What's that thing about hurricane insurance? I'm not sure if I understood it properly but it sounded like they only get any benefit if they plan on staying with the property and rebuilding. So you have to be in hurricane harm's way all the time to benefit from your insurance payout.
Oh yeah, I remember that. That was my favorite part. That really hit me when Sandy happened. Like "lol, what if they just don't call it a hurricane and you get fucked up"
insurance is a scam that you gotta buy into for the small chance they don't fuck you it's pretty nuts
yeah it seems insurance companies everywhere are pretty fucky
i wish i had access to people that i could direct to protest in certain places how do i become soros
i had a picture of my ex boyfriend on my phone and my cousin's wife was like "she's really pretty, is that your girlfriend" i'm just like yeah, something like that
I'm me too but that's strange because I'm normally not The adderall stops me from fragmenting for some reason and I'm not quite used to that but I am doing really well! no problems with the meds or anything, everything is swimmingly well other than the non-fragmenting
isn't it a good thing that you are yourself and feel normal
Adderall and lorazepam, like I always should have been on and never should have come off of I've got wellbutrin, my antidepressants, but I wish to acclimate to the more important things before tossing an antidepressant on top of it
Sounds pretty good Is the adderall normal or extended release?
normal 20mg pills but i'm taking 5mg twice a day at the moment literally one quarter of the prescribed dose i'm taking the lorazepam ontop of it and it's really helping me a lot but i can't fragment so that'll be something to figure out later
YEah if I used a specific shop or shit, but barbers here charge like 40€ for just a simple cut unless you use the cheaper ones, who most of time are foreigners too not much personal connection when they barely speak finnish
>>278768 Yeah it's like having a confidant who cuts your hair
you can always say the usual and they know exactly what you want and they've perfected it
>>278769 >40 euroes wtf over here it's only about 20 bucks >>278771 Yeah they know your hair and they know what you want I don't know anything about hair or what I want so it's great that my barber just gets it
say like a 33€ for the cut and then 5-10 added for washing your hair and scalp massage
>>278772 always good conversations too because you know each other
>>278776 Yeah that too. Or they know you well enough to know that they don't need to say anything
yeah i always talk about whatever's new with mine usually talk about her kids in their search for college and stuff last time i taught her some stuff about drugs
Though if I do end up going to a finnish barbershop this conversation will always happen >you sure have a light hair is it coloured? >nah natural >eh? this light on a grown man?
I know there's a /// some cool barbershops where they give you beer to drink while they cut your hair too.
I dunno if I'd like to drink a beer while someone is prouncing around with scissors near to my face
alright well it certainly angered me just now my sister did it to me, but then we had to sit down and talk it over about how she doesnt actually just think im retarded and just wanted the best for me
however, im worried that her main takeaway from this will be "my little brother is a sensitive faggot and i dislike him more than ever now and am gonna use this in the future against him" and not "i should talk in a manner that isnt always condescending to my little brother"
>>278796 A person's intentions usually blindsides them from unexpected results. I'm not going to go over the reasons why people do it or why it's frustrating but yeah, it can often be frustrating.
i always hate being lectured regardless it always feels like the person lecturing me thinks theyre better than me
>>278796 my mom's siblings still interact with her as if they were siblings that were 12 years old little siblings will always be little siblings
>>278804 maybe it further cements the narrative right now that she is the one who is always right and im the one who is always wrong which will make it harder for me in the future to escape the narrative
>>278800 Well, it often comes from that part of the brain. That's why it's usually better to ask if someone wants help first. But we often skip that step of the assist process.
i haven't by anyone i care about in a long time my customers sometimes decide to, mostly old people i've been told smoking is bad for me by very many old white men
tell the being old is bad for them
i just tell them "good, I hope I get lung cancer soon"
On an unrelated note, sudden onset mental illness is SCARY. I saw this lady at work today who was a normal person one day and then she suddenly developed mental illness and now demons are appearing in mirrors and talking to her and stuff.
>>278840 Yeah, it is kinda late. But it's what happened. It's not brief, she has been suffering from these issues for months. She used to be a well-respected professor but now she really isn't even functioning.
Well, she is currently being treated and not better. In fact I'd say it's worse because the level of her delusion is a bit higher now. She used to just be paranoid about stalkers but now she thinks demons are after her.
Enjoying things and the thing having good qualities are two distinct things though. I enjoyed Aldnoah:Zero but there certainly aren't many good qualities about it.
If you enjoy things I don't like And if you don't enjoy the things that I do like Then you are LITERALLY subhuman And I have the legal right to execute you without trial
>>278870 Oh I agree with this 100% I feel the same way about Gundam Seed
I wouldn't say that the last episode was a huge dive but the episode that picked up right after it was like... >All of this >for such lame nonsense
>>278882 What, gundam? Gundam loves Brazil. Brazil is the headquaters of the new world government. >>278881 The martians should have won in a month It's ridiculous that earth won
Aldnoah could have been okay in S2 if they hadn't just decided character development didn't matter and stopped using stupid gimmicks. >My gimmick is unbeatable because I can attack you from any direction! >I'm only going to attack you from one direction! >I got beaten by being forced to attack from only one direction! Damn you!
The Knight totally had character. >>278893 the guy who liked the princess in S1 With the b- they all had blonde hair didn't he. uh No, not slaine The other Hinafag The one who found shit out and then DIED
I love posting this piece of shit >>278892 I feel like you're making this up because I have no idea who that is Lol remember how they resolved the love triangle by introducing a new cardboard cutout four episodes before the show ended
I mean, I wanted to believe but I knew it was probably overly optimistic. I would have bet no if not for the teams thing just because I don't want to lose things!
Rook had a bet against you guys and was asking me for bad anime for you all to watch and I was scared of him winning. you guys were about to go through some non-existent anime.
I always start by watching a ton of stuff and just naturally drop whatever doesn't interest me.
I hope Just Because! will be good because it's got Himura Dairy doing the character designs. Or at least the main heroine. I want a good excuse to watch some eye candy.
Especially when it comes to watching stuff in theatres, I can't fathom going out to watch horror in the big screen? Why? Horror is best watched alone immersed in the thing all alone in a dark room
>>278975 Big screen for laughs Small screen for actually being scared
I watched the Shining in a theatre and none of the scary stuff worked because people were too busy laughing
Is one thing to enjoy the experience and one thing to enjoy a movie if I just want to riff at the movie or such, I'd gather a group of friends and then do that but if I pay 12,50 for a ticket I actually want to experience the movie to its fullest not affected by atmosphere of the theatre I am watching
Is one thing to have a personal way of enjoying the experience, and one thing for another person to have a different way of enjoying the experience.
>>278988 Is it now a thing to release movies online and in theatres at the same time? Seems better to enjoy it at home than having to go out of your way to drive to a theatre and deal with other people.
>>278992 Really limited and mostly for small studio or indie flicks big studios don'ta llow this and won't in near future they got too much going on with their cartell building with the theatres
>>278993 Well, actually these days since its all digital the projector is actually hooked up to a computer that downloads it from the studio servers So if you really wanted to, you could set up a home theater and pay the studio the same amount the theater pays.
>>278991 Yeah it absolutely should be. The tech is already there.
>>278996 Well I hear Hollywood and theatres haven't been doing so hot lately. So hopefully it'll all just collapse in on itself or they'll be forced to evolve.
>inuyashiki >KKSS >Mahoutsukai no WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM ELIAS
>Civilization is dead, but Chito and Yuuri are still alive. So they hop aboard their beloved Kettenkrad motorbike and aimlessly wander the ruins of the world they once knew. picked up
>rental games are killing the industry >used games are killing the industry and yet you suck up to gamespot for the best possible preorder packs and whatnots
I miss dvd rental places so much. Being able to rent an 8 hour game is so good. Luckily there's a few places left here, but they all have shit selections because they're dying and can't afford the new stuff. >>279003 Why would hollywood lie about dying? >>278999 the art releases for that anime about lolis on bikes looks really good
>>278997 Hollywood is fine Don't believe their lies
>>278999 You should have already bern reading the manga.
It actually looks really fascinating animated at least. Even with the super standout 3DCG I hope I don't end up watching this, but I probably will. A few episodes, anyway. I doubt they'll get up to the worst death of all time.
Biggest disappointment in anime to me was that inhuman anime I had read a little of the manga but it was something I went "Hmm this would be more fun animated" and then they do it 3cdg in the shitty berserk style J something IC an't remember the name
>>279020 that is the problem with that it works in som cases like hmm Raguen tsuiho, which had its characters bit limited on what they did also they really pushed more for the "as close as traditional 2d style" to make it work
but that was a big budget silver screen movie not a weekly anime 3d animation is improving, but the running, walking, some other animations and most importantly shading just looks always off
I think the action scenes might be good though. Despite it. Houseki no Kuni had a lot of really intense action scenes. The art for the manga wasn't the most action impactful but there was a lot of feeling and tension all the same. All the enemies are like Madoka witch grandiose. And the fighters are pretty cool. Still, there's so much stuff that I'm like... uh... will this fit in 13 episodes?
>>279017 this looks pretty great i bet it will look better converted to 60fps
>>279023 and then this FUCKING 23,975 or whatever frames per second as is per due standard for anime? Why not use moe *more if you fucking go video game graphics to make it look more fluid sure more expensive, but if it actually looks good people will then you know WATCH IT and buy your merchandise
>>279024 we just need pixar to develop a CGI anime
I'm really trying to remember enough about this manga and I'm just like... how will this even work. I mean, shit, I SKIPPED some chapters and so much stuff happened and it was just a lot
It doesn't look ugly, Phos just runs really weird. but then again, maybe that's because of what he is. ...yeah, that might actually be a plausible thing.
>>279030 What I still don't understand, i why don't they have their instudio animators make stuff for them or uise that as a basis why did they make a live action cgi crap like the warcraft movie churned out to be?
>>279052 Well I thought of one possible reason, the [clang] was a stand in sound before the got the foley sound for the rabbit* they got And then they forgot to replace the [clang] with the actual sound.
Also, Foley production is really cool. My dad had a friend who did it and they would do stuff like rolling dead pigs in bodybags down a cliff. With microphones strategically placed to record the audio.
>>279053 which means no one viewed the product at any point before it was at stage when it was too late
>The story portrays the lives of fox spirits, who take the form of girls and work at the hotel. okay, this will be the show to relax all the excitement and drama of the other shows
i'm not sure if i don't fragment regularly i get really really bad migraines, like cluster headaches and i always feel like i'm going to die the fragmentation clears all that out, whatever's in there blocking up all that anxiety i had migraines from a child all the way up until early adult and it started happening at the time i thought i had a psychotic break that made me crazy maybe it did, i dunno, but i think i'm way more sane now than ever
>>279068 How does fragmenting work? If it makes migraines stop then maybe it's just a good kind of crazy
the migraines suck but they're not really what's important they're just the byproduct of a bad process how does fragmenting work? i dunno really, kirara might have a psychological explanation but i don't it's like dissociating but in a more generalizable form on different levels maybe like just taking a step back and giving the brain a chance to fix its algo problems
>>279070 i can't really explain it any better than that it's like dissociating but you're still connected i guess like running on safe mode maybe
Is it like keeping the memories but when you view them you view them from a more third person perspective like a movie instead of something you were involved in
sure but not necessarily i mean it's on more layers than that but things like that can manifest yeah
>>279073 It's just really funny to me. I just keep picturing a really distraught frog and a scorpion whose face you can't really see any emotions from. Just eyes and clicking its claws >lmao
>>279077 that's the same picture i get although i sort of see the scorpion like :j kind of
How did they decide that calling level 2 by the name of "1-2" was a good idea It makes sense but does it make more sense than calling it "level 2"
>>279093 because it's more organised to have level 7-2 than something like level 27 Also it gives the player a better sense of progress to graduate from one group of levels to another >>279095 >realised this halfway through typing my original post I know that feel too well
You're completely right and I realized this halfway through typing my original post but I had no choice left but to finish my post and let myself get rebutted
You shouldn't let yourself get got like that. I will stop mid-thought and fix it if I notice something wrong.
It's okay if I do this because I'm an anonymous poster so it wont have any long term effects on my social status and relationships
Now if this was REAL LIFE around my peer group and I let myself get got like that, I would lose MASSIVE amounts of respect among my peers, leading to a future of being a lower class citizen in my social group
>>279097 Rika can see your mnemonic though She knows Anno
>>279098 well yeah but who cares what rika thinks of them
okay so I'm trying to pay this speeding ticket online and they're like "lol enter your first and last name and look through all these cases to find your ticket" and I can only find old cases of me that I've already paid off SO Why don't they want my money????? I think I'm just gonna run up in the court tomorrow and throw my cash at them in person
We are all connected through the internet If being "around" someone means being in close proximity to them And I'm close to all of you Then we're around each other
I don't know if I told you guys but there's this homeless who spends everyday walking up and down one of our main streets just casting curses on cars driving by it's awful, I truly feel cursed
>>279142 well hard to say it is like the "gives birth to demon" and then it skips like 20 generations before it happens your heritage comes from the land of the curses, russia even today they run "decurse" ads on their not so credible newspapers alongside horoscopes and whatnots not to mention the "18 year old curse" during the russian-japanese war in early 20th century
>>279143 My luck stat is so low that i can't even die!
I'm not being modest. I might be a big presence, but I'm certainly replaceable.
>>279144 Oh no, my Ukrainian anscestors did something
>>279132 I dunno, I expected a dancer class. >>279145 >I can't even die! I bet I could kill you if I tried! >>279144 >russian-japanese war This was a truly great war. I love it. >>279141 Become friends with him and get blessings from him >>279147 It was a test bed for a lot of WWI weapons though And the journey the Russian fleet took was hilarious
>>279145 basically cursed by some cossack >>279146 meh one of the more boring wars the second showdown 40 years later was much more epic so much soviet pawnage
>>279186 I'd feel comfy with an ai taking over for me for a bit. >>279184 Yeah I also meant stuff like liked pages and liked posts could be used to extrapolate a lot. >>279190 Keep us seperate and compare our conversations to that of the bots. >>279192 It's perfectly healthy behaviour for a criminal
i don't think it'd count as AI it'd just be frequency bigrams and trigrams and stuff from people's posting pools and then the bots respond to each other on their own private board and we could go spy on their crazy habits
I would be compelled to destroy any simulacrum of myself
I don't think he's using it correctly either. I'm not hairy.
>>279194 >>279195 I don't really think that is true, because the method through which I revealed it was a youtube video of me doing sick flips on a skateboard. I can't do sick flips on a skateboard.
>>279237 You called me a normie, but now that I think about it maybe you are the normie!
alright you abnormals here's how you get a girl get on tinder make your bio literally however you want, it honestly doesn't matter set up a date with a girl you match with ACTUALLY GO ON THE DATE and there you go you're set
>>279236 no thans i am not interested in the girls
>>279239 forgot a couple steps swipe right (yes) on ALL girls don't be judgemental because I can almost gaurantee you they look better in real life, and have better personalities in real life
>>279248 That's not what being a normie is about! And I walked back on my claim that you were a normie.
Plus my bad luck will mean I can't keep a girl for long.
listen lads I'm honestly not gonna lie Every single girl I've met through Tinder has actually been pretty high quality At least, the ones I've met up in real life with I guess that shows initiative and down-ass-bitch-ness on their part which is indicative of other high quality girl attributes because LOW QUALITY GIRLS haaate following through on romance and social activity
>>279262 Whatever. I already said you weren't currently a normie. Be satisfied with that.
>>279265 man did you even check all the cool wardrobe out there was so much stuff so much stuff that will never enjoy the light of day amanda has some neat outfits, teddy too
Alright fine you've worn me down I broke up with her because hanging out with her felt like hanging out with a little sister figure because she didn't really have a sense of romance but we both attribute that to her RAMPANT trust issues with me which maybe we could get past in R O U N D 2 (T W O)
my neck hurts so bad i think i might have a crushed vertebra and probably from a tumor i hope i wake up paralyzed that would be fun
>>279286 also somethign I noticed when she blasts the mirror amplified lazor from the position of the two mirrors and how she turns them she should have cut the legs off of the yellow suited girl
dude i'd get to be catatonic 24/7 do you know how good it feels to be catatonic i do i'd // itd just be like six or seven days until they realize i dont got insurance and put me down but i'll have lived a good life
sounds crappy to me but to each his own
>>279296 depending on who and where is doing the treating you may be kept alive for an extended period of time it's happened to worse off people
>>279285 goodluck then I hope it works out for you two why couldn't she trust you?
yeah but miserably >>279301 palliative treatment is expensive it'd be better for them if it didn't linger long
and then when you're like "I want to die, please put me out of my misery" they'll just be like "nah"
if they refuse to put you down i will be a good friend and help you
>>279299 I'm really good looking (according to her) and I have lots of female friends HORRIBLE circumstances for any girl to have her boyfriend in TO THIS DAY she doesn't believe that she was my first girlfriend, or that I was a virgin when we met
>>279303 That doesn't sound very stable. tbh it sounds like a lot of tension. Clearly you should kill all your friends.
sounds like you don't consider yourself attractive you should be more confident
w e l l I consider myself attractive just not attractive enough to warrant insecurity especially in a top notch girl like her tbh it was more of an issue of relativity and past experience and her own self image All of the guys she dated before me were somewhat unattractive weeaboos unfairly so, because she had a very nice figure, and a unique & bold sense of fashion
>>279314 I can be somewhat clingy under the right circumstances.
>>279315 No, she won't kill you. I didn't teach her that part.
>>279316 Correct however as I age and grow in life experience and mental personality I've only become more attractive (as we men are so lucky to be able to do) so it's balanced out
>>279317 erryone always say clingy like it's a bad thing i always thought a little clingy could be kind of cozy kinda nice in the right balance
waiting for my housemates to go to sleep so I can go to the kitchen
>>279321 >waiting for my mom to go to work so i can crawl out of the skirting underneath the house and go inside to charge my laptop and phone because i got kicked out from home but have been secretly living under the floorboards for the past two weeks i don't remember what the original thing was but i wish i still had that screencap i lost it on my hard drive
>>279473 I'll just look at it like a zoo Watch but never ever make contact with anyone directly from there
>>279469 Okay, this one is still funny though Also holy shit ED is being sued again
The feels thread is always a gold mine >>279478 I probably have. But I mean making direct contact through the board. Not as in knowing people who happen to use it. I'm only half serious.
ive not cosplayed at a con i've done self-modelled crafts so i've done costume and it's a lot of fun though i would have loved to, i think but all the cons i went to i went as a vendor so idk
>>279487 >>279487 Yes, sort of Only once though It was a really shitty outfit though I made a vault suit like from fallout But it was just coveralls with yellow duct tape to make it look like the one from fallout
>>279490 Maybe. >>279488 Who would you cosplay? Wouldn't a vendor attract more people if the person running it was cosplaying? >>279489 I did something simmilar since the character wore really ordinary clothes.
there's a nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me to abandon this work stress and go back to crafting and seamery >>279494 maybe nagging is the wrong word day-dreamy i really miss doing that stuff it was a lot of funn i'm not anxious at the moment just thinking how much fun crafting is but i never could with this work
Starting to annoy me that this goddamn gate to the great 10 degrees outside is left open 100% of the time unless I go over and close it, despite being used maybe 5 minutes per hour
>>279516 What are you wearing to be bothered so much by that temperature?
I have not seen Mahoromatic. It looks far too edgy and grimdark to be something I would enjoy.
>>279513 at this point he really should give up and go do something else he's not making many friends this way >>279520 I only know the first five or so episodes but they definitely aren't grimdark The combat maid stuff is just a backdrop A setup
Oh, I guess I'm confusing it with something else. The one I'm thinking of has a girl with a robot who is fighting aliens or whatever and she turns into more and more of a robot and dies in the end.