There's a big charity event called 24-Hour Television going on in Japan right now and a lot of shows didn't air this week to accommodate the charity's large timeslot.
Well I guess it would be impolite to speak ill of charity events. Such is life.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU It's a good event
We watched episode five last week, so I guess it was a double episode release. Though we can just watch one tonight and one tomorrow. There isn't much to watch tonight and I don't want to go to sleep too late anyway.
Fllops not watching tonight
we can do 1 Altair 1 Jikan ballroom or skip jikan since floop is dead
I'm not watching Jikan, but it's fine if you want to do an episode of it. >>252700 I mean I don't really care either way about it and I think you guys did one or two episodes of it without me. It's the kind of show I don't really care to catch up in and I don't know if I'll enjoy enough just randomly dropping into whichever episode is up to date with you guys.
oh you are droppping it? i thought you were ok with it haha
OH wait we have recreators we couuuld save that for floop i think rikas plan is fine
Was just the summary of last week's episode so eh.
Super Classical-era Mathematics powers.
Bird Whisperer powers again.
C'mon Louie you're playing chess not dominoes.
or is he
I guess he doesn't even have a chessboard so it's hardly chess. Could've gone with some non-descript pieces though, instead of playing the silly chessmaster trope.
Hah hah. For a moment there I forgot they were doing a fake show within a show and thought she was speaking to us, the viewers. Breaking the fourth wall and all.
The rate at which they're getting killed off makes me think they may bring everyone back at the end. I heard this author wasn't very edgy.
its possible maybe
An in And in the end Selesia is kind of the main firepower of the team fighting Altair. Though I guess Eroge-chan seems to be stepping up to the plate.