>>29657 Shit, man. Those books were like $150 each. The least I can do is read them cover to cover to get my money's worth of KNOWLEDGE
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>29658 I haven't done this for all my textbooks since like highschool. But I used read the first four or five chapters of each of my textbooks before classes had even started.
Yeah. I'm trying to do that sort of thing too. Stay on top of stuff. RADIOACTIVITY. This semester will be the first of many in which Marsh doesn't just scrape a pass - he actually does well.
>>29661 To learn the material when I'm finally interested in it without having to feel obligated I learn best when something interests me and I do research to learn about it
I'm trying to read my textbooks this semester since I'm a graduate student and can't just float on forever but it's pretty difficult to read chapters about stuff I'm not interested in
Tbh I don't even know how to study
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
tbh smh fam
>>29662 Fair enough. Although reading about psychology might be a bit more interesting than the framework for old legal documents. >>29663 You close your eyes and make a wish.
>>29665 Sometimes But some stuff just isn't interesting
Reading the DSM-5 isn't that interesting for example, until I want to know about something in it
But psychopharmacology or some assessments are super interesting
>>29663 I'm still trying to figure that one out too.
>>29666 i'm reading about pharmacology all the time pharmacokinetics are super interesting
>>29668 It really is an interesting subject One of my favorites even though it doesn't have major practical function in my line of work
I remember I really got into it because the first time I took modafinil, I was thinking, "Wow, this isn't doing shit for me. I wonder why." So I read up on the V158M gene polymorphism and read up the pharmodynamics of modafinil and how it's hindered by certain things, and spent like six hours diving deep into a whole world of gene expression and pharmacokinetics trying to understand why a drug that's supposed to help me concentrate wasn't helping me concentrate haha
Spent six hours concentrating on why a drug that's supposed to help you concentrate wasn't helping you concentrate.
Yeah, I find it incredibly ironic, but I didn't at the time it's a drug on which there's no high at all and you don't feel any cognizant difference, which isn't what i was used to in my ADD meds
I actually got interested in it because some people on /moe/ had talked about it and seemed knowledgeable and I wanted to be able to join in the discussion And figured that since I use stimulants, I might as well learn how they work And then it was super interesting
I thought I knew a lot about pharmacology years ago, because i at least knew the mechanism of action of drugs and things like that, and what receptors they worked on but probably every week i'm completely reshaping my understanding of it and removing a massive layer of ignorance that I had and it's not that i'm studying it, it's just that what i know, some things occasionally bug my mind and i have to go look it up because otherwise there's a point of conflict that two parts of my brain can't resolve on their own
It really is amazing.
oh kirara i forgot all about it, sorry remind me when you get home and i'll send you that money fuckin, it never even crossed my mind my bad
Oh sure no worries You know I'm not really concerned about how quick you get it back to me
next time I'll give you my Timex as collateral it's passed down from my dad
It's actually pretty nice, but I doubt my dad paid more than 20 bucks for it back in the 70's or whatever it looks 70s as hell i'm gonna wear it to my investor meetings these niggas wearin IWC portugiesers and moonphase and, uh, what's that other company Panerai chronographs
high five / low six figure watches i'ma show of my timex proudly
Whoever has the biggest, strongest fastest vehicle survives in the desert wasteland.
All right, but what did you need my help with or did you not actually need help but were animating your frustration with your workload ahead of you on /moe/ to procrastinate and/or loosen up the anxiety and hesitation with a humorous moment
I do have some serious questions though. Stuff I need to talk about in the next tute.
Like whether separate states is an outdated concept and we should all just be one Federal nation Or whether the constitution should be revised to make a treaty with the Indigenous population
put on some new music that you've never heard before it helps occupy the excess action potential that's not contributing to your main executive function, which is by definition, anxiety specifically task anxiety, and the stressors drawing you away from it by a compulsion to alleviate other active areas of the brain needing release that are interfering with the flow of the task at hand
it's like putting roundabouts on the exit ramps so cars have something to do while they wait other than just clog up the main highway traffic
or whatever the canberra equivalent of a roundabout is that might just be your major highway, i dont know
>does Canberra have roundabouts Where are the other Ausfags when you need them
But I take your point. I'll find some music to draw that DISTRACTING ENERGY out of my body.
They're off doing walkabouts in the Outback.
>>29710 that's not what i asked i just thought you named them something different i know the name for them changes everywhere
We call them wheelie-turrnies
>I'm a graduate student in astrophysics, doing my dissertation on Wibbly-wobbly time-spacy blobs
Alright. I'll do it. I'll work. But you can't begin a task at 55 minutes on the clock. That's just bizarre. Gotta wait until it hits :00 like a CIVILIZED BEING.
>>29715 what kind of musics do you like i'll suggest you something also, action potential is the electrical energy that's stored in areas of the brain, it's not a new-agey term for your inner chi or something it's a real thing that causes distraction and it's something i deal with optimizing on a daily basis to get my work done then again my brain's pretty fucked up and sometimes i'm typing words that have no meaning and don't realize it
>>29721 is there another holiday i forgot about? >>29722 Yeah, it's all objective-oriented which I don't particularly agree with as a good routine, but sometimes you just gotta get shit done
>>29718 >male vocals You must thing I'm some sort of faggot. >>29721 Hi Rika.
>>29726 Not usable energy, but action potential in a region of the brain, or action potential of a certain form if that makes more sense, that the brain can't resolve back into the central nervous system and output as action
This is kind of the basis of laughter and crying and a lot of strange phenomenon, that there's some absurdity that gets drawn back into the motor system and output physically, as opposed to being resolved internally and output as new understanding I think that's a lot of the reason we cry, is we're overloaded with activity that is too much to process in the first place and it hits kind of a trigger switch that just floods it all out into the motor system and we sob and cry until we have something that our brain is well-enough equipped to handle that's why it feels so good to cry
I'll get to it now. I might do it in blocks to have a bit of a break. Two hours of text books then an anime episode + /moe/ shitposting. and that will be my day.
I have no citation or basis for any of this, by the way. it's just my interpretation from personal experience on how the brain handles sensory resolution i could be completely wrong or even be making statements based on premises that don't exist, eliminating it from either truthiness or falsehood but it's what makes sense to me
>>29727 people wanted to protest trump's presidency by refusing to work on some day or another i wonder if they're also going to protest by working on president's day instead of taking the day off I bet not
To protest the democratic process, I'm gonna get fired
I wish I had enough money to be an investor and venture capitalist. I would totally be a corporate shill if I had a lot of money. Because I'd be good at it.
>>29757 I think that if you're going to protest, you need a specific thing that you're protesting against and a remedy for it. For example, protesting that your business owes workers a raise by striking and doing a picket line outside is a productive form of protest.
I don't think protesting against Trump just because is very effective. What's the remedy?
>>29758 You should go as Kirara-chan! You have the clothes, right?
also liveposting breaks down RIGHT FAST when you're trying to quote a post but also more than 2 other people are trying to say something >try clicking post number >5 other posts open one after another as you chase the post number across the screen
>>29764 I'm protesting against protesting by making more interesting things for people to watch on livestream
>>29764 It's pretty effective. >>29763 oh yeah. We're aiming to take over the country. We will be the repairing of Jewish-Black relations.
>>29766 It's just a struggle one needs to adapt to.
>>29764 This would get me a lot of hate, but I dislike labor strikes. They hurt everyone. It's a threat of mutually assured destruction, and I've seen families ruined by striking. Literally, children malnourished and their parents too weak to work by striking for too long. It was different in 1920 when the conditions being struck were inhalation of noxious fumes in industry and stuff. Today it's not so much. My mom, after her divorce, had to work at an ammunition company whose workers were on strike, and she was getting paid triple what they were getting paid just to stave off the strike. She had to cross the picket lines with people treating her terribly for doing so, but she was doing what she had to do to provide me and my sisters with basic living conditions.
I like strikes, I just think they're misused Being able to go on a strike is a good thing
But our teachers and shit go on strike literally every fucking year
>>29771 Public education is not a career you go into expecting to be well-paid and in a comfortable and stress-free environment. But even then, these teachers need better income, so they strike to accommodate for that.
>>29773 No shit it's a failing of the system. Who do you think the teachers are striking against? Trees?
>>29768 Effective at what? Trump isn't going anywhere unless he really fucks up, there are currently no grounds for his impeachment and the congress that would have to impeach him is republican. I don't see a clear goal with the current crop of protests, they remind me a lot of occupy wallstreet which also failed because they had no clear goal.
>>29770 I don't have a lot of strong opinions on labor strikes, I don't work in a field with unions. I think unions have good and bad things about them.
>>29763 two hours? fuck i'm gonna need at least 150 mcnuggets to make for a 2-hour livestream
>>29774 Making noise. Keeping people attentive. Making things known. Bothering people. Outreach. Providing a continued place to get together and organize future things. OWS didn't simply fail for not having a single clear goal. It's because things were just really big to take on and they can't take on all the things they want to. It sounds similar but it's really different. As far as current protests go, none of those people want "status quo" to be realized so that in itself is a check off their list.
>>29776 So what should the teachers do? Mum up and just accept they're in an underpaid and stressful career?
>>29778 Be willing to negotiate before striking would be a start
I don't know how it works there, but when the teachers strike here, it's usually after negotiations have failed.
>>29780 It works like this: They go into the negotiation They know they'll strike anyway, so neither side makes a slight effort to come to an agreement The teachers strike And then nothing changes because eventually they have to start working again
>>29774 I'm sure you see plenty of low-income families whose ability to be provided for is on the line, though. Kind of keep that in mind when you think about who's striking and why, and who's crossing the picket lines, and why.
>>29774 There are potentially credibile accusations against Trump under the endowment clause But it's unlikely to ever be investigated
So there may be grounds at least
>>29781 Excuse me for figuring you have a biased view of the situation, but I figure both sides are willing to compromise to some extent. But there's only so much the institution can do, so the compromise is flawed from the get-go.
So, assuming they are both willing to compromise but that doesn't solve the solution, again, what should the teachers do?
>>29784 Go back to work Their strike is based on a misunderstanding of what's going on at the upper levels They think they should be treated better but they're in an industry that doesn't accommodate that, and there's a reason for that
Then you strike, or since it's a government thing, you try getting that changed at the level it matters Shill for whatever party will actually pay you properly and hope they win
No, the answer is get a new job. Which teachers have been doing.
>>29787 This as well. If you're not happy with the job you chose, it's your fault for choosing it and not looking into the prospects of the future. Unions are bullshit. You get good time off as a teacher, use it to advance your skills and propel into something new Start back in school and do professor hours in a university There are lots of options
The problem with people in the education field is that they want to educate. And passion is the best emotion to manipulate. You either deal with it or they find someone else to exploit. And so, nothing improves.
>>29782 Well, certainly, in these situations you have to look carefully at who has skin in the game, Everyone wants to look like the good guy but a lot of people aren't the good guy.
>>29777 hmm This may be my autism setting in, but I think when making a claim or asking something, the two vital things you need are: 1) someone to make the claim against 2) some kind of remedy that will make things better.
I think the current unrest lacks item #2, and that status quo is inevitable as a result.
>>29788 That's a horrible outlook though because they actually want to teach kids. But systems are all fucked up. Desires to help the world are met with the exploitation of their labor and the only recourse is to either decide not to help or to continue getting fucked up.
>>29791 We're not at a stage in society where desires to help the world are sustainable, unless you self-sustain them. Society's focus, whether any individual is aware of it or not, is towards reaching a sustainable stage. You don't do that by expending resources needed to reach that stage prematurely. That's like trying to make better time in your marathon run by expending extra energy early on. If you don't have a manageable pace that leads organically to where you're going, you're going to fuck it all up. And that's something that's above any individual's responsibility. It's society's responsibility, in and of its own actions, separate from any individual person, that guides those things.
The only thing being gained from strikes currently is awareness and recognition of two things -- that a sustainable need isn't being met, and that society can't sustainably meet that need. There's no individual gain coming from them, and there's a LOT of individual hurt coming from them. Like I said, this was difference // different a century ago, when the flow of information was much slowly and localized areas mostly acted independently, so the need of the individual was weighted more heavily as a segmented society. We're not at that point. If you want to hurt your family and the family of the children who attend the schools, sure, go ahead and strike.
If you want things to get better, stop standing in the fucking way. If you want your family to have a better life, improve your skillset. If you want your family to survive and get by, keep working and hope your child has a better life than you do. This isn't new. This is what's going on forever, even though the striking reasons are different. Every generation has mostly suffered hardship in hopes that their children will have a better life, and do the best to set them up for it.
>>29790 Where the president can't accept gifts from foreign nations without congressional approval and full disclosure of the gifts
>>29794 Oh, has he been accepting gifts from other countries?
>>29795 He accepted like 10 gifts from PM Netenyahu which is technically illegal but probably not a problem because they were tiny, probably Israeli souvenirs
But after he reversed his stance and announced his intention to support One China policy, China awarded him a trademark he'd been pursuing for 5+ years and had trouble getting And while I don't personally think he made a deal like that, the circumstances are suspicious and probably should be looked at
Anyways, the trademark in China was awarded under suspicious circumstanes, and another problem of it is that it means Trump could be making money from China, which would be illegal.
>>29799 I had a joke like this in high school. I'd be talking to guys and be like, "You know what they say about girls with small hands, don't you?" And they'd look at each other and kind of smugly grin and be like, "What?" And I'd be like, "They say they have small hands." And they'd walk away really disappointed.
>>29793 Well, that's just the problem, isn't it? Needs aren't being met as times change. They consistently seem to lag behind for various reasons. Which is why such strikes happen. The problem that's inherent though is that change never happens on its own. They simply don't. Even when it's apparent, there is no rush to change unless there is a push to change in social matters. So when it comes down to people being taken advantage of, how will that ever change if they simply get out of the way? It just means there's an open slot for someone else to be taken advantage of. People have to balance that risk between the hurt they're experiencing and the hurt they're going to inflict whenever they go on strike. And when it happens, they do it. When the MTA goes on strike here, they fucking do it. They don't give a damn how many people have to use the trains and buses and that the city halting for a single day results in billions of lost revenue. They make sure that their people aren't working when contracts are expired.
The biggest unfortunate realization is that we don't know that things aren't sustainable until strikes go off. Until people are willing to inflict costly damage, whether to our children's education, to the city's revenue, or whatever industry it is, we are going to assume that "things are fine" or "things will be fine soon". So, yes, they will continue to stand in the fucking way because they know that just moving to the side will make the operators of the machine ignore the creaky spots.
That we think that people will suddenly be treated better just out of doing what is expected neglects the process of how change comes about.
>>29802 Jokes that make people feel disappointed are good too.
>>29801 This is a complication because improving relations with China means more profitability for all of the US. I understand the concern of a president being able to profit off a deal, but I think there'd need to be some evidence that it's not a generalized improvement for the whole of the country.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29805 In general, it wouldn't be a problem. But if he is profiting directly from his name being used as a product in China, that's problematic, especially if he's giving something to China in return for that. Not only is it illegal, but it's unethical. There's a difference between making a deal that everyone including Trump profits from and making a deal that Trump profits from.
>>29803 I'm going to be honest and say that it's impatience. People want change in their lifetime, during their career. That doesn't necessarily happen. Change comes along in future generations. I like to refer to the golden age of Athens for this point, and mention how many centuries of war were held just so that Athens could have a few decades of peace, during which they made more achievement and discovery than all of their warring period combined. That small 5% of their history warranted the 95% of their warring period.
>>29806 Is that happening? Do we know the costs of what happens with failed relations-management with china, and the expected cost to the US economy in that regard? I don't by any means. But it's the black swan argument from Nicholas Nassim Taleb, the economist and somewhat political speculator, that we can't see and never will know the dangers that are averted, but can easily criticize the actions and misgivings that were had. This argument was specifically around the events of 9/11 and the potential prevention of damage that wasn't seen and the comparative judgment over the incident as a whole (from a fairly unbiased point of view, I think)
Relations with China are complicated. China is complicated. I would hesitate to say anyone judging it at surface value has an awareness of its implications. That's not the 4D chess argument by any means, because it's not blind faith, but I do believe that it's more complicated than a news report or some casual dialogue will entail. And while I understand China relations well, I don't know the current events so well, so I may be missing a lot.
im summoninv time for 5 5*s forealzies
Time for five three-stars.
4* lilina
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29808 Just because there are so many unknowns, it doesn't mean the president should be profiting from them directly. It's a very dangerous conflict of interest. He didn't have to get this trademark (if he did indeed make a deal, which i personally doubt), and could have still been working on relations with China.
For the exact reason that relations with China are so complicated is why our president cannot have conflict // conflicts of interest with them. He needs to be able to act in an unbiased way, doing what's best. If he is beholden to China in any way, I don't think we can trust him to behave the way we need him to.
That's why it's unconstitutional for him to be profiting directly. This wouldn't be a problem if he divested, but he refuses to. He fully intends to profit off of his presidency, and that makes him hard to trust.
Are we getting the best deal with China? Probably not if the president is making money off of favors they're giving him.
>>29803 >That we think that people will suddenly be treated better just out of doing what is expected neglects the process of how change comes about. I guess that's the divergence. I don't feel that anyone thinks that -- or that they shouldn't. If you don't want to be treated that way, get out of the industry. Not all work is going to be pleasant and treat you well. You do what you have to do to get by and get your family by. If you need to upgrade yourself, upgrade yourself. If you can't support a family, don't have a family. I know that sounds harsh, but there are way bigger forces at play in the economy than the individual, or even a union. I hate to be that guy that says this, because I know it's said in a lot of awful circumstances which I don't think merits it, but let the market play itself out.
The value of education is a constantly fluctuating field, especially in the last decade. You might not be aware of the way teaching has changed since you left high school, but in doing market research stuffs, I get a bunch of these daily and it's way different. A lot of these teachers are ones that actually grew up doing schooling in a way newer than what we did, because they're like 22 years old, and they're talking about how rapidly it's changing.
If it was stagnant and in clear decline and socially hurting (like the no child left behind act, thx bill) then I understand the strikes. Current strikes can't even cover the capacity of the change in policy over the following months. It's constantly changing and they're bringing in new resources all the time and adjusting things to meet that. I don't think striking in education is functional at the moment. But education was just an example of it all. But what I have seen is that teacher who want things to change generally tend to make some changes on their own, and the schools either let them or don't. let me read these other responses before i make any more comments
>>29807 And that's the bullshit. People think change will just happen after you pass the baton. Nah. Traditions soak in deep and systems have lots of technical debt that keep people from altering them. Time doesn't change those things. People inflicting damage does.
>>29813 I don't know much about current topics in education strikes. I was also just following the example in general. My general belief is that I don't think I can trust the market to simply play itself out in ethical ways. When things like supporting a family is a long-term endeavor and life throws things in your way, you can't just retroactively decide not to have one. WOULD BE NICE. But there's no save states.
>>29812 I think we're naive to think that China doesn't have us at their mercy right now. That sounds a little extreme, but I think it's completely true and mostly subdued, because China doesn't particularly want conflict with us. They want us to fall in line. I do not have any idea what the best course of action is with this, but I don't have faith that a lot of the other candidates would be handling this appropriately. I don't think necessarily that Trump is, but I think that a lot of the candidates would be pressuring China on the WTO and a lot of other steps that are completely in the wrong direction, that China only has in place (but doesnt need) just to keep their foot in the door as bargaining chips.
I really do think the China relations are a major -- the major issue of the upcoming six years, and I think relations with russia are an accomplice to that. I think it's a line that needs to be tread carefully, and I think it's more dangerous than the prospect of presidential gain off of it. I'm not saying that I have confidence that he's acting in such a manner, but I'm hoping that all of what's happening is surface platitudes in dealing with China, because China is super easily offended and has much leverage over us.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29818 The problem isn't that the president might make money off it, the problem is that making money off it leaves him beholden to China. China does have insane influence over us. That's why we need a president that isn't a puppet to the Chinese. I'm not saying Trump is (yet), but the potential is there. I do think that other candidates would be handling China very poorly, but I think that rule of law is important here because it ensures that we can trust our president to make choices that benefit us.
It's illegal and so we have to follow the law.
Do you think there's a point in time which we should be beholden to China as their puppet? How much power over us would they need to have for that to happen?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't think we ever should be beholden to China as their puppet. We need to ensure that our people can live the best lives possible, and if we are Chinese puppets, that will never happen. China is powerful, but they're not what's best for America by any means.
What if China has power over our economic growth, but just needs our alliance? Would that count as puppeting?
What if China is the difference between a 0.5% and a 3% gdp growth? (massive difference, btw)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
No, that's not puppetting. It becomes puppeting when China directly influences American policy and controls policymakers and federal employees.
I feel like their ability to do that is already present, but comes at opposition. China doesn't want to oppose us, I think. They don't want to take that route. Actions "leading us into" that route, i think, are falsehoods because I think they already have that potential, should they want to exploit it. But Chinese politics and Chinese business are not separated entities. They could do, and win, a trade war, but they're in a position which it won't leave them with the upper hand. It'll be costly to them, but they could do it and win it if they needed to eliminate that. If US and Russia both opposed them, it would be horrible. But if it was just the US, they've already got Russia on their side, and they're (China) the only country that has any influence over north korea at all. They're like north korea's older brother.
I might sound a little tinfoil here, but I think we need to be playing into china's hand because they have a better one than we do. I do feel like Trump is someone who recognizes that, but does so with a grace that China and Russia understand (but we don't)
I do feel like HIllary, and especially Bernie, would be trying to make all the wrong moves against China right now in efforts to manage domestic growth, but causing us great geopolitical stratification in the process
Unlawful as it is, gifting in China is a sign of respect. You don't decline those things. Doing so means "We don't want your blessing." Yes, China knows this is a boundary for the US and I do feel like them doing this is an act of establishing dominance And I do feel like they have that dominance to assert
As bad as this is, could you imagine China's reaction to Hillary declining, or Bernie telling them that they're corrupt and that it's unacceptable?
My opinion is, as I said earlier, that the trademark was given as a gift.
However, the circumstances imply that it was given as a TRADE. The way it looks is that Trump reversed his stance on One China because China offered to make sure he got the trademark. Trump has spent the last year and a half threatening China, and until several days ago, continued to threaten China that he would not comply with the One China policy. Then he talks to China's president and announces that he's supporting it, and just a few days later, he's granted the trademark. It looks very suspicious.
I don't think China's power over us makes it acceptable for the president to make that kind of deal, if that deal did in fact occur. We need to work with China, sure. Not for them, though.
>>29828 I feel like any "threats" against china were campaign measures ensuring he'd handle China. That doesn't necessarily mean putting them in their place. I think that a lot of the population doesn't quite understand the situation with China to begin with, other than jobs and industry. >>29830 I don't really know what he's doing or why, and I'm not going to justify or condemn it. Let me replace all of this in saying what I believe about how we should be approaching China, and we can later look at what corroborates or doesn't He might be doing an awful job, I'm not sure. My concern isn't in that at all. My concern is mostly in people misunderstanding the relation with China to begin with. I can put it in context of Trump, but that could be wrong because I don't know what he's doing or isn't doing.
I've said many times that I'm a one-issue voter this election, and that I think China is the issue. I'ma let you talk but first i'm gonna make some sauteed mushrooms and a glass of lemonade
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm talking about ones he made after he was elected too
I think we agree on how China needs to be dealt with. But for me, it cannot be dealt with as it needs to be, because it violates the constitution, and we need to be able to live with that or we need to change the constitution.
Trump is a very untrustworthy person. The circumstances are suspicious. They need to be investigated. Trump needs to be willing to have this investigated as well. This isn't a problem of policy, it's a problem of transparency. We need to be able to know we can trust the people in power. Our president lies egregiously and makes up all kinds of insane situations that never occurred and can be proven to have never occurred.
If Trump did this with China but was otherwise great, trustworthy, believable, it would hardly be a problem. But when you look at everything together, it shows that we can't trust our president to act as our president and work with our best interests in mind. That's my concern, that Trump is at least trying to act with our interests in mind. If Trump did receive the trademark as a gift, he can ask Congress to give him permission to accept it, and they will. Why doesn't he do that? His behavior is abnormal and unbelievable.
And what of the theory that Trump never actually intended to be president and is just is surprised as everyone else, so is trying as hard as he can to be impeached ASAP?
I think potential wrongdoing should be investigated, but that Trump shouldn't be investigated any more rigorously than any other president would be in the situation.
>>29832 Considering he realized only yesterday that he is now a politician, this gains weight every day.
>>29832 Then he should just resign. Pretty much all of the leaks are saying that Trump didn't know what he was getting into and can't really handle everything. That's fine with me. Resign. Mistakes happen, whatever/
>>29833 I agree that he should be treated the same as others.
>>29844 People who accidentally do the right thing are the best kind of do-gooders.
>>29847 Yo not to lie Nixon was simultaneously the best and worst president at the same time What he DID do was amazing not that that clears anything else but he did do amazing things
oh yeah i absolutely agree that nixon was a good president that did some great shit but he's still a crook
>>29851 He was not a crook. Respondent:That we think that people will suddenly be treated better just out of doing what is expected neglects the process of how change comes about.///
oh yeah i forgot i had that hotkey set up oops I was trying to do his peace signs and shaking face
They aren't terrible people. But it doesn't make them good people.
>>29854 I do believe he is trying to manage China and Russia in a careful manner. Even though trump has a bully demeanor, he respects people who are above him, and he knows that Russia's above him in terms of relations with China, and he doesn't dare trespass China.
I don't have confidence that he's making the right moves, but I trust that he intends to make the right moves. I hope you understand the difference between those two things. It's just like I trust that Jan intends to lead me to a gas station, but that doesn't mean I have confidence that he will
> he respects people who are above him >shit talks the previous President so much that it looks like he foresaw all the comments that people would make about him
Trump doesn't seem to have respect for anything or anyone, to be honest
>>29859 He respects the fine piece of ass on his daughter.
>>29860 acknowledgement isn't really the same as respect
>>29858 that's campaigning tbh obama did this too, and so does every president obama bashed hillary so hard, then supported her this election that's no different
He wasn't campaigning back in 2014. I mean his OLD tweets. Whenever people retweet them, I'm like "what, why would he say that about himself?" Then I realize it's from like 2013 or something
>>29865 I'm sure he'll accidentally do the right thing once or twice. In fact, I think the argument can be made that he already has. Someone was needed to shake things up.
One place where he could potentially do the right thing accidentally is by messing things up to an extent that the presidency is stripped of a lot of the powers that Obama and Bush Jr. granted themselves during their terms.
>>29863 in 2013 I still thought topology was a useless field of mathematics
>>29866 i agree that we needed things to be shaken up but i don't think that the way he's shaken things up have been good seeing as it has literally destroyed the lives of numerous americans
>>29867 Topology is super important I'm just saying it's kinda funny to say that a guy has respect for people above him when he's made his name off of being a boss and is now the President. Who has he ever had above him to openly respect?
I think that he has a lot of areas to improve, yes, but a lot of what he is doing currently is heading off things that will be problems eventually. Obamacare was a runaway train headed for a cliff already. Illegal immigration was going to come to a head eventually.
>>29870 Actually almost all of his clients ever How he treats people within his brand and how he treats people who are employing his brand (back in the 80s and 90s) are totally different
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29872 The lives of those small business owners that are going to have to close their businesses due to the terribly done deportation policy
ACA was something that everybody wanted to improve and there's no real difference between "fixing the things that's good and removing what's bad" and "repealing the whole thing but keeping what we like and adding what it needs". It's 100% word games.
>>29874 I have a very strong opinion on illegal immigration. And that is that we as a nation has decided what an acceptable wage is, and a system that endorses shipping people in that we pay less than that wage is effectively slavery. Companies depending on these people deserve to fail.
>>29878 When how is the deportation policy closing companies?
>>29877 That's not what I'm talking about Rika. At all. Whatsoever. You are so far off the mark that you are leaving the wall full of holes from your darts.
The businesses have to close because they no longer have customers. Because every undocumented immigrant, whether a criminal or not, is being violently torn out of their home.
I don't personally care whether or not we allow the immigrants to stay. I do care that whatever we do, we do it without ruining the lives of Americans.
>>29875 Obamacare was flawed in significant ways that were going to cause it to fail catastrophically. There's also an elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, and that's that medicare and medicaid are the same. They will fail catastrophically.
I hope that Obamacare is repealed and replaced in a way that doesn't hurt too many people. People are going to be hurt regardless, though.
>>29878 hmm I guess I don't really follow Are there some businesses that cater exclusively to illegals or something?
>>29879 Yeah. And changing it would be a great thing. The joke is that saying you'll repeal and replace it vs saying you'll edit it to make it not fail does not have any differences. I look at ACA as a stopgap that at least gets people who would usually die right now to not die. Despite being not very affordable, there's at least care.
Friendly reminder that "Repeal and Replace" used to only be "Repeal" until the coal miners and friends realized they were going to lose insurance coverage too.
>>29878 I'm gonna be honest and say that, if I illegally emigrated to another country, I'd expect this every day and would be hoping it didn't happen. I would never think it'd be unjustified if it did happen. I considered overstaying my visa in Japan to be honest but the idea of it made me nervous It's not like I'd have blamed Akihito if I got found out and deported at that point
>>29879 No, but there are a lot of businesses and restaurants that just happen to be popular with undocummented immigrants. A lot of them. A lot of businesses that cater to ethnic/cultural demographics. Run by real, legitimate Americans. The people who frequent them are mostly not criminals in any way other than that they're undocumented. But now these businesses are suddenly going to have to close because they no longer can make any profit whatsoever. Businesses that would have 30+ people at their business daily now have 1 or 2 daily.
>>29880 Even early on Trump was saying he liked the parts of Obamacare that kept insurance companies from dropping people with pre-existing conditions.
Insurance is hard though. I don't really know what the solution is. Either people with pre-existing conditions and what not are going to be treated more poorly than they are now, or people who are healthy will have to pay the bill for them. I don't really know what is the most fair to everyone.
>>29882 Oh, I see. Well, that is an unfortunate situation. I do believe that illegals have a significant negative impact on the country, though, both because I think it's immoral to pay people less than minimum wage and because illegals take jobs from poor Americans. I think sending them away is the right thing to do, and that we should reform our system to be a little less time consuming so that people can come in legally at a faster rate.
>>29882 There's a lot of restaurants and bars catering to illegals that also deal in human trafficking, either with wait staff or with prositution in // prostitution in the backdrop source: confidential FBI confidant featured on The Hunt with John Walsh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29885 that's true and i'm completely aware of that but i'm talking about legitimate businesses.
Maybe illegals should just apply for refugee status because Mexico a trash You're allowed to enter illegally as a refugee
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29888 a business that breaks the law should be subject to legal consequences
some businesses are populated by undocs i don't care if undocs are removed however we should remove them peacefully without destroying businesses do it slowly phase them out give businesses a chance to change their model or adapt
>>29887 It's not that easy though. Money is life! Making people pay a ton for insurance decreases their quality of life, which means less kids, smaller houses, etc etc. Particularly when it comes to unemployed people (who aren't seeking jobs and don't care about the health) making productive people subsidize them is wrong.
>>29884 I don't disagree, but if we're getting them out of the country, we need to do so without destroying the lives of American citizens as best we can.
>>29891 I had health insurance then my premiums doubled and my deductible tripled on the same plan now i have no health insurance, can't get benzodiazepines despite a debilitating anxiety disorder, can't even see a doctor to investigate or confirm my dissociative disorders, can't get antidepressants for under 200 a month, and cant get those scripts unless i pay 100 a month for a psych visit not to mention adhd meds which keep me from flipping my shit like i have the past couple of weeks
now on top of medical concerns, i have social concerns as i'm mostly unable to function even around my closest friends, and have persistent urges to stab myself thanks obama
>>29891 Good thing I didn't get insurance, I guess. But it really is that simple: People pay more money | People die Quality of life goes down for people without insurance to pay for their various conditions and will likely either die, spend the rest of their life paying exceptionally expensive bills (which will keep them from doing any of those things you said), and there's nothing to do about it other than curse bad luck or eugenics. The system refuses to save them.
>>29893 If your life relies on someone else committing illegal acts, are you really much better than the companies hiring illegals?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29896 All of us can probably agree that selling a candy bar to an undocumented immigrant is different than hiring one 1) if you hire them, you know they're illegal if you sell them a candy bar, you don't
There's also stuff like this: >>29894 My onii-chan's insurance doubled when Obama came in. He's a healthy young man, and those are the people who got hit the hardest by it.
>>29895 Everybody dies. A lot of people can't be saved, and with a lot of medical conditions you're not as much paying to stay alive as you are to stay alive a little longer.
I'm not saying that hmm it's hard to organize my thoughts.
I feel like there's a big er a bit of an argument that you're cold hearted if you don't favor big insurance schemes like what Obamacare was, but I think that cost must be balanced against care. You can't just throw money at the problem, especially when it's other people's money.
In both instances you've built something around a known illegal, and removing them would
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
see >>29897 if you sell a candy bar to an undocumented person, you do not know that they are undocumented you know that they have real money and are purchasing your services if you happen to serve a large amount of undocumented immigrants at your business that is related to an ethnicity or culture, that's not your fault nor should you be expected to be aware
>>29903 But would you make that same argument not to punish other crime? If you sell something like glass pipes, and there's a big crackdown on pot dealing, you lose a lot of customers That's not a reason to not crack down on pot dealing though
>>29904 Yes, but my point is that you can't just throw money at medical problems. When a poor person gets some horrible disease, they die. That's how it's always been. It's not fair but there's no way around it.
>>29903 I don't follow your point here. Removing undocs can hurt their business? So what? My client can die tomorrow of a heart attack and my business crumbles apart. That's part of business. >>29909 Well I can't do that. What's your suggestion here, that businesses servicing undocs are notified that they're about to be deported?
what it's not just a part of business if you are able to be notified "this guy is gonna die of a heart attack" then you can take precautions and mitigate some of the losses why would you ever advocate just letting anything happen
>>29910 Many of the pre-existing conditions that the system is laboring under are incurable or chronic conditions. A lot of times you are just throwing money at people to prolong their lives. I'm saying that in these situations, we need to be realistic instead of just throwing people's money at it. Obamacare does less than it (insurance) did before at a higher cost because we are making people subsidize people with really terrible health.
If it were up to me, I think a socialized medicine program that covers things that people can't help, things like cancer, is a good thing. I think that we should not pay for people's obesity though. Obesity has a HUGE (YUGE) medical cost, and the system is currently saddled paying that for many people who don't even pay into the system because they're bums.
But at the same time though, those restaurants do rely on crime Whether they know or not, allowing the crime to continue because otherwise this business which wouldn't exist without it to begin with, will struggle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29908 that the undocs that haven't committed crimes not be immediately removed indiscriminately but be tracked and eventually deported
>>29913 I thought there was the option that those that didn't commit crimes still get to stay and perform the due process of immigration
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29914 no, ICE is grabbing everyone and deporting them whether they have committed crimes or not they're just raiding anywhere that undocs are reported to be in large cities and grabbing anyone that can't prove they are a citizen (except white people)
>>29911 Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on the factors, it isn't up to you. There's lots of things that ACA covers that are good and weren't covered before and those people would be dead right now without it. So I can't say it does less. That it covers things that some people don't like is whatever. If the choice is between covering cancer and obesity or covering neither, then i'm going with option A.
>>29915 To play devil's advocate, because I don't have a well-educated opinion on the matter, how do you feel that people could or should be allowed to illegally immigrate and stay when legitimate families have been waiting 6+ years to get legal status?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29918 i don't think people should be allowed to immigrate illegally and i think we need to fix our immigration system so they don't have to i have absolutely no problem with these people being deported my problem is that it's violent and sudden and businesses owned by real americans are suffering
the argument for these deportations is that the immigrants are hurting americans but i don't think this is completely legitimate
I guess I'm confused by your business issue By being a business, you don't really allow leniency or anything You're subject to the whims of everything That's kind of part of being a business
That's what I meant to illustrate by my comment earlier. I have three clients at the moment, but I could lose any of them on a whim. That's the nature of business.
>>29917 I think that selling the issue as one where we must pay money or people die is not a good way of looking at it. We shouldn't spend people's money so frivolously, in this society money is the blood of life and we need to encourage people to be as productive as possible and not to take all their money.
>>29923 People's money is a matter of life, too. You need it to live. It's like taking half of somebody's blood because you've decided someone else needs it. I think people's lives are important too, and I think that saving lives is an important part of the practice of medicine. I think it's wrong to waste people's money to save every life though.
One of the things that I don't think the general person outside of medicine realizes is that not every life can be saved, nor should every life be saved. Sometimes you throw a ton of money to "save" someone but they really don't do anything but suffer for 6-12 months before they finally die and nobody is better for it. Sometimes someone gets something horrible and they throw a ton of money at it because they can't accept the fact that they're going to die and are desperately trying to save themselves despite the black and white truth that their life was basically over the moment they got it.
It's not as black and white as "we should spend money or people will die". We should manage both life and money responsibly, and I think a lot of people aren't capable of accepting a lot of the black and white truths that come with the practice of medicine. And I don't want to go "TAXATION IS THEFT" but I do believe that taking people's money and using it irresponsibly and in a way that doesn't benefit them is wrong.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29920 but these businesses don't have to be it is possible to mitigate the damage being done why not mitigate it?
i don't think it's right to say "let them die, free market rules!" because that's really crazy to me, to just let thousands of businesses and families across the country fail on the government's whim when they can be protected at least a little bit
>>29921 I think that people's lives are more important than money so I can't relate.
>>29922 I don't see businesses as stationary beings. They accomodate quarterly to changing tides. They have to. It's part of being a business. I really think that impetus is on the business, and not the government. Most businesses fail. Allowing them the luxury of free space to transition doesn't help them or anyone. I really believe this. Businesses aren't individual people, although they can be ran by one. By starting a business you're immediately taking a risk, and I don't see a reason for leniency if you're not at the top of your game and adjusting.
>>29921 Every life can't be saved. There are problems all the time. But I don't accept the way that we handle these things. Money is important but lives are literally on the line. I feel like there's a lot more to it than just that but it is the crux of the problem. All those examples are really important though. Because clearly, people put life higher than they put money. You would throw out all of your money to save your life, or your child's life. But then you have the problems of "spending other people's money". And that's what gets me bothered. When we get to "that's also my money", people are casting doubt on the importance of its use. And I think that continued life is at the peak of purpose.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29924 i don't really see any reason why the undocs can't be phased out in a way that is less damaging to businesses "because business isn't like that" isn't really a legitimate answer in my opinion
>>29927 So you think the government should be concerned about how its decisions could impact our businesses And I think our businesses should be cognizant of the threats that the changing political environment hold
I guess my issue is that, as someone running an independent business, I don't have sympathy for those not watching out for themselves. I see where you're coming from, and it would be nice to have notice when things happen and time to prepare, but I also find that the competition I hold with other contractors in my field isn't quite fair in that respect. I have to stay on top of everything, make the right investments and right choices. The choice to stay where I am, and doing what I'm doing is an active one. I choose to seek out venture capitalists for investments because I'm cognizant of the fragility of my current business, and would like to move towards something I have more control over. I don't have much sympathy for those that don't.
Does that sound ruthless? I don't mean to be. But I'm cognizant of my hazards, and I actively work to protect myself from them. I think that's an important part of running a business. A business funded mostly by illegals probably isn't unaware that this is happening, and makes an active choice to stay stationary because it's profitable to them at the time. They value that current profit over a future investment, and if that pays off for them, they can close the business and sell the real estate and transition into a different industry, or the same industry in a different market.
Not to be offensive, but isn't this very similar to the historical Jewish prospects -- to learn a skill, a trade, rather than a physical operating location, so that upon oppression or political conflict, they can relocate and operate their trade without major startup costs?
>>29926 You should be allowed to throw all your money at doctors trying to save yourself despite the cold truth. You shouldn't be able to do that with other people's money!
I don't want people doing that with my money. I need my money to have a nice place to live, to have kids, to send those kids to college so they can have good lives.
Although If I ever get horribly terribly terminally ill, I hope that I'll just accept it and die quietly I've seen what happens when you don't
>>29928 I do think it sounds ruthless, but I don't think it's a bad thing.
But what I want to know is, how are these businesses supposed to anticipate this? Do we expect that every business knows the citizenship status of all their customers?
In normal circumstances, I'm fine with the free market doing its things, but I think this is an exception. Many of these business owners may not be able to predict this because they can't be expected to be aware of how many of their customers are undocs, and it's reasonable to assume that very few are, just by the number of undocs thought to be in the country. What are the chances that 90 out of 100 of your regulars are undocs? Not very high.
>>29933 I just tried to post this but I already posted mine. How unfair.
>>29933 not to interrupt, but I would ask jan or bang about this they live in an area with heavy businesses occupied by undocs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>29934 so save mine and post it after you post yours ez >>29935 fair enough
I could probably go to bed soon But I kinda wanna stay up a bit more cause I don't have any reason to get outta bed before 12 tomorrow Cause it's COLD outside in the morning, it gets better around 12, and I need to buy food
Sequel: Anti-illegal rhetoric based on illegals taking low education work for less than it's legal to pay american workers, and this disproportionately affects black people
Now you're a racist no matter which side of the issue you're on
>>29962 Spoiler: Things don't work out like you plan and all you end up accomplishing is looking like a real prick.
>>29964 Wow what a shitty ending I'm not even gonna do it then
>>29971 Maybe your attention energy theory has some merit to it.
>>29968 what else do you have? scour the cupboards what's every item you have at your disposal? >>29972 It does. I'm an entropist by education, and an information theorist by personal hobby I have ideas that this world aint ready for yet even Kirara and the psychologists don't know what I'm talking about that's what proves I'm onto something REAL
sasuga Moon . Always NEXT LEVEL.
Err. Ingredients.
Mayonnaise. Peanut butter Carrots
It's a pretty sad cupboard/fridge.
>>29974 you have sausages? why are you concerned with olives when you have sausages
>>29977 There's a jar of black pepper and another one of mixed spices.
>>29982 three large teaspoons of mayonaisse, sprinkle a large amount of black pepper and a small amount of mixed pepper (i'm guessing tarragon, cardamom, cinnamon, and coriander) and a teaspoon of soy sauce
-- two table spoons of mayonnaise, not teaspoons. not that you know what those measurements are anyway, but they're self-explanatory one teaspoon of soy sauce
make a dip from that, dip olives and carrots into dip, put in mouth, and spit it in the fucking garbage and go buy real food
My go to poverty food when I lived in student res was brown rice mixed with microwaved frozen vegetables and canned Tuna. I'll probably just do that.
Which means I'll have to walk down to the store in the rain. GOD my life is hard.
Canned tuna is great. I love to put it on bits of sliced bread, and then stick the thing in an oven until the tuna gets a little crisped on the edge.
Yeah, man. Tuna is the best. Dirt cheap. Tastes good. BRAIN FOOD.
Do you just have it with the bread or do you season it with something?
I mix in some mayonnaise into the tuna before I spread it over. And I'll some times grind up some salt and pepper onto the finished bit if I can be arsed. It's not a particularly fascinating meal but it's simple, easy, and warm. I like warm food.
You're a good guy to offer, Moon, but Nah. That's fine. I've got money. I just don't want to spend much of it. Gotta save up that do$h if USA-2018 is going to happen.
Learning how to budget cook is probably a skill I should brush up on anyway.
>>30024 You're mehicano right ask her if she needs her lawn mowed She'll either understand or she won't >>30028 Aki Sora has a great story. Natsuyasumi I haven't watched but I don't think it does But Aki Sora's got a solid story there it's a three-episode slice of life It's better than the shit you and Ika watch
>>30027 Alaskan, technically, according to sugoi But I'd now more than her lawn if you know what I mean
>>30033 Is she with you at the bar or whatever now?
She's at the same bar as me but with a different group But moon Her thighs You don't understand
I understand thighs motherfucker That's the one thing I do understand
>>30035 Get super wasted and confess your undying love. It will end well. trust me.
How about you engage in a conversation with you, and then I interrupt you with a call and make it sound really important like you're a super special person
engage in a conversation with her*
>>30038 >Oh. Excuse me a moment. I'm getting a call from a fellow member of the Ferrari owner, giant penis club.
>next anticipated rika response ETA the length of one episode of Aki Sora
Plus a heated phone call back home to her brother.
She'd probably get to the first funtime scene and report back. So what, ten seconds?
Aki Sora is well-paced There's a mild early scene but it's just foundation building the real scenes don't happen for 15+ minutes
Yeah I kinda remember how it goes. Been a fair while since I watched it.
that tfw when everyone knows the series already I love moe sometimes
The first major building block of Aki Sora is kind of nice. There's a bunch of the manga that gets weird though.
The start of ep 1 and the mid of episode 2 are the best
Episode 3 (I think?) in the kitchen is kind of nice that could have been episode 2 i don't remember
It's heart-warming to watch a brother and sister cook dinner together.
Yeah when I try to cook food with my sister in the kitchen she screeches at me and throw a tantrum. And my imouto tries her hardest to just stay out of the way and get her stuff done as fast as possible.
Did your name fall off or are you just typing like kannagi because it's friday and you're drunk?
>>30051 it seems like Aki Sora could teach your family a lot about building healthy relationships.
>>30027 Aki Sora at least looks like it could be interesting. Natsuwhatever looks like it's /ss/ and I'm not into that sort of thing.
>>30052 No this is just Tilde. I'm not even drunk either.
>>30055 Your subject-verb agreement is off, either way. I assumed Kannagi or drunk as a default. I didn't assume drunk Kannagi though, if that's any consolation. >>30054 All right, Aki Sora it is. Have you got it downloaded?
Yes, I can breathe a sigh of relief that I didn't get confused, while sober, for a drunk Brit.
>>30062 I could probably make a trip out there this weekend. I have plenty of spare cash. I don't have a vehicle though. I don't think Uber goes that far. If I could get a cheap motorcycle TOMORROW it would be fine but the DMV aint open on weekends
>>30075 Bring the weed and a hot batch of benzos I'll pay you for it plus interest You could crash here as long as you're not allergic to cats and don't mind possibly contrived sleeping conditions
I can definately bring weeb Benzos I'd have to go through a ffriend of mine that's trying to get out of thegame so i dunno how i feel about asking for that but if you need them i ccan get them
No problem then I can substitute valerian root for a less than ideal, but manageable experience Don't sweat your friend over them I'd be willing to drop like a hundred bucks or so on some benzos and weed though i'm sure there's mad hookups here in memphis but i don't know no one
you'd have a bed to sleep on if you want it here because i have a queen bed and i dont use it -- i sleep on the ground with a palette but my cat sleeps on it as long as you're not allergic to el gatos you'll be fine
lmao this guy showing me pics of his ex's bajingo Whatafuc I >>30079 I like pretty much any good Food No papaya i guess
Sounds like a bang up lad.
>no papaya What's wrong with you
Just don't like it man I try it every chance I get and I still don't like it
What is the reasoning behind trying something you don't like every time it comes up.
>>30084 You know - Not liking papaya is probably the sole reason that you're not touching your boss's thighs right now.
When I was younger I hated yucca but one day I thought it was delicious It might happen with papaya eventually so i ttry it when i can That's the reasoning
If it's a consolation I think olive is a pretty decent colour.
>>30081 Can you get stims? or is that also uncomfortable territory I'm not talking recreational stuff, but literally stuff I just can't afford thanks obamacare Ritalin vyvanse or adderall stuff
I can probably get Ritalin or vyvanse without much trouble
>>30097 If you can, that'd be great. I need that shit to work, and I can work without it but it's painful. If you can't or if it's a strain, don't worry about it. I'll reimburse you plus some either way obviously I'd like some weed though, even if we just get high for one night >>30100 that's all right. I don't do opiates and I'm weaning off the benzos anyway. Opiates are the worst
I'm comfortable working on anything that isn't benzos or opiates Those aren't things I can ask for in good conscience
We should start a /moe/ book club. Set a book. Give it a month. Make a thread an discuss it an' shit. It will be fun. DO IT.
>>30101 i tried this a few times the only person interested was sugoi, and he kind of refused to participate in the discussion afterwards nobody else was interested in reading in the first place
>>30102 Maybe this time will be different. You'll have Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan as a driving force. We'll whip those illiterate fucks into shape.
Lol my boss's boss is here too
This keeps happening
Does your boss's boss have nice thighs too?
Three-way incoming.
>>30101 I like reading, but I usually don't particularly dig book club-y kinds of books. Genre fiction is more my cup of tea.
>>30108 There are no 'book-cluby kind of books'. We'll choose them ourselves. Take turns. Read what we want to read. It doesn't have to be classics of from a bestseller list.
>>30108 That's like 80% of the point of doing it - getting turned on to things which we normally wouldn't otherwise know about.
The other 20% is ignoring each others' shitty opinions.
>>30136 I'm a little jealous. Sleep is boring and takes up such a big chunk of the day but if I don't get at least 6+ hours I feel too disgusting to function. I don't know how you could work on 2/3.
I tend to do 24-hour work days with 10 hour sleep cycles so roughly 36 hour days or so and have roughly five days a week, weekends included that covers 16 hours of work, a morning shower and a nighttime shower 22-ish hours later, an in-house meal, an outing meal, and about two hours of downtime with a movie, video games, or asking moe repeatedly to watch natsuyasumi with me then i sleep 10-ish hours, sometimes 4 then drink a quart of milk then go back for 5 more hours then wake up and start working
>>30145 That makes a bit more sense then. I can see 5-6 hours/day being doable. it's what I used to get by on as a teenager.
>>30144 Did you go for 36 hour days on purpose or is it something that just kind of happened.
>>30148 just kind of happened, really. depends on work flow. on down season, i sleep a lot and do little. on up season, when things are busy, i find it easier to work two 8-hour segments in a row (taking a stimulant like caffeine for the first eight, and a depressant like benzos the second eight) and then sleeping, rather than 8 sleep 8 again it's the first four hours of work that suck. after the first four, I can do whatever. I've actually done 30+ hours straight in a crunch before, and that's somewhat easier than stretching 30 hours over five days i don't really like disruptions in general i'd rather get it done undisrupted and then have undisrupted sleep, and then undisrupted leisure time for an entire day
>>30150 I wouldn't do this, but since you're gloating I'm going to challenge you on that. I've done 36 hours of work on a 48-hour turnaround time for rush pay and that's not an uncommon occurence
>>30156 Now that's one thing I never do. I never go over 24 hours without sleep. Even if it's just two hours, I always need to sleep during a 24 hour period.
>>30149 and your body just gets used to it after a while?
>>30158 Not sure, really. I get tired and stuff, but considering the amount of benzos and valerian root I take, it's still not quite right. I was trained in the military to function on low sleep levels as part of a program, but I also have some brain damage. I can stay up and do work for days straight if I feel compelled to. I only actually can get to sleep when I feel it's needed, and doing a shit ton of work helps meet that need. Like right now, I've been tired for about six hours now, but I'm not going to sleep unless I take something to put me to sleep or stay up until I feel satisfied with my day. I don't really know how else to explain it. I'll also sleep if I get too anxious or depressed, I guess.
>>30157 >Can't stay up working longer than me >Can't down more chicken mcnuggets in one hour than me why are you claiming to be the strongest again?
If I stay up more than 18 hours or so with absolutely no sleep I get loopy like I'm drunk. Being that sleep deprived feels pretty much exactly like being drunk to me.
Have you ever tried working while sleep deprived? It's actually the easiest thing ever. Everything's on autopilot. You don't even have to think. You just function. Executive functions aren't impaired, just secondary functions and some motor function. If you're not a graphic design, construction worker, or limo driver, working while sleep deprived is the easiest thing in the world. Executive function is heightened, distractions are non-existent, and productivity is through the roof because you want to get it done so you can sleep.
also your dreams are way better and your sleep is way better when you put it off until you need it pretend you're living in cave times and that sleep is a luxury, and that everything you're doing is necessary for survival -- because frankly, it is. Those moments of sleep mean so much mroe // more that way
I just can't stand the feeling of being tired. I fuckin' hate it. I'd rather be cold or hungry or covered with bruises. It's the worst feeling in the world.
>>30170 hunger's an awful feeling, when it's serious hunger i've been hungry enough to eat dog food before, and i have hunger is a force that can drive you to want to hurt someone just for the ability to eat
>>30193 What's the population of where you live? From what I hear it's mostly the real end-of-the-road shithole areas. Towns with >2000 people way out in the bushland.
not really like the one free evening i get is special to anyone besides me anyway
what do you want to watch?
Sk phone
Hey I'm awake and ready by to not be asleep
Sk phone
Still two hours left before it'll be hot enough outside to buy food though
>>30228 I did want to watch what's new out this week, but right now I want to rewatch Kara no Kyoukai instead
Sk phone
Is that fate stay Knight or whatever Cause it looks similar
It is a type moon thing I think yeah
Sk phone
I tried watching FSN and couldn't finish it, so count me out on this I think
Watching nasu stuff with others seems like it'd be uncomfortable anyway
watching anything with others is uncomfortable
Sk phone
Not always Some things are more fun with others
does food taste better if you let other people eat it first too before you form an opinion on it
Sk phone
Food is different
As long as it's super easy to follow, watching something with others can be fun
Watching something with others places the emphasis of the event as an interactive activity, something to be shared with others -- as in, that's where its chief value lies, in its ability to be shared interactively with others In contrast, art in general is something to be processed internally, and is something discussed on a common ground with people whom you confide in a similar sense of taste and values, but its value is piqued at its primal essence in the self
i could have fun making a big dish of curry and sharing it in a group setting but if I get a $200 filet mignon and a glass of wine, I don't even want a date to be there I want to take it in all myself without having some harping banshee whining about this or that or the other
Sk phone
I agree when it comes to stuff I really care about, but lucky star is hardly "art" on the same level as, I dunno, black lagoon
>>30248 Is it? Is humor not also personalized? Have you ever heard a joke that you loved so much, but you know that in some audiences it would be received as "what? this is retarded."
Sk phone
Humor is the kind of thing that's better when shared I have a hard time actually laughing on my own
Sk phone
>>30249 I know of a lot of those jokes, but I only watch stuff with people who at least are on a similar wavelength
>>30252 So there's some sensitivity to it. I know that I personally love MST3K I tried watching it with my ex once, saying "This is the best, you'll love it" and within 5 minutes they didn't love i t at all and I felt really embarrassed about it And they're like, "I can see how it could be funny but it's not for me" and I just turned it off and shut the fuck up because I felt like, "Okay, whatever." It was like sharing something personal and vulnerable and having it received poorly, and nobody likes that.
I feel the same with anime or movies or art. I don't want to fucking share how I feel about Honey & Clover with /moe/. I don't trust anyone has a similar wavelength. I doubt any of /moe/ has even watched it, yet they're watching 3-gatsu and nobody ever fucking explained to me that 3-gatsu was the shorthand form of march comes in like a lion which is the spiritual successor to honey & clover, yet they've been watching it a whole season and i've been unaware
Do you realize how debilitating that is? Here's something that i've been waiting for a decade, and moe is watching it and probably commenting and chattering about it stupidly, when the original show was something so precious that I refuse to even talk to anyone about it because it holds a place in my heart that i don't want tainted by casual watching and discussion, and I missed out on this event altogether
I don't expect anyone on /moe/ to see the beauty that I do in things like this. I certainly don't want to have a debate over what's good or isn't about something I feel intrinsically relates to me in a deep way. I don't like having to justify something from my internal shell to make sense to other people. There are a lot of things that are best left enjoyed alone, lest you devoid it of purpose altogether. And I think moe is bad at viewing value in the first place.
Sk phone
That sensitivity is jus The because it wouldn't be fun if one person didn't enjoy the thing
Sk phone
I don't, actually Understand how you feel about the 3gatsu thing, I mean I can see how it's shitty, and the show means a lot, but I don't fully get it, I can't imagine it
And I guess I just got used to getting negative feedback on stuff I a Show others a long time ago, so I dunno I don't think about it much
I feel like I'm surrounded by people who don't appreciate it on the level that I do, and thus I feel alone
I mean we probably don't appreciate it in the same way you do. But don't you think it's a bit audacious to act like we simply can not enjoy it on a nuanced level. And that all we do is "watch it and chat stupidly about it".
>>30260 I'm using it as an illustration to convey something to SK don't talk like I'm using it as a leverage point on a personal matter It's an illustration fuck off with that out of context shit
Sk phone
I don't think it's wrong There's a lot of things I feel like most people didn't understand properly too, when watching
>>30261 Then don't whinge about shit like this. The fuck you going on about with " nobody ever fucking explained to me that 3-gatsu was the shorthand form of march comes in like a lion" When no one knew you were looking out for this in the first place.
>>30264 Literally just explained it to you That's what I'm going on about I'm trying to illustrate a point of HOW something can be conveyed different in the personal than in the shared context Why are you pissy about it? I don't have a point of contention here. I'm showing SK a personal account of how something in the personal is disconnected from something in the shared environment. I'm not whinging about shit.
Sk phone
I do agree that once you're watching something with others, you're a bit restricted in how you can enjoy it I don't think lain can work as something you watch with other people But something like berserk, I think is fine because it's not so focused on anything too deep It's very surface level stuff and shows you directly what you need to know
If you have to start interpreting stuff, watching with others is a bad choice
>>30266 Berserk is good for shared watching. I watched the golden age arc movies alone the first time, but subsequent times I wanted to watch them with others. There are shows I will and will not do that with, and Berserk is one I enjoy watching in a shared environment.
3gatsu and honey & clover isn't but apparently I'm whinging for making
making that distinction in having this conversation with you for bystanders to survey and input their criticisms on
Sk phone
I think my bar for what is fun to watch with others is just lower than yours, is all
Well geez, ain't it a wonder what a public forum does for one-on-one conversation.
>public forum means public interpretation Fuck off I was literally giving an example of something that was precious to me and giving an illustration of how much so it was, and you took it as a personal jab and "whinging" Fuck off with that shit
i actually thought 3gatsu was shit for the first 2 episodes then i started to really like it
>>30277 Well how else do you take someone feeling slighted for not explaining to them something you weren't aware they were looking out for. This isn't some singular, self-contained aspect to you once you start bringing other people in.
>>30280 Stuff like how you were "debilitated" when we neglected to let you know about 3-gatsu because of the name difference.
>>30279 Can you restate this in a form that has coherent meaning?
>>30279 Projecting, not words being used in my statement, or words misplaced out of context.
>>30279 If you want to know what my actual complaint was, you can ask me clearly, but your bullshit you're doing right now is pissing me off badly.
Then what context does "Do you realize how debilitating that is?" other than you feeling debilitated.
>>30283 Well good, we're on mutual ground then at least.
>>30284 You associated "debilitating" with some sense of neglect that you pulled out of nowhere. That was your own projection.
It was debilitating to me that I've missed these things. It was debilitating to me that I okay, continue, since you went and interrupted me >>30288 continue?
>yet they're watching 3-gatsu and nobody ever fucking explained to me
>>30304 Since you were the one that pushed me out of the anime watching circle circa Dash et. al 2014, and we have new commentators on the scene making unpleasant remarks, you do now
I will hold you responsible for them, whether it's fair or not.
>>30315 Would you like a refresher, or would you like to get your people in line? >>30317 No, not really. Dash didn't have a problem specifically,. It was Rika's choice at the time.
>>30318 I don't mind a little playful secuhara, but I don't like when it's all I get. Like if someone grabs my ass forcefully, that's not fun, or if I hear a bunch of guys comment on my legs at me a hundred times. It's annoying.
>>30341 Oh, those are yours huh? I can see why you got compliments, they look good. Speaking of images, don't you owe me one with your face blocked out?
>>30345 I think it looks fine. It's a cute skirt depending on the top.
>>30344 I have no more control over him than I do you! I don't have the presence to order anyone around, that's not my character type!
>>30355 Don't worry about it if you don't want me to see. You volunteered it so it's no big if you don't want me to see it.
>>30354 I don't really recall the circumstances but I don't think I would force you out of the group. I think it was probably more a situation where a conflict that I couldn't solve erupted and I wasn't able to solve it.
>>30364 look i'm just saying sometimes it's hard to decide whether context or the action of the woman wrapping her legs around the male is more important to the boner
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't think /moe/ is an appropriate place to discuss pornography
bang von bang
i don't think /moe/ is an appropriate place to discuss almost anything that's actually discussed on /moe/
I think your extreme level of rurus nerd-ism was a reaction to your disorderly family. That you've eased up a bit is just a sign you're more well adjusted.
>trump fired Carson's bff because he said something mean about Trump during the election, leaving our soon-to-be HUD secretary without any familiar aides l o l
She was good as a friend and a good roommate too. She paid her bills and we only had one fight. Well one fight and she pissed me off once. But still she was pretty good as far as roommates go. It's not like I had to date her.
>>30404 Yeah it was pretty pathetic, he even called me begging for help.
>>30405 I guess you can have friends who are terrible people. There was this kid in high school who used to go out stealing cars every other night but he was always super nice to me. We talked about WoW in math class.
He wanted to get married. Getting married after only like six months of dating in college is probably pushing it, maybe. She didn't want to get married so she dumped him.
>>30407 Yeah, she was a good friend and wasn't a bad person. She was probably a bad girlfriend but that's not my problem.
>>30406 I felt bad for him but it's not like I could help him.
>>30408 That's not even that super bitchy.. More just like tactless and callous.
This reminds me, my mom called me the other day and she was really angry because some Saudi student in her classes knocked up a first-year student and was talking shit about how it's his fault and he should have worn a condom and blah blah nlah.
now if you want bitchy and I've told this story before
When they first started dating, she made it clear to him (and the other guy) that it wasn't an exclusive relationship. And she invited both of them to her birthday party. And then after the party she took them and a bunch of the other girls went too to a gay bar and kind of dropped hints that the guy who didn't go would lose. A bunch of those girls were fag hags, some girls are like that I guess.
anyway I went home and played video games, I didn't really want to go to a gay bar
She was a good roommate though. I don't care how she tortured men.
I was only ever mad at her twice. One time was because she stopped washing dishes because she felt like I wasn't taking the trash out often enough and the other was because she told people about my gaming habits.
I'm just the type of person who naturally compartmentalizes myself. Also I didn't want people knowing I was a video game nerd, I had a social life and stuff.
The last person that I talked about anime with that I didn't know started showing me her gaia roleplaying threads while we were supposed to be working on a class project.
>>30430 Yeah well Rika also things it's okay to live in a house where nobody ever takes out the garbage, washes the dishes, and goes out to pick up gay guys to take home.
>>30432 I was really busy at the time and she hoodwinked me with the whole thing. When I moved in, she gave me some sob story about how she was afraid of snakes or bugs or something like that and didn't want to go to the dumpster. So the agreement was that she would wash all the dishes and I would take out the trash.
So what did she do? She bought a ton of paper plates and plastic silverware so she didn't have to wash the dishes! Not only that, all that crap increased the speed at which we filled up the garbage can!
I talk freely about my hobbies and habits unless I'm at work I really can't imagine a life where I gave a fuck about people knowing I play games and watch anime
Like, I'm not advocating wearing anime t-shirts out to the mall. Or a naruto headband. That's just obnoxious. But if somebody is a friend, you should be able to tell them about the kind of crap you're interested in. Even if they don't share the interest themselves.
I naturally want to avoid troublesome things unless they're temporary. I don't care if my friends know about me, but I won't reveal my power level to non-friends.
All your socialite, high-society slutty friends will disassociate themselves from you once your disgusting Weeabooism comes to light. Likewise, all your anime friends will abandon you once they realize that you were never really one of them in the first place.
>>30468 This is the softball easy winter event so there's not too much to be upset about. E-1 and E-2 were cakewalks. E-1 was literally the easiest event map ever.
>>30469 do you want to help me cause some mischief (unrelated to your comment but just that's the most recent one you posted)?
>>30470 ToN seems to have had a very hard time since he keeps complaining about how absurd everything is and its ridiculousness. >>30471 What kind of mischief?
>>30472 Making very poor 2-3 minute audio recordings of what seem to be an interview but are completely unintelligible and then sending them to rev.com to be transcribed
>>30472 I haven't started E-3 yet, do you know which map he's on?
E-1 is a map you can cheese with subs and E-2 is a fairly standard transport map with a combined fleet boss at the end. I didn't get any S ranks on it but I got easy A ranks as long as I used LBAS/Boss support.
>>30475 The sauin disassembly parts looks a bit tedious but this is still an easy event I think. My patience is a little low and the equipment is bad this time though, so I may just clear on easy or something. It's hard to be passionate about this event.
Oh, I see, it's on the wiki now. It only applies to medium and hard though. I wonder if ToN is doing it on normal or hard despite his claims to be an exhausted TTK.
I need a company, any company name give one to me /moe/
I'm gonna go buy new glasses frames today For a spare pair I dunno what kind of glasses to pick, I can't choose them alone so it's taken me like 3 months to be able to go and get them with someone
Not necessarily, because you can take a picture of an area you can't look at or is obscured and look at it later.
Like I can't really see inside my ear with a mirror. But I can if I take a picture. Same with the back of my head. same with GLASSES FRAMES.
>>30492 true suffering I'll never know what I look like until it's too late
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>30495 yeah but the face looks different in motion and with facial expressions so still pictures aren't a good replacement for actually being able to see or having someone help you >>30496 ;_;
Do glasses frames look different with different facial expressions?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the face+frames do yeah the shape of your face changes with facial expressions which means the glasses that look fine when you are stoic might not look as good when you are smiling or frowning i want to get frames that look good all the time like my current ones
use the front camera to take a video of yourself making a range of expressions.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
or i can just have someone come with me and help me like a normal person you WEIRDO
Anyway, Imats, the point is that whether its hunting for food, escaping from predators, or selecting new frames for your glasses, RELYING ON OTHERS IS A WEAKNESS.
>>30517 this would be an acceptable transcript I'll make sure that I (as the respondent) cut my audio output to like 18kbps
the plan is to keep rejecting the transcript with 0-star scores it's like 2 dollars to get that transcribed but keep contesting it anyway they'll eventually say that it can't be done better (they GUARANTEE a 99% accuracy) and then you say that you got it done with another service with 100% accuracy and get a refund you'll be wasting so many support service man hours
I think my level of gayness already weirds her out Besides that I'm too mean to her for anything I say to be considered, even if it's a good idea
All the more Electronic remixes and Redbull for us.
Man.. I've been doing this shitty chicken job for close to four years now. But because I want training in an additional department they're making me fill out all the entry level paperwork they give to the kiddies just starting again.
This mix is really good, but I dont think i appreciated it until the second listen through or so songs are like that sometimes the first listen doesn't quite sink in
It is really good. I'm just sitting. Enjoying.
About a thousand people are expected to attend the protest later
I plan on becoming famous only after death. So nobody will be at my funeral. But then 200 years from now tourists will flock by the hundreds to see my birthplace.
>This is the house that MARSH-CHAN - the great written wit of the 21st century - Grew up in
>>30554 You could claim Tasmania and no one would notice
Yeah but who'd fuckin want Tasmania
I'm really enjoying this, moon.
wait til we get to divinity in an hour and 40 minutes
>>30552 Yeah he's flying in to do a campaign rally even though the election is over
>>30560 did anyone tell him the election was over?
Maybe he just wants an excuse to hang out on a Florida beach.
>>30563 the fact that he doesn't and has never drank legitimately scares me having lived in both worlds, I am very prone to delusion when I don't drink I don't know how much of that is my own brain or what's generalized but if I don't have some central nervous depressant, I start skipping on major details like that
>>30569 any pharmacy the problem i have with alcohol is how inhibiting it is there are CNS depressants that don't do that, like valerian root and benzodiazepines >>30571 not at all, just a supplement I've been using valerian root for almost a decade now, off and on I've used it to study a lot because studying isn't a highly active activity, but more a passive one I'd use stimulants when like racetams when taking exams, but depressants when studying
is it prescription?
Oh shit DIO plays a bull spirit in Nioh
>>30570 I'll look into it. See if any of the stores near me sell any.
>>30573 Seriously, whole milk and valerian root together is 10x better than alcohol it calms the cravings, too, if that's something you suffer with the downside is that using CNS depressants still leans towards that pattern of alcohol consumption it's remedial, i guess but if you get used to it, valerian root is great. It's best in conjunction with caffeine, because it quells the nervous jitters that come with caffeine you get the caffeine high, but don't get jittery and anxious. >>30575 I do have tea that contains valerian root, but that's negligible. Get the tablets. Better if they're capsules. Better yet if they contain hops and/or lemon balm
Do you take it as a tablet? or tea? I found an online store that has both
Man i sometimes think there is some blacklist with our public transit companies on people who not to wait on, but rather smash doors on face and speed away. And i most definitely am on the list
>>30574 What about something like this: https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/Buy/77670/Nature-s-Own-Valerian-Forte-2000mg-60-Capsules
>>30577 2mg is a fucking ton i mean, it's not like a prescription thing where taking 4x the dose will ruin you but expect to sleep a fucking ton on 2mg I take two 400mg capsules, and they contain hops and lemon balm also and then I'm taking benzos ontop of it, for now
what you can do is make a kettle of hot water and empty those into it, and then drink half of it to get about 1mg of valerian root I don't think there's anything wrong with 2mg, necessarily, but I think you should try 400-ish milligrams first and see how it interacts with you some people have some sleep-paralysis like effects when they take it my ex took it and she said it made her feel really irritable i take it and i feel calm as a cucumber >>30579 yes, my bad 2000mg
You prolly mean 2g
it's also hepatotoxic at high doses. I don't know what a high dose entails, and I'm certain that it's less so than either caffeine or alcohol but long-term use at doses like 2mg could be complicated if you can find a 400mg dose, that would be more suitable. At least you can take five if you need to, then. I've been taking it a long time though, and i can say that 2 grams is a lot of valerian root.
I have 400mg doses, and here's what I'll do: Take one dose alongside a cup of coffee and/or energy drink because I don't like the caffeine jitters or the anxiety from caffeine Take one late-eve, like 8 or so PM when I feel like winding down Take two when I'm really ready to sleep (like right now), provided i dont have to be up early
it quells a lot of the cravings for alcohol on days that I'm not drinking (currently, every day besides friday, mostly) if relaxing, always drink with milk for the tryptophan and calming effects of milk i get about two hours of really a playful and humorous mood, not too anxious and i enjoy doing basic things more, like watching a lecture or watching stupid ass videos on youtube I don't feel so frustrated in the normal sense of "nothing's satisfying me, I need to drink a ton of booze" i actually enjoy a different aspect of life that ive recently been neglecting
>>30583 Not really. You'll be groggy if you take it at night to sleep, because it makes you sleepy. You'll probably be groggy when you wake up too. It's not like a hangover, though. THat's a side-effect of alcohol that's separate from its CNS-depressant effect. Nothing harsh, at least. I can speak somewhat to night terrors if taking them too much during the day and not at night, but that's kind of a rarity that I can attribute to valerian root, but only a couple of occasions over years of use, and mostly just at the start. Getting spooked at night isnt really that bad anyway. It's something we all dealt with as children. And that's a comedown thing, I'd say. While on it, nothing's particularly spooky. Actually my favorite thing to do while on valerian root is play silent hill games -- something about the music and atmosphere fits so well with the feeling.
If youve never taken it before and jump to 2 grams though, you're probably likely to get stomach cramps. i really dont suggest 2 grams to start. It doesn't have the "I want to forget I'm alive" aspect of alcohol, but it satisfies all the physiological cravings in a much healthier way. You'll probably have an easier time studying too, to be honest.
Fuck it. I'll probably order some. At least just to try it.
Caffeine is my main vice these days. I drink a ton of it. It would be nice to have something to get rid of / reduce the jitters.
then again, when i started taking it, i had never had alcohol before and now i'm on around 1.2 or so milligrams a day depending your CNS tolerance is probably used to it with how much you drank i was a wee lad // lass and 300 mg made me feel like i was in a coma but yeah, i can honestly say that valerian root/caffeine is the best combination I have ever experienced
You get the caffeine high, no jitters, no scattered brain thoughts, no heart pounding, and you feel calm but energized it's an amazing feeling, and completely healthy it's tbh better than any stimulant high i've gotten
I can also vouch for valerian root It works pretty good
>>30586 Kratom is an stimulant and depressant at the same time too Too bad it's scheduled in the USA now
>>30592 caffeine and valerian root is the smoothest blend I've had yeah, there are stronger things, but I can't speak to their smoothness whatsoever the beauty of this blend is not being disruptive at any point it's completely smooth from start to finish, no harsh comedown, no hars kicks
>>30593 Yeah You can get it at a lot of smoke shops
>>30594 The beauty of a speedball is that by the time you come down from the blow the dope kicks in
Oh Jan Do you think businesses usually have an idea of whether or not regularl customers are undocumented immigrants
>>30596 is that by the time you come down from it you're already dead don't feed me bullshit
>>30597 Phrase your question less biased. You're specifically talking about businesses whose income is heavily accomodated by undocs.
>>30597 Retail ones, I guess. It's easy to spot illegals when you check IDs and such. But I don't think it's in a businesses interest to take any kind of action against its customers.
Illegals paved my sidewalk, I don't really give a hoot about them or anything. The wall is just gonna make the Coast Guard work a little harder to spot the coyotes ferrying people through the gulf.
>>30603 I paid an illegal immigrant to help my friend consolidate his storage space, which was a whole day's worth of hard labor and moving heavy shit. He worked hard. I like legitimate folks trying to send money back home. What I don't like is the human trafficking that goes along with undoc immigration. >>30605 >Does a business know that it's being primarily funded by undocumented immigrants I don't like the term undocumented, despite the recent commentary about it. They've illegally immigrated. They're illegal immigrants. Undocumented suggests something wildly different.
>>30603 The wall won't do anything Haven't you heard, only about half of illegals come from mexico, so that's absolutely nobody really
Mexico is a war zone right now. The government can't even protect their own people anymore. How come we call them illegals here but in europe its refugee
You're only a refugee if you apply for refugee status
And to do that, you have to let the government know you exist Which will usually drop them back in Mexico because it's just a lot of crime
>>30604 I don't care what we call them but Sam tried to get TN to use the term undocumented so I say it here out of respect for him
>>30607 >Anymore when have they ever? The term is just a term. It's an illegal action. Refugees seek sanction. Illegal immigrants migrate without regard to whether they're accepted or not. You're saying we and they are calling the same thing two different things, but we're actually calling two different things two different things.
I don't really accept the term "undocumented" because it's nothing other than an attempt to make the infraction seem lesser An undocumented immigrant sounds like someone who entered legally, but doesn't have documents
>>30611 I'm not saying we should be calling them refugees really, since they're not legally fleeing, just that it's pointless to get riled up about it and the whole discussion of it is probably a distraction from something more important
>>30610 I can understand that. I don't mind abiding by that, as long as there's clarity on what it refers to.
>>30613 I think there's a difference. I'm not getting riled up by it. There are immigrants in-process who have not yet finalized, and are not yet documented. That's different than someone who hasn't entered the immigration process. Clumping the two together, I think, is insulting.
FUCK skeleton wheels
Also, the infraction isn't really that the government doesn't KNOW they're in the country The infraction is that they are in the country without the government's consent.
>>30615 Sorry I didn't mean to say you were riled up, I'm speaking about the general publics interest in the topic
>>30616 I have no idea what the context is but that sounds utterly terrifying.
For instance, in my bootcamp in the military, there were latinos and arabic peoples whose citizenship were complicit with their success in training and acceptance into the military. During that period, they were undocumented because they weren't citizens. Compare that to someone who hopped the border. That's a big difference. Now, I don't have a particular grudge against illegal immigrants -- in my experience they seem to be very hard-working, considerate, and dedicated people. But also in my experience, there are human traffickers bringing mexican girls to the united states into sexual slavery, or labor slavery, and milking every penny they make as profit in exchange for bringing them out of Mexico.
>>30619 It's a large wheel made of skeletons that wants to kill you And it's also on fire
>>30620 Nahm they weren't "undocumemted" per se, just on residency with wonky fineprint
A transfer student ie is residence for study and if their studies end, so does the residency >>30628 Yeah, but if they in the army, state has given them some documentation A proper "undocumentef" is practivcally off the grid
>>30630 oh god i'm dying especially at madame tussauds fucking call that ho up and ask why she's got skeletons
>not going to the Yard House
I've only ever worked at a steakhouse I want to try the steakhouse
>news articles saying gen z is better than millennials because they spend money because they are literally children with no sense of money they are like 17 years old they don't even remember 9/11
I was so happy when 9/11 happened cause I got to get out of school early and go home and play super smash brothers for the N64 True story I had just unlocked captain falcon
>>30635 It was bullshit. They cancelled my weekday morning cartoons because of some airplane bullshit in America.
>>30634 Why is it gen z btw And has someone finally defined what "millenial2" really is?
Z for Zero because they're all fuckin worthless
In 2012, USA Today sponsored an online contest for readers to choose the name of the next generation after the Millennials. The name Generation Z was suggested, although journalist Bruce Horovitz thought that some might find the term "off-putting", but the name Generation Z gained popularity after a 2014 presentation titled Meet Generation Z: Forget Everything You Learned About Millennials, by New York advertising agency Sparks and Honey was launched. Some other names that were proposed included: iGeneration, Gen Tech, Gen Wii, Net Gen, Digital Natives, and Plurals.[1][1][5][6] Post-Millennial is a name given by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and Pew Research, in statistics published in 2016 showing the relative sizes and dates of the generations.[7] The same sources showed that as of April 2016, the Millennial generation surpassed the population of Baby Boomers in the USA (77 million vs. 76 million in 2015 data),[8] however, the Post-Millennials were ahead of the Millennials in another Health and Human Services survey (69 million vs. 66 million).[9]
Frank N. Magid Associates, an advertising and marketing agency, nicknamed this cohort "The Pluralist Generation" or 'Plurals'.[12] Turner Broadcasting System also advocated calling the post-millennial generation 'Plurals'.[13][14]
>>30645 Was just about to say that Sounds so demeaning FUCKING FILTHY PLURALS
>Not calling them OOooosss.
I'd call some millenials collectivists
>MTV has labeled the generation "The Founders", based on the results of a survey they conducted in March 2015. MTV President Sean Atkins commented, "they have this self-awareness that systems have been broken, but they can't be the generation that says we'll break it even more."[15] Kantar Futures has named this cohort "The Centennials".[16][17]
>According to Forbes (2015), the generation after Millennials, Generation Z, made up 25%[34][35] of the U.S. population, making them a larger cohort than the Baby Boomers or Millennials.[36] Frank N. Magid Associates estimates that in the United States, 55% of Generation Z are non-Hispanic Caucasians, 24% are Hispanic, 14% are African-American, 4% are Asian, and 4% are multiracial or other.[37] >when everything is going so well that you finally have kids >Bush happens and the economy is destroyed >poor with kids
Moon. Can we skip this one?
Is shame all europe is under caucasian term. There should be a split between mediterraens and the rest Damn econo,my crashing olives
>A 2014 study Generation Z Goes to College found that Generation Z students self-identify as being loyal, compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, responsible, and determined.[49] How they see their Generation Z peers is quite different from their own self-identity. They view their peers as competitive, spontaneous, adventuresome, and curious; all characteristics that they do not see readily in themselves.[49] no self awareness???
Oh now it works fucking FIREFOX
A 2016 U.S. study found that church attendance during young adulthood was 41% among Generation Z, compared with 18 percent for Millennials at the same ages, 21 percent of Generation X, and 26 percent of baby boomers.[51]
Generation Z is generally more risk-averse in certain activities than earlier generations. In 2013, 66% of teenagers (older members of Generation Z) had tried alcohol, down from 82% in 1991. Also in 2013, 8% of Gen. Z teenagers never or rarely wear a seat belt when riding in a car with someone else, as opposed to 26% in 1991.[48]
What is with that seatbelt numver? Suicidal idiots
Hey man sometimes you're out and about and it's like Maybe it'd be okay if I flew out of the windshield and died
I always fasten my harness into place when careening down the highway at 90 miles per hour in a giant metal death trap
>>30684 There was a big shitstorm in my city a few years ago because the cops were chasing somebody through a residential area and the guy crashed and killed a bystander. And people were blaming the cops for chasing him.
>>30692 Good I was about to say "what kind of pussy is he not to whoop the faggot's ass for that"
>>30693 >>30694 Yeah. The way the story was told to me, I don't think he even got in that much trouble over beating the guy up. Even the teachers at the school thought the kid had it coming
>work at burger king for 24 years >ask manager if you can take a fish sandwich for yourself >manager says yes >manager thought the person in question meant a single fish, rather than the sandwich >person is fired by manager >sues >awarded $46,000
I'm gonna become a big twitter memer with like THREE THOUSAND followers! >>30711 Oh shit yeah "So what are you here to protest?" What actually IS the protest about?
>>30735 Dude there's a LOT of shit you can complain about Trump on without being biased
>>30736 I know there is. But the people who legitimately have complaints and can back them up with research and knowledge aren't going to be the people out there on the streets holding signs.
Oh yeah The people who have a point should be given the possibility of broadcasting it, too, I guess
It's a good idea to dig a little if you catch someone
Also Kirara, I think you were too busy to look last night, but actual spoilers aside, this was probably one of the hardest fights I've had in a tales game
>>30764 One day some day. I have it downloaded. It just sits there on the hard drive. Accumulating dust and rust as it slowly decays. Along with like fifty other anime series.
I was just wondering because it's on Netflix, although it's down as Glitter Force I'll probably end up watching it anyway
>>30767 That could be fun. I'll let you know when I have some free time.
I'd like to think that a Kirino Mosaic festival is just a whole bunch of Japanese people and a whole bunch of English people getting together to comb each others' hair.