311439
Search [iqdb] (525 KB, 647x1036, --hinanawi-tenshi-touhou-drawn(…).jpg )
>>311438 MAC You lied to me you son of a bitch!
>>311428 cocktangle
2017/10/19 (木) 00:28 No. 311441
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>>311440 all a man could ask for and more
2017/10/19 (木) 00:29 No. 311444
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Nyashin should I watch rest of kemon ofriends or do somethinf different?
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>>311434 the cold winds blows in the rain pelting the green shade Behold asswhore
>>311443 horse herpes
>>311446 horse herpes is less of an std transmitted among horses and more of a state of mind
>>311447 so true
for example, me right now if you were to ask me how i was feeling>horse herpes
>>311449 how are you feeling
very, very asswhore
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Have you ever noticed that fire doesn't look real?
>>311453 Everything doesn't look real.
>>311454 you look real
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 00:44 No. 311456
Have you ever punched a fire
2017/10/19 (木) 00:44 No. 311457
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>>311456 yeah
2017/10/19 (木) 00:45 No. 311459
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ware ware wa
2017/10/19 (木) 00:46 No. 311461
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wa watashi no mono
fire is really just light energy anyways so it may as well be a 2d projection, like on our computer screens
2017/10/19 (木) 00:48 No. 311464
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>>311463 I love how someone made this befoe I even watched the eps
2017/10/19 (木) 00:48 No. 311465
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg )
But that is just my STAND at work
*shaking japanese onomatopoeias*
2017/10/19 (木) 00:49 No. 311467
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warewarewa was NORMAL LUCK for me and itwas damn bad for me back in the day but now it is welcome
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Ware ware wa
ware ware wario
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2017/10/19 (木) 00:50 No. 311471
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2017/10/19 (木) 00:51 No. 311472
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>>311453 Maybe it isn't.
>>311455 I'm a figment of your imagination! awoo
2017/10/19 (木) 00:51 No. 311475
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ton pronounces bahamut as baha-met
2017/10/19 (木) 00:52 No. 311477
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So on today's scale nagi I know tyou listened to my shitty stream mats you heard my golden voice how would you combine those and describe it to non listeners?
2017/10/19 (木) 00:52 No. 311478
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I dreamed all night last night. And I dreamed about tossing and turning in bed and not being able to sleep. The first part of the dream was a bet that was obviously not mine (and my otouto was running around the house and waking me up constantly) but the second half was a bed that was mine so I can't tell if I was asleep and dreaming of rolling around in bed, or being actually unable to sleep and rolling around in bed. I also looked at myself in a mirror in the dream. I heard that made dreams go weird but I looked pretty normal. My hair was back in a pony tail and it looked a bit more busy and anime than normal but that was it.
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I dreamed that I was at a party and someone was trying to give me alcohol and I gave in and had some.>>311477 hmmm Sort of like a very emotive disney villain
2017/10/19 (木) 00:54 No. 311481
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nagichan come uin gib us something
>>311479 those are pretty boring dreams
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>>311482 Yeah, nothing too exciting last night.
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i had a dream last night that all the different regions of my brain were acting independently and the individual neurons were like a democracy of people voting and that my consciousness was a congressional hearing consisting of the forces imposed through the various voting populaces
2017/10/19 (木) 00:57 No. 311485
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>>311483 I guess mine wasn't very exciting either.
2017/10/19 (木) 00:58 No. 311487
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>>311484 but how do the neuron voters brains work
2017/10/19 (木) 00:59 No. 311489
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>>311488 i think that explained it all
if we're talking dreams now all of my dreams recently haven involved fear, and running away/past sources of danger it's probably really indicative of how my life is going right now
2017/10/19 (木) 01:02 No. 311492
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2017/10/19 (木) 01:05 No. 311493
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2017/10/19 (木) 01:07 No. 311494
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etoo wht happens post owls
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
kemono friends seems really autistic.
You seem really autistic but I don't bring it up because it'd be rude
2017/10/19 (木) 01:12 No. 311497
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2017/10/19 (木) 01:13 No. 311498
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Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
>>311496 I'm not nearly as autistic as kemono friends seems.
2017/10/19 (木) 01:13 No. 311500
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311499 You are saying that Because I got here before you vice versa and you would be taunting me about being shit taste
2017/10/19 (木) 01:14 No. 311501
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In the end Just watch it
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Kemono Friends is really autistic.
I'm a friend with autism Sugoiiiiiiii ;DDDDDDD
2017/10/19 (木) 01:14 No. 311504
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311502 No arguing that they had to do TWO OWLS to do one OWL my autistic
2017/10/19 (木) 01:15 No. 311505
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ware ware
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>>311500 I would have watched it some time ago if I had any interest in it. I watched a couple of episodes when it was airing originally but didn't like it.
2017/10/19 (木) 01:16 No. 311507
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>>311506 wow
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Kemono Friends is dead anyway.
2017/10/19 (木) 01:17 No. 311509
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311508 I know it is dead but you are being lenient
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>>311508 Rest in peace Grape-kunm
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Grape-kun is dead and so is the franchise thanks to Kadokawa People are boycotting all the merch and stuff now so it's destined to die
2017/10/19 (木) 01:18 No. 311512
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311511 I'm still astounded by how badly Kadokawa fucked this up from a purely business perspective They could have made so much money What the fuck were they thinking >>311514 It's like if you invested in Zun, got a Touhou, and then fired Zun before you could even start milking it >>311515 Nichijou isn't the same thing though Kemonofriends was an investment of string and duct tape with a return rate of a bazillion% This is like if Nichijou cost 5 dollars to produce, made 5 million bucks in blu rays, and then they fired everyone at Kyoani
2017/10/19 (木) 01:19 No. 311514
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311513 I KNOW RIGHT
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>>311513 They do this sort of thing often. They killed Nichijou with bad decisions too.
2017/10/19 (木) 01:19 No. 311516
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311513 or got a metal song and made a deep lore about it but required 200 hours for someone to even crack about it
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>ToN's final boss is just Bahamut from GBF
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
>>311513 yeah, nichijou was good drops mic
2017/10/19 (木) 01:21 No. 311519
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 1280x720, 08 - PPP Live.mkv_snapshot_11.(…).jpg )
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Companies don't know how to make money, so it can't be helped.
If only japanese businessmen knew how to swallow their pride
2017/10/19 (木) 01:24 No. 311522
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Whisky birds
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/moe/ is pretty low energy tonight
2017/10/19 (木) 01:26 No. 311524
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2017/10/19 (木) 01:27 No. 311525
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high tension /moe/ goburin
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>ToN's final boss is pulled out of GBF >Even has charge diamonds
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-(…).jpg )
>>311523 How can I become high energy?
/moe/ memorizing shit and doing multiple choice tests so fucking easy but my english teacher is demanding that i put forth effort and better myself as a scholar what a fucking tool
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 800x800, DMQpz06VoAAZA4Q.jpg )
>>311528 I believe in you.
aueu jt euuueueueuu dont want to fall asleep too early in case i get a "you up?" text and miss out on ssomething important
Search [iqdb] (306 KB, 1024x736, suikadrinkgs.png )
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 01:34 No. 311534
>JAN and PAN's combination means it is physically impossible for the final boss to hit Cordell Holy fuck
2017/10/19 (木) 01:36 No. 311535
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
Ore wa japanishu goblin FUCKING 20 MULTIPLY
>>311534 >JANPAN
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
The truth is that I may seem low energy because I'm stressed about work tomorrow and came home with some homework too.
2017/10/19 (木) 01:38 No. 311538
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
you are out of moe now
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 01:39 No. 311539
>>311537 do your best.
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 820x820, 20170609012540.jpg )
>>311537 What a shame. I guess we'll all have to suffer, then!
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>>311540 Your suffering will end with the weekend, just like mine!
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>>311541 The weekend starts for me on Friday.
friday, i will not have class, and it will be the first fuckkng full day off ive had in a long time and im almost certain its gonna be shit
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 267x602, sonoko15.png )
>>311542 Yeah, mine starts friday afternoon.
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>>311544 I guess mine starts around noon on Thursday.
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wow, that's lucky!
>>311544 ganbarrou, we're nearly there>>311543 what a terrible waste
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>>311546 It's not luck. It's all skill.
>>311549 Night you squid
>>311549 naio
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>>311548 Wow, how'd you do that?
all i want right now is to be able to browse the internet without having my phone attatched to the wall via a charging cord is that too much to ask for
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>>311552 By hacking reality with my Stand.
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>>311554 Get me an early weekend then!
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>>311555 Hmm, I wonder if I should.
2017/10/19 (木) 01:51 No. 311557
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
BTW I named mystand finally TEARS BEFORE FEARS
2017/10/19 (木) 01:56 No. 311558
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But I doubt it will be a thrawn world
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>>311556 Yeah, and make tomorrow an easy day for me.
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>>311559 I think you're probably too far away for me to do anything precise with my Stand. I can't control it very well.
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Well, it is pretty normal around here.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:00 No. 311562
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>>311560 what do you want to get amplified?
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>>311561 Sucks to be you.>>311562 Rika wants me to warp reality for her.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:00 No. 311564
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>>311563 like what?
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Actually, something weird happened today. A guy claiming to be Jesus showed up. I had to leave the room because it was some pretty high level heresy.
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>>311564 She wants to have an easy work day tomorrow and an early weekend.>>311567 Yeah.>>311565 That's not that weird.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:01 No. 311567
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 640x480, [Yabai]_Third_Touhou_M-1_Grand(…).jpg )
>>311566 Precisely tomorrow?
>>311565 what if he really was Jesus
2017/10/19 (木) 02:01 No. 311569
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311566 I can do that weekend aside sicne that is just silly an sinful as christian tomorrow thursday shall be relatively easy as you Rika perceive it
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>>311566 It was pretty weird and awkward.>>311568 He didn't seem like he was.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:02 No. 311571
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So Poor unfortunate souls is the imbalance of that
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>>311570 I guess it's weird for someone that is used to normal stuff. That's super common, though. That's like the most common delusion there is when it comes to delusions of grandeur.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:03 No. 311573
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No one takes care of the imbalance it either blows up or boucnes back not my problem
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>>311572 Well, it was pretty strange for here.
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>>311574 I guess that's just how it is. Did you see Arvis in the GHB? He's got really good skills.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:10 No. 311576
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
nani sore
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 719x703, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
>>311575 I did, yes. I beat the lowest difficulty today. I worked some on lunatic, I think I'm close to beating it. Those reinforcement maps are tough. Once a few days have passed, or once stamina becomes a bit more precious due to more ongoing events, I'll probably watch some strategy videos and beat lunatic / try infernal. I don't have a good red mage yet, and he will fit the bill nicely.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:11 No. 311578
>>311577 YOU yes I see now I see your role
Search [iqdb] (469 KB, 1280x720, kurisusings1.png )
Ho I love your big brown eyes, and the way you shake your thighs Actin' like you're so damn cute, let a real nigga just knock them boots.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:12 No. 311580
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1280x720, [m.3.3.w] Kyou no Asuka Show 0(…).jpg )
HAHAHAHAH Will she like being female will she? will frollo befemale hahahahhaha
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>>311577 I'm offended. You're saying Sophia is no good.
Search [iqdb] (560 KB, 1280x720, kurisusings2.png )
I don't need no confrontation, all I want it an ejaculation. 'Cause I like them ghetto hoochies, ones who like to pop that coochie.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:12 No. 311583
jurdge claude rika longed to purge the world of vice and sin and she saw corruption everywhere exceprt within
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>311581 I'm about 20k feathers short of making her good. My Sophia is still level 24 and three star. But I guess that is true, my Sophia will be good once I finish.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x720, kurisusings3.png )
Miami style! Makin' niggas smile, bitch get wild! 'Cause freaky shit is what I like And I love to see two bitches, dykes.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:14 No. 311586
>>311584 hahah I can do myself frollo who is now rika I know a lot of people who can do it but little fo I know people who can do "she-frollo"
Search [iqdb] (799 KB, 1280x720, kurisusings4.png )
My favorite time is six ta' nine, bitch you know it's coochie time. Fuck what ya heard and save the drama, All I want is my hoochie mama!
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 364x384, DCib7KWVwAAp0w-.jpg )
>>311584 Wow, a crime.
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>>311588 I'm saving the feathers to make it happen! I'm at around 22k right now I think. I need 40.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:16 No. 311590
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>>311589 hmmmm
2017/10/19 (木) 02:19 No. 311592
Drivin me insane just feel the heat MADNESSc CREEPS IN AND TEAR IT DOWN THERE's NO END WHEEL OF TIME
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>>311591 hmmmm?
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 700x891, CbJbugQUcAQfVIS - テトペテソーン - バレ(…).jpg )
>>311593 Yeah. Hmmmmmm.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:19 No. 311595
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
>>311593 >>311594 etooo I did the whole "end of time wheel of time prophesy" shit just a year ago precise remember that?
2017/10/19 (木) 02:20 No. 311596
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You lot do a lot of fun thigns with no point and now Why not point out to a thing that happened
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I turned off adblock earlier to look at a wiki, and forgot to turn it back on. So a new mix loaded on youtube and it had like 12 commercial breaks. that's crazy!
2017/10/19 (木) 02:21 No. 311598
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1024x576, [FFF] Hoozuki no Reitetsu OAD (…).jpg )
>>311597 sou desu yo
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 338x360, sana2.gif )
You're trying to get me to remember something that happened a year ago? You must be more drunk than you seem.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:23 No. 311600
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Not really
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I don't remember either.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:25 No. 311602
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It doesn't really care about anuyhow at this pint TN who made the trap and plan is kinda dead and I already had my share of laugh
2017/10/19 (木) 02:26 No. 311603
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg )
So the young man he said he will never give up the inner war I can hold against it My mind My Min is in darkness The young says I will never give in The prophecies I conquer the flame I will leave I am crying I can not erase I am the dragon reborn and in madness I shall soon prevaaaaaaaaaail Twice I shall be marked in twiche I shall live The heron set my path and name me true Twice I shall be marked Twice I shall die My memories gone but wice I shall DIE WHEEL OF TIME SAVE MY SOUL BY THE WIND MAY IT BE AS THE PATH HAS CHOSEN THE WHEEL OF TIME TURN THE WHEEL OF TIME IT KEEPS ON SPINNING THER*S NO BEGINNING THERE IS NO END WHEEL OF TGIME
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 1000x1308, carrie2.jpg )
Oh Kirara, have you seen the stats for that new red sword girl? And the skills? She's really good. The new sword armor guy is really good too. I wonder how they are coming in.
>>311604 yeah one of them, the armored unit is GHB the other is tempest
I slept really deeply getting off of work today. Though I really fucking needed it. Man I hate physical labour.
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>>311605 They both seem like really great units.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:31 No. 311608
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [m.3.3.w] Kyou no Asuka Show 0(…).jpg )
>>311605 >>311606 >>311607 You continue to fail the work yet meett he task
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>>311607 Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting them.
2017/10/19 (木) 02:31 No. 311610
>>311608 >>311609 I met you before hand but it doesn't really matter now
2017/10/19 (木) 02:35 No. 311611
Mikä vittu oli se paska idea rikan unelmassa
2017/10/19 (木) 02:36 No. 311612
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okay I finished my homework. I have to do some stuff tomorrow I haven't done before. It's going to be a busy day.
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>>311614 Is your place messy?
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>>311616 Unfortunately. My lovely girlfriend doesn't like to clean unless I make her do it so I usually end up doing it all. I try to clean once a week but it doesn't always happen.
>>311617 wow I thought she seemed the clean type
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She used to be. Now that she spends all her time being a NEET, she's gotten lazy.
wow what happened to all the maid memes
Search [iqdb] (280 KB, 1320x2048, DJcdo8NUMAA09NW.jpg )
She doesn't do a lot of cleaning in meido mode. Her meido mode is basically Kawakami. She'll wash dishes or dust one room and be like, man, i am so tired She'll take good care of me if I'm sick, though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 02:57 No. 311622
>>311619 Nice
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1200x1728, 1440279623817.jpg )
>>311620 lazy maids are the best maids
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>>311623 That aside, I'd appreciate a less messy home! She'll just hang her clothes on stuff too Which isn't really a big deal but she'll hang a bra on the side of the bed but then put a different one on in the morning and leave the other one there so they build up and eventually we have bras hanging all around the room
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:00 No. 311625
>>311619 Also that happened to me when I became a NEET. It's possible it could be depression related. Cause my depression got a lot worse after I became a NEET.>>311624 Wow Just like my Chinese cartoons.
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>>311624 Throwing bras around is pretty normal behavior.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:01 No. 311627
>>311626 For you
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>>311626 She hangs them on everything. Throwing them around, like on the floor, is fine.
>>311624 iktf. I have shirts covering all my chairs
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>>311628 Well, you don't want to step on them. They're more fragile than that.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:02 No. 311631
I actually only hang my pants and shirt on chairs. Specifically the pants and shirt I plan on wearing the nnext day or whatever.
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>>311630 Sometimes they'll fall off the corner of the bed at night and land on me. It's a little annoying sometimes. I just want things to be a little neat.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:04 No. 311633
>>311632 Lol
>>311631 Yeah it's convenient It's just there andready to go
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:05 No. 311635
Also my dresser is mostly blocked by boxes right now so I put my clean (not nice clothes) clothes on top of boxes and on my broken book case.
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>>311632 Give her strict maid lessons.
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>>311636 Mou. You know I don't like to tell people what to do. I'm not strict enough to give maid lessons. You should teach her.
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>>311637 You'll end up with a lazy, entitled maid if you let me teach her.
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>>311638 I already have one. And I love her very much. But I would appreciate it if she didn't leave stuff so messy.
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>>311639 I think she'd be way worse if I trained her.
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>>311640 I guess it can't be helped.
Search [iqdb] (454 KB, 1000x1287, acaplA - メガネエリオ.jpg )
I can be the kind of person who just puts stuff wherever.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:13 No. 311643
Also these are fucking cool.
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 1200x3483, CuGdzpdVYAAhtH1.jpg )
>>311642 Fish just needs to be a little more clean around the house. She bought me a paper shredder and usually shreds stuff if I ask her to, though, so that's nice.
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 800x1199, Evers伊 - 藤和エリオ.jpg )
She's just low energy! I can relate.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 800x1131, C8Y_Fo_VoAEx2X4.jpg )
She has gotten lazy. I have to drag her out of the house sometimes.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:18 No. 311647
You should try to come up with ways to motivate her.
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I'm not going to use any behavioral techniques on her to get her to do what I want.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:19 No. 311649
>>311648 Fair point But I think that at the very least getting her to clean up after herself wouldn't be quite so bad. I guess I only suggested it cause its something that's helped me a lot recently.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:24 No. 311650
On an unrelated note what anime has she been watching recently?
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>>311649 I think it's fine to use those techniques on someone consenting but I have moral concerns about doing it to someone that hasn't asked to have it done.>>311650 Just seasonal stuff right now
2017/10/19 (木) 03:27 No. 311652
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2017/10/19 (木) 03:29 No. 311653
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when life gives you lemons make lemon bone cancer
2017/10/19 (木) 03:30 No. 311655
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 600x800, Eila (114).jpg )
>>311654 Bat about aerial explosive strike?
2017/10/19 (木) 03:31 No. 311656
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Though I will not allow that to affect end result
2017/10/19 (木) 03:39 No. 311657
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 0(…).jpg )
All opf it is going liek fuck you are all about to be fucked up but hten you get
2017/10/19 (木) 03:39 No. 311658
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
2017/10/19 (木) 03:40 No. 311659
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki - 1(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 03:41 No. 311660
>>311659 Won what?
2017/10/19 (木) 03:41 No. 311661
>>311660 the initial war the world war awaits
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 03:45 No. 311662
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[Twitching Intensifies]
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Why do you fight her anyway, she's an ally!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 03:46 No. 311664
Friendly sparring.
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2017/10/19 (木) 03:46 No. 311666
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2017/10/19 (木) 03:46 No. 311668
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>>311667 you don't know?
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which do you think, rika?
2017/10/19 (木) 03:48 No. 311670
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flux updated and added some stuff having to do with sleeping patterns So I told it when I woke up and it's using different colors. These colors really are making me sleepy.>>311669 I don't know!
2017/10/19 (木) 03:49 No. 311672
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Yuyushiki - 02 [BD 72(…).jpg )
does flux mean anuything in that game do you get to conquer furtherr on?
Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 683x838, 8363790 - 小野妹子.jpg )
>>311671 You don't know or you don't want to risk being wrong?
2017/10/19 (木) 03:50 No. 311674
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2017/10/19 (木) 03:51 No. 311675
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we won prussians won
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>>311673 You know me, I never care about being wrong. I don't know! That's why I asked.
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>>311676 hmmmmmm
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 669x625, dakedo2.jpg )
There's this musky bread-like smell that's really prevalent on the workfloor at the place I work. I figure it's hops or some component of beer. Anyway occasionally I can even now just smell it in my nose when I'm just at home and it kind of bugs me. It makes me conscious that I might smell of beer to others. And I barely even drink beer.
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I have to get up even earlier than usual for work tomorrow, so you guys will probably need to watch a couple of shows without me. I'll catch up tomorrow.
How many shows will you make tonight?
Search [iqdb] (770 KB, 1422x1396, 1428895269244.jpg )
Depends on how slow Ika is. Maybe two.
Well lets us know when your last show is and we can do something comfy. I don't think Squid particularly cares about ending on a particular feeling of show.
2017/10/19 (木) 04:04 No. 311684
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There is no speed
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poor rika she will be sorely missed at least she will live on in our hearts
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hi /moe/ how are you doing tonight?
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This new flux color palette really is making me sleepy. It's top notch.
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but a sleepy rika means less rika time on /moe/
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I have a fairly strict bedtime tonight anyway.
2017/10/19 (木) 04:21 No. 311693
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, 07 - Japari Library.mkv_snapsh(…).jpg )
>>311688 now nownow
anime >>311694 →
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 04:28 No. 311713
>>311688 Sup bang Also I'm watching battlebots right now The Brazilian team that won every other major battle bot like tournament in ternationally got beaten by a wildcard team that barely made it into the tournament
>>311691 rip>>311693 uhhhhhhhhhh>>311713 battlebots is some crazy shit let me tell you
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 04:31 No. 311720
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 04:32 No. 311721
Anyways I realized that you can technically use explosives
didn't one bot have a flamethrower this one time
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 04:35 No. 311725
>>311724 A bunch but they aren't super useful Partially because of the limits in the rules Also the announcer just said "mom's spaghetti"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 04:41 No. 311731
Also the team that's gotten ssecond place in every tournament its been in is in the final round again
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1100x1958, DML3aa_V4AEto-d.jpg )
82 cobs 38 to go I'll have my shadow raven by the end of this week
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 04:51 No. 311743
>>311739 You like battle bots at all?
once upon a time, i guess
In your wi-ildest dreams
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 04:55 No. 311750
Oh boy my birthday ends in five minutes. I forgot to go on steam and chat with people for the first time in forever.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:01 No. 311754
It's ogre
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:03 No. 311757
So I jjust heard a good story about a friend of a friend He was bitching about only getting matched with fat chicks and bots on tinder And then his friend pointed out that the picture he used had him next to a cake in it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:07 No. 311760
Well that match sure was fast That was under a minute
>>311757 lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:09 No. 311762
Championship match was 53 seconds Thanks Tombstone
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:13 No. 311764
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:16 No. 311768
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:17 No. 311772
Sugoi>>>/watch?v=dISgsYI5py0 >>311771 Oyasumi
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 350x230, angrysheep.jpg )
>>311768 >the uploader has not made this video available in your country
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:20 No. 311778
>>311777 It gets fucking rekt Very quickly
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:21 No. 311779
How about this?>>>/watch?v=6WPCqqUj7oY
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:29 No. 311780
Is it blocked?
>>311780 nope Goddamn they tore that thing apart
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:49 No. 311782
>>311781 That's basically every match with tombstone
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:57 No. 311783
>>311783 tbh that flamethrower is pretty useless Goddamn It's still driving I keep thinking it's burned itself out and it keeps going
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 05:59 No. 311785
>>311784 That one beat tombstone once too The losing one
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:00 No. 311786
Although a different version also i think the weight limits are different in these old ones
Search [iqdb] (123 KB, 700x990, DCcFiUWV0AAF2rl.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:04 No. 311788
>>>/watch?v=FdHw4Kdzow8 Fuck I actually have enough experience to build in this category.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:31 No. 311791
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:31 No. 311792
Already have a good idea for a beetle weight class bot
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 1000x650, DLOPVsgU8AAzWDc-orig.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:32 No. 311794
Probably won't build it though cause lazy Money wouldn't ve an issue though cause its small enough that I could do it for under $600 maybe under $500
Search [iqdb] (552 KB, 1280x1811, whitezaku.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:33 No. 311796
Have no idea what the local community (if it exists) is like though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:40 No. 311797
Found one but their website hasn't been updated in 9 years.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 06:46 No. 311798
Their Facebook updated 3 years ago
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 06:54 No. 311799
i'm taking Ray's advice tryna make it nice to be myself but i need Ray's help
sugar ray?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 06:58 No. 311802
shugah shugah
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 06:59 No. 311803
what should i drink what should i smoke does she wanna french with me? how'm i gonna know what should i wear what should i say should i move to Thailand? please help me Ray
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 07:09 No. 311804
the workaholism returns help
Search [iqdb] (12 KB, 320x204, DMO-YMQVQAUizt--orig.jpg )
Trying to call the doc's office is an exercise in extreme patience There's like, 1 or 2 people handling the phone calls, though duck knows how there are so many people calling this local office
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 07:18 No. 311806
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how long do you have to wait
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Until now It can take anything from 5 minutes to an hour or more Today I got lucky
Search [iqdb] (596 KB, 2480x2480, DMKBhUJUIAA_jLL-orig.jpg )
Well I got the thing I needed to done, so now I can relax I got so much I need to do today, muh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 07:32 No. 311809
I am returned.
>>311806 what the fuck happened here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 07:42 No. 311811
>>311810 Toner explosion
>>311811 let's drop photocopy machines on isis
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 07:43 No. 311813
When my friend was driving me home we got pulled over because I seemed to match the description of a person who had been seen stealing Halloween decorations.
>friend joins server >"hey whats up " >disconnects
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 07:55 No. 311815
>>311814 watcha playin
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 07:55 No. 311816
Yesterday while my dog was eating my dad came home through the front door and my dog stopped eating, barked once and then went back to eating.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 07:55 No. 311817
>>311810 mold golem sieged the office
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 07:56 No. 311818
Normally my dog barks a ton when she notices someone coming in.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:05 No. 311819
Sam, you work on anything interesting today?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:16 No. 311820
>/moe/ is dead! >Long live /moe/!
/moe/ is in recline
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:22 No. 311822
>>311821 4U
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:22 No. 311823
I'm super bored, wanna tell me what you're doing in school right now or something?
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>>311823 Prepping for exams. Public policy has been a pretty interesting class At the end of the final lecture our lecturer started talking about a study he looked at once wehre they compared a survey on American citizens opinions on economic topics and that of a group of economists The answers varied pretty wildly between the two groups
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 08:26 No. 311826
>>311819 mostly wrote a design doc about snrnffnr nfrngnsfn
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:26 No. 311827
>>311826 Wow, that's my absolute favorite thing to write design documents about.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 800x800, DMWY3D5VoAAY5UI-orig.jpg )
It sucks having a doc appointment, a dentist appointment, AND a work appointment on the same day, and late into it, too I gotta be sober until then, muuuuu
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:26 No. 311829
>>311828 Jesus Christ how horrifying.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:28 No. 311830
>>311825 There's actually a famous economist who lives in a town near me.
>>311828 It's okay you can drink later>>311830 What's his name? Say hi to him sometime. Our now ex-prime minister lives 5 minutes from me. I wonder if I could visit him now >>311832 Is that sarcasm
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I'm just having such a positive outlook today, I wanna elevate and live it fully
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 500x500, 20171014-175702.jpg )
No Not even a little
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:31 No. 311834
>>311831 Steven Levitt
>>311833 I can't tell if that's a real smile or the sort of smile you grow after learning to laugh at the horrors of living >>311836 That's good Let's all have good moods
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 480x500, DLjhtPTU8AAvl2c-orig.jpg )
It's not sarcasm at all I'm in a good mood
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 08:34 No. 311837
Going to bed Yasumi
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 08:34 No. 311838
>>311827 yeah it's cool but i feel like if we just had more time we could do proper fnsrsfnsf
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woah nelly
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 08:35 No. 311840
heh stupid postMessage i gotta start checkin the message origins
Search [iqdb] (220 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171019-193608.png )
it was taking the words as they appeared now it's doing my post also "nonce"
>Madeline silver made a tweet in a while thanks twitter
*Madeline Silver Madeline Silver Tweeted after a while
My nose is FRIGID. I hate this so much.
My memory is muddy, what's this river that I'm in
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moved the work appoiintment to tomorrow Woo
time is too lengthy
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I still have the dentist though, and the doc Uuuu
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well that's done now I don't need to worry for today
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Joke: the vikky RT is the strongest Woke: the deepcomrade RT is the strongest
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 14:13 No. 311852
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 14:30 No. 311853
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 15:14 No. 311855
>Deirdre I am very happy that I have her. But I am also very disappointed in my general pool of 5*
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 15:20 No. 311857
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>>311856 is she fluffy
no, she's crisp
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 164x250, 1505662731422.jpg )
croissants are fluffy and crisp why can't she be
+HP/-Atk I guess she is fluffy and crisp but also disappointing
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 15:23 No. 311862
fuwa fuwa
soon my robin will have 56 hp
>>311861 you registered your stuff this time right are you remembering to get your free rewards from a linked account
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 351x336, Merry - Tired.JPG )
no I didn't register it
why tf not go do it you'll get like 10 free orbs just for registering plus you'd have a ton of points to claim from finishing each of the chapters
I wanted to register my old account.. I can do it, it's just a pain. And money.
can you only have one registered account can't you use okay then
Unless I go and make ANOTHER NIntendo account. Technically, I can register my current and then get rid of it and register the other one, but I'd have to delete the current. and that's a waste
that's what i meant can't you do that
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 15:34 No. 311872
just salt your emails
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 785x471, sayswhatyoulisten.png )
read this at your own discretion
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it's just not as interesting without my old teams and going through the story for orbs is a lot of work There's no point to having Brave Lyn without my super cool Saizo to throw Atk Smoke on. I can't Spd Ploy/Atk Ploy Seal my Legion Axe Sheena. it will take months of actually caring. Which means it'll probably take until this time next year to get where I was without caring.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 15:41 No. 311876
>>311875 yes
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 91x125, cool.JPG )
I'd have all the feathers and SP I need to 5* Chrom and throw Aether onto Sheena like a fucking dumbass.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 15:47 No. 311878
Truly I am Ohio.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 15:48 No. 311879
>Uber now delivers food
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 15:48 No. 311880
>>311879 Yeah For a few mo ths now I thi m *months *think
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 16:08 No. 311882
Search [iqdb] (156 KB, 728x1065, 009_1496803527.jpg )
Blue I found a manga you might like
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 16:31 No. 311883
Nvm it's not very good.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 16:41 No. 311884
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 17:04 No. 311885
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I'm really bored
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what do you think of this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 17:11 No. 311887
>>311886 It's cute
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 17:22 No. 311888
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/19 (木) 17:48 No. 311889
>>311888 how did they find my address??
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 17:53 No. 311890
>>311889 1337 h4><0r skills
you can buy dues ex mankind divided for ps4 for $13 on amazon physical copy or you can buy the digital copy for $60 ??????
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 17:55 No. 311892
>>311891 Rly makes you thnk
it's a little weird
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 17:59 No. 311894 The CIA has pretty amusing articles published in their internal journal sometimes.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 18:01 No. 311896
>>311895 Heh Wait, do you date boys in the dungeon or id the boy you date actually the dungeon? I need to know because this makes or breaks my purchase.
the boys are swords
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 18:02 No. 311898
>>311897 Ah Yeah my bad Hrrm Mite get it Romancing the dungeon eoukd be better dedu *would be better desu
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 18:04 No. 311899
This one is my favorite
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:08 No. 311900
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>>311900 hey what do you think of this
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 18:11 No. 311903
>>311900 Yo
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 724x1024, DDGdgYKUIAEIrLj-orig.jpg )
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:12 No. 311905
>>311902 that is cute. I like it.>>311901 yo yo>>311903 heyo>>311906 boo
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 708x1000, DMggvFSUMAA-Dn5.jpg )
Bitcoin wallet accessed .11BTC retrieved $637 hmm, I can get some nice stuff right now actually.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 18:13 No. 311907
hi kannags
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 645x700, 56095702_p13.jpg )
>>311905 Sup
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:14 No. 311909
>>311908 my brain is being shook around by this bumpy ride home and sudden breaking Whats up for you?
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:16 No. 311910
>>311906 buy a good meal friendo
Search [iqdb] (270 KB, 690x1000, 63778623_p21.jpg )
>>311909 Doing research on improvised firearms.
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:17 No. 311912
>>311911 Who // When is your uprising and how many do you need for the revolution?
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 626x743, splatoon.jpg )
>>311912 Oh, you. This is research for legal stuff.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 18:19 No. 311914
>>311911 Modern ones?
Search [iqdb] (465 KB, 2894x4093, DLhl8-rVoAEBK4O-orig.jpg )
>>311906 some good stuff
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:20 No. 311916
>>311913 For a project? does the colourful plasma gun count?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 18:21 No. 311917
Huh Laying down with the dog is making me very sleepy
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:22 No. 311918
Rei lays with dogs. how depraved
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 390x310, breakbarrelstaplershotgun-impr(…).jpg )
>>311916 Yeah, for a project. Nope, no plasma casters.>>311914 Yeah.
Search [iqdb] (231 KB, 1100x1958, DMbREe5U8AAlo3l.jpg )
>>311910 I've already got a pound of turkey meat and some stuffing that I made yesterday. I wish I had broccoli too. ah well. I should figure a few things out this weekend. After I get my Oxidecimus.
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/19 (木) 18:25 No. 311921
>>311920 you can afford broccoli now! live wild get that broccolis
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my right arm is messed up when I put pressure on my right thumb hurts
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 18:55 No. 311925
>>311923 koi koi
m bang
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 19:27 No. 311927
>>311926 Hey bang
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 900x1145, DMVD25TUIAEsgIu.png )
Mashed potatoes and string beans boiled in garlic, butter, and jalapeno salt. + chicken and stuffing I am delicious.
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 576x960, 12-7 x 108mm antimaterial rifle ISIS.jpg )
look at this monster
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 19:37 No. 311930
>>311929 Nice
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 19:38 No. 311931
>>311929 Also I think the gun with the sling he has might be a tavor.
>>311931 it's a VHS i believe since that's an iraqi
yeah it's a VHS-D2
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 19:47 No. 311934
>>311933 Ah okay No wonder it looked like a FAMAS I ought to get better at recognizing guns
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 19:49 No. 311935
Also who knew Croatia designed their own guns.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 19:55 No. 311936
ARGGH I'm bored and want to sleep but can't
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 640x462, plumbingzipgun.jpg )
this thing's impressive
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 19:56 No. 311938
>>311937 Heh
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 390x310, breakbarrelstaplershotgun-impr(…).jpg )
this one was made with an industrial stapler
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 20:06 No. 311940
Man with amount of antidepressants I'm on I really should be in a much better mood. *with the amount
>>311929 That's sick
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 20:31 No. 311944
A my of you like the band KMFDM?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 20:32 No. 311945
Search [iqdb] (663 KB, 401x805, itbegins.png )
I am the bone of my sword.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 20:33 No. 311946
>>311945 Ome
Search [iqdb] (205 KB, 493x923, 1478949493478.jpg )
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Introducing... the future of war
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 21:28 No. 311949
>>311948 Nah
>>311949 Did I mention the turret turns into a plane? Such versatility!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 21:39 No. 311951
>>311950 I bet it also turns into scrap
>>311951 So it can be recycled and live again
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 21:41 No. 311953
>>311952 Sure
>>311948 looks like the tank from halo
>>311954 Driving the scorpion was pretty fun
Oh, Nintendo has added short video capture functionality to the Switch. You can hold the capture button for up to thirty seconds and record video, then edit it and upload to social media. Though it only seems to work with games that have compatibility for it, which currently only consists of major first-party games. But I figure that shouldn't be too hard for developers to patch in if they care about it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 21:51 No. 311957
>>311956 Noice
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 22:22 No. 311959
Search [iqdb] (401 KB, 584x773, 1502944394996.png )
hello hello
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hi there
yeah g'day cunts
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 409x508, ichigo7.jpg )
How are we all doing today?
I'm doing good my classes are all over
I am okay. I am a little bored. How are you?
I am sneezy. achuu
>>311964 notto bad working a little how was your busy day
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1190x1567, 1507241957217.jpg )
It was super busy. The good news is that it's all a downhill slide to the weekend from here. I don't have too mcuh to do tomorrow.
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1250x1500, DFGmYihUQAEY2dE.jpg )
good job making it through the day
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Fridays suck Can we skip straight to the weekend
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>>311970 I'm happy to be done!
i have tomorrow off
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 391x412, 1495525357380.png )
I'm doing great It's my day off, and I work NORMAL HOURS tomorrow
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 708x715, ak29.jpg )
I have to work tomorrow. But compared to the maddening inferno that was this week, it's almost like being off.
>>311975 You are a hard worker.
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 644x694, 1307174104322.jpg )
>having friday off Share in my suffering! I wish I had every friday off!
>>311977 I will do some work tomorrow to join you in solidarity. image please not using wifi is suffering mou whatever
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>>311976 I'm just a lazy person who has no other choice.
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>>311978 You'd do that just for me! I'm honoured!
I have every day off.
Search [iqdb] (27 KB, 400x336, 1321872608804.jpg )
>>311978 Wow you gave in! You'll leave me in suspense forever over what image you were going to upload now!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 23:02 No. 311983
hello yes this is ton
>>311983 That is some heavy stuff
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1500, 54628273_p9.png )
>>311982 You've seen it before! I'm not using school wifi because of WPA-2 crack and i get awful reception here.>>311987 yeah wifi security isn't secure anymore
>>311981 living the dream
Search [iqdb] (585 KB, 800x1190, 1288796817249.jpg )
WPA-2 crack?
>>311985 Oh my router uses WPA-2
>>311988 you'll want to update it when they release an update and also update your phone when the security update comes out for that also your computer you can also just connect Ethernet for your computer to be safe though
>>311986 It is a little boring and lonely.
>>311989 Oh that is worrying. I am not very close to my router so I have to use wifi. I don't really used wifi outside of the house though. It doesn't like I can do very much except use HTTPs and encrypt any content on top.
>>311991 yeah pretty much
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:08 No. 311993
I already use HTTPS for evrrything anyways. And also rarely input any sensitive info from my phone.
>>311990 living the mediocre dream then
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:09 No. 311995
>>311990 This desu senpai
>>311994 It would be better if my boyfriend never left home and stayed with me.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:10 No. 311997
>>311994 Don't forget the fear anxiety and depression about not having a job or being in school.
>>311997 Living the nightmare >>311996 It'd be nice I don't think he's the sorta guy who likes staying home But you'd know him better than I
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:10 No. 311999
>>311996 Heh, I don't think he'd like that.
>>311996 You must convert everyone to the NEET cause!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:11 No. 312001
>>311996 Have you played any good videogames recently?
>>311998 He would get stir crazy.>>312001 I played Yakuza.
>>312000 but who'll support the neets? If anything you should be aiming to convince everyone but you to work >>312002 That game looks good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:12 No. 312004
>>312002 Cool, what'd you think of it?
>>312004 It was okay but the combat got a little boring.
>>312003 The government. we'll all live off universal income
>>312006 But the government will be neets too Automation when >>312008 Instead of being neets we should just become government workers but only on paper The best plan would be to trick the public into thinking that we're doing top secret stuff They'll think we're tracking ISIS or something but really we're just playing video games
Exactly will less resource expenditure with everyone inside we will be able to NEET IT UP
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:19 No. 312009
>>312005 You ever heard of the Ecco the Dolphin games?
>>312009 No.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:21 No. 312011
>>312010 You play as a dolphin And uhh, it has a plot that hards to describe without spoiling stuff. But you have to save marine life from an external menace.
So if I am using ethernet I should be fine with my router? I am guessing it will still do wireless ARP annoucements and stuff.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:23 No. 312013
>>312012 Yeah, you can turn off the wifi though.
>>312011 What is it on?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:25 No. 312015
>>312014 A bunch of things, there's a 3DS port that came out a few years ago
>>312015 It looks old.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:27 No. 312017
>>312016 The original came out in 1992 It should be on the e shop
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:28 No. 312018
Although maybe don't get it right now cause wifi security is broken
It does not look that fun.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:32 No. 312020
>>312019 Do you not like older games?
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_Onii-chan_Dakedo_Ai_Sae(…).jpg )
we need more deep sea diving horror games
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Subnautica is good!
is it still early access
>>312020 I guess not.>>312023 What is that?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:47 No. 312026
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/19 (木) 23:49 No. 312028
is that you
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:53 No. 312030
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/19 (木) 23:55 No. 312031
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This image is actually a mimic octopus.
>>312030 nice
>>312027 chokers are pretty cute
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>>312025 It's a deep sea exploration game.
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got asked to write up part of a groundbreaking-ish study on decision making in areas expecting hurricanes it's a little ironic though
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 00:14 No. 312037
>>312036 Sup Bangarino
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 00:17 No. 312038
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>>>/watch?v=aioXn0ut6gE one week
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>>312035 Why is it ironic? Because you're expecting hurricanes?
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>>312040 Because I make poor decisions when I'm expecting a hurricane.
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Oh yeah. That's true. That just because your judgement is just kinda messed up in general.
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Hmm. I have really good judgment, I think. The problem isn't my judgment. The problem is that I follow my heart over my judgment.
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Your ability to evaluate threats really isn't that great.
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I evaluate threats very well. I actively put myself into dangerous situations frequently. It's something I do intentionally, not because of poor evaluation of threats.
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I think that sort of behavior falls under the umbrella of poor judgment.
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But I judge the situation well. I just choose not to follow my judgment. Judgment and followthrough are separate things. The issue is that I'm fucked up, not that I have poor judgment.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 00:36 No. 312048
>>312047 I was gonna say something but it doesn't matter now.
bang bang bang
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 00:37 No. 312050
>>312049 BANG
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 00:39 No. 312051
Kirara is dumb! DUMB!
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>312047 If disregarding common sense is not bad judgement, what is it?
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I should get around to uploading my windows at some point. I have 200 updates awaiting.
>>312052 judgment is an evaluation my evaluations are good if anything, i overestimate the dangerousness of things because I'm hypervigilant to danger
but if you take an action then you're implying a judgement that that action is the best action to take Every action has judgement behind it
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Isn't it poor judgement to not follow through ?
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>>312054 I think that's still poor judgment! That's just willfully having poor judgment!
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>>312055 This is exactly what he's saying not to imply. He knows the best option. He simply doesn't take them.
>>312057 no see >>312058
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Isn't that having a good sense of judgement and then having poor actual judgement?
>>312058 But he's still making a value judgement that he values his heart over hiw rational judgement
Well reading about the word judgement I guess I can understand what Kirara is saying. Judgement being the ability to evaluate edvidence to make a decision.
judgment is the evaluation my evaluation is fine
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That is kind of interesting though, you are being both rational by assessing the evidence and discovering the best solution and then being irrational by ignoring that solution but wouldn't be still a rationalization, if the outcome you desire is only achievable through a certain decision instead of the best outcome in terms of just surviving. I mean we all make trade offs for quality of life.
my heart always makes the final decision
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you know what's interesting? the anime bang wants to watch with /moe/ tonight the only thing is, he doesn't know what that anime is yet all you have to do it tell him
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I didn't hit 18 cobs today i'm sad
in fact the reason my survivability is so high is probably because of how good my evaluation is
>>312067 boku no bang
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I should go to bed soon. time is too fast. it should slow down.
I want time to chill the fuck out 2017 started last month why is it october
time is too slow for me
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I just need to get a lot of bags
>>312071 I really feel you on this one Life needs to slow the fuck down
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I'd happily freeze my time and live in a time loop.>>312077 I have a really really poor sense of time. 1 hour is like a few minutes for me and I can sit and a whole day can go by. in fact years have gone by. It doesn't feel like it was that long ago that it was 2012
time is so slow like the microwave will say 2 minutes but i can do so many things in that time and then it will have a minute left my sense of time is too fucked up and I'm too fast
>>312076 You get to live for as long as you want in one day that loops over and over again. You get foreknowledge of what happens during the day too and have no consequences carry over. However at the end of the day you inevitably suffer a painful injury that you can't avoid. Would you live forever like this? >>312079 Alright you get to bleed sparkles how does that sound. >>312075 It just keeps on charging
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>>312078 What a grim fantasy. I would rather it be all fun and sparkles. But if I could live forever in a time loop with just pain at the end of the day depending on how painful it is? if it is super painful no thanks. I am bad with really painful things
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Well I'm off to bed my dear friends! then I have work and then freedom Weekends are such a saving grace
>>312080 goodnight
>>312080 naito
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>>312080 oh no everything's super slow now there we go bye bye good night
You really did slow down things! I waited! Nighty all
yay bye
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 01:20 No. 312087
>>>/watch?v=UxApcAUpqGY dark souls 3 is my favorite anime
>dark souls 3
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 01:22 No. 312089
just enjoy the absurdity
i don't generally watch videos people post tbh
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 01:22 No. 312091
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popular Republican people are dressing up in diapers in public to own the libs
>>312087 >looks like my bell... has tolled Positively shakespearian
I don't think I'm gonna go to bed but I'm gonna lie down
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poi poi poi
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Looks like not much anime airs today. I guess that gives us a little time to catch up.
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well i'm lazy so spoonfeed me answers is there anything i should catch up on so i can watch tonight?
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hmm I dunno let me look. All my favorites air on the weekend.
Inuyashiki is pretty fun and airs today.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
oh. I have one yeah anon beat me to it. Inuyashiki is good, watch tha.t we will be watching that tonight.
What from our backlog you figure we'll watch tonight. There's a lot of so-so stuff left over.
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Are we current on UQ holder? I was thinking black clover inuyashiki urahara and soemthing else
We've got one episode of it to watch, so if you want to do that, it fits in. I'm on my phone right now so I can't pull up the backlog.
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Yeah, that will be the something else.
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Oh, maybe Just Because will come along before then.
it's already out
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Episode 3?
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Oh. I don't see it on any lists.
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Where are you seeing it? On nyaa? Is it a HS release?
There's a subgroup called Erai-raws doing it.
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Oh, that's why I don't see it on my lists. No HS release yet.
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Did you see that they put Ayra on a banner? A really bad banner. I checked by /feg/ earlier and people were so mad.
yeah, it's such a crappy thing to do
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I was shocked when I saw it. What an absolutely evil thing to do. I wonder if this is really how they expect us to get her. Like the only way?
How else would they expect us to get her if she's in a banner?
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I mean it's kind of unprecedented but maybe putting a neutral version of her on the banner and putting her in the tempest as a neutral unit. and I meant non-neutral on the banner It's also unprecedented to not put a unit on the arena list when they're new, to introduce a unit on a tempest banner, and to introduce a new unit with old units. It's just so overly evil and provoked such backlash!
that would be nice but i would be pretty surprised i think they're just being incredibly evil
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:10 No. 312123
that brave hero or whatever uh grand hero seems cool got neat skills
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>>312122 Well, I won't be rolling for her. She's good but in the end she's just another red sword. It's really crazy and evil what they did though. I hope they I'm right and they give us another way to get her.
she's pretty op seems like the trend now is just to release a lot of really op units all the time and break the game balance
If everyone's OP then the game doesn't need balancing!
nah because only new ones are op most people don't have teams of new units
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If everything is OP you just get a game that's frustrating and arbitrary and not fun. Like DOTA.
>>312128 yeah
I strongly disagree with that. The game isn't arbitrary.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:14 No. 312131
Uh If everything is busted you get yugioh Yugioh really isn't fun anymore wwwwww
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I'll amend my answer to "like overwatch" if it helps. When everyone gets their turn to *teleport behind you* and get insta kills, it leads to a stupid game.
I can't understand that line of thought. Because logically, that means having the inverse loans itself to a good game? There should be characters that don't get tweaked and boosted to a stronger state of power and game-meta relevancy?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:17 No. 312134
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But the characters aren't getting tweaked to reach the new meta you have to pump money or whatever to getting new meta things.
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Games balanced around the idea that everything is overpowered are just lazily designed. It means they don't have the patience or the vision to actually balance the game. Stuff like insta-kill buttons or rigged skills also don't really encourage strategy or skill or thoughtfulness, they just encourage people to wait until their turn to be the one getting cheap kills. Tweaking units and balancing the game is completely different.
But they're not "cheap kills" . In a game, time is a resource, often one of the most valuable ones. Having a time penalty for a skill like that is expensive.>>312138 You're playing a game you're not "working" in the first place.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:19 No. 312137
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What do you mean they aren't cheap kills?
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>>312136 A kill you get for pressing Q to win is totally a cheap kill. You didn't have to work for it.
If you're just going to discount the strategy behind having to take into account time restraints and how that is really important in fast-paced or time-limited instances, then I feel you're inherently inable to understand the game in the first place.
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>>312138 hey yuu what do you think of this
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:21 No. 312141
>>312140 It's cute.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:23 No. 312142
>>312139 What does time have to do with FEH
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>>312140 It's cute, although I wish the skirt color was a bit more vibrant.>>312139 Time management is one thing. Wait for X cooldown to tick so you get free kills is something else entirely. I don't have too much respect for the latter.
>>312142 Nothing. But in games like DotA or Overwatch it is extremely relevant.
>>312143 Not it's not. They're closely intertwined.
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>>312145 No, it's different. Time management is rewarding. People who do well at it do well at games that make it a feature. Wait X minutes for insta-kill cooldown doesn't reward skill. It makes sure everyone gets their turn to get free kills regardless of skill. It's popular in casual games to help keep people from quitting.
It rewards strategy though. When there's such a price on an ability, you have to gauge when and how to use it. Since not having it for a minute or three might put you, or the people relying on you, at a disadvantage in the future.>>312148 What that does have to do with anything. Any strategy when playing video games boils down to "wait to press a button".
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:25 No. 312148
When your strategy is "Wait to press a button"...
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the experiences you've had with the people you've played dota with are not representative of the game's potential there's plenty of strategic quandries in there that get squandered you never pulled yourself out of the muck and that's understandable but make sure you're aiming your criticisms at the right things
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Well, I find games built around the idea that it's fine if everything is overpowered to be frustrating. I don't like dying randomly to bullshit. The philosophy is particularly insidious in a game like FEH, because it translates to "new things are overpowered, buy orbs plz"
Everything in DotA being overpowered is a meme anyway. When things get changed at first, things tend to err on the side of way over the top because that excess lets the developers gauge how much impact the change has on the game dynamic. Then as time goes on things get tweaked until they're solidly balanced.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:28 No. 312152
>>312147 There's a difference between " a series of actions" and "a button"
>>312152 But all those actions in the end are just pressing buttons. If you're going to be intentionally pedantic and asinine then I will do the same.>>312154 No you're just trying to come up with these mocking and useless points.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:31 No. 312154
>>312153 no you are dodging the point.
> [RH] Tsurezure Children [English Dubbed] [simul] [1080p]
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:32 No. 312156
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This conversation is pointless because you're the worst. Oh well. I should watch the kancolle movie.
How am I the worst. What's your reasoning behind that.
>>312155 Nowadays a lot of stuff is getting simulcast dubbing. I wonder how much viewership stuff like that even gets. Even that PV for the latest episode of Attack on Titan we saw when we were watching hotel TV in Roanoke was only like a week or two behind I think.
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I don't care much about Ayra but Deirdre is almost cute enough for me to part with orbs for.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:38 No. 312160
Deidre is cute yes In both games
Oh yeah Kirara did you see the new Ultra Sun/Moon trailer?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:38 No. 312163
>>312161 but feh deirdre isn't a loli?
>>312162 yeah looks cool>>312163 yeah but GBF deirdre is like as loli as it gets it's like gross-level loli tbh
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:42 No. 312165
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Why do you say that? She's a loli-baba those are great. I don't get it.
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she disgusts me so i say she's gross
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:42 No. 312167
Fair enough I guess
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:46 No. 312170
>>312169 cute
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I'm a bit bored. I need to find something fun.
There's some fun on the Switch.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 02:48 No. 312173
yo same
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92 once this order goes through can't wait to be done
What are you doing?
trying to buy a bird
A real bird?
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>>312171 i know of something fun
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>>312178 Oh, what's that?
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>>312179 talking to your favorite idol on /moe/
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>>312180 Oh, what do yo want to talk about?
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>>312181 Let's talk about love!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 03:01 No. 312183
ai yo
you give love a bad name
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>>312182 Okay, what about love?
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>>312185 Do you think it is good or bad?
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It's good!
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What's so good about it?
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The good in love is self-evident!
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But love makes people crazy. Is it really that good?
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People are crazy with or without it.
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Yeah, but love makes you a certain kind of crazy.
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what kind of crazy is that?
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I think it's self-evident.
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>>312143 do you think it's cute? i like the style but i feel it's a bit drab
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>>312194 I don't think so. I don't think I'm crazy when I'm in love.>>312195 Yeah, it's cute but a bit drab. I think it has to do with the colors.
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>>312196 I dunno. I don't think it's true love without being crazy.
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>>312196 i like the idea of the china cabinet dress i think that's cute but it's just meh
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here's good music>>>/watch?v=Pao3wBW_Q_o >>312197 Crazy how?
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>>312199 I think it's obvious what kind of crazy.
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>>312200 It's not to me!
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>>312201 I hope you didn't fall in, like, normie love, or something.
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I'm no normie!
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This isn't related to love but lately I've been noticing people have like weird knobs on their phones. What is the point of that? Do you guys have phone knobs?
Like, on top of the camera? Sticking out of where their headphone jack might be?
Search [iqdb] (481 KB, 800x1600, 1471958579181.jpg )
>>312203 But maybe you fell in normie love.
Because the prior is because they sell clip-on lenses for cameras that you can use to produce a different style of photo. Not sure on the efficacy of them though. The other is a little plug you can get for the jack.
two becauses in four words my what a pair you've grown lately
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 710x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>312205 Nope, just knobs on the back of the phones.>>312206 What is normie love?
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>>312209 Normie love is the kind of love that normies have.
>>312209 I don't know what knobs you're talking about
Yeah that's what's hanging me up too. A lot of phones have circular indentations that are touch-receptive regions, for fingerprint detection. Those might look like a knob from a distance.
there are lots of different types of knobs
the only knob here is YOU
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It's weird knobs on the back of phones. I don't know how to explain it. It's a knob thing on the back of the phone.>>312210 What characteristics does normie love have?
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How often do you see these knobs? Under what circumstances? >>312215 It's like not-normie love but it's not crazy.
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>>312216 One of the girls at work has one on the back of her phone. I've noticed other girls having them too. It seems to be mostly a girl thing.>>312216 But you didn't define crazy either!
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They're probably just camera things. >>312217 Well, like, you know how when you're in love, and someone talks to the person you love, and you're like, fuck, i want to kill that person.
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>>312218 They're like opaque plastic. They can't be camera things.>>312218 That's just jealousy!
Yeah, that's what I'm mostly thinking it is. My next closest bet is that it might be an attachment to put your phone in a place you can use it as a GPS in your car. And since women don't have to keep their phone in their pocket they can just leave it on the phone. Even though I think that would make the phone look kind of ugly but hey, women.
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>>312219 Yeah, it's pretty crazy. You don't get that kind of crazy when you're not in love.
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>>312221 i feel like that's a deep extrapolation
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>>312223 >>312220
what the fuck
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>>312225 I'm glad you understand my confusion.>>312221 I don't know I think jealousy is independent of love!
>>312225 Yeah pretty much. What the fuck.
it's magnetic for a GPS thing my mom has one
Oh so I was right. It still looks pretty ugly to me.
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>>312226 No way. You don't have that kind of jealousy when you're not in love.
>>312228 that doesn't make any sense
>>312231 what doesn't
>>312232 everything about that post besides that your mom has one
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I've noticed lots of peopel with phone knobs lately. It seems like it makes the phone a lot more awkward.>>312230 I think people get possessive over people they don't really love.
>>312233 what, like, it's stupid? yeah, it is
>>312235 the connection between it being magnetic (if it is) and it being a gps thing that makes no sense is it just a magnet to stick it to your dashboard?
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>>312236 Yes, it's just a magnet to stick your phone to your dashboard. Tilde explained how the GPS things work already!>>312234 No way.
>>312237 so it's just a magent magnet what does that have to do with gps
It's used to prop your phone up on the dashboard so you can see the screen hands-free while you drive.
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>>312238 I guess Tilde is explaining it.
Okay so it enhances the ergonomics of your phone that's got nothing to do with the GPS you see my point now don't talk shit
no, i don't see your point you're being ridiculous it's used primarily for GPS and marketed as something for GPS
You wouldn't (legally) be able to use your phone as a GPS device without having something like that for your phone.
>>312243 that's not true at all though
Most parts of North America have legislation prohibitting use of phones in hand while driving. Accessories that let you use your phone hands-free are important for that.
You're both talking shit fuck off
you fuck off you're being contrarian
no you fuck off idiot
you can't just say shit and have it be true because you want it to be
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I just stick my phone in the console when I use it as a GPS device. Also please get along!
no i'm not going to i'm done with this shit
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well it seems like no one really understands the mystery of the phone knob.
No it makes sense to me. For people that can't (or feel they shouldn't) use their phone -- okay I'll start this over lower down.
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Tilde and I explained it to you.
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No way. Your explanation as to why people are doing it was just "women are stupid lol" I want to know the why!
>>312256 magnets for gps that explains it all duh
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>>312256 What? I never said women are stupid. I don't know what women have to do with anything.
>>312256 I said that once, mostly as a joke. It was even before I even understood what you were talking about with phone knobs.
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>>312258 You didn't explain why people are using them not in their cars though.
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>>312260 They're attached to the phone with adhesive (some are, at least), so if you take them off, it gets weaker.
Also once you accesorize by putting a design on the outwards-facing bit of the magnet, you probably don't want it to have it stuck to the opaque dashboard of your car all the time. Otherwise that part of the magnet would just be the charcoal grey of the magnet.
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It seems like it would making using the phone much more difficult.
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Yeah, well, they do, I think.
There are more functional apparatus you can get, like a clip that you put into an air vent on your dashboard. And it comes with a dock you can slide your phone into. But I guess those aren't as easy or worthwhile to accessorize.
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Maybe I'll ask someone what's up with the phone knobs.
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Go for it.
what is a phone knob oh if this was explained then don't explain it I'm playing video games>>312272 I think I will opt to just stay retarded
Mamma mia Here we go again
>>312268 it's when someone sends you their knob over the phone
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 03:42 No. 312271
hey blue you're my friend
>>312268 yeah just read up
>>312271 trufax
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>>312268 wow
My loading screen is done so my desire to learn has been cut at the ankle
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>>312268 It's an irrationally placed knob on the back of one's phone.
maybe they do crazy things because they're in love
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Does love make you want to put a knob on your phone?
Phones and love are closely intertwined! It's a keit-ai for a reason~.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 03:47 No. 312280
I love phone
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>>312278 Sometimes.
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>>312281 I definitely don't understand that kind of crazy.
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>>312283 Someday you'll be in love and crave a phone knob. Then you'll understand.
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>>312284 How often do you want a phone knob?
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>>312285 Never. I'm not in that kind of love.
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This new flux is super effective. it makes me sleepy I wonder if I can get lightbulbs that emit this kind of light.>>312286 phone knob love is a type of love?
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You can get a lightbulb system that will do that, yeah.>>312287 Normie love includes phone knobs.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 03:54 No. 312289
hello yes this i ston
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>>312288 I just want a lightbulb that is this color. Normie love seems weird.
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>>312290 Normie love is normal.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 03:56 No. 312292
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[desire to love intensifies]
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>>312291 but phone knobs are weird.
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>>312293 Not to normies.
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They seem like they should be strange to anyone.
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Of course you'd think that. You're not a normie.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:00 No. 312297
You're supposed to have a thing on your dash that you put the phone in Like a phone cradle Also >>312245 I'm not sure about the "most" part but in many jurisdictions it is illegal to hold your phone while operating a motor vehicle.
Yes thank you for restating a previously established detail.
>>312297 Mexico and Canada are both entirely prohibitting non-hands-free phone use in cards. Cars, even. America is more spotty but a good number of States do have legislation prohibitting it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:02 No. 312300
>>312298 Moon was claiming that it was made up by you so I'm reiterating it in support of what you said to convince him that you are cotrect
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>>312296 That's true, I'm not a normie. phone knobs are still werid though
wrong. you're both disgusting normies
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>>312301 Yeah, you're not a normie.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:05 No. 312305
Oh hey illinois has a ststatewide baban on non handsfree cellphone use by drivers. Looks like it started in 2014. It used to be that it was just banned in Chicago . Also it's not enforced
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>>312304 yeah and phone knobs are weird where is ika
Probably still on his way home. Said starting tomorrow he'd be able to start a bit earlier for a little while.
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>>>/watch?v=aioXn0ut6gE one week
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:07 No. 312309
>>312304 What game is that?
>>312309 CM23D or something
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:07 No. 312311
>>312304 but then what's the rat
>>312311 me i'm the rat
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:08 No. 312313
>>312310 Is it by Illusion? It looks like one of those create a girl and pose her sorts of things
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:08 No. 312314
>>312313 It shouldn't be. But it is porn.
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>>312313 I don't know, I haven't played it. It's just a porn game.
>>312313 That doesn't look anything like an Illusion game.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:09 No. 312317
also >>312316
>>312308 You know until about last week or so I kept thinking she was singing "let's do the other scene",
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:09 No. 312320
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>>312313 It IS one of those, but those aren't all made by illusion.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:09 No. 312321
Glad to know we have Illusion experts residing here. I haven't used anything by them in like four years.
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:10 No. 312323
>>312321 Fascinating.
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I've never played any of those porn games. They look really crappy.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:11 No. 312325
>>312324 Lots of effort for little reward, really.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:11 No. 312326
>>312324 They're as bad as you are at making 3D girls abd posing them.
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>>312326 Is that something I'm bad at?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:11 No. 312328
Although yes >>312325
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:11 No. 312329
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:11 No. 312330
>>312327 What I'm saying is that for some of those games you can make really elaborate stuff that looks good But it requires effort on the part of the player
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:12 No. 312331
So if This doesn't really matter though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:14 No. 312332
How was anime tonight, or did you not start yet?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:15 No. 312333
If I recall there's like no anime
If only.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:15 No. 312336
>>312335 Hi
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:17 No. 312338
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Any of you read this?
anime >>312339 →
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:20 No. 312345
>>312344 Cool it misses me
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>>312344 safe!
>>312344 Only a little blip is actually in Canada, hah hah. The rest of the ashfall is all "fuck you, midwestern America."
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Those are the past ones. There's some variation always of course. And there would still be a year or two of volcanic winter for the entire world.
Yeah I'm just being silly. The ramifications of Yellowstone erupting has much, much further-reaching consequences than just the ashfall.
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sucks for you guys who need sunlight!
I live in Canada I don't get sunlight in the first place. ;_;
NASA wants to drill into it to cool it down but say messing up will just make it blow up worse haha
That sounds like a bit of an exciting gamble. They should give it a shot.
agreed they're saying Yellowstone will probably erupt in the next 70 years now too
Let's speed it up I want it to at least happen in my lifetime if it's gonna happen
the resulting population bottleneck will be interesting to observe
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Oh really? That soon?
>>312365 yeah, new estimates
>>312364 It's like musical chairs on a grand scale
not exactly what I mean after catastrophic events like that, there are population bottlenecks so mutations and evolution is much quicker
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The estimates have been moved up a lot.
they're saying it's more likely than an asteroid in the next 70 years now
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Well, that's not really a big deal then because the chances of being annihilated by an asteroid are pretty low.
the chances of an asteroid are high nobody said anything about annihilation
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:29 No. 312377
I still think we should just nuke Yellowstone
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The chances of a substantial asteroid event are pretty low though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/20 (金) 04:29 No. 312379
>>312378 Happens regularly on geological time scales
>>312378 irrelevant
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>>312380 How is that irrelevant?
>>312381 because i didn't say a substantial asteroid event
if it's not substantial then why bring it up
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>>312382 Yeah, you just said "asteroid". That's really vague! Then you beat up on me for trying to interpret your vagueness!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/10/20 (金) 04:31 No. 312386
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Y'all gotta relax, seriously.
>>312384 what >>312385 it's not actually vague though
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>>312387 It's pretty vague. An asteroid what? Existing? Coming near? Actually striking the planet? Burning up in the atmosphere?
>>312388 not gonna play that game with you so close to bedtime
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I need a new mouse, My current one is getting old and is messing up some.
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>>312397 New mouses are pretty cheap these days.
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yeah, it's just a matter of me being not-lazy enough to order one.
it takes no effort to order one
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I would have to log into amazon and order it.
that's pretty easy
with that said im marching off to my death now goodnight
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Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/20 (金) 07:05 No. 312626
time to write an image board that runs on ethereum
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/20 (金) 07:07 No. 312627
write a post? 20 cents post an image? 500 dollars