if i'm lucky i'll get to see Moon Boots on Saturday night well not quite, i'm going no matter what if i'm lucky i won't have work the next day and will be able to drink a lot
>>301525 That's your job, you have to take responsibility.
>>301526 I like it better when we've got everyone fun around.
>>301526 Every night you don't post, I lay awake and cry out "where's Bang? why isn't bang here?" and yet my cries go unheard, with nary a (you) in sight
>>301529 >(you) Sometimes miracles do happen afterall
they're a pest they're little tiny buggos that eat all your plants and infect them with bad things >>301542 well actually most aphids are MONOPHAGUS or something like that so like each species only likes to eat one plant there's a ton of different species that each go after a different plant they can be green or black or brown or that orangish yellow or a bunch of other colors
the face she's making her reminds me of free real estate
>>301553 I found him Why don't you just say something on discord?
Rika's too shy to do anything like that. It just happens that in the five minutes I'm not checking /moe/ every minute she manages to finally start asking for me.
star wars: with great power comes great shooty shooty woomy woomy
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
DAE rey into sith???
That seems to be a really popular theory with the new trailer. 'Course they might be just teasing people by falsely stiching the scenes to make it seem like that.
What if Rey becomes a sith and Kylo tries a redemption arc? I can't see Disney being ballsy enough to try something like that
>>301753 Yeah, I've been seeing some people worried about that. It kind of flies against Disney's principles to set up a strong female protagonist then make her the big evil.
I'd like to see Kylo do some kind of redemption, but it would have to be something well written to make up for, y'know, stabbing his dad in the gut while staring eye-to-eye.
Kylo will probably do something good in the last movie and die while he does it. just like in episode 6 lol
>>301755 That's why I think he'll die while he does it. It's easier to just kill him than have him deal with the consequences of his actions.
I'm not dead-set on him getting written off dead. Disney plans to keep churning out Star Wars movies, having only one active Jedi main character remaining is a little short on Force-accessibility.
Because I'm writling Luke off as dead or combat-retired by the end of this trilogy.
>>301757 At the end Rey will start training a bunch of new jedi. I bet they'll make a bunch of movies or a tv show called "star wars: the new generation" or something.
Luke will definitely die. I reckon he'll die like Yoda dies.
>>301760 True. I'm sure they'll find some way to kill him off though.
Yoda was really, really old. Like even for an alien, really old. Luke should only be like fifty or so. Also I think the Force Ghost trick Yoda and Obi Wan did takes time and siphoning of your Force power to set up. Which is why they two of them were both so much weaker in the original trilogy than they were in their heyday.
I'm not so sure. Unlike Ford, Mark Hamil doesn't seem to have a particular exhaustion to the franchise -- I'm dead set on the reason Solo died in The Force Awakens was because Ford wanted out for good. But they don't seem to have any obligation to do that for Mark Hamil. Still, he's not exactly super fit anymore, so I could see him taking a sage and teaching position towards the younger Jedi. Also it's kind of hard for Rey to teach new Jedi when she herself is already a new Jedi.
You know you'd think people would have been a little more shocked by the death of Han hecking Solo. I still think Luke will die in the third movie. I simply feel it in my bones. Screencap this and call me an idiot in 2019 when it turns out I'm wrong.
>>301764 I thought that Shias character would be like that in Crystal Skull
Ford has looked pretty through with Star Wars for a long time though. Even his performance in Episode VII felt kind of unenthusiastic. It just made sense to finally let him off the hook once and for all.
Kind of like how it'll be no surprise when this new Indiana Jones movie is a passing of the torch or retirement movie for Harrison.
>>301762 Yeah but Ford's been through one or two plane crashes and something like ten shades of lighter hair since then. The guy just doesn't have it in him to do a lot of action-intense movies anymore.
I'm pretty sure someone asked Ford at a convention panel that question or one pretty close to it and he straightfaced answered with a "you bet your ass."
>>301787 If you post them again in like 12 hours when I'm actually awake I may be able to translate them for you. Or you couod ask kirara, his moonrune skills are better than mine.
kirara can i borrow 2,800 dollars to buy the snackexchange.com domain
that's really a steal of a deal when you think about it
yeah lemme just transfer you $2800 my man
thanks dude i'll give you first dibs on the snackexchange
i want to exchange my potato chips for chocolate chips
it's just going to be virtual snacks, not real ones, like instagram but the thing is that the pictures you take of snacks, there only exists one of and copies can't be made of any of them within the system you can only exchange them with other people and collect them, like electrons discharging or absorbing a photon and there are user nodes with visibility fields correlated to how much energy it takes for them to make an exchange with another node i want to recreate the world of physics by exchanging snacks instead of photons and gluons
i was thinking about a futuristic world in which i could hang out with two friends while doing human-assisted datamining and that we'd have our future credits and i could pop up a little thing on the interface and show it to them over the internet and like "i'm gonna have this" and they'd be like "wait you should have this" and direct me to a different snack node and i could just spend my snack credits and have the snack materialized right in front of me or speed shipped through a tube in the cafeteria of whatever future living facility i'd live in
>>301816 the data matrix makes adjustments about product preference, time of purchases, consumer demographics, what kind of events were occuring when the purchase was placed and so forth i mean that already happens with our data systems but a user interface that's so fluent and comprehensive that the same interface we're datamining from is the same one we make purchases through it's just one more vector and it's so fluid that we naturally want to spend time there because it's the most fluid way to interface with each other like twitter but way less narrow in its scope and way more organic
the snackexchange thing was just me being silly but tbh i kind of like it
will do you too if you come across any good snacks today let me know
>tfw you stressed whole day your credit was ruined because of bill sent to previous adress that you got just now and was already due last week well atleast is settled
Just say he paid off the other psychs lol Most people would buy it
there would probably only be one tbh president doesn't have the attention span for more than one it takes 2-4 hours depending on how high your iq is 2 for low iq
Also why the hell is math part of this? Like if IQ is gonna have any 'objective' value, it can't include shit we need to be taught as kids for fuck's sake
huh because iq has an arithmetic portion it tests reasoning skill
>freedom soon? >and then? Like I dunno dude Whatever
i mean no one acknowledges them they have no set bordets what about the 5x% people who lived there but didn't vote? what about trade, big part of their econony
>>301873 china benefits from hong kong wealth it'd be like that
åland enjoys equal level freedom and we benefit from their economy
Right OK So they don't get taxes they just... benefit from them existing nearby and hoarding the wealth
>>301877 taxes and gdp have nothing to do with eachother
Yeah the economy is irrelevant to the revenue in taxes You're right Why was I so blind
gdp isn't government revenue
Like at that point Spain would be alright just going "Do your own thing lmao"
or even national you can have deficit and still a growing gdp
No wait it's a fucking cointoss because you live in some magical fantasy land where the thing that's used to measure an economy has ZERO ability to actually say a fucking thing about its wealth or anything relevant to anyone whatsoever If you lose GDP, you're GONNA lose tax revenue
Like why the fuck would you enforce your claim on a territory if it's completely irrelevant to your revenue?
maybe you actually go check how dpecial autonomy regions work before going on rantpage about a very complex issue none of us understand is a big reason finances and business and economy are all complicared fields of science
You... you realize that if that's actually the ideal for Spain here, it would be the case day 1, right? There's literally no drawback for either side if this is the case
it's the ideal because it maximizes catalonia's potential while minimizing spain's losses why didn't they do it? because spain iis bad. plain and simple. spain has a long history of being bad at this.
There wouldn't have even been an attempt to crack down on the vote
spain does lose revenue, but ling term it would even out eventually also it will make the populace happy
>>301892 But you're both already telling me there's no fucking losses to Spain other than literally an economically neutral or detrimental landmass
>>301896 they lose tax revenue syre, but gdp and trade remains same also no big unrest and potential gumpowder keg for conflict ,akimg investors more likeöy to invest
the problem is that spain is actually tyrannical and has been a monarchy run by actual fascists that hate the Catalans fron wwii until recently Spaniards see Catalans as subhuman they also are obsessed with power (being a state) and refuse to let territory leave easily
OK so let me see if I get this Spain DOESN'T lose a fifth of their wealth this way But also they don't get to extract taxes anymore
>>301899 but they also lose all expenses tied to catalonia
I don't get why they'd want to keep in control of shit that's apparently not feeding them taxes anyway? >>301905 Well yeah, sure I mean keeping in control for the sake of it is whatever, but they don't get to do that if they're independent though?
you gave us the cause we'd gobble up åland and rob the populace
>>301904 they still maintain some control over it and it's still part of their state which is more than losing a state
if Catalonia fails to gain independence , Spain loses 1/5 of its gdp to war and the aftermath in which catalans won't work if Catalonia gains independence, Spain loses 1/5 of it's gdp
the only way to avoid this would be to establish Catalonia as a special self-governing body
atm it is poised to escalate into conflict war even any deal is better than no deal for everyone
>>301907 also cats save money and time by not having to deal with all the trouble of becoming independent like say forming embassies in every nation
indeed also nobody has to die
>>301909 yeah, expensive shit and it'll take forever to get recognition
there even are independent nations that dpn't do foreign relations because it is expensive and tirespme lile liechestein or monaco
>>301911 eu would side with spain and catalonia would never get efta accesd leaving their trade dead
OK but why would you care if you lose GDP or not? A fifth being in catalonia just means a fifth of GDP happens there, and that's just a measure of money changing hands
>>301913 Catalonia could probably get russia and maybe china through russia
>>301915 yeah but any european reguon trades most with other europeans
Like that fifth is in catalonia anyway, the rest of spain already doesn't... have it
like take any business in catalonis? are they now catalonian businesses or spanish ones in foreign territory not to mention all international companies there
>Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period (quarterly or yearly) of time. one fifth of spains gdp comes from Catalonia it's redistributed throughout all of spain now 1/5th of that is gone what happens?
>>301922 Yeah but we already established it doesn't affect taxes, right So as long as they can trade with them and get the stuff that's produced, it's fine >>301924 You're literally the one who said taxes and gdp have nothing to do with eachother
>>301923 no we didn't you did and npne pf us are masters of economy
>>301923 yes and big business failing and 20k getting unemployed is how related to taxes?
>>301932 gdp tells you the size of the economy abd from it true you can deduce how much wealth thete is to be taxed indurectly however they aten~t directly relatef
still bit annoyed they are doing this witj a less than 50%turn out
Like saying "it measures the economy" is like "IQ tests measure IQ" I mean OK But if IQ can't be used to determine anything, what does it matter if someone's IQ is high or low? What does it matter if the GDP is high or low?
>>301962 Temperature tells you something about the weather, but not everything. But we can still use it to determine things when me know other things about the weather.
but if you lose fifth of your evonomy that wilö affect everyone causing less trade less jobs etv meaning less things to be taxed but gdp doesn't tell you how high the tax base of a country is for that you need to know an accurate gdp/popula andbgenerally how they tax trade and companies isa for example reöative to their high gdp has lower tax base tjan eu
Right so losing a region with higher gdp/capita than average will probably affect taxes, then, at the least?
I mean obviously not always, because taxes are applied unevenly, but still
losing a region will affect GDP and taxes but the taxes and GDP aren't directly connected it's two separate consequences
a region already collects taxes for its pwn use that never go to state budget
ir like here our capital has to dish out money from its tax income to poorer states
>Thought I had a bunch of work to do today >Turns out I should have taken the first step a week ago so I can't work on any of that work today Guess I'll take some kratom and rewatch Kill la Kill.
I'm having strawberry cream pie for breakfast, its breddy fucking good. In other news I only have one stimulant left and can't get in touch with my doctor so I'm saving it for the day my grandfather is in town.
Sounds just like menial physical work at a microbrewery. Can't say it's the most exciting work prospect but the place is a fifteen minute walk from my house which is pretty nice. And the pay's fourteen dollars an hour so that's pretty good too.
>>301982 Omedetou >>301983 I'm like 4 pounds under what's considered overweight for my height.
>>301987 Nah it's fine, i appreciate it though. I don't really have anything I need to do. I'll probably hear back from her in a day or two. It is partially my fault for waiting until I only had one left to contact her.
>>301987 same i can't go through my adderall fast enough it's time for a refill and i still have 52 of my 60 tablets i don't know how anyone could take that much in a month
The biggest downside is I'd probably have to show up at 07:00 on the days I'm working. And I've never been the biggest morning person.
>>301991 But then I'd miss annnnimeeee tiiiimeeee.
>>302000 Yeah, I know. I'm probably not getting it. Although the lusting mentioned that *listing Fuck Anyways it mentioned how a lot of their lawyers had science degrees so I added to my resume "I have experience working in a laboratory environment" so that might be what makes my resume stand out.
>>302043 i think it would probably work better for me if i wasn't drinking but tbh i've been way more productive in the last year from drinking and using all that hangover energy to get things done than to take stims when i drink caffeine to get work done i get like a couple hours done and then i'm put i can drink and then wake up at midnight and do eight hours of work before breakfast and still have the whole day ahead of me
>>302033 wow that is a really good picture. I am really jelly
>>302046 i need stims to be able to focus haha but this semester is so easy that i don't need to be able to focus so i'm gonna stock up on like 90 vyvanse using it
i did too and coming off them was pretty rough i think the key was learning to focus on longer, broader things than short, immediate things i can do that really well now
coming off stims is super fucking easy for me i still can't focus and won't be able to, at least, not like i can with it just because my brain is literally incapable of it
>>302062 Nah, Fish would have a fit if I posted her picture. Even just of her hands. That's my friend that was with us shooting, the one letting us use her firearms.
I don't know how actually real it is But it's basically one of those "Help a business succeed" shows, right? But Nathan, the host, does PR stuff that's fucking WILD He staged a video of a pig rescuing a goat, and it went VIRAL AF, international news, to help a small zoo It's just... it's so great You can see him just absuing the system
THEY'RE WASTING HOURS, STAYING OVERNIGHT ON A MOUNTAIN AND SHIT, ANNOYED AND ANGRY ABOUT IT, TO SAVE LIKE $15 Man your time is more VALUABLE than that, what are you doing, y'all are middle class looking
But how will they arrive on a definition for those words, if they're not already defined in the documents? >>302111 Yeah probably, but I mean how do you... handle it if they are?
they're probably words that aren't used often they wouldn't just delete words that get used frequently and they probably only use finnish for official stuff
the words still exist they're just not considered finnish anymore
Of course they're words that still exist, dictionaries don't actually dictate the world But in law I'd think they did exactly that Because the law needs an objective source for terms
Like if the colloquial meaning of an important word, like "person" starts changing, that affecting the law directly would be super bad I thought that's the only actual point of the official language, the language beaurea and shit
I realised on the way home why I was getting enough light with my camera The macro lens is really poor with low light levels. When I switch to the kit lens it performs so much better with low light levels I been enjoying the macro so much I haven't taken it off since I put it on but if I wanna photograph in the forest It isn't gonna work very well
My macro lens actually does really great landscape shots. I can't take single-subject photos well with it unless it's like a portrait shot of a person, though.
What is the lens you got? I think you told me but I forgot. I got a http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/reviews/lenses/sigma-105mm-f2-8-ex-dg-os-hsm-macro >>302133 Oh right! 40mm is gonna be pretty good for landscape!
Spain wants to arrest president Puigdemont and have him executed.
Spain can't really do anything (in terms of dismantling management or anything) because Catalonia has a ruling body that has declared independence and doesn't need Spain right now
>>302132 Yeah! I want the 105mm eventually. Your macro shots are amazing. I have to get so close to things that I can't get good shots of a lot of animals. or bugs
>Spanish police 'have special forces team ready to arrest Catalan president if he declares independence' I wonder how that is gonna go down if it even will!
spain has been saying they want to execute the preside nt for days it's gonna be a war
>>302142 hmm To a degree. Catalonia has strong farmland and industrial power, but I doubt they'd be able to sustain the entire population. However, the people are strong and crave independence so they may withstand it for some time.
I wish I knew Spanish\Catalan They just need to be able to self sustain
I don't really tink Think it will happen, the spanish army/police will just go in and put catalonia under direct rule.
i think there will be a civil war the spanish police/army can't just put them down that quickly the people will resist hardcore they're ready for war, the people are they've been oppressed for so long and they're finally ready to claim their freedom i believe in the people
the farmers are doing a lot of work the farmers have basically become a militia
I took so many pictures of a little pretty bird and they are all blurry! I should have increased the ISO but I hate the idea of grain
that blur is fucking me up haha it looks like the bird is moving a little
I think it was just too panicked trying to get photos of it since these fuckers fly off so quickly and people with their stupid dogs come by and scare everything off
They can't just kill them off anyway, so the cops will probably be trying to avoid that
One of the news sites say the catalan government has suspended their declaration of independence. >https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/10/catalan-government-suspends-declaration-of-independence
>>302166 Yeah, I just mean there are arguments I could see A lot of people didn't vote, so they could be apathetic as long as it doesn't lead to civil war, you knwo
a lot of people did vote, but the votes were stolen by police, so we don't know the actual turnout
Yeah I'm just saying that while it's unknown if the majority of the people as a whole is down with it, he kinda has to use his gut for dealing with it, obviously prioritizing the vote that was had I dunno, I just mean in terms of what I think would be his role as an elected official
Apparently he's saying that he WILL pursue independence no matter what, but he is trying to open talks with Spain. Probably to try and find a way to peacefully secede.
Ah He's a good guy Yeah he probably wants to establish some terms that Spain could accept Then maybe the Catalans could vote on that, and take it from there
Or more realistically, he makes a judgment call
The EU is a lot harsher with catalan than it was with Scotland. Scotland was told they could independantly join the / stay in the EU This was before the brexit stuff.
They're breaking the law People don't believe in their moral sense, and turn to legalism in its stead
>>302173 What's the general feeling around England in regards to Brexit anyway? People still arguing about it?
>>302176 Yeah people still talk about it. People who support it think anything negative about the future of England is just scaremongering and that the UK will florish and the EU is just burdening us with laws and on the opposite side the people who are pro-EU are all like everything is fucked.
I find the people who voted against the EU are pretty retarded but those strongly pro-EU people are actually just scaremongering because they are so stupidly dramatic.
Nothing quite as exciting as your American politics! It would be fun if our politicians challenged each other to IQ tests like Trump is!
I took so many pictures and they all suck. I really need to figure out more about how to keep quality up while having high shutter speeds and high isos. or many I need to go out in bright conditions
Yeah looking at the ebginning it is clear they are in motion already so just honk "get out the waying" the shit but I would still like to point out the clash in spain is now in the propaganda phase most definitely. though spain has alreadyf ucked their case real bad anyhow
It was still a brief vid/image of a cop spraying people with pepper spray who weren't in the material provided shown to do anything wrong which wasn't the real case
But blood is quite hard to get sadly nowadays or say pig hearts and such I miss tapiola they had good stock of weirder ingredients at all times good part of living in bourgeoise ville
Wow Huuto is 18 years old now.. "shout" 1999 founded person to person webmarket site
>>302308 You'd most likely take few months to build a "customerbase" or something basically forming a presence for yourself in whatever place you are selling them
nah, it'd be selling one watch a month no way i could get a customer base
Oh just on watch wellt hen if the price is right then it would get sold quick
I could sell them cheap too like if i got a $600 watch i could sell them for $400 and still make $100
In the near future, when climate-controlling satellites malfunction and release small disaster-starting pods all over the world, Jake Lawson and his other fellow astronauts head into space to prevent the satellites from programming the small pods into creating a storm of epic proportions. hmm might be fun to watch from netflix in march
I'd guess they funnel them through the "youtubevid" path it isn't like some other sites didn't figure out a similiar way of sneaking ads through pats, tht if you blockt hem the whole site doesn't work
i mean adblock has sold out to some adcompanies already but i just wonder if it is noscript selling out or some companies becoming savvy
>>302330 Well, there's different versions of adblock Also I dont inherently have an issue with whitelisting ads as long as they are properly vetted
Like worst examples are >listening to creepypasta narration >ARMAN IS A LOYAL SHOPPER AND THUS IS REWARDED WITH BENEFITS IN OUR STORES >300% volume
>>302334 I was watching shit on Crunchyroll on my friend's ps4 the other day And the ads were really weird Like ads for used bmws (they were actually very funny) or sugar free yogurt or oil companies Like what the fuck, Crunchyroll using casual anime fans can't afford BMWs and certainly don't buy sugar free anything So why advertise that shit
same is like on mangasites I don't mind ads, but if there is some glowing or moving add right next to the actual comic It will take away from my reading experience
>>302335 just tells google and such have very little data on you
It is actually quite symbolic the armoured arm is the symbol of karelia wielding a sword to hack away at the enemy while the lion roars and trambles upon a sabre, a common weapon used by russians
what I hate in making pancakes is that I always have a 1- 6 setting oven 5 is too hot 4 is too cold gimme a 1-12 that has the 9 perfect for frying them
>>302348 Owl was fired from a cannon against it's will.
must be british owl cause it looks only mildly disturbed at that
I would probably describe that look as "The fuck are you looking at"
You should find a cat to take you as it's pet and it will guide you to happiness.
Sucks that it is so expensive, I can't afford to own a cat either. I used to have two cats but they had to be given away and then the people they were given away to lost them.
a catfish is a seacat while it has nothing to do with an actual cat so therefore cats are fishcats fish living on dryland that have nothing to do with actual fish ergo owning a cat is owning a fish qed
>>302384 Well, it is true that I never set you straight after the hurricane. Myabe I should do that. I feel like if I gave you a talk about kratom, you'd just disregard it as me being a drug hater though.
I have this really awful feeling right now. It's a kind of intense tiredness and something
>>302413 well the schedule isn't out yet but i don't think i work tomorrow and if i do, it isn't until noon normally i work from 1200-2230 but today i worked from 0800-1700 which is really weird and messing with my rhythm so i think i'm gonna take like an hour nap and then i'll be okay maybe
>>302420 Basically I'm just physically tired and really awake and just feeling awful Although it's quite a bit better than what it was, I just haven't felt like this in a while. It reminds me of when I was in highschool senior year I'd come home after school and be really tired an just be unable to fall asleep and I would just lay in bed feeling awful for hoirs on end. *hours
So just thinking in mass effect storyline usually the reapers pop up via the citadel mass relay but this time they didn't cause it was blocked so they tried to brute force it via sovereign and saren in the first game but it failed then in second game they apparently are building a new reaper from humans, maybe to do the citadel trick all over again and when that fails they go "fuck it just drive there" and the maybe half a year to year later or something BAM there they are so... why didi they even bother with the collector plot if they could just sail there in a spec of time, especially to the reapers who live forever just doesn't make sense
Btw if I had been trump or someone in the trump admin that can affect his tweets I would have jsut made a Game of Thrones or other joke at the takeaknee protestors "It took cersei X seasons to get anyone to take a knee, and me only 10 months"
Indeed I doubt the author atleast saw it as homophobic
Well in the literal sense, there's a fair case for it not. But it's still an abuse towards the homosexual community.
I doubt it was intended to be homophobic but when homosexuals started getting upset, he should have addressed it rationally and then this other freak jumped in and started attacking homosexuals people with "LGBTQ ally" in their profiles are attacking LGBTQ people now lol
>>302451 At that point he should have said something about asskisser or shit or just not said anything offenders always get offended and then the chain begins
yeah it's really messed up like i don't personally think the comic is that bad but theae people silencing the people offended by it are fucking disgusting
Either explain yourself or specify a point or be silent though never apologise to the perpetually offended unless you actually did something truly offensive
>>302477 A single cells protein combined with sythetic aminos vitamens and minerals ? >>302478 Twitters looks like a hilarious universe of people that should exist in cartoons and comic books
>>302502 It isn't like I eat super healthy either! I had a tiny box of sushi and 1 energy drink and a can of coke today/yesterday
We gotta eat more healthily !
Temperature is all relative and dependent on your upbringing and body physiology. I can comfortably wear long-sleeves in anything 20C and under and I'm cold if I go too long in 10C weather in a short-sleeved shirt.
>>302517 No, it'll be okay. the * symbol will remind people of an A once we put it on the branding. We can rent out the other condol*nces and make lots of money. Until the revolution starts, of course.
I'm going to go try and fail to fall asleep. Be back later
>>302519 But the we can't rent out the condolance! I don't just give my condolance out to anyone! >>302523 Wow, everything is lewd now. you are terrible person!
>>302531 I have worn a kinda denim thing every day that I have gone outside in the past 2 weeks and I've been getting conscious about it I need to rotate them >>302532 I do my best. She'll have to leave her prom shoes at the door. all three pairs.
>>302536 But is it trashy though? Functional things are often trashy to fashion. Because fashion is a terrible existence. >>302538 how fashionable >>302535 I keep it in my wallet next to my virginity card.
Feeling a little better. My DRUGS wore off so I'm back to my genki self. I can move around without feeling like I'm going to throw up. How are you, dess?
>>302565 >Someone changing gears with the emergency break
someone feeding their dog one of these 11 foods you should never feed your dog
someone throwing a pineapple to their son like a football
Someone taking toast out of the toaster with a fork and accidentally shorting the toaster and causing the breaker to flip and plunge everything into darkness I did this!
someone unplugging a cord from the outlet using a handheld batter mixer
I don't feel like I'm going to throw up anymore but I still feel really crappy. I'll have to be more careful in the future.
I tried to take a nap earlier in hopes that I could sleep it off, but the stimulating effects were too strong for me to sleep, even though I was also sedated.
>>302602 You need to be careful with that stuff. I had reservations when you said it bound to opiate receptor sites so I looked into it. It's pretty strong stuff! I think it will be a controlled substance ina a few years. It's already illegal in some states.
>>302604 It was going to be scheduled but the DEA decided against it. If it becomes illegal, I won't use it, though. I'm probably not going to continue getting it because Fish likes it, though.
That's not really it. It's just, she's really sheltered. She doesn't really understand drugs or what they can do to you. It's easy for sheltered people to get addicted to stuff like this, especially when it helps with anxiety. Just keep using it to escape your anxiety and the next thing you know, you're addicted. I won't let that happen.
>corrin losing to sophia with an hour left the way they have heavy handed catchup mechanics kind of makes voting gauntlets impossible to enjoy. The more popular character should win! Some voting catch up is fine but it is way too strong.
>>302649 I would argue that it's not even about pacing yourself. It makes the most sense to spend flags when your modifier is high so you can get a high score. People's behavior is governed by that principle and other concerns are secondary. The winner is just the one who randomly has the modifier last.
>>302650 Other concerns being secondary is why Corrin is losing. Yes, people are concerned primarily with their own score. But if they want to win, they have to pace themselves.
>>302655 Wouldn't you agree that the end result is going to be exactly what I said it was, given that most of the people playing care more about feathers than they do winning?
>>302666 Depends on who is still alive since they're all essentially random because of the catch-up mechanic. Adult Tiki if she's still in, then Ninian or Nowi.
>>302667 That's good! Will you be watching anime tonight?