Thread #305745
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Here's the new thread. It's yours and mine.
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but mostly mine
I'll take this thread freely.
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when is anime? i still need to watch net-ju 1 and my download is like halfway done
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anime is RIGHT NOW
oh shit
There's plenty to watch and that's more of a later show for Rika's comfy autism. You've got time.
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me surrounded by normies
>>305755 why is that girl in front of you
>>305756 girl?
anime >>305758 →
>>305757 yeah you're the dude with the pleated robe, right? clearly the outcast in the midst of so many normies
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>>305760 I'm the boy in the middle.
>>305761 no that's a girl (male)
and that can't be a normie, zhe clearly sucks dick on the reg
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As we expected, Ninian is just flogging Corrin.
it's okay it's about to be JP hours it'll flip
corrin is more popular with US than JP
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Ninian has been consistently ahead the entire time. I don't think Corrin stands a chance. Everyone who has been consistently ahead so far has won.
i guess popularity doesn't necessarily mean victory but yeah ninian will win
my eyes hurt tonight
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>>305787 I think there is a point at which popularity is so overwhelming that you can't stop it. I didn't know Ninian was that popular though!
I'm surprised you didn't know that she's insanely popular
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Nope, I wasn't aware! She doesn't seem like the type that would be overwhelmingly popular.
she is really good in her game and chou kawaii
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Yeah, she just doesn't seem the overwhelming type to me. I guess a lot of people like her though.
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>click on someone's Twitter profile >bio says they're shy >look at their tweets >videos and pictures of them naked where's the shyness here
>I wonder if she's like this because she's a hero More like she's a hero because she's like this.
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Well, that's just how people who are way into social media are.
Oh fuck I've been doing that a lot lately. Such is life.
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>>305809 >>305811 Nice job Ika.>>305810 It's so weird. I think it's polite to at least have a NSFW in the bio or something.
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can't wait for blend s
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Yeah. I'm looking forward to getting to net-juu tonight too. This is a good season.
I'm here to claim ownership of this thread in the name of the Empire
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just kidding, i'm only full of myself
>>305820 >>305821 Hahaha good one you can be head of the ministry of jokes
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>>305818 Blend S is what I'm looking forward to most right now.
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I'm kind of bored. I guess I should go to sleep since I'm going to get woken up early.
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I'm low on energy since it's friday night. I guess Fish is leaving to go shopping early, huh?
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>>305831 no excuses, you better stay up ALL NIGHT
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>>305831 Yeah. I'll get woken up when Fish gets up and probably won't be able to go back to sleep.
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Why won't you be able to go back to sleep?
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>>305835 That's just how it is. I'll probably make breakfast and then nap later.
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I can fall asleep pretty easily once awoken as long as i'm not forced to concentrate on something or exposed to bright light.
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It's weird to be in bed alone so it makes it harder to fall asleep for me.
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It would probably make her happy to hear that!
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>>305862 She's heard it before!
>getting dragged along into your two horny friends' desires to see a maid
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Im having fun
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 05:20 No. 305877
Big money salvia
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>>305865 I'm sure she'd be happy to hear it again!
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i say "normies get out" you say "____________"
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 05:36 No. 305905
normalized humans living normalized lives with normalized identities and normalized goals
"you're not abnormal enough, reee"
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 05:37 No. 305911
ID tagged soldiers with ID tagged weapons
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 05:38 No. 305912
I'm back from FNM I lost every match in 2
if you were playing a red deck, then it's fine
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 05:38 No. 305914
>>305913 It's part red I'm running Nayasaurs But also built in in less than 30 minutes And also ran out of stimulants
what are the other parts?
no excuses kys now
now ree with me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 05:39 No. 305918
there you go, now you're getting it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 05:40 No. 305921
Although the prices dropped for several cards I need
my only dream is to have 5+ posters reeing at the same time
>>305929 10/10
>>305930 どもバングくん!!!!!!!!! ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 05:42 No. 305932
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now THIS is podracing
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i'm dreaming of a white christmas
Bang did u forget ur meds
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>>305937 Are you okay?
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that felt like a lot for a first episode i knew that guys playing as girls was like 90% of female characters back when WoW was new i wonder what the statistics are now for both sides
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>>305940 yeah i just watched the first episode of net-ju and it made me cringe a lot but i feel compelled to watch the entire thing now
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not sure why it made you cringe are you ready for episode 2?
just about i'll be in the anime thread in less than 3 mintues probably
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>>305946 seeing people act awkwardly makes me cringe
sometimes when i act awkwardly i immediately start being really rude
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bang if you don't cool it I'm going to have to take this show away from you.
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it's too late this has become his natural state
ree etc
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are you ready to enjoy your weekend? i'm about to work for a while...
I'm already enjoying mine
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I too am already enjyoing mine.
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well that's a good thing right yeah that's good
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don't let them take me to work
my light is fading
i am becoming one with my despair the demon inside has risen to the surface and he pleads "work not, worry not, think not, for responsibilities are a prison, and you should be free"
how much longer will i toil how much longer will i strain help
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alright that's enough old bang time to get back to current bang
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kotori maid would be nice
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i just have to appreciate the comfy
i think it was tilde who was saying there was some other anime i should watch what was it
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou.
alright i'll leave a tab open with it so that i watch it after work tomorrow or i'll just forget
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 08:07 No. 306142
I have returned to my true home Under the covers in my bed
alright bedtime has come goodnight /moe/tachi i had a wonderful two days off now it's back to the grind
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 08:07 No. 306144
>>306143 Oyasumi Bangu
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There's no breaking point
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 08:30 No. 306146
>>306145 Ohio SK
hi hi I just got up like 15 minutes ago
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achievement unlocked
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 08:33 No. 306149
>>306148 Omedetou
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 08:34 No. 306150
Hrrm I think I'm going to go to bed now Oyasumi /moe/
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wow the bath episode is the second one
>>306150 Nite
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>>306153 Lmao No matter how dumb I get, I can always look at this guy and say that he's dumber He's the dumbest>>306155 What the fuck Where do these people come from
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This one's spoiler is accurate, open at your own risk
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how do they get married?
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I guess they should be happy they noticed before the "eating ass" meme spread to their area of the internet
She wouldn't eat his ass anyway No way would he let anything come between his cheeks>>306159 The whole story is, dude
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I mean I really hope they wouldn't but Dude
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Nothing more gay than a woman between your buttcheks I guess
>>306160 What about a man between your buttcheeks
That's just asserting dominance
Yeah but who's dominating who? I mean he's pleasuring you, but at the same time he's the one who's doing the active work>>306164 I want to vomit
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Yeah but also nothing has been between those cheeks before, so it's a very nasty and unpleasant endeavor
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>tfw no snow All I want is a white Christmas
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I don't want A christmas
Why not? I love Christmas
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Never liked Christmas Too much pressure, people buying so much bullshit that nobody even wants
Yeah I definitely don't like pressure and having everyone crowded in my familys house. But I like having everyone together and just being chill for a day My family has always been pretty good with gift giving I don't think I've ever seen anyone go "why would I ever want this">>306172 You could buy it for yourself, but then it's less spec. Having someone know you well and buy something you like is a nice feeling I don't like the ads pushed everywhere but I do appreciate seeing decorations in public.
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I mean if it was just the time off from work, and the time with family, that's good shit But the insane consumerism has always irked me And it's what I associate christmas with because it's always there Why can't we all just buy something nice for ourselves instead? Or better yet, not buy anything, and just hang out?
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Yeah but it's already kind of a dumb thing because so much money is wasted on stuff that never gets used It doesn't even make sense for middle class people, we can buy our own stuff And do, when we want them
>>306173 If you buy gifts poorly that is.
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I'd wager the overwhelming majority of gifts just... aren't used much
Do you feel that way about the gifts you get?>>306177 Huh. You could just sell em
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Yeah, without question They're just things I own now, that I didn't own before My watch, I do use though And I get money sometimes, which obviously I use but the question at that point is why we don't just... not swap gifts and keep our money instead I dunno, I don't understand the appeal of the holiday We could just give stuff to people we wanna give stuff to when we wanna give them stuff instead of this formal holiday for just giving everyone a thing
Yeah but without a set date you might just end up procrastinating and not giving anything. I also think secret Santa's are fun There's also the religious aspect but I doubt that's your thing. Sermons before or after Christmas are surprisingly nice though.>>306179 Or maybe it's just you never get around to it without that date. Like there's a tonne of things I'd like to do that I end up not doing because I put them off.
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well I mean if you're procrastinating, there's probably a reason You either don't know what to give, have nobody you wanna give to, or you can't afford it All of those are completely valid reasons to just opt out
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Well everyone's at the mall sometimes
Ive only been to a mall once in the past three years Probably because there are barely any malls here though
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Besides isn't the expectation of a gift already kinda taking away from it? The gift exchange is kinda inherently shitty for one of you At least when you're just exchanging mass produced stuff where the real difference in getting them was how much disposable income you have
What, because one person gets something of more value than the other? I think it's relative. The act of giving in itself creates value beyond simply buying something
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Because only one of you really even got much out of it If you hadn't done it at all, the guy who used the most could have still gotten the thing You're just exchanging a $20 product for a $45 product, because you gotta trade 2 products for some reason
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I guess I just won't ever get it
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I guess it just isn't your thing then Shikataganai>>306187 I'll send you a Christmas card but on a random day of the year
I like gifts and all, but they lose a lot of meaning to me when they're enforced
But then Everything loses a lot of meaning to me when enforced
What about birthdays then
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Birthdays aren't as bad, but I'm still not a big fan It's not the same pressure But my birthdays have always been very laid back And my parents are alright with just getting me money instead, and I usually get them something or other that they actually might need It's just less pressure cause there's no immediate comparison happening
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>>306190 My parents straight up ask me if I want anything I surprise them a bit more though. But usually I just buy my mum a tonne of tea. You know what's dumb is gift vouchers You could just give money, but instead you give money that can only be spent at a specific store. You're going out of your way to constrain it
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I haven't gotten a gift from anyone for my birthday this year, and it's already been a month! Everybody m-must have forgotten.
>>306192 No they're just doing a surprise gift by giving this year's gift next year
2017/10/14 (土) 10:30 No. 306194
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This christmas will be the first one I ain't spending with my mother and then mother's family kinda weird
Anti armour rifles look so cool
>>306191 Gift cards are a BOURG CANCER Benefits nobody but the corporation
2017/10/14 (土) 10:38 No. 306197
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only gift card even worth considering and even then money is better, is say to a grocery chain the person uses atleast that way it will be used anyhow and they can use the normal money reserved to food budget for other things but even then why? why not just givet hem money to buy something nice
I'm really struggling to answer this It's so dumb Why would we ever buy giftcards I have a 100$ gift card for a bookstore but I don't want any of that stores books
2017/10/14 (土) 10:42 No. 306199
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And thenw ith many stores, you can't use gift cards in online shopping
Holy fuck that's cancerous
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>>306197 Those things are designed to discourage you from using the full amount It's just a fucking hassle if you're buying a bunch of stuff to max out the gift card with $1.34 on it and then get your regular credit card out So you end up never using it That's profit, baby
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/14 (土) 10:58 No. 306202
Gift cards are retarded
I'm retarded
>>306199 The vast majority of shops that offer gift cards here accept them for online shopping.
Kannagi@Keitai 2017/10/14 (土) 11:30 No. 306205
>>306203 congratulations
2017/10/14 (土) 11:32 No. 306206
Search [iqdb] (♫, 15s, 1.1 MB, 640x800, 675e299c0e489d6e.mp4 )
>>306205 thank you so much
kirara theme song>>>/watch?v=mpe1R6veuBw
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I need something I can make with ground beef and not a lot of cooking knwoledge I am considering the burrito, or just rice+beef
shoveling well done ground beef into my mouth like an animal
then I beat it out of you like a pinata
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there's so many "OK so you have ground beef, may we suggest one of fifteen different ways to make that into a hamburger and having an assortment of stuff on it?" mang if I wanted just a burger, I could make a burger, trust me
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The hamburger recipe is 20 to 40 minutes the cheeseburger is under 20 minutes
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bees in th corn
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guess I'm sleeping in my car tonight
>>>/watch?v=_5OGk9N8Y5s i can't catch a break
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I feel like actually making food
go for it
you crazy s word
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>Ninian multiplier oh boy
>multiplying your ninians that's just asking for trouble
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it is why would they make me multiply my ninians
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oh my gosh the way she's holding that revolver in her left hand
multiply with ninian
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The adult girls in p5 are strong
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Give me your opinions on them.
I like them so far ive only met like two so there could he more be
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Which have you met?
Takemi aaaaaaaand forgive me the name eludes me but Kawakami I think? You know meido sensei
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Rate them.
I've only started Kawakami's confidant but she's cute and Takemi is pretty rad, I think I have her at rank 5? Giving an actual rating right now might be hard
My story progress is I just finished the second palace
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So the only girls you've really met are Ann, Takemi, and Kawakami?
Yeah You like Makoto right?
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Well, I don't dislike her. But to say I rank her particularly highly would be wrong.
goog game
hel lo
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Are you having trouble?
>>306235 i wouldn't mind dividing ninians though
>>306248 oh. was that the girl you joined a group for or am i misremembering? I like watching her run around reading like a spaz
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>>306254 I married Chihaya and joined a group for Haru.
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guess ill be meeting those folks eventually
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Play faster so you meet them soon.
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I'll do my best
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If you haven't met Chihaya by this evening, I'll be super mad.
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Enjoy the multiplier, Corrinkids
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>>306259 I might be busy I'm about to get maybe steak and then I might have to go to a ballgame.>>306262 I watched some more of her stuff when I finally had the chance it was nice.
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>>306261 Are you going to the Yankees game or something?>>306264 Yes.
hey hey hey hey is bladerunner any good? The first one
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Actually I've probably seen it already I think I even played the video game for PS1 FUCK you know what I miss dude Dude Apocalypse for the PS1 Or was it Armageddon? It was some fun shit
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>>306263 no my cousin plays football
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he's like 11 maybe? what if i get country fried steak instead of steak will you kill me
go for the country fried steak man that shit is good
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>>306268 Tell him to grow up and to play a real game. No, no wait. Tell him to kneel before the game.>>306269 yeah
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dude it's beautiful already
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I got country fried chicken last time it was good
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You should eat a thousand acorns.
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this one's actually all right
>>306273 that would be nuts
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Dude I fucking hate cities on principle and all But dude DUDE The aesthetic of neotokyo? I wanna live there The neotokyo aesthetic is SO MY JAM
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>>306275 I bet you'd nut.
>>306277 ow says the nut thing a lot and meat hates it every time
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Eat 20 acorns and some steak.
butt or nut squash soup
>>306280 HOLDING TIME?
acorn gravy
what actually is bladerunner about anyway? I assume this guy hunts robos gone rogue-o?
>>306283 He hunts any and all robots imitating humans
fair enough can't have those subhumans pretending to be human
They're not even sub-human they're like straight up 0% human
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Yeah but if they can imitate humans... they're basically human, right?
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Welcome to systematic othering>>306289 Mute it
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I keep fucking up and making good tweets and getting spammed with notifications.
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>>306288 I can't! The notifications make me feel so good.
>>306287 Welcome to the themes and questions of the movie
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well, you'll get tired of them eventually have fu n
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>>306288 Systemic is arguably worse
But not really
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huh? Oh, I said systematic. But yeah
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>>306292 No way, I got like 300 notifications yesterday and I never got tired of them even though I kept complaining about them.
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Otter hates phone notifications but refuses to stop receiving them
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Every time deepcromrade RTs me I'm like "oh boy here we go"
after I go past like 10, I'm just 'okay mute'
>>306297 image stolen
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>>306299 You are like a little baby
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Why is like every dude in the future wearing a raincoat or leather?
OCT 2017 SUMMARY Tweets 344 Tweet impressions 40.4K Profile visits 379 Mentions 154 New followers 14
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because it looks cool
>>306306 That's pretty decent
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yeah, that's in 14 days
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oh. So there's a new boatslut game where all of them are lewd
yeah azur lane have fun
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There are like five major boat games now and all of them are better than kancolle lol
azur lane has inazuma and ikazuchi and they look kind of silly
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I really want to hear that lady's speech about Japan's fetishization of military aggression now. I should take a trip
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One of my tiwtter people said they were writing a thing about Strike Witches and the problems with it as a franchise Something about pantsu and war criminals
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can we just have kancoarcade already
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>>306314 Kancolle is the only Japanese one.
they seem to be adding the wvent with prinz and pals soon to arcade
>>306317 Oh the other games aren't?
>>306319 azur lane is called "chinkolle" for a reason
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Two of them are Chinese. One of them is western. I forget the last, but it wasn't Japanese.
>>306320 So that has nothing to do with dicks..
>>306322 and everything to do with a racial slur yes
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well whatver not like I'll play them.
>+HP/-Atk ehhhh
i would provably prefer a regular inigo instead of green magic because i liked him in awakening and i had him stab good
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Are we the first and only genertaion it will be common to have developed, color images of our parents and childhood?
the generation prior to us does
Hm, I guess My parents don't, but I gues the ones that came between do
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>nobody to give Gale Dance to >nobody to give Dancer's Ring+ to
oh, there's soren eh
healing watersweep soren with phantom spd could be good
im being served by a guy named matt is it you
also my mom offered to get me liquor and i said it was a bad idea
do you want to fuck him
>>306337 no not really
then it must not be me
fair enough
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this movie is fucking boring so far
it's not an action movie really or anything
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it seems more like it's putting aesthetic over all else
my mom told them about my birthday *menacing noises intensify*
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Have fun with your happy birthday song.
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>>306343 you gotta soak in aestheticc
>>306345 they are going to yee haw
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>>306347 Texas Roadhouse?
>>306348 Texas Roadhouse
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Jan says Texas Roadhouse isn't very Texasy. You should complain.
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but he totally wants to go again
>>306350 Im not jan so its ok i want to hang out with you guys
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>>306351 Hell yeah. Jan and I went there the first night in Bensalem during our first trip, and then we went there again with you, Tilde, and Notso on the first night in Bensalem on the second trip, so it's basically tradition now.
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>>306346 Well they're nailing the aesthetic, no question But just the dystopian neotokyo look isn't particularly hard to nail
>>306354 are you watching the new one or the old one
old one
ah, well, I guess you can thank the old one in part for making that look not that hard to nail.
maybe next time you guys hang out Ill be able to and wont have my money siphoned away
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If you can get a job and save up a little money, it should be fine.
I start the 23rd! woo
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You won't have to worry about funding various focus groups. Ball out and ball hard.
grr im angry about japan now
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>>306360 Save up a big of money and have a lot of fun, then. We haven't planned the next one yet, but I think it'd be fun to spend a day in NYC and a day in DC while we're in the area. I think the only plan we have is that we're going to be in Philly on a day when the African American history museum is open.
oh no too much food help
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Yeah I'm not finishing this
>>306365 yeah same
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The legs are just for show
oh no where are her legs
legs? what are legs?
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How can our legs be real if the ground isn't real?
>>306369 a vital part of a woman's sex appeal
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What a misogynistic answer.
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>>306372 I didnt say thats all they were!
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but you didn't say anything else
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That cant be helped Im a very busy man
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busy looking for legs
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I realized a while back fullfillment is impossible and all I can do is work out my role in history's march towards freedom
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I was REALLY high, granted But it still resonates with me
>>306376 this is probably definitely true
you know what else is important? a back with well defined shoulder blades
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>>306379 Are you fint fine* with that?>>306381 that's discrimination against slimes
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I think it's helped me put meaning in my life There's purpose I'm still stuck in my life surrounding it, but I have a thing to move towards with actual meaning beyond just how I appear to others Meaning outside myself
>>306382 >slimes
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Cause like No matter what objects and things you amass, or your wealth You still haven't really done anything, you know Now that's done, but you need something more To fill the void
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I'm going to need a person again eventually
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I've tried to resign to my fate and while it's hard, I think it'll be easier
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>>306387 I wouldn't really call it something you need to resign to. Even if you fathom something as outside your own life to accomplish, there are other things that you can strive to
>>306388 >the artist has requested removal of ythis image oh no
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>>306388 AH, no, I meant ToN's post There's obviously some stuff I'm trying to do anyway
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oh lol wow, yeah, that's a different conversation entirely Not one I'm about to have in any serious capacity with myself.
satisfaction is death
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teethandclaws is my idol There's something very romantic of dying for your beliefs
there are too many wars to fight to let yourself die generally
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The posadist has followed
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>>306394 That's why you gotta pick one that matters That you believe in
sometimes inspiration for a tweet just hits me and it's gotta happen>>306396 better to live and fight another day than to die you will always have another chance dying so that others can fight another day is noble though
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>>306393 I think we romance the idea too much...
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I'd be happy to die so that nobody has to fight again
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Obviously the goal isn't to die, don't get me wrong
the goal is always to die that's what we all live for
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hello rain my old friend
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the goal is definitely not to die that's just the timelimit
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Every vacation ends with going home, but that doesn't make getting him \\\home the goal
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For what do I live for? For living I think.
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I dunno.
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Live for justice and nothing else
>>306403 do you want to live forever?
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Maybe I should have Aurelia get a present from her best friend the Lich King
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>>306409 With humans? Nah.
>>306411 sounds like your goal is to eventually die unless you want to live with dragons
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No Zeph. Death isn't a goal. It's just the end. I just run out of goals after it happens.
>>306410 he is a good friend
I'm never going to die but I totally want to die eventually Everything is a goal tbh if you run out of goals you're already dead
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Once they perfect the whole immortality thing, i'm getting it and you're gonna need a paramilitary group to stop me cause that's what I'm bringing
there will always be a war to fight
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>>306415 now then what does aurelia not have armor?
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Did I share that weather forecast here, actually? Cause man it's good
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>>>/watch?v=fJwHZVl5Buk This is so beautiful
>>306419 a life
>>306422 ehhhh
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destruction is generally bad
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You already know I'm not a reformist
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No, but if you want to destroy things, you're an enemy of the people.
Not if what you destroy is the infrastructure used to oppress you
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You destroy infrastructure, the workers suffer. If you destroy those buildings, where will you put those who lost their homes?
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OH you mean like that Yeah naw, tearing down buildings for the sake of it is unnecessary Though I do sympathize with the anarchists who just break business windows and stuff
>>306423 maybe the lich king will give her life UN LIFE
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But that's cause I think there's value in doing things that aren't strictly pragmatical, too Showing you're willing to start breaking shit out of frustration is good, even if it may impact some of the proletariat, which is pretty bad
why do you sympathize with people who break windows
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breaking things makes the petty bourgeoisie afraid of you and pushes them towards fascism at least, according to trotsky
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Yeah bargaining with them worked out real fuickin' well in the past
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that's not what i'm talking about you should read trotsky's analysis on the rise of rascism
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Well yeah you can't just do any one thing hahah rascism
fascism *
yeah that's a good one actually haha
But yeah, of course the fash sympathy might spark up from it But I can't condemn it It's not pragmatic, but it's completely understandable
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real change is carried by the blade not the brick
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Yeah but you need the bricks to show the growing hatred for the system People need to know they're not alone in their immense frustration and feeling of being without legitimate power Destruction shows the system isn't eternal, it can be torn down
And, most importantly when it comes to anarchists who just break shit, they're not doing it for us They're doing it to give the state itself a solid, unmistakeable message: We won't be governed.
destruction doesn't show that the system isn't eternal at all in fact it shows that the system IS eternal just like it has during every violent riot in the past 100 years
in the US at least
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But it's not omnipotent It can't stop you if the people decide to organize as one It will crack
Ferguson was like, fucked up for a long time Sure it was actually FUCKED UP, but that's still the system being broken A better one can be built, and people just need to see it
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ring ring hello ring ring hello
>>306448 what do you mean about ferguson
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The ferguson riots Shit was like, on fire for days Oh one kid from that is still in jail isn't he?
in the ferguson riots, workers were hurt more than the system by the destruction it was self-injurious behavior by the workers
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Well, not all rioting will be beneficial in that sense, no Most of the time you'll end up hurting the workers, but that's the case basically no matter what you do but reformism or full revolution You gotta get there one way or another
a revolution hurts the workers but eventually benefits them, in theory but that riot hurt the workers and then there was never any benefit
ferguson was a paid riot i don't think you can use it to compare i dunno
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>>306454 Did they at least throw some bricks at some cops?
>>306456 generally they chanted "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" and yelled at cops because >>306455 they weren't passionate fired-up workers that hated the system
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Wow, i thought they like fucking burned down bourg shit and looted
they burned down their own shit and looted each other
no people were bussed in to incite a riot and then there was follow-through from looting but the people of ferguson or the associated community didn't do that most of ferguson saw through it too, talk to the old black ladies or the people who live that neighborhood and they hated the riots and rioters none of them were from around there if there's systemic oppression in the ferguson incident it's in the way media moguls use the black community to push a narrative without regard to the community it wasn't a cop violence issue the cop violence was such a surface level topic that you can't even talk about it with those people because they do see what's going on and even presenting it in that context is inherently offensive
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>>306459 Fuck
>>306458 Rich people don't live near rioters
>>306462 No but they own shit
>>306462 >>306462 >>306462
>break convenience store window owned by poor struggling immigrant >YEAH FUCK DA RICH
>>306463 not generally
rich people don't have investments in poor neighborhoods unless the neighborhood is undergoing gentrification
or drugs i guess
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Well then the riots should have focused on the cops goddamnit WHY
because the people weren't rioting against cops they were paid
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I bet liberals did this
yes literally liberals paid them to riot
soros did it it was the stepping stone to funding the bureau of lives that matter they literally sit there with all the news stories and figure which ones are worth investing millions of promotional coverage from news on and which ones have recruiting efforts for political demonstration
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>>306449 ooyodo is cute
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BLM is good though
kirara do you want an armor that makes you not die when killed
>>306475 no
>>306476 i never die anyway
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>>306477 No I've read through some of the stuff they want and it's good shit
>>306478 theo other armor the lich king has makes yoh a spooky ghost for a turn
>>306473 What didn't soros do?
>>306479 there are parts of BLM that are good but quite a bit of it is funded by liberals to just stir shit
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Well yeah I imagine it like everything but raw antifa shit has been coopted by now They'll never coopt antifa cause they can't go there
>>306479 yes, they have political specialists who tailor messaging to sound good what they want is a narrative they're actually harming the community they claim to want to help they will say they want to help it by doing something or another specific, but that's just like what you said with that horse ad the other day you present an image of either fighting X cause or being against X cause but in reality most of the shit they're using as leverage is not an issue, or is not something that is helpful towards the plight of the black community more than anything they're harming the black community
UF is paying 500k to richard spencer to have a rally in florida in a few days
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>>306485 What's UF and can their money be physically attacked?
university of florida
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>>306484 ¨But they like Outright say they want to remove police and have the communities police themselves
>>306488 some parts of BLM say that BLM isn't a solid group it's full of sects without leadership that constantly fight each other over goals some parts of BLM want a black ethnostate for example
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Oh yeah that's true, they're not a monolith Oh yeah the black nationalists Goddamn, what an idiotic idea, both pragmatically and morally
if they wanted to help they'd go out and do things for the people to help them like how the DSA had that thing where they fixed people's breaklights
>>306488 they say they want to do something like this but they're doing it by being politically active and drawing for policy leverage, which all that does is destabilize the community if you want to help the communities regulate themselves then stop trying to tell white people that they need to do something about black people's problems that's how you get shit like police violence issues in the first place, because you're trying to intervene in the community if they wanted to let the communities regulate themselves they'd be spending the money that they have trying to improve the interfacing of the community such they can self-regulate but they're spending it on dumb shit
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>>306492 Yeah well they do I'm sorry but that's how reality works in a democracy
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Maybe we ought to talk about this elsewhere before Sam gets upset about it
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oh yeah there's that
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I wanna at least before we drop or move it say that I've been making SOME slight progress with two of my friends, getting them to see that racism is a real thing, even if not explicit in the law book
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gonna marry a boat
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You already did!
Happy Saturday neechang
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yes, hello!
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Hello Rika.
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Ah, I wanna try molly some time
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>>306502 Hello Ranko
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I am back home from the shop now.
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>>306502 Hello, how are you?
I wonder if it makes sense to say I really just want to feel alive
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>>306506 I'm okay, I guess. I just did some groceries. Today's super quiet. My picnic thing tomorrow got canceled due to rain forecasts. How are you?>>306506 >do not repost >>306507 In my experience, the best way to feel alive is by getting your adrenaline running hard by risking your life. Drugs won't make you feel alive. If you don't like the comedown from ritalin, you'll also HATE the comedown from molly.
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>>306508 That author will just have to come stop me. I'm doing fine, I just woke up.
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>>306509 What a lazy weekend life!
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>>306510 play hard work hard is how I live!
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I want to watch the new Blend S but I have to wait.>>306511 Is sleeping playing?
>>306508 Yeah I'm not sure it's the right term to use It's hard to describe this kind of thing
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>>306512 I played by staying up late last night.
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So that's how it is.>>306513 You just want to feel good, right?
>>306512 sleeping can also be playing in the right situation
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No, it can't. That's silly.
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Right now I'm trying to think of fun ways to remove Horse Lyn. Sophia is the only real answer I've come up with.
>>306515 Mm, I'm not actually sure I always do. Maybe I want a feeling like things matter a lot Investment
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>>306518 Sophia is the best there is, I'm telling you.
you mean sophia is the only answer that Kirara came up with and you took
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There are other ways to deal with Horse Lyn, but I'm talking about fun ways to deal with Horse Lyn.
I mean I think intense fear even works
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High risk situations are where it's at.>>306522 Yeah, Sophia is the most fun way to do it.
although if i had distant counter i could come up with a billion fun ways to do it
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Lyn removes most of the distant counter fun by having that ability that makes swords, lances, and axes unable to counterattack her.
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Yeah, but most people don't use that.
I bet you can get around that with Hardy Bearing too.
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I wonder if it works like that. Either way, Lyns without that no-counter skill get messed up by my Amelia.
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I don't think anyone knows how Hardy Bearing really works or what it really does.
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A random post on the internet says hardy bearing doesn't work against it. that's hardly conclusive though.
>>306527 i do get dunked
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>>306532 That doesn't debunk what I said, you loser.>>306531 It probably doesn't. It wouldn't make much sense if there was a really good counter for horse emblem.
I know im having fun also fuxm the sun its a dick i have to sit on the GROUND at a BALL GAME
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My Corrin would be a fun counter to Horse Lyn, but she has really high res for some reason so lightning breath doesn't really help.
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i remember when I was going to do dragon emblem
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>>306535 Nowi or Fae might work but without something that is anti-bow or anti-horse, there's really no way to reliably take her on.
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It looks like an anti-colorless summer Corrin with flyer emblem buffs could initiate on her and kill her.
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Killing her on initiation is easy. The problem is that there's often no way to initiate on her without getting hit.
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Yeah, that's the problem. The only fun ways I've found to deal with that involve Sophia or fRobin.
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Yeah, it can't be helped. Of course, you could just have a high def character with zanbato or ridersbane and bait and then initiate.
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I do have a ridersbane+ thanks to Gray. If I could comehow get close counter for Sophie, she would be able to tank and kill a huge number of non-blue units.
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That's a Zanbato. Ridersbane is the lance. Yeah, I've been wanting to put close counter on Sophia but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.
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That would be a pretty fun unit to put on my defensive team. She would trip a lot of people up.
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Boey would actually be better than fRobin for dealing with Lyn by a little bit, wwwww. Sophia is the best by far, though.
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Well, another reason I'm interested in Sophia is because I like multipurpose units. As a green mage with good stats (other than speed) she is also able to bait and kill green mages, which are really common and dangerous.
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Just be honest with yourself and say you're interesting in Sophia because I like her so much!
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and by that I mean she is a red mage with good stats. other than speed
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No way. The real reason I'm interested with her is because she covers the weaknesses for my super cute super strong Amelia.
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How tsundere!
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I'm deredere for Amelia. I need someone who can keep her safe.
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Well, your tsundereness aside, yeah, Sophia is the only proper counter to Horse Lyn that's really worth running.
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I think Robin is good too, but not very compatible with Amelia.
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There's really no point in me running Robin since I have other green mages that are so much better than her, and there's nobody that can replace Sophia.
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I like Sophia, she's cute. I wish I had her. I do have my super nice Summer Elise, but she can't bait Horse Lyn because she just isn't bulky enough.
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You keep messing up your words today, huh? You do have Sophia. Did you mean Sonya or something?
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Oh, sorry. I was thinking of Julia. Julia and Sophia are similar names.
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I'm not even going to argue that one. I hope Dierdre is good. It's really annoying that they keep adding yellow /// green and blue mages when there are so few red ones though.
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I guess if I gave my Summer Elise attack +3 she would be able to bait and kill Horse Lyn. I may consider doing that.
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Just give her the ATK+3 seal or something.
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Oh, that's a pretty good idea.
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Of course it is. Have I ever had a bad idea?
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oh wow, upgrading attack +2 to attack +3 is really expensive. I guess I can't do that right now.
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Did you do all the coin quests?
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It costs 400 greater red badges and 1000 lesser red badges. I have plenty of coins for it.
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Is that a lot of badges? Do you use yours often?
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I don't know if it's a lot of badges or not, but I know I don't have anywhere near that many!
I was gonna sleep but I hunger once again
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Is ATK+2 not enough?
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Yeah, it's got to be attack +3 actually. What I can do is just team her up with an attack buffing unit though.
>If foe is magic user, foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) are nullified during combat.
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>>306568 I'm hungry, too. I'll spoil my dinner if I eat now, though.
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That's true. Horse Lyn ruins everything.
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What's your Elise's A skill right now?
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spd/res +2. Replacing it won't be a big deal.
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If you had Neph, you could give Elise atk/spd+2 and the atk+2 seal
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I wouldn't feed Neph to Elise, though. Blue would hunt me down and kill me!
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I've gotten 3 Nephs.
wow hidoi
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>>306578 I'm pretty sure blue has given serious thought to hunting you down and killing you.
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He's welcome to try. He'll definitely kill me if I get Dierdre and he doesn't, though.
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Does he really like her too?
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He's been trying to get Julia since the game came out, and Dierdre is a lot like Julia since they're related. So he really wants Dierdre.
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yaaaaay>>306583 givw me granblue deirdre
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Wow, look at this picture of Mario that I found!
>>306585 whoa
hats are dangerous
touhous wear hats therefore touhous are dangerous
I also wear a hat.
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The cashier lady at the shop liked my hat earlier. I'm not sure why people comment on my cap but it happens pretty often. I'm not sure if she was flirting with me or just liked my cap, though.
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I don't know about your hat but that's a cute Kongou. Don't tell Fish, she'll make you stop wearing hats!
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I can't stop wearing it! Every time I do, everyone gives me shit about it. Everyone says my hat has become my brand.
>>306585 Mama mia
>>306593 >>306593 >>306593
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I can't even remember the last time I wore a hat.
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I originally started wearing one because it bothered me when my hair got blown around in the wind. I always take it off when it's polite to, though. I don't see girls wearing hats too often.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:27 No. 306597
cawfee \
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>go to arena to test out my new elise >nothing but armor emblem teams, no horse lyn in sight well it was easy wins but still I didn't get to test!>>306596 Girls mostly shun hats because hats mess up hair.
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>when your opponent's sss tier deck lets them topdeck for victory two turns in a row every time you clear their field fair and balanced
also i have 39% battery to last through this ballgame taihen
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>>306599 Yeah. I think normal hair is generally cuter anyway.
what is abnormal hair
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:36 No. 306604
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kaze no kizu
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:38 No. 306605
MOTHER3 was right
those legs are so thin
what is that like a horse for mice?
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My hair looks really good when it's sitting the way I want it to but it looks flat and boring when it doesn't. It's really hard to make hair behave right.
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Hair is such a stubborn beast
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:40 No. 306610
>>306608 You just gotta max out you graphics options.
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>>306610 That's when it gets bad! It looks bad when my bangs lose cohesion and the strands all go everywhere. It would look good if I had a nice low res hair blob!
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:44 No. 306612
>>306611 Ohhh. One of those nice thick hair chips. with local reflection and HDR turned up to max.
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 540x501, 1495862488897.gif )
Imagine how easy life would be if the physics engine couldn't render the wind blowing your hair all over the place.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:46 No. 306614
But that's what makes it cool!
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goodbye horse emblem
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:47 No. 306616
i'm having a pumpkin spice latte
how is it
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:48 No. 306618
it's pretty good very sugary though with the cream on it
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>>306615 >feeding gray to tobin how horrifying
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>>306619 Tobin and Gray are made for each other anyway. Now they can always be together.>>306618 i don't really like pumpkin that much is it super pumpkiny?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:49 No. 306621
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:49 No. 306622
game should animate the whole feeding process in exacting detail
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 20:49 No. 306623
>>306620 nah it's more cinnamon-y spice-y
>>306623 curious
>>306611 bang is never cohesive
Fed now Sleep Buh bye
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>>306620 Tobin may actually be able to get Clair this way!
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>>306626 >SK is a fed >>306627 Tobin and Gray should have totally gone at it and ignored Clair.
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oh shit
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I guess they're both dead now aren't they?
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Yeah. RIP.
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You really should aim for a Lance user rather than Sword.
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I know, I'm just fucking around.
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I should spend the rest of my time aiming for Ninian. Then I can feed Gale Dance to her.
Although really, it would be nicer to get Shigure and feed Geyser Dance to her.
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Or maybe they'll release the singer from Radiance. they better do the thing with the song
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I should run some math. But I'm not gonna
nor will i
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I want to watch anime.
then watch anime
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I can't. My girlfriend will get upset if I watch it without her and she's not home.
Then just watch anime she doesn't wanna watch
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I don't want to just watch any anime. Obviously there are specific anime I want to watch.
Well then you're SHIT OUTTA LUCK
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Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/14 (土) 21:41 No. 306650
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I caved and ordered a Switch.
Tell me if Odyssey is 10/10 GOTY
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hmm>>306652 I will let you know! I got the Mario Switch bundle with the special mario carrying case and the daburu red joycons (since red is the fastest and most powerful color)
>>306655 Oh that's good, it triples the speed of the Switches CPU
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Yeah, I should be able to respond to everything really quickly, too.
Everyone knows that Red Leds speed up the processor and blue LEDs cool it down.
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getting the bundle saved me like $30 on a case
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>>306651 haha, what a coincidence. I was thinking about doing that today.
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>>306661 That's great. Now I don't have to feel guilty for it.
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fuck horses
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>they added Grape-kun to the cutout maybe the goal really is to die
>>306666 told you
>>306664 >Ch7 What the fuck happened here
>>306668 looks like trash
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>>306662 Yeah, I might get one too.
>>306669 yeah like a giant spill in the kitchen
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>>306670 You totally should!>>306671 Looks like storage to me.
homeless > working in fast food
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get me a switch while youre at it
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>>306674 >>306674 >>306674
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>>306672 You just want me to do you won't be alone!
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>>306674 >>306675 If you both fight to the death, I'll buy the winner a switch and a case and screen protector.>>306676 Wow, what an accusation!
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Okay. I'll kill ToN right now.>>306674 hey
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It's pretty tempting though. I also need to buy some new shoes.
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>>306679 You can go without shoes but you're going to feel super left out when Fish and I are enjoying a Switch and you're not!
how much are they anyway>300 huh
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>>306680 I can get both the switch and the shoes.
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>>306682 That's great!>>306681 $400 if you want to buy a game and a screen protector and a controller thingy.
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I don't know if there are enough games I Really want on it yet though.
>>306678 I'm very something now but I wouldnt say Im dead
very what
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Very something
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 22:48 No. 306688
I ended up hooking up my ps2 and playijg guitar hero. Also someone packed up the PS2 without taking the game out of it. So obviously not me.
2017/10/14 (土) 22:50 No. 306689
Search [iqdb] (♫, 25s, 1.5 MB, 460x306, 14158c2b34f44391.mp4 )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 22:51 No. 306690
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this gauntlet round is fierce
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>>306691 Yeah. I have 300 flags left to try and help with at the end. I think Ninian will win, though.
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1514x1556, えふぇ - ちいさなこいごころ (56875243) .jpg )
it's likely but not absolute
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 22:55 No. 306695
TN, do you read this?
2017/10/14 (土) 22:56 No. 306696
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/14 (土) 22:58 No. 306697
It's pretty good. It feels a lot like a comic made by Mike Mignola.
2017/10/14 (土) 23:04 No. 306698
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 640x480, 20th_century_boys tomodachi.jpg )
Never heard
i don't know why but bang really doesn't like working right now this must be what it means to be burnt out
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>>306693 i dont know...
s u. f e r. g
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Why are you suffering?
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 600x602, DK1qFKUUEAATld0.jpg )
bang was botn to suffer
>>306704 7.2x corrin
2017/10/15 (日) 00:04 No. 306708
Search [iqdb] (408 KB, 686x1000, 1423204541758.jpg )
>>306706 was there a song that wen't somehting along that way
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>>306707 Oh, thank you. I'll dump my remaining flags.
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>>306710 cute
2017/10/15 (日) 00:30 No. 306714
>>306713 that's cute
2017/10/15 (日) 00:32 No. 306715
2017/10/15 (日) 00:33 No. 306716
ans btcn price is fucking insane *also
>>306713 interesting
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 462x313, 1500631292897.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:04 No. 306719
Is there a samurai around?
2017/10/15 (日) 01:05 No. 306720
oh wow Deen quality already showing up in hoozuki s2
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:05 No. 306721
>>306720 I curse them
2017/10/15 (日) 01:07 No. 306722
why is deen so deen anyhow?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:07 No. 306724
>>306722 They were probably cursed previously.
2017/10/15 (日) 01:07 No. 306725
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 1000x1000, --mikko-girls-und-panzer-drawn(…).jpg )
like they do some works that aren't shittily animated but whenever they do S2 of some other studios S1 it just is crap
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:07 No. 306726
>>306725 Budget reasons They get hired to do the s2 because they will do it for cheap. If you give them enough money they could do a good job.>>306727 They fix it for bluray and dvd Anyways it obviously does because people still hire them
2017/10/15 (日) 01:08 No. 306727
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1928x2973, --mikko-girls-und-panzer-drawn(…).jpg )
But a cheaply done product doesn'ät sell as much or promote interest in the merchandise that much
Never forgive Log Horizon S2
2017/10/15 (日) 01:09 No. 306729
>>306726 japs are such suckers oh well what can most westerners asy when hollywood and game industry is as big as they are or most silicon valley companies...
2017/10/15 (日) 01:11 No. 306730
Search [iqdb] (301 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
Like it isn't bad but at some animations or how many frames used for lip movement or something else you just notice "oh they did this quite cheaply"
Are they doing the memorial stream now?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:13 No. 306733
>>306731 Not loading for me
no, that's just someone visiting
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 526x789, shoop.jpg )
That rock looks so lonely now I hope Grape gets a statue with his wife or something
2017/10/15 (日) 01:14 No. 306736
>>306735 oh wow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:14 No. 306737
>>306735 Dude Look at the right of hululu
2017/10/15 (日) 01:14 No. 306738
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 800x1142, natalia-tan-7.jpg )
Imagine if the hypothethical never will be made s2 of KF has grape-kun in it
>>306737 >shoop.jpg It's photoshopped>>306738 Give him a cameo at least with a boy penguinfriend holding hululus hand >>306742 We can make an exception for Grapekung
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:15 No. 306740
>>306739 I want to believe
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:15 No. 306741
I hope they cremate grape with the cardboard standee
2017/10/15 (日) 01:15 No. 306742
>>306739 >men in kkf
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:16 No. 306743
Iirc in an interview one of the people in charge of the lore stated that male animals become female friends
2017/10/15 (日) 01:17 No. 306744
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
One thing that does stickout more is the disparancy between characters and background it is part of the style of the series, but I don't think it was this obvious in the s1 and ovas
>>306741 im pretty sure they said they would
2017/10/15 (日) 01:18 No. 306746
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
>>306735 It says shoop. Is that not real, then?
2017/10/15 (日) 01:20 No. 306748
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
this looks like quite tasty hell
it's always my absolute worst tweets that get big it's almost like twitter is training me to be really bad
>>306747 No, it's sadly not real
2017/10/15 (日) 01:21 No. 306751
>>306749 wat
>>306751 what part confuses you
2017/10/15 (日) 01:22 No. 306753
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does he do it intentionally or just misheard lyrics?
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:23 No. 306755
I just had an idea If kadokawa pays for a statue of grape they might be able to pacify the fanbase to some degree
doubt it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:24 No. 306757
>>306756 Yeah I wouldn't forgive them either desu
>>306755 You can't buy back your fanbases love
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:26 No. 306759
>>306758 Eva
>>306754 toe sucker
>>306759 ?
Are you talking about the reaction to the final two episodes? How extensive was the hate from that anyway? It's easier to measure these days with twitter.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:26 No. 306763
>>306761 >>306762 Yeah a little
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:27 No. 306764
>>306762 They got death threats and graffiti (death threats) on their studio They show a bunch of it in a montage in EoE
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:30 No. 306765
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 180x101, 180px-Eoe_death_threats3.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:30 No. 306766
Oh shit wrong pic This one Fucking really its not a duplicate
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:31 No. 306767
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:31 No. 306768
>>306767 I'm getting my ffriend a "my other car is a cdr" bumlersticker
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:32 No. 306770
>>306768 dammit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:32 No. 306771
>>306770 He asked for it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:36 No. 306772
Translation of death threats/fanmail from EoE
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Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:46 No. 306774
>>306749 sex 2bu
>>306753 oh i didn't see this yeah he does it intentionally >>306774 at least you understand my pain
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:49 No. 306776
Sam, you have any luck finding a place to live?
>>306747 we're up three billion two hours left ninian might have a rubber band situation here though
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:50 No. 306778
>>306776 yeah i signed a lease this week we studio now
2017/10/15 (日) 01:51 No. 306779
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congrats how big and expensive place?
>>306778 omedetou
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:52 No. 306781
>>306778 Ome You have access to a washer and dryer or nah?
>>306778 congratz
2017/10/15 (日) 01:52 No. 306783
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oh yeah I need to buy a laundrymachine
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 755x1000, ぢせ - 漂う (65292915) .png )
>my battle timer is on the :29 and :59 I have to finish my last fight in under a minute www
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:53 No. 306785
>>306781 yeah i do very #blessed
2017/10/15 (日) 01:55 No. 306786
Search [iqdb] (997 KB, 1000x1047, 1472699546039.png )
Dryers actually wear down clothes faster
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:57 No. 306787
yeah let me just set up a clothesline in this room ??? so i can wait longer for fresh clothes?????
2017/10/15 (日) 01:57 No. 306788
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 720x480, L (1).jpg )
I just find it amusing dryers aren't really used here at all
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:58 No. 306789
thanks for your input it has been duly noted and filed in the appropriate cabinet
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 01:58 No. 306790
>>306786 They also dry clothes faster.
>>306786 clothes lines are hotspots for mold
2017/10/15 (日) 01:59 No. 306792
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>>306789 is not that I am judging you or anything I just made a statement about dryers
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 01:59 No. 306793
thank you for the addendum it has been recorded for future generations
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>not having both ???? ??/????? ??
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Put the clothesline up in your apartment and turn the heat up really high.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:01 No. 306798
next week on TN's life *walks up to a couple eating beef salad*>eating beef actually wears the ozone layer out faster they look at him funny>i wasn't judging i was just making a statement about methane
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:02 No. 306799
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 1034x1671, Screenshot_20171014-210108.jpg )
The apartment I stayed at in Tokyo had it so the bathroom could work to air clothes dry. Even had this little clothesline you could hang up from the bath rails.
2017/10/15 (日) 02:02 No. 306801
>>306798 you sure are easy to trigger
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:02 No. 306802
>>306798 What the fuck is beef salad?
cthulhu >>306796 →
2017/10/15 (日) 02:03 No. 306804
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I atleast like my clothes to last longer
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:03 No. 306805
>>306802 like beef finger steaks + leafies
>>306804 How long is long enough though. I've dryer-dried my clothes my whole life and none of them have ever fallen apart before I got tired of them. You don't need clothes to last more than two decades realistically. We have sweaters that belonged to my parents before any of us were born that are still in perfectly fine condition. Maybe you just need to not buy shitty clothes that fall apart so easily.
2017/10/15 (日) 02:03 No. 306807
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 543x600, 1416235204788.jpg )
>>306806 nothing is long enough
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:03 No. 306808
>>306804 I have tshirts I've owned for over eight years that are still in good condition.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:05 No. 306813
>>306800 one of those tiny washing machines too?
Yeah, cute little thing. I think it even helped dry out your clothes too after it washed them. Gave them a little shake off after the washing was done.
rub pens very good yes
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:09 No. 306821
crab glans
isn't good please advise
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:11 No. 306825
place mons on mons
mons = monsters??????
Search [iqdb] (392 KB, 1100x820, 8aa05d8806d4869a37a091f999e8ee25.png )
what would you do-oo-ooo for a klondike /gar/
would you... kill a man
2017/10/15 (日) 02:16 No. 306842
Search [iqdb] (436 KB, 1000x707, 1426101260334.jpg )
>>306829 drilling a hole into ice can be a real pain
what about drilling a hole... into a man
2017/10/15 (日) 02:16 No. 306844
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 472x472, 1426379003759.jpg )
quite easy
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:16 No. 306845
my phone still thinks i speak french and i can't make it stop
you were french canada for too long it's too late you're french speaker now
2017/10/15 (日) 02:18 No. 306849
soon you are walking around always with a baquette in hand
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:18 No. 306850
Sam, wanna hear something scary?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:19 No. 306851
what do you consider scary
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:19 No. 306852
>>306851 COBOL has supported object oriented programming since 2002.
just in time for halloween that'll scare the kids away from my door
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 558x807, CzOUXlSUAAA6iP_.jpg )
here's something REALLY scary every time you walk outside a nd every time you are inside a skeleton is watching you
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan (…).jpg )
There goes my last 100 flags. Good luck, Corrin!
Search [iqdb] (725 KB, 900x1384, 64730634_p0.jpg )
Corrin is so far down. There's no way.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:32 No. 306889
hack the planet
Hello Blade Runner wasn't that good a movie, was kinda slow...
>>306867 just used 200 i knew she'd rubberband back but i didn't think that hard oh no hopefully the last hour will bring in our supporters who paced themselves
you gotta pace yourself if you wanna win
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 703x760, 1452382756211.jpg )
8 shows tonight!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:34 No. 306901
>>306892 the original or the new one?
>>306900 enjoy
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:36 No. 306906
>>306892 enjoy true 80s pacing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:37 No. 306908
Okay I found a different bumper sticker to maybe get hhim It says Forth love if honk then
2017/10/15 (日) 02:40 No. 306918
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:41 No. 306919
Me on the right>>>/watch?v=wY-kAnvOY80
2017/10/15 (日) 02:42 No. 306928
fly yuri gagarin
today sucked at work thankfully though i got off early so i met up with some friends i was gonna pay to fix my car's brakes somehow they ended up making them worse and all the auto shops and garages we need to go to are closed because its night now and i have work tomorrow and an essay due on monday that i havent even started on i am praying for death
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 281x244, smugshinku.png )
>>306941 → >>306941 → Just letting you guys know that this is my thread and NO ONE ELSE is allowed to post in it
2017/10/15 (日) 02:50 No. 306955
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 710x1062, 1428316962715.png )
See I warned you
wow sam is a cop
Sam is enforcing private property laws
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:54 No. 306969
i'm not a cop
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/10/15 (日) 02:54 No. 306970
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/15 (日) 02:55 No. 306974
Fixed it
cute anime girl