I want to play some kind of game that I don't currently have. I'd like to play a cute game but can't really think of one.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I looked at getting a switch today but they're 350 dollars. That's just a tad too much, I think I'd be willing to pay 250 for one right now.
I want more time off too. It would be nice to be able to take the whole month of december off.
same dude i'm so tired i don't have any cushion but if i build a little cushion i want to re-open my etsy store and stop doing this work i think i'd be happier
I've gotten hooked on Oxygen Not Included a lot lately. It's a base management game about being stuck in the middle of an asteroid and having to create enclosed systems of resources to keep your characters from starving, suffocating, getting too stressed, dying of sickness, and so on. The game, within some degree of video game leniency, respects chemistry and simple physics pretty well. Oxygen is lighter than carbon dioxide, so it floats to the top of its environment. Hydrogen is even lighter, so it goes even higher.
my professor was telling me about a dude that was doing 30-40 nitrous oxide canisters a day that was going through withdrawal and shit funny stuff
>>283848 Is shame there aren't many basebuilders/resource managers that combine conflict and war nowadays Man what //if only Black and White 3 was made I want me some god game
>>283859 Yeah, it leans a bit on a lot of the simulation stuff Dwarf Fortress is well known for. There's also a fair bit of the simulation stupidity that comes from games like that. I've had my residents get entombed, trapped on islands, get hypothermia because the shortest route somewhere they wanted to go was through a pool of water. It has a bit more of an advanced science leaning than Dwarf Fortress does, and that's a fun touch.
>>283858 i never got that at the dentist i never got shit they used a local anaesthetic gel when i had my wisdom teeth out, not even a shot of novacaine it was terrible
i got it once as a kid and had a terrible reaction and i was fucked up for like two days
I do wonder, though, if USA split into small splinter states, how would they form out population and economy and resource wise, the states aren't really equal coast states are much more powerful than others and powerhouses like texas and california would really dominate the smaller ones.
It's a bit sad that kids won't be able to do prank calls in this day and age
that's not sad
It's super sad! Think of all kids having a sleep over and not being able to confuse/irritate old people by pretending to be a person wanting to give them money Those poor, poor, children
These days they just go trolling on the internet instead
>>283934 I didn't hate the first one, although i just played the story and stuff and stopped once i got to the grindy part. That said, it's not out yet because I don't want to buy the console version. I'll consider getting the PC version if I get bored enough.
>>283932 people prank call suicide hotlines all the time prank calls are fucked up
>>283930 It's because our society has degraded to the point where people naturally distrust each other and treat each phone call from an unknown source as an intrusion. You can't really trick them when they are naturally on guard.
>>283936 Well yeah, that would be horrible but a true prank should not cause substantial harm.
>>283938 Apparently now there is an ability to mimick area codes of whatever phone number you have down to the final 4 digits. I've had a couple of calls that I've answered because I assume they are real people, but they were just spam ! Oh shit, have robo calls taken the real estate for prank calls?
>>283937 If you buy it for console and it's actually good, you will feel like you need to re-buy it on PC.
>>283945 yeah i meant i'm also thinking i'll buy it on PC if I get bored enough i don't think i'll buy it on console also i think it has cross-platform
fish has been playing yakuza kkiwami and it looks amazing
I wish my phone number got picked up by telemarketers so I could fuck with them Those were the best people to call
as someone who has done both telemarketing and phone sales nothing annoys you more than people who just keep talking but don't buy or co-operate cause you are just wasting time but you can't just close the call that would be rude
>>283955 Holy fucking shit old people are the worst people to call because of this because they will take any oppurtunity for conversation. They'll string you along with maybes and possiblys talking about their community or some bullshit and then at the end they say they don't actually want your product.
Although I do remember one old guy I liked talking to because he thought we were a scam. But then I convinced him we weren't a scam.
I rather a someone saying "no fuck you and your thing and have a bad day" and slam the phone than someone who wastes 10-15 minutes on talking about inane things and then doesn't even buy/subscirbe
i remember when i was 4 i woke up one morning and went into the dining room and told my mom i was someone else, but i had slept for a really long time, and i just woke up and now i'm me
>>284008 Kids are fucking scary. I apparently for weeks told my Mom that she was going to die soon when I was 3 or so. And they couldn't find out why I was saying it and I wouldn't explain it
Kids tend to repeat weird things when they pick them up from somewhere the real question then is where it came from? of course, considering by the time a kid is able to talk and walk around the kid has most likely been taken to quite a many environments malls, buses, trains whatnot plenty of places to pick up something random
also I think kids generally lack a sort of filter we develop as we grow to blot out the "background noise" so they are also more likely to eavesdrop on other people. Not to mention that language itself is learnt by doing just that listening to people around you speak
would be fun if there was a game where the world might die, if you do too many side quests and whatnots atleast in the wrong point in the story
It's hard to do mechanically and narratively well. Unless it's really really short and has a lot of replay factor
basically, do a "realtime rpg" the plot and the story kinda are flowing despite you not being there I guess you could tie it into somekind of gameplay clock
>>284051 Some of the Atelier games have you wind up in the Bad Ends if you dilly-dally too much. Technically they're still set up so you can do side quests without worrying about expending that time, but if you're too inefficient with your time you'll lose.
>>284052 yeah can't have it be 20hours or shit maybe 4-6 with say then 10-20 hours of alternate stuff and side quests
One way heroics orwhateer it was called was great like that though it isn't what I am talking about
Yeah, I avoided bringing that as an example but that's the base of it. You can lengthen it to about 1 or 2 hours as a minimum of a path. But essentially you want your game's beginning to be quick, and almost everything after to be meaningful.
but it is more of a rogue like and randomly generated with some major plot details remaining the same I never did finish it completely like discover the actual story and all that
An rpg about prepping for the final boss with only a limited amount of time before it wakes up
>>284058 yeah basicallyt the game should quickly jump into the "meat" with even a "skip intro" feature being available on new playthroughs *ng+ i wonder could you do it in some simple engine like rpg maker? just as a proof of concept
But basically I want to create a game, or have a game that goes all "what the hell hero?" when you fail to arrive at some town that was going to be assaulted in 2 days by the armies of the dark lord because you were busy fishing for a week or whatever and all that ind of shit coming up whenever the player plays the game like someone usually does play rpgs
>>284063 Night >>284064 >fail to save a town >kicks off a plot where a survivor goes on his own quest to kill you out of revenge for your negligence
yeah anti-ending no big boss fight nothing just dead demon lord ruined castle and coming back to the capital to be greeted by the HERO coming back from saving the world and you are just nobody
>>284068 Let the hero kill the demon king Then come in and finish him off after the final fight and take the credit
basically yeah it would just like everything else be time related so say for your character the bare minimum time was 10 days to finish the gamet then at the trigger of the "other hero" story, they would have say 15 days to kill the demon lord making that say day 17 of your quest if it happened and if you went on that day to face the dmeon lord you'd pop up at either them fighting it still out or the hero just having killed the DL
and yeah of course have shitty options like steal credit but alternatively THAT could also happen to you too
>>284071 Make it two player with both players aiming to take credit
>>284072 no that would ruin it the whole point is not something like that it is to make a game that points out the idiocy of common rpg tropes like infinite amount of time to do silly side questing and how well quite many rpgs are 90% side quests and actually 10% main story >>284074 fucking idiot what would be the point of say undertale if it was a 2 player game?
>>284073 Exactly If you side quest too long, your opponent will kill the demon before you
now you are talking about a ultiplayer game where YOU BOTH already know all the consequences the point here is that after the first few shocks, or spoilered by the internet the player would be aware of that "consequences are real" and if something happens in say "1 day" well you better be there n 1 day
>>284074 this would be a fun concept for a game on its own especially say a tabletop with multiple people but it is completely different from what I am imagining
>>284078 Well I guess what I was thinking was a little more complex in terms of npcs reacting to the player, with the idea being that other people could also take over npcs
>>284080 It'd be optional. Playing with random would probably get a lot of griefers. The idea was to have more dynamic stories instead of having everything spoilered by the Internet like you said
>>284079 and there'd be a lobby of people constantly waitign to join games and the player can't just pause their game and is needed to be constantly online and all the other resources needed to do this with already complicated scripts and shit runing in the background
Also the point is that the more basic RPG it looks like, the better which is why something made in rpg maker would actually serve the game more sure good graphics and such would be nice, but I think when the idea is more the story and the stab at the genre being close to its roots, top down pixel/sprites is better
>>284081 An mmorpg doesn't react dynamically like this though does i
>>284084 That depends on how good people are at role-playing and writing I'm branching off of your idea
>>284083 point ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you main reason people play normal rpgs, is to get that nice solo story of being important
>>284083' and that would be for later products by the same studio or person even or for later games to get inspired by the point is to actually first write the basis thing and then do something fun with the concepts
you don't get to game of thrones from nada you first have your lord of the rings and such as the base and trope creators
and similiarly you don't go into more genredefying or redefying titles without first having that one outlier
>>284087 Of course not But speculating is fun If I was on a dev team, I'd prioritise making the time system work before worrying about anything else.
"No pause mode" would be a hard mode gained after finishing a good end atleast once tha would be fun
Would you include puzzles in dungeons and stuff? Having access to the internet to spoil the solutions would really mess with the time given to the players to solve them
Then again, we could just assume the average player isn't a total scrub.
>>284091 You could do something like that You could have something like a lockpick puzzle that's randomized every playthrough Code sequences like the keywords are easy to randomise
>>284090 definitely especially in the sidetracking distractions hmm make it somewaht randomised? like uhm have the player need to do some stuff to get keywords that open up a door but the order and which words say from a pool of 10, of which 3 are required and in specific order would already make a walkthrough practically useless
the real issue would be the timesystem and how to balance it out jus tmkaing it "be on the right place on the right day" would in my opinion be little bit too easy but a detailed hour schedule.. I mean sure the "events" could b lasting like 6 hours or more and as long as you get there in that time window it could count but still and the player should have the ability to access that time atleast on basis of "it is noon" "it is night" "dawn is coming"
you have stuff like pokemon already having time of date specific stuff so it shouldn't be that hard to do it, but how punishing you want to be is the issue?
And should there be moments when time doesn't pass like shopping and conversations as you couldn't make it real time, which those things practiaclly are, while at the same time having the game go over say weeks or a month in gameplay time but anyhow, time management would be a big key element in the game and just to fuck with people, your character would need to sleep at some points
hmm and I guess there should be an option to make reloading atleast a day possible so people can more easily explore the branch paths without needing to replay the whole deal
>my WoW account has been up for the last year and i didn't even notice >i've been billed 12 months of sub to a game i didn't play at all fuck
>>284095 This could be potentially gamebreaking, but you could work light time travel into it. Like having certain items reverse the flow of time. The player would simply have their foreknowledge of the future. If you really account for everything, you could have npcs react with confusion as to how the player knew certain things.
Unlockable mode after finishing the game >>284097 yeah that would work add in stuff that you can unlock by doing well sidequeasts some story branches and stuff and that you can then choose if you want to have with you on a ng+ kinda like onewayheroics let's you store items in the dimensional vault that potentionally are game breaking
>>284102 Yeah maybe but nothing gamebreaking say you used lot of fire, he switches ice res to fire res so now he is weak to ice
>>284102 >can only play each phase of the day at the appropriate time of the day >if you forget to play until the afternoon or can't your character fucking sleeps in
also I guess the longer you take to kill the demon lord, the stronger he becomes so if you do "save everyone, do all sidequests" and take maximum time he'd be near godlike
>>284104 Lol that's good The player has to skip work in real life Or have their player character stay up During class scenes they have to watch a lecture in real time
But man did they miss a cool fight in prince of persia trilogy a fight where both you and the enemy could reverse time you'd not only have to defeat the boss' health but also drain them of their sands while managing your own health and sand levels
>>284106 >can only enter the dungeon at the actual real hours of midnight-1AM wherever you are
All prince of persia games had a bit paradox bug in them, though you could in a fight when you mess up rewind time and then rewind it to the exact moment you just got a new dose of sands from a slain enemy and then RESTORE that bit of sand that you just used to rewind time
>>284106 >players actually complete a full japanese high school workload for a school year >>284107 that would have been really cool but what if the enemy reverses time into the start of your combo so you just beat them up again
>>284110 >after you get the achievement the Japanese government sends you a certificate
>>284110 hard to say but it shouldn't take that much effort to code them into "rewind time into when safe" and just specify what "safe" means it would otherwise use the very same game mechanic that you use to rewind time maximum of was it 15 seconds
i guess the boss would just have to keep track of when it got hit, and choose a certain amount of time before the least recent in any string of hits
>>284113 basically just like the game keeps track of your hp for 15 seconds into the past it would keep a constantly updating 15 seconds and if enough box get ticked, it would pick a position from the 15 sec timeline and rewind back to that
kinda weird that they didn't do it especially in the final game they even had that duality thing going on
>>284114 in that case it seems strange they didn't use the same mechanic for an enemy if they already had the code to do so it would have been a memorable boss for sure
>>284116 didn't think of it or didn't know how to fit it in storywise
I'd say if they actually had Dark Prince as a boss fight he'd have done it but they went with the "defeat with idealism" kinda lame imo
it would have been even better, if you actually had a fucking sweet fight that you had to win by not fighting it
should have just done a fight inside the mind or something
they had that you chased down the dark prince for a while and then had a chance to kick his ass for infinity, the thing didn't end untill you left to the light in stairs
but imo now that I think about it would have been better if they had a boss fight going on there and the "win by leaving the darkness behind" wasn't so obvious that the player was really being tricked even by the gameplay that there was a final epic boss fight
and maybe add an alternate bad end where you succumbed to that inner darkness and rage and the dark prince wins
the not so good but enjoyable 2008 prince of persia had a trick fight like that you had to guess which one was the real side kick of yours, but the actual trick was jumping down from the cliff the fight was happeing in so the side kick could do her rescue thing she always does when you are about to die
also that game suffered fromt he "lack of choice in ending" it should have left it to the player to decide wheter you wanted to save her or not but then again they did want to launc ha new trilogy originally, so figures they railtracked it
also the amount of time she had to save you, should have figured in to the ending like say if she really exhausted herself saving your scrub ass, she wouldn't be able to be ressurrected at all
But I want a new prince of persia even if it is a meaningless side quest like that 2010? one with the genie and shit it is still so fun to do pop style platforming with timeywimey
though I'd rather just have something similiar to it or a complete remake or reimagination of it the sand of time trilogy afterall is finished
but though luck getting that game, when ubisoftjust pumps out assassins creeds out once a year
But funniest thing about pop games were, that you always felt like you had cheated your way through I mean, you practically never died afterall but you still did and usually quite a lot too but you just rewinded it but man those >rewind because of fuck up >the series of fucks up is more than 15 secs so you have to pick up from some real bad spot or just succumb to death
>ye so i like ran across the wall all cool and shit and jumped for the pillar and missed and fell 75 feet and broke my neck. >wait, that's not how it goes...
>rewind back to mid acrobatics >forget to press wallrun and just fall off >>284135 oh yeah the fucking "wait that isn't how the story goes" of the first game there actually is a fucking amusing fall to death in one rooftop in the latter part of the first game you can jump off froa ledge or a pillar into your death but amusingly you fall against a flagpole then slide off of it toanother slide off and fall to another and so on and so on and the whole fall takes so long that even when you do maximum rewind you just rewind to the first or second flagpole you fell against
maybe I should replay the trilogy the first one is just so slow nowadays compared to that kind of action games and the second one has the unfortunate requirement of needing a walktrhough if you want the good ending the health upgrades beign actually too well hidden
Do not mind me. Testing something. Please bear, 🐻, with Mme a little bit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Wow it looks like shit works very well. Blimey notice. Noice.
I just remembered an amusing manga. The premise was that the mc is from a family who's destiny is to replace destined heroes who die or abandon their destiny. https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=70424
>>284164 Freesia is really good. >>284163 It's a deconstruction of various cliched story archetypes that flood the manga/ln market. Not that its high art or anything.
anything post 6th season save for few eps is practically crap did continue watching afterwards, partly because of habbit partly to see what kind of trainwreck it became
>>284206 I dropped it around late 2015 Cayght a few recent episodes out of chance and I feel like it was better than the point I dropped it at. The stuff about simulations and the doctor being blind is cool
stopped mid way through Tennants replacement doc.
Did they end up actually having a female Doctor yet?
It just became worse and worse in terms of writing not to mention how preachy they were >>284217 that is because moffat can't write characters really which is why all of his era characters aren't really people just characters, stand ins that full fill the role he or the other writers have decided for them at the time >>284219 i dunno there are a lot worse characters and plot developments she did outlive her welcome though
Also River Song was a mistake
>>>/watch?v=LkoGBOs5ecM Here's a video nobody will watch, because it's an hour, but they touch on Mophead or whatever and how he's bad and Sherlock is bad.
>>284217 This Matt Smith was too cooky for his own good David Tennant and Eccleston were more down to earth but still eccentric enough
basic premise she always had a rant that didn't fit her character at all and never acted in a consistant way and also always had to teach the doctor a lesson
my favourite doctor is the first one and tom baker.
My favorite is David Tennant, but I have not ever gotten around to seeing any pre eccleston stuff. Well, I had a Tom Baker thing on vhs, but when I pressed play that vcr died.
Well, according to someone I follow who steals shit from 4chan and whatnot about Kemono Friends, the director was fired. Best I can understand is from the Bing translation.
like amusingly the burns in mouth aren't that bad when they are at the roof you justn eed to scrape the dead skin away and then you just have some sensitive skin there healed up in a day
I am too scare to do that. That's why I hate those the most.
To think the English language allows for "that, that" to be correct. Here's an article I didn't know existed.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That_that_is_is_that_that_is_not_is_not_is_that_it_it_is
WEll yeah also if you turn off their emotional inhebitors, cybermen die can't handle being cybermen dalkes on the otherhand have full emotional capacity, though they mostly just feel hatred
wow I can't get lost huge cathedral tower I know where that is. >>284330 yep although these pics are my phone. all my dragonfly ones aare snapbridge >>284331 it apprently needed lots of updates
Do you have your phone connected to your camera using that app?
i wonder if it works now it never used to work for me the app was broken or something
liberals stole it from the left after we stole it from blacks
have you guys seen this "Neo Yokio" show om netflix?
its quite strangr like it is its own "abridged" youtube series
i am probably going to watch it tomorrow it looks hilariously bad
i keep seeing this video where kaz is like "what, do you live here now?" and some blonde dude gets depressed and is like "i wish i lived here" and i laugh every time
>>284379 it feels like it was made by a bunch of black weeaboos so, some of the little underplayed jokes are actually kinda clever im literally only 9 minutes into the first episode everything else seems to be pretty shit >>284383 im sure they're all about 20 years old tho, right?
>starring jaden smith
>>284381 haha it's actually written exclusively by white dudes
it DOES have some VERY NOTICEABLY amateur voice acting and visuals >>284385 jesus christ
>>284381 of the three writers, one is like 50, one is in his 30s, and one is like 25 or something
>"we have every right to take strategic measures, inc shooting down US bombers even if outside our air space." -North Korean foreign minister in response to North Korea's declaration that Trump declared war on North Korea
>>284463 Well if you want to keep the global superpower status with the key of "no one dares to actually oppose us, since we outgun them easily" you need to spend that much is practically identical to GB's navy policy of "we need a navy as big as the next 3 biggest navies" well past policy
>>284376 I had to do other stuff, but most of the time I see the left saying it now, it's lathered in irony Contra actually made a video on that kind of thing, not wokeness but saying stuff with a ton of irony, and because of it I've decided to stop doing stuff like joking about gulags or whatever
Contra's argument was that it's just bad PR and stuff, mostly, but also that it's exactly the same shit people who 'ironically' wear a swastika will say Seize the high ground and all that
Contra actually has a lot of really good videos Iunno if you watch her videos at all though, you should if you don't, she's good at actually getting points through
well not really to be a rebel is to disobey the rules but usually you become a rebel for a cause a causeless rebel is just a delinquent in essence a harmless harmcauser but a rebel with a cause, is someone who will fight for the cause
>>284506 They aren't? there are stations everywhere here.
underground is pretty rare. London's underground is pretty famous though.
People just drive everywhere. Major cities will have subway systems, but above-ground rail isn't used much for passenger transportation.
That said I guess Toronto's subway system has a number of above-ground platforms. The whole city is full of mild hills and slopes down to the lake, so every now and then the rail line pops up above ground.
>>284518 Sure, but for the sake of being a snarky, obnoxious nuisance you miss the point of what I said in order to go "AHKSHULLY". I wish it was more prevalent and widespread, like it is in other parts of the world. That doesn't -That isn't intended to ignore the systems already in place, or to ignore the fact that it isn't a system best optimized for the geographical nature of the continent. It's just what I wish could work better.
a flashback anyhow she died if they bring her back why bother killing her?
Also Index is apparently finally getting its season three? This one is a lot harder to ascertain because the fans of that franchise have been memeing up season three forever and I can't tell for sure if this is just more of the same or actual leaks.
I'm pretty sure this is what you were getting at but Half-Life 3 is pretty much undeniably dead in the water now. The lead scriptwriter dumped the plot synopsis for what it would have been online.
Not to mention by the time they just gave up on doing it, the hype was so big nothing could ever satisfy the fans
Spice and Wolf missed its chance for another adaptation anyway. When they were doing the new volumes with Lawrence and Holo with a kid, that would have been a good time to adapt the older novels to promote the series. Kind of like how they finally finished adapting Durarara!! when the new books started coming out.
A lot of different philosophical ideas around what justice is, what the law should be able, what the law itself actually is That sort of thing The nature of rights
>>284560 Any John Rawls stuff? His stuff on justice is really really good
Didn't hear him mentioned I watched a ton of youtube videos that summarized stuff, and I'm gonna look into it more tomorrow, but I think they did a good job at laying out something I at least could follow and understand
Some podcast I listened to at work talked about Posner, a US judge who apparently was a real fucking great guy
>>284562 Huh, he's a local (to me) guy. Also he only retired really recently.
He could have taken some other position, but chose to just retire instead They mentioned a lot of cases where he'd basically just found a way to legally rule in not in "what the law says" directly, but what was actually the most just result, because to him that's what the legal system and judges were really for. The law is the guideline they have to stick to, but the judge should try to get the best possible result for the case
Of course, there's gonna be variation on that, but I think I like him He overturned something once where a guy who couldn't afford a lawyer got bogged down with paperwork he didn't understand, which made him default the case Posner's a swell dude, he said "No, fuck that, the guy categorically isn't equipped to understand this shit, and he NEEDS a lawyer."
>>284564 Yee, he still has a position at U of C's law school though.
>>284564 Defendants in criminal cases are required by law to be given a court appointed attorney in the event that they cannot afford legal counsel. Although of course the system still sucks, but >>284567 Oh cool What a baller
The mere fact that you can pay for a lawyer immediately means you have more recognized rights as a wealthy person than as a poor person You technically are allowed to get a better lawyer if you're poor, but you CAN'T ACTUALLY do that
>>284571 I'm just gonna stop you there And also in some cases you (even if you are poor) can get a better lawyer. Im assuming you're talking about civil law
The result is insanely much more important than the intent
The \\ Being AWARE of the result means keeping the system as is is intentionally keeping that result
If you do something, and it turns bad, that's just a fuckup If you do that again, knowing it will lead to bad thing, that's intent
>>284577 Our legal system was created over two hundred years ago. And changing a legal system takes a long time (disregarding things like revolution). And even if you could do a major overhaul in a short amount of time the resulting chaos would fuck over so many people.
Like, people, actual human beings, are having their supposed rights and liberties trampled on while it remains. These aren't numbers It's not "oh it fucks this group", no it fucks the people, each individual in that group
>>284579 >>284580 You always make these blanket assumptions that no one is trying to get anything done. There is and has been legal reform and people working on legal reform for a very long time. Right now patent law is being reformed There are anti SLAPP laws >>284583 If you're going to talk like that we aren't really going to be able to have a real conversation
Patent law is bourgie power dynamics between themselves The overwhelming majority of people will never once in their life even consider filing for a patent Just about every single one will have an experience where a company fucks them over in a way they just either lack the knowledge or funds to sue over
No the problem is you're looking at it as though every law affects everyone equally and that's just not the case Patent law doesn't affect fucking anyone but the people already in power, the already favored people, and the people who try to join their ranks
>>284584 Fun fact Shitty patent laws have a large effect on the price of medicines Also anti SLAPP laws are very important
Yeah, but those aren't affecting people's basic supposed rights There's no supposed right in the US, at all, to medicines
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_lawsuit_against_public_participation >>284586 SLAPP doesn't affect people's supposed basic right? *rights Like freedom of speech? The fundamental right in the US?
>>284584 These people, regardless of where they come from, are still citizens which deserve their intellectual property protected from infringement. You're narrowing down and shitting on patent law as if removing or ignoring it would be some kind of greater good in itself.
>>284590 None of those are rights you have in the US though You're allowed to have a business, you don't have a right to one You're not even allowed to be free \\ I mean yeah probably that one, but I dunno if that's a formal right at all That's more like a "this should be the case"
>>284593 You have the right to own a business if you can gather the necessary assets to form one.
Like you can't go "you have the right to x".... "if you can afford it" EVERYONE has the right to EVERYTHING if they can afford it, that's not what a right is at all
>>284596 So people have a right to own a gun Even if they can't afford one?
Like why even put anything down as a "right" if it's just "if you can get it" By that token you might as well put down the rights for every single thing on the market, it's completely nonsensical
You have the RIGHT to police protection Not "if you can afford it" You. Have. The. RIGHT. It's something you're legally allowed to DEMAND, and it will, assuming the government isn't fucked, be fulfilled
That's what a fucking right is
>>284598 Actually you don't have the right to police protection
Wait what? Did they literally rule "you don't have a right to be protected by police"? The US is surprisingly open about its hostility to its own people
And your inane, single-minded rambling is annoying. Take it somewhere else.
Ah, it wasn't a supreme court case. Unless there is a different one I found just now similar yo the oone I coupd not find. *to the one I could https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia
Also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales
Anybody like hiking?
I wonder if I can warranty on my Chromebook. The WiFi receiver on it seems busted or something. That's not a particularly huge problem but fixing it would be nice.
>>284608 What made you decide to get a Chromebook over a regular laptop?
I don't need the additional functionality. I can game and do complicated/intensive stuff on my PC. For a portable machine I just need something I can type on, read on, and maybe some times watch/listen to stuff. Chromebooks, especially the one I got, are cheap.
>>284611 It works. Intuitive enough for me. Kind of skeletal but I don't need extravagance on it.
For my super portable computer I have an old eee pc That I run debian on. Honestly purchasing that specific one was a mistake (no graphics drivers gor the integrated graphics) but I needed a new portable computer asap for a presentation so we dropped 180 bones on it
If anything, because I want to do most of my long-time typing on it, I'd rather a portable machine doesn't offer me distraction opportunities. I like typing on chiclet keyboards.
>>284613 Maybe get an alphasmart then no distractions and there are plenty of writers who swear by them. >chiclet keyboards Oh, nvm I don't think alphasmart has chiclet keys
I don't really like gaming on them; the chiclet keys are way too senstive and quick to press. But I've done way too much typing through chiclet keyboards and they're just so much more natural for me.
Also when I talk about the graphics not working I don't mean just for games, i mean it womt work for games But also it makes just normal use slow cause it uses cpu to render and actual ram for vram Although I could probably change some system stuff to make it less slow You into GNU/Linux at all?
No, not really. I know this is probably an unpopular opinion for you but I really don't appreciate the extra work it has you do. I -like- my OS to just be boot up PC and have it working.
>>284617 Most people don't need GNU/Linux Although there are distros that are super easy to use like Ubuntu But their dev's are evil And then probably also Linux Mint But their dev's are evil (or stupid) on a different way But yeah, most people can get by fine without using a pc running GNU/Linux
Annoying that you have to get Lightroom on subscription
Wow So dead
Kannagi you find any good manga recently?
https://scontent-lht6-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/21909834_167551180489325_6013256837795676160_n.jpg oops wrong link
https://bato.to/comic/_/comics/kuzu-to-megane-to-bungaku-shoujo-nise-r20991 I found this recently. I quite like it.
Hrrm I found a company that is very similar to an idea I had for a company a while back. I might apply for a job there It's a digital ln English translation website
nah they raised the prices a while back to "modernize power plants" which is code for "we want more 💰" since they aren't planning on actually modernizing
Well, looks like I lost tthe battle on whether or not madokami should have korean webcomics uploaded to it
Well, the designers and writers are actually really passionate about the story. They constantly post about it on Twitter. The mechanical designer in particular is really passionate. They also just announced some figures and other merch for the show, which is unusual because the show just ended. We'll probably see an announcement for S2 in a few months.
It seems like sometimes sculptors focus on the parts of the body they like and kind of phone the rest of it in. That figure looks like the sculptor was really concerned with the hips and skirt.
Well, the breasts appear to be in their own little cups so they aren't that weird, although it is unusual clothing. Faces are important though, he should have tried harder.
>>284693 Well, they will do that if you put them in cups like tha.t It looks like some kind of weird underwear type outfit though. I guess the sculptor probably likes perky ones.
It looks more like a spy suit in the image you posted, but that's because it doesn't have those built in cups. The cups make it look like something a domantrix would wear.
>>284700 It is, but the interpretation of the suit is a bit difference in the figure than in >>284697 In the art, it looks like her boobs are free in the suit and it's just tight. On the figure, it looks like the suit has cups in it that are holding them in place.
>>284728 The question isn't whether or not something is weird. Weirdness comes from the answer, or lack thereof, of other questions. Why do they exist? Why do some grow and some don't? Why do men have nipples that do nothing? And so on. Breasts being weird isn't simply having or lacking an answer to such quandries but rather whether or not you accept that answer or lack of answer. You have wandered too deep into your thoughts and have grown weary over something that you shouldn't.
Breasts aren't objectively weird. Your brain is merely rejecting its normalness.
>>284730 They're usually proportionate to their body though
>>284731 Aren't you just accepting it's normal because that's what the normal thing to do is? You're used to variations in breasts so you assume they're normal. You're ignoring the philosophical questions that the variations raise. You're only looking at this superficially and so you can't see where Rika and I are coming from.
>>284733 Wrong and wrong. Accepting them as normal isn't something that I have to do. That's for people like you and Rika who wish to play at skepticism. You can accept them or don't. I, on the other breast, have a fond appreciation for them. It isn't about accepting it as an every day thing but celebrating it. The difference in size, how they hang, the rare inversions. You think you've moved up a level but you actually just went down. What you don't realize is that there is no philosophy in the skepticism of breasts. One can dare to learn more about them but what you'll find at the end of that road is exactly where I'm standing. Enjoy your thoughts. I will enjoy breasts and wait for you to get here.
>>284735 Enjoyment or fondness isn't relevant here in the least. Except in that it's biasing you.
You say that there's no room for philosophy here, but there's room for philosophy everywhere. You're so stuck at the superficial level that you're not questioning things. You think it's obvious so there's no point in questioning it - you already have your answer so there's no reason to continue searching past the superficial level. Acceptance of breasts, fondness, enjoyment - those are completely divorced from whether or not breasts are weird.
>>284741 Don't get lost on your way. Even a child can appreciate them. It would be a shame if you merely went around in a circle. >>284739 Ah but the experience is different. There is no philosophy because they're unnecessary. As unnecessary as the breasts themselves. Although, I suppose you can consider that a philosophy in itself. I have no need to wonder about the nature of the tit. I can just marvel at the wonder of them. As such, my thoughts on them are whole.
>>284746 See? You're admitting that you are being influenced by the superficial aspects of them. And then you're admitting to a sense of wonder for them! You're choosing not to think about it and saying nobody should think about it.
>>284755 Yeah, but they're still really weird. Especially if you take a moment to think about the male body. It's hard and firm and stocky, but there's a super-fragile little dangly thing at the bottom!
I do get it. I get it more than you. I have simply cast off such things because in the end, it's unnecessary. I asked the same questions. Found many answers. Found contentment. And I am fine.
You're so enamored by them that you aren't even able to think about them from a cultural or evolutionary perspective let alone a // at a philosophical level. You should never choose to stop thinking.
Please. Who said that? I can still engage with them in many different ways. Weirdness, though? That's either your own subjectiveness or your own ignorance.
If you've thought about it at a cultural or evolutionary level, then you'd recognize how weird they are. The strangeness of the human breast is especially interesting from an evolutionary perspective. You're choosing to be ignorant and claiming that ignorance is the final, ultimate goal - that not knowing is the ideal place to be.
>>284764 What makes it culturally weird? Evolutionarily weird? Where does it deviate from the spectrum of normalness or 'intellectually acceptable'? In either of // in any case, how does 'weird' even get associated with culture.
>>284766 Humans are the only animals with full breasts in the world. Even our closest genetic relatives have flat chests and only develop breasts when they are lactating, and then those breasts disappear. Human breasts are unique and weird.
Culturally, breasts are interesting because of the emphasis and importance placed on them over other body parts by many early cultures. The importance placed on them is frequently disproportionate. The perceived importance of them is something found in cultures across the world that had never interacted. This tells us there's something special about breasts. Even today, we put an extraordinary amount of emphasis on breasts, even on aspects of them that serve no evolutionary or biological benefit. or rather, almost exclusively on aspects of breasts that have no inherent benefit.
Unique, sure. Significant, definitely in the places where they are. Weird, still no sell. The evolution of all beings that exist is home to lots of unique and fascinating things. That humans have something separate from their relatives isn't weird. The differences of cultures itself can often feel weird. But that those differences exist isn't. One might be taken back by a culture that does not hide their nipples. That's weird to them. But that such differences exist is expected.
What? How are unique things always weird? Especially in terms of evolution where unique features separate many species, others not having something that one does or having something that no one else does isn't unheard of. And I guess I don't know what you're talking about with culture. Do you mean that most / many cultures place importance on them even without telling each other so? Perhaps those people simply appreciated the breast. You know, like "normal" "not weird" human beings. I guess you can probably say that the fascination of breasts is weird. I don't think I'd agree with that either though. ... Nah, I wouldn't.
When it gets really hot here, this station always smells like rotting garbage in a dead wind.
>>284770 Most species share quite a bit with their close genetic relatives. If you look at breasts, you have to wonder, why did breasts turn out like they did? What causes full breasts like we have today to be selected? caused, not causes. The fullness of breasts has no evolutionary or biological advantage, so why did it turn out like that? Looking at it like this, it's clearly odd. Things that are unique are weird. Why? Because the word weird refers to an anomaly or abnormality. Something is not normal. If something is unique then by definition, it's an anomaly. It has to be weird. That's what the words mean.
Culturally, it's interesting that so many cultures independently put so much emphasis on breasts. This is clearly odd as well, because it's quite disproportionate. There's no evolutionary or biological advantage to human breasts, yet we somehow came to worship them and view them similarly across many cultures independently.
Historically, there's been an undue focus on breasts throughout human history. It's weird.
I wanted to avoid "Koi Hates Words Vol. IX" but it seems that I can't. "Weird" has very specific connotations. Primarily negative. It is not enough to be 'unique' or 'anomalous'. It has to be unique and undesirable. Or cause some kind of dissonance. The uniqueness of breasts from evolution despite no
...I figured it out. Breasts were selected because we like them. This irrational desire is why they have survived despite having "no reason to exist". Throughout countless centuries of reproductive trials, man chose breasts. And I think that's beautiful. Once again, I have returned to the fullness.
First of all, breasts didn't originally exist. They are probably the result of a natural mutation, originally. For some reason, humans selected that mutation and bred it in. Why? "Oh, they just liked them." That's not how evolution works and at the time when breasts were being selected, mankind was still very much animalistic. We had yet to develop the sentience that allows us to have irrational desires. You're purposefully stopping short at asking the real questions because you're satisfied not having answers for them. You're denying that questions should be asked because you don't want to bother with them.
Why were breasts selected? It doesn't make a lot of sense. In fact, breasts should have been disadvantageous originally. If an ape had full breasts all the time, it would disrupt the group and eventually lead to some trouble in which the breasted ape was unlikely to survive. More importantly, breasts were associated with pregnancy. If one of these humans always had full breasts, males would be reluctant to reproduce with her due to her perceived status as already pregnant or having just recently given birth. It's definitely strange.
>>284780 One day, we'll take the time machine all the way back and we'll watch human evo happen and you're just going to see men choosing breasts irrationally and be disappointed.
I'm just saying that all this is normal and a lot simpler than they're wondering. no advantages no discerning of taste no way for breasts to survive but they did it. despite all odds to the confusion of /moe/'s greatest intitellectuals
>>284786 No, you're oversimplifying it. You're saying "These legitimate questions don't matter because I like tits." You're making all kinds of assumptions.
If there are no advantages, that's part of what makes it really weird. I don't see how you could possibly deny that breasts are weird in light of the arguments I've presented.
>>284785 This is really more an epistemological discussion with breasts as a device for discussing epistemology.
>>284790 I think it's a testament to mankind's success rather than breasts themselves being weird. Humans are the weird ones. They kept breasts. The breasts themselves are pretty normal. And with that, my dinner is over.