>>310556 >>310557 >>310559 Well I have a date now, though it's not the best. Nov. 14th will be my last day as a manager. There will be more help around until then though.
>>310666 >>310667 one of my biggest intrests in traveling was founding /finding how different these kinds of signs were in different countries like for example the "pedestrian street" in some countries had a woman walking a boy or woman walking a girl or man walking a boy who was struggling to get away and so on
You can atleast could in the past quite easily circumvent the member blockade but I just went "why the fuck bother" and made an account makes keeping up with monga a lot easier
man that robot fight was about as exciting as i thought it'd be i guess it's a start
Pictured: every person who actually put money into this in some capacity
[Citation needed]
>>310700 I dunno. It's kind of cool to build a stupid car that you try to knock your friend over in. Not sure if you can really call this kind of thing an "event" though. There's not a ton of action outside of the fact that it is a machine that works.
I mean yeah, I guess other than the people who were actually putting it together and designing and that sorta stuuff They probably enjoyed it a lot, but people who like crowdfunded it or something, if that's how they did it, are probably REALLY miffed right now
>not putting boosters on the back to bounce back up after being knocked down
>>310703 what do they really expect when they spend $5 to see a "mecha fight" >>310704 >not installing hydraulic cylinders to shoot the weight out like a punch
>>310705 I think everyone expected a lot more than whatever that was, at least Like, you can easily argue they had no reason to, but I don't think anyone put money into this with the expectation of... that
>>310707 depends on how honest they were with their pitch i guess. it's hard to imagine that they told the honest truth though.
As I said though, not sure it even was crowdfunded Could just be a thing
I would like for this sort of thing to get more popular. But the prohibitive cost of such a hobby is in the way. We need a president that will make robot parts and mechanical engineering degrees cheap.
it'd be great if people started making bigger and better ones to fight in and it triggered a technology race
>>310713 baiscally you need an industry like wwe or the robot wars (the small bots) but without big robots there is no industry without industry there is no big robot market si you need some philantropist to fund it first
Or be the powerball winner Hmm you wouldn't really need that much money to start it several millions you wouldn't mind ever getting back, or not getting back in several years you need money to build the event market the event and to fund the prizes for the winner that re big enough to cover for their expenses say top3 should be able to get their budget used on bot back and make some dosh too
but even then you'd need some funding for the aspiring bot builders and getting sponsors around would take time
but it might work
I mean people still go to see big cars drive over smaller cars in big stadiums...
Long term investment could pay up real big I maen see how big wrestling is even now but stll most people aren't that keen on giving money to projects that don't get them profits in few years
>win powerball >buy all the defunct lots near my shitty one in el paso >build giant robot fight stadium >put out an APB for anyone who is man enough to fight in a giant robot >el paso becomes megacity through giant robot fight money
>>310724 As a side show fund a show that shows the people buildign the robots
wait what was that one show I loved it ond iscovery garage wars or something people built stuff from scrap metal and shit thrown away and then had them compete against eachother like cars or gliders or shit
>I eat four to five dozen (eggs) a day Jeez >>310725 but he likes girls
or scrap wars?
junkyard wars?
Scrapheap Challenge
same shit i've seen a few episodes that was a cool show
>>310758 We most likely are a bar too so some are bartenders most of the time then there are people wo need to wash dishes etc and quite many other things I can't think of that restaurants do
Well not pasport but a "state licensed proof of identity" which are passport and ID card you can use ID card to travel within EU and nordic states though in nordic states even driver's license works as proof of identication
but in terms of actually handling official business, DL is not proof of identification as in you can't get a "state licensed proof of identity" by proving your identity with just DL even if your DL has been given by the same department of police you are currently dealing with to get a new passport
Finland is one of the states pushing that DL and ID card would be fused sicne EU went with "fuck your eternal DL's Finland, you wll only have 10 year licenses from now on"
Since it is weird that we can travel to anywhere in europe (not by plane) without having passport but if someone asks, we need to have passport or ID card to prove our identity so why not just fuse the future 10-15 year DLs with ID cards and make it possible for citizens to just travel with the DL inside europe
It would take a lot of penpushing to do it, but why the fuck do we have some 100k or so pen pushers in brussels and strassburg
I consider myself somewhat well versed in movies without actually studying so I can get more out of movies like that than our average viewer but still it should have been so much better I still liked it enough >>310805 I think it eventually ties up to Alien beginning
i'm hoping that Awakening does something good it should be David setting up a queen colony somewhere or something David's scenes were really good, though
I dunno who i disgussed this with in blackboxes but it still missed a good chance of debate between the religious guy and david it even set itu p but then skipped it allw ith the "hey look at the egg. Okay"
You set yourself as kind of a philosophical movie in the 2nd part and then dont deliver when you have the nihilistic david android vs the religious second in command face to face
Yeah I don't understand why soem gave them shit it was really good CGI and some practical effects mixed into it too
>>310808 agreed, they should have done that. it was a big missed opportunity for a dramatic scene.
I am concinved this site is racist towards me I only get ever "speed limit" problems >>310811 Yeah and easily the religious guy was ment to do that you could just see it that he was there to have that debate but at somepoint it was cut away from the script
>>310809 fake and gay it never looks like that when this happens in real life
>>310813 how many bloodbusters have you seen IRL huh
>>310812 yeah, definitely there should have been more dialogue between walter and david too
I would have rather had a movie about just david coming to that planet and slowly going insane and then 3rd act being the whole of covenant
>>310814 well okay i admit you caught me fibbing i never actually saw any of those in real life i did see a surgery where they removed tapeworms from someone's lung though that's kinda close
Like that robin williams? was it cast away or something movie the one with the ball Wilson
but with david slowly going more insane and extreme on his beliefs and finally killing his love and making her into his project and then having the crew of covenant arrive there and him going all well what he did in the movie to them
I know and he even is parodying lot of american culture
and westerns
>The series takes place in the American Old West and stars the titular Lucky Luke, a gunslinger known as the "man who shoots faster than his shadow", and his intelligent horse Jolly Jumper. Lucky Luke is pitted against various villains, either fictional or inspired by American history or folklore. The most famous of these are the Dalton Brothers. The stories are filled with humorous elements parodying the Western genre. haha
>>310844 actually Dalton Brothers show up once and DIE and then their cousins show up and become stock arch villains in older lucky luke people died also he smoked and drank then in newer comics he changed to "that fancy black drink that comes in those weirdly shaped bottles" (coca cola) and stopped smoking
didn't stop others from smoking and drinking though
Oh wow >>>/watch?v=KENOCBLyyCw >Daisy Town is a Lucky Luke adventure written by Goscinny with Morris and illustrated by Morris. It was originally published in French in the year 1983. The comic is an adaptation of the 1971 movie Daisy Town.
Oh yeah I might do a stream playaround of franken fran or one shot today which would people more like to see? well not prolly fully through atleast in case of FF
is a good game and it got a free update that makes you able to replay the end and get perfect ending I played it 1 day too early to do that and never got around to it
Truly I am Ohio! Also #That fight that
That robot fight that ended in one hit was not the real fight. It was the prefight exhibition match featuring the American team's original prototype
Truly I am TN
>>310872 see here is proof of people being disappointed
>>310874 ? The actual fight had a chainsaw tearing up the Japanese robot, it was pretty bad ass
Tin Tin is more adult comic to be honest I appreciated it a lot more the older I read them
I plan on reading it eventually though. Also I've started buying Asterix and Obelix for a friend for his birthday and Christmas every year. Shit's expensive though
My mother was a huge fan she has ALL the comics up to some point she too didn't like asterix or lucky luke post goscsinny
I will buy my own comics at some point though my collector spirit will cry out when I get reprints of them I mean I went out of my way to ensure I had 1st print of EVERY DB volume when i got them well 1-4 are first prints, but the actual first prints I don't have the original translator company "Kolibri" went under and the project was carried on by Sangatsu Manga and I have the SM 1-4 not the Kolibri 1-4 But close enough all have "1st print" on them
>>310881 I have the single issue comics of early dragonball printed by viz back when they did that. Got a big stack of them for a buck.
Hmm I think 11 or 12 were the first ones I bought myself before that I had read them at my cousin's place or friend's place and then i bought 5-10/11 from a friend(first prints) and rest are store bought they redid 1-4 at somepoint and I actually preordered them directly from the printing company
We'd known about the diagnosis for a year and a half, and that it's pretty much always lethal, and that holding on for that much time is astounding. But consolation is a piece of shit.
though maybe the finnish edition is original and doesn't exist anywhere else? hah who knows he draw yajirobe twice there and apologised about it in one volume
Good job at collecting all of Dragonball though You're a man among men.
they had a lot of scripts back then, but few had full "load all chapters" functionality to them they loaded one chapter at a time or shit so I made a script alwayso n my own so it suited my needs and since any script made is published to everyone... I bet my scripts got around
>>310923 Err, when I say doujin I mean non-h stuff I mainly read comedy stuff and some action I'll read h-stuff if its also supposed to be really funny though but otherwise no
>>310942 Hrrm Yeah, although I'd say that WaHH is just as good
Inaba is great though, especially since its sort of canon so it has good fodder for stupid arguments about certain memes being canon. Such as Kaguya being a videogame addicted NEET.
Mob Boss Mamizou is the best and there aren't enough doujins about it. It's always her hanging out with the people in the temple. I want more Tanuki/Tengu politics Mamizou puffing smoke in that one youkai's face in the middle of town was the best. get the fuck gone
>>310969 I can see audiobooking "hard books" like I dunno art of war or some otherstuff but stuff like lovecraft I don't think you get the same atmosphere from listening to it than reading it
audiobooks are good shit because you can use them anywhere like in lines and in the shop
>>310971 When I was younger I carried books with me everywhere. I actually still do for the most part.
>>310970 I disagree Technically I don't think I've heard the audiobook of Mountains Of Madness, I heard a radio play of it Which might actually have just been the book itself anyway
Horror and fantasy those are two genres I would never ever audiobook
>>310971 i can't pay attention to audiobooks personally probably because of my job i don't even pay attention to people talking most of the time i hear all of it but it's all so zoned out
Really though I think my favorite Lovecraft book is Rats In The Walls All of them are good though
Huh something I actually really want https://chicago.craigslist.org/nwi/zip/d/g4-mac-monitor-mouse-key/6348200954.html >>310991 My grandfather read that when he was a kid.
>>310999 Weird thing to do >>311001 prolly just because he is one of the few governors who openly stand for him?
>>311002 Maybe Also of note Rick Scott is the worst governor Florida has had in the past fifty years. Probably more but I don't know anyone who knows much about Florida politics going back much further than that.
probably because scott is a miniature trump that got elected after commiting actual literal crimes
I can't say I remember using a diskette ever I know we had lot of them, but my pop was in IT so... they might have just been work stuff anyhow by the time I installed stuff into my or family computer, it was from cds
When I was in high school the switch between DVD prices and HDD prices finally hit the even level and I still hve like 60 DVDs I ordered back in HS in 100 piece "cakes" when I stored muh movies and animus in them
Thanks for mentioning cake i think i might have a slice
But yeah I am not the judge for technological progress, when I come from a nerd nation like finland it is like saying japan is the average on robotics in global scale
also how did they get that to grow like that and how do they maintain it
i guess it is somekind of a creepr wine but even tht needs roots somewhere it might be hidden in the bottom part and since california is like 2 season zone it never sheds leaves that solves that but still MAN some genius green planning
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
on closer inspection it seems to be an array of little tilted shelves that hold all the plants
but what is that building it looks like quite cleverly reused ugly as fuck hmm it is usa and california so.. 40s or 50s functionalism/utilitiaristic building of some sort
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
gotta retrofit old warehouses to be cool
1917 I didn't know that style spread there that fast
And yeah for some reason the architectural top minds decided taht buildings that look like warehouses and factories etc are PERFECT for people to live in and work in in 1910s and 20s fucking geniuses and for some reason THAT STILL STICKS UP TO THIS DAY
despite overall evidence of people NOT wanting to live in those shits unless they can¨'t afford anything esle
mm pulled beef
>Reason's Transcendence: inflicts 100% of party's current hp as plain damage. Also hits backrow. Ignores autorevive. Is triggered for all parties in the raid wheeeewwww
>>311067 It's from the hardest fight in Granblue If the boss gets to do a super from 30-50% of its hp it will just kill everyone in the raid next turn >>311070 banishing used to be called "removed from play" since it was basivally impossible to get something back its like dying but worse
>>311068 nice is there even a way to ever use your custom decks, though? or are they just for shits and giggles
>>311071 there was a way but that program is archaic, but the devs for what i use for yugioh now made custom cards for april fools so if you can code them you theorhetically could use them but yeah i just make them for fun
I saw a movie about zodiac it had downey in it it was quite good, but it kinda dragged on in the final 3rd part it was easily 20-40 mins too long with the final part but still a good and entertaining and even educating if the facts were straight abotu the zodiac case
>>311112 >>311114 ice pick is a well stabby thing you use to smash ice or to grab on to your dear life to not get dragged under ice AXE which was used to kill troxy lol *trotsky was the mountain climbing equipment
>>311114 In spite of curiosity he will probably have adverse reactions to twists. This will be fun.
Jan Kirara and Pan are all kind of chucklefuck characters whereas he took it seriously and got upset when they kept pissing off big name characters and never getting punished >>311129 That's basically what he did until I gave him a way out by dying to kill a big bad
then he should play the serious character for even bigger chuckles
So just ferr interest when would your next campaign be?
as soon as i do a little homebrew for mew classes and after this one ends. this should end soon but making classes might take a wee bit. i can send you the notes from our brainstorming session >>311142 i mean ill be starting a job soon we can try to work out a good time but we are almost exclusively us timezones
with a roomie and now I live in comfotable hmm 33,5 was it place
>>311226 Two people in 50 square meters isn't bad or anything But I still live with my parents. Also people my age can't afford houses in this area Most people my age get an apartment in the city or still live at home
>>311227 >must get a house in the city how reverse finland here CITY costs more tahn anything else think of any city like you think of say NY or LA or something city means more jobs and more opportunities so all cities, especially captial cost way more than "suburbs"
>>311230 Not a house, rent an apartment Also there are areas in the city that cost a ton to live in But there are also shit holes and ghettos And every thing in between >>311229 Nah
Lähiö as one would call it hmm "near thing?" would translate it it would be transalted to "subrurbs" but that isn't the thing it is the border ground of the main city area but still contains flats and appartments and shit like that that is actually where most of the population of the city lives in
There are also suburbs that aren't expensive to live in.
Proportionally only few cities on earth can compete with greater Helsinki I mean 5th of our population live in the capital if not more Imagine that on say USA scale
>>311244 Wow pretty cool The greater Chicago land area has more people in it than Finland though
Also finns are prolly the best represented people on the interwebs we are 5,5 in our homeland about 7-8 million total counting everyone with citizenship locally and few of their descendants with unofficial citizenship yet we coutn WAY WAY higher internet presence than what population average would count us be it finland/earth or finland/first worlders
there is your problem switzerland is a country of 3 languages italian france and german aferall well now ISLAM AND SO ON but that is just being meme
oh 4 romansh too apparently hmm didn't know about that
>In 2013, the languages most spoken at home among permanent residents aged 15 and older were Swiss German (60.1%), French (23.4%), Standard German (10.1%), and Italian (8.4%). More than two-fifths (42.6%) of the permanent resident population indicated speaking more than one language regularly. Other languages spoken at home included English (4.6%), Portuguese (3.5%), Albanian (2.6%), Serbian and Croatian (2.5%), Spanish (2.2%), and Turkish (1.3%).[158 >isn't even listed
>witzerland has four official languages: mainly German (spoken by 63.3% of the population in 2014); French (22.7%) in the west; and Italian (8.1%) in the south.[158] The fourth official language, Romansh (0.5%), is a Romance language spoken locally in the southeastern trilingual canton of Graubünden, and is designated by Article 4 of the Federal Constitution as a national language along with German, French, and Italian, and in Article 70 as an official language if the authorities communicate with persons who speak Romansh. However, federal laws and other official acts do not need to be decreed in Romansh >0,05% fuck 0,5% SERIOUSLTY
>>311261 https://dropfile.to/PZfYLts well based on my knowledte this is how I would say it
>post about blind guardian to finnish otaku channel >then after few questions tell them it is a concept album I mgiht have cracked the way to finally unlock the mysteries of Beyond the Red MIrror
That psychologist is from Zurich. and besides you can just google a video of people talking about her or even her speaking
>why not just make an account on the sites that used to discuss about it you think I didn't consider that well nope they are DEAAAAAAAD 2 years and NO posts does that mean a forum you can just revive with 1 member posting?
correction I think I hit deadspace again haa at this rate I can only find the answer by befriending the band or cloning myself
They look like they scripted that scene to me too.
>>311301 Yeah, they definitely aren't genuinely surprised Still cool though. I thought it'd be some obstacle course or something. I'm surprised they actually dug into Kuratas with the chainsword.
Reading about the comments is sort of amusing since a lot of non-americans really find the american style of presenting by shouting things like UNBELIEVABLE! and shit really offputting.
A lot of comments sound really disappointed But it's just the first duel. You're not gonna get G-gundam right off the bat Baby steps
Also there was basically no chance for Kuratas to win that second match MegaBots got a lot of help from American companies anx also NASA
Do any of your use a Podcast program on the PC? I am thinking of using one. I got one of my phone recently
it was a bad fight i hope they do better ones
>>311308 I was really disappointed by Kuratses lack of upgrades. There was no way that punch was gonna put down a robot twice its size.
>>311312 It felt a little unsporting for megabots to challenge with iron glory then show up with something almost twice as big. I thought the drone keikaku was sort of cute.
>>311310 Best case scenario is that this leads into more fights Also that both mecha get model kits. That'd be the ideal.
>>311313 Yeah there's two Chinese mecha that have issued challenges At the end of the fight I think they also said other Yeah, Indians and Australians I'd kill to see Damo btfo America
>>311311 Kuratas was designed to defeat their earlier prototype Err that kuratas They didn't have info about the mark 3
>>311311 Also there are like 2 dozen other groups that have challenged megabots to fights
>>311311 Pfft Good luck FYI they had Grant Imahara as an advisor on the project, he's one of the top robotics experts in the world. And also NASA, and the company that makes the fastest tread based military vehicles in the world Among others
>>311331 It is pretty fun to see a series I have been reading since it came out
>>311332 Accidentally backspaced into previous page. fucking browser.
I've been reading Blend S for like years now and suddenly it got an anime and everyone is aware of it when before it was completely in the shadow of everything else in Manga Time Kirara Carat