Thread #254755
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Yes anime.
isekai restaurant tenshi no 3p youkai apartment fate uso girl kakegurui cheer fruits princess principal
I want to do at least Kakegurui and Princess Principal today. Fine with whatever else.
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how about uso girl kakegurui princess principal either isekai or cheer fruits
Sure. That's about what I figured would be the list.
Principal uso kakae isekai or fruits
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I don't want principal up at the front. I like it too much. Let's start with uso girl.
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okay uso girl OKAY let's start
>>254767 Use soda
Why does the most socially awkward kid always end up doing the job of calling people in to the whatnot.
does his tshirt have a tie drawn on it
It does.
They're still asking "what is love".
i wish the music was a bit more subtle here
So that means his partnering with Ririna would have come first. I wonder what the--oh so it was just interference. I thought that was what it was in the first place I guess. Wonder if this guy's little sister hacked his wife assigning as a favour her friend.
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I guess that mystery is still unsolved.
that shirt is kinda lame
anime is alive forever
You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
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All that spaghetti.
snow white and the sevent gentelmen sound like quite the shoujo
wow matching shirts
>>254782 Sounds like a really, REALLY, niche reverse harem.
Why do you tell seomeone to take a box somewhere without telling them it's UPSIDE DOWN.
Geez Nisaka.
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This is too exciting for ika!
best girl sorry riri>>254787 no youre getting too excited
Oh my.
/moe/ I've finally gotten a computer again no more phoneposting for me
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His friend is kinda tipping his hand there.
>>254790 congratulations and welcome to the anime thread
I don't care how much the audience loves it I still loathe Romeo and Juliet with a passion.
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>>254793 Why do you hate it? Also this girl is going to cause trouble. The misunderstandings are going to get thicker than in gamers.
I figured she had a hand in the notice that said Misaki was his arranged waifu.>>254794 I talked about it last week.
i think tolde already explained last time why he doesn't like it
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Riri needs to get her head in the game.
>>254795 Is she like a HACKA
Something like that. I'm pretty sure her big brother is that grey-haired guy after all. So she's got access to the operation that does the matching. She's even been shown to be sort of involved too. And she's friends with Misaki and seems to get pretty well the emotional relationship between the two of them.
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okay in the name of compromise we'll do princess principle now okay let's start
Ready steady go
Damn man. I mean I don't think he was wrong but man. Sometimes restraint is a good trait to have.
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this is me every day
Hah hah. Princess wants to let her hair down a bit.
hey what happened to the girls dad did she ever find out what happened? I remember an episode ending sad and stuff
she's a really bad theif
>>254806 it was never brought up i think
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>>254806 This series is one of those out of order shows where the episodes aren't in chronological order. All of the episodes are basically one-offs though so you'd never really notice.
wow it's a really bad board game
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Doesn't this kind of imply that Princess okay yeah here is the reveal
Yeah but it's a reveal we've known since the second episode.
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Was it outright stated? This also means Ange dyes her hair.
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Oh here's another spy that does the veil thing Princess does. And it's that dark-skinned lady that was with the man that got killed in episode two.>>254816 Not outright, but this a message our Ange handed off to Princess in episode two. As you can see though it's adressed to Ange.
alien technology!
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I like her even better now.
It adds some really nice depth to both their characters.
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Even though her fighting power is low, I guess Princess really is the ultimate spy.
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kakegurui>>254831 but it's not comfy I mean we can if you really want but it's not comfy okay then cheer fruits instead okay let's go
Oh yeah did you see Kirara talking about how the show might be two-cour? Princess Principal that is. The episodes have been airing out of order by the numbers ascribed to them, and we've seen numbers as high as the upper teens.>>254832 Okay what. What are we watc- All right, ready.
can we do kakegurui last?
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ok>>254830 no idea ok
Can you do this sort of thing before we're oranging for a show. You had a whole hour to bring it up, why wait until the absolute last second.
Writing for a crowd is suffering.
>>254833 noted
what happens now that they formed their party is it time for dorama
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>>254836 Kotori will suffer from writer's block for an episode, but I think she'll feel better by the end.
The status quo must be maintained.
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>kotori is feeling bad so she declares a beach episode wow this is genius
She's running away from her problems in an extremely elaborate fashion.
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I wish I could unilaterally declare beach episodes. That would be a nice power to have.
They only happen during summer, so by constantly exercizing the power, you could force eternal summer on the world. It really would be a nice power to have.
Playing with cards that have your own faces on them must be a little weird.
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That is really cool though.
Oh no thunderstorm. I mean hell yeah thunderstorms but it probably puts a lid on beach play.
they're all gonna dieeeeee
>It looks like a supercell has formed >supercell has formed >supercell Relevant to my interests.
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Kotori's bad luck is coming into play.
Hah hah Train-chan is espousing some of her train autism.
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Wow, Kotori has super bad luck.
Turning a bad situation into a plus. One of the fundamentals of being a person of misfortune.
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She's really showing off her squeaky Kotori voice.
I wonder how long this bit is gonna go for. These kids certainly aren't great at singing.
the singing looked relaly bad
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I know this feeling of regret when you realize you did something embarrassing without realizing it.
sad bird
need like maybe 5 minutes after this ep
Oh I know this feeling.
that is pretty cool our tounge twisters suck in comparison
okay maybe closer to 10 minutes brb
Fourteen minutes huh. Not bad.
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went to shower fast
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okay kakegurui okay lets start
Yup yup. It looks like this piece of shit subgroup has finally stopped their stupid dickery with the file names.
Okay AIdoru arc
Did a show from two or three days ago have a token idol episode coming up next week too?
i forget
Well I didn't, I KNOW there was a show that had a token idol episode coming up. I just can'-- Oh right it was 18if.
Ara ara
ikishima is so silly
what time i diede again
8:30 8:35 8:40
okay thanks
Hah hah Mary took the guy's Mont Blanc topping.
Well we see her true colours quickly. No surprise really.
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>>254938 That's how idols are.
I'm sure they're not all that terrible. I'll accept they're all some level of facetious but to say "they're all like that" is a bit of an exaggeration.
Yumeko should lose this looks like a fun idea
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Wow, Yumeko went dark quickly this time.
I doooon't realllly know if becoming a Japanese aidoru is exactly the most straightfoward route to an Academy Award.
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It doesn't seem like a way to cultivate the air of dignity that she is trying for.
Sure, some aidoru end up getting roles in movies. But they're the kind of thing that never really see the light of day over in North America. Really the only people from Japan that get recognized by the Academy are people who make movies, not act in them. Oh Jabami is playing games on games again.
yumeko is craaaazy
evil crazy gamer
This girl in the hoodie has a HUGE mouth.
So the aidoru and Jabami are gonna duke it out on a stage in front of an audience? That's a set-up for disaster.
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Now I'm worked up and want to see the next episode.
Gueh. I don't think twintails suit her very well.
thanks for anime