10 The stat gain from becoming a 5* is +3 to every stat. Which is 15 points. Since you get two stats for every + level, you'll need 8 to break that barrier. However, there's also the 5* weapon that unlocks and is usually 4-5 extra points to Attack. So you'll need to be 40+10 to equate to a 5*
>>293721 It's a really good manga Like really really good I'd say its probably in my top 50 of manga I've read, top 25 of post 1997 manga. And for reference I've read over 1,000 distinct manga series.
It's by Tsutomu Nihei whom you may have heard of. He also did Sidonia no Kishi.
TN, either me or a friend of mine may run a BLAME! tabletop rpg thing, we're probably going to do it via the net since the of my two friends who are really into it one is off at college. Would you be interested in joining?
>>293730 in my stuff from when i was a kid my grandparents used to bring me back money from their travels
>>293731 Cool My grandparents did most of their traveling before I was born. Well, and my grandfather does travel a lot with his girlfriend but its feel awkward to ask for foreign currency from him now. Plus the Euro has replaced most of the European currencies.
Oh yeah Eight minutes left on the very positive 2 humble bundle Has some good stuff in it
which you will never play
>>293734 Probably, yeah Although primarily because my comp is still not completely fixed. Cause it's a really mysterious harddrive problem that could easily be fixed by replacing the harddrive probably. But if i replace the harddrive and the problem is still there my parents will be fucking pissed.
And yes ive done chkdsk And done S.M.A.R.T. tests
I'll probably mess with it a bit more later today.
Like at first there was like Some dead guy, I think, that presumably me and another guy heard about while we were on a doc for some reason, can't remember or even know if there was a context Anyway he'd come drifting in from somewhere in the ocean? And the government was being real secretive and not saying much more, so I go to him like "isn't is real spooky how the government is not telling us shit?" Anyway one thing led to another and we kinda get a hold of a police uniform to go into the ocean and see whats up on a stolen boat And we get to where this body came from and there's... actually what exactly we found isn't even important, it mgiht have been a boat or just some sorta structure?
So we enter it, and we're greeted like "Oh so you're the new guys", and I go "no just him" cause I'm in the uniform and they just accept that, and they walk off with him and I start wandering off Actually maybe there were 3 of us? Whatever, 2 of us decide to check out the place, so we go to this staircase and start bascially just walking around the place to look around, and it seems normal enough, just people basically on a cruise ship But then we notice these two dudes in you know, Agent 47 style attire come d- Look it was a dream so they were coming up the stairs and we were running to the bottom to avoid them, it didn't make sense in retrospect But we get to the bottom, and we hide under the staircase just in time, they run out the door into this room with like lounge chairs and stuff, but the idiot I'm with starts making noise whispering to me And one of these Hitman motherfuckers is about to see us when suddenly them and everyone else just sorta freezes up and bolts up the stairs, like everyone not just the Hitman guys
And we're there like questionmarks, count ourselves lucky though, I'm convinced the whole fucking boat or whatever is some sorta zombies or something and 'the new guy' meant he was food for them and the government was keeping them happy Anyway time passes
>>293790 And eventually people come back down, everyone's very normal and nice Start talking to us about just general stuff, there's food and card games and whatever, you know, cruise shit
Anyway, in the middle of all this my buddy decides he'll show one of the women there like a card trick, so he starts shufling some cards and then before he can finish doing that she levitates a ton of cards and poker chips and stuff into the air We freak out, we're spooked But she just laughs as we kinda back away a little, and as my man is going back to the table, she turns to him and he screams like hell I turn to see what's going on and there's like Her face wasn't rendered in my dream, it was one of those "this is so fucked up we're just gonna not quite show it and just let the characters' reaction take care of letting you imagine it" kinda things but in my dream
Anyway the dealio was this is is some sorta place where lovecraftian horrors hang out and various world government send them people they can toy with and gradually drive completely insane until they're bored with them I tried to bite my tongue I think but they stopped me
yeah I think my head intended for them to actually be like bioengineered zombos or something that were just seemingly regular people that ate people they came into contact with, and then went to nest at a set time, dropping everything But instead I got a cruise ship of nyarlothothep
Oh also I was banned from my red discord because the admin thought "koumeposter" was offensive and didn't wanna tell me why In the dream
I had an interesting adventure dream some weeks back that's hilight was the "Me character" telling their story in another world where they had hopped accidentally, only for it to be revealed that his whole life was a series of adventure novels in their world from 100 or so years ago
that might have been a separate dream or it was the same one I'm not sure
and then annoyingly at that pioint the dream changed perspectives to one character still in the original world running away from whatever oppressive government was after them and then the main group inlcuding "me" returning back all ptsd from whatever adventures they had had off screen
but seriously, a machine that records dreams would be useful
that's in development They have a thing that can visualize your thoughts, but very poorly, already
like individual letters and stuff
>>293801 the individual has to be mapped independently which is a pretty exhaustive process and isn't quite a clean process that maps without some influence over the individual so doable but not real applicable right now
Movin' up in the twitter landscape withh a combination of good takes and interacting with larger accounts
Those dips in followers are likely like, my fash followers getting suspended and coming back from time to time I really should just softblock those guys but finding them is a pain
had a rick and Morty dream just now everyone was held captive by rick and we waited for a morty to get pissed at him and then i tortured rick to death with a knife during an uprising while he said ridiculous stuff like "ill get that with some fixer upper" when i cut his cheeks out what the fuck
I just wanted to play through arrival dlc and then do a rerun of me3 with my original characteer but noooo he dead now guess I will just start another renegade run
fish said i was laughing during my nap too i think i was laughing while killing rick what is wrong with me
>>293825 I did a while ago I should probably try to recover it Also I've been under the assumption that it got hacked for a while since I never used it and yahoo's security is garbage
>>293845 Wow I don't think I'll spend money at this restaurant #millenialmurderer
>>293872 No idea I'll check when I go back up stairs.
Oh it's contemporary stuff tthougg So I doubt it has any Split Enz on it.
>>293874 I don't really know what contemporary artists are popular here In fact I barely know any artists from here other than Split Enz >>293876 Oh yeah we have Ruby Suns as well. But I think that's basically it.
>>293875 I can think of Split Enz and The Ruby Suns. And then technically also Tim Finn and Neil Finn But they're from Split Enz so it doesn't really count. >>293875 I'm pretty sure you'd never heard of them before I told you about them two months or so ago.
>>293876 No I've heard of them before Yeah two months ago Around that time
Oh shit Lorde is from New Zealand Whoever that is
Oh I remember she came over once but I didn't know she was from here Yeah she's pretty famous
>>293896 There's been a few good movies too I remember a great one I forgot the name of It was about a group of students that find a guy living under their flats stairs with a shittone of weed
>>293900 I dunno I have only 2,8k pics taken with my powershot and I have had it for maybe 3 years
Oh Unknown Mortal Orchestra are from NZ, I've heard some stuff by them And they may have moved to Chicago because I see them with shows listed in one of the local culture rags a lot.
fuckin paypal told me to call a number to report the fraudulent charges, so i did the number had an automated message telling me how to report the charges by going through the paypal website, and then just returns to main menu so i went to the website to fill out this fuckin form instead of just talking to somebody??? and i finish the form and hit next and it's like "okay now print it out and mail it to this address with ATTN: PAYPAL DEBIT CARD" ilke fuck you i don't even have a printer and i just wasted an hour because you didn't want to just direct me to someone on the phone i'm really miffed at this moment
>>293970 email me the form and i will print it out and mail it for you tomorrow
i CANT because i thought i would hit print and then save it as a pdf but it opened up the printer settings and i'm like well fuck you i dont have a printer and i hit cancel and it closed the printer settings and the entire form fill like i'm so confused why that functionality was built into it
>>293970 >forcing your customers to fucking mail you over something as urgent as this Jesus christ that's pathetic
>>293975 i CAN talk on the phone but it was after hours last night when i tried, i have to do it roundabout and ask to speak to an operator and then have them direct me, and i tried doing it today but my signal is so weak out here and it just drops the call before i even connect to someone usually within 3 or 4 minutes of being on hold like you'd thinking i'm making up the worst case scenario but this is what rural life is like it's fuckin awful i think i've fractured my neck and i can't even stand up but i can't lay down for too long either or it hurts
I think I ran into another player character today!
I was working and happened to be in a waiting room, and there was a guy who was working on some people in the waiting room doing paperwork. He called the next person on his list, and that person wasn't in the waiting room. That happens a lot, people are not very good at waiting even though it is an easy job. They go outside to talk on the phone or go to the bathroom for five minutes or whatever. So when he calls the name a few times and the person isn't there, he looks down at his papers and I can hear him softly singing "hello darkness my old friend".
I thik I was probably the only person who heard it, but it was a pretty funny scene.
>>293975 to be honest i dont mind it too bad it's pretty crappy out here but it's more an observation than a distress it's silly how dumb things can be out here
>>293977 I don't think that's player character behavior. That's just eccentric normie behavior. Doing that kind of thing is definitely soft normcore these days. Especially that song.
>>293979 It's certainly something a normie might be aware of, but that level of self-reflective gentle despair is something that a normie usually isn't capable of. If he's still a normie, he's on the cusp of enlightenment.
>>293982 No way, despair is becoming normcore. Normies love to joke about despair and stuff like that now. That kind of thing, exactly what you described, happens in shit like Big Bang Theory. Normies post videos of people doing that on Facebook all the time.
>>293983 THat's true, but I think gentle despair is something beyond normies! Either way, it wasn't a joke because he didn't do it for show! The only person who could hear it was me, and I of course didn't react.
>>293983 If normies are learning about despair and sadcore humour, does that mean we have to turn to positivity to remain our non-normie status?
>>293985 i listened to goodbye moonmen once on this youtube account ever and i load it up and there are six rows of rick and morty clips in youtube suggestions i removed all of them and said "i don't want to see more like this," "Why?" "I don't want any from this channel" and also "I don't want more suggestions based on the video ____" after doing that to 30 some rick and morty suggestions i reloaded and instead of clips of rick and morty, it was all rick and morty analysis and theories like so fucking awful i cleared out about three rows of those in the same way and then refreshed and you know what i got? fuckin rick cosplay musical.ly video suggestions
this is why you can't do anything without ruining everything fuck
>>293988 I don't know, I think this guy is another player character or someone on the verge of breaking free of his normie chains. I've never observed behavior like that out of a normie.
>>293990 You just aren't aware of trends in normies. This could easily go either way. In fact, I think it probably leans towards normie because PCs are smart enough to hide their despair from normies. Doing it softly is too dangerous. You heard it and you could be a normie. Being on the cusp of being a PC or being a level 1 PC is basically as bad as being a normie.
if i know i have delusions they're still delusions right sometimes i wonder if maybe i don't have any and that things are just too messed up for me to accept as real so having delusions is the real delusion
it's still delusional if you know they're delusions yeah
i mean what if i think theyre delusions but theyre not then that's just a higher order delusion yeah
that's not considered a delusion according to psychological standards but i would treat it as a delusion in a treatment setting
>>294004 i would be really surprised if everything i value to be true actually is there's gotta be some that are delusions and i mean like real significant things not just little details but actual foundational pieces
I got called spry by normies the other day The projector in a class wasn't turning on so I just jumped up on the table real quick, turned it on, and hopped down, and everyone was like, amazed for some reason Normies are so easily amused
not to mention that I don't think such things are compatible with my phone. I'm on Android 4. something >>294052 I was going to but I realize that there's nothing I can tell them.
>>294045 reminds me of this thing I should have stolen it
>>294050 in fate/go there was a way to get your account back without that info by talking about the characters in the account ALSO your FEH account is connected to your google account
>>294070 I know where one of my 5 yen coins is. The rest are MIA. I went through a bunch of boxes while cleaning and still couldn't find my breadboard and restistors and transistors and what not.
>>294113 Well it helps that it gives you somewhere to keep the runners with leftover parts and decals and stuff. You could put them all in one box, but visually it's easier to look at the one box and say "oh it's the extra parts for this model kit" The issue comes when you're getting into the double digits.
you'll die if you get rid of the boxes
I have all my figurine boxes piled in a corner.
>>294117 See, you just can't throw out boxes this precious.
yeah you need them
how else will you gather the materials for a box fort?
/moe/ if you had one wish what would you wish for i would wish for every time I go to a buffet-style restaurant, they replace the food with a fresh batch right before I walk up to get some.
>>294174 no I'd get citizenship and slowly do it from within sure I'd get PMC to work as my enforcers once I take over, but before then I'd just need a political party useful idiots don't actually need to be paid to be violent afterall
>>294175 i'll join your crack team of anime anarchists
Play it right and I wouldn't even need to be the guy in public view I'd be the shadowy cabal behind the scenes one guy becomes nuissance toss them away or USA takes down the "government" I just co-operate with them to form the new one
Hmm it would still take 5-10 years to do it I would have to spend a lot of time planning it finland would be simplier to take over, since I already have laid out some basic plans however, we just happen to have a million man strong army who believe in this thing called democracy
I actually think that blowing up the universe is impossible you could make it implode into big crunch but blowing it up? you'd have to have access to outside universal energies to do that
>>294215 go claim your million from that foundation then
duh who hasn't
>>294216 Wait what foundation? Do I have to prove I did it? I can't prove it because I erased whatever it was from existence so now I can't remember what it was.
If you can under lab conditions prove you have extrasensory abilities or superhuman abilities of the sort that one psyschic defrauding foundation will give you 1 million dollars
I'll get a job there and Maria will apply and we'll scam them and split the money
>>294232 well they say just "terminated" as in discontinued but that is what they'd say if someone actually did it and then government kept it undercover
"In January 2015, James Randi announced that he was officially retiring and stepping down from his position with the JREF.[9] In September 2015, JREF announced that their board had decided that it would convert the foundation into a grant-making foundation, and they will no longer accept applications directly from people claiming to have a paranormal power.[10] In 2015 the James Randi paranormal challenge was officially terminated.[11]" seems bit suspicious why wouldn't they continue doing it?
>>>/watch?v=M9w7jHYriFo thing about this vid the key part at 3+ mins "pending the key by pressing it against table" or "pendin thek ey by having your chair move against it" I don't think any abloy key would bend that easily abloy is a finnish key and lock company whose locks are reputably unpickable
But the thing really is that bible itself fucking warns of people like tv-evangelists but then again who actually reads the bible? or studies what kind of bloody church they even belong to?=
such a shame how Udina is actually quite decent person in ME1 but in ME2 and 3 he is so ass sure he gets mindfucked eventually but I still think they did him bit wrong, especially in me2
>>294277 Civilization is dead, but Chito and Yuuri are still alive. So they hop aboard their beloved Kettenkrad motorbike and aimlessly wander the ruins of the world they once knew. Day after hopeless day, they look for their next meal and fuel for their ride. But as long as the two are together, even an existence as bleak as theirs has a ray or two of sunshine in it, whether they're sucking down their fill of soup or hunting for machine parts to tinker with. For two girls in a world full of nothing, the experiences and feelings the two share give them something to live for…
I wonder how it will do it though one chapter is like 5-10 min stuff in my opinion will it have multiple chapters i one ep or extend one chapter to make one episode fully? or something else?
i bought all the volumes of lesbian robots in the shell the other day
well to be honest it is not shouting it is me raising my voice a step but people consider that shouting generall but then again last time I really shouted publicly was 2011
Is kinda like when some people tell me "don't get angry" or something like that No I am not yet angry I am about to be but you havn't actually seen me angry
>>294313 Yeah. My car needs to go into the shop for a checkup so i'll probably drop it off thursday afternooon and then pick it up friday. or monday I guess.
I think I've been invited to some kind of party thing monday so I'll probably do that.
>>294312 no idea i've had one of those everlasting chains of waking up, doing stuff, and then waking up, doing stuff, then waking up i'm not entirely sure I'm awake right now
>>294313 So is the self bending really okay for you stuff? I mean tire coverigns or whatever you lot called those aren't exactly necessayr, they are mostly decotarive in the end
>>294316 Oh, I just bent the hubcap back into place by kicking it.
I'd have to get it replaced if I couldn't because there are certain people that would freak out if they saw it and while they can't do anything, $50 is worth the peace and quiet.
I am actually quite networked but how do you gauge a networking of getting drunk and knowing people who make booze and make a lot of trips to cheap countries wit cheap booze?
>>294324 Why not? It is destressing and fun though I can understand your position on this one I never go overblown not even 50% so when I am in a position I can't get home to sleep it off
>>294326 It's somewhat necessary, but I am more concerned with being skillful than well connected. If you are strong enough, you can make people acknowledge you through pure force.
>>294325 I don't like being shitfaced, I find it stressful to be unable to take care of myself. It's also disgraceful.
>>294331 Do you mean drink at home? Alone? No, never.
>>294329 I don't really mind the work. I'll let you in on one of my sociopathic little secrets, my brain is weird and I see everything as a game. Grinding out proficiency in my profession is the same in my mind as grinding out skills in any other game.
>>294335 Umm why not? you get to hang out with the best person ever alive, yourself and you get to actually experience the human experience of being in this world that is the drunk experience at home at the very least atleast for me
We usually sync up but it seems like you don't have a proper appreciation for suits. I guess you do have limitations. You should ask Fish how she feels about sharp looking suits.
most don't acutally it's usually chief of security that has the connections because private security and mercenaries and private hitmen have the same networks private security is usually employed by rich people yeah but most rich people don't even know who their threats are before they're neutralized it's all right what would i know i'm just making shit up right
i used to play a MUD where you could join the guild of assassins and if you got relly good you could be hired to take out other players never did join that guild but man that'd be something
>>294443 How would you know all this if you hypothetically weren't making shit up
>>294447 i just make everything up dude i've never done a day's research in my life to understand anything ive always taken the easy route of just assuming stupid bullshit and then spouting it out loud and pretending to know what i'm talking about that's pretty well-known knowledge everybody on /moe/ knows that