>stab knife with can >it depressurizes >shoots you >you get depressurized >your eyes evaporate and you start to freeze in the cold loneliness of your kitchen
>>254192 thats basically a can opener but on the side instead of the top
>>254193 >stab can with knife >it depresses >shoots itself
It's fucking retarded that databases like EBSCO are so fucking paranoid about people LEARNING that they compromise user experience to make the site as inaccessible to everyone as possible.
>don't touch the page for 2 hours >session expires >log back in >have to open every tab again because you can't just reload
>>254209 yeah welcome to my world i'm gonna tear the whole system down i'm gonna permeate it with bots and information is going to bleed all over the whole world
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
are you gonna bomb ebsco
>>254211 fuck that they've got the architecture in place leave it going and be a parasite, use it as a host a parasite of justice
i just wanna give a big fat shoutout to all the fuckers who encouraged me to watch seasonal anime again because i hate waiting a fucking week so basically fuck you all so much, thanks
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
are you getting rain bang
>>254214 that's what you get for being one of the herd
but nothing serious over here just lots of wind and rain couple leaks sprouted in my house but nothing more than a few drippys i'm more worried about the after-effects when katrina hit we got a bunch of unsavories refugees houston isn't as bad as new orleans in terms of drugs and crime, or at least i don't think it is but we're probably still gonna get a bunch of people we don't want
i'm a little envious that roiland et al have become so successful with their improv
ive been told my whole life how compulsion is a bad thing and that you can't be functional that way and then there's people who get to be compulsive for a living like, i feel like us idiots hanging out could do cool shit like this
i started reading a book called Neurotribes that seems pretty interesting it's about stuff like autism/adhd/etc as natural variations in human cognition and going into a lot of case examples and it tracks the history of autism back like 200 years before the modern history of it with dr. ass burger and shit
wait do you mean to tell me that there have been people who function differently than other people the entire time but surely OUR generation is the only one to experience something our parents didn't teach us about when we were kids
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's pretty absurd that people legit think like that the whole "autism epidemic" is bizarre
it's bizzare in some ways but it's really just another product of the money-medicine machine of the 20th and 21st century
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are theories that the "epidemic" is the result of travel being more possible people with certain traits gravitate towards certain areas and intermingle and reproduce so people with gene variations that can create autism are more likely to meet other people like that which supposedly explains why tech hubs like silicon valley have higher occurances of autism
people also interact with orders of magnitude more people in their life than they used to i've probably interacted with tens of thousands of people in my adult life, even if only in passing at work or on the internet before the last century, you were not so likely to do so unless your profession called for it
>>254226 people are so caught up in genes like that's the only generational carrier there's loads i don't worry about hypotheses when models work better
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's the vaccines tbh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the illuminates are giving our kids autism
oh i didn't get to the point i was making basically if you see a lot more people if everyone sees a lot more people, you're more likely to notice how many people there are that are different autism was probably just branded retardation for a long time and just being "dumb" for a while before that
>>254229 yeah because of vaccines now people are LIVING who would otherwise be DEAD and some of those people have autism so yes vaccines literally increase autism numbers
when you put it like that, i wish people wouldn't be vaccinated to thin out the pop a little bit
>>254243 Yeah that's sort of my line of thought. I'm pretty happy I was born in this generation. There's so much to keep my attention occupied and focus away from the problems at hand. If not for all the things I can do in this generation there's a good chance the ugly race between me giving up on life and actually doing something with it would have probably concluded by this age.
We live in incredibly interesting times. I'm happy that there are so many things for me to get angry about. And phone games are great too. and chapstick
i used to be one of those losers that wished he was born in the 30s lol now i'm a loser that realizes the 30s were fucking trash in terms of livability
>>254247 The '30s would have probably been a load of fun if you were of the wealthy class living in one of the major cities of the world. Other than that it was likely just a miserable experience.
I think the feeling that "I wish I was born in a generation past" is something most--most, certainly not all--people grow out of once they get a wider view of the world and/or history. You see cultures that live in similar situations to those generations today and you don't think "oh that looks lovely I wish I lived there and not here."
>>254247 i love putting some chapstick all over my mouth
put spaces around your em dashes when used for interjections or parentheticals
I took my medication early without thinking about it. I'm going to have like 6 hours of classes where I'm only half there.
>>254249 Without the access to education that our modern world allowed me, I probably would have become a criminal. If I were born in the 30s, I'd probably have become some criminal that felt justified in his crime by the fact that he was just fucking with the rich.
But on the other hand who am I to speak I still harbour a small wish I'd been born in Japan so I could enjoy the culture it produces as a native and not a filthy gaijin despite being totally aware of the considerable drawbacks and faults of their society.
>>254253 the lines for criminal activity weren't as clear then for those types of crimes just as they aren't with current issues i tread a pretty close line sometimes i feel like a case could be made against me for commercial vandalism, cyberterrorism, or some other weird things
>>254257 I think we're probably a little criminal.
If I were in the 30s, I would probably be robbing banks though. Or maybe I'd have joined the military and died in Korea.
>>254262 people at the time viewed the banks as the criminals though and a lot of those banks were criminal
the world was different back then. if you went and stole 30 cattle from someone, it's their fault for not protecting their cattle if you went to the sheriff and told him the durn harris boys done took yer cattle he'd call you a dang fool for neglectin yer cattle
>>254261 I wish I could live in a pineapple under the sea
>>254263 If I were born in the 1930s, I'd be doing that stuff in late 1940s or early 1950s, when law was generally solid. People generally trusted the banks in the late 40s and 50s, too.
>>254265 The underwater housing market is too expensive
>>254265 trust is a strong word they just didn't have much choice
>>254268 if you robbed them at gunpoint but that was still a time you could easily use fake checks and stuff because of the long time to process things if you worked within what they didn't protect, yeah it'd still be fraud but it wouldn't be quite the same >>254269 okay
Which one.
any one you feel like
I don't feel like anything though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>254269 my answer is "no, i think the pilot g-2 10 is the superior pen"
>>254282 someday we'll all be able to respect women ;_;
>>254280 to learn that university is a bad investment sometimes i think two years later and i woulda known but at my graduation time it was like uni or army were the only options you got unless you wanna be a bum piece of shit lied to and played like a big fuckin fiddle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why are we still here? just to suffer? every night, i can feel my tuition, and my textbook money, even my dorm costs the money i've lost the time i've lost they won't stop hurting it's like they're still there you feel it too don't you? i'm gonna make them give back our money
>living in a dorm >not being a leech on your parents
>>254287 joke's on them money is fuckin useless it's all about dat information that's gonna be the currency of power in the next few decades
i was talking about revolution with my dad the other day and he was like "people can't fight the military" so i said "what if hackers just take control of military tech and use it against the military" and my dad was high so it totally blew his mind
>>254296 he's right though the military's been building pretty end-game AI since the early 90s military's always gonna have everything first because of the budget the gangster computer god is already real
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but what's the military gonna do when the solar flares take out all their shit
i was just sort of fucking with him because he was smoking pot and getting high
>>254300 i'm just using hyperbole and mimicking francis e dec when i talk about the computer god
but like for real, the military's got some pretty deep shit there. they're lifting some restrictions around drug use so that they can bring hackers onboard bc they aren't willing to give up marijuana use or other psychoactive substances to work with the military
i'm on a clock that's set to run out in 2038 i have to beat the motherfuckers there i'm the universe's last hope
he was talking about how we should just get rid of the internet because it ruined the world and go back to simpler times
damn that nigga was high af(as fuck)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah he smokes to deal with his back pain but he also likes to get a little high it's pretty funny sometimes
>>254306 We would have ruined the world, Internet or no Internet.
>>254308 my mom smokes for the same reasons but also she's just country af fuck she says the dumbest shit too but at least it's not the opiates anymore with constant drama rook you can come smoke with my mom if you want >>254311 yeah that's why i smoke haha and to help my brain think thoughts more clearly
I smoke because I think it's a preeeetty good time
I don't smoke because my nose is a punk-ass bitch and can't stand overwhelming smells like that.
buddy I'm gonna cook you up some jolly ranchers >>254310 sure I'll smoke with your mom what does she like to talk about? does she know how to make pepper jam?
>>254313 she knows how to talk about how much pain she's in and how incompetent doctors are and she likes to talk about her dogs that's it
i know how to make pepper jam though
>>254313 Sure man I'll just catch a ride all the way down to Ten I See and pick those up.
>>254314 well we can certainly agree about how much pain she's in and everyone likes to talk about dogs on some level let's teach her to make pepper jam also teach me to make pepper jam
everything i find on content analysis talks about using it for texts like there seems to be some perception that you can't use content analysis for stuff like images or videos academia is so shortsighted sometimes
ah yes krippendorf and ballstaedt, schnotz, and you mustn't forget van dijk
>and you oh shit when did I author paper
>>254323 it's weird that this is new to you guys i've made my own pepper jams and i also buy it sometimes fuckin peanut butter and habanero jam sandwiches on whole wheat
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's not new to me i thought you were saying like, some kind of jam using like black pepper for some reason not like making jam out of peppers
Yeah, the first association for "pepper" for me is black pepper. If you'd said something like "peppers jam" as stupid as it sounds I would have known exactly what you were talking about.
I use pepper as a spice really infrequently so I think of the vegetable first most of the time >>254342 sometimes you just walk through life missing the obvious shit in front of you
I am peckish now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
as a proud white man, pepper is the ONLY spice i will EVER use
What about salt though.
>>254345 I use peppers far more than I add pepper to my meals though. But whenever I talk about peppers it's always "should I add peppers to this" or "are we out of peppers". The single 's' there makes all the difference in differentiating what I'm talking about.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't know if salt is technically a spice spices are generally plants
Salt is a salt not a spice
salt is a salt it's not a kind of spice salts are an entire class of compounds on their own
add lithium to your meals to really spice them up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but like tomatoes are technically a fruit but they're also a vegetable from a culinary perspective so like idk maybe salt is like that
i know she'd decline anyway, but she knows she would have been welcome aboard our humble little trip, right? don't want her to feel like she wasn't welcome, even if she wouldn't come regardless
maybe you'll get to record some fun things for her if i'm able to afford a camera come time the 2nd rolls around, or the 3rd possibly since we can get in before festival hours on the 3rd in the early AM like now, i think i want to do more still recordings of serene environments, like the japanese garden or chinese garden there's a turkish garden that's really cool too but sometimes it's closed off
at a time when nobody's around and i can get 10 minutes of just clean footage of the plants and architecture and the weather fuck just thinking about it now, there's this big fucking windchimes in one of the gardens and they're really cool and it pisses me off during the festival because dumb teenagers in cosplay go and just clang them back and forth it's so obnoxious
fyi there's going to be so much second-hand embarrassment from all the cringy teens in saint louis who watched attack on titan on toonami and now they wanna go to a japanese festival to show their love for anime if it's not too late for you, there's a karaoke event at like 7 or 8 PM and it's just full of these cringy teens being really awkward and shouting memes in the audience while their friends are on stage and it's so disrespectful too because there's like these old japanese ladies who go and sing enka songs in their kimonos, which is really cool and those old japanese ladies get so confused by these teenagers but the cringe is real addicting too i think it's my favorite part of the event
>dues strike to evict the cop by force What the hell is the DSA at this point dude
>>254382 they try to make sure everyone has fun they also have little kids go up like 5 at a time and try to wrestle the sumo guys and they just pick one up on each arm and drop them out of the ring haha
I have to act fast too... Candy Corn is only available during the Halloween season and in home instances that have the Candy Corn node (which I own). The price of CC will go up during Halloween which sounds like the opposite of supply/demand but you can only buy CC items during that season as well. And they release new items that require CC too. So everyone will want it. I need to hit like... 10 gold/day. To be able to buy enough candy corn to turn into candy corn cobs to buy it. oh wait, not 1.2 million. 120,000 whoops too many zeroes
Any of you nerds interested in plaging this? *playing https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Touhou_Danmaku_Yuugi_Flowers_RPG
there's no details on that page? is it just danmaku? i already play that on tabletop simulator or did until people got fuckin drama central and i dipped tf out of that
>>254411 I'm about to reread the rulebook I'll let you know in a bit
Spell cards are like this These are just examples though Err >>254414 That's just an example one, but there are different ones There are also skill checks and stuff
I ought to set Pichuun to be the sound my phone makes when I get a text.
Also the scans are kind of shitty, so there are some missing parts (nothing important, just a few things on tables). But if I get the money I could buy a copy and get it shipped to my friend who scans raws. And then ship it to you (Kannagi) or something. He lives in northern England iirc.
Fuck I finally finished going through a folder with 8426 images in it and could not find the pic I was looking for.
Hopefully that shit isn't too blurry or it will be a pain to translate. >>254428 I can try looking around for scans on share if you like at some point.
>>254436 Imagine believing ancoms waving red and black flags, chanting "no trump, no wall, no USA at all" are even a little bit in favor of the Democrat party
I'm afraid to go on twitter right now because Map Chat just said some shit and I don't want to see if it's real.
>>254418 let a baker live, they shall eat a little forever Kill the baker, and they will only eat today By killing the baker we can starve a lot more people in the long run
GW2 stream is happening. They're talking with the brand manager She's talking about word filters and names. And they had a lot of iterations of the new expansion name. They had to make sure that the acronym doesn't stand for something bad. One of the options was GW2: DTF She doesn't remember what the acronym for the game was going to be but she remembers the entire brand team sitting in a room with their boss who was asking "What's wrong with DTF? What's that stand for?" and no one wanted to say anything.
my back is in so much pain i'm gonna whine about it on an imageboard where nobody can do anything about it because that's just how i am what's the point of suffering if people don't know i'm suffering and give me sympathy right
>>254455 it's because the bots are doing their job the bots you whined about and called useless trash still put all that effort out to make the back-channels connect to introduce and suggest your material to people even though you hurt their feelings
>>254460 I need to be replaced and a new product put in it's place.
what will happen with the old kannagi you'll be shipped off to a junkyard somewhere, where some dude's old junkyard bulldog comes along and slobbers all over you and chews on you and thinks you're one of its toys, like all the other rubber tires and decompostable trash in the junkyard until that old bulldog gets old and dies and the owner dies and the place is condemned because nobody wants to live around that garbage and then a good seventy or so years pass in silence until some data-mining AI comes along, doing its duties, and finds you and absorbs you and merges it into its consciousness and by then AI will be able to hold most people's consciousnesses in its local simulator so i'll be in there too and we can find each other again in the digital ether
I bet the other new orgs are just waiting for more information to report I love how nonchalant CNBC is about it though just a small tweet. It won't cause massive anxiety
>class is gonna start while im sitting here worrying about impending war
Doubt But he will make an angry tweet about it atm he is busy meetin with our President
>>254497 That's what I was thinking Holding japan ransom
>>254497 shit dude, i've got a great idea let's fuckin like build a whole SHIT TON of infrastructure and make some really expensive shit to throw out emptry threats at the world so they'll give us some scrap cash to buy food for our people
https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/28/japanese-government-warns-north-korea-missile-headed-toward-northern-japan-report-says.html They have a developing news page.
>>254519 they broke up I think they only passed them
>>254521 One did This twitter account is alleging that multiple missiles were launched And I cant find a source for it Although maybe they're bad at japanese and misread something
oh I dunno then don't really want to look at it anymore
I wonder how much money you could make by posting fake news in order to bait out clicks in a time of crisis
That image for some reason feels like trump's head has been photoshopped on
His head doesn't seem to fit his body
his head is too big for his shoulders yeah
I'm listening to a techno record right now And it took me forty seconds or so to determine whether or not it was skipping. It wasn't, but it was sampling a scratched record.
>>>/watch?v=-Y2sREpzL8I I've beaten this fight like twelve times and I have NEVER paid attention to how good this song was.
I'm home! I'm sure you've all missed me so much that you can barely stand it! It's almost time for bed, though, so you'd better enjoy your short time with me tonight!
i was explaining that Go neural net to some people in my cohort earlier and i mentioned that the top Go players didn't understand some of its moves and someone was just like "can't they just like look at its code to figure out why it did that? like just read the zeros and ones?"
when angels deserve to DIE
>>254663 I think the word you're looking for is modular.
though "legible" neural nets are a topic of research but like it's unclear how to build a neural net that can explain why it did what it did maybe it can rationalize like people do, after the fact i wonder, maybe something better is possible
>>254672 What if we make a neural net that explains why other neural nets do things
what really surprised me was that my classmates didn't really understand what a neural net was i guess that shouldn't surprise me i think i just spend so much time with people like on /moe/ that know what they are that i assumed it was common knowledge by now they knew about IBM Watson but were under the impression that Watson was capable of some kind of sentience in that it could choose to answer things incorrectly to avoid making people feel bad
these are psychology students though
>>254668 >non-coders expecting non-coders to be able to read machine logic
>>254674 I remember playing a long at home that jeopardy episode I think I tied or beat watson, although I didn't have to ring a buzzer
we've been talking about a lot of really basic philosophical concepts in my existential/humanistic models of therapy class and my cohort has been having a lot of trouble dealing with the idea of subjective reality and a materialistic vs idealistic view of the world it's sort of made me realize how different i am from them because those are concepts i think about daily it's probably the product of growing up without any connections to other people
my professor was asking us if we were different from rocks fundamentally in that we were made of the same things and my classmates were struggling to understand how we could be fundamentally similar to a rock someone used the example of eggs, saying that if you put extra salt in your eggs, it'll taste different, so it must be fundamentally different from eggs without that extra salt so i said that no matter how you do it, eggs are eggs, and they had a lot of trouble understanding it
it's hard for me to understand how people make it into their 20s without ever questioning their existence or reality but i guess it's not normal to do that
Maybe so. These people have a lot of trouble with the basic principles of E/H therapy too, which are that the person is the expert on himself or herself and the only way to know their experience is for them to explain it. It's really different from CBT and stuff like the DSM because it's about the individual and not just about putting someone into a mold and "fixing" them.
It's definitely my kind of thing, though. I don't like CBT.
My mother is seemingly watching ninja warrior and won't stop yelling Help
>>254685 Being bad at introspection is a problem that I can not single out on them.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
>>254673 maybe idk maybe a neural net could test another one enough to start drawing conclusions, idk though any network with a decent number of layers is gonna have unpredictable behavior...
norm macdonhalds
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
these girls didn't bring ID but are trying to persuade their way to winedom
>>254693 What if the awareness makes them not normies anymore and they find themselves thrust into a realm they aren't equipped to understand? That's cruel isn't it?
>>254696 If that happens, I will take responsibility and guide them on their path to accepting that reality might not real.
I do think that this stuff could help them understand themselves and others a lot better, though. And it really makes me feel bad to see people struggling in a class I'm enjoying so much. I might offer to help them out.
One of the students used to be a philosophy major so it's weird that she's struggling so much though.
I think most of them are on the brink of getting it but can't step outside their own perception, so they're blocking themselves a little.
Samu 🐬 !KW2DbpWwls
normies more like people trying to take a bird course
>>254706 There was a non canon deadpool arc with that Also professor X died when he read deadpool's mind and discovered that they were comic characters He had a brain hemorrhage or something
>>254714 I'll just make sure they direct their negative energy towards normies and not us. If they decide to destroy the world, they'll just get hurt and give up >>254713 That's neat
do you keep up with them enough to know why they stopped?
>>254741 ToN Would you be interested in playing a Touhou tabletop rog campaign? *rpg
It looked complicated tbh not sure
>>254743 It's not very complicated Trust me, I've played quite a few RPGs Also any rpg looks complicated the first time you look at it if you haven't played a lot of them
>>254741 I know people were harrassing the people who they made fun of At some point you start feeling like a bully
>>254745 Yeah, that was part of it Another was just that the market is flooded and with all the same thing so it's hard to find things without rehashimg rehashing old material so they do other stuff now >>254744 I might take a closer look
fuxking immigration lawyers are full of it i didnt need all this stuff the first time I got my visa what changed i can't help but feel they're just running the clock
i'm finally home and fuck yes i can listen to that song the nostalgia feels so good i remember it being pretty popular, its got like 10 million views on youtube now
>hbo uses flash ... anno domini 2017 and a stream site that requires money to use and it uses flash?
>>254851 i'm waiting until they find a replacement for meso that i can move to a different position one that i will like better, and one that not many people can fill technically it's a step diagonally down but only in official position it's actually kind of more responsibility and better pay for my time
>>254850 that's probably more than I got. It's been very intermittent downpours that last about 1-2 hours. Strong winds and a lot of rain suddenly but nothing that could really be dangerous.
Someone who coordinates catering, man. It seems pretty self-explanatory.
>>254871 while everyone else in the cafe worries about regular business, i specifically handle large orders, typically deliveries, ordered hours in advance for large parties
still a weird title i remember laughing when they changed "cleaner" to "professional of hygiene" or something as a work title I guess similiar has happened over there too
>>254871 the person that organizes and supervises catering for a restaurant or other supplier of food
>>254874 no in this case it's probably the best title for it there's no better way to describe it
>>254895 Yeah can't blame you for that. My imouto cracked open a pea pod years ago to find it crawling with small white wriggly things. To this day she still has a hard time eating unshelled peas, and they used to be one of her favourite things to snack on.
>>254928 See, this is a good touhou design. Meiling is great. Honestly Zun's been getting rusty. Old touhous were less busy and cluttered imo and captured a single theme rather well.
>>254930 I agree with this a bit. In the earlier games, at least after they moved to Windows, the designs were more hit than miss. But the more later designs feel way more of a mess more often than not. I think the last one I felt had consistently at-least-okay designs was the one after UFO.
>>254935 Kancolle has many different artists and as such the art varies from tasteful to too gaudy. However I will not be arguing about this since TN and I are not on speaking terms.
>>254966 you know like coffee, tea, fruit punch, carbonated soft drinks, mineral water, sparkling water, tonic water, etc
>>254976 The value of the US dollar has not been inflated by 44% in the past seven years.
the US dollar isn't flavored
>>254975 A copy of manga I have that was bought around that time was going for 10.99 USD. It climbing two dollars in seven years doesn't seem too astonishing to me.
>>254977 it's inflated by 12% so it's a 32% increase in price maybe there is some other factor increasing it further such as scarcity it might not be in print anymore
>>254979 90% of dollar bills are flavored with crack cocaine
>>254981 It hasn't been released yet, it comes out in November. Also I'm aware that prices go up I'm just irritated It feels like it was only a few years ago when I could go to a borders and get a volume of trigun for $8~+tax
>>254982 most of them are also flavored with sweat, blood, tears, and/or cum and commonly dirt who the fuck gets a benjamin dirty
i did it i lan'ed with a person irl and did nerd shit with a real life nerd it was like i was shitposting but in real life i had fun i almost forgot what it feels like
>>254996 demon hunter i have 91% multishot damage increase from gear and arsenal + ballistics which makes the rockets from multishot hit for a lot and the ring convention of elements increases the damage by 200% when it's on the fire cycle of the buff >>254998 that's a tough one probably DH and necro DH requires a really stupid build to get max damage though
Hmm what did I have again I had that scourge sword that does quite high fire explosion around you then that ring but can't remember what the third one was
>>255002 i have fortress ballista for the shield because i don't have anything better, cindercoat for the 30% reduced cost of fire skills (multishot) and the ring i want the obsidian ring of the zodiac so i can keep vengeance up 100% of the time but CoE is awesome too and maybe that hammer that gives 20% elite damage i forgot what it was
How will girls falling on MCs evolve today? >no evolutions today nah oh >instead we'll just add a tracksuit-wearing succubus sensei. that's all the rage now nice >and she gives the girls "that" that? >you know... "that" sold
>>255013 I've got an idea The girl falls onto him so hard that he dies And then it becomes an isekai
Yeah and I distinctly remember you pretty much becoming the otter that can't stop eating watermelon towards the end of your run with Nisekoi. I wonder if this'll end the same way.
There's a very big difference between that and this. For one, I actually wholeheartedly enjoy this. Unironically. Yeah, for now. But even back then, Nisekoi had those "no this is where we stop reading" moments. This hasn't really done that.
But there's no point in worrying about when that happens Nisekoi had far earlier warning signs. We're 76 chapters into this one and everything's still solid.
Has it really been running that long. I remember when people were talking about its first couple chapters. Man time keeps on slippin'.
I think I only picked this up around chapter 30 or 40 so it hasn't been that long for me The important thing is that the girls are cute and not annoying And the MC is cool and not annoying and has enough skill to make personal snacks and gifts for everyone in his harem on White Day. non-h doujins someday
>>255032 The last page of this chapter. How can this happen >>255034 Yeah but look at it http://bato.to/reader#ad48dc14211da17e_21 How can you have your panties on one leg and your shorts on another without taking your shorts off, sliding out leg out of your underwear, and then putting the shorts back on that same leg? I mean... the easiest answer to this would be the fact that she's a ninja. But still.
Oh it's not like I've been actively reading that series, hah hah. Gimme a sec and I'll go check if the thread on /a/ is still up.
Alternatively either the shorts or panties were torn somewhere
Actually I thought of another thing that could explain it Do you know how to take off an under shirt without taking off the shirt you're wearing over it?
Living is not really a decision it is just default state it isl ike "obeying gravity" no you don't do that you can choose to try to defy gravity but you always are still pulled towards the greater mass
Well you only get like $50 a day, so You'd not want to
Basically as long as it doesn't become a regular thing, they're lax because the whole point of the thing is to get you into work (On paper. In reality people get stuck in this shit forever)
Of course I'm getting shafted It's the government 'helping' the unemployed by renting them out for free to a private company and paying them about half what the private company would
Oh yeah it's a great way for the business to do things too, cause we undermine the unions We're there by the grace of the government, we can't even unionize
Do you have any way to get a job outside this system?
Yeah, it's possible but there's not a lot of openings that don't require qualifications I don't have
There's a lot of questions I could ask and things I could suggest but you've probably heard it all before. Good luck though. >>255078 Tried oddjobs? I once took a gardening job that paid almost double minimum wage.
There's so many letters coming into our mailboxes with polaks or gypsies or whatever looking for stuff like that Gardening, painting the house, housework, you know basic domestic shit
>>255084 Norwegian people are fairly well off, so if you can do stuff for Norwegians for a while, you have a lot of buying power when you go back to Poland
They're generally not 'taking our jobs', though, they're doing mostly under-the-table shit, sometimes a little bit Home-Depot Mexican work, but mostly just housework or yardwork
But now since the US did the middle east and refugees are happening, people got scared for their own high standard of living, and voted hard right just to close the border
Left wing policy pits the working class against eachother globally
Cause, you know Unions can only really be this strong if there's not a LOT of unemployment A sudden huge influx makes unions a lot less powerful
It's not right and I don't agree with it anymore, but I don't think it's an incorrect assessment by those who want to close the border and keep it closed
Man I have been living weird rythm since last weekend alternating between 20-30 hour days to just about 10 hour days with neve sleeping more than 6 or so hours inbetween