Thread #310516
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Black Clover Evil or Live Houseki no Kuni Juuni Taisen Ousama Game Souma Altair Two Car
And UQ Holder
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Okay, what do you guys want to watch? I don't have strong opinions because none of these are really my favorites. except Souma, which I'm sure both of you will want to watch.
Squid are you dead, absolutely dead-set on not watching Houseki?
i dont mind i think
I'd do Houseki, Juuni Taisen, Souma, and Two Car. If you figure Souma is more comfy than Two Car I'm not particular to order.
chuuni taisen is fun
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nope, that order is fine with me. houseki okay lets start
o kj
are these CG designs by CLAMP
Nah, the mangaka is a solo artist.
it was a joke becuase their limbs are so long
I've been seeing a bunch of fanart for this series getting retweeted by people I follow on Twitter though. So I guess it's a pretty popular series? It does get pretty GAAAAAAAAYY at times though so I kind of get the idea.
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Is it gay if no one really has a gender?
I want it to be gay so it's gay.
Her sword's going to break before she does.
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this guy must be super hard
Bort kind of is a guy-y name.
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Bort kind of looks and sounds really female though.
Phos is the kind of cute kind of bitchy. She's pathetic enough that it's not really insulting.
For a particularly fragile gem, Phos sure gets thrown around a lot.
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okay juuni taisen okay lets start
chuuni titan
Wow she was secretly a psychopath all along. I guess each chapter is told from the narrative of the fighter who's going to die in it.
Hah hah hah. Like a total, complete psychopath.
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oh yes I remember this. This episode is when we find out if the death order follows the ED.
that'd be boring it'd also be boring if they only developed characters before killing them off
i like chicken too bad shes DEAD
I wouldn't put it past nisioisin to build up an expectation of who's to die, only to subvert it later. But he's also possibly just going to do it straightforward too. Also I guess Boar is finally dead for good now.
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I guess boar is all the way done for now.
Rat's "killing all" manner is curious to me. He seems pretty apathetic to the whole killing thing.
>>310584 he's apathetic because hes the master of killing
Didn't someone else say they had met Rat somewhere before too? Was it Monkey?
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yeah, this guy is probably super super strong.
If the ED is accurate in its death episodes, Monkey is next up after Chicken, isn't she?
I bet she makes people cant lie
killing by TRUTH
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Looks like she's going to be killed by a sword.
I guess Monkey can mind-control or manipulate people to some degree.
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Monkey might be more dangerous than the rabbit. So far we're tracking the ED.
So, Boar, Dog, Chicken, Monkey, Sheep, Horse, one of the brothers, other brother, Rabbit, Lion, Ox, Rat. If there's a point where things might start getting out of hand, I'd put it at around the brothers. And I'm kind of thinking Monkey might fake her death or something.
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Looks like her episode is next. okay let's souma okay lets start
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Look at all those strong people who didn't turn a profit. There is some keikaku happening there.
Maybe on Souma's part. I think the other three are just totally incompetent.
i watched the show about the siscon writer what do i watch now
If you watch the first episode of Two Car we might have time to wait for you to catch up. It's about people that race motorcycles you might like it.
If that's not up your alley you could watch Blend S. Or Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou.
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>>310615 myaa is best girl
myaa is best
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okay two car ika where are you okay let's start
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This two car racing thing is still weird.
Yeah, but it's an interesting concept.
Hah hah hah. I know how that goes.
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Man those twins are crazy in sync.
Wow everyone is fighting.
Okay well maybe these two just were never really friendly to begin with.
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crazy ojou
Wow she's playing with that girl's switch.
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One has an octopus hair tie and the other has a tako ball.
I think Osaka is well-known for takoyaki.
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Doing that sort of thing with long hair, not tied up, seems even more dangerous.
They're not wearing helmets anyway. So they're already kind of suicidal to start.
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thanks for anime!
tell me what to wattttttttttttttttttttttch
>>310641 samurai champloo