Translation: I want Fish to choose you over anything else, even family so I'm going to be me and do what I do best. I wouldn't worry much about her becoming a yandere, but I would worry about a few other things.
>>279608 I feel it hasn't even been 24 hours since I mentioned "The Selfishness of Helpfulness" But ohhhhhhh wellllll I hope those women know what they're doing.
Ehh, let them scheme. Fish needs a girl to scheme with anyway. I'm starting to see where Catria is useful but at the same time, it's like.. that usefulness is really just padding her weakness.
I held on to my other one for that but when I got the 5*, I used her to transfer skills that I already unlocked. Don't feel like going through that again. >I'm finally making a Flier team and I used all my Pallas to transfer Wings of Mercy. good job me you did it me
Oh, I did have another one. Don't know if I should give it to Catria or to Elincia though. Elincia is a more useful unit but she's also the unit who would be best to benefit FROM it rather than be the person who gives the buff. Wait. Wait. What if I gave it to Cordelia Who would be the unfortunate person where Cordelia's Pass and Elincia's Flier Formation combine to be the worst turn ever?
white eggs are actually the worst eggs
>>279620 are you gonna use a flier team for defense
>>279655 >Goku fucked but never kissed what >>279658 My Camus is very low use so I just don't have much else added to him other than Bonfire, Swap, and QR. All the new special battles though, I bring him for just that. It's not that useful for Arena Defense but it's good for the "how do we stop cavalry emblem" missions that the game puts out
I thought it had some good parts but compared to the other episodes this season, it just didn't really get me engaged, I guess Episode 7 was fucking brilliant though
Oh my heart cant take this
kirara for some reason you're the one i feel like i'm supposed to show this dream to also i'm still kind of just barely waking up i feel like i'm in that weird state where i'm really groggy and i can still remember my dream i don't have crazy detailed long dreams like this often so having just had a rather crazy one and being my day off, i immediately set out to document it as best as i could
and this image is supposed to be like a map of the bathroom because it looked really cool and it's not really an actual map it's just like a vague interpretation of what a map might have looked like
god i hate waking up so much, especially if i was in the middle of deep rem i feel like my brain isn't actually working yet i'm gonna go get coffee, i'll be back inl ike 30 mins moe
>>279704 >>279702 >>279705 woah were you on something or was it just like you randomly got a long ass dream?
>>279704 >recognized for salad work I dunno why but this part cracked me up
>>279704 >>279705 what the fuck I had bathrooms like that in a dream before too they were like as big as a hotel floor and unnecessarily complex with random stalls/urinals/showers/sinks scattered throughout the maze
>Was Calhoun right or wrong when he argued, from the 1830s until his death in 1850, that the South’s Christian slavery was “a positive good” and “a great good” for both whites and blacks?
>If Calhoun was wrong, then there may be grounds for removing monuments and flags.
>But if Calhoun was right...
>>279707 i'm not on anything i only slept for like 2.5 hours which is a really short time for me to be asleep and that's probably why i remembered anything at all, i usually don't remember any parts of my dreams >>279708 same in retrospect that's what he told me though
>>279724 Maybe I will >>279725 Lakes can have beaches Also they made a beach with magic in in one of the canon manga iirc.
>>279724 I have a friend who might get it and I'll borrow it from him. He also owes me two years of birthday and Christmas presents so I might just ask him to but it for me. *buy it I wanna go and read some more medieval tales of chivalry first though. To help me appreciate it better.
>>279729 We have an explicit social contract in this group of friends. Unless explicitly stated otherwise (as in "don't buy me a present" being told to someone) if you receive a birthday gift you are expected to buy one for that gift giver and the same applies to Christmas. Not that I've spent hundreds of dollars on his gifts or anything. But I've given him at least one birthday gift and one Christmas gift each year for a few years now.
TN, have you ever read the book "The King" by Donald Barthelme? It's about King Arthur and the knights of the round during World War 2, because Merlin made them all immortal. Although he forgot to make himself immortal because he was somewhat senile.
is the moniker i have designated to be used when referring to me, yes.
It's very good. I have a copy of it somewhere but its been MIA for a few years. I have a vague recollection of loaning it to someone but all the people whom I would have loaned it to don't seem to have it. Although there's a decent chance one of them is wrong and its buried somewhere in his living room.
>>279742 That's also on my backlog. I'm planning on getting the Gustave Dore illustrated version. Dore was the guy who did the really iconic illustrations for The Divine Comedy. I have a copy of it with his illustrations, but every time I read it I end up getting distracted and never finish it.
Oh damn Dore did illustrations for Don Quixote as well. I guess I'd better get a copy with them to replace my text only version. Or maybe just get a book with only the illustrations. Dore's art is just so great.
Sup bang Oh damn, I just thought of a seemingly good idea and then realized it wasn't. That is, bringing The Divine Comedy to synagogue tomorrow and reading it while I'm on my shift of opening the door for old people.
>>279755 Well, normally I don't give a shit but its a really big book because of the illustrations so people could definitely see the cover. And it would be in bad taste just a little bit.
Although the only time I ever remember someone giving me shit for something I was reading at synagogue (not in the sanctuary) was an H.P. Lovecraft compendium that said "Lovecraft" on the cover. And some old man walking by looked at it and looked at me (I was 12) and said "Lovecraft! you shouldn't be reading that!" *Lovecraft!?
Which is why it would work if you were a christian since while the name is ironic in that setting, the actual book by no means is disrespectful to religion especially christianity
>>279757 My question is, why are you reading a book in the synagog?
>>279759 Because high holiday services last all day and people who are under 13 or so are not expected to stay in the sanctuary for all the services. There were like childrens services and babysitting rooms for little kids and rooms with boardgames for older kids. We still had to go for some part of the services though.
>>279759 Also over the years (in my childhood) I got tons of reading done at synagogue. I still remember bringing Asimov short story collections to my synagogue in St. Louis and just devouring them.
Kinda imo kills the point of a service, if it takes so long that you need to arrange entertainment as side distractions for the participants.
>>279762 It's not one long service, there are several services some of which are longer. Also this was only because I was a kid. Children were not expected to stay in services the whole time.
>>279790\ that random dude that grabs his girl's hand and stops her from falling that would be like a massive ego blow for me i'd probably get mad
Hah hah hah. I'd totally do that without thinking first. Maybe not go for her hand but keeping her steady if she's about to barrel into me seems like a no-brainer.
>>279791 Yeah but Arby's is gross. I mean dragon tail seems pretty gross too so I guess it checks out.
I've been past those big Toronto lights a bunch of time. Never skated there though. Skating isn't particularly fun when you're doing it without someone.
There are so many activities that people wouldn't do by themselves that I would have no problem with doing. Although, at the same time, doing those activities would "never" come to mind.
I'm also kind of tickled by how nice they did the skyline too. Not sure if all the buildings are entirely in place, or where the camera shot of the skyline was taken from if so, but I recognize pretty much every major building they've put in it. The CN Tower, the TD building, the BMO tower, the construction crane, that weird condo with half a trapezoid of light sticking out the top.
>>279800 Well that's kind of how it goes. It's not like I'm spiritually opposed to skating by myself. It's just not fun, so why would I ever go "yeah, I want to go skate solo now"?
I would probably go ice skating by myself as a novelty
>>279805 I used to do it a bit, so I know for a fact it isn't much fun. There's a hockey rink near my house that lets (or let, haven't been there in ages) people skate around the rink once or twice a week for a few hours. As kids my parents would bring us there pretty much every winter. Once you've done it ten or twenty times the novelty has pretty much entirely worn off.
oh haha, I accidentally posted my odometer last night >>279809 New Zealand got one too I think Not unusual for them, but still
There were another two (relatively) weaker earthquakes today. One a bit off the east coast of Japan, and one off the coast of some islands east of Australia. Both were "only" 6.1 and 6.4, but still. What's with all the natural disasters lately.
Well there was a second Galaxy. Then Nintendo went back to more traditional course-based Mario games for a bit. New Super Mario Brothers and a bunch of like games.
>>279870 Err, it is sometimes in the US. Also I have a Kinokuniya near me. Although of course they very rarely have the specific thing I'm looking for.
>>279873 I wish there was something like a kinokuniya here Translated manga tends to have like double the price of untranslated manga Well if you aren't in the U.S it works out cheaper to buy untranslated stuff since you're paying postage either way
>>279876 Yeah that markup is what I'm talking about
what I really love about tomb raider and some games like it is when you upgrade or craft something it shows up like the "tape two magazines together for faster reload" it actually shows up in the gun model afterwards
>>279966 I get days like that a bit. Days where I seem to speed through it without actually having anything memorable happen. It's always a bit of an unnerving feeling when it happens.
Interesting I can't atleast from distance see the blue led panel of my steamcooker withmy glasses on I guess these don't deal with that wavelength ligth that well
>>279991 hmm Apparently she's upset about someone in my cohort so I thought that might be it. I don't think she'd make a good yandere. She doesn't have the resolve.
>>279990 Oh I remember you I think In HS we did community service for an old folks home
>>279994 That's just because she has a bad temper when it comes to me. She can't really scheme well and she can do stuff on impulse but if she has to plan it, she'd chicken out And she didn't really punch me in the rib, it was kinda just a slap I don't think she realized how much it'd hurt either I'm probably closer to yandere than she is.
>>279997 I don't think she could kill someone anyway. She can barely talk to them. Maybe she could hire a hitman. I bet her dad has one. Rich people all have their own personal hitmen.
>>279996 Yeah it was alright. Old folks liked the beastie boys a lot. Didn't talk much though Do you hear any good stories from the old people? >>279998 She could just ask you to do it
>>279999 >liked the beastie boys a lot. you don't mean the beach boys? I have met some interesting people I think one was a tank driver in orea
If your friend kills you, it's interesting from a narrative perspective. If you aren't expecting it, you get to feel really betrayed too, and die in agony and despair. That's a good way to go.
>>280020 It would be better to die while killing ny enemies. *my enemies >>280021 Yeah, but most people if asked by a friend to kill that friend wouldn't do it aside from shit like pulling the plug on life support. Also it would be very traumatic.
A hot blooded death may be cool, but it lacks the beauty of a pathetic person dying a pathetic death full of despair. It's even better if they die trying to change themselves and realize it was futile as they die. That's a beautiful death.
Oh yeah I singed a bunch of arm hair while moving the plate with the challah on it. I accidentally got my arm to close to the gandles. *candles
>>280028 Oh, that's a great aspect! Someone dying while trying to change themselves and realising that it was far too late for them to change. As their body burns they think about the beautiful life they could have lead if they just changed a bit sooner. Truly, all that potential being washed away is a beautiful thing to watch.
>>280032 That's beautiful because it's pathetic in how uncool it is
That despair they feel as they realize that they couldn't overcome themselves is really wonderful. Like a loser who tries to protect someone in a robbery and gets stabbed and dies for nothing when they finally tried to stop being a loser. It's just beautiful.
>>280028 Okay, but what about dying of a heart attack while on the toilet?
>>280031 Oh, what about someone dying while trying to atone for past deeds? The despair as they realise that they've totally missed their chance to make up for the past and will be remembered as an asshole is just delicious.
What's even better than a loser dying a loser though, is seeing someone who has everything lose it all before they die. There's way more suffering when it's someone who had and lost everything!
If someone loses everything due to their own foolishness and dies trying to get it back without recognizing their foolishness, but dies in the process and realizes it was all their fault as they die, that's good.
L O L >>280034 It's best when they realise it's their own fault when they die, and that they have no one to blame but themselves. Or better yet, they have to live the rest of their lives knowing that they lost everything due to their own flaws. Sometimes living is more tragic than dying!
If they're alive, they can find hope. It's fine if they realize they're doomed to suffer eternally and be unable to atone for their sins, though.
y'all crazy redemption > despair
>>280036 Also let's disable them just for extra good measure. Nothing says despair like not being physically capable of being a majour player in the story again.
>>280037 Nothing says despair like spending their whole life trying to atone!
>>280037 Only for some characters. If they're going to live, chasing redemption is good. If they're going to die, it's more beautiful if they die in despair, though
I don't think it's that black and white, it depends on the interplay between the other characters and the dying character's backstory and impact on the story but I still prefer seeing characters redeem themselves instead of just failing and dying
People like Claude in Guilty Crown, I like to see die in despair although him surviving was really one of the best parts of the show
>>280044 yeah i think his name was claude the dude that had the lonely birthday party and also killed a bunch of kids moms and then cried that life was really hard
wow I forgot how bad this dementia was
wait was claude the murder guy that catgirl ended up with?
>>280042 haha what the fuck he didn't have any redemption unless you count "boohoo my dad doesn't love me", which you shouldn't because he was a shit person 100% until suddenly at the end he does a 180 thanks to a cute girl being nice to him it was shit writing
oh yeah so I watched the 90's IT again and god damn that movie is terrible at least all the adult parts, the child portion is pretty good at points the new one was overall better but I still have a lot of problems with it
>>280099 Yeah I'm with TN on this one Either works, I don't really care which one
Just think of the crazy things you could do with an extra billion though If I was Rowling I'd be going to space or something Or I'd build a gundam I wouldn't need it But I totally could
If I was some sort of do-gooder I could even give it to poor people
Sure I mean an extra half billion I could throw into funding something cool But in terms of just personal for-me use, a billion and a billion and a half are the same I couldn't even find enough stuff I want to use that extra 0.5 billion, I doubt I'd even be able to spend the first full million billion*
If I get to fund stuff too, then obv I want the .5 extra But she's not doin' that As far as I know, she's sitting on the money and telling people to vote away welfare so she doesn't have to pay more of it in taxes
I wonder how much a season of anime costs to produce?
>>280122 Isn't it like a million or so? That might be balling it a bit high, because I honestly don't think the average anime can cover that cost. >According to Masamune Sakaki, a CG creator in the anime industry, an average 13-episode anime season costs around 250 million yen (or $2 million). He also made it clear that most anime can't recoup this expense, and the industry rests on the windfall of a few big hits.Aug 13, 2015 Woweee
>>280126 The average anime only sells like 3000 copies Actually I think that's being generous somewhat Though you also have alternate revenue sources like overseas liscencers, merchandise sales, concert tickets, manga sales, etc.
>>280127 They tried lowering the prices and it didn't help increase sales enough to recoup more. Although the industry could probably find a way.
>>280129 Well of course it doesn't becasue things don't just instantly improve it takes time but then again no industry nowadays can plan more than 1 quarter ahead.
>>280123 seems really low considering western TV show eps can cost upwards of 1 million per episode
>>280130 Basically, yeah But they feel they can't afford to take the risk of increasing losses in the short term to increase profits long term.
>>280131 Anime is made on a relatively shoestring budget and pays its animators in 2 minute noodles An animator makes like $9000 a year
WEll the industry can blame only itself for allowing the prices rise so high only a few can actually afford to buy everything they want
>>280128 Manga sales don't contribute unless the manga was released as promotion gor the anime.
>>280136 Aren't a lot of anime made to promote a manga though? If manga sales increase then surely it's something of a success
>>280137 Yes, but the manga sales *the money from the manga sales doesn't go to the production company I mean, some of it does but not very much. And really only in the indirect sense that that publishing company helped pay for the anime. But anime are made by production committees consisting of multiple companies.
Well is not like the anime studio loses money but rather the investors but those are the people who want to promote their manga/ln/whatever and also gain the advertising rights for the show andwhatnot or use the show to promote their shit if the show hits big
>>280139 and so long as the investors are happy, they may reinvest some of that money in future adaptations
Also, fun fact Generally, most mangaka who get their manga made into anime don't get much money from it. Even if the anime sells well.
I'm feeling a little antsy like my energy is being constrained
>>280155 most of the time it is an editorial company negotiating for the mangaka so... there is quite a lot of negotiating power there simply said, with anime sales being so bad even if you thought that % would bring you more money or you want to make it cheaper for the studio
it would most likely be "rude" or something to ask for royalties instead of a solid paycheck japanese are afterall bound to tradition and such quite heavily if lay of the land is to ask for a chunk, to not do so would be to be a weirdo
>>280162 Also it's a tradition in the west for publishing companies (mainly music and books) to make massive profits off of the people who generate their content and don't see a cent of the profit.
>>280171 The word play has several meanings that you could be using here.
>>280172 The music industry was (and is still though less so) tremendously fucked up back in the day. >>280175 ? That's not what I'm talking about, also in those cases the artists also rarely get any money from that.
>>280181 Sometimes she pretends to be mad at me if she feels like I was mean to her and wants me to feel bad. But I can tell she's not mad because she doesn't do silent treatment when she's actually mad.
>>280205 She usually does but she's not budging tonight. It's a little bit of a pain. She's doing it because I told her that I had people in my cohort that appear to be attracted to me and I felt that she should know because she worries about that stuff.
There have been studies on prayers, and at least from what I've heard (because I don't care enough to check this thoroughly), they come out with no effect or a NEGATIVE effect sometimes Like I'm not even sure they do placebo
>>280218 Yeah. My intention was to help alleviate her worries about that kind of thing. But it frustrated her instead. It's not like I don't understand her feeling jealous, though.
Inherent in the idea that prayer can change things is the belief that God not only has a very moldable grand plan for the universe, but also will hold your happiness at ransom
>>280223 maybe it's like having a diary talking to god just puts your thoughts in order
>>280233 I know it will It's just a matter of when I'm pretty much on the edge of passing out and I have class in the morning but I'm trying to stay awake to resolve this
Lol exodus gods and kings burning bush scene... >>>/watch?v=UD0od-kEClg No wonder I never got into the movie more than maybe 20 mins when even the most pivotal scene is so crap and is that Wagner's Rheingold "Entry of God's into Valhalla" playing in the background during it?
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
just went put out to the bar with coinbase recruiters they're good
A woman worked until she was like 86, died right before the paperwork for her retirement money came through, part of which was just a lump sum, and her husband has to fight the hospital she worked as a janitor at legally to get any of it. Oh and they wrote down the amount immediately after she died too
Just actually execute all the bourgeois
as sad as that is, it doesn't influence my mood i accepted things like that long ago that's just how it is here that's not a unique story at all
That being how it is, is probably the most infuriating thing about it It'd be less enraging if this was a deviation
that particular story just doesn't affect me I've heard it a million times that's just how life is here
>TFW you're in synagogue and checking google to see if its okay to use electronics
just ask your rabbi siily
>>280359 I'm checking if its considered to be against Jewish law The rabbi would say no whether or not is is because its usually rude, im not in the sanctuary though Also my message cut out >>280358 Should have ended with "on Rosh Hashanah"
like in general or in synagogue ? it's generally rude anyway I would say excessive phone use is probably not good anyway
>>280361 I'm at the side door letting old people in, I know its generally rude
Bbl turning of phone *off
I guess if I want to move out suddenly I would want to do a cull of stuff I don't think my parents will be to happy about it but whatever
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I don't use my phone in church while stuff is happening
I would like to cut down on twitter and stuff because I don't think it's good for my mental health
>I should eat >goes to kitchen >takes out food >washes a few dishes in sink >puts food back >leaves kitchen >almost an hour spent >hungry >don't want to eat