>>3128 It's not very fun if everything happens according to my ideas, though. Surprise is important! Keikaku doori is good for preparing fun but not for having fun!
I think my favorite part of this album is how songs I wouldn't listen to are suddenly amazing and all the amazing songs that I know are suddenly completely wrong.
>>3137 But when you aren't being shut down by the man, go listen to it. It's so great. Like, I don't even want to spoil my favorite mashups because you just have to experience the shock value for the first time.
Some Japanese store in Tokyo just followed me on twitter for no reason. http://ookaze-akiba.com/ Looks like they are trying to get views by randomly following "japanese" people. I am glad I qualify for the spam! Well not really!
>>3147 >>>/watch?v=8t-iFr9q1I8 Mouth moods is an entire album of silly mashups. It's got stuff like YMCA played over the theme from Inception. I think it was Inception. It's really fun.
I am not downloading a HQ image of comparison so I will link it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way_(chocolate_bar)#/media/File:Milky-Way-Bars-USUK-Split.jpg
I have downloaded way too many images and later had to figure out why I even have them
>>3231 If your goal is to make a complete ass of yourself it sounds like a wonderful combination. >>3230 I had no idea they made fabric out of bamboo. THE PLANT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING.
Oh well even if my built up tolerance has faded a bit, my drinking capacity is still good. >>3234 nice paste
Menu Search SockShop Currency Basket Latest Socks & Tights News Students get first taste of world of fashion 02nd June 2015 The great and good from the world of fashion have been gathering in London for a prestigious event ... VIEW MORE NEWS FREE UK DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £10 UK and Worldwide Delivery £1.50 Home > Glossary > Bamboo GLOSSARY BAMBOO Bamboo is 100% naturally grown, without assistance from man and it is 100% sustainable. It thrives naturally without using any pesticides or fertilisers and the fibre is 100% biodegradable. Bamboo also has many features that lend themselves perfectly to socks.
The cross-section of the bamboo fibre is filled with various micro-gaps and micro-holes, ensuring much better moisture absorption and ventilation than other fibres. This means that the bamboo is 2-3 degrees cooler in warm weather and also very warm in cold weather, because of the same micro structure. Bamboo never sticks to the skin, it’s 3-4 times more absorbent than cotton, wicking moisture away from the skin which then evaporates, keeping you naturally drier and more comfortable.
Socks made from bamboo have particular natural anti-bacterial functions, bacteriostasis and deodorisation value. Its test results show over 70% of bacteria perished when incubated on bamboo fibre. In addition, tests by the Japanese Textile Inspection Association found that, even after fifty times of washing, bamboo fabric still possessed these functions. Bamboo allows socks to help keep feet fresher for longer and healthier as the fabric naturally stops bacteria from spreading.
At a microscopic level, bamboo fibre has a round and smooth surface. Because of this, it’s very smooth and sits perfectly next to the skin. Bamboo is also a great choice for sensitive or allergy prone skin, made from fibres that are round and smoother than other fabrics causing less irritation.
now you can be wearing panda-bait on your feet just in case pandas come to eat you
>>3242 Well, you lose skills if you don't use them!
Do normal moles change size? I have one on the side of my foot that is now much bigger. moles always freak me out. If I wasn't so unhealthy I would be less panicky
>>3262 well we were going to watch a movie together tonight, but I want to save that for the real kannagi other than that, it basically consists of taking an interest in my crackpot ideology and pretending to be interested it's a pretty hot fit for you
Yeah, that's fine. She can be better at it than me. Feminine wiles is one of those things you don't want a reputation for being good at anyway, that way you can go shock and awe if you need to. Art of War and all that.
I found something rather amusing. https://what.thedailywtf.com/topic/15001/enlightened Its about a graphics tool kit >It was written by a C programmer who “doesn’t like the notion of ‘type’ in programming”.
http://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/152661646/thread-for-tattun#p152661773 Producer on staff for Little Witch Academia is in this thread answering questions about the show.
He's called chumlee on the show that it's from It's a (another) show about a pawn shop Probably half the stuff that happens on the show isn't real despite being a 'reality' show.
>then when opening links from rss feed, V is "open in new window" ... Seriously WHO MAKES THESE SHORTCUT DECISIONS!?
>finland still scores 3rd least corrupt country in the world with 89 points >1st and 2nd 90 points, Denmark and New Zealand >4th place sweden... I think this whole corruption scale is corrupt
>>3397 Good. You can explain the plot to me. I think I might have missed some key points. >>3398 Yep. Up ahead of most of the world. Like living in the future. It's pretty crazy - flying cars - all food in pill form.
texhnolyze is a bit pretentious anime when you think about it
as is Lain
throw songs at me that you'd karaoke am getting songs to add to our library
youtube should have a "fuck you" button that you could press whenever a channel has automatically playing video on it
there should be just a fuck you button for youtube since they made autoplay a thing
pretty much seriously, they already have programmed that it does not autoplay next video if you are scrolled down, could they next make "no autoplay if you are not viewing the tab/window"
I dunno which I rather want a country that is quickly turning into an european "democracy" and has deeply rooted habits that are actually corruption. Or a country that has a police force that can't protect its citizens due to lack of resources and the fact that the government thinks police work towards certain people is BIGOTRY
>how to know the karaoke is legit as possible in terms of sound and lyrics on screen >the music video is weird as fuck >>>/watch?v=UscDgp_p7AU
oh shit that has the lyrics still...
guess the rule don't always apply. But surprisingly many karaoke version, dunno if they are legitimate and legal in anyway, but atleast in out collection have some weird music videos from some eastern european city on the coast of the Black Sea. I think it might be Odessa
>one library has an old dude who comes to read for 3 hours daily and produces infrasound level heavy bass noise whenever he breathes and now this café I wound up in has a granny whose breathing sounds like a bicycle pump
>>3432 that or make up some crazy conspiracy theories
also why does youtube have autoplay, but for a channel to load more videos, you need to always manually click "load more"
>>3434 There are internal power struggles among our Jewish overlords. Now they're even trying to manipulate each other.
Are you gonna do landdown under?
hmm I wonder do we have that I should grab it just in case
It is invasion day after all
>karaoke on vevo holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit this looks promising
Come on, everyone. Tie on your flag capes. Grab your goonsack.
It's time to head out and bash some ethnics.
I t is time to warm up the commodore and put on a fresh pair of tires
fucking hell why does every version of Go to the Distance lack the reprise part when it iskaraoked? it is the finale, the grandeur and the best part and you SKIP IT? blow your brains out zombies
Probably just something overtly sexual to make everyone else uncomfortable.
we already have plenty of those
noice there is even new rick astley songs with karaoke editions
When I went to Universal Studios there was a group of street performers - an all male dance troupe and for one of their bits the went for audience participation and started pulling women on stage to dance with them. Mostly they were like middle-aged house wives there with their kids, and it was all just a bit of fun. Then they called on this young Filipino chick. Denim miniskirt. Midriff showing. She knew how to dance alright. But it got pretty weird.. She started doing pelvic thrusts and and grinding against the men.
and this was all in front of a crowd of mostly 4-5 year olds who were gathered in front of the Sesame Street Great Spaghetti Space Race.
Oh well I have my laptop with me, so if I forget anything or anything comes ot mind, I can just git more normally this wouldn't be ap roblem but the actual karaoke laptop has ab roken down internet card so... you can't get more songs for it directly
>>3489 I'm just glad that out in the suburbs I'm away from all the bogans getting plastered and roaming around the CBD. >>3490 I was going to but some cunt stole my kettlebell.
Yeah. Dishwashing is pretty braindead. I can see why you'd want out. It's better than a lot of other work though. At least there isn't much human interaction... you can just zone out off to a better place. It's not that hard and the pay is alright.
Shit, man. If my old work doesn't take me back with enough hours I might go out looking for a kitchenhand job.
>>3494 I thought you were taking care of old geezers?
>>3496 I do this is just my old job putting me on any shift they can because they don't have anyone else, never mind I said " I quit " around christmas >>3495 I guess that's true although how much does fruitpicking pay? that wasn't that a bad of a job when I did it can't remember the pay though
Well they pay you by the load, not hourly, so it depends how fast you are. I think people who are good at it can clear $20+ an hour.
You gotta be out in rural areas to do it though. No way I'm moving back to South Australia. Not in this lifetime.
I still have these sega mega drive IIs laying around it's a lot of effort to set up , I don't have any working games and they both don't work all that well either plus I have the sinking feeling they're not an uncommon thing to find ... but hoarders gonna hoard
>>3521 All three. But I want a separate bag for each of them and I won't be paying any extra.
rose-tinted depression
Sorry sir, I do have to charge extra for any sides past the first. I wish I could give them away but I really can't, Is there anything else you wanted?
This is bullshit. I come in here all the time. Your manager knows me. He always gives me the additional sides for free.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
someone's getting a jar of piss to the face
rose-tinted depression
>>3525 If that's the case sir then let me get my manager. I'll be right back.
>public holiday >4:00am >everyone is either sound asleep or out having a good time with friends >I've spent the last 15 minutes trying to get the wings adjusted to an angle I like on my Card Captor Sakura Figurine
>>3532 Are you gonna take some pictures I really oughtta get a camera i usually fidget with my kuroneko for about an hour at a time but she's got such a complicated outfit i'm sure the real kuroneko spends at least that long getting dressed every morning
I'm setting up all the figs I got in Singapore. Five in total. I'll take a picture when I'm finished.
I gotta go buy milk I'll see what theyve got at the hot bar while i'm there i wonder if they'll have breakfast up or lunch, since it's 11:00 maybe i'll buy TWO gallons of milk
gee, moon! how come your mom lets you suck up TWO gallons of milk?
rose-tinted depression
>>3530 it's amazingly delicious the only problem was that the bottom side of the casserole ended up a little too juicy and not quite... solid? enough so i think the only thing i'm going to change in the recipe is to maybe add a little egg or corn starch to the cream of chicken before adding it, and baking it at a lower temp for a little longer
>article in VG >transexual Catalina Velasquez is worried about her future in the US, seeing as she's an illegal immigrant >she's got a degree, runs her own company, and even worked with Bernie on his campaign ...How is she still not a legal citizen? Are we here in Norway supposed to care about this? VG, we elected a party the population overall disagrees with on EVERYTHING other than immigration, you're fighting a losing battle here
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
one and only cheeri-oh oh oh oh you should know oh oh oh oh
homo milk doesn't really sound like something you'd get at the grocery store
rose-tinted depression
>>3550 well i added flour to thicken the cream of chicken but it's not that i added anything instead it's more that i just need to add something to make it more... cakelike? i guess so egg or corn starch might bind it better together
>>3557 i have to usually look for a store that specifically has no-homo most places have just homo milk >>3558 yeah i figured like two tablespoons of flour should do alright egg is an interesting idea whip that nigga into foam and mix it in
I'm not sure I could even get nonhomo milk if I wanted Maybe one of the 'exotic' shops have it
rose-tinted depression
>>3559 egg might mean it's technically a quiche and not a casserole but that sounds even better to me spinach chicken potato quiche
>>3561 it's so good even aside from the cream, just the milk itself is so much richer and has a more robust flavor homo milk tastes kind of flat and soggy like the flavor just is limp and disappointing
i hear gifvs are actually mp4s with the extension renamed, try it i was gonna support .gifv but every time i tried to download one it gave me an mp4 instead so i didn't bother
invalid video file
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
grr where can i get a gifv? the ones on imgur are actually HTML pages that embed an mp4
just right click \\\ Well that explains it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
damn imgur makin up file extensions that aren't even rael real
> GIFV is not actually a distinct file format, but it is an MP4 or WebM video that is presented via a HTML 5 video element or an Adobe Flash element with options set so as to make it work similarly to an animated GIF (i.e. endless loop with no video controls visible).
That's sort of annoying
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i remember when they "released" gifv and they were all like NEW FORMAT FOR MOVING IMAGES THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING
>>3660 Can't wait for my entire state to refuse to pay federal taxes in protest. Well, the city anyway. Upstate and LI are completely different worlds from us.
Breaking: most of california investigated by the IRS following controversial executive order
Well, posing her as well as she is in all the photos is really hard! I have her with her guns out now. But soon I'll put her into valentine's mode for February.
Yeah, she already is up for preorder. I haven't decided if I'm going to or not yet, but I have a lot time to decide. She releases in July, and I think preorders are usually open up until release?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
dammit brain why you always trying to make me think about gross things
>>3742 Preorders end usually four months before release. It's extremely rare for them to be up for preorder until release because preorders are used to gauge how many should be produced.
Eventually I gave up trying to get Sakura to sit properly on her Clow Staff. I think a bits missing. She's just kind of pearched up there. >>3752 That's a nice image Do you know where it was taken?
On a related note: Turns out my university has a sister school in Tennessee that they do swaps with and stuff. There's an information night in a few days that I'll check out
>>3757 oh shit get your ass out here son quarx and i will show you REAL MEMPHIS BBQ
>>3761 >>3762 It's not even about money, the cost of the nendo would be trivial. It's just about managing my buyer's remorse which operates independent of my bank account. I have to think really hard when purchasing most things that aren't necessary.
>>3766 I'm kind of the same but I have a policy of sticking to my decisions unless new information is presented. If I let myself second guess myself, I'll never make decisions So I refuse to have buyer's remorse!
I do hate spending money, though. I spent like $300 today. It was on stuff I wanted, but I still hate to spend money.
>>3767 I'm pretty bad to second guess non-essential purchases!
>>3768 That's another reason that I was fine with buying a few nendos. Buying merch is the best way to support Kancolle and I have put a looooot of hours into kancolle.
>>3769 I have a lot more money since I changed jobs, but haven't really changed my habits at all. So lots of disposable income.
>>3773 It's probably a good thing. I'm trying to tone down my costs. I have exexpensive tastes and I can afford stuff easily but I want to spend less. So no more weekly steak!
>>3771 oh sweet that's only an hour away one of my best buds got his business degree there too if you do the swap you'll get to check out the appalachian mountains pretty easily, they're not as impressive as everything else you've seen but they're really pretty
>>3784 things will hopefully pick up q2 and q3 plus i'm taking an active role in bringing in new clients, so i'm hoping i can steady out like 60 hours a week consistently i'll have a new motorcycle in no time at that rate
all the businesses are wrapping things up for Q4 in december, and before any market research projects take off in Q1, there's gotta be internal meetings within the client companies, and then meetings with the research companies before any of them even undergo the process so yeah, dec 20th to jan 10th was like dead now it's picking up and there's like 12 new prospective companies sending us out a bunch of stuff, and i'm getting asked to do a lot of the prospect work because we want to look good for them and i guess i do that two of them have already stuck around and i've got like a bunch of stuff to do
i sound like a boring adult talking about work, but it's actually really fun
>>3792 I usually get cheaper cuts, but it's still expensive. I haven't even been able to find a sale in two months. I'll be living alone again soon, though, so I'm sure I'll just start having a lot of burgers and simple stuff or not eating.
the job is pretty boring, but i get real excited about managing all of it i guess i get to have contracts and meetings and feel like a professional cool person
skirt steaks are pretty decent you can usually find meat deals too at the grocery store. when it's like 1.99 a pound on some cuts i'll totally buy up a ton and just shove em in the freezer
>>3796 The only meals I really know to make with skirt steak aren't kosher, unfortunately. And I probably won't be willing to do much cooking after Fish leaves. I'll just keep it simple
>>3796 Not caring shows more of a lazzy apathy than inner strength
>>3803 slice it in thin pieces and fry it in coconut oil with a splash of salt that's literally all you need to make it delicious >>3809 what the fuck is wrong with you
Well done steak can be good if it's still juicy and tender inside.
rose-tinted depression
i'm definitely more the kind of person to make my steak sous vide or hotly seared, eaten black and blue with a brush of red wine vinegar and a reduction of cream and puree'd chipotle peppers served on a bed of basmati rice with chopped basil leaves
sure but tryhard hipster cooking tastes different sometimes
rose-tinted depression
sous vide is actually how several restaurant chains cook their meats but that's for practicality reasons at panera we do it so we can freeze it, and then serve it thawed without having to cook any meats in-house
at-home stuff is obviously a little different though i've only had sous-vide chicken and it was pretty good
>>3841 hang on I might be wrong but I thought sous vide involved cooking meat slowly for like an hour while it's sealed up that doesn't seem more practical
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Partly due to Rika's reminder, I've now bought my second stick of RAM. Woo.
so they seal the steak at the food production facility and then they cook the sealed bags in hot water and then they freeze it REAL FAST and then ship it to us and then we thaw it in a cooler overnight and then open the bag and portion it out to put on our cold sandwiches, hot sandwiches, and salads
the meat looks bloody and rare but has the texture of medium-well and is completely safe to eat sous-vide means the meat is cooked basically in its own blood
weird my steak is a lie
a filthy lie
I'm never ordering it again
rose-tinted depression
i mean that's just how panera does it tastes fine too
it also means it can be free of any artificial preservatives and still be able to be transported to us and sold that way
i like my steaks medium rare or rare depending on the cut and style it's served in
a little bit of blood probably won't get you sick, assuming the establishment you're ordering it follows proper food handling procedures i'm also a strong advocate of supporting your immune system by not sheltering it germophobia is ironically the easiest way to become vulnerable to germs
>>3865 pick it up take it to the pawn shop easeist 30 bucks of your LIFE
Though it's Australia so it's more like twenty-five after gas.
>>3869 That's a lot more work than giving head for $30.
>>3868 >>>3038 → >>3869 Not a bad idea. Although I don't have a car right now so I'd have to carry it all on foot. It wouldn't be easy money but it might still be worth it.
Some Mod you are, Rika. If you don't even notice any threads besides the Active one. This place would be chock full of kiddie porn and you wouldn't even see it.
Yeah, forget this I was a little intrigued at the concept but when I literally CANNOT PROCEED while answering the questions honestly, that ruins it fuck this gay noise
>>3921 Come on, mate. Hope in the ute. We're having a piss up down by the billabong. All the lamingtons you can eat. >>3922 Faint of heart never won fair maid
>>3923 they ask you questions to try to match you and then they ask you "What answers would you accept in a potential match" and you try to click one or the other and you literally CANNOT PROCEED unless you say "i'm okay with any of the answers" and that's totally not the case I can't be honest and still say I'm okay with answers I'm not okay with I've already got up on the front page being a genderfluid multiple-personality 21st century shaman i can't half-ass it at this point
yeah i've been dabbling in it again coming back to the game with a fresh perspective and having (for the most part) conquered my inner demons i don't get upset like i used to and i'm probably better than when i stopped playing
I don't know how some of you get by with so little sleep. I only got about five hours last night and I feel absolutely disgusting. Can't concentrate on anything. Can barely read.
>>3993 right? I need a good 6 hours to function, and even more if I want to get this get
>>3993 Once I get into the swing of it I can function okay on five hours a night. But I need momentum or else I'll just crash and sleep more the following night.
>>3999 Toggle the world. >>4000 Consider 'em checked
make that 'r' a 'u' and that's a pretty accurate sentence.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
anyone want to watch someone play uhhh the witness?
puzzle games are more fun to play than to watch I think >>4006 this might be fun maybe you could make it a temporary thing though in that case might as well just have an art thread
>>4016 I've seen lots of things where people just put a bunch of crap from the internet in a book and try to sell it. You could probably do that to /moe/.
>>4017 Fucked if I know. With more good books out there than I could ever read in a lifetime I wouldn't waste time on an internet gimmick. Apparently there are quite a few people who make a living out of doing Twitter Books though.
akiba strip trickster idol jihen hand shakers chaos child konosuba
We'll watch some of those.
I guess part of not being here for wednesday means I don't watch much wednesday anime I'll join for konosuba for sure, might watch a random episode of those others with you guys if it seems interesting
>>4020 >Realizing that she's getting on in years and nowhere in life, a misanthropic American woman shuns conventional society and establishes herself in a digital universe. There she meets challenges, finds friends and proves to everybody - especially herself - that out in the cyberworld you're only as old as you feel! In "~~Rika. The Novel~~".
>>4074 That's actually the ONLY thing which makes her stand out. Being female. If Gillard was a man nobody would even remember her name right now. >>4073 Brutal. Why do you have so many papercuts?
>>4075 He was. But he was also democratically elected and the first Labour PM in a very long time. And then pissed away Labour's first spot in the sun since 1993.
>>4077 I handle a lot of paper and my skin is delicate. It's particularly bad right now because I was picking up a file that was a pretty big file all stuffed into one of those expanding folders, and I was putting it in a box and on the way out all the papers kind of ran down the back of my hand so I have a lot of horizontal papercuts kind of on the back of my thumb.
>>4078 >Democratically elected People vote for Labor. It's up to them who they want to have as a leader. >>4079 Go back with a box of matches. Show the file folders who's boss!
>>4082 You know full well most people base their votes on who that party is putting forward as PM.
Manila folders in particular give me papercuts like crazy. They're like swords.
Fact is having Gillard as the party's face pissed away the ONLY popularity Labour had since the early 90's. She wasn't at all popular. Doesn't matter how much of a cunt he is to you it was political suicide.
Makes you end up with mongoloids like Abbot in charge. \
Nobody even knows what labor stands for these days. Lefties vote Greens. Conservatives want the libs.
I don't even know what labor stands for. Except the carbon tax and higher wages. >>4088 even abbot didn't last though. >>4086 That's why you have to fight back.
You know what would make 'stralya day more interesting - Fireworks. Since it's basically our equivalent of the fourth of July. But the NANNY STATE banned them all.
I don't even want to be out setting off fireworks. I just like to know that I'd have the option to if I could.
But back to Firework talk - ACT used to be the once place in the country you could get them. On one weekend of the year. Everyone used to drive up from NSW to stock up.
And then a few years ago when they announced they were banning them all together there was even more of a rush to stockpile fireworks.
>>4139 We still have our Rountabouts. And a few Sex Shops.
It was the only reason to visit ACT. I wonder if it's had an impact on Canberra's tourism.
I liked the National Gallery and Australia War Memorial. Parliament and the lake too I guess.
But that was it.
>>4145 Yeah. They are. I haven't been to the war memorial for years though. But those two things are the only things worth doing and you can knock them both off in a single day.
Aw. Man. Did they have that rollercoster simulator thing when you went there? Track Attack? That thing was the best. I used to ride it again and again and again.
Not sure what I learned about science but that's beside the point.
Does CreamyNebula ever post on /moe/ these days. I don't think he does. He was a cool guy though.. At one point he was trying to tutor me in Age of Empire lessons.
Remember that time it was You and me Allied against the AI and we spent like three hours booming and then when we were finally going to go in for the grand assault your net crashed and we lost everything
What I'm really still salty about is losing that 2v2(3) with me and Gif vs Kannagi and Rika with Gamma also sharing control of Rika's forces so he could entirely manage her economy while she micro'd attacks. I was wrecking the shit out of Kannagi but Rika with not having to manage economy could hold me up and they eventually beat me 2(3) v 1 while Gif did nothing because he was noob.
The best soits are top right, in that little protected area mid top right, and on that hill kinda in the middle above the spawns. You can turtle really well in those spots.
First WoW I ever played was on a Burning Crusade private server. T'hey'd upped the drop rate by about 500% so almost everyone you'd come across would have those Ilidan Warglaves.
You've got a friend in me. When the road looks rough ahead, and you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed. You just remember what your 'ol pal said. Oh, you've got a friend in me.
You've got a friend in me. You got troubles, and I got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. We stick together, see it through, 'cus You've got a friend in me.
Oh, some other folks may be a little bit smarter than I am. Bigger and stronger, too. But none of them will ever love you the way I do, friend. As the years go by, our friendship will never die. You're gonna see, it's our destiny. You've got a friend in me.