>>260871 Yeah, for a minute I thought I was watching knights and magic.
For all his posturing this guy was a real scrub.
They were calling him Mahamut Pasha again for a brief moment. But now it's back to Mahamut Bey.
He's picking fights with people again.
>Am I in the wrong? >No, it is the nations that are mistaken
His pen has a little crescent moon at the end of it. How cute.
evil glare
The guy he was glaring at gave up his cabin so that Mahamut could have a comfortable place to rest and heal. He really needs to learn to reign in his impertience.
hasn't maria said last thread that he won't be around today maybe could have even found the post if everyone didn't shit so many threads
I wasn't here last time this week. No clue.
>>260896 hmm we can do it tomorrow maybe maria will show up
This kind of non-intervention isolationism is probably pretty accurate for Venice. I think even when the other various principalities that would eventually become modern-day Italy were squabbling amongst themselves, Venice mostly kept to itself and continued to trade with everyone and everything.
Well that's certainly a timely convenience.
Hah hah hah. What.
Holla holla get dolla
And his party gains another member.
>>260896 I'm away without a computer feel free to watch without me tis hweek
I imagine it was pused off by all the thread spamming.
>>260979 Considering how often threads get put down to push the porn infestation off the board, I wouldn't be surprised if it went into the archives already.
Threads automatically expire after a week. I don't think there has been a lot of thread spamming in the past few days because the porn spam has been mostly stopped.
I actually thought Maria said taht weeks ago did not know it was last week
We only have two pages right now. The way it works on /moe/ is threads won't expire until it's been one week. We could have twenty pages of threads or two pages of threads, it doesn't matter. They don't go to archive until they've been posted for a week.
i feel like i've seen older threads before oh well i'll see
Ah, I see. I thought there was a hard number at some point.
>>260988 There is an option to let threads not expire. It's only used for special threads though.
okay princess principal
>>260992 No, the threads that have had that option applied to them have been things like those threads where moe drew anime covers together, or the 1 million get back on the old moe. Maybe it was the 100k get. It was probably the 100k get.
No threads created by me have ever been set to be immortal.
This is one of those series where the episodes are out of chronological order. So it's possible her dad hasn't died yet at this point, or she's long known.
This is the first time we've seen a rival clique in the school. They're pretty weak though.
They've managed to fool most of the crowd that they're doing a routine. Only the Dance Masters know what's going on.
You know for as much a pain the ass onii-chan is, it looks like the issues between him and imouto were from both sides. Though maybe this is a good growing experience for her.