Thread #301566
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UQ holder youkai apartment two car mahoutsukai no yome houseki no kuni that's what I see
And Code Realize and Altair.
We watched Mahoutsukai last night.
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Oh yeah, we did. I copy pasted. let's do houseki code realize youkai apt two car does that list look good to everyone?
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okay then houseki i need to pee but i know the second i get up ika will post im going for it anyway okay well i dont know if i should be happy or sad ok lets start
Nowadays the thing that really nags me the most about 3D CGI anime is the low FPS. I don't get why it all has to be at 12 FPS or something.
Oh shit.
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Even if it's an interesting concept, it's hard to get excited about CGI.
Hah hah hah. That was some luck.
i hate cg
I'm of no particular way about it.
The poison they're going on about with Cinnabar is mercury. Cinnabar being a solid composition of a mercurial compound.
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Oh well that wasn't what I was expecting.
Wow, that's an awfully cynical take on the problem.
I guess she's a little suicidal.
How romantic.
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Interesting, but I'm not sure. If only it wasn't CGI. okay let's move on to code realize okay let's start!
I thought it was pretty good. The chemistry application was pretty clever too.
Are these Victorian Ghostbusters?
Oh SHIT we got a Lupin.
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the power to explode!
Into pretty, lilac smoke.
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phantom theives stealing hearts!
I'm pretty sure even in the Victorian era, industrial London didn't have giant gears sticking into theground.
Man they've got quite the swanky hideout. A hillside English mansion.
Also Lupin's jacket is kind of effeminate. It has those kind of puffed-up shoulders that come with women's dress from this era.
Oh, Impey Barbicane is the character of a Jules Verne novel. I'd never heard of him before.
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Oh, this is the one with the girl who has gem boobs.
Though if you think about it, the last series we watched also had a girl with gem boobs.
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>everybody wants her chest >>301648 Did anything have genders or sexes in that last one? It all seemed like gender neutral gem people to me.
Well, no, hah hah. I'm going off of physiology but yeah, they all were adressed gender-neutral.
Woah. It's a corgi. With a mechanical leg.
is this a reverse harem
The inside of her dress has stars.
Well I'm always up for Victorian-era settings. The characters being famous characters from fiction is a fun plus too.
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that wasn't bad okay youkai apt okay lets start
All right.
A spotted cat, a racoon, and a fennec fox. That's got to be a Kemono Friends reference.
Chu-chun ga chun
What a forward teacher.
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lots of ikemen this season.
You must be awfully excited.
this one has eVIL eyes
Hah hah yeah it looks like she's dead inside.
This is a little nostalgic.
Wow he's just feeling Inaba up. What kind of teacher does that.
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Oh, this creepy looking girl is cute.
Yeah, I kind of agree. The eyes are a strike against her for me though. She was nicer when I couldn't see them.
she looked like a dork in the oepning
the bad kind
You're the bad kind of dork.
Wow she's pretty pretentious, reading foreign literature in high school.
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the BGM is weird here. I checked my browser to see if something was playing in the background.
How meta.
I haven't ever heard of Truffaut before.
what a delightful person
Wow she's being really snotty. Yeah Inaba's right, the Japanese have adopted "tension" to mean a difficult situation. R O Y A L W E
She's a real pain the ass but she's funny too. I haven't seen someone this anal over words in anime since forever.
[Angry breathing intensifies]
REEEEE I think she has a stupid complex
she acts smart cause being called stupid triggerse her
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okay two car! okay let's start!
whats 2 car about is it about cars
Tu ca I have no clue what this is about.
i think it might be about 2 cars
Nah, couldn't be.
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>>301692 I'm pretty sure it's about cute girls riding motorcycles.
So like Baku-On! but not dumb.
what was that bad bike show again oh yeah baku-on
literally 2 cars racing with a side car
That kind of feels like an unnecessary danger to add on.
but how will you access the power of friendship without a side car
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That is kinda a weird way to race.
What do passsengers do are they just moral support or do they shoot water guns at the racers
>Goth-loli racers Oh that was an interesting transformation.
They even have an S&M pair racing. What a bizarre sport.
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The passenger would make a lot more sense if it was like cross-country and you needed a navigator or something.
Yeah, I was thinking something similar. If it was a difficult course and you needed someone to do real-time tactics and mental work so that the driver can focus on the road.
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This is more than twins. They're copy paste!
I was thinking that during the opening
The way those passenger seats are a part of the bike is kind of cool but feels both impractical and super-dangerous.
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Yeah, that looked like an unsafe way to ride!
Oh I see. The partner gives the bike some additional moving weight to adjust quickly to min-max when going around turns. I don't really know if that's really something that would do a lot but I guess anime runs on rule of cool. It's still kind of an abstract coolness though.
I want tos ee what passengers do
Oh they can also move forwards and backwards relative to the bike to help with acceleration and presumably deacceleration.
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Oh, it seems this kind of racing is actually a real thing. It seems like it isn't widely practiced though.
I got the feeling it was a real thing after they started talking about forward-backwards mechanics. I'm familiar with that part of bicycle physics. It's still pretty surprising that it makes enough of a difference to make a competition out of it though.
I guess the MC pair has a lot of teamworking issues to work out.
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It looks to be a kind of niche racing found in Britain and France.
Oh, speaking of Britain.
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Yeah, most of the videos I saw were of that race on the Isle of Man.
I guess the creator of this series have done their research.
And then they both wanted to confess to him and that's why they have so much spite for each other.
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This is the kind of series only an otaku could create. Mixing anime girls with another hobby that he's super passionate about. I didn't even know this was a thing.
Yeah, it's really got that kind of feeling. Kind of like all the biking and airsoft shows but another level in nicheness.
Oh come to think of it Rika how do you pronounce "niche".
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 651x706, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 12 [(…).jpg )
>>301731 >>>/watch?v=Il5qTsqBaMU in this video, the first way it is pronounced
Ah, yeah, that's the way it goes for me too. Just a lot of people from your neck of the woods seem to do it "nitch". I'd never heard people say it that way until I started watching stuff online. Thankfully the first time I ever heard it said that way was in a video of the person talking about how they pronounce niche and how it differs.
Anyway my curiousity is sated.
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.