>>304925 I got season one on dvd for $1 last Saturday.
I actually never saw the real series finale. I only saw the fake one. What about you bang?
i only ever watched it on adult swim whenever it was on and i had a tv with cable so i've seen scattered episodes oh and also with Time Warner On-Demand I've probably seen most of the series, but all out of order
>>304932 Okay The series ended like two years ago But the finale they aired turned out to be not the real finale The real one was posted online
uhhhh oh then maybe not if there were new episodes past 2014
Yeah, the last season was in 2015 It was called "Aqua Teen Forever"
oh shit we're getting a Culver's
The opening theme had the line "Aqua Teen will never be canceled" in it too ;_;
I was there with like 8 people and there was this lady that hit her daughter because her daughter was crying that her mom drank her chocolate milk, so she was like, "Don't cry. Some people don't get ANY chocolate milk." and then she was talking on the phone about how she was going to trick some guy she met on Tinder into giving her a bunch of money so after they left, 5 of the girls i was with started trying to find the guy on tinder, and they got really loud and we got kicked out. We were all wearing the same shirt, so us guys couldn't pretend we weren't together. That was in 2015 in Wyoming.
Oh shit I should go to the arcade bext week for my birthday *next They have an initial D arcade game.
sounds neat one of those you sit in?
i still wonder why "futo" was so indestructible in gta4
>>304960 Yeah, I haven't played it at this arcade though http://www.gallopingghostarcade.com/games-list/ Behold their list of games
top tier logo
what the fuck is a AAA game, man
>>304964 it costs 59,95, has microtransactions, preorderaple season pass and comes at launch in atlesst 3 dofferent tier packs of which most expensive is 150 dollah
>>304964 it has a well known game and a lot of advertising well known name*
None of that sounds like a reason to buy a game
well yeah AAA has never been a reason to buy a game
it literally just means "a lot of money was put into this"
No but even perceived Honestly there's so much bull in video game jargon
i think the trople a just comes from credit ranks dunno who started using it first though
material conditions is basically jargon for "just shit in general"
like material conditions lead to whatever yeah that's true but it doesn't actually mean anything unless you describe the material conditions which is rarely done
Well the point is to analyze what about the material conditions that lead to x, and how to rectify it
But like the term is heavily abused, no question
yeah that's the point but most leftists aside from the big names just say material conditions and leave it at that because it's totally true and other leftists have a general idea of what it means but like, it also doesn't mean anything
Yeah I mean it's something I think you end up doing when arguing too because even if you don't know exactly what caused a certain thing, you believe it was something about the conditions, rather than people in themselves
It becomes a sort of bogieman at times, I guess >>304986 I think Stirner would be upset
One of the main mistakes with emoji is they're different on basically every device
we have to seal away DASH
>>305004 That's actually a big part of my problem. Although not my biggest issue.
Raccoon is a candidate for inclusion in Unicode 11.0 scheduled for release in 2018 and was added to draft Emoji 6.0 in 2017.
the Shuumatsu OP is really good.
they fucking dab no
IGN is acquiring Humble Bundle.
tremble in fear
With the end of my campaign hopefully looming over, have you// wait werent you going to be a mushroom person yeah i asked you this never mind
im not finished with my system yet or at least not the setting but im gonna write an easier setting i think for testing
get excited Im going to homebrew a couple classes including zariamancer and stuff
I'll have to talk it out with pan and stuff because i dont want zariamancy to be a one // well not one trick pony as much as a single pony that either dances, flies, writes music, sings opera, cleans your house, or gambles away its earnings at the casino.
i will tell you about magic in my system eventually tm
Are you going to go the cowboy souls route
yaii dumeshi just keeps on going
TN !PcAPtAiNJoAnno
>Nine-hour shift yesterday, after which I was told "tomorrow's stuff should be about 2/3rds this" >Today's shift runs eight and a half hours
>>305042 So you think its okay to punch someone in the face because they called you a name?
Yea Fuck 'em
>>305044 For the first time in a while I'm actually at a loss for words.
Would be a lot of punching in the world
There'd be a lot less of it anyway
i think people need to be ready to deal with the consequences of their words yes, you have the right to call me whatever you want but you need to understand that this will obviously lead to a confrontation if you are unwilling to deal with the consequences of your actions, do not take those actions
>>305048 I don't think its unexpected for someone to get hit for saying that. I just think its unreasonable to attack another person for something so inconsequential. And I'm saying this as someone who got in a lot of stupid fights over name calling.
>>305052 You are responsible for your words and the person punching you in the face is responsible for their actions they get fined/jailed for assault you got a broken nose each person should be aware of what they do or say and what it can lead to and that is how society works if you choose to be an asshole, you might get punched if you choose to punch someone, you most likely get in trouble with the law
Yeah the acceptance of racism in society is pretty much inconsequential
your right to free speech protects you from the government it does not protect you from my fist
>>305055 Being racist in of itself is not illegal. Also calling someone a spic isn't the same thing as refusing to hire someone because they are hispanic. Do you think he shouod be arrested for calling someone a spic?
I have a right to be protected by the law but I hae the right to disobey the law too but I also am responsible for those rights or breaking of them
>>305065 You're the one who brought up the legal status, not me
>>305063 >allow people to artibrarily beat up people for words and this will never go wrong
>>305064 it's not it becomes a crime when the person that got hit decides it is people assault each other every day and no one gets in any trouble
>>305063 >claim someone called you a racist slur and beat the shit out of them This is gonna lead to a tonne of innocent people being hurt and huge wastes of the courts time
If I got punched in the face for a situation like that, unlikely as hell, but say it happens and I get no permanent injury I would just take it as a lesson in life But if I had to use money to treat whatever happened I would as hell pursue legal action
the real problem here is that people are recording these instances tbh they're making it impossible for people to manage themselves trying to turn everything into a police state
i don't think either party should be punished it's a lesson in life that the asshole got he won't learn his lesson if the guy that hit him gets punished
Is fun how we don't even need cameras in every corner, we ourselves are the cameras
>>305073 Whether or not the guy that punched him gets punished he still got hit in the face. He's learned something at the very least.
>>305075 nah, if the guy gets punished, then the racist views it as a victory - the system will defend his racism
We can use the state for whatever we want, and we don't need to use it to punish ostensibly good things Suppression of racism is a good thing
>>305077 The guy should get punished though, also rather than his racism being defended its more of his "right to not get punched in the face" that was defended.
>>305077 eventhough it just defends his right to not be assaulted...
>>305079 if you do something with the intention of escalating a conflict and it backfires on you and you get hit, the person that hit you shouldn't be punished
If you wanna stay unsocked in the face, don't start a fight. It's really easy not to start a fight.
>>305082 It's still against the law to punch someone in the face whether or not they shout slurs at you.
>>305084 who cares the law literally doesn't matter people get away with this every single day massive amounts of people get away with assault every day
You can't argue the law should be applied because it's the law, that's ridiculous to begin with
>>305083 The guy who threw the punch started the fight by throwing the punch.
No, I'm pretty sure the guy who, unprovoked, called the other guy a spic was the one who opened hostile relations in this instance
like in elder scrolls it's a crime to kill someone unless you provoke them into attacking first you deserve it if they get you
>>305088 You say "unprovoked" but the video clear ly starts in the middle of whatever was going on.
this is too adorbs >too large
Also I'm not defending the persons behavior, I'm defending their right to behave that way if they so choose.
what good is the law if it's not blind
something for the dog people
>>305092 Yeah and I'm defending people's right to shut that shit up
you are defending people's right to infringe on other people's right to speak okay
>>305095 Not really It's not a "right" to attack someone because they personally offend you.
>>305096 wrongquote >>305097 I mean it used to be, to some extent
>>305098 It used to be legal to own other human beings To some extent
>>305099 Yeah but the point is things like this can change You can't appeal to them as though they're static
>>305101 Currently it's against the law to cause bodily harm to another individual barring circumstances such as self defense
>>305104 Violence is rarely a good solution, so don't think you can male some sort of "appeal to human behavior" *make in order to convince me that its okay to injure another person because they offend you
I guess I just see racism being normal in society as worse than a few injured racists
well it's all bad actually
>>305112 It's not okay to injure another person unless they're physically attacking you or another individual or something like that It doesn't make it any more or less okay to do if the person is a fucking asshole
>>305111 None of my cats have ever been the "push shit off ledges" kind of cats. I have no clue how they even end up like this.
Violence is never ever an acceptable response to offensive speech.
In fact, people who advocate violence as an acceptable response to free speech disregard that the right to offend was instrumental in advancing the causes that they think they're fighting for. If not for the right to offend, the women's suffrage movement and the civil rights movement would have never been a thing.
okay /moe/, your task today is to post the most /moe/ girl in your anime inventory
>>305114 I mean I don't like 'em either, but we gotta live with cops, for now
>>305119 We never really had to scold our cats because they never really misbehave. They never clawed at furniture, have never been irrationally pissy with us, never done I don't even know what else constitutes a cat misbehaving because it DOESN'T HAPPEN TO ME.
>>305118 I don't think I have any pics of watamote girl
it is koi time bless 60 seconds of da bes girl times up
>>305121 You're going to be living with cops for the rest of your life unless you move somewhere with no reao government.
>>305127 That's good. I got out of my meetings tomorrow so I'm excited. But it turns out Fish is actually going to be busy tomorrow! Life is really cruel.
>>305128 Or if we manage nuclear armageddon so well there's no operational state left to emply police.
>>305128 Even if you get rid of the cops, you have to deal with the troops of the local warlord. Warlords are way more unreasonable than plice chiefs. Cooler title, though.
Yeah pretty much. I'd take police over warlords pretty much most days.
I wanna be a warlord
now its social commentary time not where i wanna be bye
>tfw you can't be a warlord and warlady doesn't sound nearly as badass
Nah Rika you just tell them "fuck your gender title constraints I'm a warlord anyway" And then once you're the warlord who are they to tell you otherwise? You're the one who's the fucking lord of war.
>>305129 She's busy? Did you have something planned?
>>305141 Mistress of war just makes it sound like you're into some kinky stuff.
>>305137 YeahI guess that's also true. Natural-born apocalypses would work just as well.
>>305140 Well that's hardly a converted society, and more of a wartorn region, isn't it?
>>305146 Yeah That's what you get when you have no central government.
I mean yeah, if you think I just want to remove government today and have nobody's minds change in the process, then of course I sound insane If you think I want foreign governments to fund warlords around the area, obviously, I'm in the wrong on this one
>>305144 I didn't really have anything planned. She's going out with her mom. I can't really tell her not to since I leave her alone all the time.
a government is just a legitimised form of hierarchy and hierarchy has been part of human society since we first formed a commune would take genetical engineering to get that out of us
Naw, we've gradually slid downwards throughout history, so
>>305152 Y'don't think we're closer now than we were mere centuries ago?
>>305151 How power is spread has changed, but the overall system is still the same same pyramid how people get to the different steps are just more inclusive
But it's become less centralized, too Democracy in itself, even in the form we have it, has shifted it a huge amount
>less centralized
the autocrats of the past would orgasm if they could see how our societies worked nowadays
>>305153 It's just going to be weird to be home without her is all.
>>305158 haha, what a tsundere. I was talking to her about her wardrobe and she decided to go shopping.
>>305159 I'm not a tsundere. Oh, so you're responsible for this!
>>305160 Responsible is probably overstating my level of culpability. I am related to this in a way, though.
But yeah, I printed out a ton of D&D stuff I still have big stacks of math papers too I'd print out dozens if academic articles and read em during lunch *of
$8 uncommon in standard right fucking now http://shop.tcgplayer.com/magic/aether-revolt/fatal-push
someday you'll find out i died but then ill show up the next day anyway
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
But I thought Cordell was the immortal in the party.
Don't tell him but he's getting an item that makes him more immortal soon.
>>305198 It's very normal. I spent 150 dollars on paper once because I had to get a bunch of documents scanned and then had to send like 10 copies to different state agencies. What a pain. You just take it to an office supply place at that point and have them make a billion copies.
My Yandere Girlfriend is Also a Demon Prince?! coming to japanese television Winter 2018
we're gonna kill the waifu cordell swore off women so it has to be done to protect him
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>Killing one of your strongest allies O-ok.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
In fact if you did that you'd also piss off Beelzebub and I can't imagine that'd go well for you.
that sounds fun
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
But then how will I give Cordell a trump card
Do you use regular D&D cosmology in your setting or something else?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I use the default 13th age stuff but wreak havoc with it.
it's 13th age
>>305274 Yes I know 13th age uses the d20 OGL and is based on D&D And is compatible (to a certain extent) with D&D, which is why I asked
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Then what do you mean by using regular D&D cosmology
>>305276 Hell, the Abyss, Celestia, Arboria, The Outlands, Sigil, Bitopia, Mechanus etcetera
Sounds like you guys are planning to kill ToN's dmpc waifu.
we already beat the big bad i think
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
To be fair, they actually punched my waifu canonically in this campaign. >>305277 I use Hell and the Abyss interchangeably pretty much but that's the only one of those that's really popped up in mine. >>305279 Yes, you did beat the big bad. Now what could be left
>>305280 Woow Dude what Wait, are demons and devils distinct in 13th age?
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Demons and devils are distinct in 13th age yeah The podcast I listened to made that very clear, and so do the rulebooks
I only use demons because devils have mechanics that are a hastle.
>start with a pan >end up with a pot cooking with tn
>>305280 13th age doesn't rely on alignments so I can't really say.
They're both assholes from what I can tell.
Oh sorry "The Nine Hells" and "The Infinite Planes of the Abyss" >>305285 Is there a bloodwar between them? Also I forgot to list Limbo, the astral plane, ethereal plane elemental plane of fire yadda yadda
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I didn't read up on devils since I don't want to use them, but in the podcast campaign devils and demons were fighting each other yeah The diabolist led the demons whereas the newly named icon the Lord of Devils led the devils.
The Diabolist in the official rules doesn't seem to officially rule over demons but in my campaign they're // she's the closest thing they had to a leader.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>305278 also technically I'd say my dmpc waifu would probably be Cag at this point? That or Charlotte, both of whom are player characters I made for the sake of helping the players/for fun.
Whereas Leviathan is an NPC.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
(but that might be splitting hairs)
AHH FUCK I FORGOT For D&D 5e they made the default campaign setting be The Forgotten Realms instead of Greyhawk.
Which is dumb
I didn't have any dmpcs in my game. In fact, I don't think I had npcs accompany the group very often at all. I can't remember a time I had that happen.
>>305301 that's putting one hell of a target on your back huh
>>305299 I don't remember what all I used her for. I know you guys tripped out in the basement once and I think I remember her doing a bit of quest giving. I was careful not to make her a dmpc though.
>Leviathan eradicates an army with a single arrow >"Yeah Iw want to fight her"
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Though you technically arleady beat another demon prince in the form of Asmodeus when you killed the diabolist.
https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Elminster One of a few reasons why Forgotten Realms is dumb
i just have one npc that tags along with the group to fuck things up for them
Main reason https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Drizzt >>305308 That's the best kind
>let's get through this bandit-run village quietly >npc blasts a bandit in the face with a shotgun
In our high level evil campaign I killed pretty much every npc that would've tagged along with us
And then cursed the pc that was being played by the dm because one guy couldn't come for a while The dm keot *kept Using him to further the plot and was in character pretty obnoxious So I cursed him so that whenever he attempted to speak frogs wouod come out of his mouth.
Also when the character died (because of something stupid the player did, i forget what) he kept whining about us needing to ressurect him But he was an outsider so wwe needed to use true ressurection which costs like 25,000 gold And so the dm just gave us a scroll of it for cheap to make him shut up
Also I got a rod of wonder in that campaign Shit was so cash
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
You know, Aurelia and friends could have more magic items. Maybe you'll get another one or two by the end.
Rod of wonder is such a funny item I'll post a link cause the description is long https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Rod_of_Wonder It's a potentially game breaking item depending on party level It's at the least game disrupting
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Actually Kirara, when I think about it, which one do you call the Big Bad?
the government is always the big bad
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
You're aware that wasn't how it was supposed to be right? How lucky that Olivia got to get away with taking down Asmodeus so easily.
cockqueen was a cop
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Cockqueen was pretty much anything but a cop
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
She wanted to indulge in desire super hard And also disrupt everything ever.
just like a coo
omg what if you made a sandwich in the shape of a pizza and cut it like a pizza
no dude you just make a sandwich the bread already exists
Why would you need to bake the bread after making the sandwich? What
>>305345 either you take triangle sandwiches and cut and arragne them into a big circle but that is just decor or you make a big bread that is round and making a bread invovles throwing it into oven
it's literally an aesthetic thing that I'm talking about a way to sell sandwiches at unreasonable prices
>>305347 But we can make circular bread I don't understand I can buy circular, granted smaller, bread right now
>>305348 at some festivals especially "Pizza sandwhich" or something call it
>>305357 I guess really it's just a large overlap in being in the anime fandom and being EXTREMELY ONLINE Which nowadays carries with it politics, and you get thrown into extremes when you actually care about something
i should read the rest of colin's paper
>>305355 I dunno most anime people I know here are centrist or centre-right
or "fuck if I care"
[extremely antifa voice] the centrists are the fascists
or maybe i should sleep
Gonna be, anyway
though half of finnish youth is ironic fascist anyhow
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
What if we eat the pizza sandwiches
so how do you guys feel about dabbing in anime
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I dabble in anime
>>305368 It's the kind of cultural appropriation offensive to everyone
Breaking out of my pen Nothing ventured nothing gained I'm my own master now. >>305431 If I seemed overly enthusiastic when you said you might start ironically streaming lewd shit it was probably because it meant I had someone else I could talk about that stuff with.
Like that's one of the things that gets in the way of me theorhetically bangaranging with PAN I can't dominate him, but I don't want him taking the plunge. Hmm that doesn't entirely sound right with what I said a second ago but please understand.
That goes back to me not being into dudes that way though.
I'm not sure I buy it.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
You'll just have to trust me then I suppose.
Like PAN isn't girly enough and I'm not cute enough.
I mean about being dominant. I'm not sure you have any dominant bones in your body!
Oh wait now I kind of get it. >>305472 Even if you only probably heard about me being the bottom when it came to Blind I was probably more a switch than it sounded like and dominated more than it came off. I miss that, naturally. It was fun.
Well, wanting to be dominant and being dominant are totally different things. I'm completely dominating you right now for example. I'm calling you out and you're showing me your tummy like a puppy!
Hmm the shoujoapo op reminds me of that one amusing animation short with the girl drinking a really long milk carton
>>305485 Whenever I try to go against you I just get frustrated eventually anyway
You just need to expand your frustration threshold. Shoot yourself with low caliber frustrations until you're immune.
Rika knows what's up.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I expected "shoot yourself full of low self esteem" for some reason.
do you have low self-esteem
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Depends on my mood.
I was telling this chick in my program about the psychic that tried to scam me and she got really upset and said I needed to think about what the cards really said and take it into account so I don't get betrayed and doomed. I was really surprised even though she is sort of into a lot of mumbo jumbo.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Maybe I'll get an opportunity to challenge you sometime soon. >>305493 ...
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I haven't played persona 5 in like two days I need to fix that.
>>305493 I don't get the people who actually believe in it I mean I am into lot of occult and conspiracy and cryptid stuff but it is more like a hobby I don't actually believe int he shit unless I can see it myself and prove that what I saw is what actuall happened.
Speaking of cryptids, on netflix is or atleast was an amusing documentary series about bigfoot a top scientist of his field asked people around the world to send him their yeti/bigfoot/whatever hari and he would analyze them and see if any are of "unkown source"
The scientist/host is a fun guy to follow + it does tell you a lot about the big foot movement and the other similiar wildman/big ape cryptid stuff educating in the way of understanding where the whole movement came and built into the tourist trap it is now
(he's the president of the Virgin islands)
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I wonder how many virgin jokes all the other presidents make to him
>kino ep2 is the tournament story >but told in 1ep ... like you take the best story in kino and put it at the very beginning and then don't want people to compare your new incarnation tot he old one?
Pre-orders will be ending in probably two weeks so you'd better get on that.
oh no i better get on that
You have to get Cocoa too, if you get Chino.
I'll take one cup of chino thanks
Yeah, it's kinda messed up to get Chino and not Cocoa.
Only the lowest of the low would do that.
Look I only have so much money right now gosh fine maybe i will
Will you?
i shouldnt even get chino tbh
i don't want no scrub a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Oh hey I finally got Inigo. I was hoping for the broken Azura but this is nice too.
My Inigo heals everyone for 17 points after an attack. It's really good.
>>305595 Yeah, I'm going to set mine up like that. I finally broke my dancer curse too. Until now, i had failed to get any dancers. My only dancer is a Olivia I took from a free unit to 5 stars.
oh, and he has a lot of anti-magic stuff so Robin won't be able to mess him up.
It seems like attack ploy is really the only way to stop horse emblem if he's involved.
every team is going to need panic ploy black knight or zeph lol idk why they keep doing this horse emblem is the least fun thing in this game
I pimped out my Amelia today. She's running attack ploy.
I am going to make an Amelia/Sophia dream team. I will either use bride Charlotte or spear Lucina with them. The bonus to bride Charlotte is that I can put attack ploy on her since her hp is incredible. She hits really hard too.
I'll probably stop playing if they keep putting in OP horse units. I saw >>305598 this morning and haven't been able to motivate myself to play at all today.
they can't not put out good cavalry Oscar might have been trash but Oscar was a nobody He'll probably be slow as hell. Slower than Eldigan or not i dunno I would say that his biggest downside is being red.
My problem isn't good cavalry. My problem is broken cavalry.
Yeah, I'm just going to build to kill them I guess. I'll just make heavy use of panic plot. ploy
yeah, just rev up that panic ploy Zeph for defense and get your Nephenee to the roof. it's funny that they put Close Def on him though Distant Def would have been the overkill. but yeah, I don't think this is going to end There are way too many good cavalry units
If anything, the most annoying thing is getting all these new units at 5* They moved down some units like the Path of Radiance characters (the first wave of them) but it's really slow. And it makes a lot of the newer, more useful skills really annoying to get.
I'll deal with it for now but I can't see myself continuing to play if this happens more frequently. Half of the game is arena and this kind of thing makes arena incredibly unfun.
I guess I can build my Gray and Mathilda for defense, or put Ridersbane on someone, and just punish all horse emblem users in defense.
I hope they realize soon how annoying horse emblem is!
I'm sure they know. They just can't do anything about it. The only way would be to make bad cavalry characters
They could put in more characters that destroy horse characters.
e.g. remove the reward of using horses
That's what Deirdre is. Or at least what Divine Naga is. Which, definitely , is not transferable.
>>305615 >introduce magic weapon to combat a character that has triangle advantage vs that weapon and also takes 50% and then 80% less damage from it
I thought we were talking cavalry, not Sigurd. If you want to kill Sigurd, go Lance. Maybe Mathilda. Maybe move Ridersbane onto someone better.
...sigurd is cavalry
no blue look nobody is saying you can't beat horse emblem what i'm saying is that horse emblem isn't fun and the availability of things that punish it is extremely low deirdre isn't a solution to horse emblem at all
well, yeah, that was my problem up >>305608 The ability to get those choice skills are far too low and they don't add characters at a fast enough rate nor demote characters at a fast enough rate.
the problem is that there are like 4 weapons that are good against horses and horses can basically negate those
basically what i'm saying is that they should solve the horse emblem problem by remedying that before adding broken cav units
You're going to have a baaaaad time Hopefully, they throw one into Tempest Trials. That would be far more beneficial than putting it in the gacha and it would allow them to continue with their current rollout method unphased. Now that I've gotten the story done, I have the forge unlocked ...and I can't buy anything.
>I want them to do this >YEAH WELL THEY WON'T i'm well aware my man that's why i'm saying i'm probably not going to continue playing
oh I can get breath of life now i got deflect magic instead
Now I can despair over the game not giving Julia nor her mom
I'm always like, man, it'd be cool if my tweets blew up and reached a lot of people.
But every time it does, I start getting spammed with notifications and it gets so annoying.
/moe/ today i did a paltry amount of homework completely decided to skip my workout its just been shit from the fucking beginning i watched anime for the first time in quite a while today and so and so is being a shitty texter again and i got work early in the morning tomorrow and im sure that im scheduled to work with this one coworker i dont like uğh i need them to hurry up and call me for an interview for this comfy desk job
I've been trying to figure out what sort of time blocks I've got in my week now that I have this job. Mostly so I can figure out when I can actually sleep. If possible I'll probably only take one of those lighter colour work blocks, once I figure out which one is the one more likely to not actually run all the way to the end of the block.
>>305642 Well if I don't work, I can sleep all the way to the end of that mixed block. If I do have work I have to wake up on time for that. Since I don't know what that will actually look like yet I left it uncertain.
>>305641 wouldnt work without a dehydrator would be more resalistic to churn me down into a paste until it becomes a single homogenous color then make me into cookies and eat me
>>305646 Poorly. My job has me on my feet pretty much the entire time though so it's pretty much physically impossible for me to fall asleep during it though.
>>305719 i'm sorry it was uhhhhhhhh man i don't have an excuse
yeah it was kirara
A shameless lie!
you just said it was!
does net-juu have another name or is it just not on CR
Net-juu is HIDIVE.
The full name is Net-juu no Susume though
i guess it isn't on CR
I believe it's HIDIVE.
i don't know what hidive is
An official anime streaming site like CR.
oh wtf
CR hasn't had a monopoly for about two years now. Everything is divided between CR, Daisuke, Funimation, HIDIVE, and Amazon. Even Netflix is used to stream airing anime now.
the worst part about being in a poor mental state at night is the fact that its going to have a negative impact on your mental state in the following morning WHICH I CANT BE DEALING WITH BECAUSE MY COWORKERS ALREADY ALL HATE ME
forget your troubles and just be happy
>>305733 I love signing up for 5 different services