Thread #309800
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Bottom Identity
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killing with kindness
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da sun
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eat your kurds and whey
Search [iqdb] (♫, 10s, 1.7 MB, 1280x720, VID_20171017_132658.mp4 )
noisy kurds
what's going on with the prison?
>>309806 some kurd has been imprisoned by turkey for ages sp they demand for his release or atleast confirmation that he is alive and well and where
imrali prison i think hosts many arrested kurds
oh and turkey invades kurd held regions from the north (syria, iraq) and iraq from the south
>phone refuses to stop playing ters for fears might have discovered my stand name
Search [iqdb] (8 KB, 223x225, DMMvHv7XcAAhm15-orig.jpg )
Hold the FUCKING phone Kino got another anime?
>>309812 yup is not that good ep2 was already remake of the colosseu, story '*colosseum it was bad compared to the 2 ep vetsion in the previous
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Well the series is done, isn't it? Of course it'll just be a reboot
>>309814 there was plenty of materoal to use
I wouldn't even mind anime original stories So long as they can come up with interesting new countries I'd enjoy it
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Well I'm gonna give it a shot anyway
>>309818 COol as hell
>>309818 >lice action
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kino no Tabi (2(…).jpg )
Is this part supposed to look so... I can't find the word Jumpy? Like there's lost frames or something
Well other than some complaints about the animation itself, the first episode is pretty good
>>309821 That CG does not mesh well at all
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Hahah the first episode This is great
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>>309825 This world is completely absurd
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I dreamed that I learned I was born in Malaysia on a military base and hidden away for some reason. And then I met a female personification of Mars at a restaurant and we had dinner but she kept misjudging her strength and breaking shit. I was trying to pay for my food and she tried to toss something to me but she threw it too hard and it smashed through a wall. It was a weird dream.
It's time 4me2dream
>>309828 mars or god
>>309830 Mars
but female?
Yes. Although maybe it was the daughter of Mars, I can't remember. I'm pretty sure it was just Mars, though
>>309829 hav good dream
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This second episode felt a bit rushed, though First one was like, the bread episode
2017/10/17 (火) 12:36 No. 309836
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2017/10/17 (火) 13:16 No. 309837
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>326GB free what the fuck happened to my computer what I have been struggling to stay above 100gb free for so long I do some basic repair stuff and now so much is freed up
maybe it downloaded some new memory for you
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 14:46 No. 309840
Truly I am Ohio.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 14:50 No. 309841
I slept pretty well last night, but I only crave more sleep.
>>309840 where's your favourite ohio
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 14:52 No. 309843
>>309842 Berlin
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 14:53 No. 309844
My dog keeps changing her mind about whether she wants to be under the blanket or not.
fuck I mean what's your favourite part of ohio
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 14:53 No. 309846
>>309845 Berlin, Ohio
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 14:55 No. 309847
Nah, it's actually Dayton. I haven't been but my favorite band is from there. Also, I wasn't joking there really is a Berlin in Ohio .
oh nice
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 14:57 No. 309849
Oh my god It has two Berlins.,_Holmes_County,_Ohio,_Williams_County,_Ohio
2017/10/17 (火) 15:00 No. 309850
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 1920x1080, [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeyco(…).jpg )
WE have a berlin too
too many berlins not eboufgh walls
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 15:01 No. 309852
>>309851 There are several in Pennsylvania Like East Berlin,_Pennsylvania Also one of the founders of Berlin Ohio (Holmes County) was from Berlin Pennsylvania
2017/10/17 (火) 15:01 No. 309853
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1920x1080, [HT] Hidamari Sketch x Honeyco(…).jpg )
What we also have is ballwax and bird hazard and pussyswamp
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 15:02 No. 309854
>>309853 Nice
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 15:06 No. 309855
Also southern Illinois has a bunch of towns named after Egyptian cities and other random things from the classical age of antiquity. Like Cairo Metropolis, Thebes, Dongola, Palestine, Lebanon, New Athens , Sparta, and Karnak Well some of those may be pre age of antiquity and some are after (maybe) I'm honestly too tired to remember when each of those places were originally founded or named that.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 15:14 No. 309857
>>309856 Heh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 15:16 No. 309858
Karnak is really cool though. I'd like to check it out someday.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 15:21 No. 309859
Karnak, Egypt I have no idea about Karnak, Illinois.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 15:23 No. 309860
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Wow, tiny My highschool's graduating class could have conquered this town.
>terraminor ad beofore youtube ad
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blood tests say I'm low on vitamind uuuh I don't like having to take supplements, but I guess that's the curse of this particular area on the map
2017/10/17 (火) 16:31 No. 309864
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Why don't you like taking supplements?
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I just don't It's not a reasoned thing, I just don't like it
2017/10/17 (火) 16:31 No. 309866
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Milk and many dairy products have added vitamin D here, since we kinda don't get enough of it
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Yeah Fuckin' northern piece of the globe a shit I mean it doesn't help that I'm so much inside, of course
2017/10/17 (火) 16:35 No. 309868
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 772x747, Sakura (66).jpg )
I eat multivitamin supplements atleast once a week I doubt I'd otherwise stay healthy since I don't really eat that well around healthy sure i eat veggies, but mostly root stuff not lettuce salad or green stuff
2017/10/17 (火) 16:36 No. 309869
not because I hate it, but because it costs money
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 16:45 No. 309870
I take vitamin D supplements. It helps with my depression.
2017/10/17 (火) 16:47 No. 309871
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That was theorised to be behind the depression and suicide rates here so they started throwing vitamin D everywhere I think even tap water for a little while but it didn't really affect them
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 16:47 No. 309872
>>309871 Ehh, I thought it was supposed to have helped?
2017/10/17 (火) 16:47 No. 309873
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Funlandia used to be afterall at top 5 suicide rankings>>309872 nah it was other things in the end and sure it does help that is clinically tested but it wasn't the cause of the "national illness"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 16:48 No. 309874
A woman my dad went to highschool with married a Finnish guy she met in the US and eventually moved to Finland. She killed herself after being there for three years.
2017/10/17 (火) 16:49 No. 309875
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And now they are dead oh wow
2017/10/17 (火) 16:49 No. 309876
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>>309874 It might be the soil itself
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 16:49 No. 309877
>>309876 Nah, she was from Florida and just got hit really hard from the lack of sunlight.
2017/10/17 (火) 16:49 No. 309878
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Well we might have like 2 weeks of sunlight even in the southest regions during november to january due to short days and constant cloud coverage
moving from florida to finland sounds like an awful idea
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 16:50 No. 309880
>>309879 Well it was from Florida to somewhere else in the US then to Finland. But yes it is.
2017/10/17 (火) 16:50 No. 309881
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>>309879 or vice versa
>>309802 oh yeah speaking of sun wow namedropped
2017/10/17 (火) 16:51 No. 309883
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we had a fun sun this morning
2017/10/17 (火) 16:55 No. 309884
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random news article pic spam
2017/10/17 (火) 16:56 No. 309885
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:56 No. 309886
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:56 No. 309887
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:56 No. 309888
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:56 No. 309889
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:56 No. 309890
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:56 No. 309891
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:58 No. 309892
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2017/10/17 (火) 16:58 No. 309893
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apparently dust from portugal's forest fires and saharan sand in the wind caused it or something
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 17:03 No. 309894
Whoah What the fuck So I read that florida woman kills child by sitting on her story The woman who sat on her was tthe girl's ccousin The girl was 9, her cousin is 64.
>>309879 out of the frying pan and into the freezer
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 17:05 No. 309896
Oh and the girl's mother is 69.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 17:11 No. 309898
Also why are there so many Somalis in Minnesota? That always struck me as odd.
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Well they gotta be somewhere
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 17:13 No. 309900
Oh hey that Minnesotan policeman who shot that woman who his partner was talking to is somalian.
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how can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real
2017/10/17 (火) 17:21 No. 309904
>>309903 wow
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2017/10/17 (火) 17:48 No. 309907
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I wake up in mid afternoon cause that is when it all hurts the most I dream I never know anyone at the party and I am always the host If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts you can never escape you can only move south down coast
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it's halloween time
No it's actually christmas No halloween stuff in stores, can already get christmas themed stuff though
>>309909 alright hold on never mind too much effort
2017/10/17 (火) 17:53 No. 309912
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WE HAVE NEITHER HAHAHAHAHA fuck your trend based societies
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Raining again.
2017/10/17 (火) 17:55 No. 309914
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ame ame
>>309913 howbhard
2017/10/17 (火) 17:56 No. 309916
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WE might get snow this weekend northern parts already got 10-20cm snow
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>>309915 Not very hard for Florida, but I imagine it'd be considered hard elsewhere.
>>309916 wish i'd get some snow
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>>309917 Owl's been quiet lately so I was wondering if that could be contributing
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Owl lives in a totally different part of Florida from me, so it's unlikely that we would share a rainstorm other than a hurricane or tropical storm.
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sou I just need to make sure he's available for the end of the campaign where it goes full evangelion so he can say congratulations to Aurelia.
2017/10/17 (火) 18:03 No. 309922
>>309921 >bI my old enemy
Search [iqdb] (259 KB, 1300x1300, DMWHumEV4AAzMh--orig.jpg )
I need more of this in my life I don't know what 'this' is, but I need more of it
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:08 No. 309924
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 800x800, DMQpz06VoAAZA4Q.jpg )
wow, a portable kannagi
Can she fit in my laptop bag?
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:09 No. 309927
I am being transported home!>>309925 carry me everywhere, I am useful!>>309926 Depends on how old your laptop is.
keit ai finds a way
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 626x743, splatoon.jpg )
>>309927 There are lots of places I can't carry you, though.
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:11 No. 309930
>>309929 Discrimination!
2017/10/17 (火) 18:12 No. 309931
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 870x720, Sako (44).png )
is kannagi keitai a keitai or an app?
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>>309930 I'm sure there are plenty of places you wouldn't want me to carry you.
>>309927 uh, like 2014 maybe?
i'll carry you to the grave
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:13 No. 309935
>>309934 how grave>>309932 I suppose there are! But everywhere else is O O K
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1200x753, DJ6jBqnUQAAPecw[2].jpg )
i dont feel anything today
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:14 No. 309938
>>309937 everything alright?
2017/10/17 (火) 18:14 No. 309939
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, Sako (54).jpg )
what if you have to go to the hospital and turn your kannagikeitai off?
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>>309935 Are you sure? Can I get a list of places you aren't comfortable being carried?
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:15 No. 309941
>>309940 unfun places! And absolutely you'll realise how benri a kannagi is!>>309942 medication? I know the feeling of not being able to feel, it can turn things just grey
>>309938 just a very empty feeling i dunno
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 820x820, 20170609012540.jpg )
>>309941 Can I have examples of unfun places?
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:19 No. 309944
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 480x640, 1469440926961.jpg )
>>309943 Unfun places are unfun places, everybody knows what they are!
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>>309944 Then give me some examples!
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:21 No. 309946
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wow you are preventing me from being lazy and typing less on the phone! You have an amazing aidoru sense of fun so, it just need to be said what is unfun!
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
Well, people have all different ideas of what's fun and what isn't fun, you know. Some people don't find near-death experiences fun. Do you want to be in those?
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:25 No. 309948
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/17 (火) 18:26 No. 309949
Dont put me in stressful near death situations onegai
Search [iqdb] (210 KB, 1789x1333, DMV6xCiV4AAyoeX-orig.jpg )
imats we gotta work together and get legislation passed that makes it illegal for twitter artists to post screenshots of video games, or pictures of food
2017/10/17 (火) 18:30 No. 309952
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
I bouhgt a ton of potatos I will make a SOUP
>>309951 why
>>309950 why
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 493x438, DMNwlxcXkAA9bBf-orig.jpg )
it's clogging my FEED
They'll just leave twitter
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2017/10/17 (火) 18:32 No. 309958
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 268x237, smugi.png )
>>309956 good riddance
Search [iqdb] (934 KB, 1000x607, 1508217211739.png )
I should post pictures of food on Twitter
Search [iqdb] (8 KB, 223x225, DMMvHv7XcAAhm15-orig.jpg ) Look at how good ALL of this is
>>309954 too spooky
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 1094x1500, DIYSZWpUMAEBlx0[1].jpg )
ringringring kannagiphone
>>309959 i like this
>>309962 is it spooky?
2017/10/17 (火) 18:37 No. 309966
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 487x563, Sako (50).jpg )
>>309963 herd derp derp derp derp potato fight
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 418x600, DJSDe-VVAAIXuh2[2].jpg )
>>309966 I like it
2017/10/17 (火) 18:38 No. 309968
I wonder have they changed the "OBAMA" to "TRUMP" on saltybets
>>309963 nice rj dood
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 703x1434, 64542940_p0.jpg )
The 60fps shit on youtube works so poorly and it pisses me off that you can't just do 720p or 1080p without 60fps on some videos
2017/10/17 (火) 18:51 No. 309971
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 600x847, Sako (57).jpg )
that prolly means your computer can't handle it that well well the live loading>>309972 there is an about config setting that disables it
it works great in chrome they purposefully make sure it's not optimized for firefox
2017/10/17 (火) 18:52 No. 309973
but then you have only 360 and 720, though all vids load isntantly and hmm for example twitter videos won't work
Search [iqdb] (489 KB, 566x800, 40858483_p0.jpg )
Going to try a game called the Shrouded Isle.
>The Shrouded Isle is a Lovecraftian-themed management simulation video game, in which the player is placed in charge of a sacrificial village cult that worships a god who intends to bring about an apocalypse in three years
2017/10/17 (火) 18:58 No. 309976
that seems cool stream it
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 665x1007, ClqfmTPUkAA5_Iy.jpg )
I think it can be watched on Steam. Apparently I have to find and sacrifice a sinner every season and then our god will save us in three years.
2017/10/17 (火) 18:59 No. 309978
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 500x707, Sako (55).png )
THE PASTA HELL IS OVER friday saturday sunday monday tuesday PASTA and now I have finally finished the pasta sauce I made
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I wonder if whisdom tooth or cavity
2017/10/17 (火) 19:03 No. 309980
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1920x1080, Sako (61).jpg )
man my upper back is sore I wish someone would give me a massage for once
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>>309941 probably not meds iuno just rural living
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 1200x794, DEwpacyVwAAQ34c-orig.jpg )
This artist is so fucking good
2017/10/17 (火) 19:12 No. 309983
>you can rename villagers lol
everyone in house blackborn is a shit
2017/10/17 (火) 19:13 No. 309985
kill them all
2017/10/17 (火) 19:13 No. 309986
btw if you didn't get it, your god wants a coward next season and the coward is a woman
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ATLUS USA confirmed for cheap whores
2017/10/17 (火) 19:16 No. 309990
the us one is soft cover but the jp one is hard
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Hahah what The village has a set timer for sacrifices, but also they need proof of transgression? What if 3 months pass without anyone doing something wrong?
i have to sacrifice a sinner to our god every season if the family feel like there's no proof, they'll get pissed
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 708x1000, DLrzQ8QVoAAqUaM-orig.png )
No I mean As one of these villagers, how would you even deal with that sort of situation Who you gonna kill off if nobody did something wrong
2017/10/17 (火) 19:22 No. 309999
kill the kegnas
2017/10/17 (火) 19:22 No. 310000
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, Valmet - Hakkaa Päälle!.jpg )
i killed the only one that wouldn't result in a rebellious house
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Eh, doesn't seem like my kinda game
2017/10/17 (火) 19:26 No. 310003
Search [iqdb] (644 KB, 1920x1080, Valmet.jpg )
That is the one your god asked for BRING ME THE COWARD
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english one did this cute thing thougu
2017/10/17 (火) 19:28 No. 310005
dude you need penitence
i'm aware but i can't get it without losing fervor thanks to that coward
2017/10/17 (火) 19:29 No. 310007
so I guess she is the next one to die
i guess efferson hates me
ah i lost because of penitence
2017/10/17 (火) 19:30 No. 310011
they shouldn't be so shit
2017/10/17 (火) 19:30 No. 310012
hahah I guess that makes snese
2017/10/17 (火) 19:31 No. 310013
Sure isn't easy being a cult leader
i think i understand the game better now there wasn't a tutorial or instructions
2017/10/17 (火) 19:31 No. 310015
it is quite simple but with lot of depth in that simplicity>>310014 such are these games you fail and retry
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2224.JPG )
I'd watch if I were able Here is a cute bunny
2017/10/17 (火) 19:32 No. 310017
do the obedience so you know how much you lose welp you went already
it tells you how much you lose, it was -15
2017/10/17 (火) 19:33 No. 310019
i am halfasleep
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 1467x726, DC1vjWMUQAAQAoE-orig.jpg )
AAAA I'm gushing I can't stand there not being an infinite amount of art by this person
2017/10/17 (火) 19:38 No. 310022
well yeah tht is the point everyone has a virtue and a vice and you need to find those with greatest vices and least virtues to sacrifice
the art in this is really good
2017/10/17 (火) 19:42 No. 310025
music reminds me bit of diablo
holy shit
damn this is pretty hard
i think there might just be too much RNG
2017/10/17 (火) 19:51 No. 310030
most likely reminds meof that queen game
queen game didn't have any RNG if it's the one where you are princess long live the queen
2017/10/17 (火) 19:51 No. 310032
Search [iqdb] (661 KB, 1000x946, Salmiakki (1).jpg )
to me it seemed completely random
it had no rng though this one it's like, you never know the outcome so it's rng as to whether or not it works and whether or not your people are even decent
2017/10/17 (火) 19:52 No. 310034
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 331x632, Sako (14).png )
Well I say it is morei mportant in tha game to know the sin not the virtue
it doesn't let you pick which to learn unfortunately that's RNG too
2017/10/17 (火) 19:52 No. 310036
2017/10/17 (火) 19:52 No. 310037
that is kinda bullshit
yeah the rng fucks you over too easily i think
>three choices, all are half rng except for one which is full rng
you can't even plan even though it's a "management game"
2017/10/17 (火) 20:00 No. 310041
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seems bit too random to be management game imo
gotta find the pervert now
2017/10/17 (火) 20:04 No. 310043
>>310042 the one who invented the whip
2017/10/17 (火) 20:04 No. 310044
fania kegnni
are you sure? i thought it was someone from efferson
2017/10/17 (火) 20:05 No. 310046
I think it was kegnni but yeah it could have been eff
pervert is someone that is undisciplined hmm
2017/10/17 (火) 20:06 No. 310048
well I'd investigate the girl from effersons
damn, it didn't give me her sin
2017/10/17 (火) 20:07 No. 310050
and it just used it on timid that is kinad...
i have until the end of the year to find them hmm
kind of weird that i can only sacrifice my advisors though
2017/10/17 (火) 20:08 No. 310053
I wonder how many times you have to use an advisor to get their virtue or vice revealed or is it random too...
2017/10/17 (火) 20:09 No. 310054
use dem inquiries
2017/10/17 (火) 20:11 No. 310055
welp I ned slep nite
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I think what I love the most about these is how depressing they all are
>>310058 This one is pretty nice I'd like to ride an elevator like that
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All of them are super good Alla this guy's art is fantastic I love it
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The art on its own is great, too Just on a technical level, it's very pretty
I want to live in that concrete jungle
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I really like the aesthetic of concrete jungles, but I think I'd lose my mind living in one
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:24 No. 310064
I just got the average tier on the down under humble bundle It went live three hours ago so its still under $4
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:25 No. 310066
>>310065 Not yet Also I still live in the same time zone in which I was born.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:26 No. 310068
Thanks though
>>310063 It'd be a bit claustrophobic I think Even so I think it'd be cool Lots to explore with all the vertical movement >>310070 set up a preservation society for ghost cities
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I want a world where we keep cities around like we do parks today
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:29 No. 310072
>>310071 Heh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:29 No. 310073
>>310070 Not sure about cities (outside of like shit like Karnak) but there are plenty of ghost towns in the US.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:30 No. 310074
You ever check ou atlas obscura? They have a ton of info on abandoned places
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 980x551, ghostcity.JPG )
Let's set up a /moe/commune around here
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>>310074 No, but the abandonment isn't really the thing I'm interested in
>>310075 we would never be able to agree on how to run the commune
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:31 No. 310078
>>310075 Those Chinese cities aren't abandoned No one moved in
>>310077 We'll just kill everyone who disagrees until we get uniformity >>310078 Abandoned by their developers then
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:31 No. 310080
>>310076 Okay>>310079 Not that either People still own the property They did it to diversify their assets and keep value by investing in real estate, because Chinese banks have negative interest rates. And it's become increasingly difficult for non mega rich Chinese to invest in foreign markets (property or otherwise)
why are they not abandoned
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>>310077 And also there'd be 4 of us or something
>>310081 Can't be abandoned if no one ever lived there in the first place
>>310083 1. having been deserted or cast off. "an abandoned car" synonyms: deserted, forsaken, cast aside/off; jilted, stranded, rejected; informaldumped, ditched "an abandoned child" unused, disused, neglected, idle; deserted, unoccupied, uninhabited, empty "an abandoned tin mine"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:34 No. 310085
>>310084 See >>310080
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>>310080 >negative interest rates Holy shit
>>310085 >N /// no one lives there but they're not unoccupied, deserted, uninhabited, or empty
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:34 No. 310088
>>310087 I agree that they deserted and uninhabited and empty But generally abandoned has the connotation of "cast aside" But these buildings exist as investments by the property owners
Abandoned things are unoccupied Unoccupied things aren't necessarily abandoned, cause that's like a thing that's done to it
>debating semantics
>>310090 words have meanings i'm just pointing out that this word has a meaning that applies
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:36 No. 310092
>>310091 But is not apt in this context
i think it's apt abandoned buildings have owners for example
I mean the point of describing it as abandoned is to communicate that no one lives there I think it works fine
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:37 No. 310095
>>310093 On paper yeah
>>310095 which is the same as these buildings >>310094 >>310094 >>310094
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:37 No. 310097
Well some also have real owners
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:37 No. 310098
>>310094 Abandoned implies people lived their in the first place
>>310098 That's not the point The point is it's empty and no one lives there except maybe some birds and squatters You could argue that TECHNICALLY it's not abandoned, but for the purposes of communicating in a casual fashion on, the word abandoned is fine >>310100 I'm the kinda guy who plays Mario Kart with the Wii wheel And there's nuffin you can do about it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:39 No. 310100
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:39 No. 310101
On an unrelated note screencheat is in the $1 tier in that bundle.
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What the HECK kind of autism is going on here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:40 No. 310103
>>310102 Multiple people (including myself) sperging out over words and semantics.
>>310082 Okay, more like a camp then
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We can get a commune going if we
hold on to what we got
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If we just persuade Rika to help us we can probably get some land
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Jan owns some unoccupied land in Texas.
Bring some guns and we can become the rulers of New Zealand It'll be over by lunch >>310111 We'll set up a solarpanel farm and sell off all the energy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:43 No. 310110
>>310108 Texas is pretty hot
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>>310108 Is it fertile though?
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>>310111 No.
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then we're boned we can't just steal indefinitely
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Sure we can. We'll build a fortress on the land.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:44 No. 310116
Let's get land in southern Illinois
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But the cops They'll stop us while stealing
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They won't if we're good.
Let's set up our own nation state
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If we want land, we can just get it from Fish's family. I'm pretty sure they're way richer than Rika.
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I mean as long as it could actually feed us, we could get a good thing going The problem would be internet and a few other things we just can't really do on our own considering the scale Electricity we could PROBABLY handle
kidnap bourgeoisie and make them turn turbines to generate power for us
Samurai for emperor
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>>310122 >hamster wheel gulags >and everyone's forced to keep wearing tailored suits
we would have to pay them for their work ofc they can use their money to buy food so they don't die
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Well, technically it'd be legal not to, as long as we somehow establish ourselves as able to pass legal judgment within the US
>>310126 Civil War 2.0 incoming
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Depending on the amount of land, we could probably have like, a meth lab to get money for stuff We could just put it somewhere so if shit goes sour it doesn't fuck everyhting else up
>>>/watch?v=xUgmc7kKqOI The cop in the first video has the patience of a saint
i'm not selling meth
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>>310131 Well I mean, I guess we could do something else for money But we'd need money for internet
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:53 No. 310133
Honestly I could probably make meth but its still dangerous and illegal. Not really interested iin it
Let's turn our state into a tax haven
i'm not selling drugs
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:54 No. 310136
>>310135 Also yeah tthis
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Then what, artisinal baskets?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:54 No. 310138
>>310137 Artisanal guns
we weave baskets all day everyday
>>310137 Anime
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Maybe we could survive on like patreon bux we could do a podcast about commune life
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:56 No. 310142
>>310141 Only if we also drew porn
We can set it up as an exotic holiday destination I'm sure Kiraras seen enough travel ads to understand how to market us
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Visit commoe We've got Farmland Housing No cops
Let's offer internationally wanted criminals safety in exchange for a one time fee and then send them in to the FBI and collect the bounty anyway If we can get a big enough one, it only has to work once
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:58 No. 310146
>>310145 We'd have to do that in Alaska.
>>310146 Why Alaska?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:59 No. 310148
>>310147 Close to Russia Also the biggest state And very sparsely populated And good gun laws Well good if you love guns
It's pretty cold in Alaska Probably easier to survive in the hot wasteland than the cold one
Wait, I got it We use our immense desert land to hold mad max style death races with no rules or safety requirements
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 21:59 No. 310151
>>310149 Yeah which is why its better because its more remote Also it's easier to hide in tge woods than the desert
>>310130 if these people were black they'd have been shot
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:00 No. 310153
>>310152 Yes
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sovcits are both hilarious and scary at the same time On one hand, they somehow think they can outlegal literally the law On the other, they're packing and actually like, loopy
it's ridiculous that they think the articles of confederation are legal
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Even if they were right, the state wouldn't acknowledge that Get real, sovcits
It's funny that they'll talk up not having laws apply to them, but if an officer touches them they'll start yelling about breaking laws around police conduct
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I'm a free inhabitant. I get all the rights of a citizen without having to follow the laws!
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>>310158 That'd be the first time in world history Hahah, a state that exists primarily to restrict itself
these people think that asking for a supervisor will stop them to not break a window
How does one reach such an out of touch and delusional state
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:07 No. 310162
>>310161 Being a Fundy Among other things
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:08 No. 310163
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:09 No. 310164
Holy shit Issac Asimov invented that word.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:11 No. 310165
Well May have
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I was in the bookstore the other day and on the return trolley was this really, really nice Bible. Like, leather-bound, high-quality paper, the works. I was kind of surprised a big chain bookstore like that one was even selling something like that. I'm not one to go reading it but it was a REALLY nice-looking book. Also who even returns a Bible.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:18 No. 310168
>>310167 Bibles are often bound nicely Also maybe it was a gift but the recepient got an even nicer Bible from someone else.
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>>310167 Bibles are pretty popular If you're printing the word of god, you oughta print it nicely
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:20 No. 310170
>>310169 It's only the word of god if its in Hebrew.
Arguably I think it makes more sense to print the word of god as cheaply as possible so that it's more affordable and can reach a further number of people.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:21 No. 310172
>>310171 They also do that People just leave em every where Like you used tto find em at hotels cause people wouod leave tthem there for people tto ppick up
I know they do man. I was contesting the "oughta", not saying they don't.
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you're supposed do your mitzvahs as beautifully as possible if you can't do them beautifully, you don't, but if you can, you're supposed to
>>310171 True true
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:22 No. 310176
>>310174 Arguably printing the new testament is not a mitzvah
only thing you should print the new testament on is toilet paper tbh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:23 No. 310178
>>310177 Lol
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brutalism is the only thing that makes sense for something as important as avoiding eternal punishment
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:24 No. 310180
>>310179 >This is what Christians actually believe Eternal suffering is a meme
>>310179 how do you print a book in brutalist fashion
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I should have done the sovcit thing when I got pulled over while in the car with Jan and Tilde. They could record me getting beaten up by a cop.
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>>310181 You apply the same principles of just doing it as efficient and cheap as you can and not giving a slight fuck about the aesthetics of it
>>310182 I would have been worried about Jan jumping in to help you with the fight.
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>Jan grabs my pocket knife and does the opening thing
>Cop just backs the fuck off
>These motherfuckers are crazy
i actually got a better pocket knife with an opening mechanism now haha
The dream is DEAD.
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just you wait and see
Does that mean someone with unlimited swords is unlimitedly strong?
My entire body is made of swords
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That means Gilgamesh is the strongest
>>310192 it does
>>310194 Gil has nothing on the guy who's body is literally unlimited swords.
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me, jan, and tilde
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Did you know weasels are like, the size of your fist? I didn't know weasels are that small I thought they were the size of ferrets
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>>310200 weasels can be a little bigger i think
>>310202 Rare picture of me actually enjoying life.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:30 No. 310205
>>310200 They come in different sizes
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Even the height is kind of accurate.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:32 No. 310208
Also weasels are in the same family as otters.
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do you raise your hand all the way or just halfway
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well I didn't know they could be that small anyway
>>310209 Halfway unless I feel pressured to make sure I am known. Which doesn't come often because fuck attention.
>>310209 For what?
for anything
>>310209 All the way. Show your enthusiasm, show that you mean whatever it is you're raising your hand for Also, me in the back in blue with my face covered up >>310217 Goddamn slow the fuck down I can't keep up with all this enthusiasm!
>>310211 yeah i usually do it halfway because i'm lazy
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>>310213 both
>>310214 Oh you bet I'm showing my enthusiasm with how high I'm raising my hand.
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big mood
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since july 22
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Yaho, Rikacchi.
>>310224 good thing she didn't include the r-18 tag there
hello hi
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Hello! How are we all today?
alright eye'm EXCITE because the robot duel is TODAY
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 22:56 No. 310232
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time for bed now I should sleep more
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:00 No. 310235
>>310234 Oyasumi
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:01 No. 310236
>>310233 Isn't it only one?
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:02 No. 310238
Oh I misremembered the time
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Today I woke up and checked my arena history in fire emblem. And it was full of dead horses. It was a good way to start the day.
>>310236 yeah it's three more hours >>310234 night>>310239 >>>/watch?v=VC1_tdnZq1A
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>>310239 I woke up and realized I had a weird dream.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:16 No. 310243
Oh shit New monmusume Blue around?
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>>310242 You didn't realize it was a weird dream until you woke up?
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>>310244 Maybe I had an inkling of it, but I don't believe such realizations are conscious during dreaming.
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I often realize my dreams are dreams in the dream when they don't make sense.
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Even if you say that, I don't believe it's conscious. Anyway, my dream wasn't so weird that I would know it's a dream. I found out that I was born in Malaysia on a military base and then hidden away for some reason. And then I was at a restaurant with a female avatar of Mars and she was trying to move stuff around, but she kept misjudging her strength and breaking stuff. Then I was paying, and she tossed something to me, but it went through the wall. So it wasn't really that bizarre.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:27 No. 310248
My dad and Iought a skeleton in a hotel room in my dream last night. *fought
did you win?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:28 No. 310250
>>310249 Yee It had throwing spears and a lance but we still beat it I got woken up during the fight with the tomato monster though
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>>310247 I guess it's not that weird. Still pretty weird though.
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>>310251 It's a little weird but it's not bizarre or anything. >>310250 Hard to be effective with throwing
spears in a hotel room
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:33 No. 310254
>>310253 The throwing sspears were short spears Also it was a big hotel room Anyways we had no ranged weapons so it made sense tactically for the skeleton to use them before we were in cqc range
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>>310252 >>310253 Oh yeah you sleep posted last night too.
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>>310255 What did I say?
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>>310256 I don't remember, it was something that made no sense.
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>>310254 Fair enough.>>310257 Oh, it's good that I didn't do anything embarrassing.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:38 No. 310259
I'm so bored I started reading that horsegirl manga even though it looks shitty Also they're like the catgirl equivalent, they just have horse ears and tails and run fast It seems like the girls are all named after real Japanese race horses though
>Scavenger Hunt > {"windowId":"orusp2nv","type":"t","data":"a[\"[[0,30]]\"]"}Done >{"windowId":"orusp2nv","type":"t","data":"a[\"[[309800,3,310260,\\\"> {\\\\\\\"windowId\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"orusp2nv\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"type\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"t\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"data\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"a[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"[[0,30]]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"]\\\\\\\"}Done\\\\n\\\",1]]\"]"}
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:45 No. 310261
>>310260 Blue New chapter of monmusume
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I don't even read that anymore.
monster girls are for weirdos
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me as a maid with my maid
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>>310264 who are you and what did you do with ToN?
>>310266 I dont really like monster girls except when theyre like 90% humanoid and even then its eh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:51 No. 310268
>>310267 Some of the girls in it are like 90% humanoid Like the Dullahan
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I saw the harpy before I realized it was a harpy and thought "oh she's cute i guess" but from what Ive seen (which isnt much) shes not too well off in the head
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:53 No. 310270
>>310269 Not unlike Oku Birds aren't very smart
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cloacae are gross
I prefer spacey Utsuho to full blown retarded depictions
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:54 No. 310273
Well Papi doesn't matter much because she's not best girl
I probably wont watch or read it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:55 No. 310275
Honestly its not particularly good It's just a generic harem with "monster girl" as the flavor Which is different enough (or was) from most of the other stuff like it out there that people liked it because it was different
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That one touhou has bird parts and a fuel rod for an arm. it's the fuel rod arm that really gets me though such bad design
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:57 No. 310277
>>310276 She can take it off Also ToN's gonna ree at you for talking shit about his waifu
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>>310276 Yeah, most 2hus have pretty bad designs.
>>310276 she was originally going to have three legs for the control rod bit but he decided against that for good reason I like it personally but of course i do
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:58 No. 310280
>>310276 It's like megaman's blaster or Cobra's laser gun arm
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/17 (火) 23:59 No. 310282
>>310281 Is the joke that they're all dudes?
the joke is that cgl wants to get laid but fa and fit are gay
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>>310282 cgl is most definitely not a dude.
cgl might be the only board to not be a dude
>>310286 co prob
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/c/ had lots of girls but I don't know about now. /a/ used to have a higher female percentage but reddit types drive girls away.
>>310287 I thought /co/ was represented by a dude dressed as a detective
>>310288 /c/ got so shit so fast>>310289 i met like three people from /co/ and they were all girls
anecdotal but still
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yeah /a/ is mostly guys now i think
>>310290 it's funny you mention that, since the only people in HS that I knew liked western comics were girls Also enecdotal
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>>310292 and /a/ is shit now too! what a coincidence.
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>>310294 Well, there's a common thread between why the girls left and why /a/ is so shitty, which you already noted.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:09 No. 310296
>>310294 /a/ was always shit It's just different shit now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:10 No. 310297
Also aren't there girls on /soc/ And /ic/
there are relatively few girls on /soc/
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There isn't anything that qualifies as people on /soc/.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:10 No. 310301
>>310299 As expected of 4chan>>310300 Sasuga I've never gone on it so I wouldn't really know
>>310300 >>310300 >>310300
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:12 No. 310303
Ah there's also /an/ And I know basically nothing about /trv/ There are girls on /adv/ though
not proportionally enough for the board to be represented as a girl though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:14 No. 310305
In other news I see threads like this basically whenever I check /po/
>>310305 >it's another newfag mistakes /m/ for /mu/ thread
we did it reddit
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>>310307 Yeah, hows reddit this time of year?
pretty good has all the popular upvotees like yuu, kirara and moon around
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>>310309 Yuu has never posted on Reddit. Sugoi, however...
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I haven't ever posted there, either. Sugoi totally has.
This may be true, but what I'm about to tell you may shock you to the core. Your very paradigm of moe will shift. You may fall to your knees as everything you once believed falls to dust. ... Yuu hosted a subreddit. Yuu is in fact...a REDDIT ADMIN. The taint runs far deeper than you all feared.
how am i a popular upvotee
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>>310312 Yuu never did that!
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Yuu would never do that.
In my investigations evidence points towards yuu being the leader of /r/doushio and offsplit off the famed new gaia aka r/anime Care to comment?
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I never did any of that stuff! Maybe an old poster made that subreddit during a time of crisis.
That raises an interesting point. Does the end justify the reddit memes? Or does a single reddit post form a link in the chain that irrevocably taints us all?
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I wouldn't know, I didn't come along until after that!
And so it has come to this. A post-reddit society.
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>you only think youre gay because magic holy shit
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>>310320 Yeah, I'm post-reddit. You posted there though!
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i'm watching Alien: Covenant it's another Alien movie where everything could have been prevented by following safety protocols
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:32 No. 310326
I posted there once during a raid My upvote got nullified though Wait actually I don't think I posted I only upvoted and downvoted
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:32 No. 310327
It was during the Samuel L Jackson thing Where he said he'd upload a video of himself reading the highest upvoted post out loud So obviously people from 4chan went to upvote the navy seals copy pasta
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>>310325 yeah but who follows those
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>>310328 Certain;y not these dead people! At least some of the people are dying for things that aren't their fault.
>>310325 The crew in this one is so dumb Why aren't they wearing helmets
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>>310330 THE DUMBEST I'VE EVER SEEN oh, this planet has breathable air? no need to bother with helmets then
>>310331 >dude what's bacteria and parasites lmao
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:34 No. 310333
The train I was on the other day had ads all over the inside for ttge alien movie that came out in spring Like a giant ad on the ceiling and giant ads covering parts of the train that dont normally have ads
>>310332 alien viruses??? unpossible
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>>310329 I think not following safety protocols is part of being a space explorer.
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>>310336 If we're ever exploring space and you stop following safety protocols, I will force you to or stop you before you kill us all.>>310335 YOU WERE RIGHT, WE SHOULDN'T HAVE COME TO THIS INCREDIBLY SUSPICIOUS PLANET
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This is why you're not an astronaut.
>>310336 They weren't even explorers They had a predetermined destination but then went and avoided it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:35 No. 310340
>>310336 Then the other people follow the protocols by either restraining you or killing you
>find a random suspicious planet >let's go there
>>310337 Gee this sure does seem too good to be true ;)
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:37 No. 310343
>>310342 ;∧)
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>>310337 What are you, some kind of rurus nerd?
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>>310344 I'm a living nerd. If you do something that puts me in danger of getting killed by an alien, I will stop you.
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>>310345 You'd be safe from the aliens with someone like me on board.
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>>310346 s-sou
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:38 No. 310348
>>310346 Have you not seen Alien or are you just pretending to be retarded?
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>>310347 I don't like aliens. I would not tolerate them on the same ship as me.>>310348 I've seen it.
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>>310348 they'll survive everyone else will die
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:39 No. 310351
>>310350 Oh no!
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>>310350 Everyone but the aliens would be safe!
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>>310349 Better safe than sorry. The aliens in this one are a little spookier than the other ones. Or rather, spooky in a different way.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:41 No. 310354
There's a bladerunner thread on /PO/
every meme thread on /po/ kills a nice thread
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 00:45 No. 310356
>>310355 Nah actually its about whether or not an origami thing in it was actually folded from one piece of paper or not
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Very elaborate
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>>310353 Well, you wouldn't have to worry about aliens with me on the ship.
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>>310361 Hmm, I dunno. At the very least, maybe I'll be able to accept dying with you. I'd rather you kill me than an alien that came out of you kill me, though.
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no, just your average cute undead
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>>310362 You can rest easy, I'd just throw the alien off the ship. They're really fragile, you can rip them apart with just your arms.
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>>310365 The ones in this movie aren't quite so fragile!
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>>310367 Sure they are. You just knock them over and then rip and tear!
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>>310368 I bet you haven't even seen this movie!
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I've only seen 1 and 2.
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Well, there are some hardier ones in this movie.
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does the term organic encryption sound too hokey
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>>310371 Yeah, but there's not an alien I can't rip and tear.
>>310371 holy shit that ghost has a fucking gun
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>>310374 I guess I'll trust you. If we die, we die.
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Aliens are weird. They have that little alien in their mouths. What's the point of that?
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I think that's a side effect of the creation process, since they use the host's DNA to construct themselves. There are ones that aren't made from humans that don't have the extra mouths.
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It really makes you want to grab it and pull. I didn't know that they were made from DNA of their victims.
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Yeah, but they have acid blood, you know. They are, yeah. They're hybrid lifeforms. For example, there are dog-like ones that come from dogs being infected. And there are different kinds of aliens, too, that infect their host in a different way, and those have different appearances, too. This movie actually had insects that were infected
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:13 No. 310382
>>310372 A little
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>>310381 You can't really call yourself strong if you let a little acid stop you from following through with your compulsions. That's interesting that they are different types. They all look the same to me.
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>>310383 The ones in the first two movies are all the same, pretty much. The dog ones look exactly like the human ones, only they move differently and have dog-like knees and stuff. In Prometheus and Covenant, there are a lot of different looking ones, though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:16 No. 310385
The acid blood isn't actually that hard to deal with Just load shotgun shells with baking powder mixed in with the shot
>>310384 Tbh I thought the dog ones looked faster and more effective than the regular aliens I have to ask, what does the Android define as being the perfect life? His aliens cannot create. If he just wants to murder, then the spores would be more effective
yeah, definitely dogs are better killers than humans i think he just wants to create something that's perfectly adaptable
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:19 No. 310388
Actually sodium hydroxide would be better than baking soda
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Just expose yourself to weaker acids to become immune to stronger acids.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:23 No. 310390
>>310389 You first Also I'm not talking about defending myself from acid I'm talking about netralizing it (in the chemical sense)
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man, alien movies are so dumb haha
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Yeah, they are. I think I tried to watch 3 once but it was too bad.
Alien and Aliens are good I didn't like 3
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The further they moved from horror, the worse they got. It sucks that horror movies are all always the result of people being stupid, though.
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I don't really watch horror movies, is that how they are?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:27 No. 310396
>>310395 Usually
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Yeah. The plot is always that people die because they're doing stupid shit.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:27 No. 310398
Either that or nosey people who aren't quite being stupid but are going out of their way to get involved with someone else's business
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I watched that one movie where they were going to be in a car accident but someone got the heebie jeebies and stopped it from happening. So everybody died in really bizarre ways. I can't remember the name of that one. That was a silly movie.
>>310399 Final Destination Those movies are all so bad
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:28 No. 310402
>>310399 Final Destination
that one where the girls get magically locked into the tanning beds and burn to death haha it's so fuckin dumb
>just hanging out >a screw randomly flies across a stadium into your fuckin head
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I don't watch horror movies a lot. I don't scare easily but I am really susceptible to jump scares, which is just a cheap trick.
>>310405 i really hate that it's bad writing and bad showmanship have you watched that one spanish horror movie by guillermo del toro the orphanage i think is its original name the cinematography is so good because it employs a lot of anti-jump scares, where there's a buildup of tension in a scene and there's nothing to divert it into because there's nothing there it's really good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:30 No. 310407
>get on an elevator >guy getting off is carrying an open box full of hook hands >hair gets stuck on it and fall with your head being right outside of eleator >get decapitated
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I guess when you think about it, Final Destination is just like that anime where they all die in silly ways because they're in the cursed class. The one with the pie edits.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:31 No. 310409
>>310408 That anime is breddy fu N I'll remember thr Another
I mean technically youd say the reverse Another was fuj fun
>>310408 Another which is an amazing anime
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that reminds me i was thinking about shakugan no shana earlier today for some reason i only saw the first episode of it ever but i kind of liked it had anyone finished that show through is it good
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>>310414 Well, it's one of the four great tsundrie series, but I think it's low tier among them. Toradora >>>> zero no tsukiama > shana > hayate It's okay but it's kind of got a lame premise. Shana is low tier among the tsundrie characters. In fact she may be the worst in my opinion. I probably like Nagi more.>>310417 Yeah, because they're all voiced by Kugimiya Rie.
tsundrie huh
oh, i see
>>310416 that wasn't something i was really thinking about but thanks for bringing it to my attention
>>310414 I watched half of S1 with a friend Shana is a cutie and an I love her The mc is a git and boring as heck Villains are pretty cool OPs and Shana are the highlights Worth checking out to see if you like it
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>>310419 Most if its value is that it's one of the four great tsundrie series.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 01:38 No. 310422
>>310414 I saw s1 and maybe s2 If there was an s3 then i saw all of s1 and s2 And then half of s3
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This ELEX game from Gamescon looks decent.
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I ate.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 02:03 No. 310427
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I bet it's gonna suck.>>310426 Good job.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 02:03 No. 310429
Oh nevermind 35 minutes of info first
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I am tyred and exhausted
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Now I'm kinda bored. I need a game to play.
>>310432 wanna play black desert online in my place with this normie dude i met you can pretend to be me and i wont have to
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>>310432 What kind?
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>>310433 That sounds horrible, I can tolerate normies no more than I can tolerate aliens.>>310434 I dunno, one that isn't boring.
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>>310435 Like, that's not very specific.
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>>310436 Yeah, but that's how it is. I have a very unspecific feeling like I want to play something that isn't boring.
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I don't think I can help with something so nonspecific. Buy a Switch and play something.
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I thought about it. I put money in the bank today and I was like oh I should go get a switch.
Search [iqdb] (623 KB, 1400x1950, 61176964 - ひなまる.jpg )
And then you did it?
but she didn't get a switch
>>310435 maybe this will change your mind>>>/watch?v=2mDNHISGBhU
play some eroge and review it for us
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>>310440 No, I just went back to work.>>310445 Yeah that's not what I was expecting.
>>310442 wait that's not what i had copied but i'll go with it anyway that's better
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>>310444 You should totally buy one.
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the english opening is so nostalgiac to me i used to make ramen noodles and grilled cheese and watch this with my sister
she is the one SAILOR MOON
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>>310446 Maybe I will!
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>>310449 You know you want to!
I would also like to play a game that's fun but I've got a time limit on these cobs. 54 more
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Time limit orbs?>>310450 Yeah I kinda want to.
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>>310452 So what's stopping you?
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>>310453 Kinda want to is a low tier of motivation. I usually need something to rise to the level of really want to for me to actually do it.
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>>310454 To enjoy solidarity with me.
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>>310455 I mean I kinda want to do that.
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>>310456 Enjoying solidarity with me, super idol kirara, should be incredibly motivating!
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That sounds kinda nice, but how many minutes of amusement is that good for?
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Solidarity with me is a lifetime of joy. Knowing that you connected with me on such a level is a big experience!
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here's some good music>>>/watch?v=H4DQLOEskeY >>310459 I want to play some fun games too though. The Switch is kinda right on the cusp of that.
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>>310461 And you know it's going to tip over, so you might as well get it now before your backlog of Switch games gets high!
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It's kinda expensive though.
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But you're gonna get it eventually anyway, probably for the same price.
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Yeah, that's probably true. It's in my nature to kinda go back and forth on something for awhile before doing it though. I mean I probably will get it but right now I don't need it and it's kind of expensive.
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You should get it so that I feel better about getting it. An act of kindness befitting you!
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I mean I probably will but it's hard for me to act contrary to my nature. I need to waffle on things for awhile before I do them.
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I'm sure you'll be convinced once you hear about how much fun I'm having!
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That might be true. When does yours come?
the 27th
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Wow, Blue's on top of things.
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Is blue your secretary? Are you paying him well?
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I didn't hire him! He's working on his own.
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Poor blue. Is FE:Whatever out yet?
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The English version comes out in 3 days. Switch has no region locking, though, so you can play non-localized titles. That's one of the main reasons I was willing to buy it.
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you'll never know why I remember Save you from anything is missing from my computer for reasons unknown. This is tragic. Now I need a new song to climb the Clocktower to.>>310477 That's not why I remember
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Isn't it because it's the day Mario comes out?
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So it comes out on Friday?
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Do you remember because you love me?>>310478 Yeah, I guess, so. guess so*
also incorrect
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I dunno, maybe I'll get one. I wonder if Best Buy will have the Switch and the Fire Emblem.
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You could just get them on Amazon and have them by the 20th.
Fire Emblem is mainstream so there's a good chance Best Buy will have the game. Them actually having the console can be touch-and-go depending on your region. Some parts of the world are drowning in Switch units, the others can be absolutely dry.
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>>310482 I don't have prime so it would be a bit slower than that.
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Oh, I see. It's a shame I can't let you borrow mine but oh well.
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Yeah. I don't order enough to justify Prime though.
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I use Prime pretty often.
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Also I'm at work on Friday. So if I order something and it comes Friday, they will try to deliver it and be unable to. deliver looks weird when you really look at it anyway then they will take it back to the post office and it will be unavailable to pick up until saturday, and I'd have to pick it up before 12 because I'm pretty sure the post office closes at 12 maybe. Or maybe that's on Sunday. And that would interfere with my plans to sleep all day Saturday.
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Really? They don't do that with ANYTHING I've ever purchased unless it came from another country.
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>>310489 hmm Maybe it's like that with just foreign packages. I think they've done it both ways with domestic packages for me. I guess it's moot since I don't have prime anyway.
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Well, I'm sorry to say, but you don't have me either, because I'm going to head to b e d.
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Oh, well, good luck.
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Do I need luck?
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Yeah, you're going to need it.
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Why? Is there a scheme waiting for me again?
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No, i'm just saying random stuff to make you paranoid.
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I guess we'll see how true that is. Bye bye.
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Have a good sleep!
My imouto's burning candles again. She's a floor down half the house away but the smell still pervades everywhere. I really don't do well with strong scents you get from stuff like that.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 03:01 No. 310501
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>310499 She likes scented candles huh?
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i like scented candles and incense everyone i know hates them so much though so i havent been able to light them in years but here and there
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I think all my siblings have dabbled in some kind of scented burning thing over the years. It's really suffering to have to be around all that. The slightest bit of a flowery or luscious or spicy wood burning scent gets me a bit frazzled, and increasingly stronger scents can even give me slight headaches or nausea. My younger sister went through a stage where she was figuratively showering in perfume whenever she had to go out to a social outing and driving in a car with her like that going anywhere was a hell.>>310506 I haven't had the chance to smell that but I would presume I would not like it.
how about the aroma of burning semen
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 03:13 No. 310507
Fuck 2chan blocks foreign ips I was going to shitpost on 2chan
get eproxy you dummy a proxy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 03:18 No. 310509
>>310508 Working on it right now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 03:37 No. 310510
Unsurprisingly they block a lot of proxies I've tried like two dozen
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
Tilde do we watch evil or live? I don't remember.
I could go either way on it. That was the one with the weird almost prison-like school and the really gay dialogue between the MC and some purple haired guy.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 03:59 No. 310513
Did any of you watch the mech fight?
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>310512 Oh I see. Well I'll get it in case Ika wants to watch it.>>310513 I didn't.
Hello Niame
>>310513 YEAH IT WAS AWESOME Fuck what anyone else says I don't care if it was scripted I can dig Mecha WWE I just wish Kuratas put up more of a fight It was like half Eagle Primes weight Needed more weapons
anime >>310516 →
Search [iqdb] (29s, 2.9 MB, 1280x720, ONEPUNCH.webm )
The first round before the real round was pretty funny
I need webms of the real fight tho
>>310514 >animegataris what's this one about?
Search [iqdb] (23s, 2.3 MB, 800x450, chainsaw.webm )
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They have pilots? It seems like you can't really have an exciting fight like that.>>310525 Protagonist-chan is kind of a boring normie who accidentally gets an anime-obsessed ojou to reveal her power level. Anime ojou pressures her into helping her make an anime club.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 04:18 No. 310530
Anyways I was going to shitpost about it on 2chan but they block non jp ips and a shit ton of jp proxies .
>>310530 damn that'd have been amazing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 04:19 No. 310534
>>310532 Someone who cares more will do it Probably
maybe there's a 2chan clone that isn't shit
I think a part of the fight concept was doing it with manned robots though. Because it's inspired from the giant robo genre from anime and games.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
They can't really have fun breaking stuff if they're always worried about pilot safety.
>>310541 I was surprised by how deep that chainsword went into Kuratases arm Maybe in twenty years time there'll be manned and unmanned leagues
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/18 (水) 04:22 No. 310543
>>310542 >Designed for cutting rocks
>>310543 Exactly, I'm surprised they even used it
just hook the pilots up to a VR system
#>>310547 →