The brewery I'm working at has a lot of that sort of work that's really menial work but too expensive for a small-scale place to install robots or mechanics to do. That's in part what I'm doing in the end really. But the place also has a temp agency they get workers from to do other menial tasks. Some of the people from that agency really seem to be the kind of people that can't get themselves employed by their own means. They're kind of exhausting people to have to deal with.
My random friend's Lucina is fury and desperation. Which is a good start, but then he has rally attack on it. That build is just asking for recip aid, what was he thinking?
>>303812 Oh, I was going to ask what his unit was.
I had to look growing flame up to even see what it does. Such a long wind-up on a sepcial makes her kinda bad for voting gauntlet.
Well, i know how it feels when that weak unit shows up. This guy's Lucina isn't even that bad. It's just that she's not that good and is a waste of a perfectly good Lucina.
I have a friend that is married to a girl he met in an online h-doujin chat room. Isn't that a really weird way to meet?
>>303832 I wish we could help people in our friend lists not be bad.
Kind of. Though I know a couple friend that made relationships meeting people in online drawing apps that regularly end up a bit pornographic. So I guess it's a little less foreign to me.
>>303833 That is a strange way to meet. I guess they have a really compatible interest though.
>>303833 Well, at least I have Moon's Robin. Your Alm would be really good to have too, units like that are always useful. Too bad you're not on team Corrin! What team did you join, anyway?
It's not really foreign to me. They've been married for a while. It didn't hit me how weird it was until just now when thinking about marriage in general.
>>303835 I'm on team Tiki. I'm not really a big Corrin fan so I just joined the team I think will lose.
Japanese gods always have other threads this should be in.
>>303836 Corrin's design can be a bit obnoxious. hmm maybe not her design maybe her concept since she's a barefoot dragon princess from another dimension but she's still cute
Ninian is really scary. She has way more votes than anyone else. And she was constantly significantly ahead of Fae despite Fae having constant vote boost modifiers.
yeah poor fae i like fae i want to dress her up like a little pumpkin
vote boost modifiers?
I wonder what Halloween characters they're going to throw our way after the PA limited
I think there will definitely be some fates and awakening. but I think there will be some older units too. I think they are waking up to the fact that older characters are popular too.
I'll believe it when i see it considering they just ignored actual dancers to put fates and awakening characters in the game again
they should have done a second ninian and a Nils
i hope we get some grooms instead of brides next year
>>303873 In zoos I have I'm not sure about in the wild I don't think Kiwis hang around near cities And they're very quick and like to hide Doesn't help that they're nocturnal >Once bonded, a male and female kiwi tend to live their entire lives as a monogamous couple. During the mating season, June to March, the pair call to each other at night, and meet in the nesting burrow every three days. These relationships may last for up to 20 years. What a pure and clean species
I have seen weta quite a few times. Those little guys are cool. Have you seen any interesting wild life?
>>303874 They aren't that little, weta are big guys.
>>303878 You should. The best description I could come up for it is like, it's like beef but way more tender and easier to cut Actually no, more like lamb
Oh wait I saw a large grasshopper carrying (on its back) a hundred or so eggs, it was missing a hind leg and hobbling along on the sidewalk. This was basically in the middle of the city though.
My guess is that the deer meat you had is different from wild deer shot by a hunter. Cause meat from those is tough because the deer move around a lot and have strong muscles.
I don't think the venison I had was hunted then I don't know if deer farms are even a thing though
Have you taken a course on differential equations? I can't recall, sorry if I've asked this before.
>>303886 I feel like I've done basic babby differential equations before But even if I did I've forgotten everything about them I'm not good at maths
>>303887 You probably covered simple ones in Calc 2.
>>303888 okay wikipedia says something about derivatives we definitely did those
>>303889 Differential equations are equations of the form y' + y + g(x) = h(x) Or whatever That's a first degree one amd usually h(x)= 0 So rather than solving to find the derivative of a function that you are given, you solve to find a function who derivative is a solution
>>303890 yeah I think we did that chain rules and shit
>>303895 Chain rule is just a thing for derivatives, like you need it a bit for diff eq, but if you were covering it for the first time that was probably just a calculus 1 class Which covers derivatives and basic integral stuff
The worst part of this isn't even really the soreness. It's being on my feet for hours on end. I just can't manage to go more than a few hours before the bottoms of my feet are in a lot of pain.
that goes away after you get used to it for a while
People always say that, but I've had this problem even back in high school, when I was much more on my feet and active than now.
>>303985 I suppose I should be looking up what I should be doing for that, eh.
Anyone heard from Sam lately? The fires are getting pretty bad and it's apparently toxic to breathe the air in San Fran now.
i haven't, but the fires are in norcal i've talked to other people from sf in the last day though and they didn't make any mention of it or seem distressed he's prolly just getting his daily dose of workahol
it was unhealthy for sensitive groups yesterday but it's just unhealthy now i guess toxic was an exaggeration due to ignorance on my part
yeah i'm sure sam's just busy i wonder if he has some protective gear for breathing though
the purple is "Health alert: everyone may experience more serious health effects." red is " Everyone may begin to experience health effects members of sensitive groups may experience more serious health effects. " i know they tend to exaggerate that stuff for health reasons but i still worry
i guess it's pretty bad in palo alto right now too i'm glad fish's family isn't there right now
they actually sent the wrong email today then sent a followup one to apologize but i don't see why these two options they've provided need to be split into two options it could just be... save 50%? why does it matter now or later lol
that's a really weird ad yeah
it's the same fuckin thing same fuckin horse probably
what was in the wrong email?
nothing interesting save 90% on flights to vegas and it has a hashtag #vegasstrong some other generic messaging
oh, that's nice, i guess
it's basically the same thing every time now one broad spectrum "Fares as low as $25, over 1.5 million seats available!" and one targeted location messaging that speaks more to certain flyers some people like to think "oh man now's a chance to take my long awaited trip to (wherever) for cheap" and guide their own thing and other people see the location spotlight and just the name of miami or las vegas or seattle gets their brains daydreaming
>>303991 They wanna specify and this way it also seems like more than one great deal
maybe they're subconsciously closing the mind off to the idea that not flying is an option "Okay you've got two choices you can buy this boat today for 50% off or you can buy it another day for 50% off" "hmmm... well i guess there's no way around it"
the purpose and goal of market research and advertising today is to really rid ourselves of those legacy tactics generating artificial commitment to a product or service is such an outdated and inferior way of doing things today it's about connecting users with their needs, not prescribing things to quell a user's needs >>304002 not anymore i guess with products it still happens a little bit, especially in the affordability sectors to make sure you're getting a good deal on your whatever services not so much though
But it's effectiive isn't it?
I guess it's the difference between pitching something new, and trying to woo the already existing market to yourself
>>304003 there's some overlap when you come into limited customizability and directed sales, like going to a used car lot and dealing with a used car salesman to find a good deal but that's some of the thrill of that shopping event too is you're looking for a good fit and the salesman is gonna be pitching all these things to you about why this car is the one you need
you don't get that with new cars as much because there's almost full customizability but for used cars, they've only got what they've got and you've got a budget they do genuinely want to find a car that's a good fit for you, but whenever you as the customer don't entirely know what you want, you can kind of look at the sales pitch as probes to see what does and doesn't resonate with the customer and help them identify what they do or don't want
i think it's pretty interesting anyway it's probably not
XCOM 2 looks like a lot of fun But I can't be bothered to buy it
>>304005 it's pretty great but i'd get it if it goes on sale or something
there's the same fuckin thread every day on these work forums where new transcribers ask whether or not you're supposed to include foul language in a transcript if the speaker uses foul language why does this happen
This seems cool Hopefully those patents don't give me trouble later though, cause I was planning on trying to make something similar to this at some point.
>>304033 goku made a spirit bomb but it was too strong and turned into a black hole and sucked him up into it and he fights against the black hole to get out of it and comes out with something the gods of destruction call ultra instinct which basically goku is all amped up on amphetamines and is out of control
>>304066 i've had the same lucina on my team every time i do gauntlet is that yours? i thought you got your friends' lead hero, but i looked it up and you get the one who's head of their selected team, not the leftmost team
that seems like a good idea hector's tbh not very good distant counter makes him good but it's better on just about every other armored unit >>304075 Hello >>304076 Hello
I think he is okay, but he is so meta that everyone knows how to deal with him. Amelia has really good stats across the board and is an offensive as well as defensive threat.
i'm thinking hard about feeding close counter to my robin but i don't want to sack hp/def 2 >>304081 horse lyn isn't strong enough to bait and, defensively, is dealt with by being baited so i don't know if it's going to accomplish much
>>304083 struggling with some pretty rough neck problems but aside from the logistics i'm doing alright i got a little heaty pad from walgreens and have an excuse to lay down with my laptop and not do anything
I think either Kirara made a mistake or I did. According to this combat simulator, Sophia will kill horse Lyn easily even without bowbreaker but with quick riposte 2. Oh, also with triangle adept 2.
and what, rauraven? qp is really effective for horse lyn even with quickened pulse lyn who gets a special off robin takes like 6 damage then 9 if it's full cav team and she's fully buffed it's like 11 and then 18 and then robin's // robin two hits her and has ignis ready to blast someone with
I am thinking about putting distant Counter Amelia with Raven Sophia and building a team around that. I'll probably put Spear Lucina in with them to follow Amelia around.
spear lucina's such a good support unit she's part of my core i've got bridge cordelia following robin around for rally spdatk and hone def but i might swap that out for something like katarina. atk ploy is really good
There wasn't nearly as much to do when it started. They have done a good job adding new stuff. Like with any mobage, just pace yourself and collect cute characters!
This Amelia/Sophia combo is going to be cool. I don't really have many characters that are strong defensively. They should be able to trip other people's teams up on defense.
>>304092 i would suggest going through storymode with your default units -- anna, alfonse, sharena -- you'll appreciate that you did later when you do arena and there are limited bonus units one of those will always be on there, though, along with virion
>>304096 Oh, do they still give you a free CYL unit? That's neat. Spear Lucina is a pretty good choice. She is a really good buffer.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>304098 yeah that's how Blue has horse lyn despite losing his stuff
>>304098 The game gave me a lot of free units. >>304097 I have not looked at arena yet. Do I need those three for it?
>>304100 you don't need them, but it helps to have them! bonus units give you double points in arena, and the pool of bonus units changes each week sometimes you won't have any bonus units besides them, and if they're all level 1 and two-star, then it's difficult to use them
you've got plenty of time before you worry about that, though!
>>304101 Giving them more stars seems really expensive.
Mostly his low speed. His legendary weapon also requires you to be hurt. To get double attacks you need something like brash assault which also requires him to be low.
He can be okay if you put a brave sword on him. But there are better people for a brave sword. Which kind of leads into the next reason why he is kind of bad, because he's a sword and there are lots of other great sword units.
I got kinda yelled at by an individual at work today. He was very entitled and seemed to think he was smart even though he was dumb at a rock. Barely human level intelligence.
Well, the heart of the issue is that I wasn't doing my job in the way he thought it ought to be done. He didn't understand that there are certain ways that things have to be done and I can't just make what he wants happen just because.
>>304154 I guess. People think I'm patient but the truth is they're just confusing the fact that I really don't care for patience.
I hope this won't cause problems for me in the future though.
>>304156 He is just stupid. The kind of stupid where they're also arrogant and think they're smarter than people who know what they're talking about. I'm sure you know the type.
>>304159 Getting in trouble for pissing someone off, or the pissed off person doing his best to cause trouble for me. You're supposed to help them no matter how stupid they are.
I literally fist pumped in celebratory glee the other day upon noticing i had a single 9-hour shift at the end of the workweek rather than 5 11-hour shifts, i had 4 11-hour shifts and a single 9-hour shift
omae wa mou shindeiru
The packaging production line the place was running beer through kept breaking through the day. The plastic wrap packaging kept messing up or getting caught and needed readjustments. And the boxes that came with the beer we were packing were a piece of shit and kept breaking and catching up the machine that boxes the beer. So it was a lot of stop-and-go right up until the last hour and a half where it was an endless stream of things I had to lift up and put down. And I couldn't even slow down and take it easy because I can't let the line get built up too much. At least tomorrow should be only like, five or six hours.
>>304182 no i'm salaried i get health insurance, life insurance, vision, dental, a week of // 2 weeks of paid vacation per year, and my take-home after taxes is about 1060 every two weeks plus about 200 a month in bonuses the downside is that i work 45-65 hours a week usually towards the higher end
>>304184 Yeah, a timeline suddenly got pushed forward, so I had to go do a bunch of work. I was able to get it all done significantly more quickly than I expected, though.
oh soeajing of which i was getting a drink from a vending machine and it got stuck and when it happened i kept my hands to my side and said nothing and then it came down anyway
Tomorrow's schedule is out! I have tomorrow off! Yeehaw! I have to work on the weekend though that's okay, I'm still going to that show saturday night if my boss has a problem with me going to work hungover as fuck sunday, then he can fuck right off
>>304352 It will never happen. That's like saying that horses need to flap their wings if they want to fly. It can't happen. As long as the system is the way it is, people can't want to win because they want feathers more than they want winning.
>>304358 Not really. People have objectives. To them getting feathers is winning. >>304361 Ah, but they're still "winning" though. If they want to win, all they have to do is get feathers.
Really. There's a difference between a character winning and an individual winning. What we're talking about here is a character winning. If you want to talk about an individual player winning, that's fine, but it's a different conversation.
i wonder if i'll be able to set up an eye appointment tomorrow i wish i would've known i was off tomorrow before all the eye doctors closed today i'll just have to call a lot of vision centers
>>304381 yeah well the playlists they have currently are there will probably be all kinds of different modes in the future the only complaint i have with the game is that it feels like a very base game but there's the knowledge that more content will come that has me excited
halo 3 or halo reach was my favorite they were both really good >>304388 single player there's a strong argument i don't remember there being a competitive multiplayer though
ODST also introduced the Firefight mode which quickly became my favourite game mode in the Halo series. I wasn't big on Reach's control changes.
Speaking of deaths, I heard the other day that Light Rail Avenger died. You know, that meme chuuni who was really good with a katana? He was the last death in a mysterious drowning spree in some lake.
According to the thread I read, he was the last death in a chain of mysterious drowning deaths, like I said.
Like four men all around the same age died in that lake in a single summer. According to the thread, he was boating to some island with his apprentice to train and he went overboard, and was last seen screaming at his apprentice to let him go because he had to go. And then the drownings stopped.
It's one of those things that sounds like bullshit but I believe it.
This news article I'm reading says that he was with a 16 year old girl in a kayak, not an apprentice. And he shouted "No!" as he went underwater and died.
I guess losers that walk around with katanas, attempt to go by a Japanese name, and attack people with katanas on trains tend to have trouble with girls.
I don't know, going all the way to an island sounds like first attempt behavior. Either way, that's not the interesting part! That's really just a side detail.
I kept wanting to say "what if the girl dragged all of the men down?" but that seemed callous considering she died. But she didn't die so WHAT IF THE GIRL DRAGGED ALL OF THE MEN DOWN?
>>304466 it's true i know plenty of women i just asked fish if girls can steal life energy through sex and she laughed maniacally and said the patriarchy is doomed women are evil, i saw this on twitter
And now to see your love set free You will need the witch's cabin key Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night That's how you reshape destiny
It is a fun game and I really love the way it is done especially the "previous episode" stuff but the actual gameplay gets dull quite quick sure max payne is repetive too, but the gameplay is damn solid alan wake just isn't that engaging and the spooks don't reallystick that much
>>304487 Does that sound like something she'd say? I can't imagine her laughing maniacally, let alone claiming that she could steal life energy with sex.
oh yeah that's gonna be crazy it's great, I've been looking forward to it for a while
What I saw of the first episode was pretty interesting. I got distracted for ten minutes of it 'cause I was in a conversation with my mother. Gonna have to go back and re-watch it.
>>304558 >>304560 one of my friends found it and i simply refused to believe what i was looking at slowly but surely, reality caught up with me and now i'm here, trying to find others who can help me understand
yesterday there was someone in the drive-thru at work who was in a jeep wrangler and she had to zip open her window and then zip it closed before driving away
the worst part about owning a jeep is the maintenance a lot of people don't consider the amount of preventative maintenance and shop vists you'll need to make with a 4x4 and it really really doesn't help that jeep is owned by dodge-chrysler now
>>304573 Uggh, yeah I forgot about that. Also Bill Murray is on the late show tonight As the musical guest He's currently doing "I'm so pretty"
i'm listening to a lot of music from my past the sad kind of emotionally-fueled adult alternative i was into a few years ago songs that i miss a lot, but they make me feel kind of.... well they make me feel too much
I slept a decent bit after work since I don't really have that sort of stamina yet. I just outright shut down once I'm done. But I should probably get a bit more rest in tonight.
they make those out of felt? I would like to get several "traditional finnish hats" but felt is just a material i don't like to wear the feeling against skin is just eugh
well you don't really touch the felt unless you're putting it on or taking it off but I know what you mean it feels awful to touch it looks nice and it's very cowboy but I do not look the part to wear it really. it was for the novelty.
I'm gonna go both ways I'm just gonna drink that special apple cider I've been saving, and play some happy music That sounds like a way to beat the blues and indulge a little
>>304619 Do you work for a beer distributor now? I received new product from the chucklefucks at andrews or coors or whatever the other day. Smirnoff Ice Triple Black. It is clear. I wanted to refuse it and ask for my money back.
Yeah, there's a small packaging set-up in the industrial park right next-door to my neighbourhood. I mean they do brew beer there too but all I do is package shit. The work's just the kind of stuff that's menial physical labour that's too expensive to make robots worth installing for it. It's pretty exhausting though, stacking 7 or 11kg packs for eight or nine hours a shift.
>>304629 that sounds like a pretty good deal a few dollars over minimum wage right?
Yeah, minimum is 11.40 here at the moment. Though it's going to be 14.00 as of January 1st, so I'm not sure if they're intentionally paying above minimum wage here or just pre-emptively scaling up.
>>304632 well if they don't pay more than $14 after january, you could get pretty much any crap job you wanted and get the same thing, so there's no pressure.
Yeah, pretty much. It's a pretty intense job for me at the moment. A bit of that might just be my general unfitness though.
just practice and you will get good at stacking the thing. trust me. make sure you lift with your knees
Hah hah, yeah, I know proper lifting methods. But I've got short limbs so some times I need to use a bit more of my body to get things where they need to be.
looks /// I was watching>>304668 being drawn on stream last night looks like it turned out well I went to bed at 3 and the artist did well to keep going
>>304685 Yeah, he's pretty good. I watched footage of his stand up routine at the 1990 something press dinner thing in dc The white house correspondents dinner Anyways I watched it like a month ago.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
proof of work... proof of stake... how about find a device that naturally signs messages with an embedded hardware key that lots of people have proof of iphone
If you were smart, couldn't you muck with it Like try to just instead of confirming solutions, you have your miner or whatever go "Hey I made this" And pass your own solution off as the first one Or are there systems that avoid that?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>304694 cya! >>304696 yeah pretty much they check your proof when it's submitted and if everyone agrees the proof is good and the transaction is ok then it might get included into the main chain >>304699 it's only possible if you found a bug, broke the proof-of-work work function, or spent an enormous amount of resources to gain majority control of the world computing power
Depends entirely on how many people they have using it, really
Really it's a strength in numbers thing You know everyone who uses it probably used it for illicit means, but you have no real good way to connect the deed to the right person So the justice system isn't capable of dealing with it
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
do they encourage you to put in a generic amount of coin like 0.1 or something
They say to put in whatever you want, but they also have a randomized tax and tell you it's safest for you if you additionally leave a little bit At least the one I used did
I can't remember the name of it though, but the important part is severing as many ties to yourself as you can, so you don't even want to take out all your coins even if they let you
And the tax is randomized because of that If it was a set tax, it'd be pointless as an obfuscation tool
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it'd be obvious. i still wonder if there are enough users using it with similar-enough amounts simultaneously well anyway this is all theoretical, i don't think anyone's going to care
The bubble is very unlikely to pop It's sustained by possibly the largest market on the planet, the black one
Buy kannagicoins
Though legalization of a few of the more soft drugs would definitely dip the value, I'd think Legalize pot in the US? Suddenly a ton of people don't use this shit anymore, man
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
i'll make a coin that mines fresh coins every time 45 tweets proof of garbage
People in general have such weird shit they do Arranging 45 like a swastika and stuff, then putting a red NO symbol over it Like what is you doing? This is your avatar? Your face to the world is "Trump is hitler"?
>>304747 I have no idea better luck next time I uess
Is moe secretly a Mexican drug cartel
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>304740 as an already introspective person but who was formely quite self-un-aware psychedelics helped me remove some of my mental blocks and be more real
Now samu knows how many hairs he has on his body and whete. that is truely being over aware!
>>304761 I'd need someone to go with me I wonder what you could do with this sort of thing, though It's not like it legitimately 'opens you up' or something, it just makes you interpret stimuli in a specific way, right So maybe you could do LSD in an environment designed to impact you in a certain way
>>304765 No but I mean if it helps to go into nature to get a certain thing Then maybe going into a library will help get a different thing? That sorta thing
Hahah, put on animal farm and watch it to throw off the red shackles!
>>304768 a library... i don't know about that, maybe if it were a private library no, i think it's going to be weird if it's a public space well that's my take on it i would hate to go into a public library on acid
You ever tried shrooms? How do they compare to LSD?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
I have yes i have had some great times and an absolutely ghastly time on them however the bad trip was actually a good lesson in the end i learned a lot
My two favorite times doing weed was the first and second, where I was first scared to death for a few hours, and the second I was the most relaxed human bean on the face of this ball of dirt So I'm kinda fine with bad trips as a concept, anyway
Like, do you see stuff that isn't there a lot? Not just distortions, but new stuff
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
the heights of paranoia i've experienced on cannabis are a joke compared to the agony i went through >>304781 i've seen hallucinations in my peripheral vision yes heard voices only with shrooms
>>304782 oh geez I didn't wanna make it seem like it's really the same, just that I'm kinda OK with the idea of having bad trips, anyway
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
nah fuck em
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
shit suuuuck s i used to accept that feeling bad due to being too high was 'worth it' but now i realize how shitty it is i am committed to proper dosing
>>304785 Different mindset I guess Dosing is important to me mostly cause I don't wanna get sick, I'm fine with the kinda chaotic uncertainty of how fucked up I'll get Part of the fun, in a way The novelty and change from normal is a lot of the fun, to me, so if it just became another predictable thing, I dunno, it would lessen the fun for me
as expected of master anno
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>304790 i understand where you're coming from learn it the hard way i guess
Don't worry, I think you're doing what's right Caring about other people is very good
namaste bitches
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
i remember one * time i got on /moe/ during the come down and got suuuper paranoid i thought that every post was a dig against me and that everyone was teaming up on me
That sounds fucking awful, yeah
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
it was alright just unnerving but not bad in a bad trip way
Spanish leaders are trying to not look bad by telling Catalonia to clarify if they're declaring independence or not but also saying they will declare martial law in Catalonia if they do
But yeah mutuals are like the biggest asset for growth Seeing it as a game, anyway Mutuals are good anyway though
thorne actively seeks out transphobes so i keep jumping into those arguments and shaming transphobes and thorne retweets me so i get followers from that too
I really feel like "I have the right to say it" is something you only resort to when you know you're being a scumbag but don't want to change that Like when you can't defend what you said, so you instead defend saying it
Today wasn't going to be a long day to begin with, but apparently the second part of today's job might be scrapped altogether. Though I'm still stuck here until eleven regardless.
laid /// paid to not work?
Well paid to do really easy work. At least I don't have to lift shit in that situation. Just fold unmade cardboard boxes into shape
There's some shit on the front page and I can't report it because the fucking confirm captcha button is offscreen on my phone.
I mean, CLEARLY she is interested in this, being the advisor to SO MANY WEEB CLUBS. >Anime & Manga >Kendo >Aikido >Game Tournaments >founded a Game Research group >installed the Game Lab I want to hang.
I was driving in sync at the speed of a train, steering with my knees, while taking pictures of the train. I wanted to get a good picture of the front engine but I couldn't. All because of some son of a gun going super slow! I don't know why I didn't just go around him.
>Boss's Day is generally observed on or around October 16 in the United States. It has traditionally been a day for employees to thank their bosses for being kind and fair throughout the year.
>>304884 That's still an incredibly inaccurate and misleading description of the game.
they're really bad action sequences it's like literally people running into hails of bullets without getting hit for some reason like they'll run AT someone shooting them with a machine gun and they're like totally fine