Thread #279349
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new game tenshi tsuere aho girl uso girl nana maru isekai restaurant
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Where is tilde?
I'm here.
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Oh, great. Okay Let's doooo nana maru uso girl tsuere aho girl new game Is that agreeable to you, Ika? We could sub isekai in at the end in the place of something if you'd like.
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also let's not be slow tonight please
is oh Okay lets do that nana uso tsurer
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oay nana maru tilde orange? oh okay let's start!
All right.
I -was- orange until my Internet decided to not.
I like little thinking games like that.
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Everyone got it right so it's probably hard for him to feel all special.
This brat is really annoying.
And then he just throws a hissy-fit and withdraws.
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>my playstyle is to be a meanie
Ara ara
Fucking fujoshi.
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>>279390 Yeah, Ika and Ika were really fujoing it up there.
Rika dna rika
Ten seconds sure takes a long time.
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Yeah, he's been thinking for way more than 10 seconds.
Oh that was a clever ruse of hers.
Their club president is OP as fuck.
Oh yeah we're at the end of the season aren't we.
was that the finale
They even teased the New York meet there at the end.
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 803x646, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 01 [(…).jpg )
okay uso girl okay let's start
All right.
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Riri is such a good girl.
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She's being a little honest too.
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How can you turn her down after a line like that protagonist-kun who cares about misaki
He does. So does Ririna for that matter.
Tsuki ga kirei, hm.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
This is only 12 episodes.
Well this episode does have the series name as its name. Being some kind of a conclusion was pretty foregone.
Poor Nisaka. At least Misaki and Ririna both swing the right way for their love interest.
If they all love the other two they could just 3P.
have two wives
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I think it would be more like a wife and a mistress.
Out of context he must look like a player to the adult staff.
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The unresolved ending was what I was expecting but it's still rather unsatisfying. Let's Tsureze okay ;ets start
Tsu re dzu re
She kind of just forced herself in there.
That was a pretty deadpan "ah" from their goalie.
Beach episode finale huh. Hah hah hah.>I thrive on that awkwardness
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Seems like both of these girls need to be more honest.
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I'm glad the baka couple patched it up.
Wow we didn't even get swimsuits. How mean.
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okay thanks for anime ika aho girl okay lets start
She hasn't changed much in ten years.
So it was his fault all along she got hooked on bananas.
Sucked the life right out of him. Oh we got to the point where he starts fighting back fast.
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Oh, she was stronger than him when they were kids. I guess that explains some things.
Looks like part of the reason he got stronger than her was because he had to defeat her.
Oh no.
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This is going to backfire for him.
You almost feel bad for him.
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Here it is!
Yeah pretty much.
I wonder if it's still her normal VA doing her child voice. Last episode had her put on a crazy deep voice so her seiyuu definitely has the range.
Aw we don't get a final cutsom OP for this episode.
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 12 [(…).jpg )
Oh, I guess this is the last episode of this too. This season went by fast.
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okay new game okay lets start
Yup yup.
At least we've got one mroe week left of this show.
Speed IS a useful aspect of being a programmer, but so is being thorough. Better to take longer making a more complete and less broken work than a sloppy but faster one.
She's really particularly vain. It's kind of funny.
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>character team >strife free
Well they're pretty strife free at the moment.
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They've been very competitive lately.
Caaaaalllled it.
Do Do Donuts Go Nuts!
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 879x717, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 10(…).jpg )
Sakura is such a graceful and traditional name. It doesn't really suit Nene.
Well it's her family name. People's family names rarely suit them that well.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 04(…).jpg )
Yeah, but she's a fictional character so that name was created for her. It probably clashes intentionally.
Dun Dun Dunnnn It was kind of expected though.
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 709x716, [HorribleSubs]_New_Game!_-_07_(…).jpg )
end of season drama
I think this black-shorthaired girlwith the glasses showsu shows up at a bunch of places the cast shops at or does business at.
Ku ma ma Ku ma ma
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 05(…).jpg )
The final boss looks like Hifumi.
Poor Rin.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 649x649, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.