>>27870 >I'm surprised they didn't say, "Don't chimp out! There's still time left to take this great deal!" "You'll go bananas for these low prices!" "$29 Flights? What a steal!" "You'll riot over these low prices!"
>>27867 I'm pretty sure Rook was the one that got it. I got Julia.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh maybe it was rook i don't remember yeah i don't remember
Now that I think about it. Both Julia and Ilyana would be wind based. No wait... what was Lightning magic? That was in the Wind section, right? No, Lightning was separate from wind Wind compounds with Ice. So Ilyana would be Blue tome, then?
Stuart McLean and the Vinyl Cafe were some brilliant high points of CBC radio. The stories he told were always funny and bizarre and often heart-warming or bittersweet. He was so good at telling these stories of crazy normal life. I know there aren't really many Canadians around, and even then since he was only ever on radio it's probably not something many people would know. But I'd like to say he was a brilliant creative person. And our national creative scene is lessened by the loss of him.
>>27939 Only one has really affected anything and it's been shut down ww >>27938 I am listening to the Senate debate a nomination. And that is all I can think of right now. >debate on Representative Mick Mulvaney’s (R-SC) nomination to be director of the Office of Management and Budget. Okay it's a Senator so it's at least someone who knows shit >It's the guy who has led essentially every charge to shut down the govt over the budget we're fucking shit up >is the guy who said "Do we really need federally funded medical research?"
Lucina self heals every 3 rounds, kills dragons, grants attack to adjacent allies, and gets speed when her hp is low. Her highest level ultimate also self-heals.
Seliph gets lots of HP, rally speed, brash assault, and gets def up when at 50% or fewer HP
ive been rolling Seliph a lot >>27957 shes really good
I do want a Rally Speed person that I can rely on but I wouldn't swap Lucina for it. Time to get juice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i should send gordon ramsey a picture of my dinner sometime
http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/862677571666/ If any of you have time, I'd like it if you gave an excerpt of one Stuart McLean's stories. They're a bit long, so if it's too much, it's okay. But I think he's got a homely spirit that's endearing.
Well I do remember few big cases one was a wild fire in russia that started to near our borders after being burning for like 2-3 weeks already cause russians don't give a fuck
and the smoke reached all the way to our capital even
and then when Iw as in the army, during the summer final drills, the live ammo and shit caused the dry forest to burn constantly so I just one day remember, walking out from the mess hall to my office, stopping still and noticing that the whole barracks area was surrounded by a wall of smoke. At that point everyone not in active drills were ordered to go help the local firefighters stationed in case shit got too real in terms of fire, to put out the fires.
But in general, we don't get big fires, we kinda maintain our forests well enough to avoid that and the climate rarely allows for it.
>Mattis was taking questions from the media on a flight to a NATO meeting in Brussels when Associated Press reporter Lolita Baldor asked the Pentagon chief if ... >Lolita Baldor You named your child what?
>>27997 Two hours is way too much. There's actually studies connecting more day-to-day frustrations and health issues with extensive commute times. I wouldn't be happy with a 1.3 hour commute, but I'd suffer it if there wasn't a more reasonable option. But I think I'd strive harder to just find a better working condition that suffer a two hour commute.
>>27997 I used to have a 2 hour transit to school and 2 hours back home. It was so miserable and soul crushing that I missed a week of school because it forced me into such a depression that I couldn't get out of bed for a week. >>27998 Why do you ask? >>28001 No, we don't have public transport here.
was it public transport at least with that you can play games
>>27997 How long is your shift? Was it public transit?
Either way, that's between 2.6 and 4 hours a day commuting. 8 hour shift + 4 hour commute means you won't have time in the day for anything else.
i tihnk it might be ok if i get home at 6-7 i can do stuff then die at 11-12
What hours would you be working? If this is a standard nine-to-five you should probably regularly expect to get home by 19:00. Dinner and clean up immediately afterwards means you wouldn't be free to do whatever until 20:00 at earliest. Plus you're probably gonna be mentally drained and frustrated because of a long commute. That doesn't sound bad but it usually means a lack of interest in your hobbies, from what I've found.
>NSwitch support >PBR default post-processing settings >Compile times reduced by as much as 50% >improved texture load times >Blur Background widget >WEIGHTED BLENDING ANIMATIONS what a beautiful patch ...wait, how were they doing animations in this engine before? Holy crap.
This week, all the prospective graduate students are here, too. It's going to be one hell of a first impression. I'm going to have to mentor one of the students that actually get in next year.
But I'm the strongest so I will win everyone over. I don't like the wig, though. It's kind of uncomfortable to wear. Maybe because it's a cheap wig.
>>28037 My relation with facial hair is "it's complicated". I don't hate it. But I don't really like it. But it's also a big nuisance to have to fiddle it down on a regular basis. But I also look way too much like a scruffy hobo with it because of the rest of me. There's no easy solution to it.
there's an effort that i want to volunter // volunteer and help and i have the skills but they're asking credentials i dont even have the credentials to volunteer i guess
>>28083 I'm sure there's a Litter Box Online mmo somewhere
I will not try this youtube red, over and over and over I said Would you try it in a dream? Would you try it if we meme? I will not try this youtube red, you'd sooner find me buried, dead
Just watch it for the entertainment and pop science
there's no science it's selective choosing suggestive participants to illustrate a point and selectively choosing video-worthy participants thereafter it's not a valid representation of anything
I just kind of assume that of any show
that's why vsauce isn't good as a show the youtube channel is fine because he's just exploring ideas and that's fun
>>28103 You like space and things don't you? You might like this youtube channel by David Butler https://www.youtube.com/user/howfarawayisit/playlists especially How Far Away Is It and How Small Is It
I know we all get suggestions all day long and we can't look at all of them but i thought I'd make it anyway
I joined up with that anime club. We watched Wolf Children. First ten minutes I thought it was going to be some furry fanfiction love story and I was pretty close to leaving. I stuck it out though, and it ended up being a pretty decent movie. 7/10. Would recommend.
No new WEEABOO FRIENDS, but that can come later.
currently wearing a skirt
So what's it like? Do you feel open? lighter? freer? cuter?
Maybe I should just turn to crime My everything hurts I'm exhausted mentally
I haven't done ANYTHING for the last 3 hours other than drink three glasses of water, smoke 2 cigs, and tape together about 200 cardboard boxes That's it
Just make sure you keep things strictly hetero. There's nothing gay about hiring your male friends to dress up as maids for you and I want to keep it that way. >>28273 Your Everything would probably hurt more in jail. >>28269 BREAK FREE
I'm moderately less irked by people who want the death penalty for him, or at least want the prison system here to react by being shittier to him I'm irked by those, too, but at least they're not fucking traitors
Probably because Kirara doesn't really have a feminine hairstyle. Wigs can also help hide what might be more identifying masculine features on the face. I mean you could also circumvent those by just having long hair to begin with, but that's more effort than just putting on a wig.
Check what I got Aw yiss mothafucking soba noodles mah favrit fud nom nom nom
I had some REARU NIPPONESE fried soba while I was in Japan. Though I don't know how "real" you can claim them to be when we were cooking them ourselves, hah hah.
I wanna see them prod Japan, and Trump respond by just sticking a coin in the "NUKE'EM" button
50 fucking nukes flying over the ocean, obliterating everything that was once NK China won't even care, the area's FUCKED now with radiation so it still serves the function NK does for them right now
Yeah, they have missiles but do they have nukes? I seriously doubt they have the capacity to produce any and who in their right mind would sell them... right USSR and China >>28298 No it is quite more than just that.
>>28296 Thermonukes are way more complex, yeah But when you're a dictatorial government whose word is law, I think you are gonna be able to process the uranium
>>28300 You know Iran can't into nukes either Just basic nuclear powerplant tech and shit take way more than what the poor and behind the times as hell, NK can do.
It's not "you just need uranium" that shit is kinda rare, did you know? Who would sell them any?
So what, those times the world went "OH SHIT A BOMB THE SIZE OF LITTLE BOY WENT OFF UNDERGORUND IN NK", that's just them sticking dynamite underground to fuck with everyone?
Well anyway I doubt they'll ever actually attack anyone, even if they had the stuff to They're gonna get smacked so hard they revert to the fucking stone age if they do, and EVERYONE in the government is gonna get the chair
>you're never gonna take the white house with this kind of rhetoric again Oh how wrong this man is Oh man It's about to get worse son
>>28314 Eventually even the army won't get their benefits and that is when it ends
People will suffer the most, but that is the price to pay for a militaristic government to be overthrown, you have to upset the soldiers enough. As long as the militaryman has special privielges, they can lose, they will shoot at, if not shoot to kill, the ordinary people
rutabga, parsnips, turnips shit that can take the cold those were eaten here, before agriculture /potato was introduced and agricultural tech increased so, grains and shit could prosper too. Rye of course can take the cold
Well it's pretty uncommon around here. And the fact that it's a cold-ground crop is probably the driving reason it's even known around here. Which is a shame since it's plenty tasty and adds a nice variety to dishes you might otherwise just put carrots in.
Well the far-north of North America only got colonised after scandis started to migrate there afterall We prolly brought over some of our foodstuff
Well there's also the fact that my dad's a first (second?) generation Canadian. Both my grandparents on that side are immigrants, and my granddad is Polish. Also my mother comes from a clan that has a lot of farmers in the family. So maybe it's just my family's in a good position to know this stuff.
Well some credit goes to Russians too, but what with serfdom being a thing untill 19th century, they didn't impact so much
And they had Alaska as their own colony for that matter
Alaska is one of those "USA profits from european politics" >tzar we gonna most likely lose this colony to UK soon >riight, true, we better sell it, since we broke anyhow >HEY ANYONE WANNA BUY A COLONY
Well the guy also indirectly well almost directly to be fair, caused the independence of ALL central- and southern american colonies.
Napoleon sure wrote history
And us too it was part of his deal with russia before their relations broke >yo, ruski go kick swedish ass kay, they are being a pain in my butt >okay, what do I profit >you get finland
In a way he managed to live up to his dreams and aspirations of following in the footsteps of Roman emperors. Just like them he wrought a total upheaval of the nation states of the known world.
And due to Napoleon being a threat, we were granted complete autonomy, practically independent in all but the name Grand Duchy of Finland, as we were called. That sparked the national and patriotic spirit, that followed suit with most of our national works being made in the next 50 years or so and by the end of the century, we were all "fuck russia"
And Prussia would've never become the unificator of Germany, if they had not profited so much of the war and AUstria on the other hand suffered I mean Napoleon ENDED THE HRE bye bye Austrian influence from germany
And the failed first republic then resulted in his nephew, Napoleon 3rd taking over with popular support. and his bumpling military leadership, led partially, though, to the defeat in the Franco-prussian war that unified germany
Like you can say Hitler made the modern world, but napoleon made the last two centuries completely
Weird to think how influential his actions ended up being
Is it really weird though. He was a major world leader that pressured other nation states and waged war on a massive scale.
>>28390 Can you name any one single person with mildly successful imperialistic ambitions that was not influential on the world until the next person with mildly successful imperialistic ambitions comes along?
YEah, but can you name any one single person whose not that long reign caused so much upheveal?
Tsch the spotify update how it now does preloading and cache, screwed over how I made the usb-tethering work Guess I'll need to set up my desktop someday soon and get a 5G wifi adapter or webcard >>28393 is weird how you calle kale kale, but cabbage cabbage
Funny how we call cabbage cabbage, but bok choy bok choy.
>>28398 it's mostly convergent etymology, not divergent most of these things come from different places in the world, so they have a different name they all have latin names which would be more specific in that sense i guess
kale is also called leaf cabbage here but that runs the risk of being vague if you told someone to go to the store and pick up leaf cabbage, they may not know what you're talking about and get what they think is leaf cabbage but isn't if you tell em to get kale, everyone knows what kale is
there are other cabbages that are leafy, for instance
Yeh, I guess the ultimate difference is the age difference and how the languages work. I mean, you can technically make infinite long compound word in finnish.
China can't bootleg air or else they'd have done it already.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also my friend bought a copy of Fate/Extella that comes with the extra shit. We went to a gamestop pretty far away since it was the only one with Nioh that wasn't in the ghetto. When we got back he opened it up and they put in the PSVita version even though he bought the PS4 version. I got a Starfox plush for $2 from the clearance bin.
>>28413 Real quality there. Well gamestop is kinda crap store
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28416 It also the only place I can get a hard copy of Gravity Rush Remastered for under $80. They sell it used for $40. >>28418 You don't really own games you buy digitally. Plus if I buy it and don't like it I can resell it for like $100. People are willing to pay that much for Gravity Rush Remastered's physical edition.
>>28417 you don't have actual any money just "trust"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28419 I actually do have several hundred dollars worth of gold and silver coins. Not that I bought them for the purpose of using them if society collapses, I have them because I collect coins.
Even that is not anything but "perceived value" if society collapses, who will want your gold? people will value guns, weapons, food, water, shelter and such gold will be as useless to them as tin cans. actually, tin cans are useful as fuck
So the "digital game is not owned" argument is silly as fuck. And anyhow, aside from steam, say gog or other platforms you can play them just fine without having to boot the "storefront". Steam is only platform that does, and not with all titles, limit the access to games if steam is not running. If it is on your hard drive, or any storage facility, it is actually more permanent than CD or DVD or BD, since those neither have eternal shelf-life. >>28422 A minor inconvenience, that no one who matters cares about.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
You can't loan people digital copies of games.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also my friend wants to know how accurate of a representation of Finnish life "My Summer Car" is.
Still if society collapses, i think copper and such more available materials would get first used gold, is rare even when society is fully operational, and so is silver too. Neither is like diamonds, which value is just insane, because the diamond companies only release so many gems to the market.
we can use copper for most things easily because, with our power grid, the loss of energy in storing and transportation is negligible take down the grid and having gold for room temperature operations and storage would be crucial you'd eventually need some superconductors to store the energy without loss though
>>28433 >>28433 That's the game Romero made, right? I've been seeing them talk about it a lot.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28434 its more than just melting point, you can "manipulate" non melted metals its depends on a number of things including ductility and malleability gold is actually easy to manipulate, same with silver
I don't know if it's still going but there's a press conference happening and it's melting all of my timelines.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also I found some good looking job listsings (good as in I am qualified for them and they pay is not garbage).
>>28440 Once I get 60 of these, I'm going to pay some people like $30 amazon giftcards for a one-hour interview and compile a market research report and send it to frontier an unsolicited market research report they should be paying a firm like $15,000 per quarter to be doing this for them but i guarantee they're not
Heh, Gunman Taco Truck is based on an idea by John Romero's wife's son.
>>28445 oh that reminds me, i'm glad youre here these nerds were talking about gamestop a bit ago what was it that i said at that fucking gamestop when we left i can't remember
>>28447 Oh fuck haha You were like "I'm never coming to GameSpot again!"
hahaha oh right i couldn't remember gamespot's not even a store is it?
I think they do vidya news or reviews
I was thinking I had said EB, but gamespot's even better
That might just be "medicine" or shit or is it literally drugs?
>We’ve ordered the Department of Homeland Security and Justice to coordinate on a plan to destroy criminal cartels coming into the United States with drugs. We’re becoming a drug infested nation.
"hey kids want some candy" "Nah, drugs are cheaper"
https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/02/16/us/politics/donald-trump-press-conference-transcript.html If you wanna read it.
>>28459 >We’re becoming a drug infested nation shouldn t this be "are"
>>28461 for really big events, they'll usually have a stenotype going real time and then the person who puts stenotype into real words real-time, and then two to four editors cleaning it up probably can have a script out within about half an hour after the event ends >>28464 citation needed
>>28463 Just basing it on a hunch Sure, they will for years, maybe hunderds require someone to oversee that the result is good a "proofread" but with machine translators becoming better and better and voice to text similiarly, it can be predicted, that they are going to either replace or lessen the amount of humans working in the field
Subtitles, probably.
Transcripts I don't see that happening for. They're tied so heavily into so many industries that it just wouldn't happen. It wouldn't even be beneficial to have it machine capable.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
so moon I know when I previously mentioned you possibly picking up that game for me you mentioned not having a car, would you be willing to do it if I gave you the money for the game and to ship it to me and enough for you to take a taxi there and back?
If you're willing to pay for a taxi ride + shipping + game money, why not just buy the game Even if it's cheaper there, it can't be THAT much cheaper.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28475 It goes for over $100 online, gamestop sells it used in stores for $40. >>28477 scalpers, it was a limited physical release only available through amazon
Taxi ride = 2.5 + 2.50 per mile The location is 8 miles away He needs to get there and back 16 * 2.50 = ~48 or so You're basically paying 100 dollars Just order it.
>>28491 He is a hard core christian which kinda shows in his conviction. He is convicted that this shit is not how it should be, so he fights against it. I wish europe had more Petersons
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28487 also shipping a ps4 game is not $20, the USPS has special rates for shipping books/dvds/games/cds/bds
He can afford it because his viewers know what's up So they won't go anyway Meaning advertisers will always have a large audience if they pay him a few bucks
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28498 I thought hatespeech was made illegal in the EU? >>28501 god dammit
>>28500 EU desires this, but it is resited. *resisted even
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Well I mean I guess its technically good that its only in Germany rather than the entire EU, but Germany is likely to be the country I spend the most time in if I ever go to Europe.
France quits the Eu and EU is the Fourth reich of Germany. So, good werk Merkel.
>>28504 It's a thing, but not at the level of germany yet. or UK at times.
>>28488 if i happen to be out that way i'll pick it up and ship it to you i can't really think about when or if that'll happen though right now since i'm kind of focused on work.
>>28503 come to scandis no need to see the "lower" europe
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28507 its not very important, it would take me a few days to get the money anyway >>28508 how are your university's physics departments compared to germany's >>28510 there are currently no //nvm
heymats, is "jewish person" more or less offensive than "jew"?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28512 an entire power plant or a reactor? because there is a university less than 100 miles away from me that has at least ten nuclear reactors on campus my tiny 5 city block by 4 city block main campus used to have one nuclear reactors in universities are pretty common, also reactors are mainly for nuclear engineering programs not physics >>28518 If I'm going to Germany it would be for either gradschool or some sort of research thing in physics
>>28516 well it is a reactor for research purposes at this point and it is goign to get dismantled in near future but it is still there
>>28516 go to aalto, they have both big karaoke club and otaku club literally named "otaku"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28519 Finland is way to far from CERN for that to be practical, also it would be easier for me to learn >>28521 >he doesn't know about Chicago's connection to CERN
>>28520 Well if you are into nuclear stuff, we are actually the only european nation (civilized) building more nuclear power.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28522 That's actually really cool, and don't get me wrong I like Finland a lot. But Germany is historically a Mecca for physics. Also plenty of German universities teach large amounts of courses in English, not that I wouldn't learn German but it would make it a bit easier.
Tsch, potential membership recruiting failed. we've never had a murrican in either of the clubs
For those of you who have lunch out, like a lunch break on work or before/after work or whatever and you're not having it at home about how much do you spend on your lunch what do you get
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
let me estimate maybe 2 dollars at most combined for the side items, which are either yogurt+fruit thing or protein pack thing + applesauce, And then the sandwich which requires about 8-9-ish for the components which are bread, pepperoni, salami, and cheese,b ut those aren't immediately gone. >>28528 This is what I take to work every day
Also a bottle of water
>>28525 4-6€ usually I eat at the uni cafes or subways
>>28526 is that at school? >>28527 that's about my price i go to the hot bar at whole foods and get some barbecue meat and usually some veggies and side items, hot meal kind of lunch it's about 5-7 dollars for that, but sometimes i'll waste three bucks to buy an energy drink because i like caffeine but not coffee so much
>>28525 When I was working full-time, I'd say maybe about seven to nine dollars a day. But I was working in a part of the city where more expensive prices on food were the norm.
>>28523 Also do you really want to go to germany? It is at the moment not heading to the "right" direction, in terms of civil liberties. Well things won't be better in Finland, we are suckers to be german satellite, and even if all other countries leave EU, we mostl ikely will stay.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28530 I dislike the direction they are heading, but they have some really good government programs for American students to want to study abroad. Grad school in the US is expensive, I won't be able to afford it unless I end up doing something really impressive in undergrad and get a fellowship. Well I won't be able to afford to go straight to grad school after undergrad.
Hmm I wonder does funland unis have any deals with the States or how we even treat murrican students. Just recently we legalised charging foreign students for enrolling on unis, basically non-citizens pay for their tuition nowadays. >>28533 And damn he is entertaining
Sargon is SO INTO this culture war shit He's so fucking wild
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28532 The program I found has the German government paying my rent, anf my school fees and for my textbooks and also like several hundred euros a month for other expenses. Its for grad school only though.
>>28529 yeah it's weird i can justify it when i'm working but like, i just bought food for home yesterday and i skimped out on some pre-made dishes that I really liked at $2.70 each because there was one i liked a little bit less for $1.90 each instead weird innit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
If/when I do go to Europe I would be totally up for visiting you in Finland.
>>28535 I guess the thought "I have the money for this" is more apparent when you're actually clocking in the hours for the money, I'unno.
>>28536 fuck off if yerr not joining muh clubs you are not welcome.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28538 Unless // You will probably have graduated by the time I go to grad school. I'm probably not getting my undergrad degree for another two years at the very least.
>>28537 it's specifically when i'm on the job 30 minute break, 10 bucks blown, hot tasty meal i think it's the pressure of wanting the break from work that justifies the extra cost haha but also it's tasty and convenient and a rarity compared to the other meals throughout the day spending 10 bucks on every meal would waste so much money
>>28539 We have founding members still attending events...
oh but they have graduated ofc
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
If you really really want, I'm sure I could figure out a way to make our university's anime clubs be // have some sort of connection. Like sister cities but with anime clubs.
>>28545 There are life size statues of them in one of the airports. Also Chicago's GDP is about 8 times that of Helsinki.
>>28547 But does it host 1/5th of your population check mate
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28548 Its closer to a fourth of our population. Wait, do you go to University of Helsinki? I'm actually a bit interested in that just because Linus Torvalds went there.
Libera me from Helsinki
Wow USA has just 8 million people living in it? I thought it was 300+ just wow >>28549 yup
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28551 I thought you were talking about Helsinki's population? I was comparing the GDP of Helsinki to the GDP of Chicago, not the US GDP to Finland's GDP.
Yeah capital biggest city etc in terms of prestige and importance status, only LA or NY match, when compared to the size of respective countries and the size of the city
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28551 I am definitely more interested in going to UH, but I already know a little bit of German. Plus I've heard that Finnish is very hard for English speakers to learn. Err not more interested in going to UH than Germany, but more interested in it than previously because I forgot that Linus Torvalds went there.
My previous town was Tapiola in Espoo, named after Tapio the god of hunting and forests one of the most prestigous places to live in finland and also one of the most expensive places. Sure, most of my life I have lived in Helsinki, but I lived 6 years in Espoo, and those 6 were when I was on my own.
So weirdly enough, I have come to think of meself as a denizen of that city and not Helsinki.
>>28554 Ei se nyt niin vaikeaa ole, opettelet vain ne kaikki parisenkymmentä taivutusmuotoa ja tuollaiset pienet helposti opittavat ja sisällöllistettävät sanamuodot, ja huomaat, että Suomi sujuu sinulta leikiten.
"It's not that had at all, just learn the couple dozen wordforms and such little minor things that are easy to learn and the forms that are easy to comprehend deep within, and you will notice, that Finnish is child's play to you.
Hi all. I would like to say no, that texts are unsuitable to teach grammatical rules for any language. But, with the recent election of President Trump, it appears that Twitter can be used to run the world's foremost country [sic]. Now that is a worry.
Citation needed on foremost country Several grammatical errors i fixed most of them there but it's still a messy sentence in the middle.
>>28568 I dunno, maybe it's the fact that he spends his free time discrediting the media, people who likely have similar English and Humanitarian degrees to the one those students are in right now. He's not exactly making himself compelling to them.
>>28569 I would like to say no (comme // comma goes here to separate it as a preface clause, and what follows is an elaboration of what is meant by no), that ....
It would be different if you were to say, "I would like to say that, no, X is a bad idea" but that's not it
English comma rules or rather at times, if you ask a finn, the lack of them. Can be really annoying.
>>28570 Oh. Yeah. Maybe. But the Trump stuff is universal all over campus. All during O-Week there were people handing out fliers for protests and stuff.
Well then maybe it's the fact that he's happily defunding science departments in the States, for the Science majors. Or the fact that he claims to be a successful business man, for the Economics majors. I dunno man, I think it's harder to find a group of people that wouldn't be pissed off by him
>>28573 I'm against protesting in general, but I don't know how to show it
>>28574 Man. The point isn't whether Trump is doing a good job or not.
The point is that it's a question about writing mechanics and yet people immediately found a way to shoehorn in their own personal agenda. . >>28575 I'm sure there's some sort of petition form for that. Maybe a hunger strike.
Fair 'nuff. It's obnoxious and in some cases, probably even brown nosing for the professors. But you were the one who was bewildered at them coming out of the woodwork.
>>28577 True. I guess I meant that type of person in general. The kind of individual who would post something like that.
It wasn't a pretty sight at the lecture yesterday. All the women weighed at least 80 kilos and looked like they'd have their own Tumblr Blog. All the men looked like they'd been injecting estrogen hormones.
>>28580 I actually admire her I would love to be at her age as good at playing the "game of thrones" and be that well connected Anyone else ANYONE ELSE that had same kind of situation as her while running for president, wouldn't have gotten so far and still nearly won.
Trump had the media against him and the trump uni case, but that is peanuts compared to the shit hillary was messing in. And she still nearly won.
I want to learn that kind of statementship and political game
>>28581 You should play dumb on that discussion and pretend like you didn't even know America had an election be like, "Isn't Obama the president? What happened, did he resign?"
That probably wouldn't be the best option. You'd end up with all of them surrounding Marsh and delivering their heavily biased lecture on the recent election. He'd get mobbed until the thought that Trump is a devil sent to destroy America was firmly lodged in his memory.
>>28584 Oh wow. THat's an awesome idea. Just act like I have no idea who Trump is.
>>28584 you'd have to be 100% isolated to think that
Because I don't need subs to enjoy Maidragon and upon realizing they were french, I simply turned the subs off and kept watching. >>28585 Roses are red Violets are blue Fuck a rhyme My president is black.
>i thought they were fliers for pre-tests >to help us get prepared for midterms early
>>28585 Give it three weeks. I'll be back on this board complaining loudly about Racist Immigration policies on the other side of the world.
Oh boy I finally won't be alone.
>>28594 just don't even yield to opinions, just stay ignorant the whole way through when they explain who trump is to you, say "Wow, a billion dollars. that's a lot. Is that USD or AU dollar?"
Dude pretend you know nothing about the guy, and every time they mention a policy, you go "Oh, that's actually a good idea, I like that" No matter what
>>28602 so underaged wow that is some animeshit there
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>28604 one was 32 I think the other was 24 >>28606 one sec, those were not the only teachers sleeping with their student at that school that year lemme go grab the news link
also man, imagine if the genders were reversed...
SOME people have to be below average
There's a Calgary man who was found guilty of three accounts of murder. It's likely he's going to serve three life sentences consecutively. That would be seventy-five years in jail without parole.
>>28599 How could a thirty year old Milf from Tasmania NOT be an expert on Muslim doctrine? >>28600 All my writing contains subplots and pretexts. It's part of being a literary genius.
>>28610 Wait do I have a CHANCE at becoming the new Doctor Who?
I'm not sure how I feel about the freaking White Witch of Narnia become the Doctor though. Shit would be weird.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2016/01/destrehan_teachers_kenner_apar.html this case is more pure though, because yuri
>>28617 Don't worry we can relish in the inability to believe we can do things together.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
This actually isn't the first female doctor, there was one in a non canon radio drama in the 90's. Or something close to that. Also I think in the parody movie done officially by BBC the doctor became female.
>>28620 aT THIS POINT Iin time doc becoming "time lady" is less of change in gears, but enforcing the policies of BBC I wouldn't dislike time lady doctor, but coming from this incarnation of BBC...
>>28638 >tfw no cute weeb sister What's it like to live the dream?
Wait who has a cute weeb sister.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
oh yeah, any chance any of you happen to have a large portion of aqua teen hunger force downloaded? I currently need the english subtitle/closed captions files for a project I'm doing.
Seriously, I never thought of just how stressful that could really be. Getting RT'd by someone with actual twitter clout with something relatable. It was just so immediate and intense. You see their RT there for like... ten seconds. And then, you're fucking flooded.
>>28646 The problem is I have literally nothing to keep posting to keep growing I don't have a fucking purpose with this account other than save new kuma and koume images
>notifications I don't use these I just have a column barely visible in my tweetdeck for anything mentioning me ...I guess that is the notifications actually, but it doesn't matter or make a sound It's just there, ticking by VERY slowly It's only like 5 likes but I was also THE FIRST reply so I'm the first thing people see, I think?
>>28655 Oh >>28656 But I don't have any content to post I don't post anything other than complete garbage >>28658 I dunno I just thought one would be better suited as a slur than the other, I guess?
>>28675 You don't know that >>28678 It doesn't. I'm talking possibilities and you're talking bias as if the people on the other side of the wall aren't there and present to rile those guys up anyway.
>>28679 No, I am talking about how anti-freespeech twitter is and how they generally ban, shadowban and censor and so on, people who hold values and ideas like SK does.
>>28681 please. If they were at all effective and forward with those policies, they wouldn't be getting all the complaints that they do about being a hotbed for all those things. >muh bootleg ovaltine
>>28683 Oh, be realistic, even if they were 100% orwellian, as one would say, with their policies. They would still get complaints from "those people" about the certain kind of ideology followers.
>>28689 Nope. Because I sit here talking to you (who probably doesn't use it), people on twitter who sound like both you and sk, and the people on my side of the bias.
Well whatsoever the case, you do prolly agree and have noticed that twitter is heavily pro-censorship, pro-"left" as they call it, and so on. While banning people for saying, for example "fuck blask" while approving of "fuck whites" Hypocritical shits, i say. Either ban all or do nothing.
They do both, and they do it infrequently. They're bad at moderation in general. It's like being me on meguca. Except I have no actual moral responsibility to uphold the opinions of those people and I'm not making money.
>>28694 I'm also a source. Go figure. People are lenses no matter how above the system of bias they think they are. >>28697 Pretty much. I've been wondering about the ethical dilemma in being too big to pull from twitter. Like at what point is the president's words so dangerous that they have to pull his account? Where is the line of "for the safety of humanity"?
I suppose twitter only targets people who are big enough, but not big enough to be too big, in that matter? So yeah, if that is true and lets presume it is, in that manner, SK would have a good plateau where to share his ideas and thoughts in twitter since realistically, it would take way too long for him to become so big that twitter would ban him. No matter how "toxic" his shit is. And at this rate twitterm ight DIE or do 180 on their policies before that becomes a worry for him. At grass root level, you can spread your ideas equally well, than at the ivory tower megaphone level, it just is a completelty different process.
At grassroot the idea spreads, but no one can trace it that well back to its origin so even if they WANT to ban it they can't it would take way too much effort to do so, and no platform currently running seems to be wanting to spend it.
>>28696 Well when he actually says "kill all mooslims" or shit like that But even if they ban Trumptwitter there is POTUS twitter and bannign that..
But there is evidence of twitter muxing around with Trump tweets basically, removing messages that are pro-trump from the "chain" or something like that, so they don't show up in the conversations and shit Which results in the "only trump-critical" messages showing up as replies to his every tweet
It isn't that well proven thing, but there are already several cases of people noticing their "go trump" tweets having been removed from the "chain" of discussion or whatever, so they don't show up in the replies
>>28698 is up to their discretion to do so. They can pull his whole exec branch if they feel like. But I'm not talking about simply promoting murder and breaking ToS. I'm talking about even in the line of normalcy, at what point is a statement too outlandish for the leader of your country to make on your platform? >>28699 >removing messages that are pro-trump from the "chain" or something like that, This has happened in lots of threads and I'm fairly certain that it's a bug. Also, Trump has a really awkward posting style. Maybe it's because he had a broken chain in the past, I don't know. But he doesnt actually make threads. His tweets don't chain. He just makes them all separate.
>>28699 So to anyone reading trump twitter or to the man himself everyone on twitter seems to be against him I can't say tha the "pro trump" is that many people, but just thea ct of removign them
>>28700 Can't say anyuthing at this point, the evidence is there, but it is too few cases Maybe in a week or so it will be known for sure, but then again if the people find out about it, what stops twitter from finding about it and quickly stopping doing it?
I mean, it would be a huge scandal if they actively removed positive tweets targetted at the POTUS Which is why now that I think about it, i doubt is a thing but... >twitter is suicidal
Web development is hard. Twitter is just not really good at addressing these kinds of problems. Every bug they have "damages" discourse. both the bugs and the design / UX, they just don't know how to do it in a good way with positive outlook on the changes.
>>28703 Yeah but how do you hav wait I will just link the bit
>>28714 Yeah, it can still be a bug. Algorithms are really interesting things.
>>28719 it depends really what you mean by decent does it need to look decent or feel decent? ive made mohair wigs for dolls that i've had to soak and dry and dye and soak and dry and dye and treat over like six days the mohair itself isn't always to get ahold of, but i sold those for i think 60 dollars mind you they were for dolls and that was just a little fun craft i was exploring. if i were wigmaking full time and really had the craft down, i'd charge probably more than 200 for a person wig maybe 200 if it was generic, but if they wanted something custom and i had measurements fit for them, or if it were for a really elaborate cosplay, it'd be like 300 or 400 at least and i have no idea what they're actually worth but that's what i'd charge, considering my time investment and all that
>>28723 This has an important gap in it. We don't know the extent of the positive and negative tweets. If you remove a lot of posts, and you are left with only negatives, that doesn't mean it didn't pull negatives. It's just biased towards pulling positives out. This is assuming that there's some kind of connection between the "low-quality posts" and the thread dropping.
I find it hard to believe that every glitch in the major social networks coincidentally all affect the political right while leaving the political left the fuck alone consistently
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we can't say whether or not it affects the left because they're fundamentally less likely to notice it and also less likely to say anything if it happens
>>28727 >every time there's a bug, it's right leaning people who notice and the left side doesn't get affected I mean, it COULD affect the left and it just doesn't FULLY?
Like maybe it removes anti trump messages automatically, too, but not ALL of them If it is a bug, THAT's the bug
Twitter has lots of bugs you know. You just hear of the right-leaning ones. Thread dropping is something that I've heard about on a lot of occasions. >>28728 What I'm saying is that if there is an algorithm to prune things, then it definitely has a bias. But algorithms naturally have biases because they're made by human beings (especially ones concerning words and emotions). the ones who are going to notice the instance are those affected.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>28722 yeah there's no way this fundraiser could have done something like that haha
>>28730 well you wouldn't ever do that for one-time use anyway that's for people who actually need a wig, like CD's or balding women who want several wigs that they can use day to day for cosplayers, the high-end stuff is usually bought by the photographers rather than the cosplayers themselves, because professional cosplayers are basically models doing photoshoots
>>28729 Thread dropping "happening" to affect 90% of pro trump replies is pretty fuckin' strange Though Hillary won 8 coin flips or something in a row so anything's possible
>>28732 Consider that not everyone is going to be particularly concerned with whether or not their tweet will hit viral levels. People concerned with conspiracy will ask those similar to them for likelihood. >>28737 Yeah, I've also noticed it (although, of course, I didn't particularly care about it) It can be a conspiracy. Or it can just be a bad bug. Or it can just be a bad algorithm.
>>28733 that's one way you can tell how seriously transvestites are about crossdressing if you're at a tranny bar and you see cheap or gaudy wigs, it's more just an occasional thing that they like to be gaudy if they've got serious wigs and you can tell they invested emotion and passion into making their outfit natural that's a high quality tranny
>>28735 This isn't anecdotal, this is not finding any pro trump replies to his tweets, but seeing anti trump replies lined up like a damn firing squad down the thing
>>28734 what would you want not that i'm in business right now anyway. I'd have to buy a new desk and sewing machine and fabric and yarn and all the shit i don't have anymore which maybe i'll do sometime but not this month
Don't get me wrong, I don't give much of a shit either, but it's real fuckin' suspicious for every discovered new "bug" to either affect every user, or ONLY RIGHT-LEANING POLITICAL USERS AND NOBODY ELSE SEEMINGLY
Like it's a bit rich to go "Oh that's a bug in the system, unintentional"
>>28735 It might not be the algorithm that's bad, but an situation which the algorithm isn't geared towards anti-trump tweets will be viewed and shared a lot more because they're more outspoken and all that pro-trump people don't really go around looking for pro-trump tweets to validate any opinions they have because there hasn't been the national denial of their hopes tweeter is just heavily weighted on traffic
do a google map for directions and it's going to most likely take you on the freeway with lots of traffic instead of a spindle of side roads, even though it's shorter
if you... oh. If you were about to say secede. But I guess that's worse, isn't it. >>28743 If only they could. But "Neutrality sides with oppressor" etc. So you have lenses where that's not even an option.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh fuck oh man can you imagine if 21 states seceded
>>28747 Same country, but now it's just "States of America"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>28748 https://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/voting-laws-roundup-2017 >As of February 1, 2017, with 46 states and Washington, D.C. now in their legislative sessions, at least 308 bills to enhance voting access have been introduced in 36 states. Meanwhile, at least 46 bills to restrict access to registration and voting have been introduced in 21 states.
>>28761 Same thing. chaos ain't shit both the same state of being ... I guess it's interesting the use of "ain't shit" since aint is negative so it would sound like you're not shit. but often "aint shit" is used to mean that you're less than shit. Being nothing, essentially.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>28762 someone with 129k followers tweeted at me once
You guys ready to hang out at the airport again for the EO Travel Ban Mk II? I am.
>>28772 team liquid versus, i think, CIS but i'm wrong, it was the qualifiers boop no, not the qualifiers phase one, where the teams compete for the last open spot
>>28784 i gotta play nice A lot of people I know are going to be there.
I am friends with one of the top local #RESIST people and she still thinks I voted Hillary even though I never said I did I'm going to use her on /// to get in on lots of stuff
Oh yeah, you can't talk about who you voted for. Ah, that Florida weight. but no, what you really shouldn't do is conflate Sanders with Trump because that's going to make me look bad by extension.