Thread #252058
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good news thread
2017/08/27 (日) 03:49 No. 252061
Search [iqdb] (666 KB, 1147x1504, Excaaalibuur.jpg )
what is it?>>252063 oh no
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 03:49 No. 252063
good news for people who love bad news
if walls could talk what would they say
the only good news is no news
my new job is gonna be dope as fuck i'm gonna have a regular schedule on mostly weekdays morning and afternoons
whoa liveposting if this could also have upvoting it could be even more popular than reddit holy shit
holy shit it's a new guy or an old guy pretending to be a new guy
>>252074 what restaurant would you be working for? >>252075 >every upvote pushes a post upwards while it's still typing would be an entertaining clusterfuck
>>252077 same franchise, different store, different position
>>252075 >if this could also have upvoting it could be even more popular than reddit >holy shit classic
if this board got more popular i would probably dislike it
2017/08/27 (日) 03:55 No. 252084
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 622x939, EXPLOISON.jpg )
Hey bang have you read dai no daibouken?
no because i can't into reading but with a suggestion, i just might
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If we were really popular threads would scroll too fast and it would be hard to chat.
2017/08/27 (日) 03:55 No. 252087
>>252085 wat not even manga? also that pic is from that manga
>>252074 what's the jobbu
if we got popular, it would be hard to use moe as my comfy wind-down time with the people i've talked to for years it would be just another /a/
>>252080 you got rused kiddo
2017/08/27 (日) 03:56 No. 252091
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [Aho-Taku] Sakurasou no Pet na(…).jpg )
Anyhow is a dragon quest based manga and one of my favourite shounens ever
>>252090 >>>/r/funny
like what if i had to use ctrl+f just to find Maria's posts i've basically known maria my whole life
2017/08/27 (日) 03:57 No. 252095
literally or wait how did you spell it? figuretavially? no that is wrong
>>252094 It'd be too tragic Seperated by a wall of newfriends
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figuratively I think that's it
2017/08/27 (日) 03:58 No. 252100
i guess that is why plebians use literally for figuratively nowadays fuck that is too wordy
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 03:59 No. 252105
>>252101 hmm i'm with catherine here centimeter is my favorite drink
not litres you could have a cm of coffe or a liter
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:01 No. 252110
what does the shots box mean can you get like a shot of rum poured in or something or maybe a shot of flu
espresso kirara
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:01 No. 252112
>>252111 i don't know anything about gay fancy rich people coffee
>>252110 that's an irish coffe
>>252112 a shot of extra strong caffeine basically
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:01 No. 252116
>>252113 it's a gunfire actually you faggo
to amp up your bevarage
yeah shots are just pure coffee only the most patric do it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:02 No. 252121
just do a shot of kratom instead of a shot of coffee
just do a shot of ketamine
latte culture enthusiasts will be first against the wall
I only drink cups of chinos
>>252124 that's what the shots box is actually there for
2017/08/27 (日) 04:04 No. 252128
>>252124 what is bad about cafe latte?
i serve espresso shots all the time in little tiny espresso shot mugs
first they went for the hipster and I did not speak up because I was not one
>>252128 It's for metrosexuals and women. Not rugged bastions of masculinity like me
2017/08/27 (日) 04:04 No. 252133
Search [iqdb] (283 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] One-Punch Man - 10 [D(…).jpg )
>>252132 You are just taken in by trends
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:05 No. 252135
just fucking IV caffeine into your neck
;you know what i think rice and bread are the best food in the universe
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i don't understand, espresso is the best form of coffee that is regular coffee is shit in comparison
I have an espresso machine it's a model from the 80's and isn't in production anymore I am become hipstet
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>>252145 how did you know
you also have a banana slicer that you never use
just get a frappe you dolts
>>252145 >banana slicer Why don't people just use a knife
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:07 No. 252149
>>252145 i'm sure he can find a use for it if you keep talkin shit
>>252142 hipstets get out reeeeeeeeee
>>252145 look sometimes I get drunk and ask /moe/ to link me shit on amazon
it keebs happening
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I don't drink coffee ever.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:08 No. 252155
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>>252153 hipstersandstar is pretty fucked up but he's not that bad i think he's mentally ill>>252154 Same. I haven't had coffee in like a year probably.
>>252154 but you're naturally an energizer bunny
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>>252153 Here's a comment from the author of that tweet further down the page:>I have no idea who he is tbh I just pick on low hanging fruit for clout >>252156 You can be too if you get rid of your coffee addiction. It's slowing you down.
I like coffee mostly because of my dad
>>252155 >>252158 yeah he just baits people and they fall for it he's pretty whack so really there's point
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A person who picks on people just to make himself feel better! He should be more like me and sit on the sidelines judging everyone.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:10 No. 252165
Search [iqdb] (740 KB, 640x900, 63184067_p0.png )
HipsterSandstar is a // has a bad anger problem Sometimes he explodes into homophobic and racist rants if he gets really mad He unfollowed SK recently because SK went too left for him haha
>>252164 master race
>>252164 wow now I know how you're judging everyone
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today was my second day without caffeine many headaches i was very tired
>>252162 no point
>>252167 secret leaks here Yuu - 8/8/2017 at 8:10PM Man fuck that Maria guy. What a fag
where sugoi at I need to tell him something
>>252173 Gosh I'm so offended I'm gonna go drown myself in alcohol to death how could yuu do this to me
>>252176 here senpai
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>>252167 I am a judging creature. Don't hate a tiger for her stripes.
>>252180 I did the tim tam slam last night
>>252181 Mosquitos might not be able to help themselves, but I still slap them for being lil bitches
>>252181 >i'm a horrible person >but don't judge me for being a judgemental person because of this old saying
>>252165 SK too left? :thinking:
>>252169 I can't wait to quit I'm so tired I'm so wired
>>252183 Based I had baked ziti a few weeks ago So we're even
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:13 No. 252192
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 600x839, 1496564462151.jpg )
>>252188 sk tweets about communism and socialism like all day it's kind of funny
>>252191 fair trade it was way better than I weas expecting tim tams are some real shit
2017/08/27 (日) 04:14 No. 252196
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>>252192 to a limit it is a bit shame how much he has let his reason be corrupted by idealisms now
>>252192 yo cute touhou dude
>>252183 oh shit you made it pictured here:YUU>>>/watch?v=PCWfkl0aQU8
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:15 No. 252205
>>252196 there's no limit he just tweets about it all day
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Yeah, I hope SK comes off the communism a bit.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:15 No. 252207
idk, it makes him feel happy he feels like he's finally got a place he belongs and he's more comfortable about who he is and less weighed down by his issues most of the time he's doing really good right now
2017/08/27 (日) 04:16 No. 252208
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>>252207 No he is avoiding his shit he is sure doing well in terms of us dealing with his issues but he is just fooling himself in the end he isn't that dumb to actually believe socialism can ever work he himself knows and has before acknowledged that plain human nature makes it impossible
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But he might bash someone's head in one day. That's not good.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:16 No. 252210
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>>252208 Avoidance is a way of coping. Having a coping mechanism is a lot better than not having any coping mechanism. >>252209 That's true.
you're just saying that becuase you're a BOUSHIE
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_The_iDOLM@STER_Cinderel(…).jpg )
shibuya rin did nothing wrong
2017/08/27 (日) 04:17 No. 252214
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Love Live! - 12 [BD][108(…).jpg )
>>252210 I'd like his coping mechanisms not involve the most dangerous ism in the world
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>>252213 She also pleases old men for money.
>>252194 yeah it's great as expected of an ancient australian technique handed down from father to son over the ages
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:19 No. 252221
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>>252219 You're mixing up your Rins.>>252214 Well, it's not your coping mechanism so you don't really get to choose what his coping mechanism is.
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>>252219 chigau it was this one
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>>252221 I said that she also pleases old men for money! Both Rins do.
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Well, if he doesn't do anything extreme from it and doesn't get too bothersome it could be worse
Has anyone else noticed how similar the name Rin and Rika is?
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did someone say rin?
nice image of ishtar dude
Given her tendency to wear the same outfit across multiple series I don't think you should have much hope for her underwear.
that image came out long before ishtar existed
ishtar has been around for a couple thousand years im pretty sure
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i think you knew what i meant or at least i don't think you're retarded
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>>252234 >
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rin at work
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>>252226 I'm noticing that you need reading glasses!
>>252220 chocolate folded over 1000 times
>>252241 nice
it's phantogram time>>>/watch?v=MR-Xo7PecP4
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ever notice how this is worst girl
2017/08/27 (日) 04:24 No. 252251
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>>252221 He is eventually going to snap out ofi t and how damaging will that be?
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>>252246 hi!
does he not post here or something anymore t. out of the loop
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anyone wanna go shitposting
2017/08/27 (日) 04:25 No. 252257
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Oh yeah which moos had/needed glasses and which didn't?>>252256 I could but busy dbzing
>out of the floop
rip floop
went too floopy went too loopys
R.I.P FLOOP 2016-2017
>>252248 >>>/watch?v=7vi5Pt51Af4
>>252248 funky
2017/08/27 (日) 04:26 No. 252266
Search [iqdb] (360 KB, 600x662, 6e9561e1aa224bef4154179681f8b34a.png )
>>252263 Just like your sexlife
>>252266 it's still 2017
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>>252256 You must be talking about that meme game you play.
I mean it's the current year
2017/08/27 (日) 04:26 No. 252271
>>252267 for you it isn't
>>252246 Hey there lost post
>>252271 fun fact my sex life died like almost a year ago
fun fact my life has been getting increasingly better since almost a year ago something i only just noticed now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 04:27 No. 252278
Search [iqdb] (801 KB, 1200x1500, CZ9y_wnVIAAUePO.png )
>>252251 That's something neither of us can know.>>252263 good riddance he was fucking crazy
>>252276 maybe ur gay
>>252280 i have like 3 gay friends if i was gay, my sex life would probably be pretty different especially considering i'm pretty sure two of them want to jump my bones
>>252280 gay people have sex man
riki post the image I can't right now>>252284 uhh they don't?
>>252278 he might have been crazy but he agreed with me during arguments with other people so therefore he is my friend
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nice thank you
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i've actually been looking for that image recently
friendly reminder an anime girl is NOT an argument
>>252253 How are you?>>252273 Lost post?
good return
I can't believe I post with these homophones and misogenists I mean it's uhhh what year is it
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>>252294 >
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>>252294 what about smug kuwabara
>>252295 You were getting lost up there with the sudden influx of posts I came up there just to make sure you weren't lost
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>>252295 I'm doing well! Except I am rolling badly in the game and getting my butt kicked in kancolle.
>tfw 20 (you)s in this thread already
>>252309 make that 21 bby
>>252306 5/5 post
2017/08/27 (日) 04:31 No. 252314
Search [iqdb] (988 KB, 1000x1000, 6eb2b7393e435f56c4610216a1e61e91.png )
>>252278 I just don't think encouraging him does him any good rather challenging him or atleast questionign him should prove to be better for long term results both for us this site and especially for him
>>252310 ty
@252309 You won't get a single (you) from me
>>252307 i bet you deserve it
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>>252309 I have so many I don't bother to count them anymore. Here is one for you though, you peasant.
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tfw had stuff to do today tfw wanna post
They don't count when directed at the resident board's bike
i get like 2 (You)s a day im so thirsty
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 699x665, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>252321 Wow, you're forfieting your (you)s? It's rude to refuse my charity.
I don't want an STD.
is that like a memory card or something
>>252320 you work you lose
y'all niggas savage
moe TL on FIRE
tl;note: this series is shit why are you watching it
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 696x716, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>252326 That ship has already sailed, hasn't it?
does moe want to watch the live action death note
>>252341 I already watched it and it was shit It's fun though
>>252330 what does that make you gay
>>252305 That was nice of you.>>252307 What is hard about it?
>>252339 Unfortunately. I should never have taken your word for it that you were clean.
>>252341 That depends is live action more or less weeb than animated cartoons
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>>252344 At kancolle you are at the mercy of the random number generator that determines what happens. Bad things are happening to me. I may have to decrease the difficulty.
>>252347 more weeb but its better than the anime
I like that picture that's a picture of sign but it's also a spoiler for death note 10/10 spoiled again
Come on McGregor Fuck him up
>>252349 Why does it have difficulties if it is random?
>>252361 >watching fisticuffs >watching pay tv
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>>252362 The randomness decides if you get hit and stuff. The enemies are stronger on higher difficulties.
>>252361 Mayweather is going to win, you know it in your heart.
>>252370 Probably But i want to believe
>>252362 Kancolle is a game where once a stage begins, all the actions are hands-free and based on random choices by the game. You mitigate these random actions (to a degree) by preparing a suitable set of characters and equipment, since each stage has some non-random elements that you can prepare for. The difficulty levels basically require having more precise preparations and more-levelled/better equipped characters as the difficulty goes up.
my family is watching the fight actually there's like 15 people in my house
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kancolle is a game where if you play you lose
video games are a game where if you play you lose
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I bought this portable record player a long time ago fora laugh but now I realise it's kinda handy
>>252361 mayweather probably gonna win, he's playing the long game and he's better at it
>>252367 >>252379 Is that fun?
>>252396 The fun in Kancolle is in collecting cute girls Everything else is work. And often torturous
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>>252396 That's a complex question. It's fun once you've finished.
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in the end it doesn't even matter
>>252396 There's something of a thrill of the gamble involved with it. After all with all your preparations you're still leaving a fair bit up to random luck. That sort of thing can get a bit of a kick out of some people. It's less fun in the moment and more it produces a sense of satisfaction when things work out and you complete the stage. And it rewards your struggles (sometimes) with new characters and equipment.
In real life The undedog doesn't win.
you should have seen this coming as much of a dumbass mayweather is, he knows hoe / how to fight
>>252414 I put my trust in yooouuuuuuu
it's his thing it's what he does he fucks
>>252423 Yeah. I did.
50-0 lol
which one is mayweather is he filipinos are the strongest race guy
>>252398 >>252400 >>252415 I guess there are many kinds of fun.
>it's a moe turns anon into a kuso ttk episode a shame really
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 06 [7(…).jpg )
don't worry suggers i'll never boats
>it's a sugoi tries to hold the high ground episode
>>252448 more like>it's a sugoi episode
>post like sugoi >people fall for it
>post like a fucking cuck >people think you're moe's resident cuck
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:00 No. 252457
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I swear I looked at moe this morning and you were having essentially the neet detective discussion again
>>252400 this doesn't sound complex at all.
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>>252453 I didn't fall for it though!>>252459 Yeah, they were having trouble with the word. You can't be a NEET detective though.
batman would be a NEET detective if he wasn't a ceo
batman isn't a NEET
no stop
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Batman is independently wealthy, that's different. In most of the stories he's also involved with Wayne Enterprises in some capacity. He's a detective as a hobby though.
neets are real people you can't play around with their lives like this
but he would technically be a NEET retired people are NEET only blue seems to understand this
Robin is a NEET
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:03 No. 252472
batman isn't a hobby detective he's a vigilante
>>252471 no he's being trained by batman
>>252473 That doesn't pay the bills. He's totally a freeloader with no income
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>>252471 Doesn't he have a job at the circus or something?>>252472 If One Punch Man is a hero for a hobby, how is Batman not a detective for a hobby?
>>252474 you don't have to be bringing home the bacon to not be a NEET
>>252475 wasn't that before his parents died? Or is that only the timeframe in the movie>>252479 The boxer
nobody answered >>252432 who is mayweather>>252463 I can name many times when I have fooled you
batman is def a hobby detective
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:05 No. 252482
>>252475 because batman is a vigilante, not a detective his vigilantism includes detective aspects but detective is not his main thing
My eyebrow has been kind of twitchy all night. It's a constant minor nuisance.
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 456x637, [HorribleSubs] Youkoso Jitsury(…).jpg )
>>252482 I suppose I'm willing to accept the premise that he is a vigilante and not a detective. But is he a vigilante for a hobby, in that case? Or just a crminal?
Search [iqdb] (206 KB, 600x900, 潜水 - うちの子春夏秋冬 (57747429) 2ページ.png )
>>252482 eh, isn't he just both He's a detective He's a vigilante He's not a NEET because he actually has a job on the side. But if he quit and just let everything run through with the board of directors and decided to just be full on justice, he'd be a neet detective
Vigilante isn't employment though he'd still be NEET if he wasn't CEO
>>252483 caffeine?
Not likely. It was being twitchy before I made up a pot of tea, and drinking it hasn't made anything better or worse.
>>252058 (OP) >Good news What?
Good news everyone
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:07 No. 252498
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>>252484 I'd say he's just a criminal. It's not really his hobby. He does it for revenge, not because he enjoys it.
>>252484 batman is definitely a criminal
>>252494 but does tea really have that much caffiene how often has this been happening?
are criminals NEET?
>>252475 I think Batman is more of a consulting detective. Like Holmes.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 07(…).jpg )
I don't think you can be a criminal for a hobby. It seems weird to say someone's hobby is burglary.
>>252501 i guess that depends
>>252503 you absolutely can
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:08 No. 252507
>>252503 idk, breaking the law can definitely be a hobby
Search [iqdb] (503 KB, 1000x1000, 潜水 - よその子まとめ (62944913) 4ページ.png )
>>252503 you totally can. Beating people up can be a hobby Arson can be a hobby It's not so much that being a criminal is your hobby but your hobby happens to be a crime.
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 368x674, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
So that means Batman is a vigilante for a hobby?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:09 No. 252512
Search [iqdb] (7.9 MB, 4961x3508, 57768623_p0.jpg )
Arson isn't really a hobby, it's more of a sexual paraphilia driven by urges.>>252511 No, Batman doesn't do it for fun or because he enjoys it. He does it for revenge.
>>252498 Gothams rule of law is so corrupt that it's invalid. Hence batman is not a criminal
>>252512 can't those not coincide?
Search [iqdb] (542 KB, 1000x1500, 潜水 - ヘアピンをつけたうちのこ (57293390) .png )
>>252512 That doesn't tell me a thing about it not being a hobby
>>252500 Enough that there's a fair bit of caffiene in 1.8 litres worth of tea, Either way I'm confident it's not caffeine that's causing this problem.
but who watches the watchmen
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:10 No. 252518
Search [iqdb] (918 KB, 1000x1400, 62242713_p2.png )
>>252514 yeah fair enough
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Youkoso Jitsury(…).jpg )
>>252512 Do you have to do a hobby because you enjoy it? I feel like being a vigilante does fulfill some of Batman's emotional needs even if it is not really something he does for enjoyment.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:10 No. 252520
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 652x1283, C8axHMaVoAAaPJb.jpg )
>>252519 Yeah, hobbies are by definition, something you do in leisure time for pleasure. Batman doesn't do it for pleasure. He does it for revenge.
Search [iqdb] (542 KB, 650x909, 色谷あすか@紅楼夢あ07ab - 【こめこん】JKこいしちゃ(…).png )
>>252519 This is a very interesting question considering how I feel about some hobbies
>>252519 what is the point of a hobby if you don't enjoy it
>>252522 idk i wonder why they play kancolle
>>252519 if you don't do something for pleasure but do it anyways that's not a hobby that's a compulsion
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 604x605, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
>>252520 \ So if someone fishes on wekeends and even though it's a little boring it gives them peace of mind, it's not a hobby?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:11 No. 252526
Search [iqdb] (502 KB, 666x920, 62276423_p0.png )
>>252525 Do they enjoy it?
>>252525 what you described is called enjoyment
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:11 No. 252528
>>252527 >>252527 >>252527
>>252496 Is it the Dacia Sandero?
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 699x665, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>252526 It's a little dull but it gives them time to think.>>252527 But fighting criminals gives Batman peace of mind.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:12 No. 252531
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 2852x4343, 62338533_p0.jpg )
>>252530 Sounds like they're enjoying it. Batman doesn't want to fight criminals as something he enjoys doing. He does it because he wants revenge on criminals. It's not for enjoyment.
>>252530 it's a yes or no question please answer accordingly
>>252530 batman fights criminals because he's bitter and emotionally bankrupt
>>252525 fishing alone is pretty lame fishing with buddies is great it's just drinking with a friend with extra fish for eating after
>>252531 >He does it because he wants revenge That is not why he does it unless the writer is bad. He does it to stop anybody else from losing people they love. Justice, not vengeance.
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1920x1090, 1503531982376.png )
>>252532 Can you boil it down like that? If you boiled it down for Batman, I would say that yes he enjoys saving Gotham on some level.
>>252516 oh hang on I must have read that wrong I'm on caffiene right now, hence my erratic posting behaviour I've had this before and so has blue it might be the same thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:13 No. 252538
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>>252535 That's how he /// why he usually does it. Most Batman stories are terribly written because Batman is kind of a crappy hero.
>>252536 ok, now we just need to figure out how much enjoyment counts as hobby activity
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What about someone who builds cabinets out in the shed for the sense of accomplishment? That's a hobby right?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:14 No. 252541
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Yeah, they're enjoying it. Batman is emo as shit though He's not enjoying his life
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What about someone who takes care of puppies at the pound on the weekends even if it's sad?>>252541 Even people who don't enjoy life have hobbies.
me on the outside vs me on the inside
>>252543 is it volunteer work?
What about someone who keeps asking annoying questions on an obscure imageboard?
>>252537 I've had uncontrollable twitching in my facial muscles before. Not nearly frequently or enduring enough to really be bothered by it, but I'm familiar with the happening. It's just annoying, like an itching feeling that won't go away even if you scratch it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:15 No. 252548
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>>252543 Sure, but he's not enjoying what he's doing. He's angsty and emo about it.
>>252546 but that's half my posts
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 904x904, pokemon49.jpg )
>>252545 Yeah, she's a volunteer.>>252546 You tell me, is that your hobby?
>>252549 i didn't mean to hit you in the crossfire you're a saint a SAINT
how could you do this?>>252550 I think it's a hobby
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I think Batman at least fulfills some of his emotional needs by being a vigilante. I think it's a hobby.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:17 No. 252554
i don't think it gives him peace of mind of fulfills any of his emotional needs
batman's unwillingness to kill people costs the lives of thousands of gotham's citizens
>>252547 Oh, so it's more like a face muscle thing mine was that my pupil would move erratically at random times well not my pupile but the eye itself gosh>>252559 hey ton heys life what are ya playin hows your head
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:17 No. 252557
>>252555 yeah but if he is willing to kill people then he literally kills thousands of citizens by toppling towers and shit like in batman v superman
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I would like some company.
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Is One Punch Man a hero for a hobby by the criteria we're using? He never enjoys himself because he just wants a good fight and no one is strong enough. He does it because he's looking for a fight he hasn't found yet.
>>252557 not really he could choose who to kill
>>252560 He says he's a hero by hobby so I figure he sees himself doing for a hobby and that's all that really matters.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:19 No. 252563
>>252561 then why doesn't he?>>252560 i don't think it's really a hobby even if he says it is
I think Saitama enjoys his hero adventures even though being super strong is frustrating in its own right.
>>252563 because shitty writing, they wanted to make a darker hero but weren't willing to get riskier than superman until the 90's
That's why I said "enjoyment" is delicate. You can enjoy something but in a hobby there is a lot. A LOT. You get angry, there are bad days, some things frustrate you, it's boring sometimes, you consider giving it up. But it's still a hobby
Because Zack Snyder can only write a plot if he gets to kill swathes of random mooks for no good reason 'cept killing them.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:20 No. 252568
batman probably considers vigilantism his job actually i mean that's basically his entire life
His hobby is being Bruce Wayne.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:21 No. 252570
>>252569 this
but he doesn't enjoy being bruce wayne
There's a (maybe?) recent DC Comics panel where Wonder Women, Superman, and Batman are all holding Wonder Woman's magic rope thing and saying their real names. And out of all of them, Batman just says "Batman".
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:21 No. 252573
>>252571 that's also true batman is incapable of enjoyment
>>252572 was batman autism all along?
No he just believes, earnestly, that Bruce Wayne is a costume he wears and that Batman is who he really is. Bruce died with his parents.
if only I could read
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:22 No. 252577
batman vs alien is the best batman comic
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:23 No. 252578
also the best AU in all of comics
silver surfer requiem is the best western comic and it's only one chapter
spiderman 3 was the best comedy of it's time
my favourite comic is steel ball run
>>252581 me2
>>252576 sup mayweather
but who was mayweather??
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:25 No. 252585
the one that beat his wife oh wait that was both of them lol
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 341x403, almost retarded.jpg )
>>252585 are boxers, dare i say it, violent?
>try to download picture >p.txt downloads FUCK
>>252587 i think people that fight all the time might like to fight
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 484x574, [AnchanZ] D-Frag! OVAv2 (DVD 1(…).jpg )
went to see fight at a bar was fun
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:26 No. 252591
>>252587 that's crazy talk
>>252586 your redeeming feature
>>252590 who did you bet?
i didnt but i woulda went with the actual boxer
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its sad though
>>252589 >>>/watch?v=ztnKV9mtRRI
>>252595 yeah it's a shame mayweather is a dumbass, I don't like people like him
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I don't follow boxing at all.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:29 No. 252599
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>>252598 Me neither. All I really know is that one is black, the other is Irish, and they both beat their wives.
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Hey is Marsh still around?
I only know a llittle bit about boxing and I know thay mayweather throws his underwear away after wearing it once
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That seems weird. You have to break underwear in a little bit for it to be really good.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:30 No. 252603
Search [iqdb] (888 KB, 900x1134, 54990750_p0.png )
>>252601 what why
>>252603 because he can and he likes the way underwear feels when you first wear it for some weird reason i guess
because he thinks he's too good to wear used underwear
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 696x716, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Boxers are usually not intelligent men to begin with and end up with all kinds of brain damage as their careers progress.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:32 No. 252607
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That's because they usually start sustaining brain damage at a very early age, during development. The same goes for many football players. The mainstream numbers for concussions in sports are super underreported according to newer research.
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what about rocky that n@gga got all those movies didn't seem that dumb
well yes it's not a good idea to have a career based around being punched in the head if you don't want your brain to turn to jelly later in life
just watch hajimmy no ippo like I'll never do
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>252609 I don't think it's a good idea to have a career based around being punched in the head at all.
keep punching boy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:35 No. 252613
you've still got oxygen in your muscles
yamato damashii
>>252611 maybe someone really like gelo
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:37 No. 252616
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i think paying to watch people fuck each other up in combat is really barbaric tbh
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They should at least use swords if we're going to go that route.
hey guess what
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:39 No. 252619
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>>252617 I don't think we should go that route at all. Paying someone to slowly kill themselves is really fucked up.
>>252618 you better fucking not leave me hangin
Search [iqdb] (317 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg )
>>252616 i think it's pretty great honestly at least people who can only fuck people up can get paid well
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 697x681, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Brain injury is a pretty big deal. Everything we've learned in the past 10 or 15 years indicates that it's easier to get than previously thought, too.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:40 No. 252623
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>>252621 They can do other things. The reason they can only fuck people up is because they start getting their heads bashed in at an early age and stop their brain from developing properly in addition to getting brain damage. I don't think stuff like that has a place in anything that wants to call itself a civil society.
take my hand you ugly girl mutilated lips give a kiss on the wrist
>>252623 i dunno ken norton beat muhammad ali and he was 25 when he started he had also just gotten out of vietnam but that's a different can of brain problems
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>>252620 oh no
what was it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:44 No. 252628
Search [iqdb] (977 KB, 2893x4092, C8rn7N8VoAAJ1Ea.jpg )
>>252625 Ken Norton played high school football. He got his brain injuries young and impeded his brain development there.
>>252627 there was nothign
oh shit
no wait you're bang right
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 588x604, CtISlniXgAA-tEI[1].jpg )
this meme fucks me up sometimes I feel like I'm retarded when I see it
>>252632 dude thats my favorite meme
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:47 No. 252634
it's a damn good meme tbh
>>252632 What meme? Nice thighs?
>>252635 skindentation
>>252635 yeah it's something like that>>252636 that's the tag I'm thinking of
>>252636 But that's great!
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 308x661, sonoko question.jpg )
Is that really a meme?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:49 No. 252640
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 715x1000, C2KG2GIUsAAmeSt.jpg )
skindentation the DNA of the soul
On twitter anything can be a meme let me find one rn oh wait I can't it's all fight banter and anime pictures
anime >>252642 →
here this motherfucker right here
>>252641 must be some in the anime pics
>anime in 2017 wew
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:53 No. 252647
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 1024x1454, DHT09oAXYAAO6rt.jpg )
>>252648 a mutual is someone that you follow that also follows you
>>252644 what is a mutual
>>252647 oh that's some myspace type shit wtf
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>>252646 Better than watching cuckby
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Twitter seems like a strange place where people compete to get likes and retweets by saying stupid things. And you can cheese the system just by following and replying to lots of people.
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>>252650 wrong>>>/watch?v=YltD9RhOvY8
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:55 No. 252657
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 600x775, CxCrK0TUUAQpRKi.jpg )
>>252653 most people just use it to communicate ideas or tell jokes a lot of people find people they like and then talk to them through direct messages too
>>252655 I naturally read each sign on it's own
>>252652 Nice gams.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 05:56 No. 252662
>>252659 same
final nutshack fuck
Search [iqdb] (321 KB, 372x539, cuck.png )
>>252656 Oh that reminds me I've been saving this image for you. I've been sitting on it for a long time.
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 1000x1294, DII2kSIUQAAVyDG[1].jpg )
I'm slowly becoming a secondary better get my skies for the slippery slope
putting your own name on your images is a little crass isn't it? you're like nagi watermarking images
>>252668 what a slut
>>252659 i read it the other way
oh no
does this means im gay?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/27 (日) 06:04 No. 252676
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>>252671 check out this pure maiden
>>252676 sayonara bye bye
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 940x1294, 1503290472387.png )
>>252676 bye bye>>252670 No, it's an image for you!
>>252676 goodnight>>252682 no he's a maiden he fetches water from the well and stuff
>>252677 what a cute boy
I fixed up my old watch now when I take it off I feel an empty spot where it was and I compulsively look at it like I have somewhere to go when I really don't
>>252656 >8:50 How do the rules work here? Why wasn't he allowed to keep on running?
>>252684 there was an early tackle off the ball which the black team were penalised for the guy tackled without the ball wouldn't have caught it anyway though imo, but hey
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gonna see a man about a dog see you ater moe
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bye bye
(one) last post marsh if you're out there did you ever watch d-fag you watched those other two shoes iirc
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fuck you thot d-frag is great
>>252706 I'm not gay! chigau
Search [iqdb] (493 KB, 1742x712, 1503179263498.png )
>>252707 He typed "d-fag" though.
oh shit I'm fuckin dead
>>252712 oh sorrry i take it back you're not a thot
I'll never recover now
you're done kiddo
its fuckin ogre
My nose gets really cold when the air gets cold.
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>>252714 thank you for rescending that declaration I've only been called a thot a few times but I Think I don't like it!
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>>252719 wow who else is calling you a thot
are you reconsidering liking it?
What is a thot?
that hoe over there don't go down the twitter rabbithole anon be smart
How could someone be a that hoe over there? It makes no sense gramatically
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 850x1232, 9d20e98734b86e53ce9c029a10e6a63e.jpg )
>>252720 Several people have tried it! The normie poster has tried calling me a thot several times.
I guess it means you're a nobody only good as a hoe or just that hoe over there I dunno man
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>>252726 is it only on the internet? have you been described as a thot while you were at the club?
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>>252728 Only on the internet. I think people in real life have enough sense not to say that to me.
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ima gamblinggacha addicted loser nya
for now
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>>252731 You can't talk to me like that and get away with it.
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>>252729 that makes sense, it's pretty dangerous to call someone a thot to their face. usually you do it behind their back.
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>>252735 yes, hot not thot>>252734 I'm sure people don't say bad things about me behind my back.
>>252726 where did norm go does he visit ever or was suggers the normie all along
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>>252737 Normie pops by the complain every time a girl spurns him or whatever. Sugoi isn't even enough of a shitposter to be a normie.
is normie chihaya they are aren't they
>>252741 terrible you know I never become a normie scouts honour
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>>252743 No, normie is a total normie. He probably doesn't even know what melty blood is.>>252746 I'll take your word for it. I'll shoot you and put you out of your misery if you become one.
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>>252750 chihaya was a sperg wasn't he? Normie complains about things like how he feels his penis may not be large enough or how he's a manlet. It's hard to imagine chihaya having such normie concerns.
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all he needs is three inches somewhere
sounds like a delightful addition to /moe/'s roster
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 770x1000, 斗伝@金曜日ヨ-38b - 避暑地 (64564281) .png )
I am unreasonably tired and I have to make Health Fair cards. I hate these little things that they try to make cute at the last minute for no reason.
>>252741 >>252751 >chihaya is sperg >sugo is a sperg pottery
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, 1482887729917.jpg )
>>252755 He's kinda funny to gawk at.
>>252758 thanks
tfw moe is too pleb to enjoy your spoken word poetry
oh fuck me>>252766 wow rude I had chocolate melted in my good jeans>>252767 how did you know ;_;
ew no gross
you're not even 6'5
wait how tall is that for a country on the metric system we still talk feet and shit I don't understand>>252778 tfw
just google it I am too busy trying to make these stupid cards
phone been on 1% for an hour
2017/08/27 (日) 06:54 No. 252780
Search [iqdb] (379 KB, 1200x848, 21c68e6761f212d6f5c6dc7ce2b0e570.jpg )
man I made good meatballs
2017/08/27 (日) 06:56 No. 252784
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1201x1223, 27d95e960c1eb68d4e6a3d03e5e998a8.jpg )
lol I'd have gone to bed but I have one final glass of brandy to kill what to do
2017/08/27 (日) 06:57 No. 252785
I literally mean a glass of brandy
>>252776 show me the cards and I'll show you mine
>>252778 It's surpassing its limits. Going beyond. PLUS ULTRA.
>>252749 do yuu play melty?
2017/08/27 (日) 07:00 No. 252791
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So why does liquid call solid snake? shouldn't he go SOLIIIID when he shouts at him? he doesn't acknowledge him to be the heir of the Big Boss afterall so why would he call solid "snake"?
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 390x681, cheer fruits1.jpg )
>>252790 I don't. Don't mention melty blood around sugoi.
it's fine he only lives in the same country it's not like i can KILL HIM
2017/08/27 (日) 07:02 No. 252796
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 800x1000, 21a6571b7fc16f1841cd3042f634041d.jpg )
this fucking 1,5 dl of booze taunting me drink it or not? I don't even feel like drinking anything anymore
>the virgin normie >the chad frogposter
>the virgin frogposter
2017/08/27 (日) 07:03 No. 252800
Search [iqdb] (667 KB, 1000x1000, 33cd6bfa59362b5c137dab6a29b06119.jpg )
what if it is a chad virgin poster?
>>252792 why?>>252793 My uncle is an allblack don't fuck with me I got connections my cousin is part of the mongrel mob
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 1280x738, 1503399336741.jpg )
>>252808 Because he hated a poster who always asked to play melty blood. He will also assume anyone who he sees talking about melty blood is that poster.
>>252810 I guess there'll be no melty blood then
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>find xavier renegade angel and enjoy it >fast forward to now and reddit likes it now not sure if I should be happy
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 06 [7(…).jpg )
i thought that show was retarded even when i was high
>>252818 that depends on whether or not you judge yourself based on the likes of some internet subculture
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it is finished i am finished fuck Flash Slepe
Justice never slepe
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 1402x736, 36a.jpg )
>>252822 just gotta see garbage like this now>>252823 don't slepe on me koi
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have a good slepe
>>252825 There is no justice it's just me
Search [iqdb] (746 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 1(…).jpg )
>>252826 i'd chalk having to see retarded memes of shows you like as a loss
its retarded anyway I'll be fine
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 225x276, sonoko11.png )
I'm not really sure it gets the meme right either. Chad needs to be completely ridiculous, and virgin needs to do reasonable stuff. The original virgin meme was all about making people feel bad for acting like rational people.
2017/08/27 (日) 07:23 No. 252837
>>252835 → >>252835 → >>252835 → You are
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Making a new thread at 500 posts while I am in the middle of typing a post out?
don't do this again tn
>>252838 he does it on tano too
and those threads max out around 1000 not like 700 here
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It kind of annoys me that he did it while I was mid post like why even finish my post at that point? Unfortunately the only way to get TN to comply with any requests is to so persistently frustrate him over a long period of time that he can't stand it anymore.
yeah maybe I should get wulf to ban him
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i don't think its a big deal
not that wulf would ever listen >>252851 yeah it's not really just irritating at times
You know what is a big deal? My fingers are fucking freezing again.
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>>252854 what happened to them is it just cold there?
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>>252851 It's not a big deal, but I am expressing that I don't like it. That way he'll know when things happen.
My extremities get cold really easily. Well more than extremities anything that's really further away from the core of my body than my torso and upper legs. The only reason my arms are warm is probably because I'm wearing two layers Even with thicker than usual socks and slippers my toes are still getting cold too.
>>252854 I'll warm them up just you ait
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>>252862 that way he'll know when what happens >>252863 well extremities are probably more affected by it following the same principle do you think it might be poor circulation?
wait I just realised Iwas cold ooo too
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>>252867 Me being bitchy and causing him problems, of course.
>>252867 Yeah. I've got no actual medical backing behind it but I don't think I've got very good circulation.
2017/08/27 (日) 07:32 No. 252875
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>>252863 >>252865 >>252867 The imaginations from the other side are warm welcoming and come with the fact of being warmed by the energy of the occult which is quite infinite
oh fuck he id it n tano too day of the rake WHEN
almost the exact same thread you MOTHERFUCKER
I guess I have become anon destroyer of threads>>252835 → >>252835 → >>252835 →
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don't post here this is just a test just a test just a test
no what are you doing