The first one was like that too. The first one tempted us with such a strong sense of foreboding the whole time I kept wondering when it was going to happen.
We know more or less what happens in this one.
Yeah I watched enough of the first series to remember that.
Wow RIP car.
What a formal way of asking if you can fondle someone.
no and i don't have time to watch it tonight if i'm gonna watch net-ju at least not with you guys
Well if you've got time over the week it's another good show this season. Two girls riding around in a desolate nuclear winter. It's pretty comfy and relaxing.
seems like a mildly bad idea
They're going to make an apocalyptic hot springs. Or bath.
I want to have a wonderful virtual life! Too bad there's no good game to play.
does this right now not count as a virtual life
The quality of the game really doesn't have anything to do wit hit If it's really what you wanted, you would pick any MMO that fits the bill and get consumed by it
I guess it's sort of a compliment to be thought of as twenty-one.
Oh shit are the supporting cast going to figure out who the two of them are first. Like after this NEET-chan is going to go off and the guy is going to come on and tell the other side of the story and they're going to piece it together. That would be funny.
These ways he always sneaks up on her are pretty cute.
what if she ditches
she won't, right
wait you know now that i'm thinking about it i'm getting some really weird vibes about this dude at his house pretending to be a cute anime girl acting super close with this wait is he gay
Kind of like how she's crushing on some internet girl but she's not gay. Internet people just end up getting codependent on each other like that sometimes.
who is sponsoring MC
what if they're both gay for eachother even though it's not gay
do they still have to say "no homo" if there isn't a second pair of balls to touch the first
these are the kind of gender questions we need to be asking in the present age if a guy is gay for a girl do they have to say "no homo" or not!?!?!?
>>306042 It makes me want to play a MMO. But all the current MMOs are just impersonal skinner boxes. I want to play one that's more like a living breathing world.
>>306055 >>306056 back when I played wow, I was a perfectly fine contributor with my average gear because I could do my job healing.
>>306059 No, I was a student back then. WoW is super old. I was just a young little rika.
But you don't need to work that hard for gear, you just go to raids.
korean grinding MMOs require you to grind alone for hours and hours.
just quit your job just like the MC
WoW was super grindy did you have a job back then too? or maybe less job?
>>306057 unless you're talking about post-Cata, then you had to grind a lot just to get to the point where you could even begin to think about the possibility of raiding
>>306060 I'm talking about before that, I quit during wrath. All you had to do was do dungeons to get blues and then go to raids. It was easy.
It may have been somewhat grindy but it is not on the level of korean grinding games. Korean grinding is INSANE.
then yeah WoW was grindy as fuck back then actually current WoW might be the closest to what you're talking about that exists
No, actually I almost guarantee you that BDO has less of a time requirement than BC did probably wotlk too
I put my own decent amount into BDO and got to the endgame at NA release well the beginning of endgame well kind of but i was still at a fraction of a percent of the amount of time I put into WoW (and I didn't play until post-cata)
WoW was easy. And if you were behind, you could get people just to carry you and you'd catch up fast. You didn't need the best gear in the world to be a valuable contributor anyway.
I played BDO and it looked like I would be grinding levels forever and I was like no I'm not going to do that and quit.
>>306070 I don't want to level up. Besides, I already played enough WoW that I don't really have the urge to go play that again. WoW is also a skinner box and I don't really want to play a skinner box either.
>>306075 I said at the start I didn't want to play a skinner box game. Wow is THE skinner box game.
what the hell are you talking about even any MMO is a skinner box
in fact they are by nature intentionally skinner boxes people who play them play them for that reason
>>306076 you pointed out current mmos as if the past ones were different
i don't really get what your argument is, Rika like I said at the very beginning if you wanted to play a good MMO there's plenty and you'd be playing one you must not really want to >>306081 you don't even know anything about the gameplay and also there's a fuckload of those
I actually still have some MMO friends but none of us really play the game anymore.
>>306091 I might when it comes out on PC. I'm not playing it on cuckstation.
/moe/ Destiny 2 clan pls
>>306092 there you almost have the anime experience just drag them into a random chatroom and just like anime you're talking and not playing the game at all
>>306094 I already have them in a random chatroom. We don't go on adventures anymore though. They mostly just talk about stuff that I don't care about.
perfect there you have it you can nostalgia over old ones and remember how everything was good back in the day
you probably just outgrew MMOs like all the functional people who played them anyways don't be like my 26 year old friend who still spends 10 hours a day with runescape in one monitor and Burning Crusade private servers in the other
It's called rainbow 6. It may as well be called tom clancy's gun masturbator 3 Those games are always the same.
wow you are not well-informed
that's what you get for reasoning with rika
Siege is a pretty big departure from any other Tom Clancy game I mean the theme of counter-terrorism and multi-national forces is there of course but the gameplay is actually pretty unique and novel they took a lot of cues from mobas and it kind of worked out really well
>>306112 describe the traits and qualities that you are looking for an MMO to provide for what reasons to what end what is your goal how to do you seek to achieve it
i haven't had a cigarette in like a week and my throat is hating me for it