Thread #294390
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all I see is Souma that looks good.
Nah we're watching Juuni Taisen too.
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It looks generic or bad based on what I see on MAL, but I'm silling to try it. willing that is
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I let Ika know a few minutes ago. Hopefully he shows up soon.
Black clover? Juuni tasien? Souma
I want to watch Juuni Taisen, it's based off a nisioisin story and those are always fun. I'm wholly indifferent to Black Clover.
juuni looks a bit better than clover lets try both
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black clover looks like it will be horrible. But we can try it. Let's do it first. orange for black clover okay let's start!
we can do it first
Okay got it now.
i hate this already
He's got one level of voice volume and it's as loud and annoying as fucking possible.
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Yeah, this guy needs to stop yelling.
Why do these strangers know the life story of some no-name from some tiny orphanage.
Leave it to the guys to compare the size and thickness of their magic books.
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This is just kind of sad. Also he won't stop yelling.
There's something to be said about keeping a positive attitude about everything, but at this point it's more annoying than inspiring.
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wow how shocking despite being "powerless" he actually had the best (and most edgy) power of all!
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okay juuni taisen doesnt matter to me I guess give it a few more oaky lets start
Uh so we keeping on the three-episode rule for Black Clover or we good not watching it. Knowing would be nice so I can not hold everyone up a few minutes next week because I didn't expect to actually be watching it.
I dont mind not dropping it just yet it was like a 5/10 ep 1 or maybe a bit less lets just try a few eps
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boku janai boku janai
His heart wasn't really in it.
I'm always a little iffy on all twelve of the animals in the Chinese Zodiac. Ox, Dragon, Ram, Monkey, Rat, Tiger, Boar, Horse? Rabbit? I 've got about half of them but after that it gets difficult.
Oh I guess the Rooster was mentioned earlier.
>Oh by the way that was poison
She got shaaaafted in -at first because you can't out-violence an actual sociopath hu- Pft.
Come to think of it, why are these people so well-known if all but one of the twelve die each game. Her dad won the last game so all the other previous Zodiacs are dead.
That guy looks like hes from tokyo ghoul
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They all look kinda weird.
Though it's a varying level of weirdness. Boar is pretty normal. Without the funny hat, the big buff guy would look normal too.
Also the design motif of the two machine guns being her boar's tusks is pretty cool. I like the choice.
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I don't like her earrings. I guess she's dead now though.
Okay this was somewhat unexpected.
>>294485 A manner of dead, at least.
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okay souma okay lets start!
Been a long time coming.
pl\ This season will be 24 episodes
That's a little surprising. I guess it might be nice for some of the arc pacing though.
...Did this happen at the end of season two? Was there an OVA that covered the Elite Ten reveal?
it seems like they skipped it and are just recapping
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No. Maybe there was an OVA we missed.
It looks like there was an OVA that covered them. But no one has done good subs for it. That's kind of annoying since the Elite Ten intro chapters are kind of a personality informing thing.
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Well, that was an acceptable recap.
This is a very ZAQ/10 anisong.
Also it's the school culture festival arc! I really like school culture festival chapters. And we're getting a whole arc of it!
Oh yeah I remember Souma is a series that recycles a lot of its previous minor characters. I like that about it.
Neemu baruyuu?
>>294503 See, remember this guy?
They're really going all-out with the character re-introductions.
it felt like it was going really fast that episode
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Souma always needs some build up episodes to really get good.