Thread #309580
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Animegataris Code Realize Umaru Houseki no Kuni Ousama Game Altair Two Car UQ Holder Youkai Apartment Get your list together I want to be orange as soon as Squid shows up.
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oh wow I was working on getting the master list together and you did it for me oaky was code realize good? I don't remember.
That was the one with Lupin and Frankenstein and that Verne character.
reverse harem okay
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hmm did you ugys like it? i don't rmeember being that impressed.
It was fun. Definitely not drop-tier for me.
okay code realize youkai apt animegataris umaru sound good?
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
okay code realize okay let's start!
Oh I thought you were writing out your list. Ready.
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oh this is the one with crystal boobs.
Yeah, the pilot episode was fun. And I'm enough of a pretentious book nerd that featuring characters referencing classic literature is a plus.
Impey's a bit outside my "yeah this is fine" in terms of dress and hairstyle though.
crystal oopai
So she's a sort-of zombie.
>Going to a casino to get money I feel that's a bit backwards.
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I'm sure it works if you're a phantom thief.
Hah hah hah. That's a pretty Lupin-y thing to do.
Pft. That was some really shoujo manga monologue-ing there.
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youkai apt okay lets start
Poor Hase. His gay romantic attept was shut down by basic geography.
Attempt even.
wheres the stupid girl
there she is
>>309630 Wow don't call her stupid you'll trigger her.
He's an Inaba making mochi.
Search [iqdb] (406 KB, 700x760, 288052夏祭りだよ。お兄ちゃんcocobless.jpg )
okay anime gataris okay lets start!
Oh her dream has gotten more bizarre with the befriending of Ojou-chan.
Oh that's going to be me tomorrow morning. Or today in the morning.
It's even going to be because of anime. How fitting.
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No, me.
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dad suppressing his power level right here
hahaha that butler is so cool
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How Haruhi-poi. The suits are even the same base colours.
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You wish you could pull off a bunny suit.
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>implying guys wouldn't be lining up to join this club >>309657 Of course I could. All you have to do is be skinny to pull one off.
Not your kind of skinny though.
gaka stray dogs
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Yeah, you gotta stay up late to watch anime.
These parody names get pretty far out there.
Mad at anime
I guess this sempai is a cosplay nut? The first thing she commented on was their bunny girl outfits.
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Senpai is super stylish. and that glasses guy is literally the protagonist from Disgaea 3.
Oh yeah the cat's beret is still missing in action.
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like even down to the coat.
They're both twig-skinny too.
Oh no the ikemen eventual club member knows her secret now.
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Talking to cats is pretty normal. I talk to cats all the time.
Wow this show is getting really meta. Even with the parallel she's making, Re:Zero had a fair number of scenes from the novel that were cut from the anime.
Mad at anime
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This is like when tilde and I fight.
Some things in life just can't be reconciled!
Holy fuck what is this guy.
Does he think he's the lead hero in a shoujo or something.
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Looks like the normie saved the day.
Wow he's a total idolfag.
What the FUCK is this guy.
she llllikes him
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The is like the ikemen season.
Yeah I was thinking tha t too, earlier. There's a lot of shows that have an ikemen cast component or a major ikemen lead.
drama already
I feel they could have pushed the satire a bit harder on that cliffhanger. This show is already pretty meta about anime-culture; it could get away with mocking stupid plot developments like a Deus Ex Student Councila.
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The rurus nerds really acted quickly.
this show is kinda decent i like the club cast
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it's good okay umnaru okay let's start!
>He works for me I guess onii-chan is their team leader or something.
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Yeah you can be that thing. I won't be stopping you.
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Oh, she figured it out.
Hah hah hah. Someone cosplaying TSF and singing her character song.
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Alex's speech patters are similar to TSF's too.
Oh no he's a SECRET AGENT.
People re-use those things? Whenever I see them in anime I just figure they're like Q-tips and they just get tossed after use.
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Just use your pinky, umaru.
Also how do people share something that goes into your ear between each other. Even with my siblings I would never use one that's gone in their ears.
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I don't like ear picks. I would not put these in my ear.
The fluff seems to only be on one side. So you're pretty much just sticking a dull toothpick in your ear.
Yeah that's a pretty Japanese house for a gaijin family.
As in it's totally fucking Japane- Well okay.
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They're weebs after all.
Oh that's a nice library. I have library envy.
Oh right, TSF is a haafu. Guess having a totally Japanese house isn't too weird then.
He totally said something pretty embarrassing there.
Oh no Dash Note.
Oh wow, that memory was enough to pull her out of Potato Mode.
>This is comfy indeed!
They could have at least animated this obvious Conan parody in Conan style.
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They did well with the ED.
Too much dumb potato mode for me.
thanks for anime
Yeah, thanks.