Which side of the world are you headed? I'm guessing west coast You could always come up here and have the limit breaking hurricane follow you up the entire coast.
I kind of want to to pick a hobby. I am pretty interested in Photography but I think the moment I pick it up I will realise I am super terrible at it.
Man Kannagi, I know this probably isn't the best thing to say, but most people who are starting out with hobbies begin either hugely uninformed or super terrible at the hobby. Part of the early parts of hobbying is getting that information and/or getting gud.
So uh what I'm trying to say is if you want to do photography, go ahead and do it and power through those concerns that you're bad. You'll get good with practice and persistence.
>>263904 i cant afford to go very far i can go to west north carolina for the weekend for like $300 gonna do that probably and visit some national forests
seems like owl went to store and they were out of water
yeah they've been oout of water for days
would be nice if the storm just goes away It's one thing if Olivia dies and another if Owl kicks it
>>263909 Tell him to fill his tub(s)/toilet, and pretty much any large basin he can put water in, before the storm hits. That water can be used for brushing teeth and other hygeine things. And if he's fortunate enough to have means of boiling water, actual consumption.
I remember there was a while where he didnt have running water so hopefully that isnt now
i can't stop laugh at rick prank calling the prayer line it's just too good
>>263907 Yeah I get it. I am kinda interested in getting one of those instant film cameras like this polaroid It looks pretty mint.
I am Ohio
>>263915 I heard that the film is like printer ink. In that you spend a lot getting more.
But what's money even mean in the face of a hobby, am i right?
>>263919 Nope, I am going in tomorrow though. I can't take too much time off.
>>263917 I can only get the film from here now https://uk.impossible-project.com/collections/film-for-polaroid-image-spectra-cameras/products/color-film-for-polaroid-spectra-cameras The Impossible Project is the only place that produces film for it.
It is pretty pricey though. Not sure I could justify spending
>>263923 Well I am just fond of the instant polaroids.
>>263920 His ability to switch between voices so on the fly is amazing. Professional voice acting is something else.
Right? The way he improvs off the prayer line people is amazing, too. He gets completely into character as Rick and then as Morty. He IS those characters. It's wild.
we're just atoms you know we're just energy you know like we're just atoms
He just fucking breaks her. What is this.
after he gets put on hold, if you skip to about 7:20, you can hear the part where he does it as morty everything between that is just bants
Wow he's not even being elusive when he gets to Morty. Just starts talking about Rick.
I think the Rick one had a few noticable hiccups, points where he wasn't entirely sure what he should angle towards. But by the time he was doing Morty he had material to work with and nothing holding him back.
haha yeah i felt like rick's part was really a good drunk rick just aimless and fucking bizarre
It's too bad there wasn't a new episode last week It's a really funny show
Must be hell for the people on the island though. At least on a continent you can get in a car and drive. When you're stuck on an island you don't really have that luxury.
cuba is apparently really safe from hurricanes they work it so everyone's shit gets packed up and stored safely and everyone has access to a well-built shelter homes are quickly rebuilt after the storms if needed
we don't have anything like that in the US islands
and of course a couple of those islands are too poor to be able to do that (in part thanks to us)
Most of the programs that Cuba utilizes for that sort of thing would probably be called too socialist for most of the States though.
>>263961 Of course they would There's no profit there
Nobody but the people affected 'profit' in any sense from helping people
>>263961 Yeah, unfortunately. That stuff wouldn't work in the US without revamping the entire system.
Huh This is a bit nostalgic http://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1311432849/
The US could just... have their military do it Like y'all have a LOT of soldiers and equipment, your military could ez evacuate at least the people
But of course that costs monies because gasoline for the vehicles and stuff so it's just not ECONOMICALLY SENSIBLE TO SAVE PEOPLE FROM DEATH BY HURRICANE
just realized that even if i evacuate, i'm going to get hit by the storm the storm is going to hit basically everywhere i can drive to and i'll have to drive through it to get home no matter what
The sheer horror of taxing Goldman Sachs a few extra percentage points is enough to make the American working class tremble
>>263968 I know you're trying to be poignant and witty. But you need to work on your delivery a bit.
Is the truth though Americans are genuinely so fucking spooked they think increasing taxes on the ones ALL the way at the top will somehow destroy their lives
>>263967 Yeah but at least driving through storms is nothing new.
>>263971 yeah but 60mph winds are enough to make it difficult to stay in my lane
driving through 100mph winds will be enough to flip my car
>>263970 I mean You can say thar *that But you don't live here You just read about the US and listen to podcasts with people bitching about stuff So you don't really know what its actually like
Well, I guess if it follows me to North Carolina, then I can just keep running. I've been running all my life.
>>263973 Well what other reason is there? I mean honestly
>>263975 Lobbyists Don't blame the American public Well, not that some don't think that, but those people are sort of retarded.
Lobbyists aren't the ones voting for one of two people promising the same shit for the rich and advocating killing the poor to a varying extent That's the people
It's the right of a business to burn their food as a hurricane approaches too, though Like it being your right doesn't say shit other than "the government won't fuck you over for it"
>>263998 A lot if people are dumb *of Also, I voted for her But that doesn't mean i think she'd be a grwat president *great Elections are usually (presidential anyways) pick the lesser if two evils *of
>>264001 That's fine. My problem with the constant bashing is that it gets repetitive and non-constructive. We all know you people loathe her. What more does constantly shitting on her bring to the board.
the joke is that there is a sect of leftist that believes everything is a spook and a spook is "something bad"
A spook is really just another word for social construct most of the time
i'm hungry
Well it's more like An idea that you take for granted, that isn't based in anything
Like property
a spook is a spy it's a saboteur the joke is that spook is being used to describe things that cannot actually be spooks
>>264021 What sort of boundaries are we drawing for "anything" here. Because plenty of animals are posssesive and they don't use logic to reason it out.
I just want a gallon of orange juice and some jamaican patties
>>264021 Property is a lot less of a spook than most of the stuff just listed Since it is a thing (usually) that is made of matter and physically exists
>>264023 There basically isn't a boundary, and that's kinda the joke
>>264023 the term spook is the equivalent of the term cuck but for leftists it's a catch-all term with no real meaning
>>264025 The law and the economy are significantly less spooky The law is, if nothing else, gonna affect you if you just reject it, though that's property
The economy though? Not a spook Not at all a spook
>>264028 I can hold my phone in my gand *hand I can point to it Can you do that with the economy? What about the law? Inb4 holding a law book (not the same) Therefore Spooks Property != Not a spook
y'all need help
Koi Hates Words Vol XI
>>264032 I get it once a week for 45 minutes or so
>>264096 yeah i'm familiar but i've never played on a table
I thought snes shadowrun was cool
>>264097 I haven't played it either, but earlier today I discovered that it got an official manga adaptation in the 90's. Scanlation started earlier this year, they release about 1.5 chapters per month.
Ooh I just remembered something really funny. http://theglen.livejournal.com/16735.html It's a list of things a certain tabletop RPG player is no longer allowed to do I think ive done a few (before seeing the list) But my dm forbade from using it as a to do list.
moon did you see the VA for rick and morty prank calling joel osteen's prayer line
>775. My investigator's motto is not "99% Mythos Lore, 1% Sanity- don't push me" Heh
>>264111 yeah i'm so jealous that they're so successful from being compulsive like that when it's the thing ive always been taught not to be my entire life because it'd be distracting i'm actually really happy when i'm being compulsive, i don't feel depressed at all
same it feels so good to be free and whimsical
ask fishdad if he'd invest in our startup as an improv comedy troupe
invest in THISA
oh god no backlight i forgot about this
>not having the SP
>>264117 Oh no I still have the light for my gbc And my gbc
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
what a classic machine arm7tdmi baybeeeee
i'll just use my original DS
>>264121 Noice I have a dslite but the L button is broken And it has a cracked hinge (it came with it)
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
lawyer sent me one of those emails with attachment forgotten heh
>>264124 Argh That reminds me that my mom tossed my original gameboy. Those can't be all your games. What else do you have?
those are all my games, my mom got rid of all the others because i was too old for video games she also got rid of my beyblades and a lot of other toys at the same time
>>264126 RIP I sort if know that feel I never had anything gotten rid of for that exact reason. But my parents have gotten rid of a lot of my stuff over the years. Although I did have hoarding tendencies, and still do somewhat.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
>>264124 is that some kind of music player on the top left
>HitClips is a digital audio player created by Tiger Electronics that plays ultra-low-fi mono one-minute clips of pop songs
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
>>264104 but not for long the future is coming on.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
someone let me out of my cage
time for me is nothin
>>264127 it sucks when people get rid of your stuff without asking my mom sold my stuff at a garage sale without telling me when i was at school one day and kept all the money for herself
>>264134 My parents tricked me by waiting for a day I would be gone. They helped plan a party for my friend so I could be gone all day. And threw out/recycled a bunch of stuff. In retrospect that may be when all my super old rpgagazines disappeared.
>>264134 My mom threw away a whole shitton of memories for me. I lost some things I had kept since childhood. Which really sucks because I always get scared of losing memories
i wish someone would throw me away
>>264137 If someone threw you over to England that'd be fine.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
how many minutes should i wait before writing a smarmy reply
one two three four how many minutes are in my store
Although really, gor the most part It was a good thing , the first time anyways.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
(to this attachment-less email, it's been 10 minutes and no follow up already)
wait wtf smarmy means something other than what i thought it meant
what's a synonym for doritoface
>Tooth Tunes is a children's toothbrush released by the Tiger Electronics division of Hasbro in 2007[1]. A single toothbrush has a manufacturer's suggested price of US$9.99. Each brush plays a two-minute song clip from a particular artist to encourage a child to brush their teeth for the dentist-recommended two minutes. A single toothbrush comes with one song. The toothbrush is officially accredited by the British Dental Health Foundation[2]. hmm
>>264147 >hello friend, you seem to have misplaced the attachment!
Alm in FEH started talking to me about hearing voices in his head i'm a little worried
The kitchen is clean My stomach has a friend And life isn't miserable anymore
moe I gotta learn one of these language
Kurdish (in Northern Kurdish dialect), a Northwestern Iranian language[176][177] from the Indo-European language family. Arabic (in North Mesopotamian Arabic dialect, in writing Modern Standard Arabic), a Central Semitic language from the Semitic language family Syriac-Aramaic mainly in the Surayt/Turoyo and Assyrian Neo-Aramaic varieties (mainly Classical Syriac in writing), Northwest Semitic languages from the Semitic language family. Turkish (in Syrian Turkmen dialect), from the Turkic language family.
And then move to Syria
uhh why
Cause Rojava is good as hell, dude
4.6 million people democratic socialist\confederalist 400 total inmates >>264171 No it's an autonomous region >>264172 I'm genuinely starting to want to learn sandlanguage and move It seems REAL fuckin' good
I wouldn't mind fighting, I guess, but that isn't why I'd be going
>>264170 Rojava has committed countless war crimes
Like what?
like purposefully killing civilians and using and manufacturing nerve gases
OK that is real bad actually
Seems completely in contradiction with how the entire region is run though
being that the region is characterized by an intense and desperate desire to emulate western development (and is in part funded by the US and other western nations), it stands to reason that the tactics used by western nations would be emulated as well
Idunno, seems odd for someone protecting a region this militant about human rights to go "oh yeah let's just murder civilians for no reason, and also nerve gas is smashingly good"
they care about the human rights of people in their region people outside the region are fair game some organizations have estimated that they are resposible for more than 40 civilian deaths a month
what, do they just execute people or what? All I'm finding is claims the civilians in question were actually IS sympathizers
IS sympathizers are still civilians. Even if they may be scum.
yeah but also they kinda need to leave
You can't fight something and just leave the people doing and supporting the thing around I'm not saying it's GOOD to do this, but like what real choice is there?
>>264206 there is a player who was in my wow guild who has avatared with aoba for the past 12 months while obsessively stalking a former /lolg/ tripfag who is also in the guild they get banned 10x a day they every post they make is accompanied by aoba she's ruined for me
that's not aoba's fault
Aoba is perfect
>>264212 A terrible french person shaped like a friend.
>getting banned from /vg/ That can happen simply from avataring on the board and isn't really worth mentioning
>>264217 He is a terrible frenchman but as someone shaped like a friend, he can't be all bad!
soggy is p okay would say hello to
so do it
where the heck is sugoi
he's posting right now dude
oh fuck its sugoi
You can't tell?
すごい(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)
i want to ganbaruzoi but my girlfriend won't let me
It's such a comfy dialect. Everything about it feels really comfy and homey to me.
owo what's this?
I dunno. What is it?
bang is in austin still right?
Pretty sure, or close enough that he might as well. He's doing fine despite the weather though. Or well the weather isn't making his life particularly worse.
>>264248 Kansai dailects are my favourite. Particular Kyoto-ben. it is really nice
Although some of the northen dailects are great too
>>264257 really? the ones being accused of war crimes is saying they didn't do it???
https://anfenglish.com/kurdistan/arab-tribes-in-rojava-say-amnesty-international-distorts-the-truths-12951 ya
>>264262 "Really, literally people who lived under ISIS were interviewed and claimed to be victims of war crimes?"
Like I'm just saying if you're gonna take one civilian's word for it, why not the other?
It's based on fucking interviews, from what I've seen One side claims they were threatened for being the wrong ethnic group by a militia comprised of 30% that exact ethnic group The other claims those people are bullshitting, and the people claiming it is the assembly of that ethnic group
I'm just saying it's stupid to just assume the people we know for a fact at least survived in an area controlled by fucking ISIS are telling the truth, but the people living in Rojava are lying to defend warcrimes against their own ethnic group, especially when Rojava is so fucking extremist left
oh no I'm hungry again
rojava is a fucking spook SK it's funded by the US and other western nations
>>264267 Yes. You did have pizza today. I remember. There's nothing I want to eat. I'm just hungry.
Thanks I knew I could rely on your to somehow to know if I had pizza.
I've got some pre-made gyoza to cook. It's a nice lazy night food.
I wouldn't mind some 'za myself
I had a thin base tomato and mozzarella
just a normal dr oetker
>>264264 The people living in the area controlled by Isis don't really have much to lose. They could be killed any day for any reason by Isis why would they lie about warcrimes committed against them by someone else?
more like GROSSa
does /moe/ know who the /moe/ that eats pizza on the cob is?
what like a pizza wrapped around a corncob?
>>264274 Alternatively the people they find to interview are those who sympathize with ISIS
>>264278 I mean, that is entirely possible. But I've never heard of this place before just now, how do I know you aren't lying about it.
Like you're basically assuming that the people who set up one of the closest things to actual fucking socialism post-marx, and are defending it, are just comitting random war crimes for shits and giggles here, while also being extremely militant about human rights within the region they're trying to expand, and for some reason the people whose ethnic brethren are being slaughtered are saying it's not even happening to begin with, and this is all being done by a militia comprised 1/3rd of THAT ETHNIC GROUP
>Local news just said that there are 15 construction cranes in Miami that could collapse. The companies have no intention of lowering or disassembling them, and are hoping that the "tops spin like weather-vanes i uhhh hope this is a lie
>>264285 How would any of the civilians living there know anything about what happens outside? They aren't in the warzone where all this crap is happening, so of course they wouldn't think their military is committing war crimes.
>>264292 It sounds haunted. Stay out. Stay alive. Five Star reflexes right there
>>264294 They didn't fucking spawn inside Rojava, dude
>>264299 someone booked a SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT during the time i wanted to be there before i booked
what a cunt
>>264292 >no AC bad >no internet worse oh no I messed it up already
anyway that's bad because no internet and no phone
>>264296 I never ssaid that, but its not like they're hanging outside it in the areas where warcrimes allegedly happened either.
They... the places they live became part of rojava through that militia liberating the area They're the ones saying none of them have had the experiences Amnesty is describing, at all
What are they ethnically cleansing with a set of dice or what?
Oh, here's a cabin called "Ultimate romance handcrafted cabin".
It has a heart shaped hot tub.
Camping is fun. But it takes willingness for it to be fun.
make sure to say cool your jets at one point while winking at the jets
Like I'm not saying THEY DINDU NUFFIN I'm saying it makes no fucking sense for them to consdiering the ideals they're fighting to uphold It makes no sense considering WHO the people fighting are And everything's based on interviews with people, allegedly by people who have ties to the Syrian government or something
It doesn't make sense
I'm not going to do that one.
>heart-shaped I'm booking it right now and there's nothing you can do about it.
Staying in an ultimate romance cabin with a heart-shaped tub by yourself is really sad, don't you think?
>>264312 >consdiering the ideals they're fighting to uphold Because no government ever has lied to their citizens about their ideals, especially not self proclaimed communists or socialists
>>264318 You're invited Kannagi. It was a team effort.
>>264321 Rojava is decentralized as all fuck, dude Like the YPG aren't even a real military, they're militia groups or something, they're not a miniature version of the USSR
>>264322 its not the same thing if you're not staying by yourselfff
yo double k combo ill come and ve a third wheel
There really aren't any places with AC that I can get.
>>264327 didya evac yet? one of my discord commie friends evac'd a few hours back
Uhh, no, I'm trying to find a place to stay.
>>264323 Okay sure, they probably didn't commit warcrimes or whatever. But it's of hard to know much for sure given how much of a clusterfuck that whole region is right now.
The hunger fades
Head over here. Give the queen a visit long lost tea friend.
>>264330 I mean they might have But there's no actual evidence of it that I've seen Nothing concrete anyway
I'm not familiar with the conflict and the actors to a degree where I can say if one side is lying about the other in terms of connections to the Syrian government and stuff, but it's possible, and it'd be real weird for them to try to pass that by the people who actually live around there. They don't even have like, actual police I think? It's like community policing or something?
another thing is like villages have been destroyed, that's true, but it's also a literal warzone between a religious extremist group and what amounts to some variation of commie Like... stuff gets blown up if you bring in heavy ordanance, and it doesn't make sense for them to be 'liberating' villages just to destroy them
>>264344 Yeah, I get it You can stop now I really don't care
>>264337 just make sure you park at the bottom of the hill and then hike the driveway otherwise you'll trip some pressure alarms and also your tires will be shred by road spikes
I just hate not knowing anything, that's all I know for a fact one of the sides is fucked, but that's all
I might be too late to evacuate.
How come you aren't working on that right now? Has the order been given?
I AM working on it.
is there anything i can logistically help you do to find information or anything i'm not working
the fucking airlines are hiking the prices, too, aren't they? Like, insanely $3500 to leave florida I saw someone on twitter say
No that's one
>>264353 A flight is out of the question, yeah. Haha, $350?
too many 0s 4350 350***
>>264353 their operating costs are way different when they have to make these accomodations i don't know the numbers to say whether they're gouging or not
$350 will get me to one of three airports in the country, after which I'll have to spend roughly $400 on hotel costs. That's not feasible.
I'm limited to the distance I can drive in one day.
Most flights out of Florida right now cost between $600 and $2000.
$350 will get you here but it won't get you back >going back
>>264357 I'm gonna put down $50 on them gouging just because I know they can, and that usually means they will
they are
>$2000 sweet JESUS
welcome to the united states
just drive as far as you can i know you dont wanna sleep in a car but it's better than sleeping in a hurricane
haha no it's not
well it's better than sleeping in a furricane
What kind of car is worse than sleeping in a hurricane?
just remember the basics fill a tub with water while you can, tape stuff down etc if you have insurance take photos of the condition the house is in before it hits insurance companies WILL claim that the damage already existed it took me personally like a year to get paid with insurance companies doing just that having proof is essnetial
yeah hurricane is tempurapedic too
could you like ask in the DC discord or something if anyone could house you for a while?
i can't house fish with a stranger
oh yeah that's a problem too
wait aren't her parents loaded, can't they fly you outta there?
i'm not going to use their money
motherfucker it's her life too
and she's welcome to use their money for what she wants i'm not using to use their money
but she's not gonna leave you there, and you know that too
i don't plan on staying here as i said, i'm trying to work things out
just steal the plane
I think that he has given this issue a good bit of thought and probably won't change his mind. I understand where he is coming from on the money side.
i think that the earth is a fuckin flat
no that's rika
rikia please confirm are you an earth y/n
>>264389 When I'm done with you your town is going to look like this: >>264385 the beating I'm going to give you will be classified as a natural disaster
and that's before they check under all that rubble though ;_;
still pretty good for a cat 5 on a fucking island
>>264393 They had time to evacuate. There will be evacuation warnings for me too. A little red line will come up on the television that says "Rika is beating Sugoi nearby, please evacuate"
they didn't evacuate they're on an island with no real evacuation
flights get cancelled days before too rip
I guess they'll be calling it Old Zealand from now on
>>264417 i have 3 garden spiders in my back yard that are at least as big as a quarter one of them is as big as half dollar which is almost an inch in radius just counting their legs without spreading such a cool motherfucker that spider bro is
>>264424 come to montreal i'm moving out soon you can take my spot
sorry i'm just tossing out ideas
>>264428 >book a flight from a location in the hurricane's path to a destination the hurricane already passed do you see why this might not be an option
can you and fish just rent a submarine for a little while
*flexes biceps*
even if i do find something, i might not be able to get back home lol
>>264441 Well I would really really need to call in a favor But I could probably get you a place in the panhandle to stay. There would be no oone eelse there.
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
>>264441 fuck it who can say they really can get back home time to follow the wind
>>264468 haha it's a different cleveland i'm staying in
Why is the UN allowing you to have more than one town per name?
>>264457 props to moon for that perfect timing thanks moon you too
>>264470 we have at least 200 towns called cleveland
i'm messing with you
what the FUCK
oh ok
there are at least three clevelands though
that's still too many
Lil B the BASEDGOD followed me on twitter
what why
blowup soon
okay what the fuck is this god damn horse shit youtube you fucking cucks i have been "processing" this video since 30 hours ago how the fuck is a 4 minute video not done fucking processing it took 5 minutes FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to upload how about you suck my god damn cock youtube
I have seven minutes to mine things. the map will take about three minutes to load >>264482 blowup soon
>>264481 Because something broke and you didn't try doing it again. Maybe
If I had a dollar for how many times ive been told to say Im a hard worker or willing to work hard in this upcoming interview i could afford a suptix
Which do you guys prefer more as an information ssource Encyclopedia Dramatically or Vice?
Southsun Cove is a map filled with giant bug crustacean things called Karka that are probably the most annoying thing to fight outside of Champion Mordrem Stalkers.
>>264536 It's been a long time since I've been to encyclopedia dramatica, but that place is always a fun place to learn about stuff you didn't know.
Well The vice article cited ED
ED is always a fun place to discover bullshit and try to shift the shit from the fact but like you don't go there for the truth but to be entertained. I used to read a bunch of the chan girls pages. Cracky chan and that sonic guy who did cake farts
>>264546 Southsun Cove was supposed to be a resort for rich people led by The Consortium but they chose the absolute worst place and upset the local wildlife and then the karka attacked the most important city. There's also the whole utilizing easily exploitable refugee labor story arc but that's no longer important.
Here's the vice article https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/jpgg5y/the-forums-with-only-one-user
knowledge doesn't exist we don't know anything
Samu 🍁 !KW2DbpWwls
>>264548 lurkmoar wiki always seemed more reliable for info on stuff like changirls and old drama
>>264577 Wasn't Hitler a paranoid control freak did a bunch of drugs and regularly disregarded the advice of his military's officers who knew a lot more about war than he did?
>>264579 >only one heart-shaped pupil not me, fam That's probably your Aoba-hating friend.
>>264580 only in the second half I think I think there was one majour loss that turned him into a control freak Before that he watched movies and let his generals run everything
He probably wasn't that confident.
>Fish's parents want to stay at the same hotel as us
>>264587 Wouldn't be surprised if her dad figured it to be some good bonding time over difficult times or something.
>>264574 You don't have to wait for me. You can be lewd whenever.
>>264589 You don't half say some shit. >>264590 I'll never be lewd. I'm pure
The only one I want to bond with is Fish.
>>264589 >Now, I know what you're thinking. >But don't worry, we'll be on a different floor and FUCK. KARKA where was I >and it'll be alright
>>264593 Should have finished that with D'ya feel lucky punk.
I'm sure it'll be fine. It'll kind of be a pain, though. I don't want to spend time with them all the time. I was planning on hitting some national forests and Fishdad can't do that with his heart.
Well at least he's not lying and saying something like "looks like it could be something that will be fine"
Hes a fucking smart cookie, he is.
it's storming but the hurricane isn't here so don't worry
TIME for bed. Not looking forward to work. >>264603 Thanks. Take care and show that Hurricane what for. >>264604 YOU ARE THE LEWDIST I should make a image of koishi posing in front a mirror with caption "I am a the lewdiest" >>264605 We will talk again! It would be way too sad if we didn't so that won't happen!
bye kannagi sleep WELL or even better sleep sweetly
That would be a good riddle. Something you can see and feel, but you can't hear it no matter how close you are. Or even better, you can't hear it no matter how much noise it makes. That would be a better ending for the riddle.
you would have to use some sort of hypnosis or some nonsense i cant make myself like boys that way and i wont
i got you
okay bad joke over back to gw2
>>264678 no you can learn to the same way people develop fetishes
people post this stuff unironically
Some people have a somewhat overestimation of how much faith by itself effects the physical world. They post that because they legitimately believe the prayers have value.
some days i'm envious of how lucky michael crichton was to have good networking and other days i just want a back massage it's a lose-lose situation in my case
im gonna go smoke two cigarettes at the same time because that sounds fun
>>264721 I don't know, I haven't been by FEG in days. I only go to save pictures, I don't even read posts.
>>264723 as a plant, HoT is all about killing your family.
I am remarkably tired. Which isn't that remarkable considering the lack of nutrition today
and dailies are done I should take a nap
enjoy being awake
I always do! Have fun sleeping.
Are any anime friends alive?
Oh yes I am sorry. Was just off talking.
We may start in a minute. Ika is being difficult.
Squid did say that he might have to miss the first episode of some days for this season. I figure that means he doesn't expect to be anime until around 00:30 on those days.